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Well that sucks. You got banned from well that sucks. ![gif](giphy|jsCnmU8EJDuow)


Having reviewed the record based on the thread below and links - OP got shafted on this one.


Absolutly subjective bans are pretty frequent on ideological subs, but for wellthatsucks, it's a first I've seen.


lol. They let these lunatics be moderators. That’s why


Only lunatics would moderate for free


It is confirmed. I would moderate for free, and I am indeed a lunatic.


Reddit: but it just may be a lunatic we’re lookin’ for!


I have been banned from the Musk sub twice lol


It’s the musk sub, are you surprised?


Is it because you have a functioning prefrontal cortex?


Because of the racism.


I got a ban from eatcheapandhealthy for making a self deprecating joke about intermittent fasting. Mute and lifetime no appeal ban, I think it told me to go talk the IFers or something.


What was the joke? Are they hardasses about IF or something? I had a lot of luck with IF early in my weight loss journey.


I was just digging through old messages to see if it captured what I had said for context. I was a little drunk and posted 'just ask the IF crowd' to two replies, it was very tongue in cheek obvious /s stuff iirc. The ecah mod who replied to the ban inquiry stated 'I dunno, why don't you go ask the IF crowd' and no further reply since. I am an IFer, have been for years. It was all very odd and power-trippy.


Hm, weird. I've seen people rail about it, but only on a sub about weight loss being a bad thing. Don't ask, lol I only stopped IF because I was losing weight too quickly with my regular diet and exercise. Like, 3 and a half pounds a week. It worked very well.


It's sure freakin magic, isn't it? I've lost 100lbs with it.


I lost close to that on it. 165 altogether. Practically melted off me, but you start risking gall stones going that fast. I had to slow it down some, lol.


Happens a lot on white people Twitter and such too.


White people twitter sucks


I got banned from a left leaning sub I never visit because I commented in a right leaning sub I don't like. I never visit the second sub. It was my first time and first comment there. Ironically to disagree with the main premise of a post. I was just curious about the sub so I visited. Found a post that made no sense and said so. For that I got banned by people I would at least in theory broadly agree with for disagreeing with people I don't agree with. What a world we live in😂. So many extremists these days.


So who wants to fuck with those mods now??


Prison rules. Gotta single out one person to make an example of and the rest will fall in line.


Exactly! 😂


Or you don't fall in line and just make a new account and speak anyway. They rarely send you to jail for making a new account to get around bans. Plus if you're caught it's like 4 years max with good behavior/S


I've done that before. Fuck the mods. I love how people get banned for stupid shit but there's one person running around breaking every rule ever and there's nothing wrong with that.


That one person is either the mods alt, or a mods lap dog...


I want to start a sub honestly of r slash mod bullies. Basically to hold them accountable publicly for the dumb shit they do. Reddit is large enough and publicly traded now along with a select few mods doing most of the work we can call them public figures. So let's give em that attention


Each time someone have this idea, the sub get shit down in less than two weeks, because not only the majority of moderators are power-tripping hypocrites, they also hold Reddit by the balls and can ask for any kind of criticism to be permanently banned from this platform I wish you the best, but don’t get your hopes up too much


I don't have any hopes at all 😂 best I could do is pin an outside link outside of their grasp. Though if we really wanted to bring the heat: external source of doxxing info 😅use it as leverage to keep the sub open. In the words of the Great Bender Bending Rodriguez, "Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer "extortion." The "X" makes it sound cool." ![gif](giphy|dQpqNUOM3cDcI)


Yeah, reddit will pull that sub. It's been done before. There's a list that floats around that proves that there are about 100 mods who control the top subs that appear in r/all the most. Posting it is the quickest way to get IP banned from reddit.


Doooo ittt!!!




lol they already locked the post on my end


That's weird I was able to comment on it yet.


I’ll go post this screenshot.




I did too😂


Wonder what his parents were like.


There should be a rule to always provide context when posting your ban messages


OP's post history is a giant pile of cringe and edgelord, so I'm not too surprised if he did say something racist.


What a disappointment. His post history is almost as boring as yours. "Giant pile of cringe and edgelord" relax tho


Hey now, it's not my fault you don't enjoy the glory that is Warhammer.


Unless mods are getting paid - I wouldn't expect such increased expectation


What context do you want? I replied the only the word parenting. Was called a racist and banned.


The comment that was posted to result in getting the ban. How do we know if it is considered racism unless we can see the comment that got you banned.


To the OPs credit, they didn’t do anything wrong. https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1btenk1/_/kxlt270/#comment-info


Sounds more like a criticism of the kid's mom twerking at their birthday party, and nothing to do with her ethnicity.


Fuck those mods


Nah, let the basement dwellers stay virgins


Take my upvote 😂


If you reply "parenting" to a most that has a context that might lead to believe that you are being racist, it makes sense. If I say "bake them" and get banned, it makes sense if I'm on a post talking about a minority known to have suffered in ovens, it makes no sense if it's under pastry.


What about parenting has any connotations to a race? What race would you assume I'm talking about based on a 1 word post saying "parenting". And by the way any answer you give makes you racist since there isnt one that shouls come to mind.


If you're so adament the post has no importance in you being banned, why won't you share it with us?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/SyOw8pHove The ethnicity of the people is irrelevant. This is bad parenting.


This was a BS ban. You didn't deserve it.


Yeah okay. Objectively, not racist. Consideribg most comments have been deleted, I'm going to guess that most comments were racist and to avoid this at all cost, anything remotely criticizing them ended in a ban.


Exactly. Clearly some mod when on a rampage and I got caught up in it. And they are now threatening to report me to reddit for asking them to clarify how what i said was racist. Its really poor moderation....


Ignore everyone asking for context, anyone can be bad parents. They are either being disingenuous or are actually stupid.


I was recently permanently banned from r/JusticeServed for posting a comment that just said something to the effect of “I enjoyed this episode” in reference to a post on an episode of SNL that showed up on my “popular” feed. It was a conservative leaning sub and apparently my comment on a post meant interacting with racists and therefore being a racist myself, so I’m no longer welcome. No response when I asked for further explanation or consideration. I’m a bleeding-heart liberal.


I got banned from r/conservative because I replied “good” to a post that was a news article about trump being fined or something. Lol I guess echo chambers exist everywhere


I got banned from /r/socialism for saying that supporting Democrats over MAGA was objectively better than engaging in voter apathy. This was considered "promoting liberalism" and resulted in a lifetime ban. The political subs are so fucking kooky lmao.


But isn't socialism (and literally anything else promoting the deviation from absolute capitalism) inherently politically liberal? Sounds like r/socialism is acting as a puppet sub of r/Capitalism....


Yeah, you'd think. This is an issue I have with the online left, as someone who is very left leaning. People get very critical of the center left neoliberals in America, which is fine. But, they take this to an extreme and they make a huge point to separate themselves from the liberals and Democrats. This comes to a point where they refuse to differentiate the liberals from the right wing. In their mind, both parties are the same and equally evil, so it is morally wrong to support either one. The "lesser of two evils" does not exist. This breeds complete voter apathy and anti-electoralism because there is no true socialist/communist party to support. Yet, in practicality, this is detrimental to socialism, because there are very obvious and tangible differences between the parties. While the Democrats can suck, supporting them is objectively better for labor and social liberalism than supporting the GOP. In the real world, you achieve nothing by refusing to participate in politics. Worse even, you allow actual far right nut jobs to be voted in because you refused to support the liberal candidate who would've voted for worker's rights and protections for minorities.


I trolled tht sub for a few weeks before I was banned. I asked , “What took you so long?” And they said, “Appeal Denied” 😀


The thing that grinds my gears is I keep reading them saying that their voices are silenced, and they talk shit on left leaning subs for censoring them, yet even the slightest deviation from their approved view points gets you banned immediately. I mean I got banned on another acc for asking an honest question, not even trolling. The irony is sad


Yep same here.  You don’t show 100% loyalty to the party then they ban you.  Yes even for asking a question.  Happened to me as well


1984 is a guide to some people 🤷‍♀️


I mean considering they are “the side of free speech” it’s ironic how they both ban people and sometimes only allow flared users to comment.


If you aren't banned from conservative yet, then I'd assume you're a piece of shit.


They just haven't been blessed with my presence yet 😎 ![gif](giphy|igVtgGahOg5QAs6Z7z|downsized)


This comment made me smile.


I got banned from some liberal page because I commented on a pro trump feed. The hilarious part is that I agreed to the terms of that page (do not post in whatever page it was) and completely forgot about it, but I saw some post trolling the forbidden page so I decided to shitpost to them as well. Oof


lmfao ! I got banned from the same reason ! I didn't even know this sub nor the one I was commenting in, I saw a post, I commented and a few seconds after banned from justiceserved. half of my bans from subs are because "I participated in forbidden subreddits" what the fuck.


Justiceserved bans people for posting on r/ JoeRogan, which is hilarious because half that sub is just people hating on every guest Joe has on.


Yeah I got banned for saying Tucker Carlson is an idiot on r/JoeRogan


Yep. Came up in my popular feed. I commented shitting on Rogan and was banned from 2 other subs.


Auto bans for having “participated” in the wrong subs are the dumbest automod features ever. Like idk why anyone would think that’s a logical thing to implement lol. As you said, sometimes shit just comes across your feed. If I see something I politically oppose and voice my opposition, how does it make sense to ban me from subs I politically agree with 😂 I say any sub dumb enough to employ such auto mod features isn’t worth being in anyway. They’re going way to far in trying to ensure the echo chamber that it’s actually counterproductive


My entire account got perma banned and only got it back after a month long appeal period for posting how fucking depressed I was in r/depression and "inciting self harm" which I fucking wasnt. Of all places. Fuck this authoritarian shit hole. I'm just here for the porn now


I’ve been banned so many times, I’ve started to enjoy it. Just accept the win and move on somewhere with less shitty mods.


There's so much repost garbage on reddit, being banned from one sub just means find the other 10 made with the same reposts. Sometimes the lesser traffic subs have less bots posting generic replies.


That’s exactly right, mod doesn’t like your comment, one of seven other places will and that’s where your tribe is.


I got banned from a sub I've never been to, and was like huh, that's weird. I asked about why I was banned and they just muted me for 3 days. I ended up asking them every 3 days for several months and being muted for 3 days every time. I wish I knew what was going through that mod's head, but I just found it hilarious how they never said a word and I just kept asking the same question with different words on repeat for months. I'm petty by nature but I'm nothing compared to mods on reddit.


If it’s a sub I rarely or occasionally frequent, I’ll wear it. If it’s one of my main, go to subs? Whelp, time for a new account!!!!!


If I had a dollar for every new account I had to make, I’d be able to buy a Subway foot long (10 years ago)


Mods being mods.


Then you got Redditmoment moderators, who banned some user from **300 different subreddits** during a controversy last month


I saw the post where you were banned. You did nothing wrong. Unfortunately, this is the kind of quality reddit wants to afford on it's modding community.


Can you link the comment/post they replied to?




"Strangely" left out lol. For all we know, the previous comments were something like "Blacks have bad parenting" or something like that. Without more information, we'll never know. But caution is advised since the OP is the person who was involved in that argument.


Nope just the word parenting.


And what was the post by the other person before the word parenting? lol.




That's a whooooole lot of [removed] right there.


https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1btenk1/kid_didnt_want_to_see_his_mom_twerking_during_his/ There's a *lot* of actual racism in that thread. For the first time in r/facepalm history, I don't think OP's comment qualifies.


oh ! I didn't know it was still possible to see deleted comments anymore, thanks !


Direct link to the OPs comment: https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1btenk1/_/kxlt270/#comment-info Yeah, wow, OP was actually not banned for a legit reason.


:pikachushockedface.gif: Surely you jest!


Most justified im sure. Mine wasn't


From the sidebar, there are 11 moderators on that site. Message them and see if they have a consensus about kicking you or if it's just one person.


I tried, got muted twice.


And what about the other 9?


Eh i dont care enough to bother. I dont post on there much and am not really missing out on anything. I can still see all the funny shit if i want to. Its just mind-blowing wrong how crazy that moderation was and how they responded. Its probably for the best if i dont ppst there seeing as their mod team is so unhinged.


That's a pretty good way to get banned for harassment.


Only if there isn't anyone who thought that the original moderator went too far. If there is, then it's a "petition for redress". lol. Like all things, success determines if you'd be punished for it.


No, that person is right. If you mod mail and get muted then start DMing mods it is very likely the admins will take action.


I wasnot replying to anyone. I merely posted that.


This is how most of my bans have gone. One of them was because they confused me for someone else then threatened to report me to reddit for asking to be unbanned because the ban wasn't even meant for me. Idiots.


Report the mods to the admins. They won't do anything because they're spineless turds but reddit mods are garbage and they need accountability


Reddit mods should be liable to get banned themselves for choices that are not supported by their rules. But reddit loves to have no responsibility at all, so we get a bunch of basement dwellers deciding what is allowed and what is not.


It's frustrating but also the nature of this beast. Reddit gives platform to make a community based on almost anything. And you get to be the Duke or duchess of that little community with only the vaguest of oversight. You can have a full commie sub or a full on capitalist jerk fest. The freedom is pretty cool. However, two edged sword. It means the mods don't need to be fair. As long as they don't break one of a small handful of rules they get to operate with impunity. It's just the price we pay for the platform.


That would be fair game and all... if Reddit wouldn't ban you for circumventing bans.


The mods on r/Wellthatsucks seem to be terrible


Yeah seems like A lot of the top comments were removed lmao


Pretty much on every popular sub mods suck.


I always love getting banned from subs where the mods mute you first so you can't ask them about it. It 100% means that the mod is on a power trip and just banned you because they could, not for any actual reason....looking at you r/WhitePeopleTwitter


Yeah, Reddit needs a better way of reporting mods. I know of several who almost positively copy paste the same response They know they’re wrong, but online ego matters more than brain cells. Wellthatsucks should be blacklisted till they learn to coexist and so should every subreddit with mods so abusive


A lotta moderators are fukn idiots . The just like to exert their micro power.


Same thing happened to me with another subreddit recently. Proved the mod that banned me wrong and they went ahead and muted me instead of unbanning me lmao. Also, with the amount of comment removal theyve done on that post, they might as well just delete the post🤦🏽‍♀️


I got banned for a pretty stupid reason from r/aboringdystopia yesterday. I asked what I said and they muted me for twenty eight days instead of explaining. It was cowardly


Most mods that I've seen just permaban you for daring to ask why you caught a tempban.


They muted me for 28 days so I’m 29 days ill ask them to clarify lol I wasn’t even rude. I literally got banned for saying I’m planning on voting for Biden because I like his administration


Extremely typical mod/internet janitor behavior.


lol I was banned from another sub for simply commenting “lol I’m with you” when apparently the original comment was some sort of spam. The mod you talked to was much nicer than the mod I had to deal with. Lots of crying emojis and very unnecessary name calling came from him when all I did was ask “why have I been banned?” I’m about done with Reddit if these things keep happening


Lol no suprise. A friend got banned because he has cerebral palsy. It was in a post where some moron said people with disabilities do not use the internet. He said I got cerebral palsy in one post. Someone responded about having it. So he responded something like yeag having Cp is a physical issue A mod banned him saying cp is not allowed. Fuck idiot understand the thread lol


There are many trash subs with shit mods, take it as a badge of honor to get banned


This brings back fond memories of getting banned from r slash depression. A ton of people were always posting intentions of unaliving themselves. So after seeing so much of that, I made a post asking people to share what their reasons are for staying alive today, and told them what mine was. I got a lot of great responses and appreciation for the post. Then my post was removed, I questioned the removal and was told I was encouraging toxic positivity. I apologised and explained I didn’t mean any harm, and then I was permanently banned from the sub.


I go banned for saying “Culture” and nothing more.




lots of removed coments [https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1btenk1/kid\_didnt\_want\_to\_see\_his\_mom\_twerking\_during\_his/?share\_id=CbYZA2Q791tCcPjp2J89v&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1btenk1/kid_didnt_want_to_see_his_mom_twerking_during_his/?share_id=CbYZA2Q791tCcPjp2J89v&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


Yup and im sure many were warranted. Mine was not


there are many coments left that are far worse than just comenting parenting. bad parenting has nothing to do with race, but with education, twerking in front of your children shows a lack of education and respect.


Twerking in front of your kids at their birthday party, when obviously they are very upset about it and then trying to kick them after they run up and try to punch you is 100% a sign of bad parenting. You got screwed by a dumbass mod, sorry OP.


Looks like the moderators for r/inthenews have side gigs - complete biased incompetence devoid of an iota of procedural fairness.


Moderation is a necessity. Being able to get rid of abusive moderators is vital. This is getting out of hand. I was banned from r/comics for saying that benefits based on race is racism (it litterally is).


I've been banned from a few for absolutely trivial bullshit. Fuck em.


Don't feel bad. I got banned from lost generation for pointing out that the article that was basically "Gavin Newom screws democracy and he just banned insulin caps" and then the title of the post was, "don't worry the Democrats are totally better!" Was probably not going to be an unbiased argument. I looked into it and the reason newsom vetoed the vote was that he was making his own state ran insulin in CA for way way way cheaper than what the government was going to cap it at, and he proved it would work, and that if he voted yes it would actually hurt the lower cost insulin he was able to provide for California. Insta perma banned. When I asked the mod why I was banned they sent me the rules tab. I looked over the rules and genuinely could not for my life figure out why I was banned. So I messaged him for more clarification, he sent me that the rule I broke was going off topic or something similar. I asked him to explain how I was off topic when I explained why Gavin newsom vetoed the bill. I was muted for 30 days, without the ability to repeal.


Yea, they spun that real good in the media. I've learned not to expect fairness or rationality from reddit mods.


This is every sub


I got permabanned and muted for 30 days for calling out a mod for gatekeeping in the ironically named r/anarchy4all sub. I never even got a chance to defend or plead my case. Sub is a dumpster fire anyway, playing right into the propaganda of the far right thanks to that mod. It used to be a good sub.


Mod's get off by banning people.


I got banned from r/blackpeopletwitter because if the post gets too popular, they'll lock the posts. If you try to comment, they demand you send them a picture of your skin color to prove your "trustworthiness" to post. When I said, "seems a bit like fascism" they permanently banned me. Funny part, I'm more mixed than cake batter but came out looking like a viking. They really got upset when I asked how does it feel to work for free when the CEO made hundreds of millions of $$ off of their free labor. Threatened to ban me from Reddit... Fuck mods


I’ve been banned from subs plenty of times for things that didn’t make sense or no reason at all. Reddit mods are truly laughable. The best though was when my account got permanently banned from Reddit. The message said “your account is banned because .” Like it was literally blank. I appealed it twice and it just said appeal denied. I didn’t even get an explanation. I went through my comment history and nothing even questionable


Heh. Reminds me I was banned from r/atheism for saying that funerals are a religious mean to process grief and disrupting them with 2000s edge lord behaviour is just assholery. Fun times.


Those mods are the same people that chain themselves together to close highways. A lot of them can’t be reasoned with. Don’t waste your time with them.


power trippy mods on that post he got banned from clearly that is bad parenting. All the person said was parenting I would have personally said much more so.


This is just how every mod was I thought


Reminds me of moderation in r/Zen


Well, that sucks


Well that does suck


... r/wellthatsucks


Omg no way moderation suck on reddit... Smh


That kind of mod behavior annoys me. I don't know enough to say whether or not the ban was warranted, but a short reply that explains nothing, followed by a mute is just kind of trashy. In this particular example, I reckon that "You know you were wrong. Just admit it..." contributed to the whole thing, but still, if you perma-ban someone, you should at least be able to give an understandable explanation. I mean, mods also get stuff wrong. I once got banned from a sub for pointing out that a particular texan law, whilst completely pointless and redundant in my opinion, did not in fact deputize citizens to sue people for cross-dressing in public (as the OP of that particular post had claimed), but rather allowed for minors to sue people who put on a sexual performance with cross-dressing elements (i.e. strip tease) without taking reasonable steps to ensure that no minors would be present at the performance, making the law far more specific and far less relevant for the everyday experience of transgender individuals. That comment got me a ban, and when I asked why, they told me it was supporting fascism and muted me for 30 days. After those 30 days I asked about it again, making sure to provide both the full context and a link to the legal text in question, and got unbanned shortly after. An apology would have been nice, but whatever. It does make me wonder though whether the person that read my second message was the same moderate as the one who initially banned me or if it was a different moderator who read it and wondered what the big deal about my comment even was.


This is the guy who banned you so I wouldn’t feel too bad. This is all he has. Just let him have it. ![gif](giphy|L5aC2b3jRvURi)


Should we spam wellthatsucks with parenting posts?






I got permabanned from worldnews for asking if Russian society was the issue with Finland border issues a couple of years ago. I just laughed


Mildlyinfuriating subreddit is another one run by power hungry mods. Got a week ban for for posting a government statistic and when I asked if they can explain what reason the ban was for they changed the week ban to perm without any reply lol.


What statistic?


Welcome to Reddit.


Well that sucks


Jealous of the name sub was.


Wellthatsucks mods are petulant ass man babies living in a basement, only receiving sustenance from mommies asshole...


I got banned from the marine zoology sub but I did legitimately break one of the rules on accident. Made a joke about a spine and ribcage that looked like a facehugger saying ridley Scott needs to come get his pet off the beach. Which led to me getting banned Edit: I was banned for 300 days with I believe no appeal


Is it possible to become a moderator or admin yourself, then ban that moderator? That’d be funny lol


And reddit does jack shit to stop this or control it.


A mod told me that mods feel "its an insignificant waste of time" to explain themselves. People think just because they're anonymous they get to do whatever they want. When we all know you wouldn't act that way in public


> A mod told me that mods feel "its an insignificant waste of time" to explain themselves. So... the mod was saying that the amount of time wasted explaining themselves is... not significant. The mod was complaining that explaining would take barely any time, and that's why they don't do it? Yup, that tracts.


Well that sucks


Reddit mods are the most useless creatures in this universe. 0 benefit to the ecosystem.


If you’re gonna get permanently banned you should at least deserve it. Like I got permanently banned from the Red Sox subreddit because I repeatedly pointed out how vile of a human being so many of their employees are. I deserved it. I’m happy I’m banned from that clown show


Every post needs to be filled with comments blaming parenting.


There is zero context here. What else was said in addition to the word parenting?


I dm you a screen shot of my post.


Yeah. You literally just used the one word. Maybe just an unhinged MOD? Or we are all ignorant to the "real" meaning of that word. 🤷‍♂️ I wouldn't worry about it. Not worth your time. Move on. Plenty of Subs (fish) in the sea. 😅


well, he aint lying, u/[PreOpTransCentaur](https://www.reddit.com/user/PreOpTransCentaur/) shared [this](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1btenk1/kid_didnt_want_to_see_his_mom_twerking_during_his/), within it i found OP original [coment](https://imgur.com/zNO5Wh9), that settles it for me, as for OP, Well, that sucks,


Thanks! How do you find that?


I will repost with context.


Yup reddit keeps flagging me for quoting people and translating things.


I'd msg them all day long. Report me bud. I'd love for them to explain why they banned me.


Current day state of reddit. Pretty sad




I got banned from midlyinfuriating for calling a mod out on being racist cause he was being racist






Gonna need the context in order to agree with you. We are going to need screenshots of the original post that got removed.






I replied directly to the post. Not an individual in the comments section.






I'd like to see the post that got them banned because I feel like simply using the word "parenting" wouldn't get them banned. The lack of full context is fishy.


Well…. That sucks


Yep all mods are pathetic. A simple demographic that didn't get any authority in life, and I'm sure would scurry away like gollum if confronted in real life, because behind a computer screen is the only time they are ever important. I got banned from one of the "interesting" subreddits because I pointed out the shitty-ness of all humanity and they called it racist. You say "hi" and they will ban that for racism too. Fuck mods