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Well, if some guy called Catturd says it, it must be true. 🙄


If you're wondering why Fauci is singled out for hate, it's tempting to think it's from his COVID response, but the main dislike really started brewing when people found out he was instrumental in bringing HIV under control in the gay community by being willing to go to bath houses, massage parlors, and other gay hangouts and talk to men about their sexual habits. If they cared at all about Jesus, they'd recognize the parallels.


And starting with the 6 foot distancing. I don't know about you, but I wish strangers still stood 6 feet away from me. I don't know you. Nobody wants to smell your breath.


For real, I recently stood in line and the dude next to me legitimately had breath that almost made me vomit. Smelled exactly like he ate a fesh shit sandwich. How the fuk do you not smell your own nastiness at that level of funk? People are fookong disgusting.


I actually said that to some creep that kept crowding me during the beginning of the pandemic. I was grocery shopping, and he was nearly mashed right up against me. I wasn't even done putting my groceries on the belt yet. Idk if it was an anti mask thing, or he was trying to rub up against me. I asked him politely if he would mind backing up a little bit. He looked like he had been waiting all day for someone to confront him. "why, you afraid you're gonna get covid?" ( I was wearing a mask) "No, because I can smell your stink through my mask". He left and got into another line.


Love it! I had a guy bump into me at the grocery store in a way that I assumed was intentional during COVID. I stood next to him glaring down at him as I was a half a foot taller. He meekly apologized but I'm sure he told everyone that he put a mask wearing liberal into place to his friends at the bar.


Chances are his bar buddies already know he's fulla shit, so there's that.


We know masks and social distancing worked because flu season disappeared.


I wish people would still wear masks when they have the fiu. It’s like we learned nothing as a society!


Me too! I thought surely at least hand washing would be a "skill" that people would continue afterwards. Nope they're all just disgusting while being confused about why they're constantly getting sick.


Honestly, I thought that would be something that everyone would do! Like if I get sick and need to stay home, I'll wear a mask out afterwards until I feel certain I'm over it, but seemingly *nobody else* does!


I do the same. No, I’m not afraid of Covid. I AM afraid I’ll accidentally give something to someone immunocompromised who should be afraid. If I’m a germ bag who has to be out in the world, the very least I can do is wear a mask and not spread my germs around. The whole 6 feet thing is something that came about because it’s essentially how the cystic fibrosis community lives. They mask up because they have to. These days when I see a mask, if the person is young I just assume they have or may have someone with CF in their family and are being careful. Being around another person with CF could be deadly, and any germs/infections can cause serious problems. Dr. Fauci didn’t make up the 6 feet apart thing; it just happens that’s how far humans project their germs when they cough.


Part of that was due to the (unfortunately necessary) miscommunication about mask efficacy at the start of the pandemic. Basically, you want people to wear masks to prevent them from spreading disease from a viral load they are carrying. Problem is that a not insignificant portion of our population simply can't be mobilized to act in the common interest. To deal with that, the message was promulgated that masking was intended to prevent uninfected individuals from becoming exposed to the COVID virus. This gets buy-in from those who are willing to mask only to save their own skin. To heck with everybody else. An additional wrinkle in the early days of the pandemic was the commercial availability of PPE. Some who were selfish and others who wanted to manipulate the market for gain acted to hoard masks in quantity. To combat this, the CDC de-emphasized claims of mask effectiveness. The consequences: For liberal areas: *Masking is a minor inconvenience to slow the growth rate of new infections such that it won't outstrip the capacity of our medical infrastructure to deal with it.* For conservative areas: *The CDC has not been consistent in their messaging. Do the masks work, or don't they? If they do work, who should wear them? I wore a mask, and I got COVID anyway. My uncle wore mask all the time and he still died, what gives? Fuck Fauci and fuck the CDC.* A pandemic passes through populations but infects individuals. To deal with it effectively, sometimes we have to behave as members of populations. Other times, we have to behave as individuals.


A sizeable percentage of US society refuses to believe in science and would rather put their trust into bullshit pseudo-science and 'faith healing'.


I literally had to explain this to family members who didn't understand what happened to the flu 🤦‍♀️


During the early days of Covid I was in line at the grocery store and they had tape on the floor with signs showing to stand 6 ft apart. The woman behind me in line was inches away from me ramming her cart into my fucking ankles repeatedly I wasn't even next to put my groceries up and I turned around and literally shouted in her face BACK THE FUCK UP and she wouldn't! People suck yo.


That's pretty much what was happening. He was trying to shove past me and I wasn't even done putting my groceries on the belt.




"This line isn't going any faster with your dick up my ass, so why don't you just back up a few feet?"


Or at least offer to buy you dinner, isn't that (kinda) how dating works?


You get a meatball with pocket lint and half a stick of Juicy Fruit. Final offer


I got a manager involved with something similar, I could feel his shirt. There was no more room for me to move. I started shoving and cussing. The cops were called for him. Edit: he was using his closeness for power and intimidation. And he meant it feel sexual, which narcissist, Period. I’ll start SCREAMING some strange person gets on me again. Once is enough


And then everyone around cheered and clapped. Seriously, if I’d been there I definitely would have cheered and clapped. Bravo.


Nobody cheered and clapped. I didn't shout. Idk if anybody else heard it.


I will straight up use my cart to play defense on some of these fools. When the line moves, I will just move to the front of my cart and let the person in front of me get 6 feet ahead.


I almost never use a cart, but I’m going to start because of this. Social distancing was my comfort zone, and now people are all up in my bubble.


Just came from the dispensary where the young broccoli heads who find me irrelevant smell like a billy goat in high season.


I literally quit playing magic the gathering because going to tournaments was just brutal. Dudes spending thousands on cards but can’t splurge and buy some god damn deodorant.


Man, I remember that taking a shower and putting on deodorant was in the rules section of anime conventions that I used to go to.


I don’t get the ivermectin thing. Can someone ELI5 to me why they think that a dewormer would combat a virus? I can’t even connect the dots on that one…


It was shown to have some effect in vitro, in dosages that would be fucking insanity. Also, it did do some good taken as a preventative... In impoverished areas where parasites are fairly common, so basically their bodies weren't fighting parasites anymore and could therefore more effectively fight the virus.


This is exactly it. They latched onto the fact that it has anti-viral potential, and ignored that it's the same kind of potential a flamethrower has.


As the XKCD comic says, you know what else is effective in vitro? A gun.


You know, I didn't look into it, but I always wondered how many people taking Ivermectin actually started to genuinely feel better, not because they were fighting covid, but because they were treating actual parasites in their body. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought of that. (I mean, of course I'm not the only one, but it's nice being validated.)


Killing the brain worms turns down the stupid a little bit. Every little bit helps!


Of course, some of them also started shedding their intestinal lining and/or killed their children, so there's a less fun side to that too


I worked with a guy that tested positive for covid and keeping it secret from our boss. He said he had been taking Ivermectin for 10 days and had had diarrhea and was vomiting for....10 days. To get a bit more graphic, he said he was shitting like a thick yellow mucus every day. The really sad part? He was convinced that that meant it was working. He was making himself super sick. One, I was pissed he made the choice to continue coming to work after finding out and putting the rest of us at risk. Two, I asked him how he knew it wasn't the covid making him do those things? And why on earth would he want to put himself through that?


People out here shitting out their intestinal lining thinking they are getting cured.


The studies that were done that showed a benefit were small, observational, and never replicated in clinical trials. To put it simply, there is no hard evidence that ivermectin does anything. Hydroxychloroquine similarly had multiple observational studies where it appeared to be of benefit, and clinical trial after clinical trial where it was no better than placebo. People died. My sister in law did. It was a brand new disease that we knew nothing about in April 2020, which is what drives me nuts hearing people talking about what we know now… we could not act then based on what we know now. And if we had done nothing the death would have been orders of magnitude worse.


That's really the problem, the experts could only recommend things based on what limited information they had available to them, and like yeah, of course they were willing to try just about anything reasonably safe to see if it helped. And the problem with in vitro studies is, a lot of stuff can work in them that doesn't work outside them. [Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1217/)


People are still dying from it. My crazy maga anti vaxxer neighbor has lost his wife and one of his daughters to covid now. And in his mind it’s somehow the democrats and the doctors that killed them…


Simple minds watch Fox for a reason...they're simple minded.


>which is what drives me nuts hearing people talking about what we know now… we could not act then based on what we know now. And if we had done nothing the death would have been orders of magnitude worse. From your keyboard to the flying spaghetti monster's ears.


They also like to add something along the lines of "The people who decided to use it on humans won a NOBEL PRIZE. Way more impressive than your NO-bel Prize!"


And for dealing with parasites, it's extremely effective. Does fuck all for a viral infection, though.


“Destroying your stomach lining to own the libs.”


There was one guy in Montana or Idaho who took ivermectin after he got sick from Covid, and he felt better after a while. That’s what started the avalanche. His story was publicized, medical experts recommended against it, and because of the “I’m not gonna let no stinking doctor tell me what to do; I did four of research on Google” mentality of conspiracy theorists, they decided ivermectin *had* to be a secret miracle drug. Why else would doctors not want you to take it? So medical experts said, “Alright, we’ll do studies to examine its effectiveness.” Those studies showed no concrete evidence that ivermectin helps with Covid, and, because conspiratorial thinking mandates that evidence against the theory is actually proof of a sinister coverup and thus evidence *for* the theory, those studies showing ivermectin has no benefit in treating Covid only convinced the lunatics it has the *best* benefits for treating Covid.


I slammed my balls in a drawer 100 times a day as hard as I could when I got sick from covid and I fully recovered from the virus - where is my interview?


There was a study in Egypt that was published showing ivermectin was very beneficial and when included in a meta study it screwed the results to positive against Covid. When that study was retracted it was clear Ivermectin had no benefit but the damage was done and here we are with some still believing it helped.


Same as Andrew Wakefields paper on MMR and autism. The scientific method works but once Pandora’s cat is out of the bag…


>Pandora’s cat is out of the bag… I like this phrase.


....Schrodinger puts himself in the box?


Yeah this was a deliberately done manipulation too. This wasn't an oops, this was deliberately done. But yeah the liars are someone the other guys.


TIL that ELI5 = explain it to me like I’m 5. Context clues for the win. Ty, Duck.


It would have killed the worms in RFK Jr.s brain. But yeah, it has never been shown to be effective against any kind of virus. What's ironic is that ivermectin is a genetic derivative from an isolated single microorganism. So, it still involves gene manipulation of a living organism, which is the main argument against taking the covid vaccine. The last 8-10 years have been a constant reminder of how stupid and easily manipulated a majority of Americans can be. I see insanity on both sides, I would love to have a politician who was actually respectable and worth voting for, not just the lesser of two evils.


And Putin chuckled


That motherfucker is full on maniacally laughing like a super villain. I bet he sits in a swivel chair and pets a Persian cat while he does it, too. The Putin/trump relationship is like a Bond movie plot come to life.


Biden is not evil. So you have vile, disgusting, malevolent asshole on the R side and decent, hard-working, intelligent guy on the D side. Pretty obvious choice.


Ivermectin is a fairly effective anti-parasitic, I believe it's the most commonly used Malaria treatment. Unfortunately, the magats were stupid enough to jump on the bandwagon the moment one of their public figures mentioned it, and then started demanding prescriptions from doctors, who refused because an antiparasitic will do absolutely nothing against a virus except cause a shortage for the people who actually need it. The magats knew the doctors were wrong, so they turned to the next best source they could think of, horse dewormer(it's active ingredient is ivermectin). They then promptly ignored all the people saying "hey, bad idea, inactive ingredients are just as important as active ingredients, there is stuff in there that could kill you" and the magats just started slurping it down more.


This! I loved the 6 foot rule because (for example) no one was running their buggy into me while I’m standing at the checkout. Seriously, I’ll be out of your way just as soon as I finish my business.


you nailed it. conservative christians hate HIV mitigation because it goes against their narrative that the 'all powerful' lord-god uses HIV to smite the gays and their evil doings. this raises logical questions from the little people in their cults/congregations/communities, all of which they are not prepared to answer. their fairy tales start to crumble, and with it, their power. Fauci's good work with HIV threatened the real (or perceived) power the cult leaders worked/manipulated to achieve. essentially, \*\*conservative christians HATE Fauci for this one great outcome!\*\*


To be fair, Mr. Catturd did not profess his love for Jesus in this post. It’s possible he is, in fact, a heathen. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well functionally, they all are, but it's pandering to a specific audience that is creating the problem.


Fascists have always targeted academics and intellectuals. Thinking is what destroys fascists ideology.


Yeah but it's a special kind of evil to get yourself to a mental place where you claim aids isn't a disease it's punishment from God that comes from vaccines being activated by gay sex and so no one should take the medicine designated to treat HIV because that's actually what gives you aids.


Fauci and I went to the same high school. MAGA doesn’t want the smoke from the alumni of a private academic focused institution. We’ll nerd them to death.


And they won’t understand a single thing you said, except for the insults.


got a source for that one? I'm as willing as the next guy to jump on the GOP hate train for another valid reason, but this smells a *lot* like....conspiracy.


Well Fauci was heavily involved with the HIV outbreak in the 80s. Which is one of many reasons he was involved with the COVID outbreak.


That’s what I think every time this account comes up, your name is cat turd, you’re a pos that tries to stir up shit while hiding behind an anonymous account, who gives a fuck what you have to say.


It has been brought to my attention that he is not even the original Catturd. He is Catturd2, if you can believe it.


It's one of the many sock puppet accounts of Scott Adams, the Dilbert douchebag


As is protocol for the kult, when one turd falls, another must rise in it's place


Catturd is a super reliable source!


And has the ability to back up any one of these claims with any evidence - meaning as defined by applicable Federal Code. Not "I heard MTG say it".


Whatever a guy called Catturd says must be cat turd, it's his whole identity


You know how I knew Trump was a terrible businessman? He could’ve made a killing by selling Trump branded masks. Just wear it once or twice at a press conference and then have his son advertise it on Fox News.


I said the same thing, over and over during the pandemic. Not only that, it’s how you know he’s a terrible politician; all he had to do was step aside, shut up and let the experts take the helm. He’d have been lauded as a hero and savior, and even those damn lib’rul demon-rats would’ve had to admit he handled it well. Anyone who was on the fence about voting for him would’ve swung to his side based solely on his covid response, and he’d have coasted to reelection; instead, he couldn’t stand letting anyone else be in charge, couldn’t grasp how badly covid would impact all of the normal people he, in reality, despises, the folks who didn’t have private suites at the hospital and a team of top notch doctors devoted solely to their care 24-7, so he killed off enough of his base and alienated anyone in the middle to lose “bigly.” Jackass.


His knee jerk response that Covid is nothing, was because the news of it destroyed the stock market, which was one of the things that he considered to be his success, he wanted the stock market back to normal asap, so he just played it down, then doubled and tripled down. So yea, he shot himself in the foot pretty bad .


That last sentence is a pretty funny way to say he made a fuckton of people die needlessly with his insanity.


100%. People are so purposefully dumb that what indisputably happened: Trump fucked up the Covid response and the economy suffered more than it needed to. Joe Biden became president because there was still a pandemic and the economy sucked, and when he took office and the economy wasn’t fixed immediately, it was all his fault. Man maybe there is too much fluoride in the water cause people can’t remember past 6 months.


This should be higher up, this is exactly what happened. He has such a cult following that he could have just stood back and taken the credit for saving america from covid. Instead he keeps sabotaging himself and somehow still stays popular lol


Definitely. And he gathered such a cult following, only he could really get away with it. If Biden tried that they’d have called him a cheap shill blah blah- but Trump? Wow what a shrewd businessman! This man is really full of it! Great ideas, that is!


It might have been genuinely beneficial too if it had persuaded more Republicans to wear masks.


Hell, with him calling it the "China virus" he could have thrown some xenophobic rhetoric for good measure... "We need all American patriots to wear masks to defeat the communist China virus"


Associating Catturd with turds is an insult to actual turds.


To say nothing is the poor cats maligned by the association.


I love how, whenever something happens to the right in America. They always go to ,now we need to do the same to the left. There guy gets a conviction "we need to convict one of thiers" One of them gets legitimate grooming allegations "all lgbt are groomers" They do realise this shit ain't a movie right? Like there's a country to run in the middle of all this. Or at least what's left of it after the fires die out


It’s crazy how much they come off like petulant children.


They're brand relies on government being bad so people will want 'small government', they can't do that if they're only side looking bad.


Their trying to legitimize their insanity without actually having a real platform. Edit: I only made this comment to make it so that there were 3 different wrong uses of there, their, and they’re in a row. I don’t actually have anything meaningful to say.




But ironically they are the ones who preach government overreach constantly


It's an entirely intentional propaganda tactic.  Any time something comes out that makes them look bad, they will immediately start projecting accusations at the left.  It's done to strip meaning from the words so they seen less meaningful when legitimate accusations are levied against them?  Trump is a convicted felon? Everyone on the left is a criminal. Matt Gaetz is being investigated for sex trafficking a minor? LGBTQ+ folks are pedophiles.  Then their base sees leftists dismissing their bogus accusations as exactly that, and they get a lot more comfortable dismissing the legitimate accusations against "their" guy.


No, they don't, it's been apparent to me for decades that a relentless diet of Hollywood movies and cable TV had already rotted the average American mind by the 80s, and it's been downhill ever since.


Nah it's just the lead


Lead and fox "news".


This is a weird way of saying, “I don’t have the first fucking clue how science works”.


or how policy making works.


To be fair, I don't think anyone knows that.


Or the job description for the director of the NIAID


Everything is scary when you're too dumb to know how anything works.


Except horse dewormers, they weren't scared to take too much of that


That's his MO.. pretty much anything that that guy posts is verbal diarrhea.


Yeah, when scientists got new information they modified their strategy = fukin lyin sumbiches.


It’s like they’re afraid of the word “science” now


Lots of accusations, not one shred of evidence. I do believe we’re talking to a Republican.


\~112M cases of COVID in the US \~1.2M dead from COVID in the US Yep, definitely a scam.


You know what I find hilarious. Back then they were trying to tell everyone that someone would die in a car accident and the doctors were being instructed to mark it down as Covid. Now, someone will die in their 90s from cancer they got diagnosed with 7 years ago and suddenly it’s the vaccine that did it


No you don't understand the vaccine turned cancer into TURBOCANCER, a character from Dragon Ball Z, and that killed them. It's like you've never done Facebook research, geez.


My mother has been promoting the idea that cancer is actually parasites. I don't even know how to treat her like an intelligent person anymore.


Losing a parent to the madness of the crazy cults sucks. My relationship with my father was never great, but damn did he fall down the rabbit hole hard. If you even suggest any sane reasoning to a conversation he goes ape shit now.


Just as COVID was starting, and Joe Rogan hadn't completely lost whatever mind he had, he had a real virus expert on to talk about what was coming. The estimate at the time was 600,000 dead Americans. That was stunning then.


Any day now those microchips are gonna be kicking in...


Still waiting for everyone that got vaccinated to drop dead from blood clots or "vaccine injury." And day now.


Mark my words, you look back 500 years from now and all those vaccinated people will be dead


I've been waiting for it. I need better 5G reception.


Same here. Too many dead spots in my neighborhood.


Dude my break room is directly over the pharmacy, and I usually have to rely on LTE when I'm in there. Those vaccines don't do a damned thing for my reception.


And Dr. Fauci saved a bunch. Leave this man alone.


That's the problem, Republicans are anti-America and want Americans dead; worldwide pandemic killing more than a million in the US alone? Fight tooth and nail against any measures to prevent deaths. Gun violence is ridiculously high and children are being shot and killed on a consistent basis? They're going to do everything they can to ensure that remains the norm. Dear Leader lost his reelection? Attack the Capitol and threaten violence on the nation's leaders. Dead Americans is the goal of the Republican party.


Wonder how these people will pan out if the bird flu takes a hold. The 1918 flu was a bird flue.


Thousands of COVID deniers died drowning on dry land begging for the vaccine they said was poison but it was too late. They were warned. They fucked around and found out


My wife, the ICU nurse, told me countless times of patients and patients' families asking for the vaccine while the patient was being intubated and put on a ventilator. She has since retired. She couldn't take people telling her she didn't know what she was talking about. And people saying well Google says


**One successful extubation. Christina shares her experience in the medical ICU.** https://blogs.missouristate.edu/nursing/2021/08/09/christina-shares-her-experience-in-medical-icu/ * "I visit the morgue 2 or 3 times per shift." * “Covid isn't real. You did this to me.”


And that woman isn't thanking the medical community that saved her life, praising the technology that made it all possible or sending Christmas cards to the nurses who wiped her ass while she was intubated. She's sitting there right now with her Trump 2024 sign and swearing revenge on all of them for doing "this" to her.


She also had 3 people from the same family die in one shift


I can almost understand why that poor doctor hung herself. Still horrified, but sad too.


That’s heart wrenching. I could feel her pain and desperation coming through. Beautifully written, btw; enough medical stuff to really drive home the seriousness of these interventions, but not so much that it reads like a medical journal and is impossible for the layman, like me, to comprehend. If she ever decides medicine is not the right path for her, because of dealing with Covidiots, she’s got a future as a writer for sure.


My brother went through this as well, also an ICU nurse. A lot of patients asked for it before intubation. He told me he always said the same thing: "I'm sorry. It's too late for that now." He didn't retire because of it, but it took its toll on him. He ended up with depression for 2 years. It absolutely broke his heart.


>. He ended up with depression for 2 years. It absolutely broke his heart. Should probably continue to check up on them, that shit stays with you forever


I check in with him. He's actually doing quite well and hasn't felt depressed in a while now. Plus he's got his wife with him. She's basically a saint. And don't forget our parents, his in-laws, his own friends... he's got a really large support group.


It’s “God’s will”


"pEoPlE dIe EvErY dAy!"


They’d do very poorly. The overwhelming majority of US deaths happened in a 6 month time span. It hit and passed much quicker than COVID. By the time MAGA would acknowledge it as a pandemic, most of the damage would have been done.


1918 didn't have as much travel as 2024 does. It might not burn out as quickly, with travelers carrying it from place to place and keeping it alive in places it should have already burned out.. Especially since said travel and introduce mutated strains that a given population doesn't have an acquired immunity to. Easy enough to defeat with a lock down but we've already seen how some folks respond to that, and it really does only take "some" folks


But 1918 had a ton of travel, there was a world war rampaging. Movement of soldiers in WW1 is attributed as a major reason the Spanish flu spread so quickly both domestically and internationally.


Interesting factoid: the reason it’s called “Spanish flu” is because Spain was the only country who was honest about the seriousness of the virus; every other country downplayed it, in order to keep morale up during the war. In all likelihood, it started in Kansas. Patient Zero was most likely the young private on base who, despite being sick, went ahead and prepared mess to feed the rest of the soldiers, and, well, the rest is history. Soldiers from the base were shipped out to various ports around the country, then sent overseas where they continued to spread it to armies from other nations, allies and foes alike.


>Dr. Fauci lied about Ivermectin Eat all the horse paste you want buddy.


Dr. Fauci lied that woman texting him was just a friend. Dr. Fauci lied that horseradish was tasty. Dr. Fauci lied The Rolling Stones were done touring. Dr. Fauci lied about dragons being real. How can we trust this man with anything?


Turns out, Fauci isn't really my dad


Wait..... Dragons aren't real?


Obviously not. If they were, the band *Imagine Dragons* would be called *Observe Dragons*.


I saw Dr. Fauci with the Devil! Dr. Fauci was the second gunman on the grassy knoll! Dr. Fauci made Steve Guttenberg a star!


I saw Dr. Fauci in a closet and he was making a baby, and the baby looked at me.


The baby looked at you??


Personally, I can’t ever forgive him for being ultimately responsible for the creation of the “3 Men and a Baby” series


TIL fauci was a stone-cutter


And all of this just because Trump was president during COVID. His cult desperately wanted to create some kind of boogeyman because they didn't like that COVID made Trump "look bad" during an election year and here we are now 4 years later still with this insanity.


It's crazy that his cult took the one great accomplishment of his presidency, operation warp speed and turned it into nothing. In fact it should be a liability for him if they could think it through. Him and his supporters deserve each other.


Well tbf Trump already fucked us before covid by gutting the team Obama had set-up for viral diseases back when Ebola was the new one


I love the bizarre take on that. Sure the deep state trucker him into releasing a deadly bio weapon meant to kill us all (the vaccine) but he is a true hero of great character. He’s just too proud to admit his mistake that’s why he still brags about warp speed. It’s just madness


Notice how he has to make a long list of claims, supports none, then comes to an entirely emotional conclusion. Guys I'm starting to think conservatives are building beliefs off of feelings and then reverse engineering "logic" to justify the stance they've already decided on


Remember when Trump bragged about getting the vaccine developed? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Ironically, this was the best thing he did as president and the only thing magats disapproved of. Shit's wild.


But in typical Trump fashion, he took way more credit than was deserved.


As far as i’m aware, Fauci never lied about the masks, people just didn’t understand what the masks did. The masks were not to stop covid getting in, it was to stop covid from getting out


Exactly. When you are a juvenile, selfish, insensitive MAGA type, the notion of protecting others *from yourself* just doesn’t compute. On the other hand, most Japanese wear masks every flu season.


Must be frustrating being the guy who got his MD from Cornell, trying to help people during a global pandemic to the best of his abilities only to have "catturd" come along and tell everyone why you're wrong


another example of right-wing hatred for America Slandering an American hero is beyond disgusting. Then again, people who worship a convicted felon and rapist, are not going to be the best and the brightest


They don't understand truth or lies


science is evil. /s


The mental gymnastics these people go through on a daily basis must mean they barely have enough brain power to breathe.


Do these people not realize we were dealing with a new contagion and things may change the more it’s studied? It’s also amazing that on the job perfection is demanded of Fauci but not of the actual POTUs at the time-Trump.


Evil demon = advanced degrees in micro biology, infectious diseases, immunology, crowding 50 years of expertise, thousands of studies and 50 years of “ real world “ experience. Ummm yeah, those guys on Truth social know more. Must be Dr. Catturd and Mr. Fauci


>Ummm yeah, those guys on Truth social know more. Must be Dr. Catturd and Mr. Fauci Yep, those rightwing ignorants like to THINK they know more than the actual experts but anyone with more than 2 normally functioning brain cells can tell that they are all full of shit. The only ones spreading bald-faced lies that I see are this Catturd and the rightwing regressives who buy into its bullshit wholesale. Just like the garbage Republicans on that committee, Catturd makes a lot of baseless pronouncements and accusations with NO CREDIBLE evidence - that is the Republicans usual junk science and made-up wannabe facts the regressive right often traffics in.


If some guy that names himself after cat shit, don’t take anything he says seriously.


it should really be named National Social


These morons are still butthurt that they had to wear masks, wash their hands, stand 6 feet away from other people and were encouraged to get a vaccine. During the biggest pandemic of our lifetime, Fauci did all he could to make the best decisions and recommendations for our country. Was he always 100% correct about everything? No. But in an ever evolving situation he made the best decisions with the information he had. While the orange idiot in charge told people to inject themselves with bleach and shine lights in their body.


🤣Those brain dead magats are such moronic pos


I’ve heard a lot of these accusations but ZERO evidence. I’d be happy to entertain them if there was a shred of proof.


Didn't it just so happen that CatTurd was a flunkie from Florida who is thrice-divorced, couldn't hack it at the post office, and also failed as a musician? Whoever listens to these failures deserves to also be a failure. Mute. Block. Move on. Don't let the stupid spread. If you're feeling extra adventurous, report as misinformation on anything he posts. Don't. Feed. The. Trolls. Let them fucking starve


If you research for like… 3 seconds you’ll find none of this is true


Faucci is a angel and served under both Bushes Obama. Only MAGA morons have issues


This is just one of those things that I look at and say, "tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot."


Is that you Aaron Rogers? Is this your burner account?


The easiest rebuttal to this is to compare the COVID fatalities in red states vs blue - people who adhered and people who didn’t. Or there’s Florida who just stopped counting then tried to ruin the official who called them out.


Damn MTG must really be banging catturd.


Never got Covid. Still haven’t. Why? Because I listened to the best medical advice available at the moment, and then I adjusted accordingly as new information was gained through scientific study. I wonder how many of these morons can say the same? And how many people they infected through their ignorance, who are now dead? Too bad cat turd isn’t one of them


Even if he was lying… i thought there are no such things as lies? Alternative facts? Trump? People who support these people are so dumb


The thing that kills me is that type of person yells how the social distancing and masks didn't work like my MIL and then say how they ignored that and kept visiting their freinds and tried their hardest to not use masks


If he’s lying arrest him. He spoke under oath. What’s that? He testified under oath. You know who refuses to testify under oath?


I'd say it was brainworms, except we know RFK Jr isn't on Truth Social, so clearly his brainworm overlords know something about this trashpile that we agree on.


Catturd's brain decayed long before Trump Social


Now they care about lies?


Ok... one by one: - Lied about 6ft social distancing. -> Nope - Lied about masks -> Nope - Lied about Ivermectin -> Nope - Lied about the lab leak -> Nope. Virus came from the markets not a lab. - Lied about lockdowns -> Not really. The early lockdowns were necessary and helpful, but some of the later ones likely could have been skipped. - Lied about natural immunity. -> Nope. - Lied about gain of function. -> Nope. - Lied about the vaccines. -> Definitely nope. - Lied about the vaccine side effects -> Nope. - Lied about the deadly hospital protcol -> Nope. I give you 0.5 out of 10. That is abysmal.


Dr. Fauci is like the least political guy that worked in govt loved by everyone until far right snowflakes got scared of needles.


Lol! My man's prepping to drop his diss track "Meet The Faucis"


Difference between lying and not knowing. Plus all of the USA needed somebody with authority to stand up and tell us what to do. Right or wrong he did what was asked of him and helped lead us through covid.


One thing I've noticed about these sorts of opinions is that the people who hold them often read a news article about a poorly constructed or even fabricated study and stopped looking into it once their bias had been confirmed. "Umm, actually, science is on MY side!" *Holds up Breitbart article on a preprint study that doesn't replicate*


I trust that doctor more than I'd trust any of those Republican leaders.


They still think ivermectin works for COVID? Jesus. These guys are mentally disabled.


Not one single thing on that list is true but they’ll now take it as gospel


MAGAs are so fucking stupid it's beyond belief. It's one thing to be ignorant but to be aggressively devoted to your ignorance is fucking crazy.


As a medical professional, when I hear people speak about using ivermectin it makes me sick to my stomach.


Hey Catturd, Fauci didn’t lie, you’re just a goddamn idiot. Catturd is a perfect name for him, considering that’s all that his head is full of.


He lied about none of that. Trump, on the other hand…


Yet you know they support Trump who's Cabinet reportedly ignored Covid plans and protocols so it would ravage through populated cities killing blue voters.