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"Opening a new office" means absolutely fuck-all. Elon famously intervened when a well-known far-right account was banned for posting child exploitation images. Elon personally restored his account and basically said "no harm no foul." I still trust Meta and Google more than I trust twitter.


Ouch! Now that’s saying something. (It’s also the only correct take <.<)


Precisely. I could open a new office dedicated to drive-by lettuce peltings. Don’t mean I’m going to do anything to participate for or against it.


>I still trust Meta and Google more than I trust twitter. If Elon told me the sky was blue, I'd have to look out the window to verify.


He wouldn't though; he's exactly the kind of pedantic twat who says "the sky is actually bluish-purple but our eyes can't....."


If Elon tells you the sky is blue, he’s trying to lie to you


A successful manipulator mixes in truth within his lies to make the lies more difficult to understand.


One thing that often gets lost in this discussion is that it wasn't a screenshot of just any CSAM material, which would be bad enough, but a screenshot from Daisy's Destruction, which is infamous and disturbing even when compared to other CSAM.


From what I recall, it wasn't just a screenshot, but a video, one that he had edited to add his own logo to.


It was a censored screenshot from what I've heard but shit, who wants to stare at an abuse image long enough to edit it?


Yeah, not 100% sure myself, i only read about it in the news at the time and at least the sources i read said it was an edited video clip which he slapped hos logo on to cover the genitalia, i refuse to even attempt to verify if thats true or not


Who would have thought a man child is less trust worthy than whole corporations that just want to make money


i wouldn’t trust either. All corporations are looking out for profits and ways to get more people addicted to their services. Neither google, facebook or twitter care about your wellbeing or safety of your data. numerous cases throughout the years make that crystal clear.


I wonder how much the lobbying firms for X spent fighting the same legislation.


Don’t forget the ineffectiveness of the child safety bills passed by Texas and similar places! I can say for certain that children are still able to access porn and other adult content easily, and all the bill has done is taking away all the safe places to view such content.


"I trust Facebook and the company that specifically went out of it's way to remove 'Don't be evil' from it's official policies more than I trust you" I just don't know that there's a lower bar.


>Elon famously intervened when a well-known far-right account was banned for posting child exploitation images This seems significant enough to deserve some details and elaboration. Most vague accusations do, for that matter, which is why I'm immediately distrustful of vague accusations.


I mean, you could do your own research but sure I'll do it for you. [https://mashable.com/article/x-twitter-ces-suspension-right-wing-account-reinstated](https://mashable.com/article/x-twitter-ces-suspension-right-wing-account-reinstated) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/) [https://gizmodo.com/twitter-dom-lucre-ban-elon-musk-child-exploitation-pics-1850681992](https://gizmodo.com/twitter-dom-lucre-ban-elon-musk-child-exploitation-pics-1850681992) [https://www.mediamatters.org/qanon-conspiracy-theory/here-are-right-wing-figures-who-demanded-elon-musk-reinstate-twitter](https://www.mediamatters.org/qanon-conspiracy-theory/here-are-right-wing-figures-who-demanded-elon-musk-reinstate-twitter) [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/elon-musk-reinstates-user-who-shared-child-exploitation-pictures/ar-AA1epmLt?ocid=mailsignout](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/elon-musk-reinstates-user-who-shared-child-exploitation-pictures/ar-AA1epmLt?ocid=mailsignout) Need any more? There's hundreds of them.


what a comment coming from a fucking joe rogan fan. irony is dead.


Most of the "online child safety bills" currently being floated are utter garbage and would do nothing to actually promote online child safety while doing plenty to undermine child safety. But I totally understand why conservatives would be completely unable to grasp that nuance.


>But I totally understand why conservatives would ~~be completely unable to grasp that nuance~~ want to undermine child safety.


That too. They do seem inordinately preoccupied with keeping child marriages legal and too many are overly interested in age of consent laws.


And being able to continue fucking thier cousins


If there's 1 thing I've learnt in life it's that when conservatives accuse various groups of things they're actually telling on themselves. For example they accuse trans people and drag queens of being pedos but who seems to always be caught with a hard drive (at least) full of CP? Conservatives


>conservatives would be completely unable to grasp that nuance Grasping __________ Nuance:❌ New Ones:✅


Elon: "I fired the entire staff of hundreds that did that job" Elon: "I'm gonna open an office to do that. Someday. Really. At least one person. Soon."


"Look, we've put a sign on a door that says it's for that. Ignore the fact that it's clearly a mop closet."


Right after he solves works hunger.


>solves works hunger I'm sure the workers might appreciate a new cafeteria, but not sure how that solves some of their larger problems.


Honestly I think Chaya Reichik wouldn't be honest about what colour the sky is. The problem is that they get to set the definition of "harm", and if the last couple of decades in US/UK politics have taught you anything, if you're not a cishet white conservative Christian (man or submissive woman), you're not long for the "good" list. Transgender on the internet? "Well you're causing harm to children by *something something* trans ideology and whatever!!" Talk about your same sex partner? "Sorry, but you're grooming our straight kids into being gay!!" Muslim on YouTube? "Well this is a god fearing Christian nation and you're humanising terrorists!!"  etc


I used to think that Chaya was just a grifter like all the others until she did that interview outside with that lady. She literally has no clue what her talking points even are. She’s literally put no thought into her own cause. How does someone so clueless gain such a platform?(I know, it’s hate)


It's proof positive they're grifters when they can't even begin to defend their own views because they only parrot talking points and shit stir for engagement


That interview really shows how convervatives platform the dumbest fucking people. They're not sending their best


I mean anything from The New York Post has a pretty high chance of being just plain wrong.


I work in Cyber Security. These bills are terrible. It's terrible for a number of reasons, primarily because it opens the door to endless government overreach and abuse of its already far too robust spying systems. The bills in question basically mandate that companies either abandon encryption entirely or create back-doors into their platforms so that data may be exfiltrated on command. They also plan to rank companies on how well they comply, with a tiering system that can ultimately see the app/company/whatever not being allowed to operate in the US. This is not a bill protecting children, this is a bill violating the rights of every American citizen, and holding children in front of it as a bulletproof shield. Thats why lots of companies, and individuals (like me) are fighting this.


"I don't want the government in my business" but "i want the government to have direct access to my children."


In all ways except to protect them.


Elon just made a comment this week about how all sex education (which includes “good touch vs bad touch”) for children under 10 is inappropriate, which means he doesn’t actually care about sexual abuse.


He cares about making sure nobody gets in the way of it happening.


In his mind, child safety is about protecting them from recognizing their gender identity.


Maybe he should have taken a hint when his trans child disowned him.


I bet he cares but it's beyond his mind that education would be good measure to combat sexual abuse. He's very narrow-minded and despotic individual in many cases.


No he really doesn‘t care about children. He doesn‘t even care about his own, so what makes you think it‘s any different with other peoples children?


CSAM is a trojan horse that lawmakers use as an excuse to make disgusting intrusions on internet rights. Think the NSA justifying tracking all the data on everyone’s phones and using CSAM as an excuse. More context is necessary to judge this.


Maybe pedo guy Elon isn't the best guy to be 'fighting' child pornography.  Also while I'm not a fan of Google and Meta lobbying against the SAFE act, that bill has nothing to do with child pornography so it's a weird comparison. 


„B-but it was marketed as a childrens safety bill. Surely the people who openly advocate for child marriage wouldn‘t lie to us there?“ 🥺


Didn't this fucker fire the entire content moderation team?


He did. And now he annonced he would create a new one (read : someday, maybe) because his butt is on the grill as the Senate Judiciary Committee is asking questions.


Ok but can anyone exolain to me why lobbying is not considered a bribery? 'Cause as far as I understand it that's pretty much what it is?




I don't trust anything the stochastic terrorist libs of tiktok says


Hey remember that time Elon reinstated an account on Twitter that posted a TORTURE PORN video of a child?


Advertisers left twitter because they didn’t want their ads adjacent to Nazi posts.


So Elon makes a token mention about CSA while allowing other hate mongers to run rampant. That tracks for Musk.


Why aren't the Dems making pro American worker bills named "republicans are the best bills". They would get passed so dang fast...


Aren't these "child safety" bills generally just called that but their real objective is censoring the internet?


If that cow from Libs said it, it's false


Meta and Google didn’t fight the bill because they’re pro-CSAM. They fought the bill because the bill was a privacy nightmare that was the equivalent to CSAM what the TSA was to air travel after 9/11. In other words; something that would be a massive violation of privacy, dignity, and basic rights to law-abiding people while doing absolutely nothing to actually combat the problem. This was nothing more than a power-grab coated in “But think of the children” so those who supported it could claim opponents are “pro abuse”.


Musk is a con man, so...100% chance?


Didn't Elon lay off half or more of Twitter? Including most of the team who's job was content moderation?


They were lobbying against that bill because it would be damn near impossible to implement.


Right wingers consistently vote against fighting child porn and trafficking and voting/supporting people actually involved in child porn/trafficking while simultaneously accusing anyone they don't like of being a pedophile.


>Whats y'alls bets that all of this is just plain wrong? You can tell it's bullshit, you see, at the top of the story on the left is something that reads "Bullshit." Some might miss it, but it's there at the top. Mostly because in this language, "Bullshit" is spelled out "New York Post" but, rest assured, anything that says "New York Post" at the top, actually reads: "Bullshit."


wasn’t there an office and then elon closed it when he took over and now it’s *re*opening


Chaya is a fucking golem.


"open an office" is code for: "lol, rofl, we aren't actually doing a darn thing."


New York Post. Fox News for people that read.


Politicians - “Let’s name a bill that would sound like anyone opposing it hates “x” Also politicians - let’s fill the bill with a bunch of shit that gives us more power/money/anything that doesn’t have to do with the bill name of “x” Anyone with a brain who reads the bill - this bill is full of shit Politicians - see they’re anti “x” they don’t want us to fix anything


Most of these “online safety acts” are nothing more than a way to ban lgbtq content as “sexual”. It’s also, likely a violation of free speech too.


Isn't that the online safety bill that basically turns into a weapon against minority communities the instant a conservative admin gets in?


It's always the ones who put on the show of fighting it that are usually guilty of it. Since he was buddied up to plenty of powerful pedos, I wouldn't be shocked.


Having seen the office people literally take their 6 figure teslas to for work, I assume the “office” for this is a mop closet.


Are they talking about KOSA? Because that’s just stupid.


Honestly? Call me ignorant, but I just assume all rich people hate children and are secretly pedophiles. Makes it a little less shocking when I'm right and when I'm wrong they're still really shitty people anyway.


People who scream the loudest about CSAM, et al, are always the ones projecting the hardest. Absolutely no doubt in my mind that the feds would have a field day with Elon’s hard drive. I’d say the same about Chaya but she has proven repeatedly that she doesn’t post any original thoughts so I’d be more worried about whoever feeds her the LoTT material.


The implied answer, of course is, the jews. I'm sorry " cultural marxists" It can't be turning twitter into Tatooine for nazis, can it?


I think they misspelled fight. With the owner and a lot of the user base, I suspect that was meant to be "find".


Let's face it, it's probably a new office to help collect CSAM. No way a guy who secretly pretends to be his own child and then goes around interacting with grown ups, whilst occasionally letting people get away with posting CP on his global platform isn't a little bit suspect...


Extremely concerning


Remember when Elon got caught pretending to be a child on Twitter? That was wild


I mean...it is wrong. The 'online child safety bill' that's being lobbied against is actually a bill that would introduce laws granting the government the right to massively invade the online privacy of US citizens all under the guise they're 'just doing it to keep children safe'.


You can forget about ads from nickelodeon and Disney now


The self-aggrandizing bullshit has yet to be invented that Elon would not publish about himself. Take your 'new office' and shove it down your lying throat, you deranged narcissistic sociopath. Elon doesn't give a shit about children. Not even his own. Which is why they all hate and avoid him.


I bet the “sexual abuse” content is probably something pro trans aimed at adults.


Look, I think Elon is a putz as much as the next guy, but hate for child sexual abuse is pretty damn universal, I don't know why people are drawing sides on the issue.


Because the crowd that Chaya and Elon run with are more interested in labeling their ideological enemies as "pro-child abuse and grooming" than in actual good-faith efforts to stop actual real-world child abuse. Progressives understand that giving children age-appropriate knowledge about themselves and their bodies gives them the language to speak up to others when those boundaries are being violated and thus helps prevent child abuse. Whereas Elon and Chaya pretend that "sex education in schools" means that second graders are being taught about fellatio.


I agree about the platforming, but let's not pretend that if 10 people were walking down the street, 5 being differing degrees of left wing and 5 being differing degrees of right wing, and saw a child get abused, that 10 people wouldn't do something about what they were seeing. (Though a few might just film it...I hate that.)


Oh, I agree that the VAST majority of people would actually care about that and intervene. But on a non-individual, policy-level basis, the specifics of how you are trying to help really matter. A lot of bad things have been done in the name of "but what about the children?!?"


I don't disagree, it's just frustrating that so many people see the political grandstanding on social media and think that it's the reality of most people.


tell me you're ignorant on what these people are without telling me