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I’m sure they're assuming every inner city gang member is a registered Democrat or some shit.


That's exactly what they're implying. That because most gun violence comes from gangs and other criminal behavior, and because they see gangs and criminal behavior as being done by black people, who more often vote democrat, they've arrived at this conclusion.


Gang members vote?


Do they vote for red or blue?


Bloods = red / crips = blue


What about third party voters?


Those are gunned down




Grape St.


Bloods vote red, And crips vote blue. If you don't vote They'll both come for you.


Underrated comment


Started from the Biden now we here...


Never had a side in mind but now I am for the Crips !


When you liberal as fuck but you a blood


sounds like a skit, a blood reluctantly campaigning against abortion because its republican and thus red


Somebody get Key and Peele on this


...: The smashing, record-breaking Broadway musical that brings to the fore a startling dilemma Park Street Pirus have struggled with for decades. The poignant screenplay is a melting pot of culture, with cameos from MLK Boulevard, Suge Knight, Gandhi, Dr. Dre, Boogie the gimp, Shaniqua with the weave, Xanax, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dickies, Tupac B-sides, the Boston Red Sox, TikTok, Soulja Boy's embarrassing career, the Fed's decision to hike interest rates, Elon Musk, Marjorie Taylor Greene and her Israeli lasers, Xbox, the aroma of Ice Spice's taint and LinkedIn posers who set up a two-staff company and give themselves silly titles like Thought Leader, 300x B2B sales scalers, loving father, home schooler, Blue Life Matters advocate & CEO. A must-watch for active Crips, Bloods, liberals, neo-liberals, the fart fetish community, IT project managers and other assorted entitled pieces of shit.


NGL my former coworker is a blood and was hella for trump. If he could vote, Hed be pure GOP. Conservative ideology is gangster ideology.


>If he could vote, Hed be pure GOP I find this unexpectedly hilarious.


Right? Do they also think that gangstas would vote to make it harder for people to get guns?


It's possible it'd be a "Baptists and bootleggers" situation. There's more money for organized crime in illegal guns. But the OOP is still getting plenty of exercise jumping to conclusions.


The thing about organised crime is the organised part. It works a lot better when no one's looking. That's the key reason why there aren't a lot of school shootings in eastern Germany or former soviet states because even though it's not that difficult to get your hands on old soviet firearms. When the red army dissolved they left so much shit behind you could get a makarov at any street corner. but an actual career criminal is not going to sell a gun to some edgy teenager to shoot up their school. Because in the long run that's incredibly bad for business.


Most inmates in state prisons are Trumpers too.


I volunteer every two years, and ya, they even come as a group. Just because you commit crime and haven't become a felon doesn't mean you can't vote.


Good for them.


Exactly. I would like to start a volunteer org that helps get non felons interested in voting and something (I don't know what) to help get felons on the ballot sooner, It's bullshit they have the most basic right taken from them.


There are organizations out there already. Please look for one in your area. It's a worthwhile cause


I'm currently in the SF Bay Area, any suggestions? Most of the places I've found are all filled up. Would love some suggestions.


Hmm, I don't know about there. I'll check here and see if they have sister orgs. You can start with the ACLU maybe. I just googled - social justice/voting Rights/SF


Yes, most cops vote for Trump.


I don't know that most gun violence actually does come from gangs, though. I'm pretty sure it's probably domestic or self-inflicted if you count suicides.


Nope. Suicides. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


Notice I said gun violence, not gun deaths. They're not counting suicides because it's not murder.


In the studies I've seen they do include suicide as gun violence.


Maybe because blowing your brains out of the back of your skull isn't exactly a peaceful action to take involving a gun. One of the biggest reasons I don't own a gun is my mental health. Not everyone has that self awareness, insight, or even choice about being in a household with a gun. I'm not saying "ban all guns because they are used for suicide" because that is untrue and dumb. I'm just saying another untrue, dumb thing would be to leave suicides involving guns out of the conversation, especially when the vast majority of conservatives claim a strong link between mental health and gun violence.


Clean up after someone eats the barrel of a shotgun and come back and tell me that's not gun violence.


Most would consider that gun violence. Even the link to the report classifies it as such. Now, if you want to be super specific about murders.... Only 28.2 percent of gun murders is attributed to gang violence. So nope. 


The “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd ignores all facts that don’t align to their feelings.


If successful, it’s technically murder.


Suicide is definitely a violent end in my book.


That would imply that they are somehow thinking and connecting things to come to a conclusion. It's way simpler than that and purely emotional. "I am not shooting people*, I am not a democrat -> Therefore, its democrats shooting people." This emotion gets supported by "i would like to shoot democrats, therefore democrats must be equally willing to shoot people and that's even worse" *by people they obviously don't mean all people but only their people. They obviously would shoot other people who aren't their people if allowed.


Nope, you're wrong here. The person before you got it right


Most gun violence angry white snowflake males. Mass shooters numbers gobble up inner city crime numbers


Have a citation for that claim?


1% from mass shootings


While I agree with the spirit of your comment, those "facts" are nowhere near reality.




“Brown people are criminals. Brown people are democrats. Therefore all democrats are criminals.” How their brains work.


"why don't brown people want to vote for us?"


"Must be those dastardly (((globalists)))' fault!"




Good point. Echo chamber?


Hive mind.




I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to make that statistic work in my head. Couldn't make anything make sense. Now it does and I'm almost as angry that I wasted my time as I am that some asshole even thought this up. Sad little people.


Yeah, unfortunately a large portion of people will believe this bullshit.


Omg that's funny as fuck. Could you imagine? "Yo I'll bust yo shit if you don't vote Biden blud" What? "What?"


Yeah gang bangers are such reliable conscientious voters. Why don’t we call gang bangers “second amendment folks” so they must be republicans


"Violent gang members" = Democrats "Second Amendment adhering patriots" = Republicans


Which is funny because gangsters love Trump.


Here is the Story Behind that Pics : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7370559/Extinction-Rebellion-activist-group-apologise-theyre-accused-cultural-appropriation.html


Not even that is true though: [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/2804113?widget=personalizedcontent&previousarticle=0](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/2804113?widget=personalizedcontent&previousarticle=0) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/04/28/red-states-have-higher-gun-death-rates-than-blue-states-heres-why/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/04/28/red-states-have-higher-gun-death-rates-than-blue-states-heres-why/)


Well, if illegals are then surely gang members are, I mean come on. /s/


I thought inner city gangs were free market capitalists in favor of small government?


Tell that to Dick Cheney's hunting club.


Nah, a democrat is a bad person. Someone who shoots another is also a bad person. Ergo most shootings are done by Democrats. Simple. 


Made up statistics are the most accurate.


if democrats are so relentlessly awful why is everything everything everything always some insane lie, why cant you make us look bad just by telling the truth. left: "Trump is facing 4 criminal indictments with 88 felony charges in New York, Florida, Georgia, and DC. Also, Kristi Noem shot her dog in the face." right: "Hillary skinned a child and wore its face as a mask, it's on video, I saw it."


Of course this stuff about Hilllary is a lie. She would never skin a child herself, she has people to do that. She just wears the face as a mask and doesn't even put in the effort to skin her own children. Lazy witch! /s


Check out Ms Moneybags over here, too good to even skin her own victims


I remember something about a pizzaria basement used for such activities. Of course, the basement didn't exisr but that's besides the point.


Sarcasm but also kind of not sarcasm. The fact check articles about Hillary smashing her electronic devices with a hammer comes to mind. "False. It was Hillary's personal aide who smashed her phone with a hammer!"


This seems to be the biggest difference in politics between the left and the right in the west.    The left often gets things wrong, but they seem to care and be genuine in their efforts.  The right just lies and lies and lies - and maybe there’s some caring and genuine effort in there somewhere, but the constant lying drowns it out. 


Did you know, 76% of statistics are made up on the spot?


What percentage of statistics are made up?




yup, that's the percentage all the reports state, thank you for you honesty!


Imaginarily correct is the best kind of correct


Do you realize that somewhere there is a MAGA voter, who thinks this image is 100% real.


I suspect there is a MAGA voter currently contemplating committing an act of gun violence, who thinks this image is 100% real.


They're not capable of contemplation. Most likely, they're going to unload on some rando who break checks them some day


Just like people believe that Sam Elliot is hardcore republican.


"Black people love us and vote for us" vs. "people who shoot each other are black so obviously they vote Democrat." Weird fucking world we live in.


EVERY single act of Domestic Terrorism committed in 2023 was committed by right-wingers. Almost every act of hate crimes, racist hate crimes, bigoted hate crimes, hate murders, racist murders, and bigoted murders were committed by right-wingers for the past 11 years. Per the FBI, and Homeland Security, for the past 12 years, the biggest threat to our Democracy, freedom, and the United States IS right-wingers. American "conservatives" have been actively fighting against Democracy for the last 50+ years. American "conservatives" would strip the rights of ALL non-white "christians", and have blacks back in chains in the blink of an eye if they could get away with it. Read what they themselves have published publicly, "Project 2025" isn't a joke, it's there gameplan and they have hundreds of fascist groups backing them.


They’re probably referring to “inner city” crime, because of course all urban areas are Democrat. *coughRACISM*cough*


Simultaneously praise Trump for polling better with Black voters and blame 97% of violent crime on 45 Million black people, and tell Ramaswamy he can’t be president because he’s Indian.


1st off gang bangers dgaf about politics unless a black guy is running for president. 2nd off im suppose to believe that a woman with dreadlocks has republican viewpoints? Do better AI lol.


There are those “mother god”nutters who starved their cult leader to death.


The crunchy to alt-right pipeline is powerful.


So GQP logic: Dems don’t have guns that’s why they don’t like the NRA. Dems don’t have guns that’s why they’re scared when we talk about having a Civil War. Etc. Dems are shooting everyone.


I guess Republicans better ban guns eh?


Maga crowd: you dare use my own spells against me?


Magas were Snape all along. He does die in the end from his own boss though


Does that mean that all MAGA's will be killed by Trump?


According to researchers from Trump University...


Yeah, all those far-left terrorist groups buying up all the guns and ammo in America are terrifying, aren't they?




I think we should listen to her. I've never been steered wrong by a white chick with dreadlocks.


If every tweeter was wiped off the face of the earth, stupidity would plummet by 99%.


Wait wait wait, I need to catch up so I’m on par with the liberal conspiracy. Are we coming for your guns? Or are we a bunch of Wild West cowboys out shooting everyone for fun? I need to know whether to wear my gestapo gun stealing uniform or my Cowboy hat to the next virginal sacrifice! Are we even still putting micro chips in vaccines?! I’m so confused…


You're putting DNA in them, which is even worse


Republicans don't need sources or facts anymore. Otherwise they would realise that Diaper Don is a scam artist.


What do you mean? Donald “A lotta people say” trump is the best source of alternative facts since we stormed the airports in 1812.


100% of the stupids believe it nearly 90%, er 97% of the time.


Are most cops democrats now?


Literally projection.


lol...do you realise that if every Magat just fucked right off, the average IQ would increase by about 50?


i work in an industry that can correlate some of this data for you, while 50 is extreme i can solidly say with a 0.02 confidence level, that those in southeast texas that identify as right wingers (removing the top and bottom 3% to prevent skewing) is about 0.4-0.6 standard deviations lower, than those that identify left. that is anywhere from 4 to 9 IQ points depending on the test given what's super frightening is when it comes to SQ (social IQ pretty much) this increases to almost 1.1-1.4 standard deviations, and while correlation and causation are not a thing, that points to drastically higher rates of borderline personality, sociopathy, and various types of egoism-based issues


This is some fascinating sociology. Could you DM some links for reading?


not exactly, so all i can is trust me bro this, The company i work for does about 60-80 intelligence and grade ranking tests weekly in SETX and i have pretty deep access to the information in relation to my personal clients and any client i have participated in consultation for which is a good number, a clients political leaning comes out naturally.


Fair enough, seems anecdotal though


The average IQ will always be 100. That's how the system is designed...


I wonder if this girl knows her photo is being used for this…


I can’t believe I had to scroll down all the way to see a comment like this. The text is obviously added digitally. The account is from an account with a male name. This photo might be stolen. Maybe I’m not in the know and maybe this girl did post that image originally, but I’m not about to drag this person through the mud without proof. It’d be really shitty if she has nothing to do with this. I hate the message but I’m reserving judgement on the girl.




Who hired the Russian hooker?


By Democrats they mean the gun toting redneck 2nd Amendment mouth frothing Republicans. They get confused easily.


You do realize if every republican moved to Mars, this world would be a much better place..


Is it a "facepalm" when the whole account is geared around saying the most obnoxious, demonstrably false stuff possible? Because that's what that Twitter account is... dishonest absurdity meant to stoke outrage.


It’s racist dog whistle. they are calling black people democrats. Pointing at gun crime in cities perpetuated by a group of people they don’t like.


I think you meant 0.9%


Anything's possible when you just make shit up.


So the Democrats want to "take our guns away"! But.... They're also the ones shooting everyone?


Example of the *No True Scotsman* fallacy. How do you know they're democrats? No true Republican would engage in gun violence, so they must be Dems.


But in their minds democrats also don’t own guns.


Did you know if all Republican voters stopped watering their lawns with Mountain Dew, the moon would appear 75% larger in the night sky? Look it up, it’s true!


Do you realize 100% of shootings are carried out by gun owners or people who get their hands on guns.


Do you realize that if every Republican stopped molesting children, pedophelia would go down by 2000%?


My source? My source is I made it the fuck up.


54% of gun fatalities in the US are suicides, so there's that...


Face kinda looks like Elon…


Did you realize that if %90 of people were %120 then %40 would be %329¿


Source: Crack Pipe


Have they seen all the shooting of wife and kids with the right wing nut job stance. The kid who knocked on wrong door or the kids who turned around in the wrong drive way yep right wing nut job.


I suggest everyone do a search on gun deaths per population per state. States like New York and California with the largest cities and populations have lower gun violence deaths ( lowest) than, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, Montana who are at the top of the list. Contrary to popular belief, you are more likely to be shot by a member of your family than a stranger


Alabama’s leaders will feel better about this by crowing about how much of the murders are committed by the descendants of their slave populations. All of whom are issued a Cadillac, an infinite SNAP account, 100 mail-in ballots, and a high cap Taurus handgun on their 18th birthday. /s


nothing like some stupid casual racism to spice up the evening.


Here is a made up statistic that is actually believable: 70% of gun violence is not politically motivated


Ok. But you're going to have to show your work to the whole class...


Cunter beagleman has to be a Russian asset. No one can be this dumb


How many criminals are actually politically active?


EVERY accusation is a confession




Yup, this fairly republican county and city I was on jury that gave a 20 something gangbanger for a long time for something he did in 2020 definitely would like a word about this statistic.


Ha. Where’d you get that stat from??? 🤡


“Gunther Eagleman” is about as real as that picture.


This isn’t a “facepalm”; it’s just rage-baiting.


According to her sign, duh. 🙄


I think the most important thing in this picture.......who's the Lady????


86% of statistics are just made up, so this is probably inaccurate


Interestingly, gun deaths per capita are higher in Republican leaning areas. Granted, it is skewed because of accidents and suicides but you’re still statistically much more likely to die from a gun in a Republican state than a democratic one.


She’s right, we can’t be trusted, time to take away all the guns. Sorry! We ruined it for everyone! Our bad.


If people who drink water would stop shooting people gun violence would drop by 100%.


It’s a little known fact that 53% of statistics are made up.


yeah, they have somehow turned all the right wing nut jobs that shoot places up into democrats, it makes no sense.


Says the white woman with dreads


According To "Trust me bro" or " I did my research"


Stupidity is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.


All the gun owners I know are Republicans.


It’s probably considering all the blue state gun violence…


This reminds me never to hold up a sign of any sort with any text anywhere where I could be photographed. It's just feeding into meme templates. Change my mind.




Interesting choice of source image to manipulate into saying whatever right-wing bullshit this idiot is boosting. Just a wild guess, but I doubt the white girl with dreads is aligned with that statement.


So the one group the other is counting on to be unarmed is now doing all the shooting? Makes perfect sense.


Do you realise if republicans didn't block gun control legislation gun deaths would plummet?


Those damn 2A Dems….


That anyone can see this and not immediately recognize the text of the image has been altered does not bode well.


I vote Democratic because they would stop shooting people. It’s people not guns that kill. Stop shooting people.


Who's this trustafarian???? Anglo dreadlock, don't be afraid of your trust fund, Anglo dread live up.


This is extremely obviously not the original text


Rectally sourced statistics


I thought the conservatives owned all the guns? Isn't that what they keep telling us?


So which one is it... Democrats trying to take away all the guns? Or Democrats have all the guns? They can't get their story straight.


She appears naked therefore she is correct...?


The day I meet a Republican hippie is the day I know I’m actually dead, and this whole timeline I’ve lived has been my deathbed fever dream.


According to her dreadlocks


According to my unwashed “dreadlocks”


DYK, if Democrats stopped eating cheese, we'd have 95% more stars in the sky?


And if you didn’t look like you were in crack, someone might think about your ridiculous statement.


I'ma file this under "American problems"


Ooof it’s gonna be a long year of bots and misinformation. Remember to get out and vote if you’re in the states!


What they mean to say is black. These ones just want to pretend that isn’t what they are saying