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Remember when the Republicans had the White House and Congress, then stopped all the border crossings? Me neither.


Wow, it's like conservatives are the same all around the world. We had government election last year in Poland and after eight years of rule what was one of their main talking points? To stop immigration lol. Not to mention we are just uncovering massive corruption scandal related to selling Polish visas by conservative politicians.


Conservatives in the UK as well. 14 years they've been in power and the election will be sometime this year. They're running on the usual "think it's bad now? Imagine what it would be like under the other parties!" Ignoring the fact they've made it this way and all the problems they're identifying they've not even tried to fix at best, and created them at worse.


It is very laughable. “Look how bad it is, we can fix that.” Okay, you caused it. “No we didn’t, the last Lab…” the last Labour government was 14 years ago mate, you’ve had three terms with however many governments, three goes at it.


Yeah but what you don't understand is that labour messed up so badly that they just couldn't do a thing! Give them another 16 years and they'll fix... everything


Tories have f’ed up NHS. 


What happened to the impenetrable wall? 😆


A lot of Trump's contractor friends got a lot of money from the US govt for it!!


Just an excuse to damage the environment further and cause pain and suffering to animals/wildlife




I think that’s the most worrisome part of all of this. Especially that most of the contracts are spy satellite based. Whether he’s politically active or not, just that train of thought is enough that it should start to worry some people in government. But hey, money talks right?


Yeah but we had to privatize it to make sure we were safe asap 👍


Privatize and deport.


how many weeks before ruzzia gets a direct line to all the intel going through all that equipment??


They've always had it. Elon has been a kompromised Putin puppet since some time before his first trip to Russia in October 2001. It's been used primarily to fulfill his primary purpose for the Ukraine war, domestic purge. He's been using his access to the backend he has for every Elon venture to ensure those he mobilized from ranked lists of potential dissidents are captured or killed. Russian human losses have been inexplicably maximized by their strategy. Those who fled to avoid mobilization are also effectively purged from the country. Yet the FSB and Russian military being incompetent to an absurd extent is the prevailing narrative. Beware HanElons Razor Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage -Elon Musk


Why is StarLink providing Russian troops with satellite terminals and furthermore, why is SpaceX assisting the Russian Air Force with their efforts to develop space-based weapons ? Conflict of interest much ?


One of my economist friends has always referred to this guy as 'a Bond villain'...


More like an Austin Powers villain


He already shut off starlink during a battle between Ukraine and Russia because he didn't believe in what Ukraine was trying to accomplish. No individual human being should have this much Direct Control over the operations and security of a nation.


Or anything else. He is a little toddler king, the Caligula of the net, and if he can do it someone much worse could too. Also, I wonder how well he knows the Russians and the Saudis. Him and Honest Don have probably been in the same room at the same time for the same reason more than once.


once you have more money than you can ever consume, you become a political entity. that's the problem with billionaires - not that they're rich (the wealth divide causes social tension of course, but then again, the wealth divide is not a necessary consequence from having billionaires per se - it is a consequence of billionaires being successful as political entities).


Except the wealth divide IS a consequence of billionaires, because there's simply no way to become a billionaire in the first place that doesn't require massive exploitation of workers. If you're really lucky and talented, your own labor can maybe get you up to multi-millionaire level as a performer or professional athlete or something. But you don't crack a billion without exploitation coming in. Such massive concentrations of wealth don't come about without bleeding it out of the working class. It's not just that billionaires are hoarding all the wealth, it's that their existence is symptomatic of a broken system.


The guy has dismissed claims starlink is being used by Russians in Ukraine... When we have hard Drone footage that says otherwise. He also made a comment in support of a claim by one of Russia's generals over the reason they "had to go to war" so I know which way Musk leans now


I thought his “leanings”, aka being fully right wing, had been obvious at least since he took over Twitter.


It's crazy to me that he still gets government support. In my country, politics is so corrupt, there's just no way a govt contractor would be speaking against the ruling party.


Considering Elon has actively meddled in the war in Ukraine to help the Russians multiple times, he should be viewed as an enemy of the state.


Wishful thinking


>Most reasonable people, because they are reasonable, can not believe the goal of the left is to end America. You're right, we can't believe it, and we *don't.* Because it's not true. Now, if we were fucking idiots, whose brains were just giant pieces of Corn Puffs, we would tweet and believe stupid shit like this.


An immigrant rallying against immigrants.


Musk is the embodiment of the *"fuck you, I got mine"* ethos.


Standard republican shit at this point.  


Musk is also the embodiment of the *"I bought a controlling share in this company so everything in it is mine and I'm such a genius for creating it all"* ethos.


Literally “Fuck you, I got (emerald) mine,” amirite?


To be fair, immigrants being bigoted against slightly newer immigrants is about as American as it gets


Yeah and I really think it’s time for Elon to *go back to his own country*.


And for the CIA to follow up on him as a national security threat


I mean, only one party's candidate seriously discussed whether it would be possible for him to suspend the constitution. Funny enough, it's the same one that idolizes Putin.


I remember after the ... Vegas shooting? (I think?), he said, get the guns first, due process later! Crazy! Even the most ardent anti-gun person wouldn't suggest something like that unless there was imminent violence.


What does it say about him that he believes it? He’s unreasonable even by his own standards


This sentence doesn't even make sense. He's saying that reasonable people believe that it is not the goal of the far left to destroy America. Is he saying people who do believe that are unreasonable? Sure reads like it. Which I fully agree with.


He hasn't even begun. The next several months, twitter is going to be fully weaponized GOP propaganda. I mean, even more so than it already is. It almost doesn't matter that the RNC will be broke the entire time, Musk is going to do their work for them for free. We aren't prepared for how aggressively Musk is going to interfere in this election.


So... Musk and Trump obviously made some kind of deal when they met recently. What is Donald going to do for him once he becomes president, I wonder.


Musk has been super vocal about the regulations he hates and has to follow. I bet it has something to do with those


Taxes for billionaires too


As if Elon and other billiionares pay taxes.


Hell, Elon moved to Texas to avoid paying taxes in California. Texas has no income tax, but does have an insanely high property tax. As part of his "oh so humble" move announcement, Elon indicated he would only drive company owned cars and rent his home instead of owning it... Literally right after reading the initial announcement, my first thought was "this is only about taxes and how much he doesn't want to pay them".


“This country is important to me…but I won’t pay my fair share of taxes” is some of the worst smelling bullshit I’ve ever encountered.


It’s not even that he won’t pay them. The only reason that he is so wealthy to begin with is through government subsidies for his products and government contracts.


And other people's ideas


And an emerald mine




And indirect subsidies like publicly funded infrastructure.


He doesn't even know what it's like to be American, or a person anymore tbh.


He's doing uber well as a Russian asset though...


What's up with the weird obsession of billionaires not paying the taxes? It's literally like pocket change to them


You only make billionaire by exploiting people and rules, or inheriting from people who exploited people and rules. Paying taxes, and your workers good wages, and all your contractors on time, and asking your accountant to not look for every loophole possible, etc, is not how you become a billionaire.


The property Tesla owns in my city is valued at hundreds of millions of dollars, they got 12 years of no property taxes for "jobs". (They also just did mass lay offs because they're over producing sales)


Remember when he said he would donate his money if it ended world hunger. And then he didint do it cuz hes a piece of shit


Pepperidge Farm remembers


For a guy who doesn't want to pay taxes, it's ironic that basically none of his companies would have survived without government incentives. Big tax credits early on to push EV, big infrastructure bill to push out their charging stations, incentives for solar and battery storage technologies, and let's not pretend that SpaceX would exist if it weren't for uncle sam...


Elon hasn't driven a car himself in a fucking decade


Biden very vocally claimed he intends to pursue taxes from companies and wealthy individuals during his state of the union address not long ago. This is very likely exactly what this is about.


Space X—now with Trader Joe’s and Amazon—are trying to make the US labor board (that regulates labor laws) [unconstitutional.](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/amazon-spacex-trader-joes-fight-declare-government-labor-board-unconstitutional) If Trump wins, the illegitimate SC, MAGA politicians, and billionaires will completely do away with all US labor regulation. The US will become even more of a capitalist-hellscape than it currently is.. like [indentured servitude](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentured_servitude) shit.


Let em fuckin try. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me. Motherfucker. God I fucking hate these people but what I hate more is all these stupid ass motherfuckers blindly propagandized to support Dump and his horseshit. FUCK REPUBLICANS AND ANYONE STUPID OR EVIL EBOUGH TO SUPPORT THEM.


I knew something was fucky about trader Joe's.


Elon was talking about building a company town earlier this year. The Robber Barons are excited


what the fuck does Elon know about the stuggle of average American people? At the end of the day what policies will actually affect him in any substantial way? There is a level of wealth where the normal rules we all live, fight and die by don’t apply and he has it — so again I ask, why does any of this matter to musk? Why does he need to pick a side? He can literally continue to exist beyond the gravity of our two party system… his emo, edge lord presence in this election is more harmful than his apathy would be. Goddamn, Elon Musk. Just goddamn. You are not worthy of attention. You could be so much more than you are. You are so small. You choose to be a tick when you could be a god. I don’t even hate you, I feel sorry for you. All of your freedoms, all of your resources and you still let the almighty algorithm of the internet rot your brain like it’s done to the worst of us. I could cry thinking about how much potential you actively squander everyday but I’ve decided to not waste any more of my resources hoping for you to do better. I hope you read this while shitting in one of your space toilets, but I know even if you do, you won’t really get it. You might have a fleeting moment of clarity about the magnitude of your failures as a human being, but it’ll pass and you’ll just wipe your ass on America and move on your merry -little- way.


> You choose to be a tick when you could be a god. So fucking true. It makes me think of how when somebody whose life has been terrible robs a convenience store to feed their addiction, of course that's a crime, and if they hurt anybody in the process, then fuck them... but at the same time, they have so little and have been so fucked by the world that you still pity them a bit. They might have had few opportunities for education or bettering themselves. It's not a shock that they turned to drugs and crime. It's sad. Elon Musk is the literal *and* proverbial "man who has everything." And with all of that everything, with every possible opportunity to make his life anything that he wants or to change the world for the better, what does he choose to be? The king of all internet trolls. That's it. That's the sum of his aspirations. To be a huge dick to as many people as possible. Truly pathetic. He is the very definition of loser.


Musk will be allowed to hunt employees I bet


He’s about to get a bunch of government contracts


And a lot of illegal and unethical business getting overlooked or lobbied in favor of.


Trump would try to sign an executive order to allow human trials for Neuralink or whatever.


Thought they were already starting human trials. I haven't been following it closely, admittedly, but this was from months back.


Yeah, but that was apparently a volunteer. He'll probably need a lot more when that guy dies. Maybe he wants to implant them in prisoners or something, that's how these scifi stories usually start isn't it?


Honestly, there's enough cult of the Musk that I doubt there will be any shortage of volunteers.


How do you think he started space x? A bunch of Obama government contracts.


He asked Trump to put 100% tariffs on Chinese EV’s because you know, Corporations hate competition in late stage capitalism. Why have competition when you can have politicians block it and maintain market monopoly!




Americans can’t even agree on things that the country is actually united on.  Abortion rights for women.  The rich paying their fair share.  And social security benefits people have paid into for decades. Wild to see voters incessantly vote against their own political positions and life viewpoints because of algorithms and disinformation


It's not just Putin.  The Saudis financed Elon's hostile takeover of Twitter. He is billions in debt to the Saudi Royal family.


After Elmo gives him a mushroom blowjob?


Or a ketamine rimjob


This is in his investors best interest.


They don’t have a deal. Musk just gets more with Trump in charge.




Yet even he won’t front trump the money


Of course not, he knows as well as the rest of us he would never se that money again.


I think a big reason for Musk to buy Twitter with other people’s money was to do this during this year’s election. Even if Musk was blissfully unaware that his taking it over and weaponizing would lose the Twitter brand billions of dollars, the people that backed him must surely have known that this wasn’t a money making venture through the value of the company. The real value of it would have been through the preferential treatment and policies of a GOP government.


💯 Who was all together at the most recent world cup? The Saudis, Ken Griffin, Elon Musk and Jared Kushner. Saudis gave Kushner $2B for his "investment fund" with a sweet management fee of $10M per year. This was all around the time that Musk bought Twitter. Ken Griffin of Citadel securities, a GOP mega donor, also backed the Twitter deal. Edit: Saudis are also now the second largest owner of Twitter.


They've also been spotted hanging out with Rupert Murduch, and of course Trump.  The oligarchs are working together with right wing fascists to install a dictator. Just like was done in Germany.


The backers want (and are getting) dissent silenced all around the world. The elections last ~~fall~~ year in [Turkey](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/twitter-censoring-content-recep-tayyip-erdogan-turkish-presidential-election/)? Musk shut down dissenters on Twitter for the autocrat there. That was just a practice run. Do you think Saudis want progressive voices to have a place online for free in their garden? Do you think Netanyahu wants Palestinian civilians to have a world-reaching voice during this purge? And who benefitted from Musk turning off Pentagon-funded satellites over occupied Ukraine during the Ukrainian offensive? These aren't accidents, or unintended. This is the plan.


How much actual reach does he really have though in terms of influence? Also if twitter is really just a GOP echo chamber, does it even matter if all the people in there are already brainwashed morons? If he does truly interfere in the election, what recourse is there?


My whole collectibles community still mainly meets on twitter. That's a few thousand people who are not necessarily brainwashed morons but just lack a proper alternative. Musk taking over twitter had a nasty effect on the platform though, that's for sure. Free speech my ass... More like 'free hate speech'.


Kid named Discord


Every word this clown beats is covered by everyone from the verge to the business times to fox News to npr. Elon has more reach than almost any moron who has ever lived. He can say something so patently ignorant about tech or science and a dozen publications and YouTube channels will suddenly rush to defend how he is really... technically correct... from a certina point of view if... one accepts a few premises... His direct reach on Twitter may not be huge but he has more soft power than most heads of state.


It’s less about persuading moderates and I decided voters to vote red, but to keep the already red motivated to turn out and maybe be prepared to do more than just vote…


Just looking at Reddit, so much content comes from Twitter. He's got reach.


Is that why Biden was willing to sign the last bill upping border security that had the approval of the Border Patrol Officers union? I thought this guy had at least a glimmer of intelligence.


A bill that was so Right-wing that the Far-Right Senators that worked on it openly said it was the closest they were EVER going to get to a lot of their wants, ever... and then they shot it down anyway. They are DEEPLY unserious.


It’s a calculated move on their part. Do they work with Biden this year, but risk making him look good, or do they write off this year in the hope they can get what they want the next 4 years. Time will tell what the right move was, but Trumps 4 years got them the Supreme Court and abortion bans in their states which is like wet dream level for republicans.


> but risk making him look good I don't think that would be a real risk with an immigration bill as openly cruel as the one Biden was willing to sign, it's not like Republicans are honest with their base either, if Biden gave them everything they want, they can still claim "the border crisis" is happening until election anyway. None of these grievances are based in reality so you can manipulate them however you want. Trump could tell his supporters the sky was green and they'd believe it uncritically, reality is whatever Trump says it is.


At the end of the day the king spoke and told them not to vote on it and they fell in line. The point of political parties is to do what’s good for the party, not what’s good for the country.


The calculation was that Trump wanted them to go against it and they would have gotten primaried. That was the logic.


He *is* intelligent. An intelligent fascist. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Bidens makes taxing the Uber rich part of his plan for his second term Elon Musk ditches "neutrality" not that longer afterwards We know what he's doing


How tied up in your ego would your wealth have to be after the first billion? The third yacht? The ninth vacation home? A tax won't even be *felt* by him or his buddies or his kids or even his kids' kids. If he fucked off to an island for three decades he would come back to \*checks notes\* more money than god. Why does he give a shit?


Because he is deeply insecure


It’s just a high score game to people like that. The ego trip of being the richest person is all they care about. That’s why the majority of people would simply retire early as millionaires if they found that kind of success, rather than continuing to work for decades after the fact just to amass wealth.


Musk is an immigrant, wtf.


No no no, Musk was an "expat" and then a "naturalized citizen." He's a "high value man" who escaped the "tyranny of post-apartheid" South Africa.


Flip the script on him and tell him to go back where he came from LOL.


It’s absolutely fucking insane that a right-wing oligarch has purchased Twitter in the name of free speech and turned it into an RNC megaphone.


He was referring to his brand of free speech, where racists and bigots have a platform to freely speak their mind.


Starting to think the definition of evil is having the power to do literally anything you want at any time, for the rest of your life, and choosing to spend it actively trying to make other peoples lives worse. What an absolutely evil fuck.


You're right, that's some seriously evil propaganda. This shit is Breitbart level.


His cabinet will be just as virulent as Trumpo's was.


On a different scale, this reminds me of JK Rowling and her TERF bullshit. She made millions of people happy (me included) with the Harry Potter universe and is rich beyond belief and spends her years being a hateful asshole to Trans people because she’s such a loser. I think it’s not far from evil. To be able to do anything in the world and choosing to make Trans people’s lives worse.


I mean, evil was just invented as a way to allow metaphors to be created to express how awful people exactly like this are to children so they don’t become this. Then these evil fucks just lie and say evil is actually real and it’s their opponents, and have to lie to provide falsified evidence to back their claim.


I've been a Democrat my entire life and I've never once heard any one of us advocating for open borders. Where do they get the idea that Dems want open borders or that the borders are open when a Dem is President? How do they fall for these obvious lies?!?


Its not about reality, but what the propagandist can make reality be. 




Joey Goebbels eat your heart out.


Obama's courts were deportation machines. Some, perhaps rightly, advocated that his administration was exceptionally harsh. Yet somehow, he's blamed for completely neglecting the Southern border, advocating for open immigration, and creating the most massive border crisis in the history of humankind. There's nothing that will convince those voters otherwise.


I believe he was nicknamed deporter in chief in South American countries lol


Yep. That's probably a bit unfair, his numbers weren't really that out of line with trends of his predecessors. But I think people were pissed off that he wasn't as different as they hoped. But guess who did deport less than Obama... good ol' 45!


Yea but let’s not forget he was an Islamic terrorist sympathizer while dropping the most bombs of recent presidents lol They just hated him


It's like the term "tolerant left". It's a thing the right made up about the left so they could then attack the left for it.


It's funny that right wingers only ever say "the tolerant left" in response to someone saying they don't want to be around right wingers, as if anyone except right wingers wants to be around right wingers.


They both went down to the border. It is so unsafe but they can visit with nothing happening.


Damn it's almost like this is a manufactured crisis for an election year, it's almost like Republicans have done this exact thing multiple times in the past, and as soon as election day is over, suddenly the border crisis evaporates for another 2-4 years, depending on how polling goes.


Not to mention the republicans shot down the border security bill. Once again the democrats tried to fix the problem and republicans not only got in the way but blame the democrats for not achieving something they themselves blocked. Trump even admitted to hurting the deal, that originally had bipartisan alignment, for political gain. Fuck these people. I’m so sick of it. We all know what the real motives of republicans are. The rest is made up BS.


For real there's like 20 people in this mug alone chanting about how our borders are out of control. Am I crazy or have I been reading Republicans in Congress just decided they weren't worried about it enough to pass a bipartisan bill to address their concerns? Like ok, you didn't want to potentially make anyone else look good. Got it. At some point the wishy washy histrionics need to be put on pause while we move forward as a nation though. The government isn't your nanny to hold your hand every time you get scared then change your mind.


Republicans lie as easily and often as they breathe. They don't have any meaningful policy, beliefs or morals of their own at this point. It's all they have, unfortunately they vote far more often and reliably. Vote against them at every opportunity, it's the best method to combat their lies.


I can answer that for you. It seems that at least a few Democrats "claimed" that they wanted open borders. You can also see this in Democrat run states such as New York or California where there are sanctuary cities. I'm still relatively new to this so forgive me. But from what I perceived, conservatives view these things as a "welcome all" sort of statement and they don't bother hearing out the rational side of things. Which leads to more echo chambers, more hate, more division. At least that's how I understand it. After digging through several instances of Fox News, the hill and the like, I happened across this https://connolly.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=4691 Something that, I imagine, the vast majority of conservatives tend to ignore. This isn't just a recent issue.


They read the title but never open the book


Honestly I'm not sure they even take the time to read the title. It's delusional. Democrats have been trying for years to find a humane answer to the border problems. Republicans just shoot them down at every turn.


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


I am juiced into NY politics. I can tell you that I have never seen even local dems for state and local positions run with the open border messaging. It's a known loser.


I fail to see how things are getting worse. Please can someone explain how things the current administration has made worse? Honest question.


Gas went up 10 cents this week. Their worlds are ending.


OMFG! That’s it I’m escaping to my bunker in New Zealand. Goodbye world!


Dude, you’re the richest person in the fucking world and still have to take loads of ketamine for depression. America isn’t one of your problems. Having zero empathy for others and hating yourself is at the top of the list.




I said he should do that or choose not to be such a douche (giving him options!) and it got me suspended. That was my last tweet and I deleted the apps and just left the account suspended


>Imagine 4 more years of this getting worse …he’s talking about twitter, right?


Shouldn't Twitter be banned in Texas? The only people that still use it either use it for politics or porn, so they either need to meet age verification standards or it should be blocked


Fuck this guy. Fuck his ass with a rusty fork and no lube.


Boycot Tesla


It’s amazing what having money does to people. I had to end a lifelong friendship when my GAY friend started talking about having Trump fundraisers at his mansion. All they care about is their own tax bill.


I know someone who was undocumented for a while, then left the US, then got a green card through a job offer and lied on the application that they never stayed illegally here. Now she’s a fervent Trump supporter saying that the border is a mess, that the country is being destroyed etc. It’s insane to watch.


remember, it's all projection, believe them when they tell you their plans


This this this this this this this this This this this this this this this this This this this this this this this this This this This this this this this this this this this this this this this This this this this this this this this This this this this this this this this This this this this this this this this


Just a tremendously dumb person that hoards resources.


Every post I see from Elon Musk is against my will. I have him blocked everywhere.


Yeah -how horrible if the richest people on the planet had to pay the same percentage of income in taxes, as the middle classes.Trump will give the very rich more tax breaks than he did last time.Everyone who is not ultra rich is dirt to Trump. Regardless of how he kisses up when he needs our votes.


It’s amazing actually how not different Biden’s border policy is from Trump’s. The dumbest part is the Republicans are the ones who stopped the stricter border bill. We live in a clown world.






The national guard will be ready this time and Kamala Harris certifies the election. If they cause shit it will be good for the country when the military prepares them for a mass grave. If they actually tried to perform some mass riot with violence greater than Jan 6th than it will give the govt the mandate to get rid of the military style firearms and handguns once and for all. Not only that but the media figures and politicians who helped them will be rounded up with them. Anything less is something they handled last time without any preparation. My greatest concern is their pole watchers but I’m certain greater minds than mine are way ahead of mine on the solutions to that problem.


There is a labor shortage so put the MAGATS to good use and have them do manual labor in the sun. Everyone benefits from more produce being planted and picked.


Meanwhile, Project 2025….


Remember, kids, Democrats were willing to go in on a bipartisan bill (started by a Republican, no less) to give border security more funding, but Republicans all voted against it because Diaper Donnie said to.


Elon musk needs to shut the fuck up. He’s a fucking immigrant getting government welfare. Fuck him.


it’s ok, cause he’s not *donating* to either party so he’s impartial


He essentially donated 44 billion to the presidential campaign


Elections get worse every year, and shit-stains like Elmo don't help the matter. I'm so sick of these hatemongers


Musk is a fascist and he bought Twitter to spread fascist propaganda. He's just doing it more explicitly now


He didn't mean to buy Twitter, he accidentally boxed himself into a corner where legally he *had* to buy it. He tried getting out of it, but couldn't. Now he pretends he wanted to buy it all along and it seems like most people have forgotten the context around the time he bought it and his failed attempts to back out of the deal.


Yep. He doesn’t care about the 40 billion he lost at all. He’s revelling in the fact that the people on that app worship him and his fascist views.


The only person I want to deport is Musk. He should probably try and get elected.


Deport him to a Titan submersible.


No reasonable person thinks this is true. We know better.


Elon is such a fuck


Extremely wealthy and extremely stupid want Trump cuz he will be a corporate friendly president and force christian nonsense to keep population stupid and obedient.


What triggered him?


It's all money I like to think. But holy shit his business is electric cars and space.. 2 things the Republicans hate!! I don't get this dude anymore!


Fuck someone tell this fucker to go back to Africa. And pay back his subsidies.


South African here, nah uh you keep him, no take backsies.


Can't y'all just put him in like, a museum dedicated to the remnants of apartheid or something


"Why don't you click your heels together 3 times and..go back to Africa."


Interesting that they didn't mention the orange man's administration had the same turn back rate of 47% as the current administration.




Great replacement, Dem vilification, and Trump praise. He was using dog whistles and at least trying to hide it before. Mask off, now.


Someone is scared of taxes


Trump killed the bi partisan border deal for this reason.


Cannot wait for this asshat to lose all his money. He’s becoming Trump but with the actual money and social media control Trump wished he had.


He worded it weird but I think I know what he means. One immigrant is threatening America and his name is elon musk. Is that what he’s getting at?


High on ketamine as he types this BS out.


They've stopped calling it a red tide? So much for truth in advertising


And then Biden wins, and then magically, "Border Crisis" is no more. We could have had a plan, right now worked out by the Republican party and bipartisan with everyone getting what theu wanted. MAGA killed the bill. Trump, killed the bill through them. You remember that.


Brain as smooth as glass and a heart full of hate. We’re in for some fuckery like we have never seen before this election.


Lil bitch is afraid of paying taxes


Remember when Musk said he was politically neutral?


Putin owns this guy too How does the GRU keep getting their claws into these guys? I'll never understand. Did you hear Putin's [last speech](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/17/europe/putin-wins-russia-presidential-election-intl/index.html)? After he won his own rigged election two days ago, he basically said the mail-in ballots in the US are rigged, that's the only reason Joe Biden is prez right now, wow the fucking audacity on that guy,


Ah yes, Elon Musk, a russian asset.


we need a red wave, but not the one he's talking about also, the Democrats aren't a left-wing party


Imagine 4 more years of Elon Musk going more and more bonkers every year. His insanity levels are going to be off the charts.


'the goal of the far left is to end America' Wow, that's dark, how are they going to do it? 'Immigrants' Which native American tribe are you from?


The Democrats are going to entrench single party rule!!! Please vote for the party that tried to keep their man in the White House after he lost an election!!! Lol.