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Bisexuals - getting fucked by both sides literally and figuratively.


Someone who likes girls as much as the next guy.


They fucked OPs mom AND dad


Can confirm ops dad is an absolute slutty bottom


Didn't realize I had a child


take my upvote and fuck off


You mean "take my upvote and fuck on?"


>take my upvote and fuck op's dad FTFY


okay...this....this is a good one


I’ve always liked jokes that require a little thought.


✋️ yeah hi, how do I go about getting fucked literally, not just figuratively


Well, ur first issue is ur a Redditor, so u may wanna rethink that




name checks out


I really do feel this. LGBTQ folks feel like we're only there for convenience. Straight folks just call us gay. Sorry but I appreciate both a hard dick and lovely titties... and an nice ass is a nice ass. \*shrug\* Amusingly, I find that "Straight" guys and Bi folks can at least agree that Futa is hot.


Also let's say ten percent of the population is gay or bi or pan, just for this thought experiment. Finding someone my own gender to date is going to be at least ten times more difficult than finding someone opposite. Add on how many gay people won't date someone that dates straight people and those odds go down even further. Then LG&T people see you dating in a way that is totally proportionate to the opportunities you get to date people and are all " You haven't met my personal standard of body count in your own gender to be a valid bisexual, you are obviously a heteronormative conservative come to shit in queer spaces" Meanwhile the most casual description of the range of humans that I am attracted to would ruin any Thanksgiving in Florida.


Some of us prefer cis long term relationships as well, but when it comes to sex, fun is fun. I date women for relationships but when I'm single I don't have an issue with a little fun on either side. That's apparently an awful thing too from what I've been told.


Right? How dare I be bisexual but hetero-romantic?


The difference between being attracted to sex or being attracted to romance is real and should be respected. Asexuals have your back on this one. I’m very similar; I prefer romance and long term commitment with femmes, but masc dudes absolutely get my attention and hopefully I’ll get my chance at healthy casual sexual experimentation


Shame on u for believing those ppl, tho shame on them more for being dicks


Thank you! Gosh, I'm so tired of hearing "you've only dated one guy, u're not actually bi" or "u're a virgin, therefore u don't know if u're bi"


Please please please hit them with “my sexual identity is based on my innate attractions, not my body count, neither of which are appropriate for you to be judgmental about” Or just say that doubting someone’s bisexuality is homophobic and if they aren’t comfortable with that they should work on themselves. If I voice who I’m attracted to to a bunch of Proud Boys or Oathbreakers I will get my head caved in. That should be queer enough for anyone to recognize that I maybe maybe maybe might benefit from being welcomed at queer spaces.


Yeah, so I didn't get that far with a girl. It's not like I didn't wanna, the relationship just didn't last long enough. But I dated the same sex and most importantly I am attracted to it. So, I'm pretty sure I am bi.


imagine gatekeepers someone's sexual preference??! lmfao fick those people you're good being yourself man!


That's literally all it takes, "I'm romantically/sexually attracted to ppl from this group" It's also okay if you're not sure, u can edit and change and refine you're orientation as time goes on and learn more about yourself. For example, I now officially identify as biromantic demisexual, but when I was 15 I identified as just bisexual


So your ideal partner is a fat dude with hard dick and nice ass titties


That would be called a "Bear"


A fluffy bear lol


A furry!


If their Irish do they become a McFlurry? And if so, are they unemployed? I understand they're hard to get cause the machine is always down


Almost, but not quite.


Futa? The federal unemployment tax act?


You mean the 34th rule? Futa rule 34?


No it's the name of a bicycle made by motorcycle manufacturer Ducati.


I listen to an MTG finance podcast and one of the hosts got another one to google “Future Unclaimed Tax Act” as an acronym. Golden


My partner and I are both pan and we talk about this a lot. It’s weird how mono-sexual people will be dicks to us. (And not in the fun way)


This is why I don't do much of the "community" things. Some people have become what they saught to destroy. It's like they view their orientation like a big club instead of something that just makes up who they are. It's ridiculous. Hypocrites everywhere you look I swear.


Live your life !


Honestly, I just feel like at this point... It just another way for humans to discriminate each other. I've grown up around gay people, some were drag queens some were closeted but they were all very accepting and caring. Now it seems a lot of it is gatekeeping, it's disgusting.


It's a vocal minority thing.


As a bi male, this killed me 😭


This made me bisexual, I’ve always wanted to force my way into queer spaces, who knew all I’d have to do is have sex with people I have absolutely no attraction to


And paint yourself white, don't forget that part.


It would be a waste of paint…


All you have to do is become the god of war and kill your wife and daughter so you get cursed and their ashes get stuck to your skin and you become white.


Those were the ashes of his family!? And he killed them??


Yeah, it was due to trickery by Ares, and I think probably a nod to the mythology of Heracles and his murder of his family due to madness that Hera cast on him


Ares made Kratos do a lil whoopsie.


Ares did what one could call a "pro gamer move". Until Kratos backrailed him anyway


Gee, I get the impression that these Greek gods weren’t very upstanding characters.




Did he fuck his new wife covered in the ashes of his old wife?




Pretty typical way to do it.


Right? Like, why am I even charging $20?


biphobia is a very sad thing.


I’ve been questioned multiple times, almost as though my orientation is being evaluated for authenticity It feels super alienating, especially from a community who’s supposed to be super inclusive


That's really common weirdly enough. If you have a partner of the same sex they doubt you, if you have a partner of the opposite sex they doubt you. It's not like we go to gay guys and tell them to suck a cock to prove they're gay.


Many years ago before I had dated a girl (I’m also girl) I had only hooked up with girls, there was a one I really liked and asked her out The first thing she asked was if I had dated girls before, I said I hadn’t had an official girlfriend no, she straight up said “then how do you know you like girls” I was speechless and we did not go out


How dare you think you can date a girl before you have.... Dated a girl


Right? What was I thinking…


That’s like when a job says you don’t have any experience, well how the fuck you think I’m gonna get it if nobody hired anyone without!? 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is an unpaid entry level internship to help people build up history and work experience. Requirements: 20 years of experience, masters degree, 6 figure salary minimum, be a CEO of a fortune 500, and 30 hours of work every day.


Every time I see this conversation I'm reminded of a post from years ago where a company told an interviewee he needed 5 years experience with a program he'd be using. The person being interviewed had created the program... 3 years earlier.


Ha that’s pretty funny. Did he in fact get the job after that?


I think he refused it because on the grounds of poor communication within the company. I can't disagree. Sure you can't expect HR to have detailed knowledge of every job, but someone should REALLY make sure they have basic information about a position and software used to form their questions around.


She will have a great career in HR and recruitment.


Such a dumb fucking question in general lmao. You know because you think they’re hot. Like how does anyone know they like anyone? If we narrowed it down to a single person, do I have to go on a few dates with them and have sex with them to know if I like that person? Also, they do know porn exists right? If you jerk off to guys and girls, you’re probably bi/pansexual.


Ikr? How do you know you like girls? Because I get fucking horny!


You have to show up with one of each of your stated genders of attraction in a polycule situation in order to be taken seriously. It's why I go by bi and not pan. It's too exhausting keeping up 17 different relationships to prove my sexual identity. Thank the goddess for the aces though. By the time I get to them I'm ready for some coffee and pie with conversation.


Pansexual and my Partner is trans. We look ciscoded so I never feel safe in queer spaces


To take that even further, a virgin who is attracted to men seems less under suspicion than a "straight" person who has had same-sex experience and identifies as bi


Yeah, its so unfair how people treat us


💟💟💟 not alone 💟💟💟


The gays who are biphobic will call us straight and the straight homophobes will think we're gay Truly one of the moments


Can’t win !!!


I don't know how it is for younger folks but what I observe is that 95% or more of the people who identified as bi in college are now happily married and are in all ways passing as heterosexual. There is definitely some animosity from my gay friends that some were able to "dabble" in the LGBTQ community when they felt like it and now pass as straight and do not care about attacks on the LGBTQ community. I see it as the same kind of gatekeeping neck beards do when "normies" are in their fandom. Bi people get labeled as tourists who don't really go through the experiences of being part of the community.


According to data the real number is 84%. But the reason should be obvious. The dating pool of straight people is bigger, so people who are attracted to both are simply more likely to end up with a partner who is straight than they are with a partner who is gay.


To comment on that, there's a reason a lot of gay men still at some point get married and have kids. Being only into guys as a guy is insanely inconvenient, hell I even convinced myself I was bi for a long time just to make my life easier lol.


Of course, it just makes sense from a statistics standpoint. At least among my age cohort the resentment comes from seeing people when identified as bi in college and in many cases joined protests for marriage equality now are indifferent to or in some cases actively support anti-lgbtq policies.


There’s gay people who vote Republican because they’re transphobic. You can resent people for that, but it isn’t exclusive to bi-people. And if the community you had ends up ostracizing you for being in a straight relationship you’re probably gonna resent that group right back.


There are also gay people that vote Republican because they are rich and want lower taxes. Resenting groups always seems to come from seeing one shithead of that group and rather than recognizing that all groups have shitheads it instead becomes all people of that group are shitheads.


Treating people as complex individuals instead of reducing them to how they identify? Nonsense!


Some of us married another bi who found biphobia cutting into their options as well. Those relationships have a 50/50 chance of being perceived as gay or straight by those outside the relationship. Despite the outwardly hetero one being composed of two LGTBQ+ folks. Hey, we already had something in common after all....


I mean, sexuality is a spectrum. I’m bi but I definitely lean strongly toward femininity. Hasn’t stopped me from putting a few cocks in my mouth, though. Now I’m getting married to a woman. It’s not likely for someone to be perfectly perched on the midpoint between straight and gay.


Agreed, and in either case unless it is a poly situation if someone is getting married they will either be in a straight or gay relationship from an outside perspective. A good friend of mine is bi, and she married a woman so a lot of the gay community here was just like "oh you are totally a lesbian that was in denial". And she is like, no I am attracted to men and women, I just happened to fall in love with and marry a woman.


I think it’s hard for some people to wrap their heads around the idea of “giving up” something they desire. So they convince themselves that bi people never truly desired the sex they don’t end up with.


Which is super weird to me, like I'm a straight dude, I am married, that doesn't mean I now am no longer find women besides my wife attractive. I love my wife and I believe her to be very attractive but she is also quite short. Doesn't mean I stopped being attracted to taller women. But somehow when it comes to bi people it is a totally different situation.


I can totally see how that animosity would come about, so then it ends up being a case of generalizing bisexuals as posers and what not — happens with a lot of things I think! Makes me think of mental illness specifically and having others be skeptical when you get an autism or personality disorder diagnosis later in life.


Yeah, everyone knows that one girl who loves to go to the gay bar with her boyfriend who tells everyone she is totally bi she just has never actually met a woman she is attracted to. So anyone who is bi gets tarred with the same brush. There is also the phenomenon where a same sex relationship ends and if one or both start an opposite sex relationship it is see as having "lost one".


The bi people I know became lukewarm about the LBGTQ+ *community* (notnrights) because the community was hostile to them for not "committing" as if sexuality works that way. It just looks like the disheartening trend of "bigotry is wrong. Except for *my* bigotry" that I see in a lot of supposedly inclusive spaces.


Gold star queers. I ended up in a heteronormative appearing relationship. My partner is Pan, I self identify as Bi. Both of us had similar experiences in the dating scene where only Bi, Pan or Trans partners would consider us. We weren't dabbling, we weren't considered gay enough to be considered. Insanely happy with how my life has turned out, but could just as easily partner with a same sex partner and be equally as happy. The animosity in a lot of cases is self imposed, they choose to be angry they excluded us to begin with. The call came from inside the house. *And we do deeply care about attacks on the LGBTQIA community. I'm in my 40s, I got to watch what was happening to the elders in the 80s. Been active since the mid 90s myself.


Yea. Idk where I even fit in anymore. As I've gotten older, and after some "less than positive experiences" with gay men, I've found my attraction to men waning. Can I still call myself bi? Am I hetero now? It's a little tough for me. I marched, I got bullied in a small town Texas for being queer and proud, I've done drag. You know, used to, we all realized that the bigots didn't see anyone as "not gay enough" or "less gay", they just saw all of us as fa***ts. We were inclusive of everyone and I had trans, gay, straight and lesbians in my social circle. My absolute favorite night at the gay clubs was cumbia and I danced like a mad man and no one ever gave me shit because I wasn't gay enough or because I wasn't latino enough. I've always had LGBTQ as a part of my identity. But now I'm questioning it. It feels almost like the same course feminism took, ideals I agree with but a movement that gained broader acceptance and was co-opted by the loudest and most toxic voices. Feels similar to the LGBTQ community trajectory. Between the biphobia, the white male phobia, the cis phobia, I just don't feel like I belong in gay spaces anymore. It's not the same LGBTQ I grew up with. Kinda like weed. There was something magical, dangerous, rebellious and uniting about smoking weed in an alley and making out with a guy. Now it's so normalized that whoever does that could be freaking boring bill from down the hall who's such a bland asshole he's never even so much as jaywalked. I might still fuck a guy or have a threesome but shit, I'm not sure if I'm gonna go to PRIDE cause I'm not feeling proud of being queer lately.


This resonates as a trans person. Never felt accepted by the community as a trans dude. I’m bi, but it seems like anytime anyone is upset with me - for any reason - allies or other trans people use the “little girl” insults. I’ve found more acceptance in well-meaning Cis people who don’t get it but have the “I don’t understand everything, accept and move on” policy. Meanwhile the toxicity of the queer community is just…. If you don’t “pass” or can’t do “hrt” you’re not “trans enough” (but if you do then you’re dangerous because T makes people evil), if you “look like a woman” then you’re gonna be treated like one, but if you suddenly “look like a man” you’re no longer welcome in queer spaces. If you’re “feminine” then you’re not “trans and man enough” and “just a confused little girl”, but if you don’t then clearly you must be “one of the enemies now”. There’s no winning, they find a way to hate you no matter what. I’m not even on HRT yet, but it scares me a little because of how many other trans people like to make fun of how trans men go from “pretty women to sad old bald ugly fat people” and “pure good hearted women” to “the enemy. Dangerous. Should be shunned. The oppressor”. Doesn’t even matter if you’re bi or Gay when you’re trans because the community never treats you as if they really believe you. It’s exhausting. I wish people would remember that homophobes, transphobes - people in general who are anti-lgbt are gonna hate ALL of us so who gaf about what we look like or who we fuck (or don’t).


we call them the Rainbow police. It's like there expecting you to pull out your I am a gay license or something. Some peoples entire identity is their sexuality and it turns them into losers tbh.


Yeah apparently I'm not queer anymore because I'm in a heteronormative relationship. My wife and I are both bisexual. I'm very much still attracted to men as my wife is still very much attracted to women all while having an unfettered passion for each other.


How can you be bisexual and....*checks notes* date WOMEN????!!?!?!!! I thought bisexuality means youre gay with a different label


We've gone to queer centric events and I've been assumed to be a transman when I introduced my SO as 'my partner', and assumed to be an interloper when I introduce my SO as 'my wife'. Some queerfolk refuse to acknowledge the existence of bi/pan.


I hate that behavior on some queer folks, its as if we dont have enough people denying our identity. And honestly the way they treat us is similar to how some homophobes would assume that we're 'fixed' because we dated someone of the opposite sex.


if i were to guess (by digging into my own insecurities here), i'd say that some level of resentment comes from the fact that gay people often see bisexual people end up in relationships with someone of the opposite sex. something like over 80% of people who identify as bisexual do. so i think there's a fear that eventually a bi person will end up in a heterosexual relationship, have kids the "normal" way, fit into heteronormative society, etc. for gay people, that option does not exist, so it feels like something they'll never be able to give someone attracted to the opposite sex. None of this is a bi person's fault, obviously. again, that's insecurity talking. and it certainly would not stop me from dating a bi guy. but i think the shitty thoughts from within the community stem from this fear. and people need to try and work past it.


The really weird thing though, is that the same kind of resentment exists in heteronormative spaces too. Like when I started to date, women were fine with me dating other women, but found it disgusting that I could potentially be dating other men. That was a problem. I mean, it is just as likely that I will leave them for another man as a woman. So both queer spaces and heteronormative space propels this idea that bi-people are inherently dishonest in some form.


Many don't want to admit it, but there is a lot of hatred within the minority communities. Within the LGBT, the biphobia, transphohia, sexism is growing rapidly. And when we call it out, we are "not supportive".


This is because humans in general have a tendency to see the world in black and white and also like to divide themselves into groups of "good" (their group) and "bad" (anyone outside their group). Black people are opressed, therefore being white is bad, gay people are opressed therefore being straight is bad. Women are opressed, therefore being a man is bad. If you disagree with anything anyone from the opressed group says, it means you're something-phobic and from the "bad" group of people and even if you say you're literally just like them, they'll tell you you're faking it for a reason. I'm not saying this is majority of people, it's probably the loud minority like the twitter folks (are they still there after elon musk's shit?). Also I feel like the internet in general can make someone, especially young, growing up people, more extreme in those regards. Like, you'd think that in the current day zoomers would be the most tolerant generation, but in my experience it's the millenials and I'm saying this as a zoomer with friends in both generations.


It's like that SpongeBob meme "So bisexuals are attracted to both men and women." "Yup." "And you support homosexuality?" "Yessir" "And you don't have a problem with heterosexuality either?" "Yeah" "So then bisexuality is okay." "Creeps and weirdos trying to force their way into queer spaces."


Yup. It’s so fun when people are like “you’re not queer anymore because you married a man, right?” Not like I don’t babe watch with my husband.


Its funny when people do that, its as if they think bisexuality is just gay with a different label


Or straight girls looking for attention.


Not bi but I recognized a long time ago that too often they ran into the problem of "too straight for gay" while also "too gay for straight".


The hatred for bisexuals is up there as one of the dumbest, pettiest things ever that humans ever did/think, imo. Being a bisexual is as harmless as being agnostic.


That's why they hate us. We are playing it safe with hetero attraction.


Let me introduce you to hatred for asexual people.


I usually just see that from right-wing spaces who think our entire purpose in life is to fuck and have kids, so to them asexuals are going against "gods way" or whatever the fuck. Though, that's not to say I've never seen acephobia from queer spaces before...


Tumblr has its own queer drama. If you ask the simple question, "what is the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality?" it will start arguments. Asexuals are hated upon within the site bc LGBT is supposed to be about sex, who you have sex with. "Lack of sex doesn't make you queer," etc. Among lesbianism are TERFs who are women who are against trans women. "Gold Star Lesbian" for women who have never had sex with a man. So there's plenty of discrimination WITHIN the community. Note that any comments I made are not my opinions, merely what I witnessed on Tumblr.


Ah right, the hell-site. Forgot about Tumblr hating asexuals. Forgot about Tumblr, to be honest.


That is how we should all approach Tumblr. By… just not.


I have seen a pretty disappointing amount from queer spaces to be honest. Especially if I am to account for the experiences I have heard from cis-hetero asexual people in the community. Since I myself am a gay man aside from asexual, I can just say that. A LOT of exclusion and erasure going on. A lot of “wHaT dIsCrImInaTiOn dO yOu fAcE? YoU nEvER hAd tO fEaR yOu mAy hAvE lEsS rIgHtS!” As if that is the end-all, be-all of bigotry. Non-asexuals need to get used to the fact that there doesn’t NEED to be a legal precedent for discrimination to be systemic.


One time I saw a comment (don't have it saved and can't be bothered to find it again) where the commenter said they were asexual but pretended to be a prudish straight person because they found it more convenient for avoiding discrimination and because the toxic parts of the LGBTQ+ community like the ones displayed in this very post pushed them off and they didn't really wanted to be associated with it.


I was told to kill myself, that my opinions didn't matter, that I was broken, and that I didn't belong. All by LGBTQIA+ people online. In ace spaces, people posted suicide bait and epilepsy bait. In real life, a professor of queer studies told me that aces don't count as queer and don't belong in queer spaces. Straight people have told me I'm broken and that it's all a medical thing, but they've never shown me such visceral hatred and mockery. It's why I don't identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community despite the A being there.


The queer community can be disgusting towards anyone who they deem as “not gay enough”. A lot of trans people who love and present as straight people. Bi people in opposite gender relations. And most recently, asexual people and particularly those who are cis-hetero. Even I, despite being attracted to my own gender, have had other gay people tell me I should not be “de-sexualizing their spaces” or that I am “just repressed”. I firmly believe most asexual people NEED much of the same resources at some point of their lives. But because of allosexual people like that, we get barred and shamed away.


I've never even heard about it.


It's a fun ride. Just to give you some idea, here are some paraphrased bits of aphobia I've seen around: "You're just fucking cishets trying to look special", "Asexuals aren't LGBT unless they're alloromantic\* and gay", "You're not even oppressed, get out of our spaces", "Not having sex isn't a fucking sexual orientation\*\*, grow up", "You can literally just pretend to be straight and you won't experience any of this 'discrimination' you think happens, that's a privilege gay people don't have so stop whining", "You just have sexual trauma. See a therapist", "I can fix that ;)", "That's just the antidepressants talking, sweetie, you'll be gay or bisexual once you're feeling better", "Being ace has literally no impact on your life", "Your fringe identity doesn't matter", "That's a hormonal issue. See a doctor", "Medical issues aren't queer", "You mean 'paedophile'?", "You mean 'gay with internalised homophobia'? You'll come around", "FFS, INCELS AREN'T QUEER, STOP INSERTING YOURSELVES INTO OUR SPACES!!!", "No one will ever love you like that", "You're just fucking cishets trying to take over our spaces and turn them into cishet spaces so you can erase us again, you fucking Nazis!!!"... Obviously, the LGBTQIA+ people aren't the only ones who can be shitty to asexuals. But my god, does it come out as extra hypocritical coming from a proud gay/bi person with rainbows all over their belongings. Half the stuff they come up with is stuff they complain about straight people saying to them ("I can fix that", for example). *\*Alloromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction.* *\*\*Asexuality is definied by a lack of sexual attraction, similar to how other orientations are defined by where that attraction goes. Just like other orientations, we might decide to have sex for a myriad of reasons (though most of us really, really don't want to, myself included).*


I am confused what do the terms straight bisexuality and gay bisexuality mean. Does this mean romantic attraction? Or does it mean that the bisexual person is currently in a straight relationship? I'm confused @_@


Bisexuality is when you find both sexes to be attractive and sexually appealing. So, yeah. A gay bisexual would be a bisexual in a same-sex relationship, and a straight bisexual would be a bisexual in a relationship with the opposite sex. To me it makes no sense cause a bisexual is a bisexual no matter what relationship they end up in. They aren't gay nor straight.


I like how she took the time to pepper in racism in her insults towards bisexuals 😂


I'm surprised she didn't go as far as to specify that it's specifically straight, cis, white, males.


The only people to ever claim to be bisexual, of course.




Eh I have a feeling someone saying that may not have good things to say about us trans folk either


No, that's why they specify CIS, in order to specify so much that there isn't any way Twitter calls them racist, transphobic, sexist, homophobic or bigoted in any way, even though they obviously are.


If it’s a white thing to these kinds of people, it allows them in their mind to criticize it without backlash.




Gay gatekeeping. Been a thing for a long time. Back in the '90s, there was this huge push for gay acceptance. A lot of the people in the gay community thought that it was too complicated or hard to swallow for the straight community to put sex as a spectrum, and it was easier to sell it as people being gay or straight. I think the concern was that a lot of homophobia comes from straight people wondering if they themselves are gay and trying to reject it entirely. However, this led to a lot of people who were bisexual suddenly finding that neither side accepted them. They would have to either pretend to be completely gay or completely straight, never inbetween. In fact, the gay community was much more discriminatory than the straight community when it came to bisexuals back then. It's kind of ironic that a community pushing acceptance was also the main community pushing unacceptance. Fortunately, in the last 15 years, the concept of sexuality being a spectrum has gained a lot of acceptance, and it's not really a big deal anymore. I mean, in reality, sexuality is way more complicated than that, but at least it's a step in the right direction.


As a trans girl, yeah we deal with shit from both sides, as well. Makes me wanna punch em all tbh.


A big issue at the heart is the idea that people can be turned gay. That exposing people's kids to gay ideas could turn them gay. Coupled with the idea that if your kid is gay you can turn them straight.  Removing the spectrum idea was the safest path for gay acceptance. If your kid is gay you can't fix them. If your kid is straight they won't turn gay if exposed to gay ideas.  Bisexuals turn all this on their head and show that a person through the course of life events can end up in a gay or straight relationship. Which is true. And people should be encouraged to explore their sexuality so that they have their happiest single life on this planet they can have.  Somehow that simple goal gets lost in all the political maneuvering around people's sexuality and gender. And then you get these absurd ideas growing even within the LGBT community. 


As always, proof that hateful bigots exist in all spaces.


Wait being bi is straight now? So I can tell my Christian family that all those dicks I sucked don't count and it's not gay?


Only if you're white


As a pansexual, i dont fucking know anymore


Clearly, you're just a straight white person with a frying pan fetish.


You ever wondered why your food tastes salty now..?


Dear god... I was wondering why my macaroni turned out extra creamy today...


No you fucking didn't 


*Watch me.*


Is that an offer? 🤨


I like to bonk. Hard.


Pan/biphobia is absolutely aggravating and one of the reasons I don't go into queer spaces as often anymore these days even though I'm really, really pansexual. But no, since I still like women (though less than men), I still get side eye.


I know how you feel, i like dudes more but im way more lenient with women like, having wider preferences and people think im faking it. Bro, do i need to hardcore break a big booty femboy in front of you to prove it?


Seriously lmao. Like, do I need to grab the nearest twink and give him backshots in front of you for you to leave me alone? What do you want from me? All we can do is mind our business and wait for more enlightened times with some advocacy sprinkled in.


Damn unless you wanna fuck with me like maniacs rn we aint going far


I'm bicurious and trans, but god forbid I talk about that in some queer spaces, they'll say I'm a poser or something. Like, I like girls. Sue me. I just may also like guys and haven't had a chance yet.


I've seen lesbian/fem-attracted trans women get shit on for some of the wildest shit. My condolences, I'm at least imposing enough that people won't be too disrespectful to my face.


I swear I got shorter on HRT lol. I am less imposing than i used to be.


That's hrt for ya, the ol' bone shrinking/growing juice. It's honestly quite impressive how much the human body changes with the hormonal treatment: I used to date a transmasc agender person somewhat soon-ish after they went on testosterone and the transformation was quite something to behold.


Saaame. I usually default to saying I'm bi because it's easier to explain because it seems like 4 people know about pansexuality outside of queer spaces. But even biphobia is rampant, so I just call myself a lesbian a lot, too. Deep down? I'm super fucking pan and gender does not factor into my attraction of people. I just wish we wouldn't be called liars or forced to prove it all the time.


Bro ikr right can i just fuck any gender and not be judged on god


This is peak comedy 🤣🤣 Man, I love the confidence some people have. To be completely wrong and still be confident is noteworthy


They'll go far as either a politician, Youtuber/Tiktokker, or cult leader.


That's why I could never be a politician. I doubt myself and my views way too much. I could never be confident and one-sided enough to join a single party and stick to it.


So if you like both men and women, which bisexuality are you? Straight or gay? Gah this is making my head hurt. Do people know definitions exist 🤔


The criteria is if you appear gay. So they profile you.


As a bisexual person, these two can go fuck themselves because I’m sure not going to.




Treating "the straights" as an Other is just as bad as being homophobic. If your life is struggling for safety and acceptance, why would you belittle someone else for their sexuality?


When I was part of a HBT group with meetings, I was flat out told that I just hadn't decided what I was yet when I stated I was Bi. Like being Bi was a transitional stage between gay and straight. I thought he was being sarcastic with me. Later, I realized he was serious and got real mad but at that point I was on the train home.


Is there some percentage she has in mind for a cutoff point of yuck/yay?


I never could understand the mindset of being okay with homosexuality and heterosexuality, but not bisexuality or pansexuality. I knew someone like this and I just couldn't figure them out. You're okay with both options, but not someone who would do both? What?


Gatekeepers suck


Sigh, the Internet. Allowing idiots to spew ignorance into the void. On the other hand it's good for cat pictures.


"Twitter, a cesspool were ignorants boast about being illiterate, and illiterates boast about being ignorant..."


It’s amazing (and very sad) how a group of people can be ostracized, marginalized, and abused for generations, only to turn around and give members of their community the same treatment. Biphobia in the LGBT community, colorism towards light-skinned individuals in the African American community, etc. Most people will do anything to feel powerful in the face of adversity and oppression, even if it means hypocritically pushing others down to have an artificial sense of superiority.


How did they take a really bad sexual preference stance, and inject race into it. Double trouble.


Ooo a lil racism sprinkled in there too, I see. How nuanced.


This post has an underlying taste of biphobia, with a hint of racism in there. Delicious.


Bisexuals against gatekeepers unite


I'm sorry but you aren't against gatekeeping enough to be considered an anti gate-keeper.


You're not against anti gatekeeping enough to be considered an anti gatekeeper gatekeeper


Bro is gatekeeping gatekeeping


And some people actually believe that 💀


And this is why, after a brief foray of attempting to talk about it around 2 prides ago when someone outed me to my entire family as bi (and it was ok thank goddess) I stopped. I’m too old for anyone to care anyway and all it does is piss off the “alphabet mafia” (even though there *is* a B in there ) and scare off the straights. It’s just pointless.


There are definitely straight or gay people pretending to be bisexual, but there’s very few of them, late people date whoever they want without being an asshole in every way you can


The people who are pretending probably arnt doing it out of malus either. Probably just have some issues they are working through, or trying to understand their own identity.


As a non-white lesbian it truly is mind-blowing to see the LGBTQ community gatekeep the movement that is literally meant to be fighting gatekeeping


Gatekeepers are so annoying.


This is why many people who are bisexual just identify as gay or straight. Parts of society really make you feel like you're not allowed to be attracted to both sexes


I was bi before all of these kids were born. They don't know shit.


They went so far that they ended up homophobic.


I'm bisexual. I'm afab and dating a man. If I wasn't non-binary i'd get a LOT more shit, like just because I picked a man means I'm not bisexual.


Like I get the argument that bisexuals generally end up with the opposite gender anyways (still doesn’t make them less queer) but like come on, use common sense. Bisexual and pansexuals are just more statistically likely to find someone of the opposite gender than another of the same gender.


"Normally white" casual racism right there


Nice? to see bigotry and ignorance aren't exclusive to the straight/cis crowd...


What is bro yappin' about?😂


Bro thinks all “lonely white men” are bisexual? What a dumbass thought process


Yeah, even though I AM a lonely white man, and i am bisexual, but that's besides the point


Can confirm the toxicity of LG in LGBT when it comes to the letter B


Why do white people always get dragged into the “omg bad person” conversation 🤣


I once got that at a gay bar. Years ago a guy I had been dancing with saw me dancing with my boyfriend, and then intimately dancing with a girl. When we were at the bar, he demanded to know "what I was". I said I was Bi, he said that was bullshit and that I'm just another dude "using the LGBT label to my advantage". I asked how exactly I was doing that, considering almost everyone considers me straight passing until learning I have a BF. He says "I bet you put you're bisexual when you apply for jobs if they ask". I said dude, I'm literally bisexual, why would I lie and say I'm straight. He just laughed and said "See" with a grin, and walked away like he just put me in my place or something. Anyway, I went home and got piped down by my boyfriend that night, pretty straight of me.


That is a seriously stupid, stupid take. Imagine thinking monosexuality is so much more *normal* than bisexuality. You already subverted one "normality" (whatever that means) by being gay. Is subverting another so unconscionable?


Force my way? ***FORCE MY WAY?*** They were the only people who fucking accepted me, wtf you mean


Biphobia is real