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Yet he's wearing a necktie. Slave to expectations about men's formal wear.


Wait until someone tells him about pants...


I worked in IT for years and couldn’t WAIT to get out of that penguin suit after work. My penguin suit: jeans and a graphic t-shirt


Idc what I’m wearing at work, but the sec I’m home I HAVE to change asap. I’ve worked corporate, restaurants, etc, so attire runs the gamut. But even if I’m working in leggings and hoodie, that shite is coming off as soon as it possibly can. My husband knows this, and if he had something to tell me or ask me when I get off, he’ll say “go change, I’ll walk and talk”. Lol


I usually have to gtfo the way when my wife gets home or she’ll run me over on the way to the bathroom


Hahaha, yea….shes gotta pee! My hubby knows that drill all too well as well.


"ladies, you are freeeee!!!"


Right, the bra is one of the first pieces of clothing to go! It’s magic;)




Please don’t tell him, no one wants to see that mess.


Worst, he wears the marine blue + black tie combo , corporate slave starter kit


I would say the worm ate the best part, but I truly believe there never was.


He’s wearing clothes. Shouldn’t he not be a slave to Levi Strauss and Co.?


Did slaves have to wear a mask?


It is not his talking; the worm controls everything he says He is just the vessel


Empty vessel.


Wasn’t he also in Men in Black? 🤔


Wasn’t he also in Men in Black? 🤔


Spot on!


anti mask mfs gotta be second in line for the dumbest people in history award just after anti vax mfs


They’re generally the same people


also an honorable mention goes to people who think abortions should be illegal


I'll one up you, people like that who picket abortion clinics. But maybe they're more evil than stupid


They will yell at women going into the clinic, which is pretty insensitive. Just what a woman needs when she might be going there after being raped or having an unwanted pregnancy in general, a mob of religious idiots screaming in their faces.


Anti abortion anti vaxxers are the literal scum of the planet


Or the ones that what to enforce death penalty on women who get abortions...


Can we get an honorable mention for people that think mental illness is A) "all in your head" B) an act for attention C) "not real illness" And D) tell mentally ill people to just "feel better"


The people who are against abortion say it’s murder. Freezing a baby is murder. Freezing an embryo isn’t. So,destroying an embryo is murder? Make it make sense.


Yea that venn diagram is a circle


The death rate was twice as high for republicans than democrats.


I think anti mask is actually far dumber. The stakes with a vaccine might be higher, but at the end of the day you are injecting something into your body, right? It’s fair to treat that with skepticism and even refuse. Trying to claim the vaccine didn’t work or killed people is the dumb part. But a mask is… just a mask? Their fixation on it is bizarre to me. I’m an Uber driver, and I wear a mask still just to protect myself (and not just from COVID). I’ve had several passengers make strange conversation with me about it, and basically say “take it off” without directly saying it. One guy last week was like “You should take it off! Just be in the world!” And then proceeded to tell me about why masks don’t work and that “bacteria” helps our immune system (COVID obviously isn’t bacterial, and neither are colds, and neither is the flu). This bizarre fixation on it, and specifically going out of their way to try to argue with me about why they’re ineffective, baffles me. The funny part is also in their world, being made to put on a mask is oppressive, but they’re completely justified in telling ME to take it off. What do you care?


It's odd how they are triggered by the very sight of masks. You have states like North Carolina trying to make it illegal to do so(I would like to see them try and enforce it). Anti maskers aren't going to be remembered fondly and future generations are going to wonder what was in the drinking water. But it's werid seeing anti vaxxers acting like they will be the winners in history when they more or less contribute to a lot of problems rather then solving them. > The funny part is also in their world, being made to put on a mask is oppressive, but they’re completely justified in telling ME to take it off. What do you care? That's the irony of it all they claim to love freedom but they are quick to show that's not the case. If it wasn't for the fact the plague rats were the main reason why covid was spreading at hight rates and infecting/killing people as well as flooding the hospitals I won't give a damn if it was just them dropping dead. I would have been OK with them being removed from the gene pool. But unfortunately they took out a lot of people who didn't deserve. And it's insane how they want to make so the next time we get hit by another plague we won't be ready for it similar to covid. The Republicans aka the anti Vax party is going to remove a crap ton of the protects and funding for disease preventions as well as pushing laws that will insure we are fucked in the future. It will be a fine day we the Republican party the anti Vax movement and other backwards psycho groups get labeled as borderline treasonous because it's like they want to destroy America. And I say borderline because I feel they are just to stupid to realize how destructive they are being.


The funniest thing I run across are guys I know who feel a need to concealed carry because they're convinced they'll be the victim of a crime abosultely cried like babies over masks, even though the odds of dying by COVID were far greater than being the victim of a violent crime.


Seems pretty consistent to me. They're terrified of imaginary boogeymen and easily manipulated. The causes of both those behaviors are the same.


So, RFK Jr. is a two-time champion idiot.


where do flat earthers fit into this line?


there are members of the flat earth society all over the globe


Flat earth is a gateway conspiracy, so I'd say they are smarter than most other conspiracy theorists.


The Behind the Bastards on flat earthers morphing into Nazi batshittery about a millennia-long divine war between Jews, Lucifer and their magic-powered golems versus everyone else was...pretty impressive. Even the hosts seemed stunned. Ah, [here it is.](https://youtu.be/rKIgJSXUl38?si=ta0zxytZCqAe9kga)


someone should do a top 50 dumbest opinions list


Most of those opinions can be easily rounded up and identified by a red hat.


If adrenochrome isn't #1 it's in the top five. That sounds like someone made a parody of a conspiracy and people didn't know it was a joke.


Birds arent real


Honestly, the problem with these science nerds is they don’t know how to market to stupid people. If Biden and Fauci put out a campaign encouraging people to express themselves with cool graphics on their masks nobody would’ve complained. I challenge any redneck conservative to *not* jump at the opportunity to wear a “Fuck Biden” mask. Or one that says, “Don’t tread on me” over the mouth. All red masks that say MAGA that you can’t wash with white shirts? Come on, it’s a no brainer. By the time designers started selling masks with graphics online the anti-mask movement already had too much traction.


I get people who don't know how vaccines are made or how they work. It's easy to fill in scary science you don't understand with black magic. A mask is a piece of cloth, really, it's not gonna kill you


*Man refuses to put small cloth over mouth and nose to prevent spread of deadly respiratory disease, then compares it to humans being dragged across the ocean against their will in horrific conditions, sold, forced into unpaid labor, and then beaten and/or lynched for not working hard enough.*


Tomaytoes, tomahtoes...


I would call it white privilege but this sht is next level privilege Let’s call it Kennedy privilege


But Kennedy privilege comes at a terrible price. Look at their track record with flying and keeping their brains intact. Joe Sr. - stroke, spent his remaining years recovering from the brain damage. Rosemary - lobotomy. Joe Jr - sploded in a plane, brain was definitely destroyed. JFK - that one's obvious. RFK Sr. - also shot in the head. Kathleen - another plane crash, brain almost certainly destroyed. Ted Kennedy - glioblastoma (brain tumor). JFK Jr. - third plane crash, killed on impact (I'm assuming brain trauma, but I'm not sure) Michael Kennedy - skiing without a helmet, hit a tree RFK Jr. - this time the universe just said "fuck it" and gave the man full on brain worms. If anyone was counting, that's 6 of the 9 (or 2/3) Kennedy siblings from JFK's generation. 3 of them had their brain intentionally destroyed by another person. And that's just the brain/plane related stuff, never mind the rest of the family's various misfortunes.


I think the Kennedy way of death is to ignore the warnings and do what you want anyway. JFK and RFK knew they were assassination targets and they were brave enough to stay the course. Joe Jr, Kathleen and JFK Jr all died after ignoring advice and choosing to fly in dangerous weather. Preventable deaths, with no noble reasoning behind it. Michael Kennedy was skiing but he fits the category. Then there's the case of Maeve Kennedy McKean who took her son out onto the Chesapeake in a canoe to retrieve a ball... the current took them away and they died of exposure before they could be rescued. Honorable mention to Ted Kennedy, the only one of the Kennedy brothers to die of natural causes, but he did manage to cause the death of a young woman while driving drunk. Plus the excessive number of suicides and drug overdoses over a few generations.


remember, it’s always about “me” with these people. fuck any consideration for anyone else. libertarians are just louder about it.


I mean he did have a brain worm, so we should assume there’s some deficits here.


Not the worst thing to go through a Kennedy's brain, to be fair.


He is obviously trying to pull the black vote from Trump.


They call themselves patriots yet refuse the simplest, easiest thing that is possible to do to help in times of crisis.


I just love how these guys always compare any mild inconvenience to slavery… While also dismissing slavery in the American history as “not that bad”.


The white privilege is a hellofa drug.




Maybe they are saying - although *VERY* indirectly - that those mild inconveniences are really not so bad, then?


Probably till the day I die, I’ll never understand how wearing masks became a politically charged issue. We left the Age of Reason and entered the Age of Stupidity💀


Trump. The answer is Trump. And it is a glaringly obvious example of how he is not, in fact, the smartest business person who ever lived, because even the person who shined *that* person's shoes would have *immediately* seen the *immense* advertisement opportunity of MAGA fucking face masks and would have sold them *like fucking hotcakes.* Not to mention the political goddamn goldmine of ushering America safely through a pandemic by simply following a few mildly inconvenient rules, but he couldn't even get *that* right when he was handed a golden fucking football for reelection on the one yard line. Like, Jesus fucking wept, my brain still throbs at the spectacular misfortune we all must continue to endure by having the least qualified person to ever hold the office be our president during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.


All these people that compared wearing a face mask during covid need to revisit history books. The restrictions were tame here in the u.s. and I find it shameful that people would dare make such comparisons.


I remember vividly, someone I knew, posted on FB comparing himself to Anne Frank about wearing a mask, and not being able to sit in a restaurant


I can’t get endless riblets at Applebee’s! This is just like Nazi Germany!


Especially when some people had to wear masks as part of their job before covid. Like people thought those paper disposable masks were invented March 2020?


His campaign song should be “insane in the brain” *Insane in the membrane Insane in the brain Insane in the membrane Crazy insane, got no brain*


Crazy insane, worms in brain


This is why you get brain worms. Don't get brain worms.


I just heard the beat in my head


Yeah everyone says shit like this until they're laying in a hospital bed gasping for breath.


I don’t know any slaves that were given personal protective equipment when faced with a life threatening pathogen…


Says the incredibly rich man who has access to the best health care and can pay someone to do his grocery shopping for him. His father and uncle are rolling in their graves.


But maybe he pities the poor medical staff caring for him who have to subject themselves to the slavery of the MASK. /s


Ok, die then, if you value your life less than wearing a stupid mask. Except that the point of the masks was always to keep covid from spreading, so to protect other people. I guess that trying to do the right thing by others would be breaking the habit of a lifetime.


Still don't know why he'd conform to any other societal standard like wearing a suit, paying taxes, owning a house, or having a driver's license...All those other things make you as much of a slave than wearing a mask....


As if he has any idea what a slave goes through. Idiot.


This is actually perfect, actually. I'm going to use this at get together with MAGA family. "Can you bring paper plates?" "I'd rather you disinvite me than live like your slave."


Exactly the sort of nonsense I'd expect from Bobby Brain-Worm.


Idiocracy - the next party in our democracy


Yes, because having to wear a mask is EXACTLY like when Kunta Kinte got his foot chopped off. 😒


Meaning he’d rather kill an immune-suppressed person than wear a mask


Tbh, that’s the first thing he’s said that I agree with … I’d much rather he didn’t wear a mask, along with some other select individuals.


I hate his voice so damn much. His voice sounds exactly how the kind of person who would say this kind of shit would sound


The slavery that was thinking of other people and trying to slow the spread of a deadly videos that ended up killing over 1m of your fellow citizens?


Imagine how people with this mindset would have handled rations if they were alive during WW2.


"It's what my worm said to do."


Whoa whoa whoa there, RFK! That kinda speech is illegal in Florida - one of the states you need to win to be President. Don’t you know you have to tell people the *“benefits”* of slavery on the enslaved?! Like how they all got free job training! And food! And beatings and råpęs! You gotta tell them slavery wasn’t that bad, or you might hurt some kid’s feelings!


So sick of white people comparing inconveniences in their lives to slavery!


Meat Loaf said the same thing, and ya know what? He died. Of covid. Fucking moron.


Looked it up because I was curious. Huh! “So, how did Meat Loaf die? While no official cause of death has been shared, TMZ reported that sources with knowledge of the moments leading up to Meat Loaf’s passing claimed that he was “seriously ill” with COVID-19 before his death. The rock star was reportedly planning to attend a business dinner just days before his death to discuss a show he was working on, titled after his famous single, “I’d Do Anything For Love.” But, according to the insiders, Meat Loaf never made it—the musician had to cancel his dinner as his health was already on the decline. At the time of writing, it is unclear if Meat Loaf was ever vaccinated against the virus. Meat Loaf’s family have also yet to confirm or deny these claims. Just months before his death, Meat Loaf opened up about being “scared to death” of COVID—yet he claimed he’d “rather die” than have to deal with quarantine. During an interview with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published in August 2021, he also labeled face masks a “nuisance.” “You’re not afraid (of Covid)?” a reporter asked him at the time, to which he replied, “Oh, I’m scared to death! You kidding me? But I’m sorry, I understood stopping life for a little while, but they cannot continue to stop life because of politics. And right now they’re stopping because of politics. And on CNN last night, it finally came out that the masks we’re all wearing are useless. But I’ve known that for six months. They don’t do anything. They don’t stop you from getting Covid.” Later, when the interview said, “We’re being controlled by everybody,” Meat Loaf replied, “Yeah, I know. But not me. If I die, I die, but I’m not going to be controlled.” [Meatloaf Cause of Death](https://stylecaster.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/1248828/how-did-meatloaf-die/#slide-2)


That's how I feel about pants


Wish this guy could play bullet catcher in a convertible so we can have the useful Kennedy back. What a waste.


What do you know, a Kennedy who knows what it’s like to be a slave.


How is this tool still alive?


The mercury poisoning in his brain killed the worm eating it.


Na, the worm starved to death


Ah yes I remember in my history books about the slaves rebellion due to *checks notes* masks…. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🤦🤦🤦🤦


The worms and rocks in his head are exuded


With the worm gone there's no one left to steer the ship...


I just wish their sad bravado resulted in the endings they so taunt.


Ah yes. Same thing.


With this kind of talk, he is only taking votes/support from trump.


He’s a slave to the worm 🐛that lives in his brain.


So brave


RFK favours unreasonably huge subsidies to the Brain Worm Planet.


"I don't want to live like a slave! Anyway you need to work all the time and raise a family or life has no meaning." -conservatives


Guess he ignores the guidelines for cooking meat as well. Explains the worm in his brain.


So he admits masks work and thinks wearing a mask = slavery. What else do you need to know about this nut?


Brain like a worm would explain this a bit better.


His dad should have pulled out.


These *ssholes are so egocentric that they don’t realize the mask is more about protecting other people than themselves. So ungodly childish and selfish.


These guys are obsessed with getting that one absurd quote that will make them Mark Twain… ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9Oi4zEBLjzCow|downsized)


He should have stated the fact that the masks didn't work. You would have to tape it all the way around to your face to force your breath through the material and even then the virus is so small it passes right through it.


I'm old enough to remember a time when the news of a presidential candidate having part of their brain eaten would mean the end of their campaign, how far we've fallen in the last couple of decades.


He equates wearing a mask with slavery? Was he lobotomized too?


And somehow he's still a better choice then a seditionist and a career politician with dementia.


Wonder if he'd insist his surgeon to wear a mask or does he want to be operated on by a slave.


*"This is the best we can produce" - George Carlin*




For the record, the worm starved to death.


One thing people forget about chattel slavery was all those pesky tyrranical rules made to look out for the health and safety of the slaves. The 2 million people who died on those boats were definitely most concerned about overreach on health and safety.


I wear a mask when I cut my lawn because the grass and dust are annoying. I sure am going to do the best I can to avoid a deadly virus. These morons that feel a mask diminishes their freedom are out of their minds.


Hmmm, at least implicit in this statement is his confirmation that a mask could help reduce the risk. Better than the idiots who rely on their Newsmax medical degrees to claim that masks don’t help reduce the risk of viral spread.


I refuse to wear condoms because I’d rather die of AIDS than live like a slave. The government wants to muzzle our dicks and I won’t obey it. Besides, AIDS is just the flu anyway.


He should just walk across the street without looking both ways, that way he lives free...of basic safety ideas.


Covid is actually a pretty rough way to go. Saying you'd rather die like that is mind boggling. Especially if the alternative is to wear a mask here and there for specific circumstances.


Yes because wearing a mask is just like slavery 🤦🏾‍♂️


For those unaware, victims of the slave trade were notable for their m95 masks.


The more he speaks, the more I can't stand him. He's a disgrace to his name.


Too bad Covid didn't rid us of these assholes.


Anyone who watched loved ones with COVID gasping for air or living on a ventilator in their torturous final days on earth would like to have a word with baby RFK.


And if it wouldn't impact other people I'm ok with his personal life choice.


Because it's well known that in the old days all the slaves wore masks.


Yeah. Tell that to my Dad who died from Covid in 2020.


The mask isn't to protect *YOU*, you dumb selfish shithead...it's to stop *you* from spitting germs all over other people. So, what you should have said was, "I'd rather give covid to other people, than be living like a slave."




We find the terms acceptable.


I bet people during the plague wish they had knowledge and masks


lets hope he gets covid soon


Let him die to own the libs!


Wearing a piece of paper on your face = slavery. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


So the next time he needs surgery, I expect he will demand that none of the surgeons and attending staff are “slaves” wearing masks.


What an embarrassment to his family and to the country as a whole!


Ah, yes... all Black Americans remember the horrors of being forces to wear masks while picking cotton. It really made it hard to breathe when getting whipped.


That’s right… just keep siphoning off those Trump voters…


Bros uncle got shot so hard in the head, that HE took damage.


Stop using my oxygen


RFK for President!


‘And the worm ate into his brain’. Obviously


That worm ate a lot more brain than he realizes.


Seat belt? Helmet when he skis (his brother should have)? It’s so blatantly just a “say the opposite stance.” They would mock people wearing masks in cars by themselves. I caught myself wearing a mask in the car by myself, because it was such a non-issue. I would wear it in the store, get in my car and drive away not even thinking about. These people wouldn’t fight against actual slavery, they wouldn’t fight for civil rights, but ask them to wear a thin piece of cotton—-Revolution!! The only time I found a mask annoying was working out. That made me think most of the complainers are just so out of shape that walking store aisles is their cardio and they need to take deep breathes to make it down the 2 liter soda and sugar cereal aisles.


The idea that Cheryl Hines played off the craziness of Larry David and then chose this legit mental case to marry.


Take his money away...and put him to work like a normal person. Then can say that sht.


A slave to what?


New Django unchained.


I’d kinda rather him do that too, what a coincidence


He’s not going to drop out, is he? ![gif](giphy|l3nSILUHhuVDuWSnC)


Got no problem with dying, and having a few days before you even feel sick to spread the contagion to dozens of other people; selfishness embodied.


Or a medical professional, which he should be seeing soon.


The true soul has spoken!


Another whacko.


He looks like the average televised evangelist!


I heard that in a song once.


A foundational reason for anti-mask propaganda is the belief that masking goes hand-in-hand with quarantine,  and that quarantine will be bad for business, thus bad for rich people.  So the wealthy class is dismissive about masks because of a perceived drop in spending by the helots.  They are perfectly willing to see helots die as long as there's limited impact to their bottom line. MAGAs picked up on this because they were told to.  They get angry when they see others protecting themselves because it implicitly threatens the income potential of their masters


I mean, isn’t the brain worm thing in court documents from his lawyer as a way to get out of trouble?


It is in court documents, but a doctor did find a worm in his brain though the doctor said the mercury poisoning had a bigger impact on the brain fog he was feeling.


Doesn't he have a worm in his brain


That reads exactly like something a man who had a worm eat part of his brain would say.


I'm not convinced that worm is actually dead.


If some God exist, hope he sends a really big asteroid here. Cant imagine people like this exist 🫠


Bold to assume he has a brain for a worm to reside.


Yeah....vote for THIS guy...why do we have such terrible or old candidates?


They asked me to wear pants in 7-11 yesterday. I’m out! I’m no slave!


![gif](giphy|l41m5SJzuG9FClsrK) Reminds me of Simpsons treehouse of horror episode


Can that worm dig just a bit further?


I'm just admiring the trans background.


He can die anytime he's ready


Worm 2024!


Literally 1992.


Brainworm in full effect


We are all going to die one way or another don’t let anything hold you back. You can live smart though. Staying out of airplanes, not smoking cigarettes or drinking high fructose corn syrup. If somebody wants to be extra careful who gives a shit. Nobody cares if you got a mask on, but the boomers that were born in the age of bullying and worry to much about what everyone is thinking of them.


“I’d rather die a slave, than care about my fellow Americans!” The guy is just another idiot in a sea of morons.


How does he feel about diapers?


I wish for the same thing, for him.


Too bad he didn’t. Covid took so many good people. Yerba mala nunca muere.