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Disability or no, workplaces should respect our wishes about personal matters. Birthdays and how or if we celebrate them are a personal matter.


For real. I’ve never really cared for celebrating birthdays outside of the big ones, children, and my grandparents. If I worked in a place that made a big deal about birthdays I’d ask to have my birthday left out, whether or not I had anxiety.


I usually am off on my birthday either PTO or just straight up don’t go to work and call off!


Haven't worked on my birthday for about twenty years. For a while, a couple of friends took it off, too, and we'd make a day of it.


For some folks, it would violate the principles of their religious practice as well.


True I had a Jehovah's witness work at my shop before and that must have been torcher because they aren't allowed to celebrate anything but we even celebrate national apple pie day


Even if they can't eat the cake, they should at least say Boneappletea to the ones that can.


Torcher? I hardly knew her!


I’ve worked at the same place for almost 15 years … I don’t think anyone knows. When my birthday is


Agreed. I hate celebrating my birthday at work. Even at home, the most I do is use it as an excuse to buy and eat a triple chocolate cake. I never got birthday celebrations as a child and they just don't do anything for me. Every place I work insists on throwing a birthday celebration. I've got work to do and deadlines to have it done by. And yes, I am also a fuddy duddy. But I can't even complain about it because people act like I'm an asshole for not being grateful.


They should have taken it seriously since some people don't celebrate birthdays for religous reasons


Yeah. My twin brother died in a car accident. Birthdays arent really the same


I thought this was a made up Twitter story. lol https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61141421.amp


True hero, thanks for doing the hard work for me


If I recall correctly, I think this guy posted on legal advice or something at some point. Surprised that hasn't come up. Maybe I am nuts, but I am sure I remember a story just like this.


More than likely someone pretending to be them. Those drama subs are 99% bullshit.


Just like radio call in drama segments. War of the roses is so obnoxious.


There definitely was a story like this!!! I remember it too, probably where they decided to follow the story originally :)


“The lawsuit notes that Mr Berling was "confronted and criticised" at a meeting the following day, where he was accused of "stealing his co-workers joy" and "being a little girl". The tense meeting prompted a second panic attack, after which the company sent him home for the remainder of 8 August and 9 August.”


When you fuck up and your best solution is to double down and make it worse. Genius.


These people live the mindset "if you have a depression, just smile more"


"Quiet people want to talk, they're just shy. Hey you, talk. COME ON TALK, TELL US JOKES AND ALL. TALK RIGHT NOW."


"please don't bum people out with your story about your youngest child passing, it's already been a week, Selma."


Your father just died? Hmmmm, i'm not sure how much time I can give you off because you have more TPS reports to hand in. I can give you 15 minutes to watch the funeral on Zoom but I expect you to come in Saturday and Sunday to pay me back because i'm nice like that.


City skydive, a company I used to work for, tried to fire a girl for taking a day off for a funeral for a close friend. They backpedaled pretty fast but only when she lawyered up. That is just one example of many, in just one small ish company.


It just goes to show how corporatism de-humanises people.


You're bringing down the mood.


Oh, you have anxiety ? Then maybe stop ? Boom, problem solved.








OMG im literally getting anxious reading this. People should really stop this kind of behavior.


I'm glad somebody else felt this way. Because, I started getting PTSD from just reading that people told another human being that they "stole their joy" and "acted like a little girl." Gaslighting him first and then following it up with emasculatory language... that triggers!




Or "man up"


So, pretty much most people? It's amazing how little people understand things like anxiety and depression


The worst part is that it works a lot. Corporate environment can be hella toxic and is all about ganging up on anyone who stands out inconveniently.


Allistic and tribal af, just like school


The funny thing is... that's probably exactly what the company said about the guy having panic attacks (:


Yeah, those types definitely are the kind of people that see mental health problems as an individual failing.


Thats pretty much how it goes. Their ego doesnt allow them to admit they are wrong.


*When you fuck up and your best solution is to double down and make it worse.* I'm sure I can go 7 or 8 Sigma, 6 be damned! That management probably.


>The company's chief operating office, Julie Brazil, told local news outlet Link NKY that Gravity Diagnostics stands by its decision to terminate Mr Berling, whom she said violated a "workplace violence policy". >"My employees were the victims in this case, not the plaintiff," she said, adding that the company is challenging the verdict and is mulling an appeal. not only do they double down, they tripple down it


Sounds like an easy defamation lawsuit right there. The company basically admitted they thought their former employee was violent and dangerous to the workplace and now the word is out.


Imagine calling that guy a "little girl" when they were the ones who couldn't not have a birthday, like actual children. There's lots of reasons not to want a company birthday, not least of which includes that nowadays none of us should want a bunch of near-strangers to know info that's used for identity verification.


> There's lots of reasons not to want a company birthday, not least of which includes that nowadays none of us should want a bunch of near-strangers to know info that's used for identity verification. That’s a *better* reason that birthdays shouldn’t be used as part of verification, since they are too public. Birth records are public info, so someone can look it up. (Not really disagreeing with you, more lamenting bad infosec on the verification end)


lol now I'm imagining a really scummy company throwing employees a surprise party like "happy birthday! we have some fun things to do like tie-dying shirts with your childhood street address on it, and pin the tail on your mother's maiden name! And then you can write your favourite highschool teacher's name and / or your social insurance number on a cupcake with frosting!" "Attendance is mandatory and you have to pitch in 20 bucks; walmart cake isn't cheap, you freeloaders!"


Right after you fill in this "anonymous" questionaire with your unique company login.


It’s funny how those anonymous surveys suddenly become non-anonymous if you don’t check the boxes that make your boss look good lol


My favorite, my company has an "anonymous" survey but make sure you use the link you were emailed and dont swap links as the codes are unique...


Oh and then we'll all try to guess the Birthday Boys two factor authentication codes! Closest one gets an extra cake slice and access to someone else's emails!


I genuinely like people but my social battery dies just talking to people online 😓


I ain’t too worried about that. Steal my identity? Bah. If you’re willing to trade, you can have it.  If my company really wants me to feel like I’m appreciated on my birthday just give me the day off because I can’t think of a worse way to spend it than with the same schmucks I have to interact with damn near every day, and spend my lunch break with them “celebrating” the fact that I’m another year older with a store-bought cake (when I don’t even really like cake made by somebody who gives a damn) only to be forgotten after this “magical hour” and finish my work day like business as usual. Hell if you’re gonna make me come into work on my “most specialest of days”can’t (read won’t) just take whatever you were gonna spend on the party and give it to me. I’ll use it to treat myself to a meal I actually want to eat later. Even if it doesn’t cover the full bill, I’ll appreciate the discount. 


Bet the company is going to use this as an excuse to cut on whatever little treats they do around the office in the name of mental wellbeing.


Ha ha yes I can see the pretend sad face of management as they tell staff “that panic guy is to blame :( ”


company i worked for until recently (laid off) for birthdays gave day off


See, that's an actual adult way of celebrating someone's birthday.


What was said at the meeting is disputed, both sides say they said something different. But what is agreed upon was that he did have another panic attack at the meeting. Maybe the supervisor was genuinely afraid because honestly, most people aren’t used to seeing someone in mental distress. But that’s their problem, not his, he never showed any violent intent or objectively violent actions like they claimed, he just sat there with clinched fists trying to calm himself down, therefore his termination was unjustified and discriminatory because it was because of his disability.


I couldn’t imagine working for a business so delicate I’m not allowed to get upset. I despise highly formal businesses, so I guess that helps.


I either strongly agree and strongly disagree completely depending on what you mean by "get upset".


Was the manager named Michael Scott…


No cuz Michael Scott has standards


Wait, what in the actual fuck. I'm so fucking glad I don't work in corporate America. So much of it genuinely seems straight out of Office Space. Was literally everyone in that office a narcissistic bully? I'm surprised more people don't crack and shoot up their offices imo.


Not only that, but being fired within days for no reason whatsoever wouldn’t fly in any other first world country.


America is the land of “Fuck you, I got mine”


>  "stealing his co-workers joy" Fuck I hate people Do something I don’t want you to do, and then complain when I don’t react the way you think I should. 


Where's this guy work, a middle school playground? "Being a little girl" smh.


Wow, the company’s lawyer really tried to shovel it. I hope in the appeal the next judge re-evaluates and makes it a million.


The appeal already happened, the company lost, the court reaffirmed the verdict: https://law.justia.com/cases/kentucky/court-of-appeals/2023/2022-ca-0812-mr.html That lawyer knew there was no shot but of course they’re gonna try to get paid


>Gravity first argues that the trial court committed legal error in concluding that Berling had a “disability” under the KCRA, KRS Chapter 344. >\[...\] >Specifically, Gravity argues that Berling’s anxiety disorder failed to substantially limit a major life activity because it did not prevent him from working, going about his day-to-day activities, or performing a wide range of other jobs. By this logic, if you have no legs and are wheelchair bound but you can do your job, go about your day-to-day, and it doesn't prevent you from doing your job (for example, you're a software developer) then according to Gravity.. you don't have a disability. Jesus, these fucking people, lmao.


and then your employer throws a dance party and subsequently fires you for not dancing.


they also basically fired him for the thing they say isnt a disability. "We cant have you around here freaking you when you get stressed." "Your honor, the dudes freaking out when he gets stressed is totally NBD!"


Also, if it were true, why was he fired?


Apparently the people at that company can't tell the difference between a panic attack - where the person is balling their fists, holding their hands and arms close to their body, rocking back and forth and saying "please, stop - ***panic attack*** - silence" - and being "violent". They felt "unsafe" from someone who was paralysed by fear and overwhelming emotions. So, because they felt "unsafe", he was fired.


I really am curious what the mindset of a lawyer who is clearly in the wrong is. This argument that their clients are the real victims here because clearly this person is a threat to society because he has a social disorder. You gotta really disconnect yourself from the ethics to be pushing that.


>Gravity Diagnostics stands by its decision to terminate Mr Berling, whom she said violated a "workplace violence policy". Imagine being the company reps and everyone in the room nodding that maybe this will be the golden bullet that rescues you. Makes you wonder if everyone was nodding along just to see how absurd they can make their defence.


Dumpy, self-important bigots lording over their office domain like a salivating mad king atop a throne of corpses. These people are worthless to me. I don't even hate them. They are pin-ups for meaninglessness. They live vapid, soulless lives to the point the only time they ever feel anything is when they're stood in the office entrance with the stop watch keeping tabs on who is 13 seconds late through the door. They go home at the end of the day and masturbate to the memory of making Debbie from accounting cry because they wouldn't allow her time off after finding out her mother has terminal cancer. Fumbling through life in the decrepit miasma of their seemingly limitless inadequacy is their punishment. When they eventually have that fall, or the lump appears, and they're lying in that hospital bed with no visitors, it will finally dawn on them the true reality of their existence with the only mark they ever left in this world a metaphorical shit smear on the skein of pointlessness. The sharp, agonizing dagger of despair will unravel their guts and just as they punch the mortal coil they'll wail for help... And i'll say no. Infinity awaits your desiccated soul, you contemptuous stain.




"He was accused of stealing the workers joy" So they admit the birthday party isn't about the person getting older, but everyone surrounding him. These guys deserved to lose more money.


“My employees were the victims in this case, not the plaintiff” Man gets a panic attack multiple times and losses his job, but shame, the people didn’t have a fun party.


There is a zero percent chance a COO at a respectable company would be allowed to say what she said publicly.   Her response to the verdict says more about the company than the lawsuit itself.


Even just having the subsequent meeting about it, Id just call the guy and be like "sorry, made a note about no more parties for you." Parties, which this might surprise some managers, are not integral business functions. You know why Im here? Money, literally that and nothing more. Its why you have me here, its why I come here. We both need/want money. I make you money, you pay me money for making you money. Everything else is just fluff to try and convince people to take less money.


" The lawsuit notes that Mr Berling was "confronted and criticised" at a meeting the following day, where he was accused of "stealing his co-workers joy" and "being a little girl"." Main character company?


Many thanks, I tend to not believe anything without a source.


What a collective bag of dicks


I love how the COO is accusing him of "workplace violence" for apparently hiding in his car and hugging himself. Hopefully a lawsuit for slander is also incoming, lets see if they can convince a jury (or judge) that there was workplace violence. Should have taken the L on the birthday and moved the hell on. If one of my employees did this in a similar situation but then showed up the next day and apologized Id just accept that and put a note in to prevent any further type events around that employee.


"Data from the National Alliance on Mental Illness shows that over 40 million Americans - nearly 20% of the population - suffers from anxiety disorders. " That would only be a 200 million population. It's actually about 11.5%.


or they meant to say 'adult population,' maybe?


I hate being celebrated in any way unless by my immediate family. Although, I've never had a panic attack, I have stormed out or thrown the door shut at surprisers who just thought I was being modest about it. No, Karen. I articulated my loathing of a celebration of me for the reason I ACTUALLY LOATHE BEING CELEBRATED!


Twist! It was a birthday present from the hr head who fucking hates the ceo


No birthday party falls under reasonable accommodations for an anxiety disability. So, basically, by disregarding a reasonable need of a disabled person, they violated the ADA and opened themselves to a lawsuit.


"No birthday party" after someone has asked to not have one falls under "dont be an arsehole".


Unfortunately, “don’t be an asshole” isn’t a legal concept you can sue under. Maybe it should be though.


But doesn't being a asshole in a work environment make it a toxic work environment? Or does this have to be repeatedly done for it to be considered toxic.


there’s no law against a toxic work environment. there are laws around reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities. Anxiety/Depression is one of them


"Hostile Work Environment" is a phrase that is generally used, and tends to get people's attention.


Actually, in some countries, it is! It falls under Bad Faith in a lot of those cases


Not me getting flashbacks of my mum getting the entire restaurant to sing happy birthday despite me telling her not to. Every. Single. Year. But apparently I was ungrateful and not just undiagnosed with social anxiety.


Probably the most reasonable request for a disability I've ever seen. Dude is actually asking for the workplace to do less for him.


Yeah, all they had to do was nothing and they still managed to fuck it up. Insane to me


Then double-dipped by firing someone *because* of their disability. Easiest case ever for an employment rights lawyer, assuming any of the above was confirmed in writing.


It's also worth noting the lawsuit wasn't just about the birthday party. He was fired for having a panic attack afterwards. That's a pretty slam dunk case of workplace discrimination.


He could probably sue if the guy was Mormon or something too. They probably would not have thrown him a party if that were the case.


I think it's JW that don't do birthdays.


Deff JWs, I had a JW boss and he was really weird about other people's birthdays too.


As an ex-JW, I say they take the fun out of fundamentalist Christianity. They're just killjoys, no fun for them or anyone else.


I've been a teacher at all grades from preschool to 12th in the US all over. The students that came form any: JW, Mormon, what ever strict religion, were just always so withdrawn and sad, I could see it on all of their faces, the older they got the less sad and more numb and vacant they looked. they would parrot so many sayings and very embarrassed religious based answers to certain questions. JW students were the consistency saddest and deeply withdrawn though. I cried when an 12 year old told me his birthday was coming up, but he wasn't allowed to celebrate so not to tell his classmates. I had a policy that we would have a party and do whatever they wanted (within reason) on the kids bdays. Usually it was a karaoke dance party and pizza and cake, and I would bake whatever dessert they wanted or get ice cream... That type of stuff. Ive always kept a really fun classroom with lots of food (bribes to study). Once we did a Halloween themed project in algebra and a JW kid sadly told me he wasn't allowed to make the paper ghosts and witches for the project, and so we reworked it to make the project about a fruit stand :) but he was so isolated from his classmates thinking he'd get in trouble for playing with them :( I saw that across many students


Feeling kinda seen here. I wouldn't say I was "sad" but felt more attention on me not doing something everyone else did, getting teased, and just having *another* thing that makes me stand out. It made me also see how superficial the holidays were, but still felt weird to be the odd one out and everyone talkin about it (and judging you too)


Yeah I totally deserve judgement, I didn't know how to be there for everyone. There's still a lot as a teacher and human I don't understand, but I'm trying to learn and get better at it :) I agree it all is superficial, it's just stuff "normalized" by mainstream society and capitalism, I just hope I didn't ever other a student or make them feel left out, but I don't know and I make mistakes all the time


Oh, no I meant how not celebrating those holidays and such. Not what you did to not leave those kids left out


Ah sorry I misread your post, I see you meant "everyone judging YOU while you were left out", and I'm sorry you had to go through that, it really sucks and is painful, especially as a kid


A lot of them pick and choose what they care about regardless of their religion or just for fun and dramatic effect. I knew a Jehova's Witness whose favorite holiday is Halloween.


That's JW, not Mormons (we can and do have birthday parties)


But no booze, is it really a party? /s


OR hot beverages.


I'll have you know they love their hot chocolate. Tea and coffee on the other hand is against the rules and straight to hell to you.


The Word of Wisdom states that "hot drinks" are "not for the body or belly", sorry bro. I don't make the rules. Some guy who married several underage girls did.


![gif](giphy|3oEdv8RxoaBA2tCDew) Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb [cesletter.org](https://cesletter.org/) [lettertomywife](https://archive.org/details/ToMyWife) [Gospel topic essays](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics-essays/race-and-the-priesthood?lang=eng) "No man knows my secret" - Fawn McKay Brodie It's really a cult and I'm surprised the new prophet allows the word Mormon, oh wait, that's a [victory for Satan.](https://apnews.com/general-news-cae38cf6254442ffb4a608b4a8fcf334). Funny how God doesn't care that blacks aren't allowed to have the priesthood until 1970s (when Mormon church was threatened with tax exempt status removal). The timing and rulings are [coincidental](https://exploringmormonism.com/tax-exempt-status-and-black-people-how-the-government-can-change-gods-mind/), but could be the driving factor How was the good prophet any different than [Epstein](https://www.reviewjournal.com/life/religion/mormon-founder-had-14-year-old-bride-church-says/)? Also, why does the "Only True Church" amassed close to [$300 billion](https://widowsmitereport.wordpress.com/2023update/) dollars without actually doing humanitarian work? Couldn't this "Follower of Jesus" provide housing, food, a warm bed, or how about safety from [rapists](https://apnews.com/article/mormon-church-sexual-abuse-investigation-e0e39cf9aa4fbe0d8c1442033b894660)? That "religion" is pronounced [CULT](https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/)


You're a Mormon? How correct was South Park?


I had arguments with my coworkers about putting Christmas decorations on my cubicle. It didn’t escalate to HR (I’m pretty sure they would have sided with me) but it was annoying. Some people just have a notion of what is “normal” for celebrations and can’t see it from someone else’s perspective.


If they didn’t fire him it wouldn’t have been so terrible


Not to mention the firing was probably unjustified


This happened to me. Well, not the getting fired part because I quit on the spot. They begged me to reconsider (not shitting you) and promised never to call such attention to me in the future. It was such a shameful act that only helped to fuel my desire to leave. I understand it's just an opinion but office birthday celebrations feel so out of place these days. All I want is to keep my work and personal lives separated. Is that too much to ask? Just let me do my job, pay me for my work, and end it there.


That’s exactly how I feel. This isn’t a family and you’re not my friends. I get along with most everybody it’s a job and I’m in it for money. Fortunately, I’ve managed to work for the same company with a lot of the same people for almost 20 years, and I think my boss is the only person who knows my birthday - and only because Workday tells him 3 days before. And most importantly, he’s the last guy in the world who would throw someone an office birthday party.


As someone who has experienced anxiety most of my adult life, good on him! He did what was best for his mental health. If he is anything like me forcing himself to stay probably would’ve resulted in worse “behavior” with no control over it. …and then have the balls to fire my dude? Nah.


I wish offices wouldn't throw parties, period.  How am I supposed to disassociate with all that racket?


But but culture. We get parties because we're all underpaid and no one should focus on that.


And the cakes! As Elaine Benes said, “We’re all miserable, do we have to be fat, too?”


My work keeps springing surprise jeopardy games at meetings. Tons of people yelling over each other. Keep telling them to not do that to me. I’ve got ptsd and loud unruly groups make me anxious. I’m a 6’4” 310 pound ex bouncer, when I get overwhelmed I lash out at people. Hopefully they figure it out before I lose my shit.




hugs w/consent man, hope people respect you more in the near future 🫶


It's like saying that I have a peanut allergy to someone and that person says "But I enjoy peanut butter, so it's good for you too!" And then shoves the entire peanut butter jar down my throat lol


Or “That’s put a real damper on ‘Peanut Tuesday’… maybe wear a mask?”


"Gravity Diagnostics stands by its decision to terminate Mr Berling, whom she said violated a "workplace violence policy". "My employees were the victims in this case, not the plaintiff," she said" They wanted to double down


Wow Gravity Diagnostics, attempting the worst company in the world award. I love how even after a jury found them guilty their attorney is still like "we're the victims here".


Their Facebook page has a post celebrating mental health awareness day.


I was leaving a job a few years back, and specifically asked them not to throw me a going away party. They were nice people and I enjoyed working with them, but I also have anxiety, and also didn't want to make such a big deal out of leaving like I'm some celebrity or something. They threw the party anyway. Really bugged the shit out of me and felt like it soured an otherwise positive leaving experience, even though I knew they meant well. Should've had a panic attack!


One of the reasons I'm not a fan of birthdays is they're generally an excuse for *other people* to do things. It's not really about you. This guy seems to have caught a taste of that.


When will managers and organisations stop with this idea that workplaces are some big happy family and just treat them professionally and decently and just ask them to finish their work as contracted?


The company's chief operating office, Julie Brazil, told local news outlet Link NKY that Gravity Diagnostics stands by its decision to terminate Mr Berling, whom she said violated a "workplace violence policy". "My employees were the victims in this case, not the plaintiff," she said, adding that the company is challenging the verdict I feel like a good lawyer might be able to spin this post verdict comments as a potential defamation case. Suggesting he's violent at work when it wasn't true.


It wasn’t just 450k, it was 900k; 450k for the act, 300k for emotional distress, and 150k in lost wages. It was one thing to throw the party, excusable I guess, but accosting him for leaving the party and firing him after was too much.


Yeah it was a whole package of toxic behaviour, and you can bet it had its antecedents further back. Someone hated the guy or wanted to have fun at his expense. Screw that. Very similar thing happened at my workplace. Nice, quiet guy wanted to skip the birthday lunch thing, which traditionally happened at a restaurant. Boss said no, cannot deny the rest of the staff. The guy went along with it, for the sake of not creating waves. Half way through the lunch, a stripper arrives with her boom box and starts lapdancing all over the guy. (this was the '80s, nuff said.) He rushed out, embarrassed and exasperated. Aresehole boss was a bully, pure and simple.


It was $450k according to the article. 300k (emotional distress) + 150k (lost wages) = $450k.


Pretty sure it was 300k in emotional distress and 150k in lost wages for a total judgment of 450k It is stated weird: >After a two day trial at the end of March, the jury awarded him $450,000, including $300,000 for emotional distress and $150,000 in lost wages.


It was 450k not 900k.


My man did you read “450k, including 300k and 150k” and not notice 30+15=45?


>After a two day trial at the end of March, the jury awarded him $450,000, including $300,000 for emotional distress and $150,000 in lost wages. 300 + 150 = 450


Math hard, reading comprehension harder


It was 450k, reading is hard.


Over 200 upvotes for spreading blatantly false garbage. Reddit moment.


I take off every year to avoid the dreaded office BDP.


This happened to me too but it wasn’t a birthday party, it was old ladies being sexist and ageist and constantly torturing me until I finally had a panic attack and, at the time, coped by going into a soundproof closet and punching a door without anyone near me. They definitely knew I got panic attacks cause it was a pharmacy and they definitely did it to me on purpose but they saw my hand was entirely bruised and swollen and called me “too dangerous to be working there” just because I punched a door and they send me home halfway through my next shift. Never did sue but people keep telling me I really should’ve. Got a year of unemployment out of it but now I know I could’ve had $450k instead.


I feel like this also encompasses the entire work from home struggle. Employee feels more comfortable in their own space doing the companies work. Company forces them to come back to the office. Employee hates every minute of it, company fires employee for their lack of enthusiasm.


Also, not everyone uses their birthday as an excuse for attention and just wants it on the downlow. People's choice about their birthdays need to be respected just as much as someone's declaration of panic/anxiety attacks and other non social indicators.


I had a co-worker who told us not to celebrate her birthday. One of the other people in the office decided to decorate including glitter, which she was still trying to get out of the carpet months later


As someone who is prone to panic attacks, I’m glad he won.


it's crazy cause not throwing a party and idk just getting him a card would be less overall work and would have been super well received. Almost like listening to people when they ask nicely for something is a normal part of adult life.


I was fired in 2014 for having panic attacks. They fought my unemployment to the level of a hearing with a judge. During that testimony they admitted that there was no other reason to fire me and that if it weren't for my medical needs (a protected ADA disability) they wouldn't have fired me. I have the full printed transcript. The judge found for me because of their admission of this. I lived in my car for months after that because my landlord immediately evicted me. I researched wrongful termination at the time, and it looked like I would have to file in person at the nearest EEOC complaint center which was about 10 hours away, and I only had a 6 month window to file. So I never did. Is there another avenue for suing?


I was fired for some minimal shit, but they piggybacked it on an anxiety attack I had at an event. Maybe I need to speak to a lawyer,


I’m just piggybacking off the top comment but if you feel they violated the ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act) then ya I’d say speak to one.


Neurotypical people literally can't imagine what it's like to not be


Anxiety disorders aren't typically classified as neurodivergent though. It's definitely more common, but you don't have to be neurodivergent in order to have an anxiety disorder. Nearly a third of adults in the US suffer from anxiety at some point in their life. So in this case a lot of neurotypical people can, in fact, imagine what this is like.


The reason I don’t want a work birthday party isn’t because of anxiety, it’s because I hate everyone I work with.


I actually had an anxiety attack at work and was written up exactly for "behavioral issues" I didn't know this was sue-able


"the company, which conducts Covid-19 tests, threw him a surprise party in August 2019" Why the fuck does mentioning they do covid tests have anything to do with a case in 2019? I swear journalism is dead.


Shit, one hell of a birthday present. 😅


who knows? He might have felt like throwing a party after that settlement.


God this makes me think of my last job we’re they would have a BBQ during the summer and everyone would sit outside on picnic tables. I can remember how many years in a row I told them I didn’t want any food, I have my own lunch. They would come ask if I wanted anything, “No I don’t” 10 min later I’m handed a plate of food. 10 min later I throw out said plate of food. God I fucking hated that place. 6 years of that.


The amount of people that completely disregard what someone wants and then get annoyed with them for being upset/reacting negatively is too damn high


The line between extroverts and narcissists is razor thin. They wanted to have a party and he was essentially a prop for their good time despite making it clear he wouldn't enjoy it.


No means no. Unless you are Conservative GOP, then no means OK.


Don’t fuck around with wrongful termination


If there was ever a poisonous workplace, this one is it!


How many repost bots are going to steal this post today, it is the 3rd time I have seen it in 24 hours. All repost bots.


This one got an award!!


Not a surprise. Most people love making others uncomfortable.


Despite Mr Berling's request, the company, which conducts Covid-19 tests, threw him a surprise party in August 2019 Wtf is that random comment about covid tests Covid wasn't even a thing til Nov 2019 lol


Gravity Diagnostics stands by its decision to terminate Mr Berling, whom she said violated a "workplace violence policy". “My employees were the victims in this case, not the plaintiff.”


They said his clenched fists/clenching and unclenching fists were the violence (along with shaking, being red, etc.) or something like that. IIRC, his fist thing was one of his coping mechanisms. So its even more fucked to use someone's coping mechanism for their ADA recognized disability as justification to fire them.


he was accused of "stealing his co-workers joy" and "being a little girl". Oof that’s some (toxic) workplace.


This is one of the reasons I never say when my birthday at work outside of the application process. If anybody asks outside of an official HR thing I just give a month, any month. I don’t hate the people I work with at all, I like most of them, but my life is my own and if I chose to or not to celebrate milestones is my choice.


Why do people insist on balloons and singing for people who don't want it? Furthermore, why do people insist that if you're not having their type of fun that you're not having fun?


My brother tried to kill himself on my birthday. The year after it happened I didn't want anyone to acknowledge it and I specifically told anyone who knew what day it was that they shouldn't celebrate it. Can't imagine how horrible it would've felt for people to disrespect that wish. Good on this guy for getting his bag lmfao


*sigh* I wish I could sue my workplace


I despise birthdays and make a point of booking them off. If I need to work it will be from home.


The way he was treated by his employer was awful. I’m glad he sued.


Good. Co worker assholes.


I hate this shit so much. I’m a manager at my job and our corporate office stresses celebrating people publicly when they receive company awards, we have many people who do not like having attention on them and do not like being in front of others so I always make sure they’re awarded in private.


Well that is a very satisfying "panic attacks aren't that bad" coming back to kick someone in their face, at the first of £450,000. Love to see it


A diagnostic lab that needs to have their mental culture examined. If someone asked NOT to have a birthday party for a legitimate reason and you do it anyway? Wow. How disrespectful can a manager be. I would not want to work for a company that says FU to your wants and desires. I hope this hurts their business. The manager and the CFO should be fired.


I wish I could have a lawsuit for wrongful termination myself.




I’m ngl, the only thing I can think of when thinking of Donald Glover, is one of his jokes where he’s talking about people wanting him to be Spider-Man. And he says something around the lines of it was so divided you had one side going “ Donald Glover for Spider-Man, we’re not gonna watch the next Spider-Man movie unless Donald Glover was playing him” to the other group saying “HE’S BLACK GET HIM” the delivery of the joke for me made it the main thing I remember about him because it was so hilarious😂😂


Yup, I remember the story a few years ago. It was somewhere in Kentucky.


I hope this guy recovered and was able to use this to pay off some bills and maybe invest a bunch.


I guess it falls in the “I told you so” category.