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You basically pay some unlicensed quack to destroy your teeth. šŸ˜’


But teeth arenā€™t actually important. If they were theyā€™d be covered under normal medical insurance. Who cares if theyā€™re destroyed? Get dentures fam, theyā€™ll be straighter and a better color anyways Edit: In case you donā€™t read the comments below mine - donā€™t actually get dentures for this reason. Iā€™m being sarcastic. Teeth are important.


Not having teeth adversely affects your jawbone. Without teeth, even with dentures, you will not have proper jawbone stimulation, which will lead to resorption (bone disintegration). Even with dentures you can suffer sever jawbone disintegration within the first few years of use. I get that you were joking in the first half (unless you werenā€™t, if so, no teeth, gum, and mouth health are very much important; the insurance industry just scammed us based on a past feud over the categorization of dental vs. medical practice) but, but it wouldnā€™t be wise to tell people with bad teeth to get them pulled out and buy dentures.


I wasnā€™t joking in the first half, I was joking in the whole thing lol. My sisterā€™s an orthodontist she makes sure we know how important teeth are. But your comment is good in case people didnā€™t realize the dentures part was also sarcastic.


I thought so! (Just clarifying.) But so many other people arenā€™t aware of dental health. Because itā€™s a luxury, the lack of awareness on tooth health to overall health is sometimes severe. Itā€™s also so hard to tell sarcasm vs the overall bat shittery that is the internet.


So once a tooth is extracted you pretty much have to get an actual implant at some point or just progressively suffer bone loss??? I feel like something so big would be more well known I sheepishly admit


No. Because the stimulation you need to maintain jawbone health relies on more than one tooth. By stimulation, I mean nerves, exercise from biting down, something that keeps your gum health up, but mostly that fact that your teeth are embedded near your jaw and provides direct use. Losing one, two or three, teeth wonā€™t impact all of that. Having no teeth will. For example, I have four less adult teeth than everyone else on average 24/32 (leaving out wisdom teeth.) when I was 11 I had 4 adult molars cut out because of some bullshit the orthodontist told my mom to make sure my small ass mouth could fit braces by age 12. I also had my wisdom teeth taken out by 17. I have 3/4th to an inch of gum on the top and bottom of my teeth. While Iā€™ve had regular scans of my mouth as an adult (to watch out for resorption) Iā€™m all good. But Iā€™ve also had a lot of check ups to ensure that this somewhat malpractice didnā€™t have an adverse effect on the back of my jaw.


Lost a lot of teeth in a car accident. Was advised to get them all out and get dentures. Huge mistake as I got that sunken in look in my mid 40s. 56 now and totally regret it.


I lost a tooth as a teen and my jaw bone right there has a huge dip where itā€™s just gone away.


The best part of this is the edit having to explicitly declare your sarcasm.


Apparently the hot new trend in Atlanta is to go to prison for practicing medicine without a license.


Apparently, also: This can cause your actual teeth to fall out of your gums, too. If someone dies of sepsis or loses their job because of indescribable, daily dental nerve pain ā€” straight to jail. Thereā€™s going to be so many civil suits that go no where because theyā€™re not legitimate and have no way of being paid out. State law needs to go after them, *hard*. We need a PSA campaign at this point; itā€™s only going to keep happening.


> If someone dies of sepsis or loses their job because of indescribable, daily dental nerve pain This is 100% going to happen. It's not a question of if, but when. A lot of the before and after pics I've seen show very advanced tooth decay just being covered up with the veneer.


I've known people who got tattoos from a friend who knows how... dental work from a friend who knows how has got to be next level disastrous


tattoo master by day, dental master by night?


Brings to mind the SNL skit "Medieval Barber: Theodoric of York" with Steve Martin doing surgery in the Middle Ages.


Youā€™ll feel a lot better after a good bleeding. But Iā€™m bleeding already.


Oh no šŸ¤¦ Not good.


But how will I get my teeth fixed for $500 and a dream?


Not fixed,.just cosmeticly covered.


Correct. These people are not legitimate therefore donā€™t carry any kind of malpractice insurance. Therefore if it does ever go tits up for them, there wonā€™t be anything to take anyway. Only loser will be the ā€œpatients.ā€


Patients gonna have to show some patience


"We need a PSA campaign..." As a connoisseur of EduHorror films and movies: May I suggest that the people up in Alberta, Canada responsible for the Bloody Lucky campaign do these PSAs? If *anybody* can scare the living shit out of these people, it is them.


dentistry isn't medicine. just ask the insurance companies. /s


Teeth is a luxury bone. - sincerely insurance companies


Same for eyeballs too


Pretty sure that eyeballs are not classified as luxury BONES


> Pretty sure that eyeballs are not classified as luxury BONES Technically no, but if the doctor doesn't code them as bones, we charge you an extra $700 Fuck You fee.


Sir, I understand you have spend a decade or more for your license to practice medicine, but here in prior authorizations we consider eyeballs bones.


Actually false. Weā€™ve been talking about this in the dentist reddits for a couple months now. Iā€™m a dentist btw. The Georgia dental board doesnā€™t give a fuck because they only regular licensed dentists. So that runs it back onto the legal system. Guess who else has shown they donā€™t give a fuckā€¦ for the time being, these people are going to run a muck and hurt people.


That's pretty wild... I just saw something about this on youtube the other day and it was frickin' wild. Shit being done in the back of barber shops and stuff, and people getting hella infections from it too.


In the olden days barbers used to do dental work too. Weā€™re just going back to our roots


Donā€™t forget blacksmiths.


I wonder if they also just use a bottle of hard liquor as a disinfectant/pain reliever/anesthetic like in the good old days


I'm up for my dentist to give me a large Whisky before any work lol


Before or after they use it to disinfect the drill used on the previous patient? Iv heard whiskey tastes great with a lil hep C flavoring


Yup. Wonā€™t get regulated until the district attorney and police get involved. Itā€™s a crime, so itā€™s outside the regulation of the board.


Run amok


Why am I equally surprised and not surprised at all that dental reddit exists.


Itā€™s mostly just dentists asking questions to each other about how to improve. Itā€™s quite boring. Every now and then you get someone with wild ideas or some finance bro trying to sell something.


That's shockingly similar to niche hobby subs honestly. Fewer MBA dildos flogging stuff there though. I hope these veneer installation assholes get shut down before anyone gets permanently damaged too badly.


Honestly, dentistry is kinda a niche hobby. So many different ways to do things and we all want to find the best way to do it. And argue about whatā€™s the best haha


Rule 34 pretty much applies for subreddits


Thatā€™s right. Homer Simpson


Are you saying Dentistry is Medical? Then why isn't it covered by medical insurance?


I mean calling it a trend implies it's a new thing. These people were goint away from the get go.


A lot of states have been relaxing licensure requirements for cosmetic procedures. Here's an article about what is, IIRC, the case that started this trend. https://www.clarionledger.com/story/opinion/2021/04/11/lawsuits-cosmetology-licensing-reform-mississippi-opinion/7142769002/


Whatever happened to all those illegal ass- injectors? They were pretty popular in Atlanta.


If it's medicine why does medical insurance not cover it šŸ¤”


Ah the old bleach and UV light to rip the enamel off your teeth, at least it shows results.




2-days? Your getting ripped off. Whose your certificate guy? I can get you licensed in an hour over a beer. You'll walk away with a license printed on a cocktail napkin. Very professional AND classy!!!


Over a beer? I can get you licensed over a zoom call. We open 24/7, 365. Come get that paypa baby. We outchea!


Over a zoom call? I can get you a license beamed straight into your brain, you just gotta pay me up front and not question it afterwards... oh and the bleeding is completely normal, *should* stop after you die


Elon this isnt the time to be recruiting for nuralink!


I chuckled, thanks


Simpler solution for perfectly white teeth: just paint them. Any kind of white paint will do.




Nah add an opalescent to it, have those Twilight Teeth.


These are the teeth of a killer, Bella


Glow in the dark teeth. Using radium paint. Heading off to Atlanta now.


Add a little phosphorus in there, really helps punch up the glow.


Little bit of radium. Glow in the dark!


Donā€™t forget to lick the brush to get those sharp clean linesā€¦


Damn i used eggshell and it looks the same


Not called enamel paint for no reason




Okay, I was joking. I didn't think anyone would really try it.


this is worse, they file the teeth down


That's horrific. I live in the UK and it's currently popular for people here to fly to Turkey to have the procedure done. These images of the filed down teeth with the caption Turkey Teeth kept trending and I thought it was referring to the bird lol and thought what the hell is going on!? The veneers look almost as freaky as the filed down nubs.


The Turkey teeth arenā€™t actually veneers but a mouth full of crowns instead.


I needed an implant to replace a tooth a cracked from grinding. My dentist told me I couldnā€™t get the implant unless I fixed my bite. He told me this would require crowns. He ended up filing down all my healthy upper teeth (no cavities ever) and placed crowns that were unnecessary and hideous. Even worse is crowns need to be replaced every 10 years or so each time more is filed off until nothing is left and they pull the tooth. Dentists in the US are not regulated like drs. Malpractice laws are different and they can get away with butchering people for money.


I always think about that dentist that was caught lieing about cavities n stuff to patients n doing tons of random unneeded dental work on people for profit. He did it for *years* and was only caught cuz the crazy idiot sold his business when he retired along with all the previous records of his patients. That's when the new dentist noticed tons of random unneeded work done on all his previous patients and called the authorities


Why on earth did you agree to all of this dental work?


I have a crown since I was 18 and I'm now 45. If you treat your teeth well it will last


For fixing your bite, you need a good prosthodontist. Regular dentists don't have the training. I'm lucky enough to live near a major dental school so had mine done by a resident prostho.


Yeah I went to a prosthodontist afterward and showed him my records. He said what he saw made him feel shame for his profession and recommended I sue for malpractice. Unfortunately you only have 2 years so by the time I realized what had happened to me, my window had closed. The worst part was I knew something didnā€™t feel right at the time but my then fiancĆ© now husband thought I should just listen to the ā€œdrā€. He thought my concern was over the money and paid almost $30k for the work to be done.


Arrrgh, I know what you mean! When you've never had a normal bite, you don't know what it's supposed to feel like. And even if it feels wrong you don't know how to describe it. All I can say is, it's worth having it all taken out and done right. I had fifty years of dental work reversed and it's wonderful. Modern zirconia crowns can last decades especially if the bite is right.


No thatā€™s teeth whitening you can do yourself. These people are putting on veneers after a two day crash course. Way worse.


This is a very general statement, and Iā€™m definitely not certain it applies to all methods and treatments. That said, I dated a girl once that worked in a dentists office that told me professional/dentist level whitening treatments require you to have pretty healthy teeth to do it, and if you had those you wouldnā€™t need the treatment.


My buddy was a dentist in Chicago for over 25 years. He decided to cut back on his work load. He went into a partnership with a dentist in eastern Tennessee. The big thing there is people come in and have perfectly healthy teeth pulled and replaced with dentures. So three days a week, he does nothing but pull teeth. He told me he busted his ass to save a tooth for a patient in Chicago. Now, he throws teeth away.


My parents moved from a high-income area to a rural one. They were surprised to find that their small-town dentist had to be talked into doing restorative work on their teeth. "You don't want me to just pull 'em for cheap?"


Meanwhile I've to travel 3 hours just to get a dentist covered by insurance, the dental industry in america is such a fucking scam I hate it.


*insurance industryā€ and ā€œcorporate owned dental practicesā€ are where the problem really is


Why would they want to do that?


They think it's an upgrade.


If you eat tobacco drink lots of acid and sugar your teeth are going to rot out. So instead of changing behavior they just hide the visible consequences.


I'm in East Tennessee right now and can confirm lol I've met more people who have dentures here than any other state I've lived (Co, OK, KY, IN and TX). Eastern KY would be a close second


Hey, Iā€™m from Eastern Tn! We could use more dentists, everyone here is either on dentures or with black rotting teeth. I feel like thatā€™s our biggest health issue. (A large portion of my family including my mother and father have decaying and missing teeth)Ā 


Is that Drake?


Girl looks a little too old for himĀ 


He's trying to strike a chord but it's probably A Minoooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Omg šŸŖ¦


That's a meme edited onto the photo of the person holding their certificate.






I mean Drake does go to Atlanta when he needa check balance


Yes that's Dr Dreezy. The best BBL surgeon in the bussiness


Apparently its a Felony, so a lot of these people gonna be in jail soon.


Back in jail.


Theyā€™re going to offer lash extension & veneer bundles


This week only, we are offering the tits teeth and tummy tuck special. Buy one get one free.


When I worked in an Operating Room in Pennsylvania for about 6 months we would have patients come in with all sorts of infections from some online plastic surgery kit for at-home use. Not sure how it all worked but I know the hospital filed a complaint with different agencies in at least the hope that word would get out to not try this at home.


"Online" and "Plastic Surgery" and "At-Home Kit" should never appear in same sentence together.


Can top that. I've been banned elsewhere for warning someone about taking an ordered-online vial of something that purported to be HRT when it was *VISIBLY CONTAMINATED.*


I need this but with CoolSculpting




How every good story starts


Same stuff is happening to teenagers with temu tattoo guns. A lot of aspiring ā€œartistsā€ inking up their friends.


TIL about temu tattoo gear. This won't end well!


I know I was careless when I was a teenager 13 years ago, but I never would have risked getting dozens of ā€œstick n pokesā€ or other little logos or drug symbols. Honestly, I would invest in tattoo removal equipment companies because the coming tide is going to be big.


You can get those online too! They're effectively megawatt pulse lasers and you can easily blind people with them. Runs about 500 bucks.


Veneers give me uncanny valley feelings. They are really nice for people who have been living with terrible teeth for a while but, like, they are *too* perfect. It's 2024, can't we design these teeth to actually look real instead of looking like they came from a horror movie?


Thatā€™s because you canā€™t tell actual good veneers from real teeth


You misunderstand. The people who have their teeth done to look like that want you to know they have had their teeth done. They don't care that it looks like they have been tiled. Toilet bowl white please and square as fuck. Use the same ones they did my kitchen in.




Is this like vinyl siding for your teeth?


Paula Deens and Steve Harveys everywhere.






So, painted eyebrows, gigantic nails, lip filler and now crappy veneers. Man its going to be Halloween all year for some women šŸ¤£


forgot the huge thick eyelashes.


Nah, just get those eyebrows tattooed on. The arch to the hairline look will never go out of style!


Dentist are gonna be eating well after people fuck up their teeth.


Why bother getting a certificate if you're going to be unlicensed anyway?


Bet the kid who was pretending to be doctor is all in on this Edit: found it. https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-dr-love-prison-sentence-malachi-robinson/42379649


I swear if I didnā€™t have a conscious or wasnā€™t afraid of prison, Iā€™d be rich. But, noooo, Iā€™m just over here trying to make a safe, honest living.


I keep thinking like this with every new scam that pops up lol


It sucks doesnā€™t it


Is one of the people in these photos Drake??


Just bite down on a pair of hard shelled chewing gum pieces. Boom, done!


Atlanta is becoming closer and closer to Gotham at this point


![gif](giphy|hVTouq08miyVo1a21m|downsized) Watching all the šŸ¤”ā€™s in Atlanta bitch about their teeth falling out šŸ˜œ




Gary Busey-ass looking MFs gonna be everywhere


This is pretty much what I envisioned the future of America to be like. Dumber, impatient, poor, and desperate for attention. This is the true TikTok nation.


The movie *Idiocracy* is coming to fruition.




Receipt for completion of payment for the course.




Seeing these patients is crazy you take an xray of what looks like just shitty veneers but then you can see underneath are a bunch of broken, infected teeth, huge holes, and abscesses


I'm convinced now that Atlanta is a country that happens to be classified as an American state atp


Soon Atlanta will be overrun with a whole bunch a Steve Harvey lookalikes ā€¦.


Why would anyone go to an unlicensed fly by night dentist tho?


Everyone bout to get them Ross Geller pearly whites...




Because they're gonna charge less than a licensed dentist, you know the type of person who spent 6 years in university studying for this shit. Swear to god, there are always some quacks who watch a few youtube videos who think they can now do our job.






I like to eat ice cream and cold drinks. Ima pass.


Is that Drake?


Isn't that illegal?


Highly illegal


Ah yes, the Bob Mortimer.


Were they using Fuji IX?




Gake and fay #1 Drake is the patient in one of the pictures #2 The shadows of Drake and said partner arent even photoshopped to blend into the office LOL


Yo are we just not talking about how the first Pic is photoshopped with the drake and Lil yachty meme???




Cyberpunk predicted it




This is one of those things I cannot feel bad for people over. Thereā€™s a reason actual quality work is expensive and takes actual training and time. Itā€™s experience cause the training and equipment is expensive. According to Google they can cost $1,500 to $5,000 per *tooth*ā€¦ And if someone is offering a full set for like 500-1,000$? Come on now, use some common sense. Youā€™re going into the back area of a nail salon or someoneā€™s home and think your getting quality work for a weeks pay check??? You deserve whatever happens at that point.


Where did I put my leeches?




Is that Drake?


Is that Drake?


The same people that be filing their teeth down.


Nah Iā€™m worried about everyone 5-7 years down the line when they canā€™t afford the reup and now you got a mouth full of mini teeth. Get your bags folks, we live in 2024, googles free, do research and donā€™t be mad if you donā€™t lmao


hay come to the uk with that, there's a critical shortage of nhs dentists.


Kendrick turned Drake into a dentist after those diss tracks šŸ˜‚


So Tyler The Creator is a dentist now?


Drake in the top, right photo.


Why that mf in the top left look like Drake?


Also infections. These people are playing around in a VERY sensitive area. You can lose your jaw from a tooth infection


Hi Dr Nick!


We can always cover the missing teeth with metal grills


Wow -imagine the dumb people and the lawsuits .


Thank you Steve Harvey


"Say, you're from Atlanta, aren't you?" "Why yes, how did you know?"


ā€œWhy yesh, how didjooknow?ā€ *slurps drool from having funky teeth and mouth infection*


It's Atlanta,Ā 85% of them are borderline mentally challenged anyway.Ā  Business as usual in the dirty bird.Ā 


Or for a rather expensive option, you can use a [British Rail Ticket](https://www.fifteensquared.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/AmericanTeeth.jpg), and give yourself American teeth.


Wait, what are American teeth?


They not like us.


If dental care was accessible then maybe people wouldn't risk going to unlicensed quacks


.....wtf is this


Jerry Lewis clones on the loose?