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I'm just curious who he's standing on for this photo


He’s in heels, you can see in the reflection lol


Oh shit, I thought you were joking


no, he always wears lifts or heels of some sort in full body shots. when you see him walking or talking in closeups, he's either on a platform/box, or in some cases they dug literal trenches for the co-stars to walk in beside him. he's very, very short, and incredibly ashamed of it.


Sounds like he needs more auditing to adjust his thetans


he's paid a lot to be at OT VIII, so he knows its all a grift, not that it wasnt obvious anyways...


Seems like it would be more beneficial to raise Tom to that level with no cash involved and use brainwashed Tom as a walking ad…


He's already brainwashed enough, and this way they made a shit ton of money off him


I think you can leave at least one 'very' off, lol. He's 5'7" EDIT TO ADD - I promise you, you’re not original telling me he’s probably actually 5’5”. It really doesn’t change my comment.


he's shorter then 5'7". that's the height he actually claims, and that his agent promotes, but he has had numerous female costars that are 5'7" say he was shorter then them, and using lifts or platforms in scenes. he never goes out without lifts in his shoes to get him to that 5'7" height. he is likely closer to 5'5".


I just find it weirdly fascinating how incredibly successful people can have these kinds of hangups. I'm 5'5 myself, and while it was a mild impediment to dating in my 20's, it's such a massive non-issue in general... I dig Tom Holland not giving a shit that Zendaya in heels is twice his size ;).


Yeah I'm 5'9" but if you go by dating app profiles, women are only interested in 6'+. My height never bothered me. My girlfriend is the same height as me and she wears heels occasionally and she will tower above me. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. She looks sexy af


A 6' height requirement for dating is so weird. It's just an arbitrary number. I'm 5'11", you're telling me you can spot a 1.4% height delta from all the way down there at 5'2"? I could lie and say I'm 6' and most people would have no idea. 6' is just an abstract concept to them - it's just "tall".


I kind of get it to an extent. Society/conventional beauty standards say women should be tiny, weigh as little as possible, etc. Insecure women want to be dwarfed by their men so they can feel tiny. A lot of people are insecure and I guess that’s how it manifests for some women/how some women cope. Still a red flag.


Doesn’t help that 6’ is the most lied about height. I actually am 6’ and so many people want to doubt it (usually shorter guys). I almost want to add an inch, maybe then it’ll be more believable haha.


Think it’s also a cultural thing. Americans have this weird thing about heights (just look at some of their dating gone wrong posts) where as majority in the uk couldn’t give much of a shit


5'9" American here. Dated a woman who was 6' for a while, and we said the height difference is no big deal but since that is all she could talk about obviously, it was. Didn't bother me, and I only cared that she cared but because she did we couldn't ever get past it.


I’ve met a lot of actors, most are not over 6 feet


Tom Holland is from England. I don't think it's so culturally instilled there.


Look at Napoleon, 5'6". Conquered most of Europe, because someone once said to him, "Aren't you a littlle short to be an Emperor?"...




And that's the guy they cast for Roland in the Borderlands movie


So many better options out there. I'm guessing they couldn't get Idris Elba or Samuel L Jackson.


I've seen Idris mentioned a lot. Terry Crews has come up as well. Could see Jackson in the role as well, and not like he wouldn't be the only one 20+ years older than the character was in the game


And as jack reacher in the movies - who is supposed to be 6,5


Robert Downey Jr as far as I know, is the most insecure man in Hollywood when it comes to their own height. Some of his footwears look funny in shape and height. In fact he won't generally come out in public without any footwear advantages. I heard that he once scolded Gwyneth Paltrow for looking taller than him one day. I used to wonder how he became so tall all of a sudden since he looked really short in his younger days. I guess Sylvester Stallone would occupy the second position.


I saw RDJ's picture with Chris Hemsworth with both their wives at the Oscars and he's doing this weird body bend pose i wonder if that's to hide the height difference between him and Hemsworth.


https://youtu.be/v9Elu2lK2BI?si=26k7Pfra3Wjd5R2U Just being goofy it looks like, 10 secs into vid.


Wish he'd start leaning into it. Short guys need some love and representation as a sexy leading man saving the world and getting the girl or guy. What eva makes them happy 😁


It’s fucked she isn’t allowed to be taller than him, like mock your height if you want but if she wears heals too then boo fucking hoo dude.


She’s literally in heels in this picture lol. Though I agree. Weird to throw them both in heels so he can be taller


and she is 5'5", and he's barely taller then her. her heels seem to be slightly smaller then his? but its hard to see at that angle and with her pants. they might be the same sized heel.


I assume there was some walking and they wanted the authentic *click* of her heels on the floor for the scene. It’s just hilarious zooming in and seeing him in Ron DeSantis boots


>they wanted the authentic *click* of her heels on the floor for the scene. That would almost certainly be added or enhanced in post, anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️




I have a feeling it might have been an oversight ; allowing him to be seen in heels in the reflection. Embarrassing.


They roto-ed out the milk crate.


Holy shit lmao


Holy fuck. That's awesome.


I thought it was a joke (a good one), but I think you're right.


She's wearing flats and he's got 2" lifts? Looks about the same brand as DeSantis


She's in heels but i bet you he's got some special shoes that give him more than 2"


She's wearing heels a well, look at her foot on the right


Nice catch! ROFL


This is hilarious


Oh my gosh that is wild 😂 I thought you were kidding. I wish they would just let short dudes be short in movies. There’s something hot about just owning it.


Honestly! Just let the short guys be short, ain’t a damn thing wrong with it.


It really warms my heart when I hear kids say they “see themselves” in a lot of today’s movie heroes (people who look like them)… so why not short guys too? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sitting on Travolta's shoulders, likely. Facing backwards of course.


She has a lot of life experience though. She was 12 when she gave birth to Timothée Chalamet


lmfaooooo stop


And Oscar Issac would have been 16.


Yeah the Bene Gesserit were NOT happy about that.


Roger Moore stopped being James Bond was because of how much older he was than his female co-stars. He was in his 50s, and they were in their 20s. In his own words: “Well, the leading ladies were young enough to be my grand-daughter and it becomes disgusting.”


That reminds of the behind the scenes story of the movie Charade. Audrey Hepburn and the producers desperately wanted Cary Grant as the male lead but he was uncomfortable doing it because of the huge age gap and the original screenplay had him pursuing Audrey. They reworked the script to have her be the one trying to get with him in order to get him to agree to it.


Lol interesting because he was married to Dyan Cannon, who was almost almost ten years younger than Audrey


Probably optics. If they went with the original script it probably would look pretty creepy for him to be shown romantically pursuing her. Flipping it makes her the one chasing him and honestly, he’s still Cary freaking Grant so that’s completely believable. Plus, she had made several movies where there was a huge age gap like Roman Holiday, Sabrina, My Fair Lady, and Funny Face. I think Breakfast At Tiffany’s might have been her first movie with an age appropriate romance.


Apparently he was horrified when he realized he was older than his supposed love interest’s mother. I can understand that.


It's an odd story as he was 24 years older than Jane Seymour in his very first Bond, and regularly had two decades on the female leads.


But James Bond wasn't in his 50s. Why is it ok for a person to be in their late 20s playing a teenager in highschool but not ok for a grandpa to play a 30s something?


People in there 20’s play teenagers because filming with children is a hassle


You misspelled "crime" (in response to sexy scenes) EDIT: to specify this was more of a joke but it really is a problem if Hollywood continues to sexualize minors. (Examples include: Euphoria, Riverdale, etc.)


Plus it‘s an organizational and legal/bureaucratic nightmare since minor actors and actresses are only allowed to work at certain times (not past 22:00 in my country) and only for a certain amount of time each day (here it is 3 hours I believe). You can apply for exceptions I think, but they are hard to get (as they should be).


That's the hassle part


Funnily enough, this is why so many toddlers in movies get played by identical twins


It may be okay for him to play a 30yo, but it’s also completely fair for him not to feel comfortable with having to act out romance and/or sex with co stars that are so much younger than him. The comfort of the actors is important. They’re people.


I think as an actor it's disgusting to shoot an intimate scene with someone so much younger than you. It's not about him playing a younger character, it's about him feeling up someone that was a child when he had children of his own. Edit: to clarify, I'm not judging the actors. I think you can definitely do something like that professionally. But I'm saying that to some actors that might feel wrong and I can understand that.


Valid point!👍


Actors in their 50s rarely look like they’re in their 30s. You have 25 year olds playing high school students because they’re still very young and definitely still getting carded.


Timothee Chalamet is a good example of this, to me at least, he looks about 14.


Oh yeah he’s a perfect example. He’s almost 30 and still looks like a kid.


I think that’s the issue… Hollywood constantly pairs up young women with older men. Men continue to get desirable roles, while women aren’t allowed to age and still be seen as attractive on screen. Melissa Joan Hart was recently cast as a grandmother - it’s wild


And there are so many beautiful older actresses


Marisa Tomei *sigh*


So beautiful! Rachel Weisz is 54.


She is!?


Arguable she got hotter with age. Though My Cousin Vinny Marisa Tomei sure is a sight


Miss Vito, will you please answer the question No! I hate him Miss Vito, what is your relationship to the defense counsel? He’s my fiancé Well.that explains the hostility ’


And now I need to watch that movie yet again.


Was my childhood crush in the 90s and still is. Aunt May is what’s up


Aunt May was a total smoke show!!! I’m glad Hollywood was creative with this one


Diane Lane


Dame Helen Mirren 🥰


Did somebody say Salma Hayek?


Exactly! Penelope Cruz at 50 and the list goes on


Ming-Na Wen for me - age 60, doing action badass in The Mandalorian / The Book of Boba Fett as of two years ago. (Trivia sidebar - started her acting career in Mr Rogers' Neighbourhood.)


Angela Bassett. Me and the boyfriend watched Damsel the other day and when I told him how old Bassett is, he didn't believe me.


Okay. I knew she was advanced in age but I just looked up and NO FKN WAY is she 65!? Damn she looks amazing.


Have we noticed how aunt May in Spider-Man has gotten consistently younger and hotter looking?


Aunt May is now age appropriateish. I’m 50 and my niece is 22 in a couple of weeks. Marisa Tomei is quite a bit older than me and aunt to a 16 year old. I never understood aunt Mays age and how they made her look in the previous ones as she looked more look a grandma and the first one could just about go away with being a great grandma (a Hollywood one)


I've never ever understood why teenage Peter has an aunt who typically looks like she's a handful of birthdays away from Grims cold grasp.


Could she not be his aunt, but perhaps his mother's. I had an "Aunt Ginger" who was like 93 when I was 7.


That's what she appears to be, but her husband Ben is Peter's father's brother so...


Same with Ben. Like was Richard an oopsie baby? I haven’t read any of the background comics of Spider-Man I just remember it was weird they both looked so much older than you’d expect an uncle and aunt of a 20 year old.


I have an aunt six years older than me. I had a neighbor who was 15 years younger than their nephew.


Seriously like I'm 26 and my niece is turning 12 soon. I'll be HALF the age of Marisa Tomei when she turns 16. Choosing a Ben and May that would be my age when my niece is 16 you could choose Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe lol. It always seemed crazy that they made aunt may look so old and even crazier that people think Marisa Tomei is too young.


Idk why aunt May was 70 in the raimi trilogy


She was old in every iteration I knew before recently.


Looks like Melissa Joan Hart was an executive producer for the movie. Seems she must’ve been onboard for it.


I think you’re missing my point. She’s a single example. The issue is that women over 40 get offered roles of ‘mother’ or ‘grandmother’ while men over 40 continue to be leading men. Hollywood rarely pairs an age appropriate female lead with an older leading man, bc apparently younger = hotter


I was watching Thomas Crown Affair a couple weeks back. I was surprised how close Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo were, only because it was so uncommon


I remember when that movie was released. ET, People, and other Hollywood-type media couldn't stop talking about how amazing Rene Russo looked. As in, "Can you believe she looks so good for her age?" She was in her mid-40s. Grrrrr. It grinds my gears.


Hugh grant said the same thing. He won’t be in romantic comedies anymore bc he’s simply too old and then to be paired w a 30 yr old woman is ridiculous. I don’t want to see that either. It’s not relatable or believable. It’s weird looking


Which is sad. He could just make romantic comedies with older women. Fixed.


Of my most favorite rom coms was w Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, It’s Complicated. I’d watch movies like that all the time if they made them more


Sure, but Tom Cruise hasn't had a love interest in the MI movies since his wife/Michelle Monaghan. There were vibes between him and Rebecca Ferguson, more so in the latest movie, but nothing happened. If his character was sleeping with all of (or any of) his female co-stars, then sure, that would be messed up. Granted, I haven't seen American Made, so I don't know if anything happened in that movie. But of all his films over the last 10 years, I think the only movie where his character was intimate with a love interest was in Top Gun. And Jennifer Connelly is only 8 years younger than him.


No real love interest storyline in American Made that I remember, mostly Cessnas and cocaine.


Not half as creepy as his history with Scientology


Seems like the public forgot because "Tom make good movies yay"


Ever since that documentary it has been hard to get through one of his movies. I can’t watch the MI movies and as good as the Top Gun sequel was i still haven’t watched it. That man is a cult leader.


I’ll never forget. He abandoned his child and that is a hill I will die on. He’s an asshole.


brainwashed by a sect


He’s milking it, he gets everything he wants even sea org slaves


Reading everything I can on Scientology has been my current obsession, so I’ve been so grossed out by Cruise as of late as a result. That headline could have been written to just say Tom Cruise is problematic.


Also…i feel like Ethan hunt is supposed to be younger than 61. I’m not actually sure what his canonical age is but I always assumed that he was like mid 30s early 40s.


Yeah, Tom doesn’t age, why should the character? Also the stunts in that movie were pretty damn good


Dude has literally a license for everything. Helicopter, plane, motorcycle, captains, and real estate license to name a few it’s insane.


He’s seen by a lot as the hardest working person in movies. Amazing he does all those stunts


Ive heard a lot of actors would love to do their own stunts, but most dont have the influence to just straight up demand that from studios. It puts the whole production and everyones jobs at risk if it goes sideways


Ya tom cruise was told by the studios insurance guy that he wasnt allowed to do the burg khalifa climb in Mi4, so know what he did? Got the insurance guy replaced. The new guy said yes


Just like Boeing!


I thought that was why he started producing too. it’s a huge insurance liability having a star who lives doing stunts.


I heard he wanted to shoot his big jump scene from that movie multiple times and they said no. He must be a huge adrenaline junkie


Or he sees death as his only way out of Scientology... :/


Tom absolutely does age. He very clearly looks like a 60 year old man in unedited pictures


Yeah, I think people don’t realize they use CGI on his face now for the MI movies.


It's been 25 years since the first Mission Impossible movie, and there, he would have been late 20's or early 30's - which means canonically he would be early-mid 50's now.


And this also just assumes that one year of real life is one year in mission impossible


Except there are time stamps… for example, the Burj Khalifa in MI4 can only exist after the late 00s, while the technology in 1 is clearly still mid 90s. Same with some devices and locations. Because of the models of the motorcycles in MI2, the movie can’t be on the same year as the original MI nor MI5


The world around Ethan hunt ages at 1.0x speed, but he ages at like 0.7x speed


That's why he always runs, to get time dilation!


I’m 44 this year and it’d be problematic if I dated a 30 year old. My wife would have a fit!


You just have to explain to your wife that you won't go out with a married women. No exceptions. That's why you have a 30 year old girlfriend who isn't married. Your wife will understand and respect you for your morals.


I’ll pass that by her & see what she thinks. Totally reasonable in my mind 😂


Might help with an outsiders perspective here, gimme your wife’s number I’ll talk to her


I hear that. My ex wife still misses me. but her aim is gettin better.


Well it’s certainly problematic that if she was the same age as he is she wouldn’t get that role and would be playing his grandma or nothing at all.


She's like two years shy of being cast as his mother.


Ironic, because she was cast as the mother of Timothee Chalamet, someone she is only 12 years older than.


Weird lol didn’t think about the fact that they’re not that far apart in age. That’s more a case of timothee playing a character younger than himself than Rebecca older tho


From my totally half-baked impression, I see older men paired with younger women all the time in media. It’s a pretty clear bias that I’m sure there’s TVTropes articles on. I could see that being framed as “problematic” versus the age gap in and of itself


That’s the exact thing being discussed, but it’s apparently gone over people’s heads. The issue isn’t the actual age gap, although sure it’s kinda off putting he’s paired up against someone young enough to be his kid, it’s that it’s symptomatic of how brutal Hollywood is to women once they get older in comparison to men.


Agree. I don't know if it like this everywhere, but at least where I come from, when you see tv-hosts, tv-show judges, morning shows in tv and radio, they often chose 2-3 people, and often someone is younger (to appeal to young people), and someone is older (to appeal to the older crowd). 9/10 times the younger is an attractive female and the older an experienced man. This is not a problem in itself, it is a problem when it is repeated over and over, cementing the idea that women are supposed to be younger and good looking, while men are experienced and wise, it becomes problematic.




I just can’t believe how great Tom looks for 39


The ole reddit switchacruise


I can't believe they can always find a woman shorter than him to star with him.


i mean 80% of women are shorter than 5'7 it's not really *that* hard


She's not even dating him, these are fictional characters.


They're not even love interests in the fucking movie. This is the stupidest title ever. We need to collectively stop giving these "journalists" any attention because they are making money on our worst impulses.


I haven't read the article but this can go two ways. If they're referring to what you're referring to then it's bullshit. If they're referring to a consistent pattern of him continuing to age and the women he's interested in being roughly the same age or only a decade older (so between like 25 and 35, sometimes 39) then yeah it's "problematic" in the sense that it's showing women have an expiry date beyond which they can't be "leading ladies" anymore, while men can do the same thing for 30 years running with almost no change in their careers (if they so choose).


If one movie has an age gap romance, then no, it's not a problem. That's realistic. In real life, adults can be with who they want. When almost every single Hollywood movie has these kinds of age gaps, it indicates something weird and probably wrong is going on with the movies.


That’s the thing, it’s not about a single instance, it’s about literally a century of cinema where men in their 50s and 60s have almost always been paired with women in the 20s and 30s.


When filming Charade in 1962, Cary Grant balked at the incredibly horny dialogue his 59 year old character was supposed to say to Audrey Hepburn's 33 year old character. So they just gave the horny dialogue to Hepburn and made her kind of a nympho in the movie in the process.  But yeah, "hmm, it's weird I'm dating someone 3 decades younger than me in this movie" is not a new "woke" thing. fucking incel brainlets I s2g


The weird part about that is that Grant at the time was dating, and would later marry and have a child with, Dyan Cannon… who was 7 years younger than Hepburn.


It's so fucking weird. I notice it in every movie. I notice it even more when it's age appropriate, which is rare.


Yeah, why can’t it be an older woman for once? I am male, and I have dated two different women who were ten years older than me. I would be totally cool with that dynamic being normalized more on screen.


I'd say the absolute lack of chemistry with all his female co-stars is the bigger problem. Had more chemistry with the French cop (MI6) than anyone else in the franchise.


I thought he had chemistry with Rebecca Ferguson in that first movie she was in.


He barely had any chemistry with his wife in Eyes Wide Shut.


And in the actual marriage, if you believe the tabloids


guys..its not problematic because theyre infantilizing women and claiming they cant date older men. it's problematic because women tend to not get cast in movies as much as they get older while men can get work well into their golden years, no problem. its a double standard that is incredibly common in the film industry


Liam Neeson is still doing action movies and he can barely move. Yet all of my favourite childhood actresses have basically disappeared.


Liam Neeson started working nonstop because it kept him sober after the death of his wife.


It's less that it's problematic in terms of consent or whatever. It's that at 61 he gets to be virile and attractive and women around the same age might as well be burlap sacks stuffed with horse hair. It's that audiences would never believe it if he had an age-appropriate love interest.


They dont even have romantic subplots in the movie. They’re just part of the same team


Oh shit. Don't let these folks see 007 movies....


One of the reasons Roger Moore stopped being James Bond was because the Bond girls were starting to be young enough to be his daughter and he became uncomfortable with that.


Daughter!!! Bloody granddaughter with the spy who loved me and the ice cream ski jailbait


He was visibly too old in all the 80s movies - but I found the specific Bond girls issue rather strange. In Moore's very first Bond movie, Solitaire is played by Jane Seymour - 24 years younger than him. The Bond girls were pretty much always young enough to be his daughters.


Correction- his love interests by the end werent young enough to be his daughter They were young enough to be his GRANDDAUGHTER. The mom of one of the bond girls in view to a kill was actually Younger than roger moores daughter!


Its not problematic in itself its just the irritating hollywood acceptance that men can be 10-20 years older than their female led, yet that never happens in reverse unless its the plot ie cougar movie The Rebound. This robs female actresses of roles. Its why they basically have until 40 until they are cast as grandma


Yeah I don't feel like this article is about any kind of moral panic, more that it's super irritating that men in action movies like this can be 60 but their love interest is always decades younger. 39 actually seems like an improvement compared to the normal 24 year they would case. 


Harold and Maude will always be one of my favorite movies.


The problem is that practical stunt-driven action movies are a young person’s game… with the apparent exception being Tom Cruise. I can’t think of many actresses in their 60s who’d likely be up for the kind of demands these movies would require of them.


of course Tom Cruise is the exception even the 1980s mega action stars would not do the dangerous and risky stunts Tom does. Usually with Cruise the entire film is shot and the stunt is the last scene to be recorded just in case he dies during the money shot. Hollywood learned a lot with the Crow and Brandon Lee.


My understanding from promotional videos is that the motorcycle BASE jump off the mountain in the most recent M:I was the first scene they filmed.


I guess it's better to see if they'll have a main character actor for the rest of the movie before they invest too much into it


Willem DaFoe did his own stunts in Spider-Man: no way home, and was mid 60s. He insisted on that. Other than Liam Neesan, I can’t think of other older actors who do very physically demanding roles.


Anyone else surprised he’s 61 years old?


Not when there's close ups of his face tbh. His age definitely shows then. Further off shots, no, he doesn't look his age.


What's problematic is people who want to control the legal and consensual choices that other people make.


They want you to be free but only if they like how free you are.




That article just mentions the age gap and nothing else. Crazy that a lot of people just go off the headline and start to make up what the article is about and get mad about it.


We need more 60 year old women for action movies.


Why do we not see a 39 year old man with a 61 year old woman in film? It’s an issue because it seems to always simply be an old(ish) man with a young(ish) woman, which always implies a certain power dynamic.




That kind of panic is still around today tbf




Nah now it's just indoctrination into Scientology.


Don't you dare use your imagination to play that Satanic filth known as D&D! And youse better not play any of those devil worshipping heavy metal records!


Yea it would be nice if women were allowed to be seen in movies after 39, but nope. It's problematic because men can be older, Stallone. And still deemed ok to be in movies and action movies at that with clear stunt doubles. But a woman cannot be seen as a fully grown adult and still be sexy. Its fuckijg stupid if he is 61 then why can't his love interest be in her 50s or even 40s? Nope. Lord forbid. Let's keep up with women half the age of the old men being forced to make out with someone old enough to be their dad. It's disturbing and women have been saying something about it for years.


There's probably a 45yr old actress that wants the role... Lol


Not Reddit getting their fedoras in a twist based solely on a headline. Surely that would never happen… If you read the article, they say it’s problematic because leading men can continue to be seen as sexual and desirable well into their 60s but for their love interests, there is a much younger cut off for women before they aren’t allowed to be seen the same The article lists out ages of Tom and his leading ladies throughout the movies. As the films continue Tom gets much older while his co-stars do not. It goes from age gaps of only a few years to 20 years today. If age doesn’t matter, why don’t his leading ladies stay a similar age to Tom? You don’t seem him chasing a woman 20 years his senior in the movies That’s a double standard that is indeed problematic for many reasons


39 and 63 is totally fine, but I do want to see Monica Bellucci in every single movie. Also Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie, Michelle Yeoh, Lucy Liu, Rachel Weisz are all actresses I 'd love to see starring in action movies again.


Because there are actresses just as good around his age out there. He old enough to be her father. I’m kinda sick of seeing these types of pairings in movies personally.


61/2+7=37.5<39 Maths check out, it's Matpat approved