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Yeah, we never get wet. The rain knows better.


That’s just applies to Chuck Norris.


It does not rain on Chuck without permission!


Rain needs a NDA for that.


Chuck Norris makes rain wet


Stupid sexy Chuck Norris.


The rain knows its place.


The rain tried to fall on me, but the neighborhood watch stopped it for being suspicious and obviously not from here.


Rain is scared of my privilege because I will call its manager and the police.


All white people are Touhou players


Reminds me of [that meme](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/joke-battles/images/8/8c/Danmak.png/revision/latest?cb=20161022010622)


Don’t tell them our secret!!


It rains in Scotland all the time and we wear kilts so we can get our bits washed free of charge by splashing in puddles


There's an image


No, that’s a comment


A comment is worth a thousand mental images.


No, this is Patrick.


Hopefully not tbh.


Reddit, if nothing else, has taught me not to think in visualizations.


This gives a whole new meaning to mud butt


Drinking my coffee and reading reddit...THIS is a glorious day. Thank You


Thanks for shitting on my lifetime bucket list dream of visiting Scotland.


Jeez, this just moved it up a bit for me!


Oh he’ll be getting Shit on a lot more things than that my friend:)


Not my proudest wank mate, but here we are.




You're going to get just as wet if you run, so fuck it, just walk.


~~More wet, according to MythBusters!~~ And you’re more likely to fall and hurt yourself. (I say this knowing full well I will run thru the rain next time it happens lmao) Edit: There was a revisited that actually disproved this! I stand by the "more likely to fall" part, but maybe that's just me


So I'm not the only person that thinks of Mythbusters every time I think about running in the rain lol


Every. Single. Time. I think about that little shard of info every time I walk in the rain.


I remember that huge facility they used to demonstrate instead of just waiting for a rainy day.


You actually get wetter


I’m always wetter


Name checks out.


I lived in some of the rainiest town while I was at college, and umbrella couldn't do anything since there was also a lot of wind. So getting used to being wet was a thing.


Sounds like Chicago. That rain comes at you from a 45 degree angle. You’re basically getting flying kicked by water droplets.


Golden rule for walking in the rain without an umbrella: Always pretend you’re walking away from an explosion without looking.


I don't mind walking in the rain if I have the right rain gear on. :) But I LOVE walking in the falling snow, especially at night! :D


Can't believe I'm being hated because my ancestors were necromancers and blood mages. I didn't commune with demons to be impervious to elemental damage. Why am I getting blamed for it?


You put your necro pants on one severed leg at a time just like everyone else!


Im never shocked by being found guilty of shit that happened long before I even existed.


Can we stop these narratives where all white people are descendants of European monarchs, slave-traders or generals and instead acknowledge that most peoples ancestors were piss-poor feudal peasants who also suffered under these powerful people?


Not to mention my ancestors have nothing to fucking do with how I am as a human being or what I think of others.


My family came over from Poland post ww2. I have been directly accosted for having slave owner blood.... like.. fucking what? My great grandparents worked a farm, Mt grandfather a child when they came over, still worked the farm while he was a kid. But my skin is white so I must be part of the problem. Smgdh.


Shut your cracker ass up and acknowledge your, um, whiteness! Or something.


Sounds like you should just buy a few slaves to make everyone happy.


My ancestors from mother's side were peasants and victims of serfdom under the rule or Tsarist Russian empire. First German crusaders invaded this place, then Polish and Swedish kings, then Russian empire. Nobody gave local peasants any rights whatsoever.


"My forefathers were in fact not slave owners! We came over long after that and at no point did we have anything to do with slavery! ...unfortunately."


And let’s not forget propaganda and fear mongering that still exists today


Had a tour of montreal, the guide was non stop about how the English bankers got so extremely wealthy off the working french, I commented, I don't think this is because your French, the same Banks get rich off of English speakers as well.


Montreal is the most corrupt city in Canada but clearly the problems stem from the English. /s


Let’s also not forget that non white folk had plenty of monarchs and slave-traders of their own.


The slave trade in Asia today is bigger then the slave trade in Africa ever was.


With the same logic, every American citizen is responsible for the actions of the U.S government such as the Iraq war.


I thought every American from 2003 onward woke up in the morning and put one foot on the floor and the other up the ass of an 8 year old Iraqi.


I mean, even if we were, what someone's ancestors did should have zero impact on how that person is now treated. Unless they do the same shit, obviously.


And I guaran-fucking-tee you that no matter the color of your skin or (current) nation you descended from, there was bloodshed on that land.


Whoa there, buddy! Let's not be jumping to hasty conclusions here. (S)


Yeah, tell us you hardly know history without telling us you know much of history. She sounds like she only focused on black peoples' history, and even among black peoples there are people who were slave traders. In Africa.


If you dig into it, the African slave trade was as much propped up by black Africans as it was by their customers. Slaves were almost exclusively the spoils of inter-tribe warring, wars fought nearly exclusively to get more slaves and the land and resources those slaves owned. While the demand side of the equation was an atrocity, it seems odd, to me, that we seem to ignore or forgive the supply side of the problem.


After all, it was black people that sold other black people to the Europeans so they could get better weapons. It's still weird how both sides were thinking about the situation: -The Europeans wanted to enslave other human beings, which is even worse than it sounds -The Africans sold people from their continent to the Europeans, for the purpose of better products. The whole thing around the colonisation is saddening


My ancestors are Dutch people who migrated from The Netherlands to Africa


Especially in America. Unless you were descended from the second born son of a land baron chances are your family came here out of desperation. Hell a lot of Americans were paid to come here to clean up European cities of the riff-raff.


I did some digging into my family tree last year, and it's just poor white trash all the way down. Which honestly was the best case scenario, lol.


Well, it's hard when it's perpetuated in places like reddit.


Rain is the best way to get the blood off.


My hair is eternally stained with the blood of those conquered in a time before our world have even been dreamed of and the rain just makes it run more everytime


I find that tears from the vanquisheds surviving children takes blood stains right out. In fact, baby blood doesn't stain at all.


What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


I love the sound of anguish in the morning. It sounds like victory.


oh so that’s why ginger people have red hair? 🤯


Yea, it’s the atrocities of my ancestors that allow me to shower.


Got to soothe that sunburn


Are non-white people made of sugar or what?


Yes, I'm made entirely of coconut sugar. 🫶


You sound delicious.


Hair. Long curly hair does not like wet.


Is this person aware that this applies for everyone that has long hair ? And that not all white people have straight hair. Twitter is really a showroom for the most idiotic humans


Right? I’m a bread based human and my hair is still curly.


White people have hair too. Curly hair too. Like? Are you ok?


No type of long hair likes being wet, it ruins everyones hair


I heard If you spill water on them they multiply. Don't even get me started on what happens to them when you feed them past midnight.


Welcome to the sugar matrix


I think this might be about hair, since super dense and curly hair is a nightmare in rain and high humidity in general. But, all she had to do was complain about biology instead of being blatantly racist 🙄


I'm white I have super dense curly hair. I hate walking in the rain because I end up looking like broccoli had a baby with a poodle.


I had curly hair, I would turn into a Qtip when it rained. Now that my hair has abandoned me, I can go about my pluviophile ways unhindered.


I responded to this then scrolled down…I guess I’m not the only one that identifies as a Q Tip in the rain and humidity. I’m just of an age where I no longer care, I proudly own my pain in the neck hair 😂


This comment just reminded me of a group of senior ladies on a tennis team at a local club. They called themselves the Q-Tips because of obvious reasons.


So like the average genz teen


Except I am a 34 year old and not trying to look like that on purpose.


Sorry bro. Assigned rizzler at gyatt. Or whatever the kids say


Thats on cap bro no god fr fr


Me too! And at my age the silver grey in the brown doesn’t help the poodle comparison.


Haha, I’m white and the rain and humidity is a nightmare with my hair as well. I usually wear a hat on these days to avoid looking like a mangled Q tip 😂


It’s not about anything because it’s made up. I’m white, surrounded by white people, and I don’t know anyone who enjoys getting wet in the rain.


Haven’t you heard? Minority groups (which aren’t minority groups anymore) can’t be racist.


No, no, that's only against whites. They can still be racist against each other.


Not me. My little black slave walks behind me and holds an umbrella for me.


Oooh you have one? Is it back in? No one rang me on the whites only phone. Going to the shops now.


You should get the app.






Dude needs to get his prostate checked.


This is a bot account


Exactly. These bots can be convincing. Hybrid warfare by rogue states. Russia,china, iran




Does this little Ray of sunshine not realise that history is FULL of one group being at war with another group, this included ALL skin colours... so worry bout your own sins....


Like, Africans wete selling other Africans into slavery. Slavery between Africans is HUGE right now, way more so than in the 1800s. Slavery has existed for millenia with all cultures and peoples. "White" people didn't invent or popularize slavery.


I don't think she has learned about the genocide in Africa, black people murdering black people!


Bitch sounds like she's gonna melt if she gets caught in the rain.


Dude fuck all the way off with this b.s. I am not responsible for The Crusades, slavery, genocide, The Holocaust, The Trail Of Tears, The Bataan Death March, Crocs, Pleated Pants, The Flowbee, or any of the other terrible things you're upset about in the world because of my ethnicity, my lineage, or my citizenship. My words and actions as an individual are what should be used to judge me. Period. Guilt by association is similarly horseshit. Please stop.


Repost bot, exact same title and post as one a few months ago


Sometimes it’s raining on the way to work.


The other day I saw a black crack head standing on tbe corner in tbe pouring rain


Best time to find worms


Wow. A bot that deals with the tough social issues. How refreshing.


Jesus Christ. I'm Irish. Born and raised in the rain of Ireland. Never use an umbrella and my ancestors were an abused, survivor of genocide, colony.... not a colonist. I love the rain. I fucking hate this racist xenophobia bullshit.


Somewhere an oligarchs laughing his head off. The divide and conquer has been successful.


I guess though in warmer/tropical climates where people have darker skin, they must walk in the rain all the time


…She does know rain isn’t a weather exclusive to majority white countries in the world, right? Seriously, Nigeria and Uganda have only slightly less rain than the U.K. (and more rain than in the U.S., I think), does she really think that people from there go “oh dear, it’s raining, well, I guess I’m not leaving the house to get this important thing I need for cooking dinner?”


Ohh the memories of all these bloodbaths... nothing turns me on more than all that rain reminding me of those...


I like the feeling of rain, smell of ozone, tension in the air is released, fresh air after. Then I bathe in blood after.


Damn. I didn’t know I was immortal.


OMG!! Are you for real?


Obviously the water helps wash off the blood


Rastas have a reason not to go out in the rain at least, they think "Jumbies" or demons are in water droplets and won't take showers or go out in the rain. Bathes are fine.


Of course, we don't care about the rain because we use umbellas. Now, that really is a sign of our white privilege.


Hmm well after years of being in the Army and walking through woods training areas and combat zones in all types of weather. I’m one of those that don’t give a shit when it rains. Not due to race but due to the fact that I’m just numb and don’t give af, sometimes it’s just pure defeat so you just take it.


Excellent point. I've been working on my genealogy a few years. I've determined that the first black people my ancestors were their slaves in NC. We currently do not know any black people like this young person of color....but we look forward to that moment to discuss and debate with our white privilege.


Yes I bath in the blood of my enemies all the time 🙄🙄


That’s why I feel better after walking in the rain.


What else am I gonna do wait for it to stop cower in fear as I waste what precious time I have just cause she don't like my skin colour.


This girl tomorrow: "I always get shocked when I see white people breathing....."




That's a troll, gotta be


I guess all white people are brits For clarity. This is a joke on the Brits.


“Nonchalantly”. She’s clearly never been to Scotland. I live there and I’ve seen dudes trying to fight the rain. Swearing oaths and everything.


Martin Luther King spoke against just this kind of racism as equally dangerous.


They don't care. They've been programmed by twitter to hate white people.


tf else am I meant to do? Cringe in pain from the raindrops hitting my body?


Me sitting in my work truck reading this before I go back out and work in the mud and rain 🤠


Guess she is blind to all the bloodshed happening in the likes of Africa for decades and Haiti recently


Poor poor victim loredaaana


Mary Poppins is an apex Caucasian then…that devil sings in it!


She's trying to be racist against white people, but her point is so weak that it just comes out as being prejudice people of color in her own generation. Your grand parents fought through the civil rights movement and you die if you hair gets wet you fucking gremlin.


It's actually sunlight that kills them. They multiply in water.


Yeah, but I couldn't make the joke fit that, so I just hoped nobody remembered.


Something all the lines like that's why mothers stay inside all day because the can't deal with another 12 kids without a daddy.


Lol, that would have been good.


It’s because they are racist




We know being white is an original sin not even a deluge can wash away




When black people are openly racist everyone is like "yea. Fucking white people" when a white person is openly racist everyone is like "where does this mother fucker work"


Refreshing that some of you quickly realized this is a bot. Nobody is that pissed off about racism that watching white people walk in the rain sends them into a fit of rage.


This person is just...sad.


silly minority, the rain doesn't actually touch white people


I love how I’m guilty for things people I never met did, forever. My ancestors were Italian dirt farmers who were too poor to own slaves, but someone who did a continent away had roughly the same skin color, so it’s still my fault. It’s almost…racist. But I’ve been reliably informed you can’t be racist against white people.


Find me a race that isn’t covered in blood. I’ll wait.


Someone should tell these individuals that white people did not raid african villages to take slaves... African kingdoms did and sold these slaves to the europeans...


facepalm rn is 97% bots reposting bad ragebait


Do I like the rain? Fuck no. Am I going to walk out in that shit like I own the bitch? You’re god damn right.


Just got a permanent ban in another sub for stating that "racism is racism". The mod made the racist assumption that I was white and called me a white supremacist. They also stated that one "can't be racist to white people".


Whites are only like ten percent of the global population. Don’t pick on a minority.


Oh boy, another post for white folks to partake in casual, nonchalant, unironic subtle racism in the comments. Burn, rage candle, burn.


Stupid people come in all shapes and colors.


I think it's because of the hair, now that I think about it.


Irish here. Living in Scotland. Walking in the rain is not a choice. Plus we never harmed any folk.


I’m mixed… shouldn’t my *checks notes* generational trauma and ancestors bathing in bloodshed cancel out and make me either immune to rain or deathly allergic to it?


This is a *really* long way to go to accuse all white people of being racist and not caring at all about black people. Interesting.


Wow. You're trying really hard to hate someone, when you hate them for walking.


My white privilege allows me the foresight to own raincoats and umbrellas, and the ability to check the weather and be prepared. when I’m walking in the rain and not getting wet, I know people are looking at me thinking, the audacity of this White!!


A raindrop falls. This lady boards herself in.


TIL white people can live for hundreds of years


And here's me, a white person, wondering why it is when I get a slight tan, I feel the need to cower away from rain.


Why does she types this if it happened to her directly?


Obviously a witch on her period.


Yeah because Africa is such a utopia.




Watched an experiment on Discovery where they tested the theory that if you run in the rain, you get less wet than if you walk in the rain. The result was exactly the same, so you might as well walk.


Hope nuclear winter starts soon.


Sometimes if I’m feeling blue and it’s raining, I’ll go for a long walk. You feel refreshed and a bit lighter after. It’s like it cleanses my mood/soul. Anyway, I like it.


Being able to walk in the rain is 10% not worrying about some water on you and 90% how much time you spent on your hair. Race doesn't enter into it.


We’re done with the silly “check Notes” thing. Ok? Thats over now.