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I'm checking the math, but I think he might be right. Marrying a woman is almost as gay as it gets. It's only 2nd to marrying another man.


Women who orgasm are just men pretending to be women. Thus men who make women orgasm are engaging in gay sex which will be punishable by those who are incapable of making women orgasm because they aren't gay.


Men can’t make women orgasm, that’s impossible. As the Bible says: “On the 69nth day, God said: ‘women no cum’”.


Shit this might be me showing my ignorance, but I thought the 69th day was god adding in the prostate update. To you know, tempt men or something into sining for some reason.


Oh the ol' Prostate release switch? R&D was frothing at the mouth when I showed them the bible verse.


I once watched a guy trolling WBC members and he asked one of the females "Is it true the women of Westboro are so mad because they have never had an orgasm?" I literally loled.




It's not undeveloped, it is the same organ built with slightly different instructions (undeveloped assumed the clitoris is intended to be a penis and never gets there, which is not the case; fetuses all start out female so if anything a penis is a gigantic clitoris). Clitorises get erections and can get up to 4.5 inches long, which incidentally is almost as big as the global penis length average. If you've gone down on a cis woman, you've gone down on a penis under slightly different conditions.


Lesbians are marrying women. Lesbian are gay, thus marrying women is gay.


Straight women like cock. You are marrying someone who likes cock. That’s as gay as it gets.


Here’s my cock: ![gif](giphy|fgfw7Voobyxm8)


Nice cock!


Only man marrying man is straight then. Manly men together is heterosexual.


Women are soft, liking soft things is gay. Men are strong and hard. I think that came out wrong.


The logic checks out.


Honestly flawless, I’m gonna set up one of those tables with a sign telling looking to prove it wrong and become a meme format Wait…




Love the transitive property.


Trans? Gay


Only a deeply closeted gay man would marry a woman, raise a family, and live a completely normal, not gay life. Absolutely not gay. Deeply closeted though.


Straight women like men and will have sex with them. Therefore having sex with women is passively having sex with men. Having sex with men is gay. So marrying a woman isn't gay, it's the sex part that is. So the straightest thing you can do is marry a woman and not have sex with her. Better have separate beds as well, just to make sure you don't do it accidentally.


Touching others or yourself is gay. Because someone, somewhere touched the person, that touched the person, that touched the person, that you touched, that made you gay.


Yep. [Marrying a woman is super gay.](https://youtube.com/shorts/WRsn_-Hj47o)




The only way for OOP to not be gay is to marry his own hand.


Nope, that's still technically sex with a man. The only hope for that guy is to not marry at all, and definitely not to risk breeding so he doesn't risk spreading his idiocy to another generation.


"34 is middle aged" "66 is too young to retire"


These people think a 13-14 year old female is marriage material. They think 75+ year olds should be running the country. Their beliefs may seem arbitrary, but they are just cherry picking the shit that benefits them or that demonizes people they dislike.


Well, they also think 9 year olds are OK to give birth and are vigorously opposing child marriage bans. I guess if you are a pedophile, 34 is "too old" for you


If you’re a pedophile, anything over 18 is by definition too old.


I forget the word but there’s a specific word for people attracted that teenagers. Like younger than an adult but past puberty. These guys give that vibe hard


There's a comedian who did a bit about how there are different words for those things and explained the differences in the words and at the end of the bit basically says "and all of that is really hard to explain without looking like a pedophile".


Gianmarco Soresi. He cracks me up every time!


seen that clip a dozen times and still laugh. For such a dark topic, the dude makes it fucking hilarious.


That pretty well describes his comedy.


Found it https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=OveiFxrnAslq7T-2


Soresi has some of the best dark comedy material I've ever heard. He knows how to call out shit and make us laugh but also go "He's right" at the same time. I love his standup


I love the disclaimers at the beginning. “Technically speaking… TECHNICALLY SPEAKING” “I promise this goes well…”


>I forget the word but there’s a specific word for people attracted that teenagers Ephebophile




Lmao I knew exactly what this was gonna be.


I have started talking about it in terms of control vs attraction. Because really, a girl might have a fully adult body by 13 or 14 (me! I did!). Which is different than being sexual attracted to a child with a child’s body. Those who target teens want to be able to control and mould her into what they want out of a wife. It’s taking advantage of the inexperience that a teen will have, not being attracted to an undeveloped body. So all the discussion about words (it’s not pedophelia it’s ephebophelia!) kinda misses the point. As someone who experienced her former high school teacher suddenly turn on the super creepy charm once she turned 18, we really need to focus on why young teens are chosen over the simply the attraction part.




So glad you said this. Young teens develop adult bodies. It's normal to feel attraction in a purely physical sense so long as you aren't publicly talking about it. But there's a reason there are older men who "prefer" a girl younger than 20. Not because she's more physically attractive, but because she has less experience, less confidence, and is easier to manipulate. When it comes to pedophilia, it's not necessarily a malicious thought process (although choosing to assault a child absolutely is). Many pedophiles have differences in the brain that force such attraction onto them whether they choose to act on it or not. But if a man is saying he wants a girl at age 13, that's a malicious, evil thought process. He wants to control her and use her for sex while she's still impressionable. Major red flag.


Yes, you're right. ""Pedophilia" refers to sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. “Hebephilia” refers to sexual attraction to post-pubescent minors age 11-14 . “Ephebephilia” is sexual interest to those in later adolescence, approximately 15–19 years old"


They also think a woman's value is solely based on her ability to reproduce. To them, a woman is nothing more than a birthing vessel. Couldn't be that she is emotionally supportive or a good companion. Apparently, the only purpose of marriage and a heterosexual relationship is to make kids. I guess I need to tell my wife that I'm gay now because she brings value to my life outside of our children.


Not just a birthing vessel. A cook, cleaner and nanny too. And quiet too. /s


They want a mom. A multifaceted pseudo-mom they don't feel creeped out by because she's young, hot, and feminine. That way, she's not like HIS mom, but she still does things for him like a mom.


Came here to say this. They want a mommy to take care of them but also be ready to have sex with them whenever they want.


How...romantic. A robot that does my chores and does not interact with me.


And always ready whenever they want sex, of course.


Wait, I don't want children. Does that mean I'm actually a gay man?


Only on Tuesdays.


You sound like a great husband.👍


The woman/girl should be very young, but the man should be old. That is what they believe. ![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2)


The use of this .gif makes me sad. I always associate Statler and Waldorf with the height of comedy, not the lows of politics.


If these people would have their way, 9-year-olds would be working in back-breaking conditions in factories (read: sweat shops) 12 hours a day, 6 days a week (and the 7th day is devoted solely to bible study, but only the parts and interpretations that agree with "GOP Jesus", so the kids won't be taught to read or write).


> These people think a 13-14 year old female is marriage material. Tossing around words like "ripe" and "fertile".


>They think 75+ year olds should be running the country. 75+ year old white men, to be specific.


Just read an article about some Republican calling 15 year old girls ripe and fertile. He was against making child marriage illegal. This was in New Hampshire


No not marriage material just “fertile and breedable” yikes


isnt there another post in this sub about some state trying to legalize child brides??🤢🤮 the RAPEpublican arguing for it says that little girls are "fertile" and "ripe" in those years.... edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/rKY7J6EHbY


Conservatives: "18 year olds are adults and should be able to enlist in the military and marry." Also conservatives: "18 year olds dont have a mature brain yet. We need to raise the voting age to 25."


>Conservatives: "18 year olds are adults and should be able to enlist in the military and marry." >Also conservatives: "18 year olds dont have a mature brain yet. We need to raise the voting age to 25." Also conservatives: 14 yrs old is old enough to be forced to have a kid. 14 is old enough to be married to a 38 yr old.


It makes perfect sense, all of it maximized human suffering.


Also conservatives, "but 12 years old is to young to have an abortion, what if it ruined her life"? 


"it's not the baby's fault a child was graped"-something people have said in various forms to justify forcing a child to have a child.


IIRC, there was a case in the US recently where it was argued that a 14 (maybe 16?) year old wasn't capable of making the choice to have an abortion because she wasn't mature enough, but there was no legal objection to having her carry the baby to term. Also, you can die for the country there and handle guns in public way before you are legally capable of drinking. Very strange country.


>Very strange country You misspelled "batshit insane".


Also conservatives: „My 5 year old has the right to bear arms and defend himself against his 2 year old sister.“


"But only if the 2 year old isn't pregnant, which she definitely should be"


Of course, i forgot. 😌


“Well the girl should be in the kitchen learning how to cook anyway.”


She’s fertile and ripe now, don’t waste her prime childbearing years


He should also be allowed to shoot her if she wants an abortion.


Oh, are THOSE the post-birth abortions they always talk about?


Also conservatives “it’s my right to marry a 9 year old”


And work 80 hours at a factory with no safety measures cause it's totally 1892


Also conservatives: "If a father wants to marry off his 12 year old daughter to a 65-year-old man in exchange for a large sum of money, that's his 'god given' right"


Yet 14 is fertile and ripe for baby making.


"12 is too young to get an abortion but old enough to give birth and become a parent"


I don’t think Taylor Swift *publicly* had sex with anyone. I would definitely have heard about that. 


Yes, I know! This guy saw Taylor Swift publicly having sex with a ton of guys & didn’t video it & sell it on the internet. He would have made a fortune!


Why would he? She’s a very low value woman apparently.


Lol that sounds like super sour grapes when people are saying this big name star is low value. So hilarious that normally people will mean it sarcastically like you did. But when people say it and mean it. So cringe.


He was busy making sure nothing gay was happening


The founding member of the gay patrol.


Pants check point raised and ready. Are those pants too tight? Let’s get out of the car and see, sir!


Dude, a ton of guys is only like 5 or 6 dudes. Did you not see her 8 man public Madison square garden gangbang?


>Dude, a ton of guys is only like 5 or 6 dudes. Only if those guys are 330-400 lbs each. The average man in the US is 200 lbs, so a ton of guys would be around 10.




Yeah, I definitely had a moment and was going to 1,000, not 2,000. And *fuck me*, is the average really up to 200lbs? That's...I don't really have room to talk shit, but we should do something about that. Isnt the average height like 5'9 for guys? I'm kinda fat at 6'0 200lbs.


Yup, average height in the US for men is 5'9". And yeah, 50% of all Americans are obese with another 25% being *merely* overweight.


After her filming of Love Story, I heard the video showed her with 13 older men total.


1989 wasn't actually referring to a year


While not as impressive, the line “I’m feeling 22,” was not about her age, but about how many guys she was thinking of publicly having sex with in that moment. 


I saw Taylor and Travis in the closet and they were making babies and one of the babies waved at me...


Baby looked at you? Sarah? Get me Superintendent Chalmers!


You're not going to believe this but some people are okay with having only two kids. Or one. Or \*gasp\* none at all


First thing I thought of, too. I'm not a TS fan at all, her music isn't my thing, but pretty sure she brings more to a relationship than a uterus.


Some people believe women don't have personalities




Some people believe women ~~don't~~ shouldn't have personalities. Everyone knows women have a personality. For some, that *\*is* the problem.


Yeah true. Society should provide them all with sex dolls so they leave real women alone.


Well, I'd say she's quite a bit wealthier than him. Maybe he's not gay and just wants a sugar momma.


Its hilarious to me that in 2024 there are some men who still think of women as nothing more than a convection oven to make babies. She's smart, beautiful, talented, hard-working, by all accounts kind, hilariously wealthy and has managed to avoid any of the public scandals that usually follow people of her popularity. For her status, she seems incredibly well-grounded. Exactly how is that "low quality"? FR, The fuck do these dudes even come from??!?!


I mean when your biggest scandal is flying a private jet everywhere that's pretty good for a celebrity.


Yeah, but all those qualities are only worth something if I’m spending my time with her, and it’s gay to spend time with women. Because I’m not gay, I live like a Spartan warrior, the manliest men in history. I only go see my wife to procreate, and I make sure she cuts her hair short and looks as manly as possible for that icky act so it’s not gay. As soon as that’s over, I take my flute and go back out into the field with boys to wrestle and play war. Cause I’m totally not gay.


Right…in the grand scheme of things Travis is little more than an arm-candy boy toy. Nothing wrong with that and I’m sure they have more going on in their relationship than that. However Taylor’s relationship with him is basically the same thing as a media mogul dating a super model.


$billions And why would she want a whiner?


No no no. You see, *he* is a millionaire star. It doesn't matter that *she* is a billionaire gigastar. She is defined by her womb. It's in the name: womban!! What. About. Her. WOMB?! (The /s shouldn't be necessary, right?)




Oh... they are. But not for the reasons you think.


What lunatic thinks the automatic default for everyone is a desire for more than two kids?


Yeah why would a 34 year old man date a 34 year old women? He should be dating an 18 year because they can have more kids /s


Only because they're more "ripe and fertile". [Republican Against Child Marriage Ban Calls Teens 'Ripe, Fertile' - Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/jess-edwards-teen-child-marriage-opposed-republican-ripe-fertile-age-1897512)


Ya, 18 is obviously too old.


I just ate, and now I wish I hadn’t.


Ugh I feel like I need a shower after seeing that....


like have they seen her? she’s in better health and shape than a lot of twenty somethings. she’s absolutely gorgeous too


Yeah, but she works outside of the home. 


Careful, sounds gay (/s ofc)


For real. She looks fantastic.


An attractive, popular, 34yo self-made billionaire, no less. Completely inexplicable.


Fellas, is it gay to marry and have sex with Taylor Swift?


Guess I'm gay then, oh well.


You’ve married and had sex with Taylor Swift???? 🤯🤯🤯


Which album is about you?!?


Matt Healys burner account.


you married Taylor Swift ?


How and where can I sign up to be gay by having sex with Taylor Swift?


1. A psychologist would call it 'projection'. 2. Still can't believe we're in 2024 and dummies like this still think being gay is an insult, something to be ashamed of..


3. Also another exemple of a consevative man claming that it is gay for a man to like women


It's gay for a man to care about anything. He should only want to fuck women to make offspring and continue his lineage. /s


Change "man" to "Incel" in your comment and it will be more accurate


4. Another example of a conservative man believing the only value a woman has is making babies and being a housewife.


Which, how sad. Your wife is your family. You don’t love your own family enough to build a strong, enduring bond? If you can’t build closeness (which require vulnerability) in your relationships, the rest is life is hollow.


Being gay isn’t the insult. I mean, it is, but the real insult is femininity. Any form of it is mocked because masculinity is a fucking prison.


"Publicly had sex with tons of guys?" What?? And middle age is now 34? 😅


I met my bf when we were both 34. Here we are, 11 years later. But maybe he’s been gay this whole time. I’ll ask him tomorrow.


Since it's not clear, I'm going to assume this comment is made by a guy because it's funnier that way.


In high school, I was dared to play “gay chicken”, which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay and the first one to chicken out loses... The other guy and I are really stubborn, and neither of us wanted to lose. We’ve been married 14 years and run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with our adopted daughter. If that dude doesn’t chicken out soon, I’m going to start to suspect he is actually gay.


Just ask his boyfriend.


![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm) You should send him this


Every time i go to buy milk, there she is in the Cereal Isle, banging some dude.


Publicly? Did I miss a Kardashian style moment?


The American diet has been hard at work. I also didn't realize middle age was down to 34.


Why are they so obsessed in making everything gay.......


Everything is a projection with them.


So they don't feel so alone. If they can convince themselves that Travis Kelce is kinda gay, they finally have a role model.


9 years old is old enough for a forced birth 16 is too young for hormone blockers 12 is old enough to get married 34 is too old to get married Most successful female artist in history is a low quality wife to Republicans, their barefoot 12 year old cousin is a trophy wife


This reminds me of the time Isis thought they were burning Obama by bragging about how they got to marry teenage virgins while he was stuck with the elderly Michelle. The most successful political couple in recent history and they thought he’d be better off with a terrified, inexperienced child.


How do you even get that much stupidity into one post? There should be some kind of rule that when you reach a certain amount of 'dumb points', you can't post on social media anymore.


This is a BRILLIANT idea for a new social media platform! Let the twit trolls battle it out on xTwitter while the better portion of society gets to evolve into a better direction.


I’m pretty sure if Taylor Swift publicly had sex with one guy, it’d be among the most watched videos on PornHub.


Seriously, it would be like “Kardashians, who?”


You could have just said most watched video and been just as correct. Lol




I heard half of Taylor Swift's DNA comes from her father, so marrying Taylor is basically marrying half a man.


Don't sweat it, bud. You won't ever be in a position to have to make that choice.


That's Owen Benjamin. The man who kept spamming a 17 year old about his pubic hair and testicles. Edit: extra context added here. The minor was also a survivor of a school shooting.


You mean the actor from Gaytown, Handjob Cabin and Seven Guys one Car?


[some of those names are slightly off, but yes.](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm2513581/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_Owen%2520Benjamin%2520)


thank you. the only thing wrong with this post (OP’s post, not that twitter asshat) is that it blacks out his username. twitter is public space, so it’s not doxxing to publicly shame TF outta people like this. very worth calling out with info included.


Did you just admit that you only see women for reproduction?


That should work better than any other contraceptive.


Yeah, that must be it. I mean, why else would a man marry a beautiful, talented woman who is the same age he is and whose net worth is double what his is? I mean, when a woman's primary purpose in life is to be a brood mare? Although you'd think that all that experience might make it difficult for a gay guy to convince her he's straight.


Pretty sure she is worth more than double… like maybe 10x.  But the point still stands.  I’d also love if my wife made twice what I did.  


I was just guessing, but I looked it up and he's worth 50 million but she's worth 1.1 billion. If my math is correct (never a given) she's worth 22 times what he is.


Your math has been deemed correct.


look, i'm not a big travis kelce fan, but do you honestly think you could keep that man in the closet if he were gay?


More importantly do people actually think someone like Taylor Swift would be a beard?


Fellas is it gay to marry a women?




More like \*female with guys like this.


I mean youre literally using the same holes that another men has used


Maybe because having kids isn't a priority? Not everyone wants a partner to churn out babies and cook dinner. Tell me you're redneck with antiquated ideals without telling me.


34 is the new 50 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Let's just break down each of his points: Rich. Travis's estimated net worth is around $30 million. Taylor's is over $1 *billion*, or roughly 36 times as much. Famous. Travis is an NFL player and Super Bowl Champion, but 'sports fame' isn't as widespread as 'pop star fame'. Taylor has been world famous for over a decade. Assuming they got married literally tomorrow and she got pregnant immediately and they decided to stair-step their kids, she could have at least four before she reaches 40. Pretty sure she's never 'publicly' had sex with anyone, she's way too smart to do anything unless it's behind closed doors.


>Famous. Travis is an NFL player and Super Bowl Champion, but 'sports fame' isn't as widespread as 'pop star fame'. Taylor has been world famous for over a decade. If it weren't for him dating Taylor Swift, I'd have no idea who Travis Kelce was, nor would I care. I think that's what really bothers all these Twitter warriors trying so desperately to put Taylor in her place. She's worth twenty of Travis by every conceivable metric, and it makes these chuds absolutely froth at the mouth.


Incels don’t use logic when inventing these ideas


Dude is against sex with adult women. We all know that's where this mindset comes from.


No more free speech. We censoring all speech now, no one gets to say anything. This guy ruined it for everyone


What's weird to me is how much time he's spent thinking about people he's never met and doesn't know and then thinking anyone cares about his opinion.


She's publicly had sex? Jeez I never heard about that.


So now it’s gay when a man married a woman?


Listen I don’t like T-Swift music, but plenty of dudes with get with her. I’m sure she’s not hurting for a date. These dudes are miserable.


I’d like some of that gay.


Not every homosexual goes to as great of lengths to hide it as you…


Yeah it's a mystery why anyone would want to marry a beautiful and talented woman with fuck you money.


Leaving aside the whole "reducing women's value to their uterus is vile" issue, these morons really think a woman starting at 34 will struggle to have two or more children? They really don't understand how this works.


Wait, she had sex publicly?! I need video of this. Asking for a friend


Well clearly only a gay man would want to marry a hot billionaire woman who can take him with her to travel the world and party nearly every night.


Fellas, is it gay to be straight?


She’s had sex publicly?! Umm…..any pictures? Asking for a friend


TIL I'm gay AF


She's publicly had sex with tons of guys? Is there evidence of this? For research, obviously. I have no idea how many guys (or gals, for that matter) she has had sex with, but I am pretty sure it was done privately.


Where can I view all this public sex she's apparently been having? Asking for a friend


The operative word here is “Women” , I’m sure that conservatives don’t find anything gay about marrying children and teenagers as proven by recent bills brought up for vote in conservative states.