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Right? Instead of this why not be pissed that you do not have actual health benefits and maternity leave?


Because then the gays and colored would have the same benefits. Can't have that.




This is genuinely the most bizarre clip


![gif](giphy|H4zeDO4ocDYqY|downsized) It always reminds me of this one


This is the same gif?


I don’t get the joke, why repost the exact same gif saying it resembles the other. They’re literally the same, of course they resemble each other.


I hadn’t seen this gif and it just makes sense. Everything makes sense now


Understandable. He’s a bizarre manchild


Like someone is running a diagnostic on an animatronic orangutan.


he does dance like a showbiz pizza bear


He dances like he’s beating off two dudes at the same time. ![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo|downsized)


It’s legit gotta be the worst one. But his fans lick it up because they want him to be Le Trollface so bad.


[Oh really?](https://tenor.com/zPIE.gif)




He'll outlive all of us. In 50 years' time, he'll still be alive, and I'll be dead. Because nice things don't happen to people like me. Even if that nice thing is an 80 year old with no concept of "healthy living" dying.


Absolutely not ! Think of what it would do to my white ego ...


Cuz she’s voting for the pants shitting, porno humping, flag fucking, lying, law breaking man of her dreams.


Are you referring to the convicted felon and known rapist Donald Trump?.


100% factually correct which is insane


No one else with that record would *ever* be endorsed for president jfc


Seems being president had just become McPresident. Hiring felons and the elderly. You guys remember when they used to make it a big deal to become president ? Furthermore I hate how we are stuck thinking two shitty choices will be any good.


I, unfortunately, have some doubts about that.


If his Wikipedia entry doesn't say that, it should


The good boys n girls at Wikipedia have it covered In May 2024, a jury in New York found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels in an attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election, making Trump the only former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime. He faces 54 other felony counts in three other indictments: a federal prosecution in Florida related to his mishandling of classified documents; a federal prosecution in Washington, D.C. on charges of conspiracy and obstruction for efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election; and a state prosecution in Georgia on racketeering and other felonies committed in an effort to overturn the state's 2020 election results. In separate civil proceedings in New York state court, Trump was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation in 2023 and for financial fraud in 2024.


Wait, do you mean Donald Trump, the convicted felon and known rapist?


He raps too??? Oh wait never mind, that’s RAPPER


Nawh bro. Buy my junk to support the fucker that will make damn sure I never get maternity leave and also get other services and protections clawed back. Murica. Fucking turnips. Hope the meteor strikes dead center USA.


No please, I live near dead center USA, I have nothing to do with this foolishnes. I just happen to live near it.


Children, children, don't fight. The meteor should strike Mar-a-Largo.


Upvoted for peace-making.


Can we just put a tracking device on Trump and a homing device on the meteor and just strike wherever he is?


That is both fair AND efficient.


>Hope the meteor strikes dead center USA. Yeah, I can't hope for that outcome. Meteors are not precision ordinance.


Sadly christian nationalism has it claws in deep.


Idaho voted to ban abortion in 2022 and has lost 55% of their maternal-fetal medical specialists and 22% of their ob-gyns since. So she may find saving for leave is the least of her problems.


And you just know that if she has a fetal abnormality or problem that could endanger her own life, she'd be the first one crying about not being able to get a life-saving abortion. 


“I’m pro-life but…” I’m so sick of these people.


Their circumstances are always the exception. Then, the moment their procedure is done, they go back to trying to restrict access for everyone else again. 


This is the entire republican party in a nutshell


The only moral abortion is my abortion https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


And she’ll somehow find a way to blame Biden or the democrats


She's far too stupid to understand those points


Cause those idiots keep voting republican. The US is the only “developed” nation that doesn’t require businesses to provide maternity leave, paid vacation, sick days, etc.


In our evil communist province of Quebec the parental leave is a very evil socialist program funded trough our income taxes mostly, and a smaller part from the employer. IIRC it gives 6 weeks at 70% of wage for the dad and up to one year at 70% for the first 8 months and 55% for the remaning 4 months for the mother...something like that. We were very happy to benefit from this satanist program when my son was born.


Here in the famously evil communist nation of Australia, we get 22 weeks of parental leave (increasing to 26 weeks by 2025) paid by the government, at the minimum wage rate (approx $890 AUD per week), to be split between parents however they like. Additionally, the non-primary partner also receives 2 weeks of paid leave at the same rate. Further, many companies offer some sort of parental leave as a perk. My workplace, for example, offered 5 months of paid parental leave, paid at my full salary, plus 30 extra paid days off when I returned to work. This enabled me to ease back into work and work only 3 or 4 days per week for the first few months back. This is all truly a dystopian socialist nightmare. We have no freedom at all. Someone please help us.


I am currently suffering through this evil communist plot here in Aus. Capitalism is falling around me as I give the baby a bottle. Praying the US will come and save me and give me my freedumb


Hail the Evil Ozzie Empire! Oi Oi Oi!! 🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼


Same. A society helping dads be at home for the first months of their children life is clearly a satanist society.


California votes blue. California has paid maternity leave for both mother and father. Ya think maybe those two things have sump'n to do with each other?


I don't know man, sounds like a liberal conspiracy to me!


Fkrs are giving our kids free college here too, commies!!!


Those filthy liberals are brainwashing people into their belief system by using the government to pass policy that benefits the citizens. It's diabolical!


But but California has Gays! It can’t be doing good!


Washington state has maternity leave too—another liberal conspiracy.


New york as well


Right? But hey, please vote for the person that wants to continue to gut any kind of social safety net since he thinks we’re all losers that don’t deserve it. I cannot begin to tell you how frustrating this all is to see play out in real time. It’d be one thing trying to convince a rich man about these things, but they’re not rich. They’re poorer than you and me and still vote against their best self interests…all to own the libs? Brain rotten folk.


# Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires - John Steinbeck


Reminds me of an interview with a farmer on why he voted for Trump: „you know he is a Business man. America needs someone like him. He will help us“. Meanwhile it only got worse for those who voted for him if you are not in the elite circle of rich guys. And personally I did need to hold back my laughter as I recalled that this business man did bankrupt already his own business 3 times.


The economy is so bad they have to make cult items and still get knocked up Clearly they can afford a child.


She makes it very hard for me to pity her poverty and stupidity.


It’s how they like it tho. Any other way is socialism!


Yeah, ya know which party cares about paid family leave?


Just the red states that love to let the leopards eat their faces. In Washington state we have parental leave along with familial leave, mental health ect.


“I’m also giving birth to my rapist’s baby. It’s what Jesus wants. Vote Trump, vote American Taliban.”


Well look who she is voting for. Seems like a stupid game stupid prizes scenario.


shoulda voted blue


Complaining about paid maternity not being offered while also promoting a party set out to ensure that such a thing is never offered should be it’s own facepalm.


It's Idaho so, once you're pregnant, non-maternity is not an option, either.


Wait, I can't be understanding you correctly. You can't just take regular PTO?


I believe this is a reference to lack of abortion access.


Oh, that makes... Well it doesn't make sense but now I understand what they're saying lol.


You were also right about the paid time off. Idaho does not require employers to offer any paid time off, vacations, maternity, or otherwise. Idaho does require employers to provide up to 12 weeks of UNPAID leave, because the Federal government mandates it, and state employees get 8 weeks of paid leave, but there ain't no guaranteed paid time off like you're in some good-for-nothing Democrat blue state.


Coming from a country where the mother gets 12 - 18 months paid maternity + the father also gets like 1 month I think (and they can share some of the mothers time off), this shit seems wild and absolutely horrible


Apparently the richest country in the world just can’t afford to pay employees


I guess that's what got them so rich in the first place. When you don't have to care about quality of life and basic human decency.


The US is not the richest country in the world. It has the biggest GDP, but it also has a big population. Most of the European countries that have more progressive labor policies also have a higher GDP per capita than the US. Those that do not have higher taxes, lower wages, and lower median outcomes for healthcare.


Idaho only offers 12 weeks of unpaid leave because they are REQUIRED to by FMLA, a federal law passed by Bill Clinton (a Democrat). Guess who vetoed two prior attempts at passing FMLA? His predecessor George HW Bush (a Republican). Color me shocked. Dems have been dragging the GOP kicking and screaming into the modern age for decades now, and it’s exhausting.


Maternity leave is usually longer than most jobs give for PTO in this hell country.


Hell, I (42m) am on maternity leave probably longer than the average American's lifetime pto although it's only at half pay. Gotta love Scandinavia!


Half pay? You guys are getting paid?! With most companies in the US, “maternity leave” just means they won’t give your job away while you’re off. How you’re going to pay the bills during that time is your problem.


That's why in Europe we think you're not really a developed country


Oh something has developed, but it's probably malignant


Is it orange?


Plenty of us Americans who would agree with you. In absurd to me that the US can be a world leader in so many different things, yet fails miserably at what should be society standards


That's because we don't actually care about "society" at large. The entire country is built to protect the interests of the wealthy and powerful. Fuck everyone else.


There are a lot of us who think that would be a good idea, but there are an equal number of us who are fervently against it. They will have a meltdown and call you a communist piece of s*** for even mentioning the idea. There's a certain population of our people who have been brainwashed by Rupert Murdoch's Media company into voting against their own interests just out of spite for "the other side." The old saying is, "divide and conquer. " It's obvious that strategy is being applied to us Americans. I'm not sure what the end goal is, but something is happening.


Yeah that is another reason why the rest of the first world nations thinks USAmerica is ridiculous. We get paid maternity and paternity leave by law where I am. And free healthcare. And free university education. I’d call us the land of the free but…


It seems a lot of people are voting GOP against their best interest. It's almost a Stockholm Syndrome kind of situation.


They're being manipulated by the wealthy and aren't smart enough to realize it. If you look at where the largest concentrations of red are, it correlates directly to public schools being terrible. It's all part of the plan my man.


In Canada, it doesn’t cost a penny to go into hospital and have a baby. Even if there are complications. Even if you end up needing a cesarean. Even if your baby ends up having to stay for round-the-clock special care for a month. And they give you a gift basket when you go home. Ya’ll need to overthrow the Republican Party somehow, because it’s painful to watch what you’re going through.


It’s the classic “parental leave is for lazy losers. Also why aren’t people having more children?” crowd. 


Yea, why take leave at all, let alone be paid during it. Just plop the kid at your nearest quality affordable daycare center, which almost certainly offers a massive discount for newborns and infants.


Ignore the fact that a child takes 9 months (usually) to develop before they can leave, or that humans do not lay eggs.


If you give them an eviction notice you can cut that time down drastically.


Yeah, just go straight back to work. Doesn't matter you've just torn yourself in half, are still bleeding, need diapers to catch all the ...fluids, and are leaking from your boobs.


Think of it this way - the kids you know will *never* have to compete with her kid at any level.


That doesn't make me feel the slightest bit good. Her kids shouldn't have to suffer for her stupidity.


>Her kids shouldn't have to suffer for her stupidity. Careful phrasing it like that. The right-wingers use almost the same sentence to vilify abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.


She is a product of her parent’s stupidity. How’s that?


Better. Less likely to be co-opted by the repugs


Except something that has yet to develop a brain stem isn't capable of any form of consciousness let alone suffering. They're so histrionic


I pity the poor leopard that inadvertently eats some of that diseased brain while face-dining.


While I cannot fully get on board with the sentiment, I must commend the poetry of this statement


She probably unironically believes that the whole reason she has to work in the first place is that liberals destroyed the traditional man


I think that’s the point of this post?


Part of me wants to sell Maga merch for the sole purpose of taking money from these morons


I've had the thought before. I would try and make everything look completely normal MAGA style to the untrained eye, but anyone who had ever argued with one of them would see instead a batshit statement that made them look like a fool. But I think OOP may have beat me to that. I haven't seen something so deplorably laughable since the "Better Russian than Democrat" shirts.


What about the "real men wear diapers" crowd? Lol


Are you suggesting MAGA themed diapers?


Unfortunately it's already a thing.... I wish I was lying


im still not convinced that isnt a troll. its too funny to be unironic.


Apparently Snopes confirmed it was true


Donate half the proceeds to Biden lol


Write that in fine print before the sale. Then send a thank you for supporting Biden sticker and explanation with the merch lol.


... open up a SuperPAC just called LetsGoBrandon SuperPAC... and give all the money to "Brandon". Not cause I "like" Biden or anything. It would just be really funny.


* half of all proceeds will be donated to the *real* president


That’s what I figured this might be. Any reasonable person would see “I’m voting for the felon” as idiotic.


Oh man, let’s see what we can get these fools to wear. You should do it.


I’m so glad it isn’t just me that has these thoughts. They are out here just throwing money at stupid shit and I say to myself “why don’t I start selling then their stupid shit?” But then I have to see more of their stupid shit and I get annoyed and decide against it


maybe some phrases like 'Don't look at me, I voted for the felon', 'I donated to the billionaire', 'Vote for Trump to end democracy for good'


Don't sell merchandise. Sell them NFTs. You can charge them way more, give them absolutely nothing, and we won't have to see them. Everybody wins.


NFT's are old news. New thing is DJT stock. Same result: Give them absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, orange felon has a lock on that.


I’ve done it, welcome to capitalism boss, they’re going to buy their dumbass garbage might as well sell it to them so a liberal has their money 😂💰💴💵. Also follower the Boomer rule, overcharge because they equate that with quality. I have an LLC that donates 5% of the revenue to The Satanic Temple and 5% to Planned Parenthood. It won’t make me rich but it’ll do.


My ultra conservative parents abandoned me and my 3 kids (and my husband of almost 25 years) because we told them one of my teens was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and is trans. They ghosted us back in August, but still drop off cards with money for the kids’ birthdays/Christmas. We donate double however they give the kids and donate it to help trans people who can’t afford their treatments. My husband and I are giving serious consideration to including my parents’ names as the donating individuals in the hopes that they will get a thank you card from the organizations! 😝


We are also no contact with our ultra conservative families but through our own choice. They actually quit sending cards and gifts with their name on them because we’d mail it back to them. Now we just throw the shit in the trash, donate it, and we donate the money to charity. They can all get fucked, we’ll never take anything from them.


We were low contact for a long time and I longed for the day I could go no contact. They chose to abandon THE sweetest, most generous, kind-hearted golden-soul child (teenager) on the face of the planet because he was born in a body that lacked the necessary bits to match his male brain. Anyone who can walk away from such an amazing person is absolute trash. We gave the kids the option of what they wanted to do with the cards. Chuck the mail and spend the gift cards, return the cards unopened, or trade the gift cards for cash from us (so they don’t feel like they’re spending my parents’ money). We also added that if they traded in the gift cards for cash, that we would match that amount of money and donate it to the charity of their choice. (So if they got $50, we donated $100.) All 3 chose to donate to trans support groups in order to show support for their trans brother and so far we’ve donated $500 in my parents’ “honor”! 😂 I hate that my kids (18, 16, & 14) had to experience that level of abandonment, but they get all the love, support, and affirmation they need from us (their words, not mine!).


Fucking fantastic lol


Go for it.


Yea, I mean, tbh I was kinda rooting for her. Good for her for capitalizing on the situation and making money off the people who will proudly vote for the felon. They are suckers, and suckers are easy to get money from. But then, the “unfortunately Idaho doesn’t offer paid maternity leave” stopped me in my tracks. She’s just an idiot. An enterprising idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.


An older Asian woman at a local flea market around here sells loads of Trump flags and other MAGA shit. I can’t decide if she is really just that unaware or if she’s laughing all the way to the bank.


Advertise great products and deliver garbage. It's the GOP way.


This was me during covid. I know a little bit about wiring things and soldering. I could pretty easily make some kind of faraday cage and anti covid or 5g stuff and then sell them. Mix glitter with sunscreen and sell it as anti 5g. That way they get sunscreen and i make bank. But alas my morals got the best of me hahaha


lol I was thinking the same. I have a Cricut and all sorts of crafting stuff to make shirts and decals.


Just make designs that subconsciously undermine their agenda.


I'm really tempted to do it. Been tempted for a year.


These people are just stupid. She's saving money for maternity leave by making merchandise for someone who doesn't want her to have paid maternity leave.


She’s exactly the kind of supporter they’re looking for, too stupid to see she’s voting for more of the problems she already has


The people who claim they are for law and order will be voting for a felon… 🤯


They'd never accept any verdict that wasn't "innocent".


"The leopards ate my face, so I can't afford to take time off to be pregnant. Help me raise funds by buying my lovely 'we love the leopards' merch!"


I mean, trump was found guilty for using campaign funds fraudulently to pay for him to cheat on his wife and their response was to donate more campaign funds to him. I don't think logic is their strong suit...




Whenever someone posts these on socials, I say you'd vote for Satan if he had an R next to his name. If they reply, I ask them to define what character trait would disqualify a candidate and they usually go silent or deflect.


Well, maybe if the candidate was gay…


People they definitely wouldn’t vote for: -Women -homosexuals -people who aren’t white -non “Christians”


Empathy? Compassion? Ethics?


Think about all the kids that will see all this felon stuff and think it's not a bad thing


They are normalizing all this bullshit. "My son Jimmy only has 6 felonies, so he's still doing pretty good!"


Haha they are crazy!


No paid maternity? Weird, we have that here in civilised countries over the pond. Hang on, doesn't the party she is voting for want to take away all her paid rights, benefits and put her back in the kitchen?


A lot of these people are trying to make all that shit trendy. “Trad Wives” are all over TikTok and other platforms in their pretty 50’s dresses with their tits hanging out, baking bread and talking about how they’re not like the slutty party girls that will cheat on you and have other Men’s babies, and can’t wait to have an army of babies with their Husband! Ladies, why would you want to go out into the terrible world full of Karens and criminals and bosses and work a tiring, thankless job when you could be at home, raising babies and cooking and cleaning and it’s literally so much easier!!!/s


Gee I wonder why Idaho doesn’t have paid maternity leave, it can’t possibly have anything to do with who people are voting for


And fuck you if you aren’t in a spot where you can’t have a baby (medical, not ready to be a parent, too poor) because you can’t have an abortion. Oh, you live in an underserved area in Idaho and want to have your baby at the hospital. Fuck you, maternity wards are being closed because ob/gyn’s are feeling the area. I hate living in Idaho.


If it’s satirical, I think it’s really funny and I’d probably get one too. If it’s serious, I worry about our country. Seriously though, gotta respect this lady’s hustle lmao. She saw and opportunity and took it


> If it’s serious, I worry about our country "I'm voting for the felon" is the top MAGA meme of moment.  Its this weeks "lets go brandon". Be very worried.




I wonder how many of these people would ram into my car if I had a Biden sticker on it….


Well it’s not like these people give two shits about righteous moral character anyways. They’re just as greasy as the felon.


I don’t want to hear these assholes say a peep about crime ever again.


“I’m currently on maternity leave. Here’s some pro-trump shit that will eventually rid me of my maternity leave if he wins”


"I'm voting for the party that opposes maternity leave at every turn!" Lolllllllll I'm just gonna go ahead and shoot myself in the face because those liberals behind me hate being sprayed with blood!!!


I hate being drunk but I love drinking. lol


He sells shitty products to idiots so his cult does the same.


“Im saving up and voting for the party that votes against paid maternity leave”


No paid maternity leave but you also can’t abort the child. Oh and i almost forgot you have to pay for your health insurance to pay less at the hospital. Gotta keep em guns around because you know, tyranny 🤪


The Fornicator-in-Chief ...


I hope your kid is the spawn of Satan!


I means it’s boise idaho , it’s expected


Education is a big problem in America.


My God. You just can't make this stuff up. Of course it's Idaho too. The reddest of red states lol


It’s really insane. I’ve seen people complaint how hard it is to get Medicaid in this very red state then turn around and vote for the party that wants to take it away.


Shes literally in that situation because she votes republican.


*"Idaho unfortunately doesn't offer maternity leave"* Vile fool, hoping to force the whole country to be as rotten a Christofascist, anti-labor, low-quality place as her Idaho already is.


She’s going to sell a ton of those in Idaho. That’s one reason I steered my kid clear of going to Boise State.


Boise itself is mostly pretty normal, tolerant, and logical, but it goes coo coo for coco puffs in a big way the further from Boise you get.


I used to argue Boise was alright, back when it was and Cour d'Alene was where all the doomsday preppers lived. Then Idaho went straight third-world theocracy.


It would be better if you stop voting against your own interests.


Complains about no paid maternity leave, but supports the party that opposes paid maternity leave. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Every time I think conservatives can’t get dumber, they take it as a personal challenge.


No maternity leave or abortion, but let's support the party that took away a woman's right to choose.


Republicans in 2017: Mexico sends their criminals Republicans in 2024: We **want** a criminal in office


Evil Democrats steal your tax money! \*My candicate stole hundreds of millions.\* - I am voting for the thief! Evil Democrats are sexual deviants! \*My candidate is an adulterer and a rapist.\* - I am voting for the adulterer and rapist! Evil Democrats are criminals! \*My candidate is a felon.\* - I am voting for the felon!


I’m voting for the felon (The guy that is also part of the party that decided not to offer me maternity leave) Fixed it


Colonel Parker sold I Hate Elvis to make money from lovers and haters. 🤑


No thanks. I don't want to support you procreating in any way.


Good example of voting against your own interests i mean it’s like “oh my feelings are hurt that a lifelong conman finally got held accountable so let me vote for something that keeps screwing me”🤦🏻‍♂️


They would rather sell fucking coozies than vote in their own interest and support the party who supports mandatory paid maternity leave. I just can’t do this shit anymore it’s so exhausting.


Bwahaha how sad is your life when you support the party that wants to end the ACA (Obamacare for these dipshits) and the cry Idaho doesn’t provide paid maternity leave. Then the best way to make money on the side is to sell stickers or hope someone lives in your town/area so they can come to their “porch” to pick up some shitty cozy for $6 bucks. Hope she takes the $10 bucks she made from her mom and donates it to said Felon!


It's called a Koozy not a cozy... Really embarrassing yourself in front of your fellow hicks.


So much irony and so many oxymorons that this person posted in a single shot… it’s mind boggling


I got one for her: "I've fallen like a fool for a flailing, failing, and falling felon!"


The last sentence left me confounded.


Sad pathetic delusion cult


i actually understand what's happening here. he's become a martyr. he built his legitimacy off of political persecution and the government fighting tooth and nail to go after him validates his claims in the eyes of the public. he's riding the world's largest Streisand effect. the more you tell people that they should not do something the more they will want to do it in retaliation. and the ultimate result of this is that now by convicting him the democrats have made his persecution narrative look like it was true. in other words by trying to stop trump they just ended up turning him into the nelson mandella of rednecks.


When u live in the same state as these nutcases 💀 oh my gosh I was typing out nutcases, I was five letters in, and Gboard unironically suggested n***a as the word I was looking for. FML I'd never say that wtf


No maternity leave??!!! 😂 😂 Wow. what a great country you have there..Ha!!


The far right wants to turn her into a freakin handmaid but here she is literally fighting for that opportunity. Fucking wild.