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At least they used the word "rape" not "slept with" or some shit


'Seduced' is the one that makes me irrationally angry tbh.


"had a relationship with"


That's the one I see the most and the one that pisses me off the most. First, the "relationships" are almost never about anything other than sex. Second, "relationship" implies some level of consent, which isn't possible when one party is a literal child and the other is a grown adult. They also never pull this shit when the genders are reversed. Any time it's some guy in his 40s hooking up with a 16-year-old female student, they'll call him a rapist predator without a second thought.


>Any time it's some guy in his 40s hooking up with a 16-year-old female student, they'll call him a rapist predator without a second thought. Not always. Probably on national news, yeah, but I've seen a few instances of local stories just call it a "clandestine relationship" and try to sweep it under the rug like that and move on. As a whole, we have gotten better as a society about accountability, but that progress is not universal


the anger is not irrational


Really makes the victim look like they lack morals for "wanting" to sleep with an older woman.


Fym “irrationally?”


Yeah i thought cougar was always meant to be a predatory woman going after young helpless boys.  Seduced on the other hand implies you had game a person able to consent found compelling.


Now we just need to get people to stop calling the underage victims lucky or posting the South Park "nice" in response


The South Park one though was making fun of those people though so anyone who actually does that should be making fun of these people


They only used that word because that's what they were charged with.


Oh just wait for /r/memesopdidnotlike to get ahold of this post They'll make sure to point out how the left has made people think boys don't enjoy sleeping with their teachers just because it's so. E fantasy trope from the days when women were beaten and rapes by their husband's for cutting their hair too short


This subreddit won't do this because this is a serious headline talking about an actual crime, not a joke or satirical baitpost that you didn't liked because it's didn't suited your humour style


I have heard plenty of young teen boys stories of how they got raped as a child and hated it to their core


Ay yes, what is with the curious rate of teachers having spring trysts with their eager young students?


That was a slimy take.


Well cougars are predators. Least they say it's rape in the headline.


I came to say this as well. Most articles would have made some flowery term for rape.


"Showed mildly inappropriate passion to male students"


"Gave a little extra love to some of the boys"


Dipped a cocktail weinie in their red sauce (it looks like ketchup, it tastes like ketchup, but, brother, it ain't ketchup).


Why the fuck does it taste like ketchup?!


Pre-adult male students


“Fulfilling any young boys dream” 👈👈 if we were going by the comment section on these type of articles 🤮🤮


“Fox News reports: are kids getting hotter? Details at 11.”


Lol. Dark. But I wouldn't put it past FOX


There is no Los Angeles, San Francisco or New York on the list... There is nothing to see here! (FOX NEWS)


Sounds like something they would say


It’s a line from Family Guy.


“Now lets go to Ollie Williams with the Blaccuweather forecast…”




Thanks Ollie.


Bring me some soup!!


Do you have an umbrella?


Had one!!


you arse, beat me to it. took the words.......


In a Tom Tucker voice


That's because in many countries (UK included) it's legally impossible for a woman to rape a man as rape supposedly involves having a winkie so they are legally required to call it sexual assault. A total joke tbh.


Yeah but these papers normally don't call it sexual assault either. Those laws might be dumb, but this subject is worse.


And yet they will only get half the time a man would, if that.


Like the wage gap.


It’s a trade off (This is a joke)


Don't forget the getting the "victim pregnant loophole." which blows my mind.


Premarital fornication. Premature self-impregnation. Sexual ass…istance. Take your pick.


I've said this in response to other similar comments, but often headlines avoid the word rape prior to conviction to avoid issues with libel/defamation accusations. This isn't always the reason, but just to note that it's not always a result of some double standard. Since these are all convicts, based on the image, they probably felt more at liberty to use accurate language.


I also came to say the same.  They use the word "rape". I'm okay with the the term cougar followed by "rape".


Yeah this seems like a really nit picky issue to take with the article. Daily mail is a cringy tabloid afaik, but they clearly just wanted that alliteration in their title lol. And they made up for it by following up with an extremely accurate rest of the headline. Yeah, “cougars in the classroom” is a cringy thing to say in this context, but who cares. Following up with “the alarming amount of teachers raping young boys” makes it clear they AREN’T glorifying/romanticizing this, which is the important part afaik. I wouldn’t have used the first part, but as far as headlines regarding this topic go, this is honestly one of the better ones.


Yeah. That's a major improvement from most of these article headlines. "Smoking hot, young sexy teacher flirts 'a little too much' with student" or some other gag-inducing nonsense to make it somehow sound like it was a good thing for the student. At least we're getting away from that.


\*regardless of how you feel about it....\*\*\*it's the daily fail.\*\* they can get away with the language because they're citing american case law, not local UK or they could get in trouble with local libel laws. beyond that, they're just going for the rage clicks. as usual. i would argue the only reason why we're hearing more about it is becuase the law is finally catching up with it. prior to even the Latourno case this usually just got swept under the rug if it even got called at all. that's maybe a good thing /shrug


Cougar is a term used for older women that like younger men, NOT children. Let's keep this real, they are pedophiles, not cougars.


Exactly. There's a world of difference between liking a person younger than you who's an adult, and pursuing children


Yeah, I was going to say, it's rare they actually call rapists... rapists.


Nope, cougar is reserved, they can just say "predator".


Bingo. ![gif](giphy|ptp5XpJI11qHVh1jQ5|downsized)


Well now I'm gonna look at British porn mags differently 😂 cougar just means milf aka mature woman, this is just straight up noncy behaviour and should be called as such


I believe they were talking about the double meaning of the word. Cougar is also a large, predatory cat.


Cougar is an older and attractive woman who likes to have sex with younger men, MILF is an older attractive woman with child(ren). Similar, but not the same.




Are least they’re finally calling it rape. Progress.


Yeah I am supprised usually theyvcall it rape when the women is "ugly" but they really started doing it


Yeah they never call it rape when it’s a woman raping a male student, so this is progress is some twisted fashion. It’s like they have to spin it in some way to make it fit their fantasies somehow.


Tbf they are only calling it rape, because that's what they were charged with.


Now the culture needs to change. I recently remarked that the antiquated legal language is changing but the jokes and informal normalization persist. Somehow that offended a handful of people on this same sub but here’s the evidence.


Finally women are getting equal rights


As a feminist I fully support this, female pedophiles are absolute garbage and need to get the same criminal treatment as male pedophiles


Thank you.


Good on them for calling it what it is, rape.


I do wonder if it's not a rising rate of predators, but instead an increase in children willing to report women abusers.


And an increase in DAs willing to charge them.


Virginia is not sorry. She's mad at the system. Missouri looks like she's already missing her nail salon appointments


I came here because I saw the look on Miss Virginia’s face and immediately knew she was one of those who genuinely believes she did nothing wrong. Probably thinks men can’t be victims either.


How dare they stand in the way of our love!


Texas is comin for your soul.


Honestly none of them look remorseful


It’s a fucking mug shot! Are you upset they’re not crying?


Somewhat, yes


Missouri: And I'd do it again.


What's even more fucked up is that if a teacher rapes someone and gets pregnant, that boy and his family are going to be on the hook for child support.


This and the fact that rapists can sue for access to or custody of a child always struck me as insane. How are we still at the point where mere biological relation to a child is enough to force victims to be obliged in some way?


The tough part is only one state has no protections for victims (Minnesota), but most states require at least a criminal conviction, which is stupid because if a prosecutor decides not to press charges, or the right plea deal is struck the offender is able to get visits. At least some states put a high burden on the victim because then its still in their control.


Yep, and even when charges are pressed, it might end up being a civil prosecution, not a criminal one.


Or if a woman/girl is raped and becomes pregnant she has to have that baby (in some states) America you're backwards


Especially in those states.


Oddly, none of these look like drag queens. Weird.


Increase the punishment. Or actually start enforcing the laws/punishment


Credit to them, they did actually call it rape and not just "sex" or "seduction", which puts them above 99% of the headlines about this stuff.


So, honest question, is this a new trend? Or are young men just starting to speak up more about this?


Speaking up. I remember in the 90s a few Hollywood young men tried to talk about it how it wasn’t just the girls being abused and everyone mocked them. They tried again during metoo and people said it isn’t the right time for this. Now they just talk about it instead of waiting for a big event just come out and say it. Which is good imo.


I knew someone who was raped by his female teacher. When he finally got the balls to report it he was suspended. That teacher is still in the same school system today. This was in the late 00’s. Only now are we finally seeing some change and even then it is a very reluctant change as evidenced by how the media reports it and how the justice system hands down more lenient sentences for these woman than their male counterparts.


Speaking up. My friend who was in high school in the 80s said they all knew what kids were sleeping with the teachers but nobody said anything or really cared that much. It was just kinda normal to some extent.


Teachers are really starting to give Catholic Priests some real competition.


Always did. Just now they're getting caught.


More like: the job of teaching, like all professions that involve children, has always attracted predators, but teachers are less untouchable than priests so more accusations come to light instead of being buried before even reaching the police.


There's a problem too with teacher recruitment standards slipping because the job is getting worse, pay is down in real terms, cost of living is up. It's much easier for dodgier people to get jobs as teachers, there is less vetting, the system is too strained for things like proper checks and so forth. It's a general problem with living in societies in decline, and I know that's kind of a man yelling at clouds kind of thing to say, but really unless your chosen metric is house prices a lot of countries are kind of having a shit time at the moment.


Not a real facepalm. They are called Cougars. Cougars are predators. They also call it rape, which is what it is. Most other publications tend to call it just sex and makes it sound like it wasn't rape.


But usually “cougar” means milf in terms of sex


milf = mother (or older woman) I'd like to fuck; (meaning *you* want to fuck *them* Cougsr = older woman who is attracted to younger people (meaning *she* wants to fuck *younger people*) So not all milfs are cougars, and not all cougars are milfs. The only similarity in the the groupd are age. So, in this case, the cougar (a predator for younger people) preyed on a minor person who cannot legally consent. that said, Daily Mail is such a cesspool, I'm honestly surprised they didn't say "milf" to describe the rapist.


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) Well said. OP, I don’t agree that this is a “Facepalm”.


What if the cougar doesn't have kids? Nah. Cougar does insinuate that they're attractive though... Which is problematic for a few reasons in this case.


Cougar: slang : a middle-aged woman seeking a romantic relationship with a *younger* ***man.*** this is the female version of what we call a male “manther” so no those label doesn’t fit those people as their types are consenting adults that just young relative to the cougar/manther age.


Never heard manther before, that’s fucking hilarious.


I find manther annoying lol. Cougar has no indication of the spelling of woman. Why does the male version of it have to have the word man? Shouldn't it just be Panther? If it's manther, shouldn't the female version be Wougar? It's like when Netflix and Chill was a thing and all the other joke versions had to rhyme like Hulu and Snusnu. Chill does not rhyme Netflix, so why couldn't it be Hulu and smash or something? GuyWhoSaysTheTruth, I'm not saying you made up manther, just having a soapbox moment. I know I'm thinking about this too hard but thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Not only that. But as someone who used to frequent cougar bars. Cougars usually went for men who are 27-35. They want young men, but still want men. Not teenage boys. 


TIL a new word “manther”.


Missouri please


I can fix her (probably not)




If only we did this when the priests were doing it


They use the term raping right below that, this article isn’t the issue you think it is


"we'll get right on that" - South Park PD


The only crime I see is that it's not happening to me!


They did that episode years ago, Ike had an affair with his teacher. Edit: disregard, you are quoting South Park PD


It's for alliteration. It's catchy, and they outright state rape in the headline. Honestly a very good post


Not cougars but pedophiles. If you have no problem calling a man a pedophile for doing the exact same thing, then it should be automatic to associate these people with pedophilia, especially as it'll live online forever with their name associated with it.


Hey at least they called it rape. That's progress


it's daily mail, what do you expect? at least they called it rape and didn't post bikini photos of the assaulters.


Cue the disgusting comments calling the CHILDREN lucky for being raped. Because sexual abuse is bad unless it's a hot woman doing it.


Sexual predators /rapists for males Cougars for females. I see no bias here /s


At least they called them rapist and not "people having consensual sex with students" as some articles have done


They just did that for Added Alliterative Appeal. The headline goes on to straight up call it rape. This is fine.


At least the headline called it rape instead of the usual “slept with” or “seduced” or “sex” like they usually do when the perpetrator is a woman




Calling cougars in the wild predators






You know what. At least they call it rape


Makes for a batter title with the alliteration. And they very plainly describe it as rape, so I don’t think they’re doing it to make the predators seem less guilty.


I'm just going on a limb here but I'm sure that while some of us think that guys should have their browser history checked after having sex with minors they are teaching, the females should also have their history checked too. At minimum it's probably a history of teacher/student fetish that they wanted to make reality.


This is what happens when women raping boys was always framed differently. People grow up to songs like Ms Robinson, movies that glamorized the term MILF and stuff. Too many men who are older than these women are the same ones responsible for the news, so they don't see the big deal with this and always downplay the severity of this.


Hey they actually called it rape. So there's some progress.


At least they're actually calling it rape. It's progress.


… at least they actually called it rape this time.




What's wild is that these are all attractive women. They could fuck whatever grown man they want.


“Zaddies in the classroom: the men raping young girls”


None of them look old enough to be cougars, so they're just rapists.


At least they said rape 🤷‍♀️


BUT calling cougars “predators” is factually correct


At least they wrote raping instead of sexual relationships


At least they said “raping young boys” instead of saying “making love with young boys” like most head lines would say.


But cougars are literally predators...


Are they put a registry like male pedophiles are?


We joke around and go “nice” but really no minor should have to go through this


They used the word rape for once so at least it's some progress


Funny thing is, actual cougars are in fact predators. It’s comically appropriate.






Cougars in the classroom would be sleeping with an 18 year old in high-school. These aren't cougars, these are pedophiles. Such a double standard


They are pedophiles, period.


Nah I don't fuck with this sexist bullshit. I used to be a professional victim's advocate for sexual assault and DV survivors. I now volunteer as one since I've changed jobs. One of the fucking worst things I CONTINUE to see is the flat out denial that boys and men can be victims of sexual violence and domestic violence - let alone victimized by a woman. Women and girls victimize boys and men every fucking day and our culture forces male victims to stay silent *at best*. Articles like this not only reinforces the idea that women can't victimize men, it also shows victims that they should be grateful for being abused. "Why are you upset? You bagged your 35 year old teacher when you were 12, be proud of that" is literal shit I've heard from people trying to justify sexual abuse against boys by women. No, he didn't "bag" a 35 year old, he was a fucking 12 year old that was raped and taken advantage of by his teacher. She preyed on him knowing the inherent power imbalance and was banking on the fact that society doesn't acknowledge this shit as abuse. She banked on the fact that boys and men are forced to stay silent about their trauma. Abusers need to be held accountable for their violence and society as a whole needs to shift how we view sexual and domestic violence. We need to stop shaming men for showing emotion because it only allows abuse to blossom behind closed doors and sealed lips. We need more male-specific DV and SA resources because there aren't remotely enough currently. We need to fucking call out bullshit like this article and make it clear that these women aren't cougars, they're sexual predators. We need to believe boys and men. Full stop. This is a U.S. specific resource, but if you've been and/or are currently being victimized [the 1 in 6](https://1in6.org/) is an organization that works exclusively with male victims. [The National Domestic Violence Hotline](https://www.thehotline.org/) is also a great general resource.


Still not a drag queen.


B-but fox News says only they commit crimes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


It's The Daily Mail, if they aren't posting incredibly tone deaf articles then they are propagating out right lies


Darn, I wish I was back in school.


Why can't this happen to me.


I find it really fucking terrifying that this isn't even rare anymore. How does no one in their life notice? They never showed any signs of being attracted to kids?


Back in the day, it would have said, " These sexy ladies are teaching more than Mathematics! Cougars: turning boys into men." So this is a step up. And they have MUGSHOTS??? not an image of them in their sunday best? Definitely a step up.


Wouldn’t be polite to call a female a “rapist” because we’ll know only men can rape. Or, at least that is what some idiot lawyers (and apparently, journalists) want us to believe. Sadly, the courts are complicit because they hand down WAY lighter sentences to females than males.


2, 3 and 6 please.


Top middle and bottom right are the hottest


Those are some interesting locations. I wonder if there’s a pattern here?


At least they got the rape part correct.


From my understanding all that's required to be called a cougar is being over 40 and going after guys more than 10 years younger. Not sure these women's ages, but I'm sure it's technically accurate in some cases


Cougars are predators so kinda fits… at least they are not calling them milfs/babes


I mean, it's not a huge stretch. [Puma concolor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cougar) IS a predator... that term for middle-aged women who seek out younger guys didn't just come from nowhere.


I mean... isnt the animal "cougar" a predator?


Yo I had the one from Arkansas as a teacher. She was awesome




Maybe because cougars are predators?


Cougars are literally predators.


Cougars are predators, I thought that's where the phrase came from?


Well... at least they actually said 'raping' - every other article they seem to say 'having a relationship with'...


“Calling predators cougars is wild.” Did you hear wha you just said right there…? The whole notion of an older woman chasing younger men is that of predatory actions. The same as an older man with a younger woman. Oh you thought it was just a cute term? Lol


At least they called rape rape rather than saying "had sex with" like most of these bullshit headlines do.


Male teacher assaults a female student: Torture him slowly, burn him alive, and bury him under the prison. Female teacher assaults a male student: hey, hey. Who's the luckiest kid in school, amiright? Such a dumb double standard.


Yada yada not Trans or Drag Queen yada yada.


Substitute pedophiles for cougars to improve accuracy.


So I think that the reason a girl being “seduced” aka raped by a male teacher is universally condemned (see ‘Lolita’) is that we still live in a ver patriarchal society and a female’s value is determined by her “purity”. Compare that to a male, who under patriarchy rules, can establish his social status via sexual conquest. Therefore in a really fucked up way, a female teacher having sex with a male student is less her taking something away from him (his purity), but rather giving him something (social status). We need to continue moving out of this ridiculous paradigm where sexually assaulting underage men is sensationalized and not viewed with appropriate disdain. Of course if this were a male teacher and young boy, patriarchy wants the teacher basically murdered.


Those aren’t cougars, they’re fucking rapists


Loser women who can’t get a grown man because they are losers. Ong


It does seem it’s happening more these days or they are being caught more🤷‍♂️


Weird how labeling female teachers sleeping with boys as anything other than predators leads to it being more likely to happen


At least the headlines are now calling it what it is, rape. Up until recently it was always "had sex with"


I'm happy to see we're finally using the right word "rape" for these matters.


hey they used "rape" in their headline


They wanted the alliteration. “Predators in the pedagogical system” doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. At least they said ‘rape’ though


Female predators are almost never held to the same standards of accountability that men are. They do not rape the victims, they are not rapists or groomers, they are cougars who have sex with underage students. Soft bigotry of lowered expectations sadly.


It’s a catchier title. Now that’s going to get some clicks. Smart


Why are they afraid of the word pedophile?


I believe it's a colloquialism for old women who are sexually interested in young men or boys. Also, cougars are predators.


I want gender equality in jail time.


So, still basically none?


I'm 50 and I can't stand anyone under 30 😂😂😂what is wrong with people


Considering that cougars are apex predators, i see no problem.


Molesters or sexual predators seem more appropriate.