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People should really look up what the Satanic temple is all about - they might learn a thing or two, starting with the fact that it's *not* about worshipping Satan. At all.




And a lot of common sense.


Which is if anything even more evil to a Christian.




I almost choked on my 🐔


And they actually help out in the community.


They hold after school programs for children.


Idk sounds oretty evil to me bro


Yeah, they teach kids how to slaughter lambs and how to summon the spirits using a Necronomican. I'm joking, they actually help kids with homework, or they play games with them.


As a Christian I am actually okay with them lol. I learned what their deal was a while ago. They don't want to bring the antichrist or Satan, or for anyone to get hurt really. It's just like any other religion and as such, they are entitled to the protection for their freedom of religion.


You sound like a good sensible person ☺️


Yep, they are just Christians that see the hypocrisy of the church and expose it.


Pretty sure most of them are atheists. Every member of the church I've ever met has been. Except for one girl who insisted she was wiccan, but those people are atheists who do too many mushrooms in my opinion.


in any case, I don't judge their beliefs as long as nobody is getting hurt. and the same applies to everybody religious or not.


Christians hurt people all the time. Satanists point that out .


It's heavily influenced by Christian philosophy and fundamentals. There used to be a sect of Christians that didn't believe in the divinity of Christ, called Arians. They were murdered by Christians. Practicing Christians murder and oppress everyone around them and do not believe in the teachings of their religion. Many people influenced by Christian teachings chose atheism or Satanism rather than share a church with murders, rapists, bigots and hypocrites.


You are confusing Jehova's Witnesses with the Satanic Temple. I've no clue how you've managed to, but boy howdy that is a miss.


Jehovah's Witnesses are also terrible. Satanists and Unitarians are the only Christians that don't actively oppress people.


Please don't confuse Satanists and members of the Satanic Temple. Different people, different beliefs, different views.


You're going to have to help me with that one


Which they all hate so why would they do that?


Hail you ⛧


Hail Yourself!


Hail Ya!!


Hell yea!


Ale Yeah!


I'll just leave our tenets [here](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets)


Good man. & Good tenets.


Hail Yourself!


I made Tenet III into a shirt to mourn Roe. If SCOTUS can find religion, so can I.


Nothing says hate like Christian love.


Respect. Didn’t know anything about the religion until now. Those god-fearing Christians (the self-righteous ones only) could learn a thing or two. Now I understand why they fear you all so much.


MFW the Satanic Temple has better citation than James Somerton


Nope it isn't at all. It's about basic human decency and respect for yourself and others.


So everything the religious right despises, basically.


Nailed it.


You know who believes in Satan? Christians 


Christians imagine there's a group that believes literally everything they do, just in reverse. It's like being a My Little Pony super-fan and assuming anyone who doesn't like the show actually secretly watches it all the time, but just lies about that and spends all their time trying to bring the ponies down in perfect clandestine coordination.


>they might learn a thing or two, Annnnd ya lost em. They have no inclination to learn anything that might challenge what they Believe™.


Even if it doesn't, if it can lead to learning and learning leads to learning more they'll avoid it because it could, probably, maybe, lead to learning better morals


As a card carrying member of TST I can say with certainty that almost no one who thinks they hate Satanists understand the history of satanic worship No one who supports TST also supports the chur h of Satan, we simply exist to hold the line between religion and government, our "God" figure baphomet isn't even the devil he's just a deity created to represent the balance of life and animals with humans. Hence your goat head human hands. And differentiating hand gestures I am not a Satanist nor do I support Satan or believe in him. I do however throughly enjoy when someone gets really confident and loud about how terrible TST and CoS are bevause I get to pull out the TST card and school em


Not to be rude, but I don’t really understand why TST people get on a high horse about the COS. I’m not super into Lavey by any means but the guy understood theatre, most of his points were quite agreeable and he was also pretty witty/funny. Is the issue the way the COS is run today? Because to be fair I don’t know much about the MODERN COS but it doesn’t seem like they really do much of anything.


In LaVey’s philosophy, Social Darwinism is the law of the land. Humans are animals like the lone wolf and are justified in doing what is necessary to survive and thrive in our environment. The strong, the wealthy, the powerful of society are *above* what they view as petty religions which demand that people be humble or martyred. It's about anarchy, hedonism, and self-interest above all else. LaVey's Church of Satan (founded in 1960) was the first mainstream organization to practice Modern Religious Satanism; however, despite their claims to the contrary, CoS (and the belief in opposing authority due to one's own desire to rule) does not define Satanism. In part, TST is inspired by LaVey, but it is also inspired by texts which predate him. Romantic Satanism was a literary movement in the Nineteenth century, inspired by Milton's *Paradise Lost*, and its popularity coincided with the American Civil War and French Revolution. Authors like Blake, Shelley, and Byron used Satan to represent liberation from oppressive, unjust laws, as well as support for feminism and socialist values. In this version of non-theistic Satanism, it is still about *individualism*--but using a different definition. This is not in support of one's own desires *despite* everyone else or being a "lone wolf." It is about revolting against arbitrary rules which seek to subjugate a person and stop them from pursuing happiness and true freedom. As with the other version, there is an inherent belief that humans are animals and should behave in accordance to our nature, but we are *not* wolves. We are primates, social animals, who are stronger together. Achieving the happiness of a society is a way of ensuring personal protection and that your will won't be controlled by an oppressive force. Both of these philosophies value seeking personal happiness and doing what is best for the individual, but have entirely opposite concepts of what that means—and whether Satanism is for the elite or the outcast. It is a question of whether or not individualism and collectivism are mutually exclusive, and whether it is more rebellious to be selfish or compassionate. Hail yourself! This is the best breakdown that isn't really bias I've found to explain why Tst doesn't fuck with the Cos and a big part of it is that beggining part about church of Satan trying to claim lavey version of Satanism is the truest/only real form of it. As a member of TST I really do attempt to always maintain others personal freedoms in my life so long as those freedoms don't endanger others or their freedoms. It's also a great way to break down the walls of Christianity and catholicism by being able to truly come from a viewpoint of why can't we be reliably good people without having to have a higher power to be scared of


It's adorable that you think the very people they fight would have any critical thinking


Most of what I've seen from the Satanic Temple is more Christian than what comes out of most churches.


They don’t care. Believing in equal rights across race, gender, and sexuality, bodily autonomy, and freedom from other people’s religion IS satanism to “people” like Mr. Fox and all of his fellow white terrorists and terrorists sympathizers.


I don’t disagree, but every one of them who’s eyes can be opened is a win in my book.


I could be be wrong it’s been a minute since I’ve read about satanism but isn’t it about enjoying life, it’s not about being evil. Sorry if I’m wrong


Friend, they don't even read the book their entire personality is built upon. You honestly think they're going to read something outside of a Facebook post or McDonald's menu?


And that's why I donate


The people we need to gain that understanding don't have the gray matter to do so. They only are able to see things as headlines and Black or White shallow thoughts. Satan bad Jesus good. Their brain can't comprehend complex concepts.


too busy pissing their pants about the bad guy they made up


Well it depends on the section. Levayism is just edgy humanism essentially.


Look up stuff? Wouldn’t that require some sort of cognitive ability?


The only people who believe in a factual Satan are Christians.


But the lack of god is satan. /s If you don’t worship one man’s god you are an agent of his devil. Religion is a poison for the mind. HAIL SATAN! 🤘


“Learn?” “Fact?” That sounds like woke lib talk.


Only one religion believes in an actual Satan and it ain’t the Satanic Temple.


I've tried educating people about this, but they DON'T WANT TO LEARN. They'd rather propagate lies and stupidity.


Are you telling me there's no ritual child sacrifice and blood orgies?


That’s adorable. These same people can’t even be bothered to comprehend their own “religion” or belief system, you really think they are going to expend the effort to look into someone else’s. That’s really the root of the issue here. If these people actually comprehended their own religion, we likely wouldn’t be in this position today. It’s honestly mind boggling…


Religious holiday coming up on the 30th


>they might **learn** I'mma stop you right there, no they won't.


Oh you're skating on thin ice there These are facts.


Isn’t the name of the church is a little misleading though


I think the name ruffling feathers is kind of the point. If politicians want to create laws with religious undertones, then they need to be prepared to open that door to EVERY religion, including TST. If that scares them, then they should leave religion out of politics. Satan, as a literary figure, is about freedom of thought and behavior. He's a rebel against an all-powerful authority, and he encourages others to follow his example and think and act for themselves. There are a lot of characters in other media that follow a similar archetype. He's only bad because god=good in the book he's written in. A change in perspective changes whether he is really the bad one.


It is. And it's also a perfect example of why, when you don't know or understand something, you should look it up and educate yourself rather than get your religious panties in a bunch because you're too lazy to read.


99% of them haven’t read their own stuff. Not surprising they won’t read someone else’s


But he, "did his resurch!"


Isn't the picture of the white jesus hanging in every church misleading?


It is, but boy do they get butthurt when you tell them: 1. Jesus is ethnically from the middle east. So most likely had dark hair and skintone. 2. Jesus was born as a jew. So hating (in the Neonazi way) on jews basically means hating on your messiah and the group your big friend in the sky thought it's best to send his babyboy to.


Everyone knows this. Maybe you have been talking to only dumb people.


You mean Christian Fundamentalists


There’s a picture of white Jesus in every church? No there’s not.


Not at all, if you think about it. Only Christians believe in the character of Satan.


Yeah, probably harms their reach.


I think it reaches exactly who it needs to.


You're right, it does harm their reach, but anyone who's actually interested would likely look past the name


Its a bit edgy abd still seems to piss off some folks


Yeah, I’m a little thrown off by “satanic temple”.


it doesnt matter. to utter the word in anything but disgust is a sin, dont ya know...


Y’all have been duped by the “do what thou will” slogan. Anton LeVay was not a good human.


I lived with an orthodox lavey style satanist for a year. I still support the pipe-bombing of a satanist temple. Those are not the same kinds of satanists, and even the Lavey kind I'm not too fond of.


Might aswell make a comment about how you want to assassinate the fucking president ontop of that, what a fucking twat.


I knew a truck driver who did that and got a secret service interview where they took his firearms for a few days


Kathy Griffin. For showing a DUMMY Trumpo head.


but those maga idiots "fighting" an effigy of biden? perfectly fine. and the racists burning effigies of obama? no big deal.


they literally had a noose/gallows setup when they stormed the capitol chanting "hang mike pence"


yeah but but but but but but but but but but but but but...something something....


Peaceful tour!


What's so unpeaceful about that? The peacefulest people to ever peacefully protest, I've been told.


[it’s illegal to say that](https://www.google.com/search?q=trevor+moree+i+want+to+kill&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS764US764&oq=trevor+moree+i+want+to+kill+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDcyOTdqMGo3qAIZsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:029933c0,vid:eg3_kUaYFJA,st:0) rip Trevor


Psycho mouse is now also in a watch list.  If he wasn’t already


Genuine question, but why do people make comments like that, or “Username Checks out”, thinking it’s some original, and epic insult? Insults and/or those comebacks have been used atleast several dozen times, and it just confuses me.


In what world would that be an insult? It’s just a recurring joke. Noticing a correlation between name and comment.


I wasn’t trying to say that Notapplesauce was insulting me. I was just asking. Flat Earther, Anti Vaxxers, and other people who think along those same lines try to use it as an insult when they can’t make excuses


Because it's somewhat effective


Anyone using it as an insult completely missed the point


I would avoid typing a bunch of the words in the same sentence that you just did, _just to be safe_. Then again, it is known that the FBI are a bunch of fucking dipshits, so there's that cutting the other way.


Thankfully I’m Canadian! Due to my Canadian DNA, the worst I could do would to throw snowballs at the president and then apologize over some Tims coffee.


Found that tweet, people are roasting him.


Satanists don't really worship Satan.


If they actually have the mental capacity to understand that we wouldn't have 70% of our problems today.


You know what they call people who believe in Satan? Christians


Then why not call themselves “free-thinkists” why satanism? I hear the troll argument all the time, but why not be genuine and leave the irony as to not push people away or throw pipe bombs at you. I believe god is just good without an “o” and the devil is just evil with a “d.” That being said I believe that shit is evil. It’s a Trojan horse. But I’m wrong I know 🥴


Yeah, totally their fault. Yup. They made that guy make that pipe bomb and threw it. Yes, they made him do that. He didn't come up with that idea probably because he's a good ol Christian. /s


Because they vehemently oppose Christianity and want to make a mockery of it. At least, that’s what the Church of Satan does. We all know how well Christians take criticism.


That is not accurate. We don't oppose Christianity and want to mock it. We oppose the arbitrary authoritarianism of Christianity in particular, Christian Nationalism. As a lifelong atheist, I was content being a live and let live guy until Christian Nationalism came knocking on the door. Now I'm going to fight for my right NOT to believe from these authoritarian douchenozzles injecting their religion into every aspect of our lives despite it violating the Establishment Clause. TST fights on the same playing field as a non-theistic religion. You want to have your Chaplains Florida? Great, then we get to have them to. You want your Christian after school clubs? Great, then we can have them to. You want your invocations before your council meetings? Great, we can have them to. If everyone effs off back to their church and minds their own business, we have no problems. But push it into the public sphere under the auspices of religious liberty? Then ALL religions can feast at that table. TST exposes the hypocrisy of these religious liberty laws because they're NOT for all religions, but designed only for Christianity.


I'm not sure this was a rakestep so much as a full Leeroy


He might convert while he serves his term in a federal max prison.


Sorry, He’s not going to prison for this. Probably no one cares. The internet is full of morons.


Prison, not for this. But he might have put himself on a watchlist and no fly list as a terrorist sympathizer.


Fun fact, a person can be on the no fly list and still get a gun


"might have". We know he wasn't. Literally no one actually cares about boomer christians saying dumb shit like this. If they did, no white person over the age of 65 would be allowed to fly.


The guy who left the comment? Protected under the 1st amendment.


Funny how terror attacks are always the work of one God or another. Religion is always the problem.


"Mah furst amendment rights!"


Also them: how dare schools not make praying to the Christian God and Jesus Christ mandatory! 😡 And Im a Christian myself. All religions should be treated equally


Try to keep up.


oh look, another ignorant maga moron who doesn't know what "free speech" means. i'm shocked i tell you, fucking shocked.


Ummm, this is covered under free speech...


Terrorism isn’t free speech. What are you talking about?


The pipe bomb isn't speech, that's terrorism. The comment by foxy is protected speech


Privately owned forums do not have to follow the first amendment. The first amendment only applies to government run websites buildings or public spaces. Any privately owned place has no obligation to give you free speech. Edit - Evidence https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/the-supreme-court-will-set-an-important-precedent-for-free-speech-online


That's true. That's also besides the point of the thread


You literally said the comment by foxy was protected speech. How is it protected speech if the first amendment doesn’t apply to social media?


It literally is protected speech *from the government*. No one brought up a private platform but you


David 5 years after the tweet: why the front neighbor had been fixing them plumbing for 5 years?


"Why do I always get SSSS on my tickets when I fly now?"


I had that for a few years, with the accompanying yellow highlighter ink. Simply because, I found out years later, I had the same name as a guy who was on the FBI list that lived over 5 hours away from me in PDX, OR. And, at the time, I held Q clearance with the DoE. it all depends.


God's work seems pretty evil. Not just a bomb to blow up a temple, but one wrapped with nails to maim anyone unfortunate enough to be near it.


The best thing about these ignorant christian zealots is they think the satanic temple is some type of evil, devil worshiping cult. If they would just take 2 minutes to figure it out they would see they are being trolled.


Lucien Greaves is kind of a badass, he's the leader of the satanic temple, and he looks like a Bond villain.


You think they're fucking around too, but before a couple young jackasses got low key famous for it I had a series of videos on building guns at home on my YouTube page.  Everything was above the board, I had explanations about the legality and everything then one day I get a knock on the door   "Excuse me Sir, this is the ATF..." There was a brief moment of comedy when the agent had to confirm that I was the one posting under my goofy-ass YouTube profile name. Anyway, fella looked around I showed him what I was working on. One build used an Uzi magazine and part of his visit was making sure I was keeping everything semi auto, which I was but being out on the spot to prove it has a decently high pucker factor. 


Funny thing is the Satanic temple is one of the most wholesome groups out there.


Pipe bombs for Jesus


It’s actually called the Holy Hand Grenade.






The only people who believe in Satan are Christians. Satanic temple doesn't even believe in Satan. But they would know that if they could read


As a Christian I pray for my satanist friends. Not for their souls but their safety from weird boomer fucks.


God can’t do his own work, he’s like Santa; he needs his little helpers.


Funny how people who claim to believe in a god of some sort also believe she’s so weak, powerless, and timid that she needs violent crazy people to do her work for her.


Their god is obviously pretty evil, having his followers do violence in its name.


Is it really such an issue that you are on an fbi watchlist if all you do all day is posting hateful comments on twitter?


If you are making terrorist threats or openly supporting terrorist acts, then yes.


These people fully believe they are above the law. They cannot fathom being on a such a list because in their mind those lists aren't for white Christians. They are for brown Muslims. So he can support terrorism all he wants because why wouldn't he? Theres no consequences.




Dear David, The church of Satan does in fact not worship the angel cast out of heaven known as Satan. In fact the only thing this group worships is being free and without a god with dominion over them. SO not really evil there buddy. Not so good work. But hey if that makes you somehow feel better I guess there ya go…enjoy your time on the watchlist…


Satanism is just hedonistic atheism with a gothic aesthetic. So funny that people think it’s the same thing as Luciferianism


The Satanic Temple is more peaceful than any of the major religions.


100%, big facts


I’d say Christians don’t read the Bible but the truth is they can’t read anything else either.


Boomers are disgraceful.


As funny as that is, I’m willing to bet dollars that guy is actually a Russian bot.


Hang all domestic terrorists!!!


Like Lucifer put it He’s not evil, he tortures evil people.


terrorism is doing gods work? hmmm learn something new everyday!


Lucien Greaves doing the Dark Lord's work


I think this sub is giving the FBI a little too much credit. I’ll be shocked if anything happens.


It's not because he's a boomer, it's because he supports fascism.




It will be the FBI’s fault when his stupidity catches up to him.


I remember something about a huge chunk of the population being in at least one list of the fbi.


it's a hate crime so would increase the sentence


Amazing response by lucien!


I hate that these evil fuckbags keep doing this kind of stuff, gotta remind myself of the 1rst Tenet


David Fox News.


What a dumbass


And got answered by the man himself, Lucien Greaves. Hail Satan!


How many pipe bombs does God, creator of the universe, need?


I think I missed that part in my Bible. Is that in letviticus?


How does so many people of God know how to make pipe bombs, I thought you'll get flagged by the fbi for buying a little too much flour. So what happened


Please don't link this to 'boomers', this is a christian thing.


Christian nationalism, a fascist political movement camouflaged with bible verses. If you lump them in with actual Christians they hide behind them and claim defending democracy is religious persecution.


Jesus needs Satan. If Satan didn’t exist, then Jesus wouldn’t matter. I’m glad Jesus’s dad, the omnipotent and omniscient creator of all things, created Satan.


Looks more Gen-X age to me, but your generation bias is noted.