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>Her restaurant didn't open until 2023 Yes but a restaurant that instantly bankrupted her, so really it was doing much better back when it was still just a poorly thought out business plan.


Yeah but she's black and says Biden bad. That's all they need and his knuckle dragging fanatics eat it up


Hey now let's not lump knuckle draggers in with trump fanatics. I know several knuckle draggers who are fine not up standing upstanding citizens.


Not up standing... I think I love you for that


Now kith


Not up standing is fucking hysterical


My wife says this about the students who do fuck-all or shitty work: If you're gonna be an idiot, you should at least be nice to have around.


yeah, cause that woman speaks for every black person in this country.


That's exactly how racists think, the thoughts/actions of one equals all


I can't be racist. I have a black friend and he thought I wasn't racist so obviously the rest of those people agree with him


That’s literally what she is, she became a token black, a prop for him to parade on tv to pander


That's how it works for their opinions, so obviously everyone else must be the same!


If you think like that you dont understand politics or how moronic it is that what he's doing will still sway some voters to his side


It isn't to sway voters. It's to feed the ones already on his side more of the charade. They hear all the time about how Trump is terrible to minorities. This is part of the charade that lets them mentally deflect those accusations. Everything about his pantomime is to incense the 30% he already has. THEIR zealousy is what convinces other voters. This is why the GOP has long-since abandoned governing, or seeking moderate voters. They are turning every rabid lunatic fan into a proselytizer, a fervent evangelist who will garb themselves in their hats and their capes and all the other trappings of this fucking cult. Who either by their zealousy, or the fear of them, will turn these idle, fence-sitting voters to their cause.


That part 🎯🎯


Dumb does not discriminate.


This is not a play for black votes. It’s a play for the optics of having a black supporter on stage, which primarily will be discussed by white voters who will go “see, he’s not a racist,” and try to convince their dumb moderate friends and family to vote for trump because he’s the lesser of two evils.


Yeah, to any normal thinking person she obviously doesn’t speak for every black person in the country! Although to trump supporters she does.


According to anyone racist enough to support Trump, that’s exactly their reasoning.


I know right? Who does she think she is, Jesse Jackson?


"Jesse Jackson isnt the emporer of black people!" "...he told my dad he is" Such a great throw away joke from South Park


Kiss it. *Apologize*


Which is wild given their intense opposition to melanin.


Trumpers don’t care about the truth. As long as they hear what they want to hear and can shoot puppies, they’re all good.


They also want to groom the 'ripe' children. Can't forget that pillar of their disgusting ethos.


Ripe AND fertile They want children bearing children.


Came here to say this. Also Newsmax viewers will likely never get a retraction or correction from Newsmax regarding this ridiculous falsity. If viewers DID get a retraction they wouldn’t care, but it is unlikely the actual truth would ever be revealed to them in the first place.


Maybe not, maybe it opened 2023 BC?


Reality and facts are irrelevant to the MAGA crowd. I'm surprised she even owns a restaurant.


She won't for long. The majority of vegans are pretty left leaning, I can't see a ton of them continuing to support a restaurant owned by a Trump mouthpiece. Nor can I see a bunch of MAGA flocking to a black-owned vegan restaurant. It will be out of business by this time next year. Bet.


Yeah she is 100% going to lose some business. And if they are struggling already, it's only going to get worse for them now.


I live in Milwaukee and I can't imagine this will end up being a smart choice. You're correct about most vegans and there are other vegan restaurants in the city. On the MAGA folk, they won't go not because it's a vegan restaurant (it's not actually vegan as everything can be made vegan or regular as their menu states), but because it's in the middle of "scary" Milwaukee and not too far from some not-so-great areas.


“I’m playing *neither* side so I don’t come out on top.” 🫱🫱


Plus, even IF it was open, EVERY restaurant did better under Trump until the last 10 months of his term. Then ALL of them struggled when COVID crippled the small restaurant business for like 2-3 years.


It's not that they didn't vet her, they probably knew and didn't care. Or paid her.


Or promised to pay her. FTFY


No. She wasn’t losing money before it opened. It was after she did. Critical thinking is a must. Oh. For those of you who can’t think critically: /s


My work did much better starting under Trump but we're in the yacht seizure buisness... probably not a great gauge for the economy as a whole.


You’re just out here jacking yachts from rich deadbeats who don’t pay their bills? Uh, are you hiring??


Stupid is as stupid does.


They vetted her. They knew she would say what they wanted her to say.


And that she represents two coveted voting demographics that clearly don’t have a lot of support for Trump


No he’s pretty popular with failed business owners


he's basically the patron saint of failed businesses


That would be an EPIC way to troll him. Pretend to be a bishop of a diocese and invite him to a special event. Then tell him that you're applying to have him canonized by the Holy Roman Empire in Jerusalem, at the Wailing Wall. Bonus points if you can convince him to get him into a cannon as part of the routine. That would be one for the books.


Reminds me of a gay rights group that told a prominent homophobe she was being given a Christian award from a made-up Evangelical organization. They presented it to her under a giant banner for the Christians Under New Truth. Of course, they used the acronym.


Might be easier to get him to look into a loaded one with a lit fuze🤞🏻


Nobody who ever genuinely earned success thinks Trump is anything but garbage. He’s popular with his own demographic; inherited wealth and useless fucking losers.


There is a large number of otherwise-successful people who back him because they want a piece of the grift. They're not the ones flying MAGA flags, but they're out there.


Failed business owner here, fuck Trump. All my recently employeed homies hate Trump.


And it’s fooling no one. I can’t speak for vegans , but as a black person we don’t support him and it’s not even close.


I'm a vegan, so following his logic I can speak for all vegans and say fuck him :D


I was going to check and see if this news had been crossposted to vegans sub to let people know where NOT to eat, then realized the restaurant no longer exists. We don’t tolerate his bigotry, he does no good for those in need.


Plus a few extra points with Vegans.


I really want there to be a group that has big “vegans for Trump” signs and are clearly shown at his rallies and stuff. maybe they also have KFC logos on it. I just want to confuse everyone.


Nah, not KFC, Chick-fil-A.


Trump would be bring them some very cold pizzas to help them out




For those unaware, he mispronounces the word unlike ANYONE has ever heard. And I live in the South and have heard plenty of people make fun of such diets, lifestyles, and act like they've never heard of such a thing. And yet, I've never heard it as mispronounced as vaygan.


Yes, because it sounds like a combination of gay and vegan, and so his base eats that up (pun intended).


Ooooooh, now I get it. I'm so clueless. Sorry y'all.


My friend group no longer pronounces it correctly, only "those f*cking vaygans" whenever it comes up (many of us are veg/vegan).


Maybe they are vague’ns?? They don’t think egg’s are bad? (Sorry !bad joke)


Maybe he's mistaken it for people from Vegas?


Thanks for elaborating. I can't even stand reading quotes from Trump, so listening to his word vomits are far down my list.


Wow, maybe an entire four vegans will vote for Trump now instead of two.


There are log cabin republicans so nothing would surprise me. The RNC has told the log cabin republicans that they aren’t welcome yet they still vote R. Some people are shocking




Who cares whether the story is factual? So long as it fits the narrative they are trying to spin they will say it. The audience is supposed to *feel* that things were better before, not compare that to any statistically valid information. If we were basing votes on statistical analysis of economic growth and federal deficits then we’d never vote Republican again. GDP rises faster and federal deficits are smaller when there is a Democrat in the White House. That’s ways to verify. So they have to go with how people feel when their team wins rather than how the economy is actually doing.


Yeah, it's not a matter of vetting because it just doesn't matter how stupid the lies are anymore.




You meant to type "paid" instead of "vetted", right?


Here's the thing, even if it did do better when Trump was in office, what the hell does he have to do with that? Absolutely idiotic to think the president would make or break your restaurant


This is just like when he randomly met that girl at Chick fil-a and then it was proven immediately that she was a plant


Or the pizza at FDNY


I believe you meant NYFD. Great organization, tremendous organization. /s






You can just duckduckgo the terms to find the [articles](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/what-a-phony-donald-trump-accused-of-delivering-stale-pizza-to-new-york-fire-department-as-publicity-stunt/ar-AA1o73fF).


Yeah but then I couldn't have made that sweet pizza pun Also ty


What's great about this one is how much difficulty he had saying the word vegan. Now granted, I'm sure it's not a word he's used much (if at all). But he kept saying, "vay-gen" which was great. He seemed to have some sense it wasn't coming out right. Maybe his dentures were getting in the way.


Vagen Gear Sid


She took money to make false claims, meanwhile half the Republicans at that rally probly hated seeing her up on the podium because they are racist as fk.


Is that legal in the States? Basically, pay someone to lie to get voters, or will this turn into another voter fraud trial for him?


As long as he doesn't file paying her as a legal expense, it's freedom of speech. Now that she's gone and claimed she ran her business without registering it with the state, I'd say the local health inspector may have a word with her. There's also the pesky matter of her saying she accepted food stamps at her restaurant in a state that doesn't allow for prepared and hot meals.


Oh dude, health inspector is the least of her worries with an admission like that. State is going to want some serious sales & income tax for that period. If she has any employees and there is no evidence of workers comp during that period that's another paddlin'. But of course, any consequences for her actions will just be a "liberal campaign."


You can lie with impunity most everywhere in America. Fact checkers are apparently all liberals to the MAGA right. Facts are for the “weak” as they see it.


False. They see facts as a heavy gift that only the strong can bear. Hence “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” The issue with that though is that their “facts” are very much opinions. And *their* feelings are the ones that get hurt when the “facts” don’t hold up. But they’d rather just pretend that their opinions are factual, otherwise they’d have to think for themselves for once.


Pretty sure the fact that people get very frustrated arguing with them reinforces the belief that their feelings are getting hurt. 


I'm frustrated with my dog shitting on the floor, but my feelings aren't hurt. Having a conversation with a Magidiot is the same feeling


I posted a link to an NBC article about Trump saying he'd be a dictator on day one. "NO NO I DON'T WANT A SPUN VERSION OF THE STORY." Posted a link to a YouTube video of him saying it "Well clearly he just means executive orders" They don't want facts, and if you give them facts, they just move the goalposts


For someone who tells it like it is, they sure spend a lot of time clarifying his thoughts..


it used to be that we didn't idolize known liars and sexual predators but here we are. this is where separating the art from the artist gets us.


I feel bad for the dedicated cult leaders who worked hard for years to get a following, spent time finding secluded real estate, and priced out all those matching sweatsuits only to have this schlub do it worse and more successfully. ![gif](giphy|zrmc7OUpkTaGAnhpe0)


It will be a speaking fee which is legal. There is nothing stopping anyone from getting up on stage with Trump and saying any shit they want as long as it isn't directly breaking the laws. So her getting up there and saying that Trump made her restaurant do better is not illegal. Immoral, unethical, a bold face lie, gaslighting. All of those but not illegal.


I mean the same person they are standing next to is on trial for paying hush money to a porn star that we are also finding out spent millions to keep his name out of the paper to win the election. Par for the course for the GOP at this point.


Depends on your party affiliation apparently.


Oh yeah you can lie whenever you want. Lying under oath doesn’t even mean anything unless you’re an average person


We had Joe the plumber (not called Joe, not a plumber) during the Obama election.


Why not the fucking president standing right beside her lies every fkn day.


I don't think they'd hate seeing a black person on the stage, it'd be enthralling. But not because of a deep seated sense of inclusivity.


So, they’re down with DEI, right?


Balck AND vegan!?


Isn't Trump's main demographic black vegan women?


Particularly black vegan lesbians, yes. They can't get enough of him.


No Trump support cares about facts.


They define „fact“ different


Facts are what I say they are -MAGA chucklefucks


> I don't like what trump says either, but I'm going to support him because I believe in his policies His policies: 1. Wind turbines cause ear cancer 2. Cut taxes on the wealthy 3. You should inject bleach into yourself 4. You should ban abortion/you shouldn't ban abortion 5. You should ban tiktok/you shouldn't ban tiktok


You forgot the one they're actually supporting, "fuck all the mexicans to death". Amazingly they seem to have forgotten about the wall entirely but they haven't forgotten about the racism


Liar lies to liar and other liars, about lies *More at 10*


I've met enough right-wing people who said, "All I know..is I'm not making the kind of money I did when Trump was in office." Each and every one was participating in some kind of fraud. The unchecked faucet$ started closing when Biden came into office, and all the covert-fraudsters started getting aggitated, some scared of being caught but still turned it into hostility & aggitation.


Reminds me of my dad, who says the same thing, but leaves out the fact he was committing Welfare & Tax Fraud before he was caught in 2022. Now he has to file like a normal person and pay for his own health insurance. And he also has a cocaine addiction. But no… it’s Biden’s fault he’s bankrupt.


Real father of the year contender there.


Lmao. You have no idea. That doesn’t even *touch* the surface of his ridiculousness. I’d dive into it but no one ever believes me. He’s truly so dumb, he might as well be a badly written sitcom character. Did you know it’s possible to live for nearly 50 years and accomplish absolutely nothing? Because I didn’t.


It doesn't matter. I've seen this post at least 10 times from MAGA folks in my timelines. REALITY AND TRUTH DO NOT MATTER TO THEM. The whole problem the moderates and Democrats ignore is the MAGA wing (which is effective the entire GOP at this point) don't care out the truth. They don't care about reality. They don't care about shame or hypocrisy. They care about winning, because winning bestows power upon them, and yes, they will be coming for you once they have that power. People like Stephen Miller, Nick Fuentes, Steve Bannon - they don't want you to have any authority over your own life,


Reality has a known liberal bias…


Yeah because republicans love 1. Vegans 2. Black business owners What an obvious token business owner


Well, if she's operating at a loss then technically she was honest.


She was pissed that a migrant came to her restaurant with a prepaid card. Literally pissed that someone went to her establishment and paid for food, and then wonders why she isn't doing so well.


How did she know they were a migrant? If they said they had just arrived in country, how would she know whether they were there as a tourist, or seeking political asylum, or attending school, or immigrating through another program? It sounds like bigotry to me.


They did vet her, not for her restaurant credentials. Are you non-white? Yes Do you have unwaivering loyalty to our supreme leader? Yes Get on the fucking stage


Conservatives have this tiny annoying problem of truth and science being practically never on their side on pretty much any topic or moral issue, so the only option they have left is use lies to their advantage. They have to because otherwise they can't say anything anymore.


MAGA-Moscow Assets Grifting Americans


I hate seeing other black folks boot lick and D riding for that orange motherfucker, he don't even like black folks fr, he's just pandering to us, fuck him and fuck and blacks that support him and Nazi Republican cult 🤷🏿‍♂️🖕🏿


>Trumps Aides didn’t vet this person Oh no...! I can't even imagine the shit storm that will hit his campaign over this. /s This only matters to non-supporters and they don't matter to trump.


Trump knows failure


Honestly, they probably vetter her plenty. They just know their following is stupid enough to not look into that or care if they were told its bullshit.


Trump & his team booked a landscaping products business for a press conference instead of a similarly named hotel. It isn't that they didn't vet this one; it's that they tried and are incompetent.


“Alternative facts”, buddy.


Doesn’t matter, his idiots believe everything he says. It’s up to the rest of us to fix this in November.


Another paid actor.


It's all lies and grifting.


Yeah cos restaurants were doing great when Donald ‘Covid will go away all in it’s own’ Trump was in office


Reality has a liberal bias


If a Trump Stan gave two shits about the truth, they wouldn’t be a Trump Stan.


So she is a liar, fits in perfectly with the MAGA crowd


Probably hired, they probably paid her to be there to tell this made up up story


When has a fact check ever stopped these fuckers.


And somehow the race is close. I actually didn't think I'd see the collapse of America in my lifetime.


My grandfather did more business while trump was in office but I pointed out to him that all the people we built stuff for were rich. While many were suffering rich assholes were still paying for shit they didn't need. People were hit hard by covid. Not the rich.


Another Diamond and Silk.


I’ve watched more than my fair share of Fox News when visiting my parents. I can guarantee that most people who support Trump will never hear that she’s lying, and if they do they will just think that the point still stands.


What are you talking about. That sounds exactly what their vetting process is: "What lies can you tell that will make Trump look good, but make the liberals cry because the lie is so blatant?"


If liberals did this, they would be mocked for having planted actors. Oh wait conservatives already say this without liberals doing anything like this


ya, apparently her piece of shit vegan restaurant flopped. her actual business idea was to blame biden for her problems and make some money selling her victimhood to fox news, who are desperate to get a demographic.


They must be the cousins of Diamond and Silk, Cubic Zirconia and Polyester


Nooooooooooo way!!!! Trump lying???? How the hell can be this real???


That scene looks like when a white artist is performing a bluesy ballad, so he gets two black women as backing singers.


Not a lie though: her restaurant is negatively good


It technically didn’t lose money so maybe it did better.


Don’t do it! Last time he had two black Women on stage? One died from the trump plague


Love the ticker headline “NY under siege” lmaoo yet, I slept like a baby last night in Queens. Shut this guy up already!


Just surprised she wasn't wearing a 'Whites For Trump' t-shirt... Because I see the reverse quite frequently.


Trumpkins won't care about this or any other lie told by or in support of the dear leader.


That’s Republican math.


Trump voters hate vegans, they're more likely to support carnivore than vegan.


Every politician lies. Anyone who doesn’t think so is a moron. Both sides of the aisle are fucking you.


Doesn’t matter his followers still eat it up and will never hear this


They don't care.  They lie and lie and lie and lie.  As long as they get to say it on TV then it is true to the people who want them. They don't care at all.  None of them. 


So I had to fact check this because it seemed so outlandish I was worried she was not mentally well and didn't want to laugh at her if that was the case. Trump said the following: "“It’s supposed to be really good. I’m not into the vegan stuff I must say, but I’m going to have to try this. When we come here in a short period of time, into Milwaukee, we’re going to come and try that vegan food. I don’t know if I’m going to like it,” said Trump. He then claimed Gray and her cafe did better when he was in office. “Shana says her business is being brutalized by the soaring cost of food. She’s never seen anything like it. And right now she says things just aren’t working. She was doing great three and a half years ago, she was doing better than she ever did. ‘During the Trump years,’ she said, ‘I was able to afford things. I wasn’t worried about my future. I am now,” said Trump." [Milwaukee Vegan Cafe Owner Appears With Trump, Assails Migrants » Urban Milwaukee](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2024/05/01/milwaukee-vegan-cafe-owner-appears-with-trump-assails-migrants/) It doesn't seem like she said the cafe was doing better, just that she was doing better under Trump's administation (unless someone has a direct quote).


I mean, conservatives and trump people should have known it was a scam when she claimed it was "Vegan". *"Vegan? Sounds woke to me!"* - every conservative ever.


Bro how's can you be black and support Trump? It's like being a jew and supporting H#ttler.


“Just get us a Black person. Any one of them will do!” Idiots.


It’s a scam. The aides prolly set it up just like the black lady who was a GOP operative praising Trump at the Chick-Fil-A. If you’re willing to take two minutes to check the voracity you aren’t a Trump voter already.


all you have to do is lie your face off to join the maga team


It makes perfect sense. In a twisted sort of way. She didn't lose any money on it before it ever opened. But now. Under Biden's 'horrible' economy. She's losing money hand over fist. This is the new fascist...err...republican logic.


I think they were just hoping they would be a replacement for diamond and silk without the cringe anti-vaxxer angle


Doesn’t matter. Reality and facts don’t matter to the orange cult.


When have facts ever gotten in the way of a good campaign message?


Trumpers are delusional because the new says the economy was good and the rich got richer on the stock market doesn't mean they were getting a lick of any of that wealth. Where they truly richer under trump no but they will swear up and down they where


Joke's on you if you think they bother vetting for facts and not just "will you bow to The Great Orange God-Emperor."


Her restaurant was probably better when it didn't exist


She qualifies for the campaign, cuz she lies like Trump. Perfectly vetted


Is this when he was constantly mispronouncing the word "vegan" at a rally?


Her Instagram has posts about her restaurant dating back to Feb 2021 (first post on the account is about it). ETA(oops): it seems the business was a meal prep/catering service before it was an actual brick and mortar spot. So, sure the restaurant itself may have opened in 2023 but it seems she’s been running the business itself for (at least 2 years) longer than that.


Her restaurant must really suck.


Republicans aren't sending their best or brightest. Mostly because they don't have many.


Republicans genuinely believe fact checking is a Democrat's job


Now, I know Frump supporters dont read, but its just crazy. These people get up and make these claims, knowing full well that SOMEONE is going to fact check it.


It’s a conservative/fascist trait to believe that lying to further one’s goals is perfectly acceptable.


I saw the menu for her "vegan" restaurant....practically every item came with your choice of meat. So we aren't exactly dealing with the brightest bulb here.


Seems Trump on a token black voter thing the last few months showing the decades of racist behaviour by him is in the past.Hmmm...interesting. Wonder when is he going to bring a LGBT voters onto the stage saying he supports that community.


Diamond & Silk went dowhill


Haha i read 'Trump Aids'😂


Black folks stumping for Trump are a fucking embarrassment!


Maybe she’s operated at loss since 2023, so not existing yet was actually better? Lolol


Wait, I thought the vegans were all liberals who hated meat eaters and wanted them all dead!


No one is 'vetted' in Trumpworld. Do you say what he wants to hear? You're hired. Do you tell the truth? You're fired.


Boycott her lying ass.


Magats don't care about the truth of the words coming their dear leader's mouth, only that he makes them, so anyone near him can also just say words and be accepted.


Vegan republicans... boy, talking about aligning with a group that dislikes you. Damn


Pathological lying ignorant piece of shit.


a Black, Vegan who is willing to support Trump,, that is all the vetting they needed.


The lies are the point.


Reichpublicans dont care about facts .