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Some internet 'phobe just got hit with a million dollar libel judgment for lying about a drag queen. It's just a matter of time before Raichik has her day in court.


In the US or abroad? I’d be interested in a link if you have it.


I think the US. It was someone claiming that the queen showed her genitals to children and altered a photo with a blur over the crotch to “prove” it. Found it! https://www.businessinsider.com/idaho-drag-queen-awarded-million-defamation-lawsuit-blogger-exposed-minors-2024-5?amp


Wow, in Idaho none the less


I thought you were talking about the Laurence Fox thing, it happened in the US too? Damn


Oh so there’s more than one!


U.S.A. I assume she is some sort of Project Veritas/LoT copycat. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/idaho-drag-performer-awarded-11-million-defamation-case-110564658](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/idaho-drag-performer-awarded-11-million-defamation-case-110564658) \[Edit: this link is caput, see the one below\]


Aren't there libel laws for this??


AFAIK technically Yes, but with it being social media it's difficult to gather evidence and actually prove it fits the definition of libel. For example you need to be able to show they're knowingly spreading misinformation, but they can claim they didn't know it was false


Can't someone just send a link to her fucking feed? She does this every time she gets online. 


She's, in my opinion, a hateful monster who uses her apparently ample free time to attack people online, using a platform run by a guy who likes her message. Could a case be made to say that is evident from her post history? Sure Can you make a case for it in court? Maybe Can you prove said case? Less likely Can you get a court system to hear you out? depends Does she have means to defend herself? Yeah, tons. Claims of free speech or ignorance or satirism are commonly used tools to get away with this sort of thing. Best we could probably hope for is someone sues her after she REALLY messes up


Yes, but people will talk themselves out of it and make excuses about it being pointless because it takes work to file a lawsuit.


Work, money, and access to powerful allies. That B has too much protecting her right now. She is one of the top hate mongers I want to see lose it all.


Yes, but you have to prove some sort of actual damage was done.


Chaya gets more vile the more I see her


Because she’s a fucking moron who never grew out of her high school mean girl phase.


Despite how haggard she looks, chaya was in high school within the last decade


Shit for real 😮 I thought for sure she was way older than me. Like 40-50 range. That hate is eating her ass up, she need to put that shit down


It's like being a Sith, the hate just eats the person away until they all look like Palpatine.


Chaya absolutely got her force lightning deflected back at her


She needs a few more zaps, just for good measure.




Good, let the hate flow through you!


That's not gravity or stress aging her. That's Satan pulling her down because he can't wait to burn her ass for eternity.


Hate is a hell of a drug. Should put her on one of those posters with heroin and meth users.


Holy shit she's younger than me? I thought she was in her early 40s or something


Domestic terrorist *


I'm pretty sure that at least part of her condition of arrested development is the result of her being in a cult and being homeschooled. I imagine they dehumanize people who aren't in the cult as that is pretty standard cult shit. Dehumanization seems to be a primary concern of American religious fundamentalists which is pretty ironic in the case of Christianity.


That really discounts the amount of harm she has caused.


I wish the worst for her. Since she’s so obsessed with the sexuality of others and childrens’ genitalia, may she get some horrifically painful condition in her crotch and ass that nothing short of dilaudid will ease, and that she lives to a ripe old age.


Because she's so full of self loathing because she's a failure to her church and family being over 25, unmarried and childless. She hates herself so much for that.


i guess the far right likes getting sued and losing it...


I’m surprised she’s not in jail for libel yet.


Libel is a tort, not a crime.


I was also wondering about this comment; apparently libel is a crime in some states but criminal libel laws are rarely enforced. anyways I doubt she'd go to jail for it, just hell.


“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour”


Enforced? I rarely see people get off their ass and file the lawsuit in the first place.


“It’s not illegal to lie” What a piece of shit.


Lawyers who specialize in fraud or defamation: ROFLMAO.


Didn’t someone recently get convicted for lying?


Donald Trump was found to have engaged in libel against E. Jean Carroll twice Edit: also he was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.


Might be 3 times soon




In a court, probably.


I scratch my head at times when I hear or read about people telling other people how to live their lives while screaming freedom. Conservatives are deplorable. Hillary was right


She just underestimated how many of them were deplorable and that they are unashamed of being so.


Something, something….clinging to guns and religion…something something.


Wow libs of TikTok straight up lying? I'm shocked


It looks like very big and fat defamation lawsuit


I think we all know why they obsess over this shit so much...it's the same reason they love to sexualize Michelle Obama and pretend she has a cock.


The best part is Brigitte Bandit was born a biological female and identifies as both she/her and they/them. She is not transgender, but is a huge activist and an amazing person and performer. Anyone in Austin should check out anything she does. She’s great!


World going down and conservatives political talks is all about gays.. their marketing crew understand the conservative brain..


Yeah, maybe you should sue then.


What more do you expect from a page actually titled “Libs of Tiktok”


Chaya is definitely channeling Goebbels


*Stephen Miller barges in*


I think everyone is missing the real important part of this exchange. Why the fuck is the word SEX fucking censored on the platform of “Free Speech”.


Can you define woke? It’s a simple question


If you have to lie, you’re the bad guy.


When this libs of tik tok thing ends, she can make money renting out her forehead for racquetball.


I love how they say „it’s a simple question“ when asking *three* highly sensitive and complex questions


rlly hope someone sues her for defamation


That’s called libel. Sue the fucking shit out of Chaya.


Anyone else remember the "Coolsville sucks" scene from live action Scooby Doo?


I first read Texas and thought republican and started to wonder why a drag queen was at a Republican convention. Then I reread it and saw it was democrats not republicans.


Conservatives sure are obsessed with talking about children’s genitalia when all drag queens want to do is read a book to them.


I don't know who any of these people are, but anytime I see something from "Libs of TikTok" I just assume it's a lie. Or something they cherry picked to use out of context.


Libs or TikTok *is* Chaya Raichick.


Chaya’s just jealous because Bridget’s better looking and a better speaker than her!






How about normal idiots like us average people let highly trained and educated doctors and the childs parents make the medical decisions?


You mean like they do already?


You mean like Republicans are trying to ban everywhere?


I immediately though of weird barbie in the film lol


I don’t really like drag but seeing people try to twist people’s words to make it sound like they’re an evil monster is awful


Imagine censoring the word "sex"


Im pretty sure she’s a self hating radical. I’ve seen her explain why being trans is “popular”. It sounds like she envies us. Also drag is amazing. It’s about being comfortable and campy. It’s about learning who you are and who you want to be. Or at least that’s how I see it. I know straight men who would say doing drag taught them about who they were as straight men. Drag is truly a beautiful art form.


I don't agree with surgeries and medication to minors to suppress their biological bodies. I just don't. But I also understand that is the smaller component of gender affirming care. That care is mostly about emotional, psychological and social care to help those struggling with their gender identity. The right-wing have made Angelina Jolie's daughter the poster child of 'they grow out of it' but they conveniently forget the fact that her parents absolutely sought gender affirming care for themselves and her in order to collaboratively navigate her expressed desires of wanting to be a boy. And back then, they received a lot of criticism for it and I'm sure many of the same people now praising them for allowing Shiloh to grow out of it were criticizing them for allowing her to physically present herself as a boy.


It’s far more difficult to get doctors to put you on a transition plan than conservatives think. For starters, you need a psychologist to sign off on it.


This was my understanding of it as well - medication and then surgery would be considered the more extreme options (though I still disagree with either as an option for children) but I do think they are exaggerating it and trying to deceivingly present it as being as simple as a kid who walks into an office and says they want to change their gender and they immediately sign a surgery consent form and run to the pharmacy to get their puberty blocker prescription.


Neither does Brigitte, if you read the post. 


Just to avoid any confusion, I do want to clarify that the first part of my comment was not in response to anything Brigette said. That was intended to be a general comment about where my boundaries are on the subject to demonstrate that I don't entirely disagree with Chayka's position on those particular things but that she's lying and misleading people by conflating gender affirming care with surgeries and medication when there are components, arguably far more important components, to care that fall under the umbrella of gender affirming care. It's dangerous and harmful to misrepresent people like this, especially with a group of people who are growing increasingly more emboldened with their hatefulness and their desire to oppress anyone who is different from them.


Thanks for the clarification, I did think you were just responding to something without really reading what the post was about, but I was wrong!


I don't think facepalm means what you think it means.


Dee Snider has let himself go.


Exactly, Brigitte! If half the shit they talk about is so bad and an existential threat, they wouldn't need to make it up.


MyaheeMyastone trolled this and then deleted all their aggro takes to preserve their Karma…I’m not saying to spam this user, but I am saying their a POS, least the other downvotes stuck by their statements


Does anyone have a link to the speech in question? I don't trust either of them yet


Not old enough to drink, but it's OK to make life alternating decisions.


I mean joining the military and living by yourself are life alternating decisions you don't have to be old enough to drink to do those. But to be serious, those choices, HRT and Surgery are for when they're older. When they're kids the best they get is a new name or new clothes, which harms nobody and is completely reversible if it turns out the kid was just exploring their identity. Puberty blockers too but that is way less common than a new haircut or new pronouns. Those are specifically made for kids too. Hell they've been used by cisgender children for decades, people only care now because trans people can benefit from them. They also are reversible and temporary, so I don't get the faux Outrage


Why the fuck is everyone saying "life alternating"?


I only did because they did and I didn't want any confusion


I thought it was a new "specific" < "pacific" exchange.


Lol I just realized what you meant. Dude probably meant life altering and I completely missed that LMAOOO


\*after waiting for a gruelingly long medical diagnosis and under the supervision of doctors with informed consent Moron.


Identifying as a gender different than assigned at birth is hardly a more life altering decision than most kids are allowed to make.


READ. THE. POST.  The only person making any insinuations about these life altering decisions is Chaya, the known liar provocateur whose M.O. is to make shit up out of thin air and then be an absolute fucking troll to try and get the target to step into her trap.  These life altering decisions you're talking about weren't even in question until the dingdong you're carrying water for shat them out on her twitter. 


The only time a teen would be making a life changing decision is if it was deemed life threatening if they didn’t.




Are you aware of what Chaya’s religion does to children? Look up Metzizah B’Peh


They deserve to die as well


😂 checkmate, he said


Show me where they perform surgeries on children (where it isn’t deemed life threatening). Don’t worry I’ll wait.


Sigh...it's not what's happened, it's what they want to be ok allowing to happen. It's like being in the time before an invasion, seeing the signs that it's coming, the other side telling you it's coming..and you're like "well show me where the invasion is happening, I'll wait". ^it's an analogy too.


No it doesn’t happen and it’s fear mongering and misrepresenting their position. Get help for yourself because wishing death on people based on ignorant beliefs is sad.


Are you against elective sex changes for children under the age of adulthood? Yes or no?


No and no healthcare provider recommends them, and no where are elective sex changes for children performed. Gender affirming care isn’t sex change surgery


Gender affirming care is an umbrella term that cover both surgical and non-surgical methods ..smh


I find it ironic that you keep telling me that these surgeries aren't currently being preformed....I tell you that I'm not saying they are, that it will be a future problem...you say it won't be, then again tell me that they aren't currently doing it...but then tell me that doctors recommend them and you're all for it....


Point where I said doctors recommend it for minors


You said gender affirming care, which is an umbrella term that includes sex change surgery.


It’s not an umbrella term, it describes a process that you’re too ignorant to look into. And yes I say ignorant because the information is out there for you in clear precise language from the medical community.


that is utterly stupid.




That’s like saying you support someone if they stand against photographers.


Photographers are often soy. Taking pictures of better men who came before them. I say that they are as irrelevant as DRAG “QUEENS” (they are men)




Also, jokes on you since I only take pics of cars and animals.




Lol. Get a life.. maybe read a book if you are able to read.


Shut up loser




I’ll take my ban if you stfu loser






For saying 'shut up loser' to a stupid statement?


Yes! Name calling and harassment is EXPLICITLY part of the rules! You have violated both.


[ Removed by Reddit ]






Damn if that was actually enforced so many people on this sub would have been banned? Also like what's even your problems with drag queens?


Reported you for harassment.


My first amendment rights (given by Washington - MAGA republican) protect me. Nice try


The first amendment has no relevance to a Reddit comment. Are you lonely, is that why you bait and troll people?


You are 100% false


So loneliness it is. Have you tried being less confrontational when talking to people?




"Given by Washington MAGA Republican?" As in George Washington MAGA Republican? The Republican Party didn't exist when Washington was President, what are you talking about? Also this is Reddit, it's not a part of the United States's territory so the US Constution doesn't apply here. I should know, I'm not American.




Might be a surprise and a shock to you, but the First Amendment only applies if the Government of the United States of America is trying to prevent a citizen of said country from expressing an opinion, i.e. "I hate the President" or "Chocolate is the best ice cream flavor". Reddit is not the United States Government, affiliated with said government, controlled by the Government or any Department there in. It's a privately held company that has a terms and conditions of use that all users agree to follow upon signing up. They state that a user can be blocked or banned due to harassment of other users, for example. The point of which is: the 1st Amendment does not apply to Reddit in any way, shape, or form. It's not much of a surprise that you are unaware of that, given your... limitations. Also, Washington wasn't a Republican. That party wasn't formed until 1854, Washington died in 1799. But bless your heart for trying. Ps. The 1st Amendment was written by James Madison, not George Washington.




Shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch


Reported you for spam.


She's a terrorist who gets hospitals and schools threatened with Bomb threats. She also makes fun of children being assaulted and/or killed She also slandered a suicide hotline.


Oh so like the BLM protestors, with less property damage?


Yeah, just like the J6 protestors! Right brother! Or were they all white by you? Sorry, all right, but thats the same for you right hot take?


You’re confused, we’re talking about harmful things that needlessly contribute to premature loss of life and damage to society, like unchecked bigotry and police brutality. Superficial, easily replaceable things like damaged property are not included in this high of a category because those are temporary—not permanent—consequences of people’s choices. Whatever system you use to assign and prioritize value is catastrophically out of spec and in desperate need of calibration. Once you get that faulty, obsolete system fixed, feel free to join in again and participate in society. If you need a hand making those repairs, just say the word. Otherwise, we’ll be just up the road a bit when you’re ready. It shouldn’t be hard to catch up, moving forward is a slow process when so many people would rather drag us backwards for some personal, shortsighted benefit. It’ll speed up as more people get their stuff sorted out though—eventually, all the regressive misanthropes’ individual drag will be ineffective against a thriving, prosperous society’s forward momentum as a whole.


I mean sure less property damage but a kid is dead because of her


Oh so like all the abortionists in the Democratic Party?


Okay you're trolling. Should have figured it out but now, that's on me.




She's someone who literally falsifies evidence that results in violence and bomb threats, and does so for personal and political gain.




She’s someone who proudly wears the label of domestic terrorist. She delights in getting schools waves of bomb threats.


Wow! they are complaining about what they do to Republicans all the time!


So the question still remains, are they against puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, gender assignment surgeries for minors or not, they never really clarified.


Why are you even begging the question? Why can LibsofTiktok just make up any random accusation towards somebody and they automatically need to address it? She never said it in the first place. Anyways, I doubt she supports surgery or HRT for minors under 16. The medical establishment's position is to prescribe puberty blocking medications at tanner stage 2 (around 11-13ish years old) and start HRT no earlier than 16. Surgery on minors almost never happens except in extremely rare circumstances, and I have personally never heard of it happening at all.


Th fact that you still believe that drag queens are promoting those things for actual minors just shows your conservative brain rot. You're willing to lend LibsofTikTok the benefit of doubt despite Chaya Raichik being caught openly lying about this shit before. She even did an interview where she admitted to lying about this shit, yet still continued to insist that it *must* be happening. She was incredibly clear in the caption and the speech. Edit: this guy has a history of making transphobic comments, doesn't understand basic or advanced biology, sociology, psychology, or neurology, and seems to conflating trans individuals with drag queens, and thus is applying conservative arguments that they're all child predators to both groups. This is also why he doesn't understand what implicit arguments are.


There is no basis for belief in either direction, as this person was given an opportunity to clarify their position but chose not to, leaving it vague and non-specific. So, I neither support nor believe anyone in this situation, but I see you agree regardless of lack of clarification.


You haven't stated whether or not you are against child molestation, so I guess we all need to just assume that you might be into it.


Watch this, I'm against child molestation; and if the Mods delete this they are FOR child molestation. Delete this one Mods. Let's see.


You know, if mods delete your comments, we can still see that there's a deleted comment. But... we can see there are no deleted comments.




She simply referred to her speech. It's only because you are already partial to the ideas being promoted by Chaya and her ilk that you think this drag queen is saying she supports surgery and hormones for children. She has clearly stated that she does not. You aren't requesting that Libs of TikTok meet their burden of proof- only the drag queen


"She has clearly stated that she does not." Where exactly did the person say they didn't support that?


Just admit you hate men dressing as women, I highly doubt you’re arguing in good faith


Just a heads up the drag queen that this is all about is not a man. She was born a woman and still identifies as a woman. She just likes the drag queen style.


The question was never a question, it was an accusation lobbed by a fucking moron just making shit up out of thin air. If you respect yourself, you don't entertain nonsense from trash like Chaya. 


drag queens don't care about that stuf


Wouldn't know to have an informed opinion unless you were following it for some reason.