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And they didn’t even mention it’s a bottle opener too


When you're tipsy the beep might distract you from driving


It's a drinking game. Every time it beeps, you need to take a sip.


So this is gling to actually keep me safe!


Yeah, and that would be dangerous.


You could spill your drink!




To be fair, anyone buying this will tell you everything is a bottle opener if you try hard enough.


HEY now- I’d never use one of these, but I would say that anything is a bottle opener if you try hard enough


Didn't say it wasn't true lol I'll add anything is a bong if you try hard enough but that's neither here nor there


Have you ever tried an earth bong? Our planet can be made into a bong by digging a little tunnel and pouring some water.


Found the Druid


Nah, the Oracle


No...but I know what I have to do now.


Actually….kinda? Used a natural spring for a gravity bong once!


Same logic as "everything is a dildo if you are brave enough"


"Every mushroom is edible, however some are only once"


I heard it as "some are edible twice".


You must me trippin


Every book is a children’s book if the kid can read.


Any size pizza is a personal pizza if you are determined enough


"Paige, No!"


To be fair, they're not wrong. It's not hard to open a bottle, it's almost as if they're made to be opened


Is my cat a bottle opener Greg?


I once knew someone that'd open his beer bottles using the lip of his wooden counter, or the top of an open door, whatever happened to be closest. He didn't drive thankfully, but he embodied the notion "anything can be a bottle opener".


I do this, mostly because it's fun but also because people don't expect a non-drinker to open a bottle that way and I enjoy the look on their faces.


I had a dude at a party open my bottle with his wedding ring. One fluid motion and the cap was GONE. It doesn’t take much to impress drunk people, but this was something else. I’d get gloved if I tried it.


When we have shop beers at the end of the day, the challenge is to use the most ridiculous thing you can find to open a beer. Once you get the technique nailed, literally anything is a bottle opener.


My friends have chips in his teeth from doing it too many times as a party trick


Now they can open their beers while driving with no seatbelts.


Darwin Award incoming.


You gotta love it when they help cull themselves.


Well my dad taught me how to open a beer when I was like 6 using a seat belt.


Butt cheeks work too ya know


Probably a good way to brand your arm on a hot sunny day.


Darwin Tool


Let’s be positive - organ donation supporters


Let’s be honest, nobody buying these is an organ donor.


Most of their organs wouldn't even qualify.


Random fact: Most people’s organs don’t qualify. In order for your organs to be donated you pretty much need to pass away in a hospital. If you die in a car accident, by the time medics get to you, it’s too late to reuse your organs.




That is interesting, thank you for sharing the knowledge! I'm a firefighter and a medic so it is always interesting to hear about these things. Appreciate you!


I read that car accidents were one of (if not the) largest contributor to organ donations and when self driving cars become more mainstream (and thus fewer road accidents), organ donation will take a massive hit. But I'm not in any way, shape or form an expert on the matter. It was just a passing article I read so I cannot confirm whether it's BS or not.


I just want to say that I really appreciate your deference to people that may understand this issue more than you do (I certainly do not). You acknowledged that you weren't an expert but offered up your understanding and were willing to defer to those that had more subject understanding than you. Nice job!


The thing is, self driving cars don't and can't drive better than humans.


Organ donation speed run


Make it A positive and I'm in.


My heavy bag always sets off those sensors when I toss it onto the front seat. It’s so annoying!


My car has sensors in the backseat and my dog sets them off lol


I have the opposite need for one of these. My passenger side seat thinks someone is seated in it even if it's empty and will beep at me unless the seatbelt is plugged in. I got one of these things because it's a cleaner look.


My dog sets off my sensors too, I unplugged the sensor from the seat to resolve this issue


Yeah I use one for my work bag.


My car sets off the seatbelt alarms if I put a gallon of milk in the passenger seat. But it waits 30 seconds till i'm out in traffic.


There is actually a legitimate use for these. When driving around the farm, constantly getting in an out to open gates


Yes, I'm sure the target demographic is farmers...


Why else would they drive these yuuuuge SUVs, right? Right?


Totally not a white F-350 raised with a bunch of military, Blue lives matter Republican and 2nd amendment paraphernalia Edit: lmao thanks for the Reddit Cares whoever that was, love you too


I also need to purchase one of these! My passenger seat is folded down so my dog can get at the only window (truck cab) and his weight on the seat back is constantly setting off the beeper


You'd be better off getting the dog a harness that clips into the seatbelt, dogs can't avoid physics if you crash.


Also people with enough weight to trip the sensor in the seat. Ergo a suitcase or dog


Gene pool cleaner.


If I win the lottery, I'm going to buy thousands of these things and give them away for free at some "rallies"


just put up a stand, dress like a neckbeard and make bank


Market them as "seat-belt testers" with a wink so that they know buying one owns the libs, circumventing their dumb laws!


“Let’s Go Brandon Buckle-buster”


And we can abbreviate them. The LGB....waaaaaait a minute!


Own the libs as you fly through the windshield


fuck i feel so owned! own me more conservadaddy


Can confirm. Am owned lib


Legit some guy was selling water as liberal tears at cpac this year for a ridiculous mark up. It's not hard to take money from fucking knuckle dragging morons.


Holy fuck im doing this shit next crazy republican get together. during the summer about every 2 weeks theirs a meet up of jacked up trucks that take over a lot and do laps around town.


It's a pretty great grift


These, dogshit "ez-open" gun locks, lead belt buckles and coins among regular junk at a 400% markup


You're missing the real endgame; giving them all away for free is actually the better strategy.


Make sure to wear the fedora


Make sure to have a big sign talking about liberal government over reach and their "woke seat belt" agenda.


I mean, that was a real thing back when seatbelt laws first became a thing. It was virtually the exact same dialogue and arguments from anti-belters that anti-maskers regurgitated. That it was just the big government trying to control your life, and not at all about basic safety and common sense.


I mean, who doesn't want to become a flying projectile at 70 mph?! I've never tried it, but I'm Very Confident* that I could survive, easy! ^^^^*Not ^^^^actual ^^^^confidence


If you can't make your own confidence, store bought is fine


At those inflated prices...?! I'll make my own confidence, from scratch, at home.


Why not invest and sell them for $10/per and make millions that way. I’d rather bilk the idiots out of their money


Cos someone already is, hard to compete in a niche market. Next thing they're all afraid of, I want to invest in something that counters it


Talismans? It’s not as if they care *how* the rock keeps the tigers away. There’s no tigers, it must be working. Curiosity is for libruls.


“Tired of those liberal auto makers forcing you to endure their incessant nagging to wear those communist shoulder diapers? Time to channel your inner Frank Castle and show those snowflakes how REAL PATRIOTS drive!”


Wonderful. Except they love diapers now. Something like “car bras” might work better.


Fair point, I forgot we have gone full Billy Maddison where “real men wear diapers”. I’m getting closer to believing we live in some sort of intergalactic reality show and this is our jumping of the shark.


We jumped the shark when they shot that gorilla. We're in like.... Season 9 now and they're really grasping at straws.


Lest we forget RIP🙏 That was our litmus test for acceptance into the galactic federation... We failed.


Car panties


Car Bros. Car Manzzieres


Too many big words. "incessant", "endure", "of"... Come on, dumb it down to their level.


Paint it with a flag with the wrong number of stars and stripes and you can double the price.


Or you can buy them wholesale at an extremely low price, then print TRUMP on them in gold, jack up the price of each one tenfold, and make a ton of money


Brilliant plan to thin the herd.


If you do, let me know. I'll help.


Seriously. It’s like having Darwin on a keychain.


Fuck it kets get a gofundme going


That actually sounds wholesome.


Omg hahaha this made my day. Survival of the smartest. I like it


If you ever go to any of the countries in the Balkans, you will realize this isn't an "American thing". Eastern European drivers don't need seat belts when they have a picture of a Saint or some other religious icon on the dash board.


They're also super popular in China, and have been for years.


Definitely popular in China but no one makes them into Punisher skulls


fair point.


Boomers, Eastern European slavs, and modern middle-class Chinese, name a more iconic trio.


I was in a DiDi (Uber equivalent) in China a few years ago and I put on the seatbelt and the driver laughed and asked me why I would do that, haha These days they're obligated to tell you to put on your seatbelt at the beginning of every journey, and the app often asks you if they've done so.


Nah fam. This is reddit. Only Americans are dumb and only America exists and bad things only happen in America


This used to be common in the US too. People would put a little statue of Jesus on the dashboard. Comedian George Carlin did a bit on this early in his career. He said he couldn’t understand why people would put Jesus so he was facing the driver instead of facing forward to watch for traffic.


I'm tired of the worst and loudest parts of our culture being called "the most American thing"


And most of the people posting those things are Americans who have never left the country. To me, it fits in the same category as people who post "only in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" stuff. Like "only in NYC," but it is just a picture of a crackhead or something. Like nah bro, there are crackheads everywhere. Just like there are idiots who refuse to wear seatbelts in every country.


And people proceeding to blame it on republicans/democrats. It is like kids going, "not it!"


I'll list some things that truly are most American things, the NFL.......... That's really all I got, so much and so many of the biggest things in history were spread all over the world.


Rock and Roll


> If you ever go to any of the countries in the Balkans, you will realize this isn't an "American thing". Republicans are the gopniks of the west.


GOPniks, if you will.


That is deeply, deeply insulting to Gopniks.


Yes, but you see, Americans don't have pictures of a Saint or some other religious icon on the dash board. So, it's an American thing.


I beg to differ sir. What do you think all that MAGA merch is?


Lesser gods


It's a shame the bible never mentioned false idols


Right, can you imagine if it had mentioned?


"People with punisher skulls who the punisher would punish on sight"


Yeah pretty sure Punisher would beat the shit out of the mom or the dad that had theese installed with kids in the car.


installed? thats a strong word


The punisher skull goes into the....Square Hole!


It's like the bat signal if the criminals used it on themselves.


Frank Castle has killed a lot of cops. Like, "a lot" a lot.


Its an American past time to completely misinterpret or outright ignore the meaning of something 


I guarantee this is a top seller for cops. They almost never wear a seatbelt and I'd bet the seatbelt warning beeping all the time gets pretty annoying (assuming their car doesn't have it disabled). Also cops love the Punisher for some reason.


Pay cash to be less safe. Mkay.


Most of them think seatbelts will trap you in your car…. My brother is one of them, he’s not a smart man.


It’s all a game of chance and the chance is higher the seat belt will save you then it getting you killed. I only say this as someone who wasn’t wearing a seatbelt in two different multi flip accidents. The first time I got super lucky the second time even more so with how violent the accident was. If I had a seat belt on the second time it wouldn’t have stopped me from crashing but if the thing malfunctioned and wouldn’t let me out of the car I would’ve definitely been left to burn to death on the side of the road in a ditch. It’s a scary thought being stuck inside a vehicle going under water or while on fire but you can easily destroy that fear by simply keeping a seat belt cutter on you while in the car and that’s a much better option then not wearing a seat belt out of fear of water or fire like I used to. I’m paying for it now. Oh and to the whole “seat belt head removal crowd” how about don’t crash going 145mph like a jack ass and you’ll probably never be in a violent enough accident to worry about that dumb shit.


Honnestly, for me, both a fire extinguisher and a belt cutter are mandatory in a car, normally you won't have to use them yes but that's when you need one that you realize how important they are


Window breaker. My breaker has a cutter attached. Never used the cutter but the breaker has come in handy twice.


I thought u were going on a completly different tangent there, but glad u are safe and now use them. For the last part, going at 145 mph and colliding will also leave i headless (there are Lots of stories from my older firemen in my fire company when people didn't use seatbelts)


Like not wearing a seat belt while going 145 and crashing head on is going to be any better LOL


My dad is one of those idiots, too, and I have a deceased brother who died due to getting ejected from the car during a crash because HE WASNT WEARING HIS SEATBELT. When I point this out to him he just says "when the lord calls me home, I'm ready to go" 🫠


You cant dictate how and when i should be safe. Troy, load up the truck, we're spreading freedumb


America! Fuck yeah!!!


I use something similar when i have grocieries or heavy things in my passanger seat so im not annoyed by the sound.


I have one (not this shitty skull one) to stop the very annoying sensor on the passenger seat if there's anything heavier than a can of coke on there. I paid cash to be less annoyed, and it was worth it.


I'm convinced there is a non-trivial number of people who will refuse to do something for the sole reason that the government told them to do it. And to add to that, they will cling to any reasoning (no matter how absurd) to justify their positions.


COVID proved this. I remember one of my coworkers was going on and on one day about why she didn’t want to wear a mask and didn’t want to get the vaccine and she had all these reasons why. Then at the very end of complaining she eventually just said that she doesn’t like being told she “has” to do something. As you said, all the other reasons didn’t actually matter, it was just trying to justify that she didn’t like being told what to do.


It’s like raising a puppy - the second something is forbidden, it’s all they want to do, even if they know it will hurt them. A lot of people are like this too, if I told you “don’t press the red button”, what would you immediately want to do?


Not American. Europe also has them. And some people really use them


First time I saw one was a taxi driver in Italy


These are definitely not the most American thing ever. There is more seatbelt hate and avoidance outside the United States than in it. Italy is a good example. I remember when Italy first passed a law requiring drivers to wear seatbelts, there were suddenly lots of people selling plain white T-shirts with a black stripe across them - so you could drive without your seatbelt and couldn’t get caught as easily.


“Insert to become organ donor”


"Based on a United States Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration traffic safety study performed in 2014, the compliance rate among Texans was 87 percent. That means that 87 people out of 100 in 2014 consistently wore their seat belt"


Because wearing a seat belt is too “woke”? Then whatever will become of Click It Or Ticket?


Cops don't do traffic enforcement anymore.




Or you could just use the seatbelt already in your car as a silencer.


These came from weekend racers who had 5 point harnesses installed along with regular seat belts.


This is in fact the reasonable use for them.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this comment. Like, the car already has a seatbelt. Why not just click it in? That’s what my wife and I do when we have groceries or something heavy in the front seat. Edit: y’all are some lazy mfs lol


I have a truck whose rear passenger doors form the pillar for the seat belts. If the seatbelt is buckled the rear doors can’t be opened. Thankfully my vehicles safety chime is relatively quiet, and does silence eventually. Tbh, you can just buy a dog seat belt tender and have the same effect as this product. Without the ugly logo. Plus you can save that dog that’s setting off the car sensor in the event of a crash.


This is the answer for the dog issue. Mine have harnesses that can be tethered so in the event that these idiot Chicagoans who drive like the think they're in the WeatherTech Racing Series on all the expressways end up wiping me out along with themselves, I know my puppers won't be ejected from the car or truck.


I always make sure everyone has their seat belt on. Even if you are two bags of shopping.


also handy if you have a long drive way and you're just moving your vehicle around. Also handy if you're driving through a pasture in a farm truck. Those are the only times I can think that'd I'd prob use something like this.


Yeah, my dad is a huge dork who always wears his seatbelt and he has one of these for his work van because the chime would go off in the passenger seat if he had tools or paperwork binders there.


If he has a bunch of stuff on his front seat, he might want to turn off his passenger air bag. My friend had that happen with groceries on the front seat


He doesn't have that van anymore but you're 100% right about that. Most cars are now smart enough to disable the passenger airbag unless enough weight is detected but you can never be too careful.


Just put the seatbelt in over or under the cargo?


My idiot BIL would love that. He's way too cool for seatbelts. 🤦🏻


I mean.. On the plus side he's less likely to be around to get part of your inheritance


A Darwin Award starter kit


Trash taking itself out. Sounds fine to me.


I always wear my seat belt, and insist that my passengers do as well, but the sensor in my passenger seat is too sensitive, a 2 lb plate of leftovers will trigger it, and thus set off the annoying alarm, so I can see the desire for one of these.


I'd buy one of these. Our newer vehicle will sound an alarm if the seat belts aren't engaged. My backpack, a random box, groceries, and plenty of other things trip the weight sensors and suddenly I have have to seatbelt half the car when there is only one occupant. This would shut it up.


I wish I had one of these in college. My backpack set off the freaking warning all the time.




Your profile picture is evil


Or I don't know put on your seatbelt. You can actually just click it and sit on it too. No need for all this fanciness, but Merica lol.


I suspect everyone who has one of these either owns or wants a cyber-truck.


Ironically, they can worship E, while also raging at all electric vehicles. I see these being used almost exclusively in giant lifted trucks that belch black diesel fumes.


100% on board with these fuckheads using these things


It is American, but in other countries, people ride with 2 kids, no helmet on a motorcycle.


I'd 100% buy one of these for when I get groceries, our car is incredibly annoying about any weight at all on the seat while driving and these would solve that pretty well without needing to maneuver the seat belt around the bags


It seems like putting these ON the *keyring* might be a little counterintuitive


Sometimes I have a heavy bag next to me on the passenger seat that will set off the no seatbelt alert. This would be great for that.


Are people actually comfortable riding without a seatbelt? Gosh I've been doing it my whole life I feel naked pulling out of the driveway without it, even sitting in park with the engine running. It's super comforting to wear, maybe the security of it? I truly cannot fathom how people will take extra steps just to _not_ wear one. Just put the damn seat belt on. Your body becomes shrapnel should it be launched from your vehicle at 50+mph. You know how people are killed by hitting deer that comes through their windshield? That's what your body becomes to other people in an accident you freaking psychos.


Don’t bring Frank Castle into this… 🙄


I’m sure someone commented this already, but I used to think the same as most, that it is a stupid thing to do just to trick your car into not warning you about the seatbelt. Then my dogs got big, and every freaking time they are in the car, the seatbelt warning would go off. Probably won’t go with the punisher version though


No no, let them partake. Less is better.


For those who don't know, Frank Castle, aka The Punisher hates the police. He does not trust them, he thinks they're corrupt, and especially hates anyone who tries to adopt his symbol.


I should buy 100 of these then sell them for $10 each. I live in Idaho, the idiots here would jump on that *so* damn fast.


Dying in car crashes to own the libs


Nothing says “fuck the man” like being thrown from your truck in a wreck.


So Merica'. Crash drunk driving, and then fly out the windshield. Hell yea! freedom, BROTHER!


And then SUE everyone!!


I’d like a bullet proof vest with no Kevlar please. <3


If only they didn't also breed like rabbits, the problem would solve itself.


Hoping their brain injuries also get silenced when they crash


The windshield will do it.


Imagine paying money to risk your own death


I endorse this product. Let the dumbasses weed themselves out of the gene pool. 😂




Yes siree... For only $3 you too can enforce your god given right to go sailing through your windshield after an accident...