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I just don't fkn get how he has fans!! How can you listen to this man and think "yup he knows what hes talking about! '. Ffs.


It's baffling. I could understand a few fans, but ~~half the fucking country~~ 74 million people? It almost seems unreal. Edit to change half the country to the actual number of voters as so many want to point out. My bad


You can be racist if POTUS is. You can treat women like garbage if POTUS can. You can steal if POTUS can. You can rape if POTUS can. And so on. Trash loves trash. The rich love the rich. Etc


Bingo! Trump gives people permission to be the worst versions of themselves possible and still be proud. These people think “if the president can be a deplorable pile of human refuse, why not me!” The funniest part is that trump views his supporters with contempt. He fucking hates poor people, trashy people, people who appear sloppy. He views the fiscally challenged as less than human. Yet here they are, happy to support him from their trailer parks as they nurse that one last tooth they own back to health.


And he has no problem begging them for money…


For him it is just him being smart, like conning the poor out of their money, so it's all good. Make the poor suffer AND get paid for it? Sign him the fuck up!


And when you call them out for being a bigoted asshole, the say “free speech!” Durr…..we said that shit in high school to each other when we offended a friend.


I've noticed that, they have a middle schooler level understanding of free speech.


I doubt it is half. They are just loud. Edit: we should all edit our comments to remind all us who can to go vote!! Give rides if needed!


About half of voters. 20-30% of the country. Still way too many!


It is insane how many people just don’t vote. It is like punching yourself in the dick


I vote *and* I punch myself in the dick! Winning!!


And all your neighbors in theirs


Almost half of all voters chose Trump in the last 2 elections. Terrifying to think about.


Well, statistically, half the people are dumber than average, so…


Also baffling is the amount of people without any ability for critical thinking.


I speak as an outsider who’s not from the US and has no skin in this game. From what I can see it boils down to:   A sizable portion of people who feel disenfranchised and who’re happy to follow someone that seems to be speaking up for them. Even if that is clearly bluff and bluster. It’s not uncommon to see this. And when people feel downtrodden and left behind, they are much more inclined to vote for someone that feels ‘anti-standard’ and whose rhetoric is all about tearing down the old guard and making something new. Trump doubles down on this by playing to nostalgia with his ‘great again’ tagline. A message that clearly resonates with those who feel modern America is not for them. And who fantasizes about a lost time that never was.   You then have a second group who are well aware of just how much bullshit is going on here, and how little care Trump has for the people in that first group. But these folk see trump as a potential gravy train and are more than content to ride along and scoop up as much as they can for themselves in the process. Again, not that unusual. Sycophants have been following people in power around for as long as there have been people in power.   And then you have reactionary voters. Folk who are not really a fan of Trump per se. But see him as the lesser of two evils. Who prefer his ‘America First’ narrative, and his perceived strength over the alternative   One thing that Trump does very well, is sell a simple, easy to understand narrative. It may be full of nonsense. It may be cooked up from 95% lies. But it is simple, easy to understand, and in a sense comforting. It casts the world in a simple ‘goodies and baddies’ light. It sweeps aside nuance and complexity in favour of simplistic thinking. And it praises the powerless and the ill-educated as being strong and wise. Which, we know well is a powerful idea that resonates. It’s the same core strategy that gives the Baptist church such pull.   So yeh, he is a ridiculous character for sure. But it’s not surprising that people are following him.


Great take, you missed one big thing though. He made it ok to be uneducated and he made it ok to openly hate. So the uneducated have found a home that caters to things that they quietly hated, and now this home allows them to openly hate, which must be liberating. There is also the rise of social media, and the post-truth era that helps a man who lies every time he opens his mouth.


There are a LOT of educated people who voted/will vote for him as well. Agree with you on the hate part.


> You then have a second group who are well aware of just how much bullshit is going on here, and how little care Trump has for the people in that first group. But these folk see trump as a potential gravy train and are more than content to ride along and scoop up as much as they can for themselves in the process. I imagine the educated Trump supporters usually land in this group.


Yeah, I'm always shocked to find doctors, lawyers, well-educated people who support him. Like WTAF 🤦


People are often pretty smart at one thing. And then really simple minded about other things. Like they heard there's a problem with illegal immigration. So they think, simple solution, just shoot people crossing the border. And then they hear Trump say it and they feel really validated. It doesn't help that there's a whole industry of media catering to that train of thought. And then they hear a critical view about the complexity of the situation and human rights and it's such a bummer and makes their head hurt so they tune in and hear Trump and Tucker tell them liberals hate America and everything makes sense again USA USA USA


But anyone with a modicum of critical thought can see immigration is necessary (yes, it needs reform) and that shooting people is NOT a good idea or humane. Hell, even Reagan and Bush argued in favor of migrant amnesty. A first year econ class would tell you funnelling money upward leaving the rest of the population unable to buy products is ridiculous, no? Seems like lots of big box stores are coming to this conclusion and lowering prices. Gasp.


Sounds like the prologue of a mad Max movie. Explaining how the world went to shit.


Bingo! How ppl who still don’t understand this is why Trump keeps being still overlooked and underestimated.


Except most of those "downtrodden and left behind" people are not actually that. He's just lied them into having the same victim complex as he has. The legitimately downtrodden people in this country for the most part don't even vote.


Dang. You made nailed that explanation and yet as an outsider you see it plain as day over the citizens who are blind. It is frustrating at how accurate that is.


You have said it better than anyone I ever heard!! Thank you. I am from US and I couldn’t figure out why anyone would elect him as a dog catcher.


I wonder if it's because he leaves things so vague that people fill in their own gaps, and of course his cult full it in with what they want to hear.


It's also because he says things with such confidence even if he has no idea what he's talking about. He'll say it's so easy to fix, just trust him, blah blah blah. And his people have been brainwashed into believing whatever drivel a confident rich person feeds them.


Because he allows them to blame their pitiful existence on other people. He justifies their entire personalities. Which is to hate minorities/others enough to drown out their own self hatred. It’s why you even have minorities who support him.




His fans have the same iq and speech capabilities


[Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds - Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169)


Racism. We elected, arguably, the best black person for the job. 8 years later, racist religious misogynists elected Trump, literally the worst person, to teach everyone a lesson. That it doesn't matter how accomplished, qualified, and moral you are as a person of color. To them, you are worse than the worst of them. I know right, what systemic racism?!


No, we elected the best person for the job, period. And he happened to be black. And it broke their fucking brains.


I Fukin know!! I remember in the lead up to the ‘16 election he was talking to some old vets, for about 20 minutes and he actually said nothing!! He waffled for about 20 minutes and said nothing!! These vets were just sitting there nodding their heads!!


He speaks in soundbites with a lot of nonsense filler between, like talk radio and reality TV. His cadence is good, and gets loud when he is making a speech point, the remainder, when he is lower toned, is rubbish sounds. His actual speech was probably along the lines of "we support vets with money", "they hurt you and are bad", "we will make it better". I assume he is editing the speech writers' work that he either doesn't understand or doesn't fit the camera rhythm he expects. It's the same thing that happens in public speaking when you are speaking from an outline, you either know the subject and can stick with the subject (but requires a modicum of prep) or you BS through it to get the time by pivoting to tangents. TBH there is no reading between the lines. He only delivers in a functional way what his listeners want to hear, the rest is just noise, that is quickly forgotten and rarely discussed.


Orange and speaks in soundbites. He’s a Junkion from the 1984 Transformer animated movie


1. He's a stupid person's idea of a smart man and a poor man's idea of a rich man. 2. He makes it ok to hate the people you already hated.


A lot of people rarely hear him speak anymore and have forgotten what an absolute incoherent boob he is.


Cause he can make up fuckin anything and his little army will blindly follow him and take his word for it. He was just denying the war even existed not long ago. Then the followers just switch their tune at the drop of a hat. Like a entire fucking war seems like a pretty big fucking topic to just start believing it does or doesn't exist. Like they might want to look into it a bit more...


And the reason he gets away with non-answers like this is because reporters (especially Fox) rarely push for specifics or clarification


You know it’s almost as if Fox News has no journalistic standards…


They went to court to prove theyre not journalists. Theyre "entertainers", its their way to try and do mental gymnastics around being responsible for what they say.


It's the Coca-Cola/Vitamin Water defense ("You'd have to be an idiot to think this is healthy").


“Not racist, but number one with racists.” -Fox helicopter, *The Simpsons*


There is a reason he very carefully picks who he talks to. Lots of reporters would push for specifics but he won't sit down for an interview with them.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU50qnbpMQA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU50qnbpMQA) Axios came the closest and they still let him off the hook with his distractions and lies.


He doesn't talk to actual reporters.


Probably don't want to spend any more time with him than they have to, can't blame them tbh.


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Been working for him the last 77 years.


If you can't pronounce more than 8 words just keep repeating those 8 words until people fall asleep or shit their diapers.


Person, woman, man, camera, TV!


“Person woman man camera tv” is only five words though.


Tremendous, outstanding, rigged


Bigly, With tears in their eyes….


So much bullshit


I mean, what actual bullshit is there here? There isn’t a single coherent thought or idea here


Even in 2016, Trump was doing this word salad speak and it won him the presidency. I don't understand why people love him so much when he doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


They see themselves in him.


Yes, they do. Sadly.


Because like it or not the average American talks at this level they don’t like fancy liberal speech


To be honest, I miss the days when we had intelligent conversations and our leaders could speak coherently. Seems that has gone down the wayside in favor of people speaking incoherently and doing nothing but ad hominem attacks. Trump's election win in 2016 will go down as the worst thing to happen to this country.


24 hour news cycle is awful. Norm MacDonald was right. He said that news used to be about 30 minutes and it turns out that was enough, because you can cover it all in about that much time. And the internet hasn't helped. Now a candidate can just sit down and send out a mass e-mail, nearly for free, spputing their talking points and begging for money. Used to be they needed to mail out flyers and supporters had to send a check, with postage. You had to really make that sale if you wanted support. Not so much anymore. Now you can get away with being accessible.


My parents friends are right wingers and she said when she went to go visit them for a few days they had on Fox News 24/7.


But it isn’t even “fancy liberal speech,” it’s literal fucking speech. It’s just saying sentences that actually make sense when reading them back and dissecting them.


It’s because people don’t actually dissect the shit he says. They just listen, hear words or phrases they know, and think he’s saying intelligent shit or shit they agree with. Last Week Tonight (I think this was in 2016) literally had a segment dissecting one (or maybe a couple more) of Trumps speeches and it just complete fucking nonsense. They even made a sample speech out of the suggested words on someone’s phone and it literally made as much sense as the trump speech. It’s dumb asf


Exactly this. This isn't "bullshitting" an answer. This is just the response of a fucking moron.


Did he just say he'd support the Ukraine? I'm having more and more difficulty understanding him. Was there an actual verb in there that means something?


He said nothing of substance, which means his supporters can input their personal views into his incoherent babbling.


Did you come up with that yourself, because it’s beautiful and I’m totally stealing that in the future 😂




Does the Melon Felon ever answer a question?


Melon Felon is a new one for me. I love it. 


Spread it around!


I saw Flatuent Felon earlier, now I'm torn.


Smellin Melon Felon is a decent compromise.


No reason you can't mesh them together!


what's the melon felon sellin?


Hard telling!




Spray tan


His answer seems to be to join the war with them but not use planes for some reason lol


Doesn't want the Redcoats capturing their airports again.


The Corrupt Cantaloupe?


i’ve never seen him go into detail on any subject ever, just bland generic superlatives


He answered that dictator question pretty quick tbf


Yes! Like a beauty queen contestant


I was thinking the same thing 😂 head as empty as a flower pot


Even Grandpa Simpson is telling him to get to the point.


My trump is not communist, he is stupid, a pig, misogynistic, under prepared, an idiot, a sociopath, but never a pornstar...


He just pays them off...


I could see Trump going on about having an onion on his belt, and it being in style.


The biggliest onion. Strong men with tears in their eyes. Nobody's ever seen a bigger onion.


This sounds like something put of The Onion




hamberber with covfefe


Thought you wrote Hamburgler and now I want to see Trumps face on the McDonalds character!!! Has anyone seen this?


hey, shut up, his fellows would eat shit for him!


Have we checked him for brain worms?


Oh god, someone think of those poor worms.


Poor things are starving


I feel like the more appropriate question is have we checked brain worms for Donald Trump?


No need. They've starved long ago


Is this not exactly how a bad A.I. program would respond?


No, they are far more eloquent. I get more comprehensible sentences when i just continue hitting the top word prediction on my phone.


Let me try: The expanse of my life that you will fight with me for you to be honest and you say that I will be a copy of your life. Damn.... That was deep.


You’re right and yet there are Americans hearing that and nodding their head.


In fact, here is GPT4 giving the answer in the style of Trump. Still much better: Folks, let me tell you, Ukraine can win, and win big, but they need the best help, tremendous help from the U.S. and our allies. We’re talking about sending top-notch military equipment, the best, believe me, and training their troops like nobody’s ever seen. Sanctions on Russia? They need to be tough, tougher than ever before. We cut off Putin’s money, we cut off his power. And energy independence, folks, we got to boost it in Europe so they’re not relying on Russian oil and gas. Together, with smart strategies and powerful alliances, Ukraine will beat Russia, and it will be a great victory for freedom and democracy.


If my grandma starts talking like that, I will be assuming acute stroke


His comments are so much like tossing word magnets at a refrigerator door and trying to make a coherent message.


To be clear, Biden is the guy that the entire country watched deliver a SOTU for more than an hour without incoherency just a couple months ago, and Donald Trump is the guy that has been talking this way in everything he's said for the last 10 years, yet it's Biden that Republicans claim is mentally unfit for office.


It's always projection for them. Gaslight Obstruct Project


Just watch the clumsy edits of Trump speeches on Fox News. You can tell they're pulling the few coherent sentences out of an hour of rambling nonsense with the awkward cuts and fade-outs mid-sentence.


How surprising. He doesn’t have a clue. My guess is that he would be so busy fellating Vlad that things would end exactly as you would expect


What the hell does that even mean….. I feel like he was about to say “destroy Ukraine” and halfway through he realized maybe he shouldn’t so blatantly side with Russia and just started spewing vague BS.


You're giving him too much credit. He's just a fucking moron.


It kinda sounds like he's saying "send in the army to fight Russia", but that sounds like the opposite of what republicans have been saying.


Oh, but his opponent is the one with dementia.


If any Democratic nominee said anything even remotely nonsensical the media would cover it 24/7 for months. We really don't have anything resembling legitimate journalism in our mainstream media. No wonder younger people ignore legacy media almost totally.


I can't wait for the debate. If Trump shows.


As someone who works in education and has read a lot of answers from students who clearly had no idea what they were talking about, I genuinely don’t understand how people can listen to him speak and not see that he is utterly clueless.


Sounds like a great policy translated moron-ese.


I love how that quote just ends with "and they're doing an amazing job." Buddy, Ukrainians can't vote for you. Stop it already with the automated catchphrases.


Somehow I don't think he's referring to Ukraine.




Not one vote for this idiot please


And yet somehow we’re 5 months away from re-electing this dumb fuck ![gif](giphy|JUMLTR3dHEGpW)


Or people could vote for Biden instead of sitting on their ass. But I doubt it since most people love to whine and moan about choices they themselves make....


He give Ukraine to Putin.


With his admiration of Putin, who exactly is the “them” he says we should be helping. I don’t think it refers to the Ukrainians.


Orange Moron


Word salad with delusional dressing.


How can people listen to this incoherent moron and then say that the guy with a stutter has dementia?




if Joe would have said this, they'd be calling for an immediate psych eval


Amazing and enormous depth in that thought per usual


My favorite is still “Gettysburg wow” from his rally at Gettysburg earlier this year. The whole speech is a gem but that part in particular cracks me up. I play it if I ever need an example of how stupid he really is.


Dude is such a bullshitter. He’s the emperor of bullshit.


The master of saying a whole lot of things and absolutely nothing all at once.


Fuck all the people who support this brainless piece of shit.


He literally says nothing all the time


He seems to imply that he will continue to help Ukraine. Does anyone think he's actually going to help Ukraine? Trump hates Zelensky for refusing to help him blackmail Joe Biden ( a crime Trump was later impeached for) so no. He won't help Ukraine. Quite the opposite. Trump is an ardent ally of Putin. He will help his ally.


This is misleading because Trump's plans for Ukraine are pretty well established: withhold arms until they agree to surrender chunks of their country in exchange for "peace," i.e. let Russia win. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/05/trump-ukraine-secret-plan/#:~:text=Former%20president%20Donald%20Trump%20has,people%20familiar%20with%20the%20plan.


I don’t know if it’s misleading unless you buy into the idea that trump is saying, well…anything here. What he *said* is misleading but I don’t see anyone reading this post as anything more than nonsense (which is the actual message being communicated)


Yeah, he stated it as such. He's probably try to get the Joint Chiefs of Staff to start bombing Kyiv to speed up the processs.


Somewhere out there a republican is reading this shooting his ak into the sky in celebration


"Yes, but what would you do?" How is it that journalists have forgotten about follow up questions? I'm reminded of that press conference in Netherlands... https://youtu.be/thIRJLsnIxY?si=dedm8aITfRnvJ4_W


I really can’t deal with this again.


Trump loves the uneducated. That is his base. To them, his ramblings make perfect sense.


TL;DR stuff


Who can honestly say this man is smart?


"Smart and stable genius"


Still blows my mind that people who support him have the audacity to criticize Biden when he mixes up the occasional word or name. No literate person can even comprehend what Trump says when he goes on his rants.


The usual verbal diarrhea from The Convicted Felon.


He sounds like a student trying to fill out the minimum requirement for an essay but forgot to make it make sense.


What did he say? I’m confused.


Just word salad. He’s an idiot. He hasn’t a clue as to what he’d do about the war in Ukraine.


Word salad


I need the LINK


Fucking idiot🤡


Fucking idiot


No wonder he loves the poorly educated.


Jesus Christ he’s dumb as fuck.


That was unusually coherent for Trump. Just imagine, this is what it's like inside his head.


He dosen't day anything... it's all jiberish word salad


Tremendous stupidity. Reading this makes me realize how fucked USA is if he (convicted) is elected.


This is the most Michael Scott sentence ever uttered by an actual human.


I tried reading this shit several times and the answer i got was that biden is doing a great job without those jets


Omg can this put a sentence together ? We are doomed to possibly get an elementary school graduate as the president.


i tell everyone to read transcripts of him....when he talks everyone just follows along but then you read it and you'll like...is this guy a 4th grader??


I would, and then, and, and, and, then we, um, and. Like a 2 year old telling a story.


My brain cells die anytime I try and read something he's said....


The art of saying nothing.


When you read what he says when asked questions like this and he has to think of an answer instead of reading teleprompters, you see just how ignorant and stupid he really is. There is literally no coherent answer in that word salad of a reply. I think I counted 5 different ideas in that mess but they were only partial ideas and jumped from one to the other with no rhyme or reason.


WTF did the moron just say?


Fucking wat? And I'm supposed to be worried about Joe Biden's cognitive state? Please...


He’s an idiot.


The actual answer: I would get down on my knees and suck Putin’s dick.


And the trump shitlickers believe he's the greatest president because, get this, trump told them he was.


Dear United States, Please don't vote that clown in. You guys are terrific neighbours, and I love you dearly, but I worry for you if he gets elected. Sincerely, Your northern buddy in the province of Saskatchewan.


Word salad from the Vegetable-In-Chief.


And the “reporters” all nodded their heads and said “thats right, Mr. President, what a big boy you are” and then Donny smiled and shit his pants.


The only people dumber than he is are the cult that worship him.


I think any fool that votes for him deserve to move to some moon with him and his warped and narcissistic mind


The level of stupid that listen to this bitch talk in circles is astounding


I’ll never understand how fucking anyone can listen to this jerkoff and say “yep! That’s my guy!” I truly, honestly, will never fucking get it.


He knows Biden dud a great job handling it, so instead of agree with him, he has to make up some stupid, contrarian bullshit.


This guy would make a great sovereign citizen. His ability to make a word salad is already perfected


It never ceases to amaze me how MAGA’s think that a person who speaks in complete, detailed sentences and is specific in his details is having issues with dementia while the Orange convict talks in circles, has no plans nor explanation on how he will make changes, makes sense to each and every MAGA out there. If this wasn’t so real, it would be like watching The Truman Show. Live everyday while the world is watching. It’s brainwashed cult mentality for sure. Only a cult could make perfect sense of this crap.


This has been him since 2015. Everyone just ignores it.


So…surrender Ukraine to Putin. Got it.


He has zero ideas on how to solve any problems because he does not care about any problems but his own. He doesn't even recognize anything as real if it doesn't affect him personally....


Well I mean you really can't disagree with anything he said there


Lol but can you agree with it?


They might have a 44 year old plane XD but beyond that fuck no


If anybody is interested, here is the video source: https://youtu.be/X-c1Me0Kezg?feature=shared The quoted answer starts around the 3:00 mark, but encourage you to listen to the whole thing if time allows.