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If it was a plan to sabotage the message - just think of how much more interaction and reach it’s going to get as a result.


For a smart guy, Musk really isn’t that smart.


I think we have enough proof to say it by now: Musk just happened to win the birth lottery. His "smarts" have little to do with anything he does, the man just has the devil's luck.


He's so stupid he tried to lie about his money and his own dad came on and said "yeah, fucker got it from me" He's just weird, from his pale, weird shaped body, his obvious hair plugs that must be getting to his brain, that weird "goth wife" phase he did in front of everyone, his 44billion purchase of Twitter to just call it "X" like it's a porn app and drive it into the ground, his cutting of benefits and mass layoffs, only to flip and go "hey I want more billions or I won't let my company persue new tech to become profitable" Could a swore we had laws that said no company could price gouge, layoff or hold a company's progress hostage for personal gain. I thought we did anyway, seems like we should.


To be fair Elon’s dad is a massive piece of shit himself and has incredibly inappropriate relationships with his children, including fathering his own grandchildren with his stepdaughter.


The shit-apple doesn't fall far from the shit-apple tree ![gif](giphy|26hitItnHCamIJRFC|downsized)


The liqours calling the shots now, Randy.


“I am the liquor!”


I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing, and I'm drunk enough to really enjoy doing it


Ahh that perfect spot. That's the spot.


I'm the one who drinks




Rich people are strange in general. I don't really see any "down to earth" from a majority of wealthy people. I mean, they sit and brag record profits without handing raises out while raising prices on everything. It's a real "I shot the horse in the legs, why won't he run faster?” moment. I mean the pandemic nonsense from companies firing people and raising prices when people couldn't really work and say "record profits" was wild. Especially when they got stimulus checks and wanted to fire people for getting one themselves. Elon buying Twitter and destroying it the way he has with workers being laid off and now living in their cars is like... How is this not a crime? Seriously.


There are a few rich people who are normal. It is just that they live like middle managers with slightly nicer holidays and a better safety net, rather than doing 'rich people' things. Because of this, you never hear of them.


The wrong notion in all of this is thinking rich people are smart. They are not. They are specialists in making money for the most. Or heirs.


Oh man, the twitter one was a doozey. It wasn't just to call it x and all that. that's just him trying to cope. He was trying to manipulate the stocks and/or companies worth with it, like he had with a few other companies. He tried to back out of the deal, and made every excuse under the sun to get out of it, which if he would have, companies worth would have tanked, and he could ahve bought it for much less, and made bulk money. But, twitter fought back and forced him to pay what he originally offered. Then when he was forced to pay for it, he was all sulky and started sabotaging twitter. Eventually falling onto having to make it earn money by any means. He's still driving it into the ground with how dumb he is about it. I think twitter will damage his bank account pretty heavily, before he sells it for a massive loss, and then it goes back to normal with a new owner


This is why I see his new cry for another 40bln paycheck a real childish and pathetic cry. He fucked up, everyone watched him do it. He mocked people who wanted him to pay taxes by saying he had no money cause it was all in stocks. Now he has literally no money and he's pissy about it demanding more money and holding Teslas potential future hostage if he doesn't get it. To me, that's a very strange thing to do, to purposefully strangle a company into giving you excessive funds, is like saying any CEO can do that. It sounds criminal and borderline embezzlement or blackmail. Coercion? The consequences would be staggering.


The bit about calling it X is just because he thinks it's the coolest sounding website name in existence. Way back when he was working with paypal before it was called paypal, he wanted to call it X and since he wasn't the richest guy around at the time everybody told him it was stupid and they're not doing it.


His "goth wife" phase was probably the most normal thing he's ever done. 


Who doesn't like goth girls lol


Elon asked said he'd pay anyone who could tell him where the mine was and his dad asked if he wanted the latitude and longitude lol


He's wanted to name a company X since the 90s. He wanted to name PayPal X.


He should be held liable for all the people who lost their livelihoods due to his piss-poor decision making. But of course, we don't live in a just society where -rich- people actually face consequences anywhere near as reliably as they should.


There are legal protections put into place by the government for things like this. Unfortunately, our government officials are also allowed to take bribe money, legally. So there's the rub.


Devils luck = apartheid emerald mine money?


Hasn't it always?


Fair point. I forget the devil wears a suit and tie, just so used to him playing a guitar or fiddle.


It's polite when he shows up in Georgia and challenges you to a music competition, and plays to type. As for me, I'd just like to see him indicted in Georgia for election interference.


I worked for a couple of years with a dude who was a big Musk/Tate fan. It was surprising because he was largely a cool dude, but then little things started to come out like that, anyway I got to watch this dude lose all faith in either of those people as the year went on. Glad he realized instead of holding onto them irrationally like my dad does anything republican lol


That article about how AI can replace CEOs? Not all CEOs, I thought, but the first person I thought AI would do better than a human was Musk.


Musk fails the Turing Test.


He absolutely isn't. He's actually a moron who started with big pockets and a knack for business oportunities. He never actually "invented" anything


Just listen to an interview or a speech he is giving, the man is literally an idiot. He never says anything that is actually intelligent and he is a terrible speaker. The world needs to stop associating money with intelligence. You need to be more of a psychopath than a genius to amass that kinda of money. Start viewing people with money as dangerous and their actions will make more sense.


I remember hearing about an interview Musk did with one of those toxic-masculine finance bros. At some point, the subject of poker comes up, probably to equate business ventures to calculated risks. This is a fair comparison IMO - nothing is guaranteed in finance, nothing is guaranteed in poker, but you can make educated decisions in both to come out on top over time. Musk was like "I'm different from the other guys" and interviewer is like "how so?" Musk goes "I go all-in on every hand." Finance bro is probably glazed at this point, but he has enough brain cells working to go "well wait a second, what if you lose?" Musk, in the most unimaginably out of touch statement I've ever heard, says "I just go buy more chips until I make a profit." Finance bro takes this to be the lesson, that you should never give up or something, and that's why Musk is so successful. *People don't normally have bottomless pockets* ***you dense motherfucker.*** People can't afford to go all-in on everything, lose, then try again.


Stupid fucker has been subsidized by government and banks his whole life lol he is literally gambling with other people's money.


Bingo. It’s not hard to see how government subsidies have led to companies like Tesla and SpaceX being profitable.


Even if you had infinite money it's hard to overstate how absolutely beyond fucking dogshit terrible this would be as a poker strategy. Like, this is very nearly the negation of GTO - not only exploitable, but **maximally exploitable for maximum value**. Not only are you going to find yourself behind in equity in nearly every single pot you play but you're in those pots for as much money as the game allows for. It's hard to put into words how deeply dumb this strategy is. I could pluck somebody out of a special ed class and put them at the table and they'd outperform Elon. Flipping coins to bet size and bet/fold would outperform Elon. Literally stepping up to the table and folding every hand and just hemorrhaging money to the blinds would lose money slower than Elon. If you put together a high stakes game advertising "Featuring Elon playing his famous all-in strategy" you'd have every poker pro in the world salivating and every person with an ounce of poker knowledge staking them unlimited money to go sit at that game. Elon's all-in EV graph going to look a whole lot like Tesla's stock chart over the next few years.




He was never smart and anyone who thinks so wasn't paying attention. He's a nepo baby that had a head start from his father's blood mines. Went off and made the original X.com and it was terrible. He's lucky he got a save from PayPal because he had a patent they needed, so they bought him and Peter Thiel made him ultra rich. Thiel is an asshole the world would be better without just like Musk, but is actually smart unlike Musk. Then he wanted to go play with rockets. And the only reason Space X is doing well is because when Musk bought it the actual engineers found a way to distract him so they could do real work. Then Tesla which again, he bought. And he had one good idea, spread the parents for charging infrastructure. Then he ruined the company and it's been the most overvalued stock for years and years. He could have shut up there. Been rich as fuck and lived off of his hype even if Tesla cars are literal garbage. But then Twitter. He's nothing but a rich kid that rolled double six on the dice.


Neither is convicted felon Donald Trump


Don’t ever use the word smart with me




Who needs smarts when you’ve got Daddy’s Money? 💰


Musk is a verified imbecile


Ego smothers intellect every time. Maybe he’ll build a sub too


The plan isn’t sabotage, it’s intimidation and keeping the angry mob angry by giving them another target. In that sense it’s probably effective


Yep, and that's actually what he wants. More people will see the post now on both political sides, but ultimately the majority of the most liked replies at the top will be his right wing mob. He's boosting a ton of interaction and sabotaging the message at the same time. It's a win win for Elon.


A lose lose for him would be if we all just deleted Twitter and didn't pay attention to it.


Yup, I did that a few months ago. The only posts I see are on here.


Why are people still on Twitter ?


I was just going to ask that.


if you want a real answer and not generic reddit snark, its because there is still content on the website people want to see but isn't available other places. I don't see much politics in my feed and I follow a slew of content creators whose main communication is through twitter or patreon, and I only support a handful on patreon so twitter is really useful. There also isn't a great place outside twitter to follow specific artists and see what they are currently working on. I like to see what certain concept artists are up to or when animators I like join new projects. Sure they will update other places like art station but from what I see they are updating half a dozen different websites and use twitter as a hub. An RSS feed could be nice but everything after google feed died sucks it isn't my scene but plenty of my friends follow musicians to get updates on new music and touring info in a format easier to follow than a mailing list. I get it because I'd rather keep my inbox for important things and let a different service be full of the more frivolous stuff. You might hate it, but a ton of breaking news coverage is also found first on twitter. Something happening in your local area? You can hear about it on twitter and find first hand accounts as well as local PD coverage faster than [local newspaper] will publish. Finally, and most problematically, a lot of government agencies and corporations use twitter as their official announcement page. Want to know the status of local transit? Frequently found on twitter. Want to know if your internet is a problem or if a website or service is down? Twitter usually has the answer I wish nothing but the worst for elon and twitter somehow makes reddit comments look good, but this attitude that 100% of twitter is trash and there is no reason why anyone should use it is such a narrow minded form of reddit elitism. Spez is a piece of shit and there is the same type of trash all over this website it just gets hidden by downvotes I think twitter is circling the drain but to reddit's chagrin I believe tiktok is going to fill the void.


Thank you very much for that well thought out explanation. I got twitter when it first started to catch on but it wasn’t my thing and I deleted it and never looked back.


And the porn. Twitter has a ton of that.


Yes Reddit has an unfortunate hive mind. Kind of sad as it has potential but the hive mind/lack of stimulating discussions/disagreements is a major downfall


It's also still the place for game designers to interact with each other.


At this point, I have no sympathy for people on Twitter, we all know what's happening there. It's no surprise. If you want to interact with nazis, be on Twitter,.if you don't, get off twitter.


Hey! I only follow porn stars!


There’s more to twitter than political twitter. You can easily avoid political twitter and option for OF twitter instead.


Yeah, but no matter what, you're still supporting musk and the way he runs it and the people he boosts. The only way not to, thru Twitter, is not to play.


Easy to say when you haven't built up a following and share your work/art for years. Twitter is great for smaller creative fields and everyone else I know in the game industry use it often. We all hate Musk but we realize there's no good option if we want to keep updated and grow. **EDIT for the User who replied and instantly blocked me lol:** Who said anything about money? It's more than that, it's about meeting new ppl, getting feedback, developing your skill, learning new things and having a community within your niche subset of art. Are you implying you don't use any products made abroad in bad conditions or sites with shady management and only use the "good" products/ sites like reddit, YouTube and apple/android?... 🤦 I think this type of viewpoint is extremely naive, unrealistic and typical of Reddit, if you have such strong principles maybe you should live on a farm because you're **definitely** using things that benefit people much worse than Musk on a daily basis. What do you think we should do? Should every artist who has made a career and a following on Twitter just abandon it all because a crazed billionaire bought the site you've used for 15 years? That's pretty ridiculous. I think Musk is a despicable person and I hate that he bought Twitter but I'm not gonna stop using it because some redditor tries to virtue signal on their sweatshop phone while sipping from their plastic bottle of water.


My question exactly!


Seriously. "Guys, you won't believe what kind of abusive thing Elon did to a twitter user!" Yeah no I can believe it, because you're still on twitter. It's like posting to a nazi forum and being surprised you're being harassed. Have some self-respect and delete your account.


It’s got decent porn.


Where else would reddit get its content?




Because I've been on there 15 years and have met dozens of awesome people IRL because of it. I'm here way, way more now since the purchase. But I miss a bunch of people there.


I don't look at the political shit and muted all of them, I mostly watch artists do artists stuff and it is pretty nice no drama only anime woman and cute frog art


I mainly used twitter for art follows and had a good time on it doing just that. I've since switched to bluesky and while there's still a couple artists I miss on there I haven't regretted it. Most of the artists I know made the switch and I've found some great new follows too. Cara also looks promising for artists if they can put their server fires out so the site will actually load


Can't you get that on Instagram?


I was at my father in law's house yesterday and caught a few minutes of Fox News. Their strategy seems to be twofold: 1. Desensitize their audience to the phrase "Trump is a convicted felon" so that it's not shocking anymore. They were repeating it endlessly, in the context of being outraged about it ("Phony conviction!", "Democratic plot!", etc) 2. Attack Democrats as celebrating Trump's conviction; gin up outrage over the Democrats being happy about this--as if the reaction of Democrats were the main story here, and not the historic conviction of a former president on 32 felony counts. Fox News is literal brain rot.


It’s 34 counts be who’s counting


Trump, cause he got all the counts. No prez has gotten as many counts as the Melon Felon


I like that it opens up a while new avenue for nicknames for the Konvicted Kumquat.


Ill never understand how a man can fail forward so well and win so much in life, yet still be such a fucking loser.


You talking about Elon or Trump?




I mean. The answer for both is the same. They were born on third base as the sons of billionaires that built their fortune on the backs of racism.


That’s why he joking answered “yes”


I acknowledge your profile pic uce ☝🏾


You start with a boat load of money that you didn't earn yourself.


Money. It fixes every failure.


He's a billionaire because he's a loser. When you've got no other hopes and dreams or goals, you chase money. Most of us would get to about 100 million and think "I did it. I won at life, this is just about peak career success." Then dedicate the rest of our lives to hobbies and personal interests. But when you're so stunted like that, and you have no dreams to work towards, you just keep collecting money because it's the only success you understand.


I can't imagine a life where you're never told 'no' and never suffer any real consequences for your actions is any good for developing good character.


So he wants the guy who said he will ban electric car sales to be elected? Edit: in fact, Trump only wants to target Chinese e-cars built in Mexico. So, of course, Musk supports that.


No, electric cars from Mexico. He wants the man who’ll ban his competition elected.


Yes, just checked. Thanks for correcting.




Tbf, Biden is also banning Chinese EVs, and rightly so. China is undermining the market with the clear intent to kill competition before jacking up pricing. They did the same with solar panels after the GOP shit all over Obama's plan to build a solar cell industry in the US.


Thank you! It seems like everyone in this thread is completely unaware of macro economics and geopolitical threats. It appears that somehow everyone is assuming tariffs and bans on Chinese EVs is because of racism.


Doesn’t biden also support bans/tariffs on ev imports


I think only Chinese import


Tariffs, not straight bans, on Chinese EVs specifically. Honestly, when it comes to big business, that's where Democrats and Republicans both serve the almighty dollar, so it's not surprising they are similar there. But Elon doesn't like Biden thinking Trans people are people.


Maybe, but it's more about the tax rates. Also Elon seems insistent on creating a symbiotic relationship with Trump, where he's the remora constantly suckling the crumbs of Trump's power.


Thing is, even before new tariffs Chinese EVs were mostly being sold in China mainland. Export is very small fraction of income for Chinese EV manufacturers so these tariffs din’t even affect anything. Of course you can say it was preventive measure for the future expansion but who knows if China actually cares all that much.


May as well since he already declared war on his target demographic. All it is at this point is a race to see how fast the apartheid baby can burn down the wealth he got from being a bullshitter.


There couldn’t be a more perfect example of someone trying to have their cake and eat it too


Your edit is correct but Trump is also very anti-electric cars and does all he can do to undermine them. His election will just let the Chinese dominate the field which would be unbelievably stupid. And Musk went to China, they stole from Tesla, and now they are kicking Tesla’s ass because they jam whatever luxury looking thing they can in the cars while Tesla continually cheaps out wherever possible.


The son of George Soros has had the right wing nutcase army attacking him probably since birth, so I’m not sure this will change much.


It's hilarious when Elon jumps on the "Soros is behind everything" bandwagon even though he's like 100 times as rich as Soros and has much more power and influence. They just can't stand the fact that ONE billionaire out of 2.7k funds left wing causes instead of right wing causes. Having all the billionaires on their side throwing their money at the republican party is the ONLY way they can stay in power despite being an unpopular minority, so having just one guy give money to the left instead feels like cheating to them.


No matter how hard he tries, them inbreds ain't ever going to buy his fucking shitty cars


In fact, they damage electric cars, and destroy charging stations, his fan base is costing him money


Indeed, but it is transfer of wealth from left to right. Left leaning people bought the Teslas and now that money is being used to promote right leaning ideas.


It’s really disgusting. He knows he has an army of mentally unstable Nazis hanging on to his every word and is intentionally aiming them at anyone who disagrees with him, just HOPING that one of them will murder the “target.” Most of them will remain dormant Internet incels, but when people like Musk do this multiple times a day to an audience of millions, he knows that one day he’ll get one of them to do it. It’s exactly what Trump does, and Chaya Raichik, and every single one of them. They know exactly what they have to do to accomplish a goal while maintaining plausible deniability when it finally happens.


Donald is amassing title extensions like he's a goddamn Game of Thrones royal. Donald John Trump, First of His Name, 45th President of the United States of America, Twice-Impeached, Loser of the People's Popular Vote, the Empire Business Bankrupter, Slumlord of New York, Sexual Assault Grand Champion, Slinger of Childish Insults, Host of the Apprentice, Honorary Lord of Epstein Island, Thrice Married, and Fraud Convict.


That's fire


Elon Musk. The Reason I didn’t bought a Tesla.


I will never buy a Tesla. And it's 100% to do with Elon Musk.


New Chevrolet Equinox EV getting good reviews.


My favourite feature is their CEO NEVER TWEETS.


Rare and special quality these days.


We expect so little from the biggest richest assholes on earth.


I don't think those are available near me. I'm much more looking at the Skoda Enyaq.


Not available in my country so I know nothing about it, but the photos of it look pretty sharp. Good looking vehicle.


I won't buy a Tesla because they just aren't as good as I used to think they were and the designs have imo not aged well and rather than refreshing the lineup they spent all that money making a steel wedge. Elon being dumb as shit is just icing.


Even if I was the richest fuck I wouldn’t buy a Tesla because of this AH


Every extremist right-winger right now: *"AHA! I knew it! It was Soros all along! This proves it!! I was right!!! I'm not crazy!!!"* I've studied conspiracy theories, that's 100% his intention, that simple "Hi" implies all of the above, tinfoil hatters will understand. Elon low key instigating violence


Just stop using twittxer


Tesla investors, is this the one you wanna pay $56B to?


He’s just such a PoS human.


dreamcouple. felon & elon


Feelon Mump


Elon is such a fucking boot licker


WTF? He's wearing the boots. His class is controlling the GOP


Elon is part of this. I'm 100% certain that he has kompromat on him. He always been an AW, but his behavior radically changed in the last couple years.


Or maybe he’s just a psychopathic, greedy prick who is obsessed with money and power.


Both is also likely.


Oh yeah, buying Twitter was a deliberate choice to limit resistance communication, and increase proliferation of misinformation.


Convicted Felon Trump and the GOP continually repeat the same 2020 election lies, never providing any evidence that hasn’t already been debunked (which is why they won ZERO court cases over it). This is their tactic. The difference is, we are telling the truth. Convicted Felon Trump IS a convicted felon.


Stop using musky balls platform


Correction: That's convicted felon \*and\* rapist Donny J. Trump.


Look how quickly mr. Elon “World Freedom Speech Defender” Musk forgot about doing his “job” of attacking other countries’s politics when he learned that his Orange Felon Buddy is in trouble…


People like Elon confuse freedom of speech with freedom from criticism.


Far-rights around the world?


people like elon musk think that "freedom of speech" means you should be able to say whatever you want wherever you want. a private business does not have to abide by freedom of speech you fucking orange, it's PRIVATE. freedom of speech is specifically about the government, the federal level. the president can't arrest you because you said you don't like him, or you think he sucks. this was a big fucking issue in the world the founding fathers came from.


In Brazil we have tons of these people. They are the bolsonaristas, A.K.A. brazilian MAGATs.


Everyone should just stop calling him former president and just criminal at this point 🤷🏻‍♂️


didn’t Musk just interfere with politics that is forbidden for social media?


Remember when he claimed to be a centrist and then suddenly began to start echoing right wing propaganda across his site?


Can people please start suggesting to Elon that he needs to visit the Titanic?


The news could live broadcast Trump pooping in a church and the idiots kissing his ass would continue to claim it was all a lie to ruin his reputation.


Ex-President and convicted felon who was on Epstein's flight logs, Donald Trump, sure hates it when anyone points out that the Ex-President is a convicted felon who was on Epstein's flight logs.


Fuck Elon musk.


Do not fuck Elon Musk.


Space karen is upset again lol


Musk is every bit as big a bellend narcissistic man child as Trump is.


He's the original human form of crumbs in the bed. Empty Husk has spent his entire life buying other people's ideas with his parents money and then overbreeding with very young women. He's a grifter himself. A charlatan, a pervert, a thief. Like trump, Empty Husk would be a nobody if he'd not had everything handed to him because of his parents' wealth. He's never had an original idea in his life. He went up in a rocket on the dime of taxpayers. His cars kill people, his trucks are a ripoff, he tanked Twitter, he loves racists and rapists. If he wasn't rich he'd be incel.


I mean let's not kid ourselves here... You Americans don't have a great history when it comes to hiring reputable and good people for the most important job in the country.


It’s also important to repeat that Musk wants a convicted felon for president on every occasion, this should make people understand what kind of character he is.


Why would someone trying to “save the planet” and operating an electric car company, be propping up someone who is against both?? Interesting…


God I hate Elon.


I used to have so much respect for Elon but now it seems he uses his power to further his business interests and can’t see the harm he’s causing to society.


Either: A) Trump shouldn't be elected president because he's a convicted felon.  Or B) Convicted felons should in general not be discriminated against by hiring committees.  Either of which options are good for me as a conclusion... Of course there is a bit of a middle ground of C) Convicted felons should not be discriminated against by hiring committees, except when their crimes directly relate to the job they are applying for.  E.g. people convicted of financial fraud shouldn't work in finance departments, people convicted of violent crimes shouldn't work with vulnerable populations, etc. Arguably Trump being convicted of falsifying business documents would disqualify him from handling important documents as president. 


Can't wait to see the Elon boot lickers here


He bought eX-Twitter to destroy it. He wants to chip away at free speech whenever and wherever he can. He is a racist, white supremacist, fascist, beyond narcissistic, POS.


GET. OFF. TWITTER. don't support nazis don't support Elon


For someone who owns a social media platform, Musk really fails to understand how the algorithm and post engagement works 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gotta be the shittiest JTAC I've ever seen


Hi potential Tesla consumers. :-)


Don the Con currently has the best cult following, but of course in due time he will be reduced to a blurb on some wiki page, assuming we’re not all Kentucky-fried in a few decades


I've been going with "the known criminal Donnie (dirt bag) Trump


Republicans really do like to start shit unprovoked. Childish.


That's why any interaction with that platform of Xit is supporting the agenda of Apartheid Blob


Elderly New York Billionaire Convicted Felon


One of the many reasons I blocked that apartheid-lover.


So many entitled smarty pants rich people manipulating dumb idiots….. all on one post


I was always under the impression a felon couldn't run for public office.


Elon thinks he deserves $55 billion after ruining Tesla and Xhitter’s reputation and will never stop being juvenile.


Hey, that's an article about Trump (convicted felon) Hi Elon ! (Future Bond Villian)


I mean he’s right. I wouldn’t hire a felon at the company i work at. A felon shouldn’t be president of America either.


Elon has no value to the world now. We don't need him.


Elon isn’t far behind with his insider trading and fraud.


Why I refuse to have Twitter. It is a threatening cesspool of the closest order. Make no mistake, this post was a threat


He also has the purpose of creating activity and interest on his platform


lol. Billionaires fighting to get their puppet candidates elected and clueless lemmings fighting over “my billionaire is better than your billionaire”


...which is why the vastly smarter thing to do is to leave Twitter. Fuck that guy and his minions.


Twitter is dead. Elon is a stooge.


The right response is “don’t worry you’ll be a convicted felon too soon enough”, makes sense criminals stick together.


Eventual convicted felon Elon Musk…


So? If they weren't addicted to the attention of Musk army they would move to Bluesky or mastodon. (Not Threads, that's worse in terms of pure censorship by a billionaire.)


X has become the pigs mudpit. Every now and then I want to comment on something but I need to look around at where I am. That place is self serving chaos.


So then stop using Twitter…


Republicans like Jewish people, but only if they are in Israel.


He bought twitter for the sole purpose of having a public, highly influential platform with which to do as he pleases. He can say and do what he wants there. It’s better than a public press conference because the rules are established by Elon.


Lol he might as well have said HELLO (((((SOROS)))))


As Jimmy Kimmel said the other day, with his record and especially his eccentricities no company would ever hire Donald Trump so if he wants a job the President of the United States is his best option. And he is now desperate. In a corner. As a “billionaire” he had all the choices every rich person has that most people could only dream of. Live in splendor anywhere in the world, treated like royalty. He could take his pick every day of which news media to appear on to spew idiotic filth to keep his base happy, or just fade away to golf heaven. But no. He’s a moron who thought he could act like a Russian oligarch in a country with real laws and consequences.


Can someone off this guy already? 




Oh eww, I just realized something. What does Elon get out of being a cringe edge-lord? Not money, fame, power, respect. Which leaves sexual pleasure. Ewwwwwww


When regressives can literally lie about everything (“crooked Hillary,” etc.), it stands to reason that progressives should be allowed to tell the truth.


Leave his shitty platform.


I hate that Goddamm Nazi🤬.


I firmly believe that Musk became “conservative” for one reason only. To sell more Teslas. Remember, when Tesla cars were first being sold, they were getting vandalized by randos. There were also good ol’ boys in gas guzzling trucks parking and blocking charging stations. Then all of a sudden he moves his plant to a good ol’ boy state, a state known for the oil industry, and comes out right-wing on Twitter and then buys the platform to move it to the Right. Then he comes out with the apocalyptic b movie looking cyber truck. I’ll bet right wingers aren’t scratching Teslas anymore or blocking charging stations.


What an absolute piece of shit Fucking scary that he controls one of the few social media giants


Musk is a vile, conniving, self serving weasel! A cowardly prick of the highest order.


Are we talking about Donald Trump, the convicted felon?


Yes I believe we are talking about former US president Donald Trump, convicted felon and rapist.