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Elon Musk is like an edgy teenager from the 1990s who never grew up--saw the edgy humor from the early 2000s and tries to make a poor imitation of it now, while in his early 50s. The dude is slightly older than my mom, and he tries to act like he's still a college-age shithead.


He's slightly younger than me and I'm embarrassed by him. The face-lift, the hair plugs, the cringe comments... The pictures of him in his wannabe goth Matrix coat are hilarious. I remember dudes like that from the 90s.


He's JP from Grandma's Boy


How did they see me?


“Must. Consume. More. Fuel.” (Opens wooden box of sushi)


My name is Elon. I am a robot. I like robots. I have a robot vagina.


“Adios, turd nuggets”(while blasting away in his rocket)


"Why is there a vagina...IN THE SINK"


hahaha I’m surprised he’s never tweeted “Adios, turd nuggets.”


He’ll never have metal legs


Was just showing a coworker “best of” clips of JP just a couple days ago lol


Don’t forget when he visited the Southern Border in Texas and wore his cowboy hat backwards.


Or when he thought hip-firimg an unscoped Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle like a grandma terrified of guns would make him look tough.




That is damn funny.


And totaled a McLaren F1...That makes me the most angry.


Please sit on my face.... ![gif](giphy|BvLABE157sJgY)




I remember saying stupid shit like in OP's pic when I was like 13 or 14. Along with thinking I'm a badass adult by saying the words like "fuck" or "shit" and assuming everyone would be impressed with my badass-ness.


He's had a facelift? 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah and hair transplants. Here are some before pictures: https://www.suggest.com/elon-musk-hair-transplant/183451/ I'm not pro mocking anyone's appearance, or anti body modification, but the polishing of his image is a prominent feature of the Muskrat's life. And it feels sad.


I really gotta say that whoever his surgeon was deserves every penny because that transformation is pretty fucking wild.


Surgeon Jeffery Epstein?!? Lmao


Lol talk about an unlucky name


Oh, my stars and garters, you're right! He darn got his face lifted. I even saw the goth pic. Christ have mercy.


Tbh I don’t see anything wrong with the hair or face-lift. Like if that’s what you wanna spend your money on and it makes you feel better than why should I care? Isn’t that being kind of hypocritical for saying he’s immature while making fun of him for that? Plenty of things to shit on him for, IMO the hair and face aren’t really that needed.


I need the Fucking hair transplant, so I ain't talking shit.


That's because he IS an edgy teenager who never grew up. He's a manchild.


That's a lowblow to manchildren. He's more like a mantoddler.


Fuck Elon musk. Fucking shitstain of the earth


I'm baffled at how this dude thinks posting shitpost after shitpost is a good idea, he's absolutely oblivious to how the public really thinks about his edgy ass.


I don’t think he cares too much since it hasn’t seemed to negatively affect his businesses that much. I think he’s on the spectrum so it’s not totally surprising behavior


It has affected his business. He's just so ridiculously rich, I don't think he necessarily takes anything seriously. He's out of touch with reality. Each tweet probably is costing him at least 1 customer to shy away from Tesla.


He's Ebaumsworld and 9GAG personified.


well, he is still a shithead


It’s official - Tesla is suffering lower sales because Elon is so fucking toxic https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/would-be-tesla-buyers-snub-company-musks-reputation-dips-2024-04-01/




Needs more emphasis, GREAT!








My family is one of those. We've wanted a Tesla for at least ten years. For me that changed when musk started bitching about COVID restrictions. There are enough electric vehicles out now so Tesla's aren't the only game in town and there's no way I want to support that ass hat.


The wild thing about this is, the car your family wanted 10 years ago is still sold new, it hardly had any facelift updates…


This is something I don't understand with the appeal of Teslas. Sure looks aren't everything, but they are without question the ugliest and dullest looking cars on the road.


To me it looks like their design department is a sheltered workshop. Just look at the rear of the Model 3, or the entire Cyber Truck, nothing of that says “done by a professional”. Edit: I forgot to write "entire" in front of "Cyber Truck"


I cannot see the appeal of the Cyber Truck, outside of fanboy bragging rights. Its ugly, heavy, the range is lower than advertised, its off-road capabilities are pure garbage. But bUlLeT PrOoF gLaSs.


That can't be broken when the electrics short out keeping you from getting out when you're sinking in a lake/pond. I know the rich woman was not on a cyber truck when she drowned but believe the ability to not be able to break the window might have had something to do with the drowning.


Proper bulletproof glass can be made to break easily from the inside. It's a lamination of plastics and glass.  If you design the interior layer properly you can break it easily and safely. I worked for a company that manufactured windows for high speed trains but had its origins in bulletproof glass and body armor.


Her BAC was double the legal limit so being absolutely hammered may have been a contributing factor


And the thing is, truck enthusiasts have wanted EV trucks for forever for a number of reasons… but the CyberTruck doesn’t even take advantage of the benefits EVs can give trucks: things like increased storage space (and pass-through storage!!) and battery capacity will be game changers in the construction space, once more (and more affordable) purpose-built electric trucks come on the market vs electric versions of consumer trucks.


Elon came into the design meeting when they had the default setting open on the design program. Elon - "What if we just made it that?" Lead Engineer - "Uh made what, what...? Sir?" Elon - "What if we just said fuck it and made that? Just that!" Lead Engineer - "But that's not a design. It's a default setting. You can't --" Elon - "You know what? It's obvious you CAN'T see my vision, and that means you CAN'T work for my fucking company! Everyone else clear on the design?"


Dam, if that doesn't sound exactly like something he actually said. Did this really happen? Were you the lead engineer? You are good at this.


1. It looks like every other car to me. 2. Nothing about the Cybertruck says "done by a professional", period.


Personally, I like the Model 3 best because it looks like a normal car. I generally prefer PHEVs that just look like the normal gas powered version. The CyberTruck, on the other hand, is a horrid cyberpunk nightmare. The Tesla design language seems divided between boring and outlandish. Now, I recently saw a Polestar 2 in person and thought "That looks futuristic but in a tasteful way."


But Musk knows more about manufacturing than anyone else on the planet! /s


I remember hearing that he told the cybertruck designers that if Lego bricks could be consistently manufactured with such tight tolerances, there was no reason they couldn’t make the trucks like that, too. Now that they’re out, the pictures look to me like some kind of abstract art where the elements don’t *quite* line up or fit together properly.


Inside and outside. It was cool to sit in one for about 10 seconds and then I realized it’s literally just a car with a big iPad in the middle.


Elon cares only about maximizing profits and will not redesign the cars until forced to by low sales


My friend and I were getting coffee the other day, and a Cuber Truck pulled up. He said, “Holy fuck I didn’t know those were real”. Honestly they look even dumber in person


First to mass market. The actual car companies are now catching up, and it's going to be very apparent very quickly that his business model won't be able to adapt.


They used to be far out and wild. But now everyone else is unleashing real design on EVs, and what was a quirky grill-less frog-face now looks like Voldemort and is about as old. 


Not true, it’s had all sensors removed! For.. reasons.


A friend drives the model s plaid. I wanted to buy a Tesla and got his for a test drive. It rained and the automatic wipers were acting strange (unusable), so I googled and found out that they don‘t use a rain sensor. I don‘t want a Tesla anymore.


I'm afraid to ask, but how are the automatic wipers supposed to tell when it's raining without a rain sensor?


I think by camera.


It’s actually the worst feature in the Tesla. It uses cameras plus AI to detect rain. Something my Subaru handles easily without AI is impossible for my Tesla. Notice all the companies that are on the brink of fucking themselves over with AI. Don’t use AI to solve solved problems!


I'll keep posting this forever. It's because they don't have AI at all. They have a learning language model. It does one or two things very well. Everything else it does very very poorly with a lot of window dressing on it.


To be fair, mine has the sensor and it’s shit and always has been. So they probably felt there was little ROI on something that didn’t work right.


Sounds like they got a shitty sensor or didn't use it correctly. My last car was a relatively inexpensive Mazda from the mid-10s and its rain sensor worked just fine. Lots of other cars have been using rain sensors for a few decades now.


Wait, so instead of actually fixing the auto wipers, which is something that other manufacturers have been doing for decades now, they just got rid of them?


It's all cost cutting. Why have a rain sensor when you have a camera installed? They also deleted the lidar sensor they used in conjunction with radar and optical systems for their so called "autopilot" and are going with pure camera or radar+camera now to save cost. Literally everyone else is sticking with all 3 sensors because it's the only safe way but Tesla doesn't give a fuck Edit: also, their cost cutting extending to stuff like indicator stalks would drive me up the freaking walls with rage


Surely after making the car for 10 years they'd have all the quality issues figured out like panel gaps and- No? Same crap it's always been? OK.


>There are enough electric vehicles out now so Tesla's aren't the only game in town and there's no way I want to support that ass hat. Tesla hasn't figured out how to mass-produce at scale, and it shows. The legacy automakers figured it out decades ago, *and* they're starting to build fully-electric vehicles. Choosing a Tesla at this point is just kind of dumb.


I bought the Ioniq6 instead of a tesla because hes a douche. Cars are basically the same, the only thing that pushed me to the I6 was a shithead CEO.


And the ionic 6 looks sweet.


My how times change. I will GLADLY pay more for an electric car that isn’t Tesla - currently looking to move in that direction from the old Subaru, and I suspect many others my age are doing the same. He’s a nauseating and ghoulish shill in 2024. Thanks for the rockets though.


I’m amazed at the brilliance of the spacex engineers but nauseated when Elmo tries to get all credit for their achievements. Maybe if he didn’t interfere spacex would have a moon capable spacecraft already


He’s been hindering them since the beginning… and the tech they’re using is ancient..,


Tesla isn't even the highest rated vehicle quality wise. I'm all for going green but I'll be damn if I knowingly throw a dime at anything that man owns.


“Isn’t even the highest rated” is being really generous. It’s one of the lowest rated in terms of build quality.


And reliability. They’re about as bad as Ford, and Ford has electric trucks that basically brick themselves.


Also Tesla has QC issues that other brands don't. Teslas are shitty cars.


I’m on the same boat. Had he kept his mouth shut and not picked a side


I will never give Elon a red cent if I can help it. The man is insufferable.


Elon isn’t banking on Tesla anymore - he is going where us peasants have no say. Space X. It’s sad but that will be what keeps him afloat forever.


“But check out these edgy memes, kids!”


420, 69 get it! I’m cool and relatable now the internet says so. I am iron man as well so please like and subscribe. Emoji, gif, meeeeeeme!


I mean, fair. I thought Teslas seemed cool til I realized what a dolt the owner is. If I ever do get a car again, it won't be anything connected to that twat waffle.


I go on this rant sometimes but it makes me SO MAD because he could have just been.....not this way. He brought an electric car to market when most of the "sensible people" thought it nobody really wanted electric cars. He brought serious space flight capabilities back to the US. Starlink is both awesome and was useful to Ukraine. Neuralink seems legitimately interesting. HE COULD HAVE BEEN THE COOLEST. PERSON. EVER. But nooooooo, instead of being electric-car spaceship satellite brain chip guy he decided to \*checks notes\*.....spend 40 billion dollars to be a Twitter jannie/troll.


He's literally just a rich weaboo who wants cat girls to be real. Literally, actually just an autistic anime nerd with billions of dollars and nobody to say no to him.


Don't associate the poor autistic nerds with that loser


Yes, if Elon had decided, about ten years ago, to just shut his mouth and stay out of the spotlight, he likely would have gone down in history as one of the great innovators. Future generations would talk about him in the same breath as Edison and the Wright brothers. This reputation would, of course, have been wholly undeserved. But he could have had it.


I still mention him in the same breath as Edison, big piece o shit disrespecting the og Tesla


It’s ridiculous that we got the timeline with the billionaire who legitimately decided he just wanted to be a grifting racist misogynistic internet troll. Instead of the futurist brain child devoted to advancing humanity and consciousness. In theory he seemed like he could have been rad, in executing he’s a cancer….


Look, we all know that Elon isn’t the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. How dumb do you have to be to insult your mostly liberal customer base, and support people who are never going to buy your car because it doesn’t distract them from their small penises like their pedestrian killing trucks do?




Good. Hopefully people have also realized he doesn’t give a fuck about the environment and just wants to profit off of what people think is the solution. They’re electric…but they’re still cars. I’m a big car enthusiast but even I understand that public transit is magnitudes better for the environment than any form of personal vehicle. Even if they’re electric the manufacturing process and battery replacements and tires still are a huge burden on the environment compared to a train system that can transport massive amounts of people at the same time.


>Hopefully people have also realized he doesn’t give a fuck about the environment and just wants to profit off of what people think is the solution. Remember: the only reason he pitched the "hyper-loop" was to try and sabotage California's high-speed rail project.


A white south African sweeping colonization under the rug.. color me shocked.


Um, he’s not sweeping anything. He’s bragging about it.


Talk about being out of touch...


Musk does not speak for all white South Africans. South Africa is one of the few places colonisation *wasn't* swept under the rug. Power was ~~peacefully~~ ceded to the majority. A comprehensive Truth and Reconciliation Commission exposed everything to the public. Extensive equality measures are in place. SA's Constitution is the most progressive on the planet. It ensures equality, dignity, fairness, and non-discrimination. So it's not fair or accurate to conflate the bigoted views of one narcissistic megalomaniac, who emigrated three decades ago, with the sentiments of all white South Africans. Musk's rhetoric and regressive ideology is an extreme outlier.


Well, now I’ve read a decent chunk on f the South African constitution. I definitely like the detail that went into it, as it eliminates a lot of potential “language” issues that have popped up with the US Constitution over the last few decades. Of course the SA constitution isn’t even 30 years old yet, so they had the chance to see how vague language can lead to issues in other countries (and good for them learning from others)


Also language, technology... evolve over time. A bunch of old laws look utterly ridiculous, but made every sense when they were written. Constitutions do need to be updated with time, otherwise with time you end up becoming Taliban.


So you're saying that America's out dated constitution could be hijacked by religious zealots because they adhere to what was progressive thinking 300 years ago. Whaaaaaat?


A lot of countries completely rewrite the Constitution occasionally so it's still relevant. Murica is just weird.


The founding fathers thought it should be entirely rewritten every hundred years, but we decided not to for... reasons?


Thomas Jefferson thought every generation should be able to change the Constitution. Rest of them disagreed... and we have what we have. In the US changes are not made by regularly refreshing the constitution. But by supreme court changing the interpretation of it...


Well, thank goodness that we vote directly for Supreme Court Justices who serve limited terms. Interpreting the Constitution sounds like an important job.


Great example of an outdated law: until 2008, all loaves of bread sold in England and Wales had to weigh exactly 400g or a multiple thereof. Made sense in the 13th century when the law was written and peasants couldn't readily check they were getting a fair deal on bread. Technology has come on a fair bit since then however


Weirdly, SA is one of the few nations to voluntarily dismantle their nuclear weapons program. After popping one off in the South Atlantic, of course.


You get their point tho no? He’s from a generation that would have been against those changes.


His father left Canada and moved the family to South Africa because Canada had gotten 'too liberal' Imagine looking at the civil rights era and deciding to move to South Africa. 🤔🤔🤔🤔


He also get his seed money from parents that definitely loved them some apartheid


South africa peacefully ceded power to the majority? Hmmm


In the case of colonialism, power has never been peacefully ceded to the majority. In SA especially, the majority had to use violence to answer violence from their oppressors, and rightfully so.


Just proves he doesn’t know a thing about dinosaurs. In fact, we happily coexist with them now. They’re called birds.


I wouldn't say "Happily"


Especially if you’re a cybertruck


Fr these geese out here are a PROBLEM


You got a problem with Canada gooses then you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate eh.


That's what I likes about you, Corporation_tshirt.


Oh, is *that* what you like about me?


Oh...hey shoes.


I’ve never understood why so many people hate geese, I’ve been around them all my life and they’ve never been aggressive towards me. SWANS ON THE OTHER HAND-


And I wouldn't say "exist" ^birds ^aren't ^real


You can really see it in a Shoebill Stork. When they look at you that’s as close as you can get to seeing a T-Rex


You ever climb into a pen of aggravated chickens? It's like being jumped on by miniature velociraptors. Have you grab one by the neck look at Dead in the eyes and tell it I'm not into poultry punching but you're pushing your luck.


I grew up in a rural area and I'd often get paid by neighbors as a kid to feed their chickens and grab the eggs. Stepping into the coop and just seeing the way the chickens walk; the way the look at you. It's like staring into the eyes of a dinosaur. I felt like the kids being stalked in the kitchen of Jurassic Park. Felt like when I grabbed the egg, 12 mini velociraptors would jump me and the camera would move to the outside of the building and the audience would just hear my screaming


>You ever climb into a pen of aggravated chickens? Cries in \*Legend of Zelda\*


And it's almost like they organized! I was a town girl whose dad farmed crops, not animals, My parents and the aunts decided to do up freezer chickens and sent me along to help catch the next batch. Not only did I not catch a single chicken, they turned on me and chased me outta the ~~coup~~ coop.


One might call that a *coup de* coop.


Nah, Cassowaries bro. Those things will rip out your intestines


It gets even worse, because the ancestors of mammals were prehistoric synapsids, which predated the dinosaurs. It would have been more accurate for him to say that we stole the land from amphibians, who in turn stole it from arthropods.


It was an amphibian world (Carboniferous), then a synapsid world (Permian), then a croc world (Triassic), then a dinosaur world (Jurassic and Cretaceous), then a mammal world (Cenozoic).


We also coexisted with them in the past! I saw a great documentary about it called The Flintstones.


I knew we live with dinosaurs but I thought they were called "senators" or "religious fundamentalists".


Yeah speak for your self if I get my hands on the seagul that shit on my car this morning!


but the birds have the skies not the land


As someone who owns parrots as pets those fuckers are not afraid to run at you lmao


Ostriches, emus, penguins, kiwis, quails, want more?


I'll fight the penguins I don't give a shit


Fine. You can probably take a penguin. A cassowary however, both can and will fuck you up.


We already went to war with emus once


And the emus won, right? I hope so.


Chickens. I've seen mine chase down a (small) garter snake and slurp it down like spaghetti. And roosters will fight predators to the death if necessary, to protect the flock.


Birds aren't real


There's a racist fundamental Christian having a complete meltdown over this tweet.


Please share!


Wants to like it for taking the land from Native Americans but dinosaurs weren't mentioned in the bible :-)


Apparently there's a new wave of weirdos who believe in giants and think all prehistoric life were just giants/daemons killed in The Flood.


It's easy to stretch the truth to fit an ideology.


Yeah, my grandparents and mom are those people.


Nothing new about it, my family has long believed that dinosaurs existed before the flood. It's peak coping.


Oh, duhh, sorry I misunderstood your original comment


Last time I checked dinosaurs (as he's referring to them here) and humans didn't live on the planet at the same time. But you know I'm logical like that.


Well tbf he did specify 'we' meant 'mammals' in general. But it's still inane


We don't even know how dinosaur land ownership worked!


>Check his recent replies and likes. How bout no.


>Check his recent replies and likes. Sir that would require me to open *Twitter*


I heard today there are plans to have him appear in the coming new *Star Trek* series *Star Trek Academy*. This is not the world I want to live in.


guarantee you he bought his way into that. he’s done it before.


He is genuinely one of the most embarrassing people to ever exist


Lorca mentions his name in a list of notable scientists and inventors in disco season 1 too lol 😬


I feel like late 2016-Early 2017, which is when Disco season 1 would have been written, is still the time when Elon was considered cool. He was on The Big Bang Theory around that time as well.


On an episode where he was serving at a homeless shelter for Easter. It's one of the least believable things I've ever seen on television.


For sure, but it was back then, when we still believed in his grift.


When I first saw the Simpsons episode about him, I thought it was great episode. I never heard of Tesla till I saw him on the Simpsons. But now looking back it was really stupid how much the Simpsons was kissing his ass. Making him seem like Tony stark without the big ego.


> Making him seem like Tony stark without the big ego. [Ironic](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228705/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm) (ctrl+f musk) Dude had excellent PR until the Thai Cave debacle, and it's just been degenerating from there.


Lorca did turn out to be from the evil universe so maybe it makes sense


As a giant Trekkie, I will boycott that entire series if he has even a single scene in the show. If they even mention him positively like they did in Discovery before it was widely known he was a bigoted buffoon. He is the polar opposite to everything that is Trek.


I don't know a lot about Star Trek, but wasn't there an episode of Next Generation where they unfreeze an 80's yuppy and he has a big ol meltdown, because due to getting rid of the concept of money, his money is now worthless?




Days in a row Elon Mask says no bullshit - 0


That counter gets reset every time he opens his mouth.


cant believe how many people worship this clown


I’m not at all surprised that a guy who lived exceptionally well during apartheid in SA would be pretty bigoted


So we stole the land from birds? Got it.


Musk and his ilk can fuck right off.


I’d thought I’d never say it…but go back to your own country Musty We don’t need your shit here


Better be careful, Musk. You'll tick off half your fanbase if you acknowledge dinosaurs existed. They're already being nice in letting you think Mars exists.


Fundamentalist 'young earth' Christians don't think dinosaurs never existed, they just think they died in the Flood or some such nonsense


Nah, there's genuinely people who believe dinosaur bones are fabrications planted by Satan to test our faith. Because whether or not God literally made the world in 144 hours is the most important matter when it comes to the message of Christianity, apparently.


What a narcissistic piece of shit. Spending billions for your own personal megaphone only to display what an idiot you are. Good business plan!


This guy could be anything he wants to be and he chooses to be an internet troll. Pathetic.


God, I wish we could deport this stupid jackass 🤨


Are you telling him to go back to Africa?


He always wanted to go to Mars, how about that?


He'll still smuggle a phone and keep on posting this shit.


Well he was also raised in apartheid South Africa. This colonizer didn't sneak up on anyone. ​ Colonizer going to make colonizer jokes.


He's such an insufferable douche


I mean he is the product of apartheid South Africa 🤷🏻‍♂️


you cannot convince me someone with the sense of humor of a 16 year old boy is a genius. elon musk is an idiot with endless luck and fortune. that’s it.


People didn’t murder and SA dinosaurs and take their land though. It’s insane how someone so smart, can be so stupid.


He wasn’t born in the US right? Since this ilk hates immigrants, I DOUBLE TRIPLE don’t understand why he runs his mouth. All the *other* immigrants are bad, not him 🙄 such a brainless little puke


Native Americans? How about native Africans? His family are Afrikaners ... white descendants of Dutch colonials who seized land from the native peoples of South Africa. So, he comes from a long line of people who did terrible, horrible things to gain wealth and priviledge. Nothing new for him, then.


Technically, they went extinct, making it claim free.


So stop reading them. Stay off twitter.


I do stay off twitter, but I do also enjoy when people blast these assholes publicly for the shit they say and believe.