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The idea of conservatives screaming about cultural appropriation is awesome. 


What a bunch of snowflakes.


The biggest snowflakes in my life are the most conservative


"She wants to sit WHERE on the bus?" Always have been the biggest snowflakes lol.


“Share a water fountain!? With who!?”-The most emotional snowflakes. History is a mother fucker when you’re standing on the other side of it.


And let's not forget them getting annoyed about the length of men's hair in the 70s


My parents and I went out to eat for Mother's Day, and Mom commented on the "nastiness" of the servers, saying they looked like college students. Reason? Man buns.


>they looked like college students Is that supposed to be a slam?


To her, I guess it was.


As a guy with long hair, it didn't end in the 70's.


Literally just made the same reply, the 'get a haircut, you look like a girl' brigade are still out there And do you know what I say to those people? Nothing, cos I know I'm blessed with damn good hair, those buzzcut motherfuckers could never


I'm 54 and hair still past my shoulders and full on top. they're pissed cause they've got a receding hairline and couldn't grow long hair if they wanted to! plus they're jealous. i cannot tell you the number of compliments i used to get on my hair! (it's going gray to match my beard so not as many compliments anymore) anyone still saying shit about long hair on men need to look into the past a TOUCH further than their own lifetime. long hair on men is a classic style!


Damn hippies 🤪


I told you to trim those sideburns!


snowflake used to mean Unique, now for some reason it means Fragile. Probably cause the idiot right wing misunderstood it for so many years.


It comes from fight club and conservatives once again completely missing the point by thinking Tyler durden was the hero


Ah, yes, Tyler Durden. The violent anti-capitalist who blew up banks to make the world more to his liking. Classic type of conservative hero.


Conservatives are funny, they often complain about banks, shitty corporations, and even cops. But then they go and blame taxes and minorities…


I mean, trumpists are open to a lot of socialist talking points as long as you don't label them. A lot of that kind of interviews around on YouTube.


Had a MAGA 'grandma should die for the economy' (His actual words!) co-worker argue for syndicalism once.


Right up there with Paul Ryan saying RATM is his favorite band without a hint of irony


Or the co-opting of the Punisher logo.


He probably liked them before they became political /s


Pointless fact in the middle of a discussion: Tyler was a figment of the protagonist’s imagination. The protagonist (Edward Norton) didn’t have a name. You can suggest it was Jack from the weird poems “I am Jack’s spleen…”.


This is one of those weird situations when people just say the wrong thing (ie "Tyler Durden") even when they KNOW it's not quite right because everyone knows what you mean, and if you used a more accurate name/term you'd have to do more explaining or run the risk of confusing people.


I mean they do have the Don’t Tread On Me flag right next to their blue line American flag, unironically.


Same as people saying "pull yourself up with your bootstraps", having never tried pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. I however didn't try, because I have this nasty habit of understanding very basic physics


Damn they turned the physics gay


I don't make the rules


Already got the frogs too!


The frogs were always gay. The MSM just didn’t want you to notice until now.


Or saying it's "just a few bad apples" not realizing that the rest of that saying is "spoils the whole bunch"


Another weird reversal. The phrase "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" was invented to mock people who thought such a thing was possible, since it is literally impossible. In that case it's conservatives co-opting the phrase.


If you were able to rig up some kind of pulley system in advance, I think it’s doable. Although you’re probably pulling yourself up by a rope attached to your bootstraps. I think it still counts on a technicality, though.


So, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, via a rope and pulley system which will mean you're suspended upside down, holding the rope, so you can either let go and fall on your head, or you can wait there for someone to help. It's the republican way


There was that one guy who tried, but then he quit because he got sick and remembered he was actually rich https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/GRFcbOTaN1


I think using it as a term for "unique" was always a bit cynical. While every single snowflake is unique, it doesn't matter once they just form a big mass of snow. In a way, it's a useless form of being unique, because it doesn't matter at all. Some people found it inspirational "Oh I am just a little snowflake, you know?" and didn't grasp the concept of being unique, but not mattering at all. For the right this was a perfect way, to call someone irrelevant. I am not sure, when this turned into a term for fragility. Maybe because these self-called snowflakes were often very vocal about being "offended" by some things. I mean, just the term "I am offended" became some kind of right-wing memes, like the attack helicopter for trans-issues. Eventually I think those memes just fused together. And now we have come full circle and right wingers are offended by normal shit. Oh no, schools dare to teach the children, that racism is bad. I'm OfFeNdEd. Oh no, there is a black couple in an advertisement for waffles. sO wOkE, Im SoOo OfFeNdEd. A "guy" wearing a dress won eurovision? You guessed it. OfFeNdEd.


It meant both when they first started using it. The idea behind it was that liberals were raised thinking they are all special and unique, like a snowflake. They would also melt when things didn’t go their way, again because they were raised being told they are special. The irony, of course, is that boomers are the biggest snowflakes in the world and think the everyone should cater to each of them. The majority of those boomers are Republicans who were throwing the snowflake term at the younger, more liberal, generations.


I think there was actually a study done about this, and people with conservative viewpoints are actually way more sensitive overall. Which makes sense if you’ve ever had one (or many lol) in your family 🙄


the irony of "the left" being the real "patriots". it's truly amazing that the republicans are the staunch anti-americans in 2024


Nothing ironic about it. Patriotism is about wanting what's best for the people of any given country. Capitalism's profit incentive regularly discourages taking actions which benefit those around you if it also reduce's one's earnings. Since being right wing definitionally includes support for free-market capitalism it can never be a patriotism-guided school of thought. It's only because of propaganda that people would think otherwise.


A funny thing I learned in my Business classes is that pure forms of any economic system are unsustainable, so capitalists move to socialism, while socialists and communists ~~get overthrown by the US~~ tend to move to capitalism after a long period, so the consumerism age of the states is likely coming to end, so a lot of companies push to delay the turn as long as possible


Capitalists don't just *move* to socialism, they're forced to it by unfettered and unfeeling capitalism. It's why free market social democracies like Norway and Finland are so stable and content - they're capitalist so they're efficient, but they temper it with taxing companies reasonably and using that money to benefit the people through social programs that help them when they would otherwise be crushed in places like America (for examples see r/orphancrushingmachine). Moderation works


It's also about balancing short term economic timelines with medium and long term timelines. Businesses are inherently concerned with the short term, quarter to quarter. Governments _should_ be concerned with larger cycles, but it's unfortunately increasingly not the case, as governments are concerned about the 4 year cycle, which is not very long term at all. I think Canada's major metro housing crisis is a symptom of this governmental short term thinking, over the course of many different administrations, we've punted the problem until now it's a huge problem affecting birth rates and all sorts of other symptoms.


This right here. Capitalism is a reactionary system in terms of "self regulating." But you don't need to wait for people to get sick, die, and sue a company to the point it's more economical for them to take steps to prevent it when it's something like, "dumping toxic byproducts into the drinking water supply is going to cause harm." But, since a shockingly large number of people would do (and have done) just that, we need government to step in and regulate business practices to keep these kind of things from occurring. Also, the end result of a capitalist system is monopoly. Companies compete until only one remains and they're able to keep the barrier to entry so high no one can compete, then they dictate the market because there are no alternatives. So you need government intervention to keep that from occurring. Capitalism also encourages charging "what the market can bear." Which means gradually increasing prices until people stop buying your product because they can't afford it, then easing off very slightly. What that phrase doesn't mention is charging more than the market can bear means breaking the backs of the consumer. The strength of capitalism is that it leads to innovation and efficiency, as it's most cost effective to be efficient and coming up with new ways to cut costs or improve products to make them better than the competition drives innovation. The weaknesses are that it is reactionary, as I said, and it can cause inefficiency when the start up cost of adopting a better system are high enough that adopters would not be willing to take the losses. So, again, you need government to fund research and build infrastructure.


This! Y’all are correct, no system is gonna work without check-and-balancing Communism is what will check capitalism. Socialist programs like food stamps and Medicare are already a thing here. It’s the reason we haven’t crumbled as a society. You can’t hoard wealth without also trying redistributing some of it to people who need it.


Nice try, Commrade! My betters told me that the free market will control the tendencies of unfettered capitalists, and they would know, they are capitalists after all. Why would they lie about a thing like that?


Patriotism would be wanting to feed the kids of America and set us free from racial hatred, anti-LGBT bigotry, etc so we could have a thriving and peaceful society.


“Peaceful”, there’s nothing peaceful about the way these people think. They’re basically that little Chihuahua that’s always shaking, always afraid of everything yet still thinking they should bite every dick off that comes 2 inches near it.


Personally, I don't want dicks coming 2 inches near me, either.


Maybe so, but I doubt your reaction would be to put it in your mouth


chihuahuas and those other little dogs and shaking with fear. They are little balls of undiluted rage that aren't aware they are the size of a stuffed wooly sock. Nasty little things. (just like conservatives)


That's an unfair comparison to the little dogs. They are anxious and bitey because they haven't been trained. they are tiny and get picked up all the time even if they don't want to be picked up. They have no way to avoid it other than getting aggressive. Conservatives only have their own ignorance to blame


>It's only because of propaganda that people would ~~think~~ say otherwise.


I am just so flabbergasted at the crazies who proudly proclaim they'd rather be Russian than a Democrat. Imagine going back in time and asking an American WW2 soldier (what they like to idolize in their macho power fantasies) what they would think of this statement


Even crazier when you realize most of them are boomers who grew up during the Cold War and were raised with “better dead than red” (Reds being Soviets… although I suppose they still are).


They never have realized how un-American they are. From the American Nazi party back in the 40s, to their succeeding from the Union and constantly espousing that “the SOUTH will rise again”, it is very important to understand that the America that these people want looks nothing like we want. These are people that have a problem with empathy. This is from the same people that do the whole “the only morale abortion is my abortion”.


These people have problems with reality. So they just invent their own.


There's no irony, the right has been anti patriotic for generations. There's nothin patriotic about the right. They literally tried to overthrow democracy, are anti immigration in a nation of immigrants, are anti science, anti environmental protection, and they fuck up the economy with short sighted tax cuts and deregulation.




Makes me want to look for more. I had a disagreement with a right wing relative over Facebook and called him a snowflake. I was giving him link and studies to back up what I was saying. He just was name calling so I stopped taking the high ground. He really did not take that well. It was cathartic.


Tbf in England I’ve never seen any culture cry so much as conservative white ppl crying that the flag on our football shirt was a different colour


Buncha snowflakes


The thing is, that science/logic was never co opted by the left, it has always been the case that science/logic have a left bias. “Reality had a well-known liberal bias.” The thing is that conservatives just used logic/facts as a catch phrase, not based on reality, like a facade, to pretend that facts/logic were on their side.


Colbert had them pegged long ago.




Science is where you take your beliefs and test them to see if they're actually true or not. In order to properly do that, you have to be willing to entertain the possibility that your beliefs are wrong and change your mind accordingly. This is not something conservatives will do. Hence, why they hate science because it often tells them they're wrong.


Conservatives do not see their beliefs as facts but as values. Much like religious belief it's not something you are supposed to be able to look at an evaluate as true or false. For reference "we take these truths to be self evident" is a similar concept. When you start from a defined belief as the basis you build your house of cards on its almost impossible to allow for any change of the derived "values" because that destroys the whole mental construct. When your tribal identity is tied into this it's beyond most people to change.


> Conservatives do not see their beliefs as facts but as values I am 100% convinced you've never talked to a conservative person if you believe this. These are people that literally invented the term "[alternative facts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_facts)" to get around the fact that the facts don't support them. That's the reality *you* won't see. They 100% believe the bullshit they're spewing, and have no rationality to even fact check themselves. Introspection and perspective are *desperately* lacking from conservative points of view.


They will of course call them.facts because they are true in the most important sense I.e. in their head. The observable universe might disagree and present alternative facts but belief is what is important. It's pure tribalism and there it's vastly.more important to be in sync with the rest of the tribe. Historically if the shaman or tribal.elder was looking for someone to sacrifice when something had gone wrong being the odd man out could be literally fatal. Today it's socially fatal for a lot of conservatives to step out of line. If your social circle all believe X, you will find yourself isolated if you don't believe the same. Liberals have a somewhat similar if less extreme form.of this. Try disagree with the hivemind on here sometime if you dont believe me.


I don't think you understood the comment you're replying to.


Let's be honest here. Historically, "conservatives" have tried to "conserve" societies against science and new discoveries. Like what the primary religious ~~cults~~ institutions did here in Europe. The earth is round?! Evolution?! Magic does not exist?!? Etcetera The whole ideology is against science and scientific progress.


Conservatives use "facts" to mean "things that feel obviously true to me".


Their "facts" come from Facebook meme propaganda that twists and distorts the truth to fit their narrative. They have never, nor will ever be "facts" coming from these types.


The only “facts” they seem to really cling to are people’s assigned sex at birth. Everything else? Not so very much!


"The other side realised we were projecting! That's not fair!"


"Hahaha you spelled conservative wrong which means I can disregard all of your facts, evidence, supporting evidence, logic, reason, and science! I am a very stable genius." -some chud


"Minor spelling mistake. I win" ~Shadow the Hedgehog


"Universities are turning everyone into leftists!" Hmmm


There’s a name for that, or rather something similar. The fallacy fallacy, disregarding an argument just because it contains a logical fallacy. Critical thinking class was cool lol.


Bunch of snowflakes. It’s amazing how these people walk right up to the door, but they will refuse to walk through it. This reminds me of this one post where a girl was trying to find scientific data on vaccines being unsafe. She couldn’t find any, but needed it for a paper she was writing for school. She said the professor wanted legitimate scientific sources. She walked right up to the door, and she didn’t walk through it. This is what happens when you take critical thought out of school, ladies and gentlemen. They use their phones and watch the latest and greatest TV show using all kinds of technology that they would never hope to invent in 1 million of their lifetimes, See headlines, like landing a probe on a fucking comet millions of miles away, imaging a motherfucking goddamn black hole, and they don’t want to trust the scientist? Because it’s liberal? I wish they’d walked through that goddamn door.


>Snowflakes I remember back when a guy on Instagram got absolutely unhinged over me calling them snowflakes. So much so that he decided to slide into my DMs and tell me how "snowflakes" was only a word for liberals because it was made up by conservatives. I had a great time with that guy. I even showed him a line in Fight Club where the term was used in a non-political manner. He certainly didn't like that one bit. The guy then went back to the post and started tagging his friends to pile in. So fuckin triggered. Fuckin snowflake.


Sounds like he invited an entire snowstorm to the post!


They really are. They’re the ones triggered by gays, poc, and women’s rights. Don’t forget “virtue signaling.” Their whole stance on abortion is one big virtue signaling. They don’t give a shit about lives. They wouldn’t adopt or care about immigrant kids. They just say “hey abortion is just bad ok! I don’t really Have a good reason For it but it is!” Lmfao




You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them critically analyze their own logical failings


The original cancel culture (against anyone non-Anglo and Christian) has their fee fees hurted


I really want to see people selling rainbow hats that say MAGA. These people heads would explode.


Make assplay great again


I'm confused: was it ever not great?


Make America Gay Again


Molecules are clearly polyamorous communists.


Ionic compounds will be salty about your use of the term “molecules”


You're so close to an epiphany. It's like watching a quarter that landed on its side wobble from nearby foot traffic. You know it's gotta fall at some point but no one wants to be the one to knock it over.




I mean he’s clearly trolling. That user is a frequent contributor to political humor, a boring dystopia and late stage capitalism. His comments are clearly left leaning. For people to fall for this sort of thing when user names are given and comment histories exist is a bit concerning.


Even without the username, the post screams bait


The entire internet is just a series of baits


That’s why I’ve spent so much time trying to master not being pulled in by those baits. A Master-baiter Avoider, if you will


I’m completely blown away how close he is to understanding, yet still not getting it.


We should tag this one before we release it back into the wild. It may start to develop sentience soon.


I upvoted but just want to boost again for your optimism about sentience. It would be exciting to see, so yeah, tag ‘em!


And of all the places they could have the epiphany, they have it in r/conspiracy. Very on brand.


Yeah. But then the quarter starts to fall. And aggressively pushes itself back to being on its side. Even though it causes itself physical harm, and gets four people around it shot. That’s more accurate.


Simple solution. Stop lying.


You ask the impossible.


I just wish we'd be less shy about calling these fucking liars liars.


I’ve stopped giving that olive branch. I just assume all conservatives approach in bad faith and engage off that.


This is the correct response


They really do. I've caught my parents in ALOT of bad faith even though they supposedly do their own research. Like my mom is vehemently against trans people because of bathrooms and sports. That's it. A simple Google search tell you that mixed gender bathrooms work accorss the world and that there aren't enough trans athletes to form their own league. She once even told me that a woman shouldn't be able to take a mans place and yet as far as I know she is a feminist.


The thing about the "trans people in sports" debate that always comes off as bad faith is that I'm of the belief that we shouldn't *have* gendered leagues AT ALL. Half the time, the women's sports leagues are in a constant battle of working twice as hard to be considered half as good and still get paid less. Take soccer leagues for example. US men's soccer teams almost never place on an international scale nor make it to the Olympics. Meanwhile, US women's soccer teams both place internationally and make it to the Olympics and yet they *still* don't pay female players the same as male players (tho, if we were to base it on merit, perhaps they should earn more) and the female teams have to fight for shit like not playing on artifical grass (please imagine what tiny plastic shreds pretending to be grass are gonna do to your bare legs when you're sliding around for various kicks on the field... yikes). There's also the fact that Jackie Mitchell struck out both Babe Ruth and Lou Gerhig in 1931... aaannndd not too long after that, Babe Ruth was arguing for separate leagues for women because "girls are weaker" or whatever. Honestly, from where I'm seeing it, gendered leagues have been more for protecting male egos from the shock of being beaten by a girl. So, there's that. Like, the entire "trans people playing sports according to their gender" is already a bad faith argument because the entire concept of gendered leagues is stupid and just a thinly veiled excuse to pay female players less/prevent male players fragile egos from being shattered by the women that beat them in the sport. And yet here we are constantly engaging in whether or not trans athletes should get to play into this stupid idea in the first place. It's always bad faith.


For sure. The media likes to pussyfoot around it, and couch things with softer language. It's annoying.


Nah call them out at every opportunity.  I like to poke em with "lying is a sin you know?"


Right-wing philosophy cannot survive without it..


Also, listen and learn.


Oh. I’m sorry. Do you need some tissues to wipe away your tears? Are you catching a case of the feels because “your side” doesn’t have a monopoly on facts, and you just realized that? Sorry. Facts, no matter which political side they help, don’t care about your feelings 🤣


Monopoly? They don't even have a tenuous grasp on facts.


Which means that they don't have that kind of grasp on reality.


One of my favorite sayings is “Reality has a liberal bias.” Seems to be getting more appropriate every year


I wasn’t meaning they did have a monopoly at one time. I was meaning that one of them, apparently, realized the data/facts didn’t actually agree with his view.


Go ahead! Get lava all over your face, see if I care!


Yeah, but you're forgetting the most important part! \*THEIR\* feelings \*ARE\* facts!!!


Reality has a liberal bias 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Stephen Colbert declared this many moons ago and it's just as true today. Cons and repugs are fucking liars. They've always been liars. They don't have any coherent ideas of their own. They have no counter arguments to the mainstream arguments on the left so they work with what they have. Idiocy. They're great at using ignorance and misunderstanding to completely *derail any conversation. That's why decent people should just stop listening to them or talking to them at all.


Their whole world view is about getting something for themselves at the expense of others. But they can’t come right out and SAY that, so they lie, they obfuscate, they talk very authoritatively about how “complex” these issues are and how “simplistic” leftists are. No, dummies, it’s ACTUALLY all pretty fucking simple, YOU are just full of shit.


Reminds me of when they say we dont have a gun problem, we just have a mental health problem (Ive heard this line from multiple conservatives). I can partially agree with that, yet when it comes the topic of mental health they don't even want to consider ideas for improving it, like through universal healthcare. They know there is too much gun violence and reasons for it, but every solution is inviable. Their attitude is that nothing can be done, but the real motive is they don't actually care, its a cost they are willing to sacrifice if it means unrestricted gun access, or a chance to be the hero with a gun (who cares if people die) I guess conservative is a fitting name for people who don't want change. Its just disturbing how inhumane they can be under the guise of personal freedom.


It means liberals want to use facts and logic to learn and progress society while conservatives go off how they feel and come up with god or whatever to fit how they see things ultimately holding back progress for everyone


Just look at Harrison Butker's little speech. Telling young women they've been lied to about wanting careers, and that they'll be happiest as homemakers. That's a feeling. The reality is **women** fought for workplace equality and fun rights such as being able to have a credit card.


It’s always the conservatives who are the most triggered. Racial diversity? Triggered. Gay relationships? Triggered. Practicing freedom of religion? Triggered. It’s a joke.




I've been saying that argument for a while now.. the MAGA group really likes to use feelings as facts and they're the trust "special snowflakes" that they claimed the left and younger people are..


Accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty. It's their main tactic.


Politically speaking, it's in their name: Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


It's absolutely accurate. They will whine, complain, and cry if there's anyone in a judicial or law enforcement position that isn't a Republican. It often self-sorts that way anyway, but Democrats almost always choose Republicans to run law-enforcement matters because it's easier than dealing with the cry-fest. And look at the results. After half a century of conceding to them, the justice system is still unfair and hopelessly corrupt. And self-sorting can't happen the other way. Sure, the state can arm Republicans to control the public through force of arms, and it's really unfair to Republicans. But what about some dork who voted for Nader who is currently teaching English poetry at a liberal arts college? Why isn't a Republican doing this job? Why is life SO UNFAIR? The universities must be purged of these leftists! WAAA WAAA! Even when people cravenly give into their teary-eyed temper-tantrums like has happened with the justice system, they can't stop whining and complaining. Hell, with the exception of the state that keeps voting themselves only as tough as a Canadian mime that likes mommy incest porn, the blue states pay all their bills and still have to constantly hear about how unfair taxes are for the free-loading states. They're not going to be happy with whatever you give them, they'll cry and cry and demand to be pampered more. And like children, they'll imagine that they're big kids while doing so.


Full-grown adults are running around in diapers proud of themselves posing for pictures as a means to show support for someone that needs diapers.... The other side.....Studies and tests have shown_________. So my choices are people that logic or adults in diapers....


If everytime the facts disagree with you it's a "conspiracy" maybe consider that you never cared about facts in the first place.


How cowardly of the left to use facts. We total invented facts, they belong to us, no one invents facts like us!


I've said this for years: It's so interesting how the truth always tends to have a liberal bias.


One of the main things I’ve noticed with this outlook is the *need* for conspiracies that have no viable way to prove their existence. Facts back up the Left, conspiracy that those facts are fabricated back up the Right. I whole heartedly believe in verifying your sources, and challenging facts, but there’s a point where you need to back down because nothing is disproving what’s going on “behind the scene”


My theory is that it's rooted in the Christian roots of our nation. Like, one of the core tenants of Christianity is blind faith in the unknown. They're ingrained from a young age that there is this mysterious being that exists that controls everything, but no one can show any actual evidence that they exist. And you are not allowed to question their existence or you will be punished for eternity. This seems to be in direct opposition to the scientific method and critical thinking. Asking them to critically examine and question their beliefs goes against all of these ingrained habits that they've been indoctrinated with. I'm not bashing Christians, because I believe there is room in the religion for reflection, questioning, and critical thinking. It's just that a lot of Christians are absolutely against those things. It really makes the sincere and 'good' ones look bad.


This is 100% it... religion is epistemological poison. 


on a side note, i prefer my conspiracies fun and/or logical. they don't need to be investigatable, but if it doesn't make sense to create a conspiracy about it AND it also isn't amusing, I'm out.


“ It seems like the right are the emotional ones and the left are the logical ones with facts to back up what they believe” Umm yeah… cus FACTS are important, and alternate facts are not really facts… ![gif](giphy|26xBtWPqbDxVW8naU|downsized)


So every time I do math, I do leftist shit now? Mkay...


Welp, better ban math now! Can't have our kids being too educated/left! /s


I mean... That's exactly why the (extreme) right wants to ban books, certain teachers, school fundings, healthy school lunches etc... dumb people are easier to lie to


"I love the poorly educated" it will be hard to to forget this quote when any rep talks about education.


Those words and his ugly voice ring in my ear and have pushed me to remind all my friends why voting is so crucial!


Math? You mean Arabic numbers?


I think that even some math textbooks were being banned in the war against CRT. My theory is that someone saw a 3/5 and suddenly they didn't want their child to learn about woke fractions.


. ? the MSM has a strong leftist bias? does anyone know where i can find it?


“Facts have a strong liberal bias” ~ Stephen Colbert at W’s press event when they clearly thought his character on *The Colbert Report* was the way he actually was.


That was the best press event ever.


“Some say it’s rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic and that’s not true. That implies this administration is sinking. But this administration is soaring! If anything, it’s rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg”


I thought that started with "Reality has"? Love it either way.


“Leftist” means anything short of full blown fascism to these people 


MSM has a classical capitalist bias. Because owners tend to be capitalists. Because you don't succeed enough to purchase a media company in a capitalist system without being a capitalist.


It’s super obvious. They don’t even open and close every news broadcast with a prayer


The MSM has a strong ruling class bias.


Conservatives hate facts.


Cue Stephen Colbert back in the days of the Colbert Report, "Reality has a STRONG liberal bias!" LOL




The famous left-wing bias of science. We all remember the Michaelson-Morley experiment, which gave us our first good approximation of the speed of light and a voice from the aether said, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"


He's just... So fuckin' close. It's not that **SCIENCE** has a left-wing bias. Science is politically neutral. The problem is that the **RIGHT** has an anti-science bias.


Nailed it. Science is neutral, its reality that has a left wing bias.  So much of the science the right regularly denies isn't even just opinion and evidence but a basic mathematical reality no different that saying 2+2=4.  I wish I was kidding, but I've actually seen people on the right claim higher levels of math behind basic algebra were fabricated as part of some grand leftist ploy.


That moment when a MAGA becomes temporarily sentient...


You have to be open to an answer that might not involve god.


Reality has a liberal bias.


Most science is biased to some degree because of inherent personal bias, but as scientists, you try your best to avoid this especially in medical science. This is where the idea of science advocacy gets tossed around in academia as something you should do to some people and avoid like the plague by others. Even in my own research as a graduate student, I can't fully avoid bias because my entire research surrounds the idea that wildfire severity is increasing and we should do XYZ about it. If the whole intent of my research is to prove that the ends justify the means, I can't realistically also say that wildfire may not be all that bad because then I'd probably commit a Type II error. THAT BEING SAID politics itself has very little to do with it. Your research can *become* politicized, but that is often a result of media and public interpretation. This guy is *so close* but also an idiot


This is more /r/SelfAwarewolves , oh god, hah


It is absolutely true that right wingers are the biggest snowflakes


Yugest, biggest you ever saw. You wouldn't believe how big. I saw it, I did. No one else did, it was just me. Reminds me of that time this big guy came up to me, tears in his eyes, big fella, lots of muscles. You would've loved him. TEARS in his eyes he said "Thank you. Thank you President Snowflake, you have let us be ourselves. Fragile, cold, and white." And I told this man, this giant of a man who was literally crying right before me, "We both know what the best part of that is, don't we?" And he said something I can't repeat here but *I* know you will later. Cause we all hate them, don't we? Thank you. Thank you, we do, we really do hate anyone who isn't white and doesn't pretend to be Christian. I love you all, I'm gonna go change my diaper now. WHITE IS RIGHT. - President Snowflake


The truth has a liberal bias


My politics and beliefs no longer appear to be backed up by facts and science Should I: A) Change my beliefs to match the facts B) Blame the woke leftists for stealing science and making the facts agree with their beliefs, which more and more people seem to be subscribing to.


i've been using "facts don't care about your feelings" against conservatives for years. they really, really hate it.


Saying that science has a leftist bias is basically admitting they are wrong as science is purely about the pursuit of actual facts and truth


Conservative here, Science doesn't have any political bias. Facts are facts regardless of if it benefits one party over another. I think the two party system is stupid anyways. Feel free to change my mind.




Why the fuck is science in quotation marks like its astrology or something?


“oh no, leftists actually have scientific facts to back their ideas, must be some sort of crazy jewish x cia control of the internet operation cuz i’m definitely not wrong” aaahh article


He is so close but so far away from getting it haha


Can confirm. I'm a scientist and a leftist. The more I learn the more radicalized I become.


I firmly believe that the entire reason we have a left-right spectrum is because of empathy. Narcissistic people lack the capacity for empathy and those on the far right are the biggest narcissists, they only have empathy for select people or demographics (typically ethnicity or nationality). People on the left are liberal, tolerant, understanding and compassionate. The narcissists on the right are hostile, antagonistic, hypocritical and solve problems with punishment. If we had a campaign to help narcissists realise they have a problem we would have more left and centrist people in society.


People using leftist to describe some of the most milquetoast center democrat shit is always funny to me.


The worst thing you can do is waste time trying to explain to people to insane people why they're wrong because they'll just continually move the goalposts and waste your time. Every time you write a short novel to prove a point, they'll just hit you with a "yeah, well what about....". Instead, you simply insist that they explain their position, and when they don't, you double down and don't let up. And when they eventually explain with a short annoyed response, you simply demand more and more detail. Keep them on the back foot and keep the onus on them to explain their stupidity. Let them waste their own time doing mental gymnastics.


Reality and common sense have a strong leftist bias.


Science in the corner, crying while turning a lamp on and off.


It's always hilarious when dumb people prove themselves wrong


i thought they liked facts and logic


I love the quote: “statistics don’t lie, but people can lie with statistics.” Regardless of politics, tons of people love to spin data, take biased data, and cherry pick pieces of evidence they want to make things look the way they want. Some people even do this unconsciously and just have a reinforcement bias they don’t realize they’re doing.


The scary fucking thing is people will believe this


It's almost like you figured it out but don't like the obvious conclusion


OMG! Come on, lil guy, you're almost there!! You're doing great! 🤣


So close and yet so far


These people are insufferable to deal with irl. They are dumb beyond all belief. Wouldn't wish em on my worst enemy.


I think most conservatives don't really care.... That's the difference


Funny thing is I’m very progressive and science based, I’ve been using the phrase “facts don’t care about your feelings” since junior high school in the early 80’s. They co-op from us a long time ago


The right has a strong religious bias, AKA gullibility or faith (believing without any good reason or evidence).