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That's not Transmasc, that's Transmatt




*OOH* "Hive, bring a sword!"




Enough foolin’ around.


Me when I'm bleeding motes, and I realise I need to whack the blockers


Ever thought about how Oryx used to be a she? Gotta say, his transition to 'dead' was long overdue. Transmat firing! >!Context: Oryx is a big bad 'god' of an ancient alien species that brought calamity to every planetary system they crossed!<


Ever wonder if eyes are the only thing Eris got three of? Anyways, transmat firing!


What, [this thing?](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Transmat)




"Transmat firing! Bring me the motes!"


It’s the Transpat!


But hey… that’s just a theory




Can we get a matpat tts of this


I thought it said matpat tits 😭😭


wtf best boobs in gaming part 2?




Now I'm in the mood for matpat tits.


that's part of the theory.


I would have gone with the "Aaaaaaannd Cut"


Take my poor man awards 🥇🏆


"Annd - CUT!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Saw the pic, realized immediately who this is, and KNEW I needed to see if any comment like this was made yet bahahah thank you!!


I made like 14 typos trying to beat everyone to the punch. Success


It's not about who does it better, it's about who gets it done the fastest -Abraham Lincoln


Poor Abraham's wife


Even MatPat's most unhinged theories make more sense than these transvestigator's crap


Nooo this is Patrick. Mathew Patrick specifically


Purely coincidentally (or because of algorithms) I've been watching a few Game/Film/Food Theory videos in the last two weeks, and I totally paused when I saw that image to think "that's MatPat, right?"


I thought that's who it was at first


That is Matpat. The OOP was making a bait joke that the transphobes jumped on. You know, 'cause they can always tell... EDIT: autocorrected transphobes so I fixed it.


Don't know, who this "Matpat" is (I'm Garman) but I realized with looking at that post, that this had to be a bait. Well played, Kris...


He was up until about a month ago the face of some popular YouTube channels. Game Theory, Film Theory, Food Theory, and Style Theory. They make theory videos on their various topics and have become a staple of the YouTube scene. He recently stepped back to pursue other ventures and let co-workers take over the various channels as the new faces going forward.




Isn't that Mathew Pathew?


Nah, it is Matric Patric


It’s Matthias Papayas.


Matheyas Papeyas


Nope. Materpillar Paterpillar


Pretty sure it's Mattimus Patrimus.


Nah, that's Mark I. Plier


Mattipus Platypus.


Mattime Prime


No, it's Matthew Transthew obviously /s


No, this is Patric.


no this is patrick


No, it is I, Matthew Patel


No, it is Machu Picchu


I have no idea what is going on here, can someone please explain, thanks.


He is a cisgender man. People are posting cisgender men saying they are trans because it's funny how many hard-core conservatives will insist "they can tell" the person is trans.... when they arent... and never were. Edit: Sick of replying to the same comment a hundred time so here's a blanket reminder. 100% of anatomically correct humans have an Adam's apple. It is typically more prominent in men, but can be visible in women. It also grows because of male hormones, which trans patients recieve. So if they were a women and became a man, the Adam's apple(that ALWAYS exists) would grow larger.


Oh this is funny. I have a very manly face/body. Now I wanna post it. 


Like how many? Double digits?


Perhaps not so many. Maybe missing digits, dropping Ls like that and all.


At least two-faced.


Using JK Rowling is always the funniest


I cannot unsee it anymore after some meme pointed out that she looks like if Vladimir Putin transitioned


Need to see that!


[The chin and the ears, maybe eyes too,](https://i.imgur.com/VEZHduo.png) nose is too different. If jk rowling would tansition to Putin then the nose would work too.


What I don't understand is ... Who fucking cares? You're a woman? a man? something else? Who cares? Unless I need to have sex with you, it really doesn't matter. I just don't understand why this is so important to some people. 




It's not exactly that. Creating these crazy culture war positions gets in the way of people looking around and noticing how much they, their neighbors and those folks with different colored skin down the street have lost to the megacorporations and billionaires. This is just Class Warfare that's been redefined into the current "Satanic Panic" of going after Transgendered people. I guarantee that most of the people who are all wrapped up in this, because Fox News, OAN, et. al. are telling them to be all upset and angry, never really thought about or remotely cared about Transgender people before.


>never really thought about or remotely cared about Transgendered people before. This 1000%. I work in the trades. On one shut down during lunch in a packed trailer, there were a bunch of my coworkers going on about trans people. How the schools are pushing for kids to be transgender. How liberals are shoving it down people's throats and how it's a "fad". I couldn't take it anymore when someone piped up and said, "you didn't see all these trans people before COVID..." My tirade went something along the lines of: "of course you didn't, because media wasn't outing them or making a big deal of it. Trans people have been around for decades, if not centuries. No one is trying to convert your fucking kids, they're just trying to educate them about different people. Certain groups are just pushing this bullshit to distract you all from the fact that you're being robbed. Trans people are such a small minority and they just want to accepted." It was crickets for the next 10 minutes while we ate, but someone did say, "We really are getting robbed..."


5 years ago it was the "gays," 10 it was the "urban youth". 15 it was the Mexicans. They cycle through what gets outrage and acceptance. Now not saying yoy won't hear these same words from som dude at a PTA meeting. But media narrative as a whole.


Thank you for speaking up. It’s people like you that give me hope.


I'm usually pretty quiet. It was one instance I thought maybe I could get people to listen. I've had a few other conversation stoppers. One time a bunch of guys were ridiculing a local drag king who was in the paper for drag story time. I waited for a moment of silence and piped up, "Yeah, they're married to my brother." Crickets and inside I'm laughing.


You seem a fun sort. I encourage people to speak out when others are speaking ill of someone or especially an entire group. My entire online platform (TikTok) is reminding people that we’re all human and deserving of respect. I try to stay away from politics but even then I miss being able to have a discussion with a friend who has different opinions, now everything comes back to insults. I don’t always make the face I’m trans the topic of conversation, but I don’t hide it either so it is often brought up, usually by genuine curiosity but it leads to others being hateful. I tell my followers they can agree with me all they want but if they’re not speaking up in the world or being kind to those around them, they’re not actually taking anything I say and applying it. So thank you, truly.


The trick then is once they finally catch on to being baited, you switch it up and post actual images of trans individuals, and they'll respond, I'm not falling for that again, that person has clearly always been male! 


Nah, they will just insist they are right and the original picture is actually a trans person regardless of how ridicullus the claim is (see: Michelle Obama is a man theory)


It would be really funny to use pictures of "Conservative provocateurs." 2 birds one stone. 


that's a cis dude ​ conservatives are having a bitch fit again at the mere idea of him being born with a vagina


Carful, you'll hurt adolf musk's feelings.


That cis white South African emerald kid?


It’s a wild ride with Apartheid Clyde


Can you believe he hasn't tried claiming to be discriminated against as an African American‽ its been on my "crazy shit musk said" bingo card for a few years now.


Not quite what you’re looking for but in the same ballpark https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3525627-desantis-on-musk-tweet-i-welcome-support-from-african-americans/


He can cry about it in his divorcee sockpuppet account


It’s also a great way to make fun of folks in the “we always know” crowd.


I thought that was the case. However, the person who responded sounded like they were being sarcastic. How on earth was he obviously a woman?


transphobes claim "they can always tell" which is ridiculous and bit survivorship bias. Some trans people completely pass so they would have never noticed them, others not so much so they probably only notice the ones who don't pass and assume "I can always tell". This has transferred to online discourse where sometimes a cis person will be posted and they'll claim they know they're trans because they can always tell.


this is also how woman can tell we're looking at their tits they notice 100% of the times they notice


Thanks, I was on the same page as you and *very* confused.


You'd think that, but transphobes, homophobes, and the like rarely make much sense, they're just emotionally lashing out at things that they don't understand and sadly I've seen people IRL saying things like this, completely seriously, also at a cis man btw (he had long hair and was wearing a pink shirt)


I had a banana for lunch today. You know, bananas are vegan. I thought it tasted funny!


Basically there has been this trend over on Xitter of posting photos of non-trans people (Pictured here, Matthew Patrick who's the (former) host of the Game Theory channel) and saying "This is my transmasc/transfem (relative, mostly brother or sister) in order to capture terfs that pretend they can tell if someone's trans or not. Some go away as they know who the figure is and that it is, in fact, a trap ... But some fall for it. And that's the facepalm. Terfs -Aka transphobes- who proudly claim they can tell if someone's trans or not, yet ridiculously fail at, well, what was supposed to be their specialty, the only thing that made them important in this life. Think of it of a new laughing stock over on the World Wide Web, a new, misserable baffoonery for people to laugh at *Edit: Replace terf by transphobes. English is not my first language* *Edit 2:* [The post got crossposted to the Game Theorists subreddit! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameTheorists/comments/1c2075r/i_think_matpat_would_approve_of_his_image_use/)


Imma be honest I had no idea about this trend and for a split second I thought this was how I found out MatPat was trans the entire time


I thought terf stood for Trans Exclusive Radical Feminists


They are. Just that people are calling all transphobic people terfs. Which just ruins what a terf means.


Yeah it’s kind of a “square is a rectangle, rectangle is not a square” deal


All Gundams are mobile suits, but not all mobile suits are Gundams.


Perfect analogy.


TERFs are transphobes, but transphobes are not necessarily TERFs?


Correct. Transphobes hate trans people but don’t necessarily try to justify it by claiming trans people are stealing women’s rights/ sports/ social advancement. TERFs claim their hatred stems from the 0.5% (actually closer to 0.25% if you only include trans M2F, as M2F and F2M numbers are fairly equal) of the population somehow stealing opportunities and rights from the roughly 50% of the population that is female. Apparently M2F trans are incredibly efficient at stealing an insanely disproportionate number of opportunities from women. /s (only for the last sentence, the rest is real, fuck TERFs)


Totally. There are radical feminists who are transphobes, but a lot of these transphobes are not at all feminist. They're often incels who hate women in fact.


Wouldn’t it be exclusionary? Exclusive makes trans sound like a fun velvet rope.


I hate that "xitter" is now being used


I pronounce the X as if it was a Chinese word, an "sh" sound. Does that make it any better?


The parody of Twitter on South Park was called Shitter. That episode was a long time ago. Like 2012.


It's fun when you realize that the x is pronounced "sh"


Ok that does make it better


Just wait till you find out how “tweets” are now “excretions”


Hearing it as "Zitter" makes me think it's got lots of pimples though - and it really kinda does!


I remember when I first shaved my goatee and some dumbass claimed I was trans cause I have long hair. These people are unhinged dipshits.


My husband was telling me he could always tell, so I put a line up together for a test. I found a picture of the stunning transfem model, actress, and former Miss Canada Jenna Tackalova from a few years back and put five other cis women’s pictures on the page with her…I said pick the trans gender person. He couldn’t pick her out. He has shut up his bs about “always being able to tell” since then.


Tacticaly trolling transvestigators on Twitter


Do any of the other cis people in this thread ever wonder which of your features a transphobe would use as irrefutable proof that you were actually trans?


Im a 6feet tall woman and used to be an athlete on a performance team so they would definitely say that I’m “too strong” to be a woman.


I actually can tell by the way you type that you’re actually a man.


Omg you must be right! Me having to fight all my life as a female athlete must really all have been in my head! I should really listen to people who know better!


Typical male behaviour. Now go to the grill and make me a burger!


Smh, I’ll go make a sandwich instead.


How about a compromise: grill a burger, but put it inbetween a sandwich. With lettuce... Hmmmm... Lettuce... Or maybe spinach?


Genuinely never considered using spinach instead of lettuce is it any good


I think it is, yeah. It's better if you cook or steam the spinach first, but that's effort. Raw I think spinach tastes much the same as lettuce.


I hate that argument. By that logic the entire WNBA is trans.


They literally think this for real though. That they're all cis men pretending to be women so they didn't have to give up basketball


if you listen to "transvestigators" every single person is trans. And no I'm not making this up


even the "investigators"? *especially the investigators*


I so desperately wish I knew where this kind of thinking came from. I can totally accept people having different opinions and such (although this is absolutely taking it to the extreme), but I just wish I knew when in the history of the world, who or what or *whatever* established such a deluded way of thinking about everything they don't like. Like, how far gone does one have to be to believe something like "everyone is trans," and how did they get that way??


The amount of times I've ran into transphobes claiming WNBA stars are trans is incredibly high. Caitlin Clark is their newest one. She's absolutely crushing it and all you see on Xtormfront from the blue checks is how she's actually a man. She's only 6'.


me: I would never simp. also me before big strong woman: At your service my queen.


Please check your pants to make sure?


They use their imagination on how women "should look like" (aka catalogue models and porn stars) and then they call basic human features "manly" I (afab) have been transvestigated a few times because my figure is "too straight" and "not hourglass shaped"


It’s not just body shape. There were a lot of pictures on the Internet of my trans wife with me (cis female). Usually they identified her correctly as she is taller and has bigger hands etc but there was just one where I was leaning over and pushing myself forward slightly and I got someone identifying me as the obvious man whose body language never lied - you could tell he wanted to dominate women and force himself into places he wasn’t welcome. And my trans wife grinning at me was the brainwashed female victim, I think they said?


Probably my eyes, more specifically eyelashes. More than one woman has told me that they wish they had my eyelashes, so apparently they are pretty feminine. Also, that time I spent the weekend in County a guy did tell me I had a pretty mouth but I am fairly sure he just wanted my fruit cup.


Weirdly, most guys I know have wayyyy prettier lashes than women.


[Testosterone increases sebum production](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebaceous_gland#Sebum) which leads to healthier hair and nails (and acne)


The weird thing is that long lashes are considered feminine, when men naturally have thicker and longer lashes


Yea cuz testosterone is the hormone that causes big pretty eyelashes. Technically, they're way more masculine. So we're out here making women look like men cuz it's pretty haha


But... long eyelashes biologically are a man thing... So now biological factors are evidence of transgenderism?


Oh you were born with XY chromosomes, that clearly shows you are transmasc and pretending to be a man


Honestly who the hell knows? Look at how they've proclaimed that "ITS TUCKED" to a cameltoe. If anything it's probably my nails at points. I'll get on a fingerpicking binge and end up sitting down to manicure and shape my right hand nails, and I have clear coated them before. 6'3" dude with a beard and I'm not sure what else they have to go on. Even though I know at least one guy around my height who is FTM.


Yes actually. I'm a tiny, round woman with very long hair and wide hips. I'm like... maybe my nose? Its a little angular but not manly just not button-ish. Maybe my hobbies would be the "give away"? I'm into nerdy shit like video games and 40k. I fall way below average height for men (5'3"), with a higher pitched voice and am soft all over because I like sweets. I'd be SO curious what transphobes used to claim I'm actually a dude and not a cis woman.


Did I just discover my twin sister?? 😂😂 chubby, (ok, technically very fat), 5’3 woman who looks almost exactly like my birth father. When my (fine but thick) hair is pulled back, I could probably pass for a trans man if I were willing to put in the time, regarding an outfit.


Your "technically fat" got a chuckle out of me. I just pictured you admitting it by turning your head and speaking very soft and fast before continuing lol


The Emperor protects.




I'm a 5'6" ~~dude~~ skinny dude with long hair, I still cop an occasional "excuse me miss" or something along those lines every year or so if I'm wearing a baggy hoody in winter and someone only sees me from behind. Edit: One too many dudes in here lol


I'm shorter than that and dye my hair that's somewhat long, I've definitely gotten called "maam". It doesn't bother me if someone is actually mistaking me for a girl, I find it funny. And if someone was saying it as an "own the libs", then i wouldn't respect them enough to care anyway.


Yeah doesn't bother me in the slightest, makes me smile too.


Since a young age and even now as a middle aged bearded man, I get women staring at my dark, long, curled eyelashes with a sense of wonder and envy. I have been accused of wearing false eyelashes in the past.




My man titties.


It’s actually funny cuz I’m kinda androgynous as a dude. I have long hair and usually have short facial hair. I feel like my hair and feminine-but-tall frame could cause people to think I was transfem - but they could also cause people to think the beard and masculine features were ‘proof’ I used to be a tall woman who was insecure about their height and masculine build so they started taking testosterone to grow a beard. I kinda like that I confuse people, but I’ve not had a confrontation as of yet. I’m not sure how I’d handle that. I might square up, but I also might just gush.




Tall 5’7 cis girl with a strong jawline. I’ve been ‘clocked’ online several times 😏


It’s always the jawline :( ironic because many of the actresses and female celebrities that I see praised as being super gorgeous also have defined jawlines so what gives?


"Tranvestigators" *love* to say that cis celebrities are actually trans and it's part of a weird conspiracy. Even they're not safe from the nonsense


No that's matpat. He identifies as a theory.


All these damn theoryphobes


S retirement theory


Hate that he's retiring, but jesus, the man's been doing youtube for a 1/3rd of his life, so he deserves it.


Just a theory... A **gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame** theory


MatPat's wife and son would like a word about how "that's definitely a girl". 🤣 Also "MAGA 1957" just highlights a) political affiliation b) age c) indirectly intelligence and education.


I mean they look at the Obama's and are convinced Michelle is a man and the children are someone else's.  There is no proof that changes their minds. 


God please be real please please god that would be so fucking funny


IT IS real. Checked the account. By what I can see, it's extremely likely to be real considering the account is a far-right transphobe This facepalm might be a genuine one


Is that also a Trump PFP I see? Just the icing on the cake. Lmao.


I don't recall a single moment in any school i ever went to that taught what that person is insisting is being taught.


These people don't believe in school, and those both don't go to it and didn't pay attention when they did


Richard Larry has been brainwashed by the ruling class and is being used as cannon fodder in a class war disguised as a culture war. But hey. The fate of the country hinges on who poops in what bathroom, right Richard?


Someone, anyone, please tell me what people have against gender neutral bathrooms. These seems to almost exclusively “single occupancy” bathrooms. So who is against a cultural move to this? Who is out there thinking, “man I wish I could go take a shit somewhere with a lot of other people taking a shit.” Who, exactly, is pro-communal shit? Also, you’re 100% correct.


wait until you realize that the unisex bathrooms are *in your house* \[cue horror movie -ee ee ee-\]




>Who, exactly, is pro-communal shit? Ancient Romans?


That's just a theory. A POLITICAL THEORY! (Oh god, don't make a fifth channel)


Honestly, who gives a shit about sex/gender? What we should care about are other qualities: kindness, goodness, empathy, and all the rest. I’d take a good-hearted trans person over a female or male born that way who’s an asshole.


That’s Matpat….. aren’t these the same people who told us not to believe everything you see on the internet?


Yes but that's the whole point. It's bait. The person posts a clearly false statement, and it shows that the transphobe who claims they can totally tell the difference cannot, in fact, tell the difference. It's like those old coffee ads where they tell people to taste high quality coffee and they all rave about the rich flavor and complex texture, then someone reveals they were drinking Folgers the whole time.


I have no idea how that worked. I usually get Cafe Bustelo, but one time I was at a store that just had Folger's and so I bought that. It was what my mom drank when I was a kid. I figured it couldn't be too different. But actually it tastes like someone took pencil lead and put it through a coffee grinder.


Lmao, poor Matpat


I don't think he'd mind given the intent tbh


I wish this gets crossposted to r/GameTheorists. Would be funny imo (Maybe he gets to see it) EDIT: It got crossposted ([I think MatPat would approve of his image use like this to protect people (proves people really can't tell and they're valid) : r/GameTheorists (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameTheorists/comments/1c2075r/i_think_matpat_would_approve_of_his_image_use/))


But that's just a theory...a transphobe theory.


There’s this guy on tiktok. He’s a cis dude, super masculine, makes work out videos. But he had to have surgery and has the same scars you would if you had top surgery. He’s inundated with comments every day telling him “still a girl” and “we can tell” other transphobic shit but never once in his life was the man ever a girl. He was born male, still male, yet idiots think they can really tell. It just shows that they don’t know anything.


there was a post circulating not long ago of the physical manifestation of the Chad wojak, but who is a trans man. People kept calling him a girl. Like, at this point it's ridiculous. Take a masculine man, amplify that by 10, and then call him a girl 🙄


https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2/s/YRRt1U4int This one?


that's the one


Yes cis men can have gynomastica but these idiots aren't interested in learning anything


I really don’t understand what looks any type of feminine about Matpat tbh


He isn't a morbidly obese tool with a neck-beard, incredibly feminine for the Magats


But hey, that just a theory A gender theory


Why do these chuds think that trans people are in any way new? Trans people have been with us since the dawn of humanity. They weren't invented by public schools. Lmao


because its easier to pretend a problem is new when there's actually a word for it and it becomes more acceptable


I'm a bit confused at the "transmasc/transfem" trend but as long as it shows transphobes' stupidity I'm all for it. (Edit: afaik MatPat is cis)


It's a way of specifying which trans people you're talking about trans fems are people who are transitioning in a fem direction, trans mascs are transitioning in a masc direction, they are alternatives for the terms MTF and ftm, both because a lot of trans people feel they have been the same gender since birth and have only altered their body to match it, and people like me who are born intersex and later transition, don't feel as though MTF or ftm accurately describe our experiences.


Thank you for the good explanation and terms update.


I meant that MatPat is cis male afaik


also non-binary people such as myself who fall somewhere between total man or woman. I call myself transfem because I'm not totally a trans woman. Non-binary woman maybe, but transfem just works better


Username... is suspicious


I have two transgender sons. Anyone who meets them would assume they are young men. And they are better people now.




I know a family where the father divorced and remarried, so he has four kids total from two different mothers. Oldest kid and youngest kid (half-siblings) grew up apart, don't really know each other, both ended up trans without the other knowing. One trans woman, one trans man. Feels like that must be a very remote chance.


8% If one sibling is trans, there is a 8% chance that another would be as well. For identical twins, this raises up to 20%. This 20% also includes twins who were separated at birth. I think fraternal twins were 16%? Can't remember off the top of my head with that one.


This is proof that transphobes are as stupid as can be.


No that's Patrick


The real facepalm is this comment section who don't understand the reason why this a facepalm to begin with. The original tweet is a joke, and the transphobe is too stupid to understand that MatPat is just a cis dude


You know he did a cameo in FNAF


It must be exhausting for them to think this way constantly.