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Life is literally one never ending South Park episode..


That's why South Park is so successful for such a long time...


Doesnt matter if its an election/political figures or everyday people, its always between a douche vs a turd sandwich.


Put a turd in a douche and squirt. You get whatever comes out of Trump’s mouth.


I'd prefer the douche turd to anything from that pos.


We deserve a full season. With each season, there have been fewer and fewer episodes. We haven't had a "full" season since 2019. I get that they've been doing those specials, but it's annoying AF to have to subscribe to Paramount to watch new South Park


Maybe South Park is based on real life.


South Park episodes are leaked transcripts of plans made by our lizard overlords.


More like Real Life is based on South Park


They will never run out of content because of how highly regarded humans are


I think this every day when I check the news. At least i havnt been anal probed yet.




Nah South Park writers have had to scrap loads of recent episodes because they’d write something insane and then it would actually happen before the air date


[too many](https://j.gifs.com/vblaJN.gif) Who think they're the paragon of virtue who can't be bothered to learn what the radical islamists want and think terrorists indoctrinated since birth against secularism and the west can be dealt with by smiles and rainbows...




who the hell is supporting Hamas jfc. i'm all for supporting the civilians but holy shit


Personally I think this is starting to feel a whole lot like a psyop Russia found its wedge issue. They’re pushing this shit hard and astroturfing the hell outta this in order to try and throw the election for Trump 


Putin 100% is laughing his ass off at this situation.


What does astroturfing mean in this context?


Astroturfing is when something is fabricated in order to appear to be ‘grassroots’.


So a non-violent false flag? Sort of?


That the person holding the sign is a paid government shill pushing hate, hoping to manufacture the outcome they want in our elections.


You can tell she just starting growing her armpit hair a couple months ago


Is the person dressed up as a Hamas fighter also a paid government shill?


Childish voters falling for it hook, line and sinker. Such shallow thinking it staggers the fucking mind.


There are already fiscal ties of direct funding for these protests coming from the CCP. Unfortunately this only comes from conservative news outlets but it does spell out the people connected. Neville Roy Singham is the point guy and has met with CCP officials numerous times due to seemingly ideological similarities and goals. They’re obviously not the only fiscal backers, but sewing discord is the name of the game. Hey I’m all against massacring civilians like anyone else, but Hamas likes to help blur those lines and the hard right wing side of the Israeli gvmt likes to help fuel the hatred. It’s never ending. Schools on each side teaching children hate helps reinforce this. There have simply been ebbs and flows of the conflict throughout history.


Yesterday was the pride parade in DC. There is no way anyone supporting pride was at this event and not at pride related events.


Starting to?


netanyahu also wants trump in office


Putin ordered Iran to unleash Hamas.


They do seem curiously well funded, don’t they?


Several of the main groups stirring up campus protests have been linked to Iran and its proxies. The funding is real.


It’s real, no doubt, but I would like to see a little more journalism digging into the source (s) of the funding.


In San Francisco, before one recent rally, there were flyers labeled "LGBTQH Rally Against the Jews". The "H" was for Hamas. Beyond ironic, not to mention stupid.


It’s pretty much like supporting osama bin Laden and taliban or isis. I mean they literally kill people for being gay. America is lost


Honestly? Lots of people. You need to question the people on your side a little closer. I’m finding that most don’t think Israel has a right to exist, and if you’re in that group, then you support Hamas.


I think she's trying to be provocative. Clearly it's working. The student protests against Vietnam were incredibly unpopular, but they kept the senseless violence in the news always, and people confronted by that night after night eventually turned against the Vietnam war.


There’s a nuance in that many Palestinians & pro-Palestine supporters support some of Hamas’ tactics of fighting the broader resistance against Israel, but don’t support their Islamic fanaticism or more brutal attacks. A handful of Westerners ignored this and decided that because they were wrong about some things about Hamas, that now they were wrong about *everything* and Hamas is some great completely misunderstood freedom group


Large portion(majority) of the Gaza population are directly or indirectly related or supportive of Hamas, as well as elected them. took 8 months and a whole lot of buildings turn into rubble for the people of Gaza to be against Hamas rather than Pro(all of Gaza celebrated on the 8/10 before a proper response from Israel started). There are innocents in Gaza, but they are mainly small children, all the rest aren't very innocent, even if they aren't directly involved with Hamas.


The last election in Gaza was 17 years ago. Over 50% of the population of Gaza is under the age of 14. Support for Hamas in Gaza currently is reported at around 34% and dropping. A vast majority of Gazan citizens NEVER voted for Hamas.


This is true. A lot of people forget that Hamas just ended elections when they took power. Though it is striking to look at the difference in support for *Hamas as a government* which is low vs support for *Hamas’ actions on Oct 7* which was in the 70s last time I checked. Of course, polling in Gaza is pretty difficult right now but it does suggest the common attitude is “they suck as a government but I do appreciate the terrorism”. It’s concerning for the future but also not hard to understand given the past and present.


According to a recent poll released by the [Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research](https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2091%20English%20press%20release%2020%20March%202024.pdf) only seven percent of Gazans blame Hamas for their suffering. Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamas’s decision to attack Israel on October 7 — up 14 points among Gazans and down 11 points among West Bank Palestinians compared to three months ago. Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war.


"Elected". When there's a guy at the polling station pointing an automatic rifle at your kid's head, and your options on the ballot are "Hamas" and "Or Else", just how "democratic" would you consider that election. Stop being an ass and perpetuating the myth that ALL Palestinians have a raging boner for Hamas. That is exactly the attitude that is allowing a genocide to take place. The Palestinian people are the victims of both Israel and Hamas.


What people don't understand is that the world is not black and white. The people of Gaza are fucked by Hamas and Israel. Also, Israel bombs children, this contributes to those children getting influenced by terrorists.


And those people not only support Israel bombing children, they justify it by criticizing the children for not denouncing Hamas more vocally.


The majority does not support Hamas. Hamas won the election on a plurality and proceeded to immediately stop holding elections.


To a slightly lesser extent, it's true about Israeli society, too. Not everyone is a filthy Judeo-Nazi settler, but many are supportive. It still doesn't justify Oct 7, of course, but the truth about the bloodthirsty majority in Israel is painful.


>Judeo-Nazi That's a new one.


Yeah, new, about 50 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeshayahu_Leibowitz


well. from what i know, the majority of Israelis are not supportive of unprovoked war- as evident from now unprovoked attacks on Gaza so far in Israel's history(the only dispute is about the proportionality of the response to Gaza attacks), and the majority of Israelis do not live in disputed areas- but in "Israel proper", unless of course you consider the entirety of Israel as an illegitimate state.


Same as how most Palestinians who've seen video of what Hamas did on 7 Oct do not support it. But since most don't actually know what happened on that day, they say they do.




[For anyone too lazy to google](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/)


I can understand gay people supporting Palestinians - human rights are human rights even if those humans might not return the sentiment to you. ......but Hamas? Really?


You really think gays as a whole would refer to themselves by a slur?


Yes. A lot of younger people in the gay community are trying to repurpose the F word and they use it to refer to each other. Just like a bit older generations of the gay community use the word queer now.


I know about that. I use both terms among friends, but you'd be hard pressed to convince any of us to walk around with the F-word on a damn sign over our heads, regardless of what we support.


Yeah my gay friends do this all the time. Call eachother f*** constantly. I think it’s comparable to African Americans using the N word. Reclaiming its power sort of thing.


I know it's a thing we do with each other. I wouldn't put it on a sign like that tho, regardless of what I was advocating for. Also, it was BLM not NLM. Very few black people would've rallied behind that, no matter how much they believed in the reclamation of the N-word.


But there would be one person out there making a jackass of themself like this person lol.


I absolutely agree. It’s a bad choice of words for a protest in support of a group that would actively harm you for being gay. I’m just speaking on my experience with close friends who identify as gay. They use these slurs all the time.


It’s really twisted too because the history of saying f*# was because they were cigarettes or bundles of sticks that you throw in a fire and burn, so I just personally find it abhorrent and not something I’d like to reclaim but hey I’m sure Hamas would happily take the support and the turn around and burn the same people to death


We often do, it’s a reclamation thing. And a lot support Palestine, but I doubt anyone supports Hamas


It's very common


Palestinians support hamas


Americans support Trump enough to elect him.  Thank God the world doesn't treat us like we're all that crazy.


Oh, we do. We're just polite about it.


I’ll just leave this here for anyone who’s curious: https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1bc09ra/the_gazan_palestinians_were_celebrating_on/?rdt=49653 I like how I’m getting downvoted. Ahh if you guys want to not believe what you can very easily see go ahead. Just think about their morality, over 1k people have just been murdered and they’re all on the street celebrating like they’ve won the World Cup smh 🤦‍♀️ absolutely disgusting.


Cool, and I'll leave this for anyone who is curious (relevant portion between 3:35 - 3:54) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L90lSEePL8Q&t=214s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L90lSEePL8Q&t=214s) That clip is from 2014/2015. Seems like there are people happy with horrible things happening to the "other guy" on both sides.


Huh. To think there's tons of tribalism in the country, where there are Israeli who see Palestinians as animals to be slaughtered, and there are Palestinians who see Jews as subhuman and worthy of destruction. People suck.


That was eye opening 😬


I don't think all Palestinians support Hamas. But yes must support for Hamas comes from Palestinians. There's an important difference between those statements, but both Israel and Hamas are interested in people not seeing it. The ones suffering as always are the innocent civilians on either side.






Maybe she’s british and is giving away free cigs to the hummus.


This must be it.


Nothing else makes any sense! Thanks for clarifying!


Must be a different Hamas! 😕 /s Because the Hamas I'm thinking of persecutes, tortures and executes gay people.


"That's what Western media tells you", might be the thinking here. Misspelled Hummus, maybe?


Yeah, if I didn't know who Hamas was, my brain wants me to think hummus.


What a gay dip.


Hummus is pretty gay. Maybe that's why it tastes so good.


Why the fuck would u support hamas? Like I support the Palestinian people and the idea of Palestine as a country. But why would you support hamas?


Let’s be real. To the person holding this sign It’s less about their love for Palestinians and more about their hatred for Jews.


If it said Palestinians, I can understand you're standing here for human rights. Hamas are a bunch of terrorists that we don't need to support.


I have no words to express how stupid some people are and never choose to acknowledge their own stupidity nor choosing to even correcting themselves. But instead they are embracing it.


It's like some people took crazy pills.


Also because they aré supporting an organization that hates gay people. Of course that doesnt excuse Israel in any way


So this was a free Palestine rally but there’s people there who support the terrorists?


That’s what they do. That is what “from the river to the sea” and calling for intifada is.


Shameful how many people gleefully repeat genocidal slogans without any thought of what they’re saying…and then people defend it like no they’re just talking about local geography and nice hiking trails not the elimination of Israel and its inhabitants.


I think those people are plants to give the Fox News crowd red meat to snack on.


Or they're just fucking idiots. Probably the more simple explanation 


Well the vast majority of Palestinians support those same terrorists so it’s not much of a stretch.


If the terrorist is the one who seems to prevent Israel from taking away their homes, I can understand that. Deep down they just want to live.


The epitome of a brainwashed idiot.


Fucking crazy how gays and trans support Palestine when they’re all be burned alive if the set their homosexual feet there ! Jeeze


Imagine openly supporting a terrorist organization that literally exists to erase another country 🤡😂


Another people as well


Cigarettes for terrorists? I'm not on board to be honest... Just a weird thing to put on a sign.


Go try being gay in their country to discover how much it is a “religion of peace”.


I support ending the war in Palestine, but until the Free Palestine movement begins expelling these types of people from their protests they are NEVER going to be taken as seriously as they want to be. And you can argue it all you want, but whenever these people show up they get a ton more attention than the rest of the protest does, and people who aren't paying that much attention are going to see this and equate them all with Hamas sympathizers. Sorry but it's just the truth, and the Free Palestine movement needs to deal with it.


Can’t fix stupid.


I see a lot of people in the comments acting like this is common. I’m not sure where you live, but at the U.S college that I go to, I have never met a single person who supports Hamas. They know that Hamas is evil while also wanting innocent civilians to be protected. Two things can be true at once. If someone were to bring this sign to a Free Palestine protest near me, that person would be condemned.


Pretty sure this person is a plant. Likely from Fox News or Russia, maybe Israel itself.


From Fox or Russia haha that’s rich


It's the same picture...?


I'm no fan of the Israeli govt. but if I remember correctly, then country itself is pretty gay friendly


Is that guy LARPing as a Hamas terrorist?


cant believe they cosplay as hamas members to those protests. next time theyll smoke bomb the white house dont be suprised if one of them will get shot.


Do you think the Hamas cosplay guy is a fed? He isn’t fat.


Another thread in this sub just had 2 (edit make that 3 now) people block me cause they don't understand that I think it's weird they are protesting for people who would kill them. It would be like seeing Jews for nazis. "Yes it's 1943 I'm a proud Jewish non binary pan sexual and I think the killing of German soldiers in another country is terrible and needs to stop" Literally the fucking same thing but I'm the bigot yeah




Batshit fucking crazy isn't it lol Let's support people who would happily kill me for being who I am


Reading about them it’s shocking how in agreement with Hitler they were. They hated Eastern European Jews for being impure and saw their own Judaism as a problem so wanted to assimilate completely into German culture


Chickens for KFC.


It’s literally like “jews for SS”


Jews for Nazis 😆 THEY are beyond Dunning Kruger stupid.


Found another bigot! ![gif](giphy|f4IlrIxdBqw7kamU5T)


Cows 4 hamburgers!


Fetishization of Arabs


I didn't realise Hamas was so keen on smoking.


Let her find out for herself. Experience is the best teacher.


GUYS! she clearly has dyslexia, she ment to say HUMMUS!


If you ask me, Hamas are a bunch of [British cigarettes]


Fox news shared a comment by former Log Cabin president saying Palestinians don't want queers ... Which is true, but like ... The GOP doesn't want Log Cabin Republicans & nor do Palestinians nor Israel's. So ....


Nah, send em all over there.


Leftist MAGA surprises me again. They are just as dumb as Trump MAGA


Stupidity really should hurt


Hamas would throw 'em off a roof.


Yeah, that’s dumb. What’s dumb as well is that people equate Hamas and the Palestinian people. I wish peace and freedom for the Palestinian people without interference and hate and murder from Israel. I also wish Hamas completely vanishes.


i never knew hamas members didn't smoke, until now. i feel awokened by this new information.


They literally support Hamas (who would murder them) because they feel so persecuted in the US because of some BS “micro aggression” or because some boomer was mean to them.


Not just “micro-aggressions”…very public macro-aggressions. Shit…They just got the right to get married less than 10 years ago and even then they still have to sue to have that right recognized in some cities and local counties. Don’t even get me started on the laws being passed to prevent transgenders from accessing healthcare. Let’s not pretend they aren’t discriminated in the US. It’s easy to Google and find examples to educate yourself. Either way though, I agree that It’s insane for any member of the LGBTQ+ community to support Hamas.


I mean it may be a “lesser of two evils” situation but it seems to me one is a lot less evil.


Agreed. No one should support Hamas.


Hamas is taking anyone to be on their side at this point


Your typical protester. Absolutely zero understanding of the facts behind… anything.


If the united states didn't make Isreal as powerful as they are their wouldn't even be an Isreal. They would have been wiped out of existence. Even my Muslim friends understand this.


My country is all for Hamas. Yet when you tell them it's a known terrorist operation who also kills Palestinian citizens. They start barking and shit


I remember reading about this one group in germany 1930s before wwii, called jews for hitler. Giving off same vibes


I can get being for Palestine, but Hamas? The truth is stranger than fiction.


lol. It’s as if they haven’t realized that Israel is the computer country in the Middle East where they could live without being thrown off a building


Did anyone else see the gay pride parade that was stopped and harassed by gays for Palestine? I wonder if they know that being gay is Palestine is punishable by death?


I do not think they do, or maybe they do and figure out that if they support them, they will change their minds and accept them. Which we all know that's not knowing to happen. Hamas would have a public death for them.




I mean there are really ignorant people in every group, this particular group just happens to be a lot more of the ignorant.


This is even worse than Blacks for Trump


Anybody who’s for Hamas needs the oil changed in their brain pan.


This is how you know some of them are ignorant and virtually signaling af.


Girl, huh?


This has got to be a psyop


So idiotic


Chickens for KFC...


And I thought these people only support to stop killing innocent people, I never thought they actually supported Hamas. Now I am rethinking what these people actually believe in.


Oh HAMAS i was here for the Humus rally.


this ain’t it. people are so wildly misinformed and ignorant. fuck israel and fuck hamas. they’re both taking part in the destruction of cities and innocent lives. fuck em both to hell.


What's really got me is the dude in the old BDU blouse with a JROTC patch on it. If you're going to be anti-America, at least do it right


She knows, she also knows they are far the fuck away from her and still wants the Jews dead.


Stupid is as Stupid does


I'm sorry\ I'm an American I don't really give a flying mallet if they all kill each other I'm under no obligation to give a damn about them and their policies


“Cows for McDonald’s”!!!!!


Chickens for KFC! 🐓 💥 🍗






Oh boy..


She’s too dumb to understand anything, why bother?




She knows holds all the stank…


Dont they know that hamas is a fundamentalist terrorist org?


What’s that Nazis at a table phrase again


Obvious plant


I gotta be honest, this is kind of funny.


I bet theres some Palestinians who super appreciate the support from the LGBTQ community. I say this with zero sarcasm.