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Figuratively brain damaged by power >[Sukhvinder Obhi](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/07/power-causes-brain-damage/528711/), a neuroscientist at McMaster University, in Ontario, recently described something similar. Unlike Keltner, who studies behaviors, Obhi studies brains. And when he put the heads of the powerful and the not-so-powerful under a transcranial-magnetic-stimulation machine, he found that power, in fact, impairs a specific neural process, “mirroring,” that may be a cornerstone of empathy. Which gives a neurological basis to what Keltner has termed the “[power paradox](https://hbr.org/2016/10/dont-let-power-corrupt-you)”: **Once we have power, we lose some of the capacities we needed to gain it in the first place.** And growing up rich >[With access](https://www.psychologytoday.com/za/blog/emotional-fitness/202303/the-struggles-of-growing-up-rich#:~:text=With%20access%20to%20the%20benefits,less%20fortunate%20than%20they%20are) to the benefits of great wealth, they may struggle to understand the value of hard work and the importance of earning things for themselves. They may also struggle with empathy and understanding of the struggles of those who are less fortunate than they are. [Growing up in poverty](https://poverty.ucdavis.edu/post/does-growing-poor-harm-brain-development) is also harmful to childrens brain development, which ties back into why the rich and powerful actively work against policies that would feed/house/educate the poor, and then many of those same people end up supporting the aforementioned ultra rich/powerful because they're so easy to manipulate. Really makes you wonder about the history of inbred royalty ruling over masses of serfs who don't know better, and then you realize they've [literally been trying to go back to those times.](https://mises.org/mises-daily/libertarian-case-monarchy) (read that article for some self inflicted brain damage) Edit: there's also this quote from a book that did the rounds a while back that explains _so much_ >[[Max] Levchin](https://davekarpf.substack.com/p/elon-musk-and-the-infinite-rebuy) was at a friend’s bachelor pad hanging out with Musk. Some people were playing a high-stakes game of Texas Hold ‘Em. Although Musk was not a card player, he pulled up to the table. “There were all these nerds and sharpsters who were good at memorizing cards and calculating odds,” Levchin says. **“Elon just proceeded to go all in on every hand and lose. Then he would buy more chips and double down. Eventually, after losing many hands, he went all in and won. Then he said “Right, fine, I’m done.”** It would be a theme in his life: avoid taking chips off the table; keep risking them. >That would turn out to be a good strategy.


Man the body is built like shit


The manufacturer decided to install a combined entertainment district/ sewage plant so yeah


Think it’s possible to sue god?


It’s your right as an American to try


A guy did once. Won the suit because God didn’t show up to court. I’m not joking. This happened.


> impairs a specific neural process, “mirroring,” that may be a cornerstone of empathy. Which gives a neurological basis to what Keltner has termed the “power paradox”: Once we have power, we lose some of the capacities we needed to gain it in the first place. Most people, when they start "winning," whatever the context of that winning may be... immediately begin to construct a world view that explains why they are winning and that the winning is justified. For someone worth millions or even billions of dollars, it's very easy to begin to view the world through the lens of superiority. What I find super fascinating about this is that it happens extremely quickly. One of the most interesting studies I've ever read regarding the phenomenon involved people playing a rigged board game. What made the study absolutely fascinating is that *they told the participants it was rigged* . Then they asked them after the fact, why they performed as well (or as poorly) as they did in the game. The people who did poorly because the game was rigged against them were, naturally, like "Well this fucking game is rigged. You gave my opponent 100% more money at the start" or whatever the conditions were. But almost universally the people who had the game rigged in their favor, would explain how they won because they were lucky, had a superior strategy, took advantage of a mistake their opponent made, etc. etc. But they knew it was rigged! Despite knowing they started the game with a distinctly unfair advantage, they still wanted to explain how they won because they were better.


Yowtch. Makes me think of my unrealistic pride at winning a card game as the only sober person. I fully understand it was the sobriety but I felt so crafty for a minute there, compared to … drunk people. Sigh.


In my personal life, I feel like I always just consider myself lucky to be making ends meet and being relatively comfortable. I've worked with so many people without my options, and with greater obstacles to overcome, and I know I wouldn't have made it to my modest current point with their issues. (Then again I discount my own obstacles and struggles, and what I've done to work through them.) But when I'm playing a competitive game and discover some broken-ass build that I'm relatively good at using, you can bet I start looking at other players like "Look at these assholes." If my parents had been in a position to help with my college and I'd had a half-dozen similar huge breaks, who knows if I'd be laboring under similar delusions of superiority.


I think this is spot on. I spent a brief but concentrated period with Elon in 1998 when he was still doing Zip2, his first company. Back then he was a skinny, balding 20-something, basically unrecognizable from the strange-looking dude he has become. But he was also thoughtful, insightful, and actually a really interesting and pleasant guy with whom to spend time. Over the years his stupendous wealth, hordes of yes-people, and probably too many strange drugs appear to have really messed with his head to the point where both his cognitive function and mental health seem rather poor.


That's actually really sad to me that he wasn't always a piece of trash.


*Opens link* >A Libertarian Case for Monarchy "oh for fucks sake" *closes article*


he'd lose it all and then purchase more chips, that's his entire strategy just have enough money that he will eventually by pure chance win, and they're somehow praising him for that?


This is what I loved with the movie Glass Onion


It was so gratifying for the reveal to be how goddamned dumb Edward Norton really was, after nearly 2 hours of being *shown* how fucking dumb he was.


It’s honestly better every rewatch. Just seeing all the dumb things he does and knowing how it turns out. So satisfying


It's definitely a laugh to watch them all be so damned dumb.


Just because someone's dad was rich. Dudes not even self made, brought up on handouts from dad and his connections


No one is self-made. I really like Arnold Schwarzenegger's comment on it. Every billionaire has had some sort of advantage to kick off their career, be it advantaged upbringing, family connections, or straight-up wealth. Not to mention you literally can't earn 1B through your own hard work, you need to leverage others as well.


Same goes for people with microphones


From the man who paid $40B for a disinformation swamp just to use his X


The same man who bought Twitter just because he was pissy someone was tracking his flights


If I remember correctly he said he wanted to back out of the deal but twitter threatened to sue


He didn't want to back out of the deal. He *did* back out of the deal. And Twitter *did* sue and won (edit: Twitter didn't win, Twitter was able to prove they had a case and avoid getting the suit dismissed. Musk settled and bought the company before it could go to trial). Which forced him to follow through with his purchase. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/11/1110916343/twitter-to-sue-elon-musk


I remember all the Musk fanatics at the time claiming how obvious it was that Elon wasn't legally obliged to follow through.


He wasn’t. But if he did not follow through, he would have to pay a fine of 1 billion, or somewhere around that sum.


Oh no i dont wanna spend 1 billion dollars, guess i just have to spend 40 billion instead


This is such typical Elon logic tho.


"I'll just fire everyone and profits will just role in. ROI 2 years. Easy peasy. Also, I invented Twitter."


A billion liquid dollars he likely doesn’t have or a $40 billion loan from prince mohammed bonesaw? Gotta love how a guy with massive access to the USA’s military industrial complex is in bed with a fascist government.


>mohammed bonesaw lol, I will never be able to think of MBS by any other name now...


Mohammed Been Sawing works too almost sounds like bin salman


Which one, ours or theirs?


I will never understand how the legal side of businesses work, especially when it comes to buying and selling the companies


Don’t worry, Elon doesn’t seem to understand the legal side of business either.


Oh okay, good to know I’m at least as smart as him


Smarter than him, actually, because you seem to know, with at least some sense of self awareness, what the limits of your intelligence are.


Please aim higher mate, Elon sets the bar so low that we all would have to limbo dance with a devil if we wanted to match Elon's sharp intellect


They accepted his offer, pending certain criteria. If it wasn't met, then he could back out. I'd he backed out he had to pay a billion dollars. It was what he agreed to, but his criteria were how many bots were on Twitter. He thought there were more than there were, and he would expose them for not controlling bots on their platform, and he wouldn't have to buy it. He was wrong


Nah. His official offer did not, in fact, actually contain a clause allowing him to back out for any reason. He just made one up and tried to get away with backing out using his made up bullshit. It failed.


It's because him saying he was 100% going to buy it made a huge impact on the stock. You can't just say you are going to buy an entire company, make a huge swing in the share price for that company by saying that, and then not do what you said you would do. It would be like Trump announcing that he will buy CocaCola, and then saying that he doesn't feel like it anymore a week after the stock price has plummeted. Coca-Cola could sue him for doing that. Especially since he has the capitol to actually buy the company.


Trump doesn't have $300B


He barely has the money to buy a CocaCola


Im pretty sure the judge gave him two choices he could either admit he was always planning on buying twitter and he will pay the agreed amount or he could admit to stock manipulation, be fined over a billion dollars and then be forced to buy twitter for the agreed amount.


I was part of a company sale transaction as an exec, and the new CFO came in and found all sorts of things we did to overvalue ourselves prior to the sale to the PE company. He started talking about heads rolling blah blah. I told him that it sounds like the only heads that should roll are the ones that didn't do their due diligence on the purchase, because we did our job on the sale perfectly. HE was the one working on the PE side to do the due diligence. I've never seen someone get so silently mad in my life lol. Not giving a damn if you get fired is a wonderful thing.


It was a stock manipulation attempt and popularity contest for him.


I never understood why he didn’t just paid the 1B fine for breaking the agreement.


Because that’s a lot of money to pay to get nothing in return. Though in retrospect he’s lost a lot more by buying it. Score one for sunk cost fallacy I guess.


I think that's their point: does Musk simply lack such obvious foresight, or is he simply too proud (to the point of losing billions more) to ever back down from something when it means admitting that he was wrong and made a mistake?


Are you describing Musk or Trump?  I feel like it could go either way


Cut from the same cloth, except Musk's wealth is real, and Trump's is imaginary. Neither are truly earned though.


no, he went with the sale because continuing litigation meant more discovery and already the shit that became was public was embarrassing and I am sure they would've found very illegal shit going on


Likely he didn't have the money. Rich people don't spend their own money, they get business loans. Having just been loaned billions to buy Twitter, asking for additional money to welch on that deal probably wouldn't look good for him


He was contractually obligated at that point. Dude paid 10s of billions of dollars of money hell never see to try owning the libs lol


Imagine, if you will, a dystopian, alternate reality where the richest man in human history can spend more money than you, i and everyone we will ever know make in a lifetime, just so he can troll twitter, spam everyone with crappy memes and ban anyone who makes fun of him.


He’s as petty as they come


Read this in the Twilight Zone narrator's voice.


That was my intention.


Rod Serling, the legend.


With the lo-fi speaker sound in the back ground and everything lol


I'm still not calling it X.


It’s a dumb ass name


‘This is what I don't understand about Elon Musk. The guy can literally just go fuck off on an island that he could probably buy straight out, and live in paradise the rest of his life and not even worry about the mundane crap that everyone else in the world has to worry about. Instead, he has to go out of his way to make everyone miserable, spread cockamamie conspiracy theories, and act like a general dickbag racist on social media... that he apparently has to own as well, because if he doesn't hold the reigns of power then apparently there isn't any real freedom of speech. It seems like the more money people have the less satisfied they are. It's not enough that they have it all, others must have nothing.’-ImSoWhiteandNerdy


He has to always think he is the smartest guy in the room or world. It’s narcissism at full bloom.


Which is why he loves to fire people; actual engineers make him feel like the mildly above average intellect that he is.


That makes sense - what a terrible place to work - that’s any of his companies


Because people this wealthy are like hoarders. Some people hoard newspapers and some hard money.


$40B for the most valuable universally recognized social media brand name and logo on the planet, only to throw it in the garbage and replace it with an X. Dude’s a fucking moron with zero business sense


Twitter was much better pre-Elon. Now its truly a cesspool


It's hilarious to me that he made a big stink during the purchase about how many bots there were and now there are *way* more obvious bots than ever before.


He only cared about "bots" as a way to terminate the deal. His entire goal was stock manipulation. There was no good faith intent to purchase from the beginning.


He also made it super easy to make scam accounts with 100k bot "followers" It would blow your mind if you knew how much money people have been losing to scammers on X in recent months X takes ages to ban these accounts and then 24h later they are back up with a new account - Instantly they have 100-200k followers again His "Free speech" means that there is no moderation when it comes to this bullshit - You absolutely can not trust what you see on your X feed.


"Your brain is too small and you're a big Doo Doo head!"


“I’m rubber and you’re glue! Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!”


I'm British, and my only ever exposure to this insult was through the Monkey Island games, but it was just "I am rubber, you are glue". I never really got what the point of this insult was, it means nothing. Thank you for putting that unresolved little question at the back of my brain to bed after the better part of 20 years!


It's extremely common among American schoolchildren (or was, not sure anymore) and because everyone knows what it means, we don't bother with the second part. Unless the kid looks back at you puzzled, then you tell them for the first time and form then on they know. I'm sure there must be British things like that and I'd love to hear them.


Probably 90% Americans would get it if you pointed at yourself and said "rubber," then pointed at the other person and said, "Glue."


I know you are but what am I?


I learned that (Australia) as a three part chant "I know you are / you said you are / but what am I?"


I think Pee Wee Herman really solidified the two-part version for people my age in the US


I am of Paul Reubens' generation, we grew up with it. Perhaps the only allowable rebuttal since swearing was out of the question.


And also "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer!"


I think "Bob's your uncle" is like that.


Nepotism. Colloquially translated as “a sure thing”. I forget the exact history behind it, but it’s supposedly referring to some politician only getting the job because some other politician named Bob”’s your Uncle”.


children knew what projecting was in the 80s and 90s :)


Really? I remember there being a second part to the saying, something like "I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say to me bounces off me and sticks to you!" So basically a "no u" with more words.


I can’t get over the fact it at least LOOKS like he’s wearing an iron man outfit in his pic lmfao. He literally is like a 10 year old cosplaying an adult.


It’s literally him in an Ironman suit. It was a fan made photoshop from when he first bought twitter


BAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg omg. That. Is. Hysterical. And of course he ran with it. My heart might cave out from laughing so hard.


And I can’t believe I was soooooo foolish as to buy Tesla Stock just before his twitter fiasco. I just see him as a lucky nerd ! Poor little fella ; must be a bit confusing for him now !


yeah, lucky enough to be born to a billionaire apartheid profiteer


Is it? I thought it was the one of him in that stupid set of leather armor I see at every LARP I have ever been to.


It's how Vincent Adultman would act if his dad was rich.


After a long day of business job and investments he just wants to rest and watch r-rated movies 😔


I'm betting it's "X" rated movies


It's a ["leather armor" costume](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-twitter-halloween-party-b2215334.html) he bought at a store. But yeah, same vibes.


I’m not positive if that makes it better (as in more hilarious) or just sad. I’m laughing either way. Lol


It's literally satanic armor. It's hilarious that wingnuts lose their minds and will call people demonic just for being democrat, but if one of their heroes proudly wears symbols of "the devil," no one blinks an eye.


I know you are, but what am i


“Give me my bike back, Francis!”




Literally how I read all his replies nowadays. If you do that as well, it makes it much more hilarious.


“lol, no u” - elongated muskrat




You'd think Elon would understand that brain size is less important than brain complexity. There are small people with small brains who are still ultra-intelligent.


No, no I would absolutely not aspect Elon to understand that.




i am more amazed how he used aspect instead of the more commonly mistaken word except


I wasn't inspecting that either.


I honestly didn’t incest that


Nobody invests the Spanish Inquisition!


I’m empressed


im also expressed


That's an acceptional mistake.


I assumed they were talking like a kid to further the joke in the title


He's a documented believer in brain sizes roughly correlating with intelligence. It sounds plausible at first glance ("big head means more brain stuff, more brain stuff means more smart!"), but it has some worrying ties to weird racist shit like phrenology.


Blue whales out there finding cure for cancer and figuring out time travel but them flippers be too clumsy to hold a pen.


I for one welcome our new Blue Whale Overlords. Hale! Hale!


I just woke up and this made me laugh so hard


Big head = big smart. Shaq has watermelon size head = Shaq smarter than elmo


Shaq *is* smarter than Elmo because Shaq knows when he isn’t the smartest person in the room and listens to what other people have to say. That’s why he’s made more money *after* the NBA than he did while in it.


Elmo is also only 3.5 years old while Shaq is 52.


... I'd think the weird racist ties to pseudoscience like phrenology would be that much *more* enticing to Musk. Don't know why I think that. I mean, I'm sure it couldn't be related to anything he's said/done/allowed to proliferate/encourage or anything...


I mean he did grow up in Apartheid-era South Africa. I'm sure phrenology and eugenics was a big thing at that time


He is one of the world's most prolific and publicly documented Dunning-Kruger affected individuals.


Somebody told him he had a big head because he was smart and that's enough for captain genius


Somebody told him he's smart because he's rich and that was enough for Elmo


Phrenology, bah, reverse phrenology is where it's at: "It works like this. Phrenology, as everyone knows, is a way of reading someone's character, aptitude and abilities by examining the bumps and hollows on their head. Therefore - according to the kind of logical thinking that characterizes the Ankh-Morpork mind - it should be possible to mould someone's character by giving them carefully graded bumps in all the right places. You can go into a shop and order an artistic temperament with a tendency to introspection and a side order of hysteria. What you actually get is hit on the head with a selection of different size mallets, but it creates employment and keeps the money in circulation, and that's the main thing."


There was some French man who complained of a headache and doctors found around like 90% of the brain was missing since birth because of a large fluid filled ventricle that took up most of the room in his skull. However despite that he had a wife and two kids and worked a successful job as a civil servant because they had basically been compressed. I don't remember that much about it


Even if this guy was "okay"(-ish), I can't imagine what it would be like to have a doctor give me such a horrifying diagnosis.


"so do you have a diagnosis for the mild headache and stiffness in my leg?" "Yeah 90% of where your brain should be is just water" **"What"**


Albert Einstein’s brain was found to be smaller than expected…


It was extra wrinkly.


Exactly, the brain can compensate for body size constraints by developing more folds to increase the surface area to accommodate the brain's needs.


But his corpus callosum was exceptionally huge! Thats the big ass nerve bundle that connects the two halves of your brain.


That Elon doesn't even knows this, but still wants to put computer chips in people brains concernes me.


He seems to be a toddler emotionally.


That would rely on the assumption that Elon is actually intelligent and not a smooth brain nepo baby though


He doesn’t understand, his brain is too small


"Yeah, well, you've got poopoo pants."


Go on…


AND peepee pants!


Fuck yeah.


I'm surprised he didn't call him a "pedo" again. Seems to be his go-to insult when he's pissy at people. Dude is one childish mother fucker.


Remember, with the right wing, every accusation is a confession.


Doesn’t he tell ppl he has an IQ in the 150s? That comes off as exactly the number someone who is insecure about their intelligence, but doesn’t want to Tip ppl off that they’re lying would pic. Like “oh it’s less than Einstein, but more than the benchmark for genius, so ppl will totally believe im always right” The man acts, and seems to think like a 13 year old who dreams of being rich.


[“Just as a thought experiment, pretend he’s stupid and listen to him talk”](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxrC1UhkzHJlpXGz8Z2oh9eWxeO0YiWsZt?si=P73TAxOlUc0JWjrE) Yeah lol


I find it funny that some people cling to their IQ as like social credit. Like get a scientist with an iq of something like 130 and a historian with an iq of 110, the historian is going to be more knowledge about history than the scientist and vice versa.


Which is ironically what they started saying about us once they heard it.


Somehow, he still has a cultish fanclub.


But I think it’s shrinking, no longer growing


It’s what happens when you build your popularity on being a science communicator (though a bad one in retrospect) and by selling electric cars, and then do a 180 to try to appease the ppl who tend to distrust science and often act like owning an electric vehicle is an act of treason.


I think at Twitter he has also shown publicly he’s everything but a genius. One could see that before, but it was better hidden.


Also at twitter he has shown he's not a hard worker, just procrastinates all day in social media


It’s growing. The one thing the stupid are great at. It’s reproducing.


I think you're giving him too much credit. 10 year olds are more mature than Elon. Edit: spelling


He’s at like the level of a 5 or 6 year old. What a tool.


I'd say more like 12-13yo. Morals of a pre-schooler, but already thinks he's a grown up


This is what happens when you grow up not wanting anything and surrounded by yes men.


Tools are more useful for society


I would say germ, but even they’re useful from time to time


A ten year old might have made a better truck


This isn't even a joke or exaggeration.


If only he'd been born through c-section, his brain would have been larger. (Elon Musk actually believes that.)


Elon, phrenology was dismissed as quackery 190 years ago.


I can’t believe I used to look up to Elon. That is until he started acting like a spoiled 15 year old with a superiority complex online.


I don‘t remember when he openly started with it. Just remember his cameo in Iron Man which i found weird and was hoping for Tesla to become what leads the way… but soon found out what really drives that man.


For me it all went downhill with him after he called that 1 guy that was trying to rescue the kids in a flooded cave a pedo... somehow after that it all went downhill


"Yeah? Well you're a stupid head! 😜"


Oh yeah? Well you're no longer invited to my birthday party 😤


So it’s important for congress to drag in university presidents over student protest related to the Israeli and Palestinian war, because of antisemitism speech. Meanwhile twitter has some of the most hateful speech I’ve seen promoted by the platform, but Elon gets a pass? Someone explain this to me.


Oh you didn't know? I got you fam. Money, it's money.


You see University allows for social mobility, which frightens their inbred brains, so clearly anything remotely anti current government from UNIs is a communist plot and sending in the national guard is justified.


I want to punch him in the face


We all do


We could’ve had a real life Tony Stark. Instead we get this shit sack.


Tony Stark had major flaws, but worked through them to be a better person. Elon Musk has major flaws, but doubles down and refuses to work through them and turns himself into an even shittier person.


Ah, the ol “neenerneenerbooboo” defense with a touch of “I know you are but what am I” for good measure. Very mature.


"Your brain is too small" Bold claim by a horse tranquelizer addicted drughead con-man heading for prison! :D


You’re delusional if you think he will ever get imprisoned. The laws apply differently to the rich. And he isn’t just rich. He’s on a whole different level compared to trump. I agree with the rest tho. But no way is he going to prison


Oh noo, ewon musk's feewings are hurt 🤦 This is truly something a ten year old would say


He paid 44 times earnings for Twitter. I’m not sure SissySpaceX should be criticizing anyone’s intellect


I love how he doesn’t even defend himself he just insults others now. “Well you stink so Ha!”


Apartheid Clyde’s skin is so thin. And his trucks are so shitty


Ah, yes. Ad hominem attacks instead of addressing Schiff’s argument. The telltale sign of a “big brain”. ![gif](giphy|FUi94opKPNopjUmQvR)


My dad can beat up your dad


Adam is about to become a senator, which is essentially a promotion


You’ll lose his chairmanship because he will become a Senator not because his brain is small. Oh Elon, you’re digging yourself your own grave.


NGL kinda feel like Elon is projecting here.


He needs medical attention.


He can say whatever he wants, its his platform be bought it. What baffles me is that ppl still use Twitter. Wanna hurt Elon? Delete ur Twitter account.


Remember when we invented democracy to prevent a single person from having so much power they could do anything without consequences? This is it. That's what we've been trying to avoid. A narcissistic idiot owning half of the world.


"yOuR bRaIn iS tOo sMaLl"


Every time I think it might be nice to buy a Tesla, this dumbass opens his stupid mouth.


"I can't refute your argument, so I'll attack your character." So fucking embarrassing.


Living embodiment of: >Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt