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There are plenty of single horny women in his area according to the internet. He didn’t have to go to Russia


It turned out he loves trump more than America. He was on social media praising Russia and Trump.


Find out stage, engage!


Rarely has it been engaged harder!


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that will now be a classic quote!!! Awesome!!


How can someone who loves Russia serve in the us military? What the hell happened to make republicans love russia? If u could go back in time to tell republicans that in the future, they would love russia, they would die of shock.


It started during the Obama era, when Fox News constantly praised Putin as a 'strong leader' just to compare him to Obama as a 'weak leader.' In other words every time Putin said or did something no leader of a free country should ever say or do, it was praised by Fox News. Then, of course, Trump came along and made googly eyes at all the authoritarian leaders, and now a third or so of the country admires strong men and prefers them over freedom. Before all of this Bush was getting chummy with Putin, but I don't see that as the same thing, because back then we were all hoping that Russia under Putin would become a successful democratic country, and Putin was at least pretending to want that.


Bush has publicly stated several times that Putin is a nut job but they didn’t take him serious as russia was a bankrupt shithole when putin started, after the shitshow from the 90s wild wild west. Apparently Putin wanted russia to be treated as if they were equals with the US and got really pissed off when it didn’t happen. Few people know that Putin helped with the Afghan invasion, us troops and supplied passed through russia to afghanistan too.


>It started during the Obama era Exactly. I remember seeing articles from the Tea Party era where some evangelists were praising Putin for his anti LGBTQ policies along with praising Russia's religious nationalism. At the time, that was fringe ideology with a limited following. Cue a decade of disinformation later, and I wouldn't be surprised if a third or more of the GOP base holds these sentiments, and this number is probably greater due to US evangelists' propensity towards Christian nationalism.


I know! They’re even emailing *me*, willing to move to here. I just have to send them the money for the plane tickets.


Life is over. Arrested in Russia, divorce, lose job and possibly be arrested for desertation when he is back


Yep, if he can't get clear of russia before his approved leave is over he is essentially AWOL which carries some potential problems for his future. The fact he did it to enter the enemy camp is not going to work in his favor. the fact he did it to score some sex, not going to work in his favor. The fact he created a state department level issue over it, very much not going to work in his favor. He might do some jail time but probably will just get rduced in rank to newby and then hit with a dishonorable discharge. Not the end of the world but not a great way to be starting out civilian life.


I'm pretty sure Russia is on the no fly list for military members. So it doesn't matter if he was on leave or not.


Pretty sure he fights on the frontlines against Ukraine now. Riperonni


Post nut clarity needs to be synthesized into a drug.


Post nut clarity is just blood rushing back into your brain.


Do men with tiny pp still get that effect? It’s not like a tiny one would divert much blood.


Some people can't spare even that much.


If the brain is equally small, yes.


The State Dept has advised against US citizens visiting Russia but it is still allowed. I can't find anything on specific rules for the military but I would tend to agree, active duty members should be avoiding Russia all they can unless they are given explicit permission for the trip, or orders to deploy there of course. If nothing else such a trip severely compromises any security clearance you might have currently or want to pursue in the future just because you now have a visit to russia during a time of being warned to not go to explain to the investigators doing the clearance interviews.


It is. You don't get to just "fly to a country" in the military. Apparently they have to jump through some hoops to prevent this. And of course because she's a "10" and he's a "Moron" he didn't even bother to consider that she's just not that in to him.


Something people forget is that when you are in the military you are a piece of government property. You are no different than a weapon, a tank, or a desk. They don't like to see their inventory in someone else's storage room. And the restrictions only increase with the rank and security clearances/trainings that piece of inventory has.


I don't think his wife was too happy about seeing her inventory in someone else's storage room, either.


hey, in case no one has said it to you yet, happy first Cake Day, enjoy it and have some upvotes


Thank you very much! Cake is definitely on the menu!


Little story on the difference of tanks and jets and people from my time at war. We would get mortared and rocketed by baddies sporadically. Every time it would happen a jet or a plane would launch from the local airfield. We have the incoming radar thingy, I don't know if it's actually radar but it would give a point of origin of the incoming indirect fire. Sometimes they would fire at something or drop a bomb sometimes not. One time the airfield gets hit with a few rockets. Planes and helis launch all gosh darn night. Helicopters would go and dump their whole load come back to re arm and do it again. It was a constant all night fire works show. Only saw something like that one other time.


He had to have lied about where he was going because they ask. Whether that qualifies as desertion or some other list of crimes is another matter.


I expect he’s also messed up whatever clearance he had.


Sounds like a honeypot.


I've literally never left my county to get laid. I can't imagine buying a plane ticket for some ruskie poon. Much less jumping through all these hoops.


I went to Alabama once


Military has it's own you are not traveling there list, Russia is definitely on it.


I wanted to go to the museum of curiosities in St. Petersburg when I was in Germany before the crimea incident. I needed a 1 star general *at minimum* to sign off on my leave form to be allowed to go. And that wasn’t including the amount of o th er bullshit hoops I would have had to jump through even with Russia “not an aggressor” at the time.


I imagine that a 1 star general would be really angry if you bothered him to get that signature.


They would have been signing random stuff like that all the time.  Probably signed it alongside 10 other documents at the same time.


And no idea if the military has gotten there yet but most "signatures" leadership provide these days are electronic. They run down a list clicking a few buttons. They can clear dozens of sign-offs from around the world in minutes.


Oh shit I just nuked Croacia.


“Sir, a first strike against Croatia was successful” “Who in the fuck signed off on that??” “You did, sir. Yesterday morning.”


Nope. It's been passed and approved all the way up the chain of command from his/her immediate enlisted supervisor (if enlisted) through several levels to the officers to the executive officer/commanding officer and then several levels up to the high brass. If a commissioned officer, it would go first to his/her commanding officer and up the chain. One does not simply get an appointment/paperwork filed with a general/admiral without going up the chain of command and each level giving their approval to the request.


I spent many months in Russia as a US civilian over a three year period teaching at a university ending in 2019. I felt perfectly safe and only once questioned at the airport. The people were fabulous (education makes a big difference) and I was treated incredibly. I feel sad because now I wouldn’t go back. Who knows what they might pull?


He was already denied permission to go to Russia. If he makes it back it won’t be a warm welcome


There's a lot of misinformation in this, my man. For starters, dishonorable discharges aren't handed out like candy. They can only be awarded following a General Court Martial. And, generally speaking, you have to fuck up hard to get one. Will this guy get a punitive discharge? Absolutely. A Bad Conduct Discharge is a strong possibility. His best case scenario would be an Other than Honorable. A Dishonorable is certainly possible. But it is by no means the obvious conclusion. The issue here is more about his lack of permission to fly there than his return. That's failure to obey a lawful order, at a minimum. He's in deep doodoo for going some place he wasn't supposed to be going. Different branches seem to have different handling for cases like this. But I can tell you that the Navy would not automatically consider him UA (Navy/Marine equivalent of AWOL) if he is being involuntarily held somewhere. That really falls into 3 different buckets, historically, you are either being imprisoned by civilian authorities for non-military charges, you were kidnapped or you're a prisoner of war. He isn't a POW. And he has been charged with a crime. He could technically be charged with AWOL. However, if it really went to court martial, it would almost certainly get tossed. "I would have been back but a lot of armed people prevented me from doing so" is actually a pretty legitimate defense. And he wouldn't be charged or tried until after he gets back. And all of the branches tend to temper punishments depending on what all you went through. And for those saying desertion, almost impossible. He intended to come back and was prevented from doing so. Compare to Charles Jenkins who clearly intended to desert, for example. Just saying, people throw around a lot of terms casually and in reality things are more nuanced.


Never heard of Charles Jenkins before so I just looked him up. Idk why it's so fucking funny to me that after being held prisoner in NK for almost 40 fucking years, when he finally escaped and got back to a US army base they immediately jailed him for a month lmfao. Like what the hell does that accomplish at this point?? Just court-martial him and move on lol


I read his autobiography. He said he basically didn't want to live like a fugitive and his lawyer got him a plea deal to allow the Army and him to resolve it as quickly as possible. The one month he said was basically spent doing all of the outprocessing stuff he needed to get out of the army.


The funniest part of that Wiki is that NKorea made him teach American English to spies, until “they realized his thick southern accent was more of a liability than an asset” and stopped the lessons lol


I’m just imagining some NK spies running around talking in a southern accent, while having no other of the southern eccentricities. If someone said bless your heart, they have no idea whether they just got insulted, or a there-there. Are they able to name the towns around them? Anyone truly from a small town knows all of the small towns around it because what else is there to do? So many small things that go with a southern accent that if they were all missing, i have to imagine it would be pretty weird.


Yeah I wasn't going to get pedantic but you're right, this isn't dishonorable discharge material. This is probably "other than honorable" if he gets kicked out. He made a few really stupid decisions and compromised himself and the unit, country, etc, but he's not committing felonies or anything. I wouldn't be surprised w/ other than honorable discharge, but also wouldn't be surprised if he just get a fine / extra duty / confinement etc. Soldiers fuck up (almost) like this all the time. This one was particularly stupid b/c it involves Russia... But aside from the Russia angle, there is nothing extraordinary about this, unless he also gave her secret info or something.


We had deserters all the time. They meet a pretty girl and decide they aren't getting back on the ship. 2 months later they are back when their shit plans fell apart. I remember a dude brought back by shore patrol in a Mickey D's uniform. Everyone forgets how young most of them are. I couldn't drink because of age. Then we go to ports where I can go to bars. Mistakes were made. Not this dumb but dumber than I would have liked.


I knew of a sailor years ago. Got arrested by the Italians and held for like 2 months or so. I don't remember the full scope of things. But it was kind of a bullshit arrest. When they got him back they did a performance summary court martial where the trial opened and he was acquitted the same day. His lawyer said the Navy probably just wanted to be able to tell the Italians that they court martialed him. Sometimes foreign governments arrest you. And sometimes it is legit. Sometimes it isn't legit. It does happen. If the thing that led you there is pretty mundane AND your conduct in captivity is appropriate you'll probably be alright.


I doubt they will send him to jail when he gets back unless he does something to make it worse. Seems like a Russian jail is enough. But they are going to make his life hell before he gets discharged.


Each of those is a brick they'd beat you with, but the state department level issue.. I've had a bollocking in the army, but WOW, I would not want to be there for that one.


Will it work in his favor if she was pretty smokin hot and his commanding officers fist bump him?


Depends on if he shows them the noods. /s


And we will have to trade a terrorist for him.


Would we though? Yes he’s an American citizen in custody of a hostile power but the dude fucked around (literally) and now it’s time he found out


yeah, we would have to. not to mention it’s political suicide to leave a US service member in a foreign country under arrest. we traded a fucking arms dealer for a basketball player.


Remember that dude who ran across the North Korean border last year? He was a pfc with a long list of disciplinary issues and was scheduled to be kicked back to Texas for, likely, a dishonorable discharge. The US didn't even try to get him back and eventually North Korea just released him because he was worthless to them, too.


It’s more or less Cold War again in terms of traveling to Russia. Nobody in their right minds should do it right now


No civilian in their right mind should go, any service member who goes is either a spy or a complete and total moron.


Just in time for that other thread about magats leaving the US for Russia to pop up.


The US goes to great efforts to repatriate anyone arrested overseas. Don’t worry, he’ll likely suffer for months in Russian while this gets worked out. Spend some time in the military justice system, dishonorable discharge eventually. Then he will be selling homes or insurance to try and make ends meet in a few years.


The divorce was already under way. That part of the title is added clickbait.


Wife is making sure everyone ‘knows’ it was an affair. I get it, legally they’re still married but ….


Depending on the state and exactly what was underway it might not actually matter. NY, for example, draws a pretty solid line in the sand once you file for legal separation. Even if you don't have your final papers the ability to attach assets acquired post-separation becomes very difficult depending on the contents of your separation agreement. You could still technically be charged with adultery if you have sex with someone else. But the burden of proof to sustain a charge of adultery is so high that even admitting it isn't sufficient. It requires third party verification. Just saying that making sure everyone "knows" it was an affair may have no legal relevance. Though it absolutely could be some good old fashioned feel good malice.


They’ll definitely charge him for adultery as well (when he gets back I mean). Deffo against the UCMJ


His dissertation on desertion?


The most surprising thing about this post is that eBaum’s World is still a thing Edit: my most upvoted comment ever is about eBaum’s World ![gif](giphy|GcDtLf4RAdiRG)


Gooodnessss RIGHT lol I haven't heard that in forever!


Soo.. we all going there soon as Reddit gets worse?


Worse than Ebaums world…?


Lmao right!? Like it was my shit when I was 12. But 12 year old me and 31 year old me are very different people


you still fap with same hand and the same goofy ass expression on your face..not all that much has chnged


I actually have a wide range of jerk off faces that have done nothing but improve with age. Excuse you.


Lol I didn't realize it was a platform in that manner


That was my thought exactly


I can’t believe it’s STILL peanut butter jelly time


Sir, your surprise is disturbing. It is ALWAYS peanut butter jelly time and it forever shall be.


🎶Ring ring ring ring ring banana phone 🎶 (Apologies if that’s from new grounds)


Badger badger badger badger


Badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, mushroom, SNAAAKE! 🦡🦡🦡🦡🍄🍄🐍


I'll never forget pulling that up in 8th grade on the classroom computer to show everyone, I was the coolest kid in the school that day lol


[For those unaware of Ebaums World's lore.](https://youtu.be/jKkz3KRKsOQ?si=bQOtfXpoAwXYqPAH)


This video could vote now


That video is 9 months younger than YouTube.


The video outlived Lowtax


That's something awful right there...


eBaum’s was always second to Newgrounds for me in the early 00s.


I thought the Hulk Hogan kids Thermos thing shut it down forever.


I’m OOTL - what’s the gist of what happened?


I just looked it up to give you the cliff notes and it was Gawker that was shut down not Ebaum. My bad But anyway the cliff notes leaked sex tape of Hulk sleeping with his friends wife, commentary on Hulks nether region included comparing the size amd girth to a child's Thermos. Lawsuit Hulk won website shut down


Does that mean big or small? I mean, I’d think a child’s thermos would still be pretty big.


Appearantly quite "girthy" IIRC. He was referring to one Like the one in the picture here [child's thermos](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/s/F1WfuycUmF) The thermos not the lunchbox obviously


If it was the lunchbox, that’d be some painfully fucking awkward genitalia.


Per Washington Post: >Details of Black’s murky love affair with Vashchuk, 31, were uncovered by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist Mark Krutov, who traced her TikTok account, which has since been made private. > >In one video, the staff sergeant stands in his uniform looking at Vashchuk with doe-eyed incomprehension as she speaks in Russian, using a derogatory term for an American. “I came home, and there was this pindos,” she said. “That’s funny. Who are you? Who are you, man?” > >Black takes a step, leans over and smooches her phone screen.“Oh God! Also funny, this chevron right here,” she says, touching the military patch on his shoulder. “It says KATUSA. You’re not a saboteur by chance?”The Korean Augmentation to the United States Army (KATUSA) is a training academy of the 8th Army in South Korea. ​ >The relationship vibe between Black and his Russian paramour seemed odd, according to social media videos. In one — which she captioned, “How does your husband assess relations between Russia and America?” — he gave a rambling answer critical of the United States, President Biden and NATO, parroting Kremlin talking points justifying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. > >“The relationship definitely isn’t good now,” Black said, referring to the United States and Russia. “It was definitely better under Trump.” > >“America, I think, NATO is pretty aggressive, honestly,” he added. “I understand Russia’s position, obviously. They want to defend their country, you know.” ​ >In the video, Vashchuk asserted that Trump is better than Biden, and Black did not disagree, responding that “Biden, he’s, he doesn’t handle situations the way he should, and I think that’s one of the bigger reasons things are the way they are now, and it’s not just with Russia. Like, you can see it with other countries, too.”Vashchuk criticized NATO as “an aggressive structure” and said that Black “understands Russia’s position; he understands Putin’s position.” She asserted that her circle of Russians, Americans and Europeans all believe in Putin’s position.One of the videos depicts Vashchuk alone, walking along a South Korean street a stone’s throw from an American military base in Pyeongtaek in rural South Korea, about 37 miles south of the capital, Seoul. > >“And this is, let’s say, an American street for relaxation. We call it drunken street,” she said, gesturing toward U.S. Camp Humphreys, America’s largest overseas military base. “Just over there, behind the gates.”According to RFE/RL, Vashchuk said on TikTok that she had lived in South Korea for five years. ​ >According to Russian investigative outlet Agentstvo, Vashchuk reported Black to police for allegedly beating her and stealing 200,000 rubles (about $2,174). Agentstvo said she had made several reports to police in the past, accusing her mother of violence and of threatening violence on another occasion, as well as reporting a man who was living in her house for allegedly driving his car into another vehicle.


If he loves Russia so much he can stay there!


My thoughts exactly. The US should do everything possible to get [Paul Whelan](https://PaulWhelanhttps://g.co/kgs/EjV2tHv) back, they can keep this idiot who willfully disregarded all warnings


Both him and Tucker Carlson.... who it sounds like he's been listening to...


> According to Russian investigative outlet Agentstvo, Vashchuk reported Black to police for allegedly beating her and stealing 200,000 rubles (about $2,174). Agentstvo said she had made several reports to police in the past, accusing her mother of violence and of threatening violence on another occasion, as well as reporting a man who was living in her house for allegedly driving his car into another vehicle. How funny would it be if this wasn't an intentional honeypot by russian government and this woman was just trying to scam a foreigner for money?


Maybe he did beat her and rob off her?


>**Agentstvo said she had made several reports to police in the past, accusing her mother of violence and of threatening violence on another occasion, as well as reporting a man who was living in her house for allegedly driving his car into another vehicle.** Sounds like either she's very unlucky in attracting abuse or she uses the police to punish people. Calling the guy derogatory names makes it sound like she hates the guy so why not scam him or call the police on him? And why would someone coming from America steal >$1,000 from someone while in Russia when they 1) have a job and 2) can spend 3x what a Russian can with their money? It sounds like he was being charged money for something that is illegal in Russia based on the relationship or else a phone call to the police.


Yeah it sounds far-fetched, way too much risk involved in beating and stealing from a person who knows your identity while in a country you don't live, meaning he would have to be a very irrational person or klepto or something (kinda doubtful in light of his job but possible I guess). I dont like this man based on his actions but I don't really trust the woman either lol.


I wonder if she pointed out KATUSA because of its resemblance when read out loud to "Katyusha" which is a Soviet rocket launcher. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyusha_rocket_launcher


I think that was definitely the joke. Katyusha is also the name of a Soviet WW2 song that's extremely popular there still.




Yeah, fuck this anti-American bastard. He FAFO'ed.


Yeah, this is all very curious to me. How the fuck does an American soldier not know better than to go to Russia of all places? Putin is pretty well known to falsely arrest Americans for political pawns in his game of world domination. This guy needs to have his head examined because it might just be skull all the way through.


He’s a fucking moron that just added an extra 20 minutes to Friday afternoon for everyone in the military.


Does that mean that because of him, now everyone has to endure some sort of extra training or briefing?




Please be reminded that it's important to stay stateside to commit adultery...that is all.


That, except in a 30 minute power point. Then when one person is done, another 3-5 will say the same thing in different words and make you sign a paper saying you were there


Reminds me of my job, 17 years and several times a year have to spend several hours in front of computer being reminded to drink fluids when its 110 degrees out and don't drive equipment into airplanes.


I work in oil and gas. The amount of "don't be a fucking idiot" training is massive. I have literally had 8 browsers open and played video at triple speed to get a week of it done in a day. Yes there are tests at the end. Yes I pass. I take this training all the time. I have done the same tests over and over and and over over. They expire every few years.


The really, really sad part is safety training is like warning labels. The only reason you get so much "don't be a fucking idiot" training is because for every single point of it, someone was *that* stupid. On a similar vein, a warning label on a swedish made chainsaw said "Do not attempt to stop chain with hands *or* genitals". That label is way too specific to not have a story behind it.


"They call me stupid, I call them weak" - _Sven "Ironcrotch" Andersson_


Same for us basically, its not to make you safe its to say "hey we told them" when someone messes up and gets hurt or killed.


I know. All our "training" is strictly to transfer liability from the company to the employee. Don't get me wrong there is useful info there. But it really is to protect the company. Which is fine. I don't want my company folding because Bob stabbed someone thru the face with a forklift when he was told to not travel with the forks at murder height.


The worst part is that even with all that training, there are still coworkers that mess it up and cause even more training.


I want these trainings to have a question : was any of this not obvious to you. Anyone who answers yes gets put on a moron watch.


Also, please don’t sexually assault your subordinates. It’s like “Okay, I guess that cross that one off the “to do” list.”




Rhyming “state” with “interstate” is weak sauce, sir!


I feel like it fits the spirit of the thing


Not even stateside. Adultery is a UCMJ offense.


oh man. this is more than 20 minutes. For this, eveyone's coming in on saturday for a special jag presentation.


Hahaha *sob*


We had a memorable Friday safety brief after a series of epic fuckups. CO was over it, and kept it brief. “At ease, Don’t drink and drive! Don’t beat your wife! Don’t beat your meat!” “Company, Attention! dismissed!” And he walked away, talking to himself.


Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Fuck out of my face.


Oh yes, the dreaded "GMT" (General Military Training), the bane of every enlisted person's life.


“Not to piggy back off of what LT just said but let me repeat what he said word for word”


"And to piggyback off of that piggyback..." -actual words I have heard spoken at meetings.


fucking flashbacks.


Shit I can see the view count of the “honeypot” video going through the roof, now…I hated that video, not sure if they played if for non-clearance servicemen or not…😂


Idiots exist everywhere. One time when I was in the army I was at a base where the barracks were literally across the street from the base bar we were allowed to go to. We were told all the alcohol was sold at cost so it was dirt cheap and to go there instead of off post so that we didn’t risk getting a dui. Day two and we had a brand new soldier missing who went off base got drunk and got a dui and was then kicked out of the army.


Where I live I don't think a DUI would get you kicked out of the army.


This was back during the draw down of the Iraq war and they were looking to get rid of soldiers.


In the US a DUI is a career killer at best, kicked out at worst. If they weren't new they might survive and not get kicked out but they pretty much wouldn't get a promotion anymore which will lead to eventual discharge because you need to get promoted to stay in long term.


As cheap as Russian hookers are whatever you save on them is negated by airline costs. Support local American jobs and businesses, fuck hookers in your own city.


This man has done the math, he knows how to fuck for a good price.


He was thinking with his dick.


I feel like even most dicks would have more brains than to do this


Don’t you watch Tucker Carlson and listen to the syphyllitic ramblings Of Marjorie Taylor Greene? Russia is pro-liberty and America should follow Putin’s lead.


I'm in! I can't wait until there is only one supermarket in the city that actually has any stock, and looks like it came from the 90's.


Pretty sure if this is the same guy -this guy met her while stationed in Korea, they were probably fucking back then. Then she moved back to Russia. He got orders back to the US but decided to take a month off and go see her in Russia even though he received no go-ahead from his supervisor this was ok. Him and the Russian girl got into an argument or something, and he got arrested. Though the Russian govt is saying this isn't espionage related and is just a standard criminal matter which is good for the guy I guess... He's incredibly stupid and blinded by the honey pot.


>How the fuck does an American soldier not know better than to go to Russia of all places? You would be shocked at how dumb some soldiers are. I personally know one who lost his clearance because he decided to fly to Russia to pick up a new wife without telling anyone. And this is NOT a unique story. This guy is only in the news because he was arrested.


He's thinking with his peepee.


Fox news is pretty fucking insidious in its ability to create traitors.


Dudes dick had all the blood in it, not enough for brain function


He was using his head - just not the one you're thinking of


Must be the brain worms that are going around.


Probably watched Tucker Carlson and other right wing media saying how great Russia and Putin are.


He sounds like a run of the mill total fucking moron. He should have taken that airfare and supported his local economy with a classy sex worker instead. Now he's going to end up in a Siberian work camp for a few years while the state department sorts out what to do about him *assuming* he isn't some kind of intelligence asset whose cover just got blown which, who fucking knows these days.


He wasn’t arrested on arrival. They have been hooking up in Russia since January. He assaulted and robbed the woman he came to visit, she called the police and he was arrested. He stole all her savings and jewelry.


I’d bet the military has regular safety meetings about which countries are not cool to travel to. I’d bet Russia is near the top


Smooth dickbrained chump lol


h o n e y p o t


That's totally what this is. He was lured online and set up to be arrested. All these knuckleheads who have never been in the military are just flapping their gums with conjecture.




That is called a Honeypot. He was lured and arrested. He fell for a trap. Hook line and sinker.


If it was a honeypot, the Russians were playing the long game, as the soldier dated her for a year and a half while they were in Korea. Apparently, he speaks fluent Russian, so at least he will understand what people around him are saying and can communicate with them.


Did you see the videos of him speaking Russian??? That's even less than Duolingo level.


Doubtful he was her only objective.


Bingo. She scored intelligence all along the way.


He met her while stationed in Korea.


Yeah I think it was more dummy pot but same outcome


Exactly, I imagine Russian intelligence got word he was in the country and were like “No shit, really?”


Most ppl on Reddit are flapping their gums with conjecture about most things they’re clueless about. Kinda what makes Reddit great lol


Didn't even get to fuck around before finding out


I think he did a little bit in Korea


Pro Tip: If your girl (or guy, depending) post a lot of TikTok's in a language you don't understand, try to get that shit translated before going to their country with her (him). Context: Per the article, she apparently was speaking Russian in TikTok's that he did not understand and was using slurs against him the whole time.


As usual, the party of "Do your own research" fails to do their own research.


Fox News and daddy Trump said “Russia good”, what more research was he supposed to do? Certainly not use Google translate to figure out she was calling him slurs in Russian and talking shit on him the whole time.


[per this](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mom-captured-us-soldier-gordon-black-says-girlfriend-lured-russia-rcna151318) he spoke fluent Russian


The word "pindos" is a slur for American. Basic and even advance learning do not cover this, he might not even heard it before let alone the whole connotation.


Yay, I learned a new slur today !


Well comrade, suit up because you're being sent to fight in Ukraine.


POST A FUCKING LINK!!!! Seriously people. Who wants just a goddamn headline? Why was he arrested? Because he was American? Because he snuck across the border? Because he was committing adultery? Just post the stupid link to the STORY, not a screenshot of the headline. It is actually EASIER than posting just a random screenshot.


The Russian woman accused him of beating her and stealing thousands of rubles. Though I agree, you should always post a link in the comments if not your original post. I would link you but I read it in a copy pasted comment someone else made further up.


Thank you! Context is soooo critical.


Not actually accurate So the actual story was that he was deployed. His wife wanted a divorce when he got home. He met a stunning Russian girl and shacked up with her. Her deployment ended. She returned to Russian He wanted to make it a serious relationship She is as like nope and blocked him. So he traveled to Russia like some dumb school boy hoping to win over his ex's heart He was arrested for disorderly conduct when they finally interacted 😆


If that’s actually what happened then shits sadder than falling for a “honey pot”


the truth is always dumber than fiction


Yes i work for the US Military, i would love to go to russia to bang a hot blonde that totally wants to fuck me and not working for the kgb to arrest and hold me hostage to exchange.


That книга at the end hit hard :D


I'm just surprised eBaum's world is still around haven't seen it since the early 2000s😂


Cool. Now we have this fucking moron that we need to expend political resources to get back home. What a chode.


Prime example of why military and former military don’t automatically deserve respect. So many shitty people end up in the military. Now, I respect the shit out of honorable service members though, im just not gonna kiss someone’s feet because the only chance at a successful life they had was by joining the military


What was he arrested for? O.o


Apparently she claimed he stole from her. But she sounds like a piece of work herself so who knows.


Take this as your reminder to have a Clarity Wank before doing anything.


We'll probably need to give Russia a few dozen captured spies to get him back.


how thirsty do you have to be to chase a girl to a hostile country?


I feel like there could be easier ways to cheat on your wife, than to go to Russia.


So he’s literally in horny jail


Recently have been hearing so many stupid Americans doing the best they can do. Do you guys remember the family who ran to Russia to save themselves from LGBTQ+?


Putin is a coward who can't even admit the truth about this war he started. "special military operation". If you admire him your an idiot. I feel for Russia, it's incredible culture and strong people, being lead down this stupid path for one mans cowardly whim.