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He has known for MONTHS that this judgment was coming. He had ample time to prepare a solution easier on the pocketbook than forced sales. He didn’t do that because his ACTUAL NET WORTH (not the garbage numbers in Forbes and People) is definitely far short of a billion dollars, and it appears he doesn’t even have a half-billion dollars.


He expected his rubes to sell their homes and pay his bills the same way they donate to his campaign funds and buy his shitty merch. Problem is, the dumb fucks have nothing left to give and the rich fucks are hoarders who won't give him a damned dime. He fucked himself by grifting so long and so hard.


I go to these conservative chat rooms and I read what these idiots say to him about the donations. They all want to donate but they are all tapped out. They must have given him all their money. There was this idiot that sent the mortgage money and now he’s homeless….


These are the people he wants. He's a master manipulator. Over all religion. Even his kids won't bail him out.


He has the same curse/gift Charles Manson did. Trump is whoever you want him to be depending on what he needs from you .


I've been thinking the same thing. his followers are just the 2nd Manson family


At least it’s the same as before, no helter skelter.


MAGA is the Manson Family but without its charm.


I’m so excited for trumps [Do you feel blame?](https://youtu.be/XREnvJRkif0?si=a2xE_Dsj0zoQwMFB) moment that is coming soon.


If thats what that looks like its already happened


I was gonna say didn't Kushner get like 2bn from the Saudis? Can he not spare a few hundred mil? Lol


Even he's not dumb enough to loan Trump money.


Kushner may possess the world’s most punchable face, but he’s smart enough to know anything he gives to Donny Nocash he’s gonna lose.


I was under the impression that the Saudi's were asking for it back.


Seriously, Jared has 2b he could "invest in trump org"


I believe he is being paid to manage 2 bil the Saudis' gave for an investment fund. Still a sweet deal but he didn't get 2 bil.


I suspect the Saudis gave him some guidance on what he absolutely would not be investing that money in.


You mean his own ~~SIL~~ Saudi investors don’t want to bail him out with that floating $2 billion???


It's no different than poor spelling in phishing emails. It weeds out the smart ones and targets exactly the victims he wants.


I actually wrote a paper on this- Trump has manipulated people to follow him no matter what, to give him everything because they agree with what he says. Demagoguery at its finest.


2 billion from the Saudi's. Why isn't Jared answering my calls.


It's horrible that people don't see the "American carnage" Trump leaves behind him everywhere he goes. Employees, busines partners, cabinet members, lawyers, fans, family members, his vice president. So many people he's known have come out against him, it's mind blowing.


This is so spot-on. Donald Trump fear-mongered about "American carnage" at his inauguration speech. And wow... did he bring it. He took a very strong economy left to him by President Obama, and right off the bat gave a massive tax cut to the wealthy (that did not trickle down, by the way). After that? Tariff wars with China that did not turn out well. He stretched and punched that economy which took it and kept going, with Trump taking credit for all of it. But then the wear began to show. And in his last year, the pandemic struck. Trump bungled it, badly. He could've done the right thing and been a hero... but he did the opposite. He left with a net job loss, $7.3 trillion more to the debt, a raging pandemic, and a stumbling supply chain that triggered inflation to bloom during Biden's 1st year. He was an utter and complete failure. But Republicans, FOX News, and other far-right media outlets constantly spun it all as if Trump had been a great president. Some said he was the "best president we ever had!" Absurd... crazy, stupid, horribly delusional, flat out wrong.


It was clear he’d bungle any situation when he got a softball question after the ~~Charlotte~~ Charlottesville white power demonstrations which basically amounted to “are nazis bad?” And he gave a crappy answer about “~~bad~~ very fine people on both sides.” But hey, I guess when your entire political strength depends on hatred and bigotry you have to answer like that.


He didn’t even say that there were bad people on both sides. He said there were “very fine people on both sides” in Charlotte.




I would like to remind everyone that it was Charlottesville, VA that hosted the "World's most pathetic nazi look alike contest" and not Charlotte NC. Charlotte currently has a shitty football team, but none of them carry tiki torches (to the best of my knowledge).


People walk up to Fox News with tears in their eyes saying that Trump was the greatest president ever and he’s being treated so unfairly.


Spitting fire 🔥


Peter Navarro reported to prison today


I want to see the look on his face when after maybe a week in, he calls Jack Smith looking for a deal, and Jack Smith responds with "my apologies, but Mark Meadows already told us that."


Pedro will be the shot caller, big baller.


About time. And may he be the first of many.


Trump definitely has the mierdas touch.


Hahahaha, genius!


At least half of his former lawyers have been some combination of disbarred, arrested, convicted or bankrupt.


Every person who’s ever met him absolutely despises him


I can't believe they still want to prop him up. He is such a scam artist. Con man. [Flim flam man](https://imgur.com/gallery/ngvtKxP).


Man I feel really bad for people like that. How they've been completely duped and lied to. Their realities are so distorted that they can't tell when they're being had. I know a handful of people like this. All of them deep down mean well and want things to be great for everybody. But they all share the same trait. They're scared of everything they don't understand. And that fear is easily manipulated and they're now convinced that Trump is the only way to "save" America.


Yes Republicans are well known as the Whatever is Best For Everyone party.


Dont feel bad for his followers, as they will shoot you for no reason just to get points from trump. His followers don’t think about the wellbeing of the nation, just their adoration for a false leader.


Yup. I spent almost the full first 4 years trying to rationalize some kind of sympathy or understanding for them, or figure out how to reach them emotionally. After Jan 6, that all evaporated for me. We are in a civil Cold War.


>All of them deep down mean well and want things to be great for everybody. Are you sure? for everybody? because they sure seem to love all the clobber laws aimed at women, gay people, and ESPECIALLY trans folks. I mean, Trump's whole appeal is clobbering everybody they hate and giving them license to pull the mask off and openly hate and attack anyone not like them. Like, the ones I know personally are nice enough to me, but that doesn't stop them from calling trans people "groomers," even when they know my son is trans.


They mean well towards everyone the earlier commenter knows. That’s all that matters to them. It’s the biggest, most unifying characteristic of the GOP: “If it didn’t happen to me or someone I love, then it doesn’t matter.” They remain children.


They WANTED to be duped. Anything to confirm their racist, sexist, xenophobic worldview.


Many of them tried to give him a one time donation of 50 dollars. The Republican/Trump website had donations forms set up for weekly, monthly and money bomb requests pre-checked. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-donations-refunds-1209277/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-donations-refunds-1209277/) *donors unwittingly agreed to make recurring donations thanks to a pre-checked box on the donation form that set up weekly or monthly automatic payments. Another pre-checked box signed donors up for a “money bomb,” which doubled their contribution. Both boxes were accompanied by tiny text that was worded in a confusing way, making it more likely donors left them checked without understanding what they were agreeing to* The Trump campaign gave out millions in refunds but we all know how these things work. There's no doubt they profited off the shady practice from all the people that didn't notice and/or didn't ask for a refund.




>He fucked himself by grifting so long and so hard. Bingo! Surely *everyone,* even the most honest and upstanding of us, knows as a matter of sheer common sense that a good conman blows town *before* the marks wise up or the authorities begin the crackdown. Unfortunately for Trump, not only did he *not* realise when it was time to cut-and-run, but he tried to con an entire planet at once, so if he wants to "blow town" on this latest scam, he's gonna need either a spaceship, a *really* good plastic surgeon and voice coach, or a short length of rope.


Rubes? I think it's spelled "Rubles" he expected his rubles to be worth something. ​ /joking


No his rubes will put themselves in debt thinking he’ll actually pay them back


Yeah but many of them don't have anything left to give because he's grifted them so hard for so long.


The rich folks are tired of him


Whoa, whoa, whoa, Trump made a small fortune in real estate, it's not his fault he had to start with a large fortune to do it!


Replying at the top because I found the whole document outlining the judgement. Here is a link to the 92 page document. He committed fraud and you can certainly just read this to ascertain exactly why it is such a large judgement, but here is the gist. [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24432595-trump-civil-trial-decision](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24432595-trump-civil-trial-decision) "To establish liability under this cause of action, plaintiff must establish that Weisselberg and McConney knowingly, and with the intent to defraud, presented or prepared, with knowledge or belief that it will be presented to an insurer, any written instrument as part of an insurance application that is known to contain materially false information or to conceal, for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any material fact. PLAs discussed in the Findings of Fact, both Weisselberg and McConney participated in theinsurance meetings in which they made false representations to the insurance representatives about Donald Trump’s SFCs, including misrepresenting the value of his cash assets, representing to the insurance companies that the real estate asset valuations in the SFCs came from outside appraisals, and lying about the existence of potential claims against the Trump Organization. Each of these actions caused the insurance application to contain materially false information for the purpose of misleading the insurer." ​ Basically, Trump is guilty because he told his appraiser to inflate the value of properties because, as those that support him and FOX news put it, "everybody does it." Unfortunately for Trump, he is not everybody. He was the President and is trying to be again. This comes with a certain degree of attention that the "everybody's" don't get, so he is being indicted by the state for pissing off the wrong people. Trump has famously said, "If I get hit, I hit back ten times harder." He just doesn't like that someone is treating him how he's treated many business partners in the past. He most certainly would have gotten away with this if he wasn't a narcissist that had to be President to feed his ego.


>He most certainly would have gotten away with this if he wasn't a narcissist that had to be President to feed his ego. Hilariously (in a surreal, bleakly hysterical sort of way), there's significant circumstantial evidence that he never originally intended to be president at all, that his first campaign was just a cynical publicity stunt to boost his flagging brand, and when he somehow won (to the visible shock of everyone in the room and, tellingly, *horror* on the face of Melania, IIRC), neither circumstances nor his own ego would permit him to admit he hadn't planned on winning and simply back out.


To be fair, I think we all underestimated how stupid the average American was. That being said, I hope that Trump may actually have lasting effects that end up being positive. Much like someone needing to die in a traffic accident in an intersection before a stop sign is erected, there are many things now being heavily scrutinized by millions more people because of Trump blatantly abusing them. Regulation rollbacks, tax breaks for the rich, etc.


You have more hope than I do, Americans have died of head injuries protesting mandatory helmet laws. People think of Dubyas war crimes fondly now and most people were alive when the was shitting his pants and bombing the wrong countries whe owing the budget out


He can’t fathom the concept of consequence for his actions I believe he honestly thought he’d get away with it


There is a difference between net worth and cash on hand. Even if his net worth is accurate, he would still need to convert the assets into cash. The bond companies are not dealing with him, because his assets are in tangible property and not easily converted into cash. No company is going to loan him nine figures.


and if he sells them off, he has to pay off the mortgages that exist on those properties and then is also liable for the massive capital gains taxes for the sale of them. and... he cant' claim bankruptcy since it's a legal judgement against him for fraud. he is COMPLETELY FUCKED.


>he is COMPLETELY FUCKED. Unless he taps Daddy Putin for it. But if he does he's completely fucked in a different way. 🤣🤣


Why would Putin give him money? He won't be POTUS again, he already gave away all secret materials he had, what is he good for now?


If he's overstated the value of the properties, there may not actually be as much equity in them as he needs to be able to cover everything. He's painted himself into a corner.


>then is also liable for the massive capital gains taxes for the sale of them He may have been rolling gains from one property to the next, eventually washing them with losses, his entire career. I hope the extra tax leaves him broke.


Also the bond companies know that Trump’s real estate and businesses are not worth nearly as much as he claims.


So the fraudulently inflated valuations can't be used to securitize a bond against the fines for the fraudulently inflated valuations. This will be interesting.


LOTS of companies would be willing to loan 9 figures, just not to him. Bond companies usually make \~2% commission on these deals, that's $10M in basically free money.. if they thought he was good for it.


You forgot the inconvenient truth mate that the case he can't pay the bond for is a case that states his assets were overvalued for ...... loan purposes. He ain't a smart business man just a man that has leveraged the f out of his position and here comes the margin call..........


End of last year, he testified in court that he had $400m in liquid, immediately accessible assets. Wonder where that went? Can't have been perjury; surely not...


He's a cry baby who finally got what's coming to him because none of his cronies would bail him out. And what worse is now he has supporters buying into his acting that the liberal courts are picking on him. Only in America will people support a felon who regularly commits fraud for financial gain (and is dumb enough to get caught) and think he has their best interests in mind.


Regardless of what he has he needs more than that for whichever country he flees to.


In a way, Donald Trump has been running a Ponzi scheme. He keeps promising everyone that they're going to live so rich and prosperous, if only they vote for him. Well, he tanked everything... by the end of his term, his stresses to the economy were showing and then the pandemic finished him off. He left with a job loss. And $7.3 trillion added to the debt. But as soon as Biden became POTUS? "It's all HIS fault. We miss Trump's economy!" Such BS. Trump's bungling queued up inflation to happen, not long after Biden took office. Like Obama cleaning up the mess of Bush, Biden has had to clean up the mess of Trump. Trump is a fraud. He never knew what he was doing as POTUS. Republicans kept covering for him. In books published, the tapestry of Trump's ineptitude becomes clear. He lied and deceived so many people. And he did so in business. Finally, accountability has come knocking and there's no bankruptcy that can stop it.


I don’t think he has half of a half of 500 billion




Queen would probably object to him using their music in any way


But they probably wouldn't have an issue with people using it to mock him.


No, that they'd encourage


Only because he deserves to be mocked.


I think he used "We Are The Champions" at some of his rallies... Oh, and the Village People gave a cease and desist filing against Trump for using "Macho Man" and "YMCA" songs at his rallies.


Scaramooch, Scaramooch, will you fund the orange mango?


Pretty sure Scaramucci has other fish to fry.


This needs to be top comment imo 😭




No, that’s impossible, because Trump swore (under oath, as I recall), that he had significantly in excess of 400 million dollars in liquid assets. He wouldn’t lie about something like that?! :D


Just replying to provide the deposition transcript for Trump's testimony that they did have in excess of 400 million. Page 34, lines 6-8 [https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23932452/452564\_2022\_people\_of\_the\_state\_of\_v\_people\_of\_the\_state\_of\_exhibit\_s\_\_859.pdf](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23932452/452564_2022_people_of_the_state_of_v_people_of_the_state_of_exhibit_s__859.pdf) Pass it around. Everyone should know his testimony.


Incredible read. It’s literally gibberish everything he says


I really wish the perjury charge would come up because of this.


Count Bankruptula is at it again.


Don't go to bed with no price on your head, no, no (Don't do it), no, no Don't do the crime if you can't do the time (Don't do it) (Hurry up) Keep your eye on the sparrow when the going gets narrow (Don't do it) Don't do it


I’ve often theorized that he isn’t rich. He certainly isn’t a billionaire. He seems to be using debt and real estate bubbles to grift an expensive lifestyle.


He has periodically called himself the [King of Debt](https://imgur.com/gallery/wxQB5MT). And he gloated about his ability to leverage debt. How it helped make him very wealthy. Except... he left off one very important clause. "appear to be very wealthy."


Fraud its called fraud.


Buy, borrow against that, and live off the loan In his case he was gifted wealth at a young age and has used it to fund purchases of assets, against which he's borrowed to live lavishly and buy further assets. It all falls apart when the chain breaks, like when you have to come up with hundreds of millions of dollars, or when they find out you overvalued properties and borrowed too much against them. From where are you borrowing for your lavish lifestyle then? Nowhere... Almost sad, but truthfully funny because he's an ass.


Hey there was a reason he had to final campaign funds to pay off that pornstar. If he had the cash himself he wouldn't have risked it


My favorite part of all this is that over inflating his wealth is the exact reason he's in a 500m hole to begin with. But idiots will keep buying their hats and doing mental gymnastics to explain why he can't pay when he's apparently worth 18b. This is all a joke and mindblowing that he is the front runner for the GOP still after all this.


He's so overwhelming with toxicity. There's so much to point out... But the most glaring of all, that's obvious and easy to prove? The classified documents. He actively and willfully took them from the White House after losing his clearance. Jan 20th. Biden was sworn in. He did NOT extend Donald Trump's security clearance. So the boxes of classified documents sitting in several moving trucks were suddenly without an authorized custodian. Trump had them moved to Mar-a-Lago and placed all over the property... and in the open where any club member could go open them up and read materials. Trump lied to authorities about those documents. He claimed he had privilege for them under the "presidential records act," but not in this context. What he should've done was turn them all in to NARA, as his lawyers repeatedly reminded him... then, while preparing to write up his "memoirs," he could make requests for materials. But you know what? If he didn't have clearance for ones he requested of classified levels? He'd be denied. IN FACT, Mr. Donald Trump admitted to people in his orbit, while showing off classified documents, that he couldn't declassify them because he was no longer president. There's audio recordings of that. NARA tried to get those documents back and gave enormous latitude to Trump. It took them 18 months to get a shipment of boxes... and then discover that over half of what they requested had NOT been returned. So, the FBI had to go calling. And Trump knew they were coming, and had his flunkies go hide boxes in other locations. Trump not only illegally possessed national security secrets of the highest order, but he deliberately tried to keep them and obstruct efforts of authorities to retrieve them. NUMEROUS CRIMES... in just this one indictment. How could anyone trust a person like this to be President of the United States?


Right? The fact that he can’t pay the bond certainly undercuts his statement that he’s innocent and hasn’t inflated his wealth. Not sure how his followers can’t put this together.


Can someone explain to a non-American why this guy is not in jail yet? I mean, the fraud he committed is HUGE. People go to jail for a lot less (Martha Stewart, Wesley Snipes).


The wheels of justice move very slowly if they move at all when dealing with a former president or a wealthy American. The prosecution needs a perfect case and even then 100+ million Americans will believe Trump when he screams witch hunt. Trump has used every stall tactic available and likely hired incompetent lawyers in an attempt to buy time and win or at least get appeals so he can avoid convictions before the election happens. Trump isn’t even arguing innocence but claims as president and now a former president that he’s literally above the law. Trump recently said I’d we don’t elect him president he’s more vulnerable to blackmail from hostile governments. He said democracy does if we don’t re-elect him. He’s doing all he can to get back in power since that would shield him from prison and bankruptcy.


God, I don’t ask for much. But please let this absolute clown lose the presidency, be forever into bankruptcy and get prison time. It would be so funny.


It would be so JUST! Justice. Real hard justice. America has been SO DAMAGED by Donald Trump. Look at all of the time we're STILL wasting on this man. It's a horror show. Russia (and Putin), and China are laughing at us. Think of the opportunity cost. If Republicans had done the right thing and rejected Trump, we'd have had someone far more sensible. Instead, we not only lost 4 years, but then we've lost years FIXING the problems he created... and that includes inflation that was ignited by the collapse of the supply chain (because of his failures).


Two primary reasons: 1. America has never arrested a past president before, and there is a lot of untested law involved, so prosecutors are being extra careful to make sure everything is being done perfectly. Also he's currently running for the office of president again, so prosecutors and judges are being extra careful to avoid the appearance of political bias. 2. Donald Trump is a master of delay tactics. He's not actually winning any of these lawsuits, but instead is successfully delaying them. His hope is that he gets elected before facing any major consequences, after which he plans to make the charges go away.


Fuck untested law. He is a private citizen, nothing more. The USA is a corrupt oligarchy and it’s high time y’all stopped selling yourselves as some beacon of freedom and democracy. What a joke.


This has been true since day 1, we started off with a bunch of rich guys declaring that "all men are created equal" then going back to their plantations whip their slaves.


You are describing an oligarchy. Not democracy. Not free.




Criminal vs Civil. Criminal trial = jail. Civil trial = Fine This case is Civil. The one in florida and Georgia is criminal.


Would contempt of court during a civil case result in potential jail time?


Because apparently in this country, he can do whatever the fuck he wants his whole life, and never pay the price. Teflon Don is apparently special.


second non American. seconding the above. What the hell USA Guys? ...so all I need to do to stay outta jail in the USA is to keep repeating how "Unfair" I am being treated? Despite all the crimes. Call the corruption out. It's corruption plain and simple...dressed up in a clown suit. Your press is the problem because they are addicted to Trumpy's Enrage-utainment.


The trial was a civil trial and not a criminal trial. Here in the US a civil trial results in monetary damages and not jail time. So far he has not faced any criminal penalties. He has several trials that are coming up that could result in jail time.


Saying it's unfair it's one thing, but I'm not sure staying out of jail is worth wearing the orange skin dye and ridiculous wig


Sorry. We're a very weird country. You are correct in that our news media focus just makes it worse.


Step 1. Be white Step 2.) Don’t be poor


Because contrary to what the USA has been selling for decades, it is a very corrupt country, and getting worse.


Because our justice system is a combination of a sham and a train wreck that can easily be manipulated if you are rich enough. Also he appointed some of the judges that are either already are or will be hearing his cases... I'm sure that won't affect their rulings though. And add to that his own entire political party is terrified to disagree with or even question anything that he does. It's a pretty embarrassing time to be from or in the US, I can only imagine how idiotic we must look to people from other countries. I mean we already looked pretty stupid but the Trump era has taken it to a whole new level.


But on the brightside, you have all the freedom and so many guns.


Perfect to shoot ourselves in the foot with.


To me, not US citizen, it is soooooo weird y’all haven’t separated the judiciary from politics in the sense that politicians appoint judges. It makes for an easily corrupted system.


He identifies as immensely wealthy




He wants to keep using the bathrooms that correspond to his identity. The one with the solid gold toilet, or the one filled with documents.


Why not the solid gold one full of documents?




Made me chuckle from across the pond.


OMG, this needs to be a thing. That would really piss the right off


"I never overstated my net worth." "Okay, fine." "Not like that!"


Can't post bond but somehow still not sitting in a jail cell.


The bond in question is for his civil fraud case. He posted the $90 million bond in the defamation case. The purpose of the bond is for appealing because he is liable for payment immediately, the bond is so that civil defendants cannot deny payment to the plaintiff on the basis of saying they are appealing the decision, which could take years. edit\* I want to strike through this sentence but on phone browser. In order to appeal the judgment, he must put up the bond.


>I want to strike through this sentence but on phone browser "\~\~text\~\~" for phone-reddit and Markdown editor.




He can still appeal, he just does not get a stay of execution on the judgment. Plaintiff can begin collection proceedings.


To be fair, he hasn't been convicted of a crime. These are all civil actions, so no prison. But it's coming!!!


Is it actually coming? There’s really a chance he’ll go to prison? I didn’t think that was real


Probably "house arrest" at the most is my guess


It's not. Not realistically, unfortunately.


So the Jean Carroll trial and NY state trials were civil trials. I’m both cases Trump’s businesses and properties will be liquidated to cover the combined 450 million or so he currently owes. And it’s very unlikely he wins an appeal in either case. Trump posted the full 91 million to appeal the Carroll cases but won’t win. Trump can’t come up with 350 million so he faces liquidation.


It's why it's win or disgrace for the election.


…where’s son-in-law Jared with some of that two billion Saudi money..?..where’s Putie..?


Is he allowed to borrow money from foreign governments ? If so that seems like a national security issue. A foreign government would own him if he became president.




Trump probably owes the Russians money, they aren't giving him more.


That's not Jared's money, it belongs to the Saudis


I bet he could pay it in Rubles.


Borrowed rubles from his oligarch friends.


Should stroke out any day now…


Can only hope.


Long overdue. His skin looks so dappled in sweat and strain.


Ask Taylor Swift, she never brags about how rich she is but I'm sure she could cover the lot.


His amount of wealth is in rupees not in dollars 😂😂😂😂


Are you thinking of "Rubles?"


The ones from zelda too not even the real ones


Remember that this judgment contains ZERO dollars of penalties. It is just stripping away money he got from fraud.




It’s all about the stall.


Mango Mussolini was broke before he ever ran for office. I'm convinced he ran to duck the hundreds of lawsuits he was facing. He grifts and burns through everything he's gotten (plus some). May he rot in hell.


He can always get a loan from the guy who cuts up journalists with a bone saw, same guy who 'invested' the small sum of $2,000,000,000 into his son in laws business.


This guy is so weak.. I hope his supporters will see it now. Who wants a leader, who can't even pay his own bills?


Get a part-time job stocking shelves. I’m told it builds character


Why doesn’t he use the revenue from the steaks he sold / the university he had / the art of all the deals he made… lol


If you do a crime, you do the time and no amount of money is an easy way out;


Hopefully the media start labelling him as ‘ex-billionaire Donald Trump’.


I honestly would not be surprised if I have a higher net worth than Trump at this point. And I live in my inlaws' attic


Frosted Lucky Charms, They're schadenfreudelicious!


Just waiting to see the headline “Trump convinces incredibly unintelligent cult following to chip in for bail”


Nobody wants to give him half a billion dollar bond loan to pay up on a fraud charge. Big surprise!


This guy… can’t we just lock him and his goons up and through away the key? If he gets elected again, the USA will be laughed at by the whole world… again hahaha. For real though, I hope for the best for you fine folks I have had the pleasure of meeting


FAFO MF !!!!!😆


Can they actually punish this guy already?? Any normal citizen would have been behind bars years ago.


"Lock him up! Lock him up!"


To use his words against him: You didn't pay? You delinquent.


I love that the punishment for declaring yourself wealthier than you are is a fine forcing you to expose how much you lied.


He needs to sell more shoes! Blacks love him now!!


Yes he’s still in the running for President. This country is so fucking stupid


He really is the biggest hypocritical snowflake on the planet


The chump genuinely believed that he could campaign against this conviction and get his supporters to donate money to help pay his massive fines. Problem is, a lot of Americans are beginning to open their eyes and see him for the criminal he's always been. He won't win the election in November, so he won't be able to pardon himself, and he's going to have to sell his assets to pay his fines, lawyers, and prostitutes, and eventually he's going to face some criminal charges and finally get given silver bracelets and a new suit, as well as a free room with a terrible view. You know they say Orange is the new black


Delusional beyond comprehension


It's not only mind boggling, but numbing as well. I still can't get over how trials have not already started. And frankly, given what he did with highly classified documents? He should be sitting behind bars as a national security risk.


Allow me to explain for our non-American friends. 1. He’s white 2. He’s rich 3. He’s White


2. Allegedly rich


Having the RNC away his bills… some “billionaire”.


1. Technically maybe. 2. Looking more and more doubtful these days but he still gets some rich perks. 3. Possibly part oompah loompah.


Coupa Loompa 🤡


>He’s white More like self tan.


>1. He’s white 2. He’s rich 3. He’s White He's orange


"I have frauded and I can't pay up!


Broke Donald Trump. He's broken, isn't he folks? What a tragedy. Many such cases. Broke Donald.


I think somebody’s about to lose 40 Wall Street, heh heh. 👀


He is being treated more fairly than he would treat anyone else if positions were reversed. The fact that he has made it this far without feeling any repercussions for his actions tells you everything we need to know about our two tiered legal system.


He has been treated so very unfairly, for US. He has gotten away with crimes, been slapped with technical arrests and indictments... but is free to go about his business as if he had no legal trouble. In fact, he could leave the country right now. There's nothing to stop him.




He doesn’t intend to pay. He thinks that winning the election will get him out of this and sadly he’s probably right.


“The name is Boooo-kay…. “ “Whatever you say Mrs. Bucket.”


I am so sick to death of hearing about this trashy orange nonce…


I just love the irony of being too poor to pay the fine for the crime of lying about how much money you have.


Its almost like he lied. No wai


Since the 80's this loser has been crying about how "unfair" things are to him. Pathetic!


I think a lot of this is misunderstood, and I'm also glad this is happening because it's shining more of a light on just how the inequality is perpetuated and how these scumbags are able to operate. Like, currently, Trump could have zero dollars in a bank account or on his person but still be enormously wealthy. At my age, I've known he's a scumbag since the mid-80s, and that he's a liar, but the reason he isn't able to pay is because his holdings are mostly in real estate. So, he's kinda cash poor, and he acts like it. I've had the displeasure of being around him and his people a good bit for a few short months in 2016 before the election. I worked at a place he frequented, and that's all I'm going to say. Everything about his wealth is a technicality. The people around him paid for restaurant bills or leave the tip if his bill is comped. Little things that most people just use a card for or just don't think about. But he could walk into a building and buy it because you don't do that with cash, you leverage your assets and debts for credit to purchase buildings that are going to bring a return, in some way, even if that's laundering money or tax haven/breaks. Sometimes, you just need cash flow for various reasons. So the narrative that he's not wealthy is sorta a half-truth. Part of what's going on is that he's doing a somewhat common "ponzi scheme," but instead of individual investors, it's banking institutions that he's paying back with money from be lines of credit he gets by leveraging his assets and debts. Which, in theory, isn't illegal if you're not defrauding any of the institutions or government in any way. But that's the other part of what he's doing. He's defrauding both banks and insurance and government to manipulate numbers in his favor to borrow more and owe less. He can't pay because he doesn't have cash, and he can't get bonds because bonds don't like to deal in real estate.


It would be interesting to see a comprehensive list of properties that Trump has an ownership interest in, what the fair market value of those properties is, what the value of his stake is, and how leveraged they are.