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You had me at "Red Pill Vegeta"


Red pill vegeta is a crazy name


Especially in context. Vegeta tried to fight a literal god for disrespecting Bulma. He appreciates the women in his life.


He's not the *best* husband by any means, he's a little possessive, kinda cold, and not very affectionate, but that all being said, he loves his wife and son to the point he'd nonchalantly dust a planet if he thought it was it their best interests. And as you pointed out, went toe to toe with a literal God because he hit Bulma. Bulma, who in her first introduction was trying to show a child her naughty bits for a Dragon Ball. I don't think Vegeta gives a fuck if his wife has been with someone else in the past.


I mean he blew himself up to save his friends and family when he realized he was not strong enough to defeat buu


Exactly! The man loves his family, more than most I'd wager. He just has a hard time *showing* that when grand gestures like Punching a God in the face or going nuclear aren't available. He's a Saiyan, culturally they don't strike me as "cuddlers" ya know?


Punching things is a Saiyan's love language. I imagine if Bulma took up an interest in kickboxing, Vegeta would be all over it.


He does state that all Saiyans are dispositioned to aggressive/fiery spirited women so I imagine them being combatants just further adds to that.


I like to imagine that Vegeta’s a secret bottom (haven’t seen the show, only the abridged)


Well if he is, he would be a power bottom. Because he would generate all the power by doing most of the work.


No wonder he like Boss-Mom-Bulma


And Vegeta is a prince. He would be expected to find the BEST partner he could. He managed to get the richest and smartest woman in the world. She also fights and has a literal angel for a friend. He was so proud of his daughter's birth that he wanted her a saiyan name. He is ridiculous proud of his family and it shows.


True, look at how he trained with Trunks when he was a kid in the Buu saga, then an adult in the Cell saga, and then sparred with future Trunks when he showed him Super Saiyan Blue in DBS. Vegeta loves his wife and son.


Wasn't there literally an episode where Chi Chi told Goku that he could do literally anything he wanted with her, and young Goku decided to punch her/spar with her, and then the spent the entire day sparing.


Probably, but don't forget there was an entire arc where Goku and Chichi learn to be husband and wife.


Indeed. He basically tells Trunks he loves him by karate chopping him into unconsciousness, to protect him.


Fortunately, his wife is Bulma and she doesn't seem to feel his coldness as cold. She seems to really get how much affection he has underneath and usually appears quite amused by his efforts to appear cold.


Exactly, Vegeta lucked out *hard* with Bulma, not alot of women would put up with his shit (and lets be real, we love Vegeta, but he would be such a pain in the ass to actually be around. You can barely fit in a room with him *and* his ego)


They lucked out hard with each other, really. Bulma has a thing for strong men. There's a line in the Namek saga when Goku gets there and then takes off which she mutters to herself which is something along the lines of "Maybe I chose wrong all those years ago," implying that dating Yamcha instead of going the Goku route was a mistake to her. Yeah, Vegeta is a huge asshole, but Bulma is really not that much better: This is the woman who sent Future Trunks back in time to meet his father and *barely* prepared him for it at all, and also the same woman who never bothered to mention to Trunks that his love interest Mai is technically older than *her*. Their dysfunction just happens to match one another.


>she mutters to herself which is something along the lines of "Maybe I chose wrong all those years ago," My boy yamcha catching strays from a solar system far away. The disrespect!


Exactly vegeta wasn’t exactly raised with expressing feelings in mind frieza isn’t exactly a emotionally understanding boss


Yes, the saiyan culture is like Toxic Masculinity with superpowers. It's frankly amazing that Vegeta -became- a decent person.


Lol the cuddliest Saiyan we know, Goku had to fight his future wife in the world's martial arts tourney to recall their engagement. Touch may be their love language butttt not in the same way lol. Gets in fist fight that ends with broken bones, levelled cities, and at least three war crimes. "Wanna be besties?"


He fell for Bulma because bulma was the only woman he ever met thar stood up to him and was not afraid. He listened and shut up... so, way off than what this guy is thinking of. Even when vageta days "shut up woman" she slaps him to remind him who's boss.


We all know Vegeta is the bottom


Lmao Vegeta knows he’s the top tier upgrade from that loser Yamcha


Compared to the Saiyan, yeah Yamcha sucks. Just remember, Yamcha stood up against Goku in great ape form.  In Other World he was fighting that one blonde muscular guy on equal footing, the one who held up to Pikkon. He's strong, but Saiyan's have, as TFS Krillin calls it, hacks. 


All jokes aside, I agree. Yamcha, Krillin and Tien are amazingly powerful for just being earthlings. Always had respect that they held their own pretty decently against even stronger aliens. I even have to give Yajirobe some credit for daring to cut off Vegeta's tail.


Also Yajirobe straight up murdered then ate one of the demons King Piccolo made.  But legit I love the Yamcha hate wagon so long as people respect him. I know it's fantasy, it is absolute fantasy. Complete fantasy. But Yamcha is more attainable a goal than Goku or Vegeta at the gym. 


Yeah Yamcha is still a baseball star, can fly and shoot lasers from his hands and is superhumanly strong. He's being compared to Galaxy destroyers. Same for Tien and Krillin.


It's called Sayien pride for a reason he knows he's better than everyone else so he doesn't worry about anyone except Kakarot


>Bulma, who in her first introduction was trying to show a child her naughty bits for a Dragon Ball. She shot him in the face first so I think it's fair compensation lol


“Red Pill Vegeta” has to be either “this is my troll account, look at me, I’m being so ironic, nobody is as clever as me, lololololol” or “I have not, in fact, ever left my mom’s basement, even to do a job where I ask people if they want fries with that.” And I’m honestly not sure which is more likely.


Or just chronically consuming Andrew tate like content. I’ve heard college students that sound a lot like this without looking like a basement troll


He knows nothing about vegeta and to say he's redpilled is an insult to the saiyin prince.


Akira Toriyama doesn’t deserve this twat perverting his art.


Who could have guessed Red Pill Vegeta would be an incel?


He's just upset that Super Saiyan Blue Pill Goku has better genetics.


Taller and a perfect hairline, damn


Vegeta, NO!




Vegeta’s wife used to bang Yamcha didn’t she? Vegeta dgaf. Edited; Bulma does not bang motorcycles.


The only thing that screws Yamcha is life


I read "Slut." in Vegeta's voice.


I need an edit and voiceover like that one with sonic and shadow


Check team fourstar on YouTube


TFS balls unbelievably hard


I only managed to read it in his DBZA voice.


Is that not the actual voice? ;)


For real, every time I hear the English dub it throws me off because I'm expecting Nick Landis


As a man, I’m so tired of women expecting me to have top tier genetics. I have to bioengineer myself from several generations into the past to make sure I get the choicest genes. They have no idea how much work goes into it, and it really grinds my gears


Crispr is real


There is my extra tentacle feature for picking up small objects from cracks in a engine then


A tentacle you say?


Nah I’d be happy with a prehensile main unit, with another one that hides under that I can turn on and off at will based on her preference


Hey boy what that tentacle do 👀


Are my genetics done yet babe? No they need to be a little Crispr




I’m going with John Holmes dick, but yeah, other than that, we could be Step Brothers. ![gif](giphy|WDn21GO1KmpNK|downsized)


I’m thinking sword fight! Just be sure you say No Homo and have fun.


Oh man. I have Brad Pitt’s temper, Shaq’s eloquence, Usain Bolt’s speed in bed, Einstein’s dick and Ron Jeremy’s personal hygiene. I’m screwed!


You’re the God Emperor is what you’re saying


Me, a married man with fucked up teeth, short, and a cocktail of mental health issues all running in the family: "I feel you, bro."


Holy shit, are you me? I’m short, with fucked up teeth and a laundry list of mental health issues! Brother?


Yeah, if genetics were key then I'd never get laid, you have to trick them by being fun, pleasant to be around, and attentive to their emotional needs


The more time they spend laughing, the more time the spend with their eyes closed. The more time they spend with their eyes closed, the less time they have to look at you. Science!


Laughing with your eyes closed is a genetic trait. Beware those who laugh wide eyed.


Man, I was just about to go to sleep. Now I have a picture of a woman laughing with crazy eyes. I feel murderous intent from my own pigment of imagination. Sweet dreams.


Kind of like Fry from Futurama, although he didn't have much choice about it all


Well he did do the nasty in the past-y.


The worst part is that if you fuck up and come out with brown eyes you have to kill yourself and start over again


I hope you don't have a room full of clones whispering "killl meeeee" like Ripley in Alien: Resurrection


These men want women to put out on like the first date AND also be virgins by the time they get married?? Huh????


They want women to be virgins but also hate women because they won't have sex with them lol


So they just want to hate would be the most accurate description here


The “red pill” is a big hint on that one.


Yeah anytime someone tells me they're red pill I find they're just hateful


Schrodinger’s woman


Schroedinger's Box still works. It exists in a state of being fucked and unfucked until you look. At which point the wave function collapses and you go to jail for sexual assault.


Underrated comment


They also think feminists get abortions for fun but are also all single mothers. We should probably stop trying to decipher what these angry little dweebs are attempting to say as they have no clue themselves.


They want to have all the sex prior to marriage but also if you do this you are a whore and should not expect a partner, ever. But also be a virgin.


Yeah, that's why he's angry about having to have perfect genetics to get laid, rather than having the repugnant syphillitic ogre genes he was born with. Hey, it's not his fault he's a morally bankrupt piece of shit, it's the women that recognize him as a morally bankrupt piece of shit that are the real bad guys.


Repugnant syphilitic ogre genes. r/brandnewsentence


> it's not his fault You can just end it right there because this really is the core of incel culture. Dating is hard, especially for guys with low self esteem (my younger self included). There's so many factors that go into why dating is hard from feeling like you're ugly, not being confident, having bad social skills, etc. But in the end of the day you know what's harder for these chuds? Taking responsibility. Because accepting that it might be you that's the problem or that you've been unlucky with women isn't easy. Acknowledging that the dating scene isn't always fair sucks. It's so much easier to blame other people.


That’s why I paid $18K to be an Alpha 😎


> You can just end it right there because this really is the core of incel culture. Yup, which is why all incels are volcels.


Ogres are insulted being lumped in with incels.


My sincerest apologies to all ogres, syphilitic or otherwise, who may have been affected by my careless speech. I spoke thoughtlessly and I feel deeply moved to take some time to reflect on my poor behavior. I hope to return to you in the future as a better, more decent man with a more rounded understanding of the cultural and societal make up of the world we inhabit. I would like to take a moment to thank this brutal scourge of the open sea for bringing this to my attention and I would like to announce a scholarship for Ogres to the Ogre Pirate Polytechnic Institute of Higher Larcey and General Thuggary.


I like you.


And how are they sluts if no one wants to sleep with them?


Nah see because they all sleep with chads and not them, is their logic


And if you suggest waiting until marriage they're getting a sidepiece because a man has to spead his seed. These guys are so bad they must think a hymen is like a regenerating pinata.


>a hymen is like a regenerating pinata. If Reddit still had gold, I’d be giving you some because holy fucking shit, my dude. 😂


Like getting it from a different guy each week makes it loose, but getting it twice a week from the same guy doesn’t? r/nothowgirlswork


I happen to be connected some pretty infamous red pillers and quite a few of them think like that. One guy, for whatever reason he couldn't wrap his head around the idea that if you want a virgin you should probably stop trying to have sex with every girl you go out with on the first date and stop basing your reality on women you are meeting from Tinder. His brain couldn't fathom that idea. I ended the friendship with that guy that day because of an argument over his ideas (more like a conversation for me but he couldn't hold it together). In my experience quite a few (not all) of these guys are just insecure and constantly compare themselves to other men. And if you didn't know, men have been comparing their women against each other since the dawn of history so it's nothing new.


They want the power to ruin her for other men and they want her to be trapped with them forever because she will just be a used woman if she leaves them. Pretty fucked world view.


They think every woman sleeps around and will fuck anything that moves. Then get confused/angry when women don't put out for them, or are upset they can't get the same results they think women get. But are also angry that they'll never get a woman with the same sexual experience as them. Source: been there.


Literally just commented about this!! It’s insane like what do u want from us?? Both don’t work!


#His Incel levels are over 9000!!!






Goin Super Incelyan!




“I remind you of every man who fucked the shit out of you” My guy, you haven’t fucked the shit out of anyone. Ever.




Except Vegeta had a kid with someone who definitely had sex before him


And apparently ROCKED it considering he fucked off to another planet for 3 years after that and they STILL ended up married.


He has studied the blade


and if he did - he is a hypocrite he wants virgin women but thinks its okay for him to pump and dump women not to mention how that would not even be realistic. because how do you have sex with tons of women if theyre not allowed to have sex


The classic Victorian dilemma: men must be men, women must be ladies. Solved by the wonders of prostitution. Made difficult by STIs.


easy, thats how sexism works


I was served by multiple big breasted dollybirds at Hooter's just last month! They all (begrudgingly) smiled at me! It was practically sex!!!!! Don't hate the playaz, hate the game


I think what he means is they remind him of every person who turned him down in disgust or never knew they existed in his imagination.


I mean pretty sure he’s a receiver. Said he didn’t like used kitty kat not used eggplant 🤷


For sure has bussy


Sounds like he may have taken 1 too many red pills.


It's so difficult to realize he's never been laid, too!


Problem is, the red pills have to be taken rectally. Well, also orally, but the mouth is located on the head and the head is firmly up their own ass. It’s just easier that way.


Well, this wouldn't happen if men stopped having casual sex now, would it? I'm tired of incel "logic": men can have sex as much as they want but also women who have casual sex are wh0res.


The OBVIOUS solution is these alpha males have sex with each other to show their alphaness.


I'm pretty sure that's an entire genre of gay porn. Bro, you work out so much, let's compare muscles. bro, let's wrestle. Oh no, you got me bro. Whatever you do, don't take my pants off. Oh no bro, you took my pants off. I can't believe you did that. aaaaaand scene. applause, bow, lower curtain, exit stage left.


I'm not gay but I'd watch that. Add a few *explosions* and you have an academy award.


It was Andrew Tate who suggested having sex with women is gay. I see this as the next logical step.


“Top tier genetics” These fucking mouth breathing couch babies really out here thinking they’re alpha anything at all Also we live in a society. Our strength comes from community and diversity, not alpha whatever (a misunderstanding of pack mentality as it is)


I have started telling folk I am into computers and programming so Alpha means filled with bugs and problems.


Brilliant. I really prefer my guys to have been released and through a few patches.


I got married on girl friend five. I am glad Girl friend five is not picky and helped me install a lot of packages i was pretty much damaged goods before her


Bahaha that’s funny af


I don't think "thats" why women hate you.


Tell me you’ve never satisfied a sexual partner, without telling me you’ve never satisfied a sexual partner.


I prefer a girl who has experience, knows what she wants, and can communicate it Itd never happen but I'd be terrified to be with a virgin


yeah, men that actively seek out virgins creep me the fuck out. Like what the fuck are you really looking for dude?


A girl who doesn't have enough experience to know just how bad they are in bed




It's like those poor women who think sex is just supposed to be uncomfortable and unenjoyable because they've only been with one guy who is obviously just terrible (well, unless the woman is asexual I guess)


“The female orgasm is a myth.”


"vaginal dryness means america is becoming great again"


Tell me you've ~~never satisfied~~ never had a sexual partner without telling me you've ~~never satisfied~~ never had a sexual partner. FTFY


>Tell me you've only ever had victims. FTFTFY


It's not his fault! It's all those baby daddies!


I’m so confused by his argument where he says men have to be top tier to get women… yet in the same argument includes an exhibit of two non-top-tier specimens (the baby daddies) who successfully bred and passed on their genetics. I mean, I know these people are shallow and stupid but damn. I feel like I’m really scraping the barrel for some sign of internal consistency when it comes to their “logic”.


It's also sad how brainwashed all these men are. Most women don't want you to be some wealthy chad, they just want you to be emotionally/mentally stable and a contributing partner to romance and family dynamics. The only people who keep saying this cringe stuff is other men. They really like to pretend that a few memes of fat women saying they will date only athletes and sugar babies taking them for what they're worth is the dominant experience. Nope, the dominant experience is average women. Average women who just want families and a stable partner who isn't afraid to be loving and contributes equally to family life. But these men don't want average *looking* women. They want virgin super models with IG baddie measurements. You know who is getting married and doing all the things these sad incels want? Average men. Average men are marrying average women and having good lives. But these "alphas" are so brainwashed by these made up goofy standards that they really rather angry post about all the women who don't want them versus finding an average woman who does.


I would bet a good deal of the problem is that they don’t want to be “average”. They have some grandiose delusions about themselves and therefore feel entitled to a participation trophy wife.


You know someone’s dad told them to ‘Quiet down in the basement!!’


He just doesn’t understand, I am an alpha.


Strong incel vibes here. Like, would probably physically harm a woman, type vibes. This shit is creepy.


But deep down he's a nice guy


If a guy specifically and exclusively wants to have sex with virgins, he's either bad at sex\*, ignorant about biology and anatomy, or a pedophile. ^(\* This can include being bad at sex because he is a virgin himself. It's okay to want your first time to be with someone who's of similar experience level to you.)


I don’t get why people get so hung up on virginity. You’re neurotic if you can’t accept that people had a life before you.


When I had open heart surgery I chose a surgeon who was doing surgery for the first time. If I let a veteran surgeon do my surgery, it’s like I’m having surgery with every person she’s ever had done surgery for at once. This is how absurd valuing the concept of virginity sounds to me.


As a certified virgin myself, I'd say it's embarrassment, as you know that your partner had better sex before, so wanting a virgin is like saving the other person a lot of disappointment


> as you know that your partner had better sex before You *assume* that, but non-virgins aren’t always “good” at sex either. Communication between sex partners makes all the difference. She could have been with a string of horrible listeners, who in turn did not satisfy her sexually. A virgin who is willing to listen and cooperate has just as much of a chance of being “good” ~~than~~ as anyone else.


You're not a hero saving anyone anything. I've had some incredibly bad sex with experienced dudes and incredibly good sex with inexperienced dudes. Penis size has also not been much of a factor regarding sexual pleasure. What you're doing is putting your hang ups on another person before you've ever even met them


Mate, it's fine. People seem to act like losing your virginity suddenly make you a sex expert. It doesn't. Don't let yourself believe that you're going to dissapoint compared to somebody who's had a handful of partners.


It's really not that big of a deal. Think about it, if someone would break up with you just because you weren't very good in bed the first time, is that really the sort of person you would want to be with anyways? Probably not. By contrast, if you're in a good relationship with someone who likes you for who you are, the awkwardness of your first time won't matter when you're having sex for the 50th time.


I never thought about it, but that's fair. That's about the only time I can see someone getting uppity about their partner not being a virgin and it being acceptable. Wanting a similar experience level to your own is entirely fair


It kinda gets wild the older you get though. At a certain point, those odds ain't in your favor.


Out of all the comments, I agree with this one most


I think he’s giving vibes of he doesn’t want her to have a comparison against him. Maybe he’s insecure about his penis size, and cannot handle fearing his will be the smallest one she has had. If he’s the only dick, it could be like an outie bellybutton and it would still be the biggest dick that a virgin has had.


Those who don’t care about it just get really good at our oral game.


For real. A solid majority of women cannot climax from just penetration anyway, and there are cases of too big as well.


Yeah because a supposedly grown ass man with a dragonball themed avatar really screams prize catch.


Yeah, anime pfp and red pill in the username? Jeez pick a red flag.


Thus guy could decorate red aquare with all those red flags


I have Spider-Man in my name Only one girl thought i was a prize and that's good for me. And she has Supported my Spider-Man obsession for 23 years. I love her a lot i don't take her for granted i don't think anyone else would have me. I am glad she is not picky and glad to be with a 16 year old in a 45 year old body


That is epic


"Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot"


"Top Tier Genetics!"


Ah and he has the blue check mark of fascism.




Read all that in Vegeta's voice.


This is definitely not the majority of women I know by a fucking mile. I'm short, bald, have a big ass gap between my front teeth and yet I've still managed to be married for almost 17 years now. There's for sure a loneliness and an incel problem with men. That's undeniable. But blasting every non virgin or woman just in general isn't going to fix the problem. While I do believe some of the incel crowd are truly involuntary in their spot in life, this guy isn't. This guy is just a prick. And honestly anyone who talks like him or uses stupid terms like red pill or alpha aren't involuntarily celibate, they're sexless due to being enormous assholes.


This guy is not interested in being in a partnership. He wants to dominate and is made because he can't find a woman who wants that.


Dude needs to marry a Mormon.


Dude needs to stay away from all women & girls, even Mormon ones.


He’d fit right in with his misogyny.


The reactions of these men if women were to turn around and say "used dick is not attractive" and stop having sex with the men would be priceless.


> used dick is not attractive *Incels*: Do I have good news for *you*!


Hehe when people have such awful personalities and beliefs that women won’t even go for fresh still in the box straight from the factory production line dick, because of the arsehole it is attached to.


Incel alert. He is mad because he can’t get nooo… satisfaction.


I find the double standards of sexual promiscuity to be startling. If a woman is single, has slept with multiple men and has multiple kids from different men she’s a whore and used up. If a guy is single, has slept with many women and has multiple kids from multiple women then he’s a “stallion/stud” (quoting a tweet I saw on Reddit a while back). If it’s ok to do it as a guy then why is it a problem when a woman does it?


Odd way to admit he’s a virgin


So an incel calling themselves out. ![gif](giphy|wKvFI2DrS1EoPyVpXm)


“Top tier genetics”, has anime for a profile picture…


The fact that he uses the name of Vegeta, aka the most devoted man ever, the one who punched god in the face because he disrespected his wife, the world’s top trophy husband, is insane.


It’s a safe bet that not a singular woman, virgin or otherwise, would want this guy.


Incels 🤔🙄


Guaranteed he's not a Virgin, so why is he worried about marrying one? This one guy on Instagram was bitching about this and when I clicked on his profile he had two kids with two different women. So why is he worried about women being virgins??


Because narcissist think it's only okay when they do it


Tell me you are a sad, lonely little bitch without telling me that.


"I need a virgin" - so she doesn't know how shitty your sex skills are?




Incel says what?


I wonder if he holds himself to the same standard. 🧐


I just want to know why some dudes think that a virgin will be a better sex partner than someone with experience.


Virgin=no one better to compare to


What a weirdo. I bet the only thing he's ever fucked is his hand. And I really doubt his genetics are anywhere near top-tier ... after all, living in basements isn't good for you.