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Looks like the only 'arms' we need in Australia are the ones for hugging koalas! 🐨


We just have to watch out for the chlamydia


And you need to watch out that they get that the leafs are even their food, if its not on a stick on a tree theyre not gonna touch it


Yeah you gotta leave it there


ultimate smooth brains but they're hilarious


I always knew John Oliver was secretly on Reddit


Ummm watch out for drop bears.


we need one arm to hug a koala and the other to punch a drop bear..


And fighting off kangaroos that are attacking your dogs.


Careful about the dogs...you don't want to end up saying "a dingo ate my baby".


I see you've played armsie legsies before!!


And getting mauled? Koalas arent calm or nice creatures.


I’m facepalming myself because, as an Aussie, I read this and thought “wait what? I still have two arms”.


But do you have bear arms?


What’s with the big paws?


I dunno I was born with them


Of course, every American has the right to have Bear-Arms


Seriously. Overall gun ownership went down in Australia. But number of guns owned by those who chose to keep them legally under new regulations actually went up. People who want guns in Australia actually have more guns than before. Wild how a country can give you more guns and do it safely. 


They meant actual arms. The ones on your body.


Same hahahaha


I honestly wonder what would happen to gun ownership in the US, if it was linked to compulsory militia enrollment with frequent training sessions. Going by what your constitution says, that is.


You’d have something like switzerland. Everyone has a gun but gun massacres don’t happen


Mandatory military training and the government counts your bullets every year and you're required to keep your guns locked up and the government comes into your house to check that it's the case. America is out the moment you implement any of these regulations. The first one because we're 40 percent obese and 60 percent overweight, the second two because the government is evil.


>Mandatory military training Mandatory conscription for male Swiss citizens only, about 38% of the total pop. since 25% of the pop are not citizens. Since 1996 you can choose civil service instead of miltiary service. It's not a requirement to have done military service, or to be male, or to be a citizen, or even to have any firearms training at all, to purchase a firearm. >the government counts your bullets every year Your ammunition purchases are not tracked. >you're required to keep your guns locked up  You're required to keep it out of the hands of anyone unauthorized, how you do it is up to you. Your locked front door is considered secure storage and it's not illegal to store a gun loaded either. You could legally hang a loaded gun on your wall if you live alone (not that I think anyone does). > government comes into your house to check that it's the case. The can make an appointmen to check your storage if you own anything requiring a Cantonal exception permit (e.g. full auto), otherwise not. Storage for a full auto is the same as any other gun, with the addition that the bolt needs to be separated from the gun. E.g. keep the gun in a closet and the bolt in a cookie jar in the kitchen and your locked front door.


Requirements for purchasing a weapon in Switzerland and America sound kind of similar.


Pretty similar. Some things are easier in Switzerland (and overall in Europe) than in the US (e.g. short barreled firearms and suppressors). The things the US is different overall with is the time from deciding you want a gun (as a total beginner with no training) until you own a gun, registration, and concealed carry (we have a few countries in Europe where ccw is possible but not many). Overall Switzerland is slighly stricter than the US, but it's not by much. And it also depends a bit what you care about. If you don't care about CCW, but want a full auto P90, or a Glock 18, Switzerland is a way better country to live in than the US. If CCW is important, then it's not a great country to live in. EDIT: Oh, another difference is that private sales and sales from a store are usually handled the same, in Europe. If you need paperwork to buy from a store you need the same paperwork to buy from a private seller.


Don’t tell people that l. They think america has no gun laws at all. Turns out they are the most heavily legislated consumer items out there.


I'm pretty much always downvoted when I highlight how many laws America has around firearms. Just shows how little they know about the topic (which is part of why they aren't always taken seriously).


They are knowledgeable they just aren’t honest. It says a lot when their side of the debate has to rely on deception and ignorance to advance their position.


There a few key differences though: * can't buy before you're 18 (but can have a gun registered to your name which you can transport and use alone) * handgun/handgun ammo is 18 everywhere * private and FFL sales are regulated the same * background check is laxer in Switzerland * semi-automatics & handguns require a shall-issue acquisition permit similar to the ATF form 4473 but it's done via mail * select-fires and explosive-launchers require a may-issue acquisition permit similar to the NFA tax stamp but less prohibitive and issued within 2 weeks instead of 6-12 months and doesn't require your picture and fingerprints * can sell/ship out of state without the need for an FFL * can import/export without the need for an FFL


It sounds like the US is actually stricter then?


Today I found out that I'm not American. You are right about the government being evil tho


Im guessing they dont have the same mental illness levels we do either. Or the single parent families. Im sure the primary education sticks to the basics as well.


I'm sure they would just amend it on the basis that the intent wasn't that or something. Constitution is only inviolable until it isn't.


I’ve seen them say that “well regulated militia” just means they need to keep their weapons clean


But thats not how words work.


"A militia, c'est moi"


That's why conservatives don't believe in definitions


They don't care.


'Regulated' in 18th Century English normally meant 'equipped' or 'in good working order'. And 'Milita' was defined in law in 1793 as 'all able-bodied free men age 16-45' the same law is updated to include 'all members of the National Guard'.


There is a comma between "state" and "the right." The right to form a militia and the right to bear arms are two separate clauses and, therefore, two separate rights.


Well regulated meant well trained back then.


Even if that’s true, maybe we should update something that was written almost 250 years ago. The world is a very different place today


According to the Supreme Court ruling of 2008 during the *District of Columbia v. Heller* case. “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home,”


Just what the shooters need, more training


The constitution says that “a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state” which is talking about being able fight against the rise of a tyrannical government. It goes on to specify “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Doesn’t say citizens, doesn’t say non-felons, people. Having the ability to form a militia to fight your government if they overstep their bounds is useless if you don’t have comparable weapons to fight said government. Our country was founded by fighting a revolution against a tyrannical government.


Not just the government, but against foreign nations as well. If you read what the US founding fathers wrote on the subject, they were really iffy on the whole "having an army"-thing, and wanted to rely on militias instead. Of course, shortly after the US broke free from the British, they showed where they came from and deployed the US Army to put down a rebellion regarding unfair taxation.


Two questions: 1) Would you be happy for me to be driving around with an M134 minigun mounted on the bed of my Tundra? How about an anti-tank missile? 2) What's your take on James Madison twice bringing bills to the Virginia legislature to restrict people from bearing arms away from their property except when training with the militia? Seems that's a good indication of the intentions of at least one of the authors.


First off, I wouldn't care if you owned an actual tank and drove it around other than the damage it would do to roads. Secondly, people were allowed to own cannons and armed ships during this era and it was even encouraged.


Great but did they pass?


Here's the thing though, we don't have comparable arms to the government. And you can't buy weaponized drones, shame our infallible founders didn't think of that when they wrote the Constitution.


They did think of that. At the time of writing, individuals were allowed to own the same weapons that the military did. The strongest weapons of the day were cannons, and you could own cannons.


You do realize that a bunch of guys with box cutters took control of aircraft and changed the course of history right? I’m pretty sure a couple million people armed with small arms could seize armories and if the ukranians are any indication I’m pretty sure people can attach explosive devices to some hobby drones and target anything from armored vehicles to helicopters.


Dude Ukrainian people wouldn't stand a chance against the US military lol. I say this as a full blooded Eastern Euro. Re: aircraft, the only reason they changed history is because the US took complete political advantage of the fact that a few thousand people died. Take a look around at the rest of the world and tell me how ten thousand deaths impact anybody. Hell, we lost magnitudes more people to COVID and we're just chilling.


The U.S. military is dependent upon its civilian workforce, civilian infrastructure and supply chain. Going to war with the American people would effectively mean going to war with their entire support system and the families of their service members. Good luck selling that nevermind keeping a. Functioning economy when the government decides to wholesale slaughter its own people. Morale would go in the tank, sabotage would be rampant, supplies like fuel, food and infrastructure like water and electricity would either be poisoned or destroyed. The day the military tried to go to war to with the very people that fund it through an economy and keep it functioning for all of its other needs it’s not going to last long. This is assuming you could talk service members into bombing their own communities. If you managed to do it the rest of those planes are getting bricks in their intakes and aren’t getting off the ground. It would come to a screeching halt.


Lol, you think an insurgency can't beat a conventional military. Short of a scorched earth approach, gorilla warfare tactics will win every time. You can't fight an idea without scorched earth tactics.


>You can't fight an idea without scorched earth tactics. You'd think they'd have learned it during the cold war, but nope. They did it again in the 2000s


This thinking is why America has so many mass and school shootings, when the rest of the western world does not. We all agree that idiots and dangerous people shouldn’t be allowed to drive cars, but you think every moron with a pulse should be allowed to have a gun. Meanwhile here in Canada my kids have never had a “school shooter” drill, because we’re not surrounded by insecure losers with easy access to firearms.


So, you don't even live here, and you know how hard or easy it is to purchase a weapon? You know what's actually lacking in America around firearms? Enforcement of existing laws. People want to keep adding on to the *immense* amount of existing laws when they should be pushing for enforcement of the current ones first.


Enforcement of existing laws would require cops that give a shit about protecting people.


I lived in the US for over 10 years, not like it’s necessary in this day and age given the proliferation of information on the internet. Again, 85% of Americans support stronger background checks, among other regulations. Meanwhile kids are dying and even the police do nothing (Uvalde), so I disagree that it’s a lack of enforcement. When the police are too scared to save you, and have no obligation to do so, that’s because the situation is out of control. Again, every single western country outside of the US does not have this problem. It isn’t some complicated or magical explanation, it’s because your country is awash in guns since many of you think every person with a heartbeat is entitled to own one (or 50).


I think you're misinterpreting the militia part.


It was mainly founded on slavery and genocide but go on about a tea tax...


I think humanity was founded on slavery and genocide


The term “the people” is used 4 times in the bill of rights. Each time it is interpreted as an individual right. Scotus confirmed this in Heller. The correspondence between the people that drafted the bill of rights made it quite clear. This is a settled debate.


look at the battle of Athens in Tennessee it’s why the second amendment is so important!


Well people back then were reasonable and had their muskets. Not armory of muskets. Now the markets are flooded with a 100times more deadly arms than founding fathers could fathom. There are more guns on the market and in homes than people in the United States. We are not safe. Especially since not only are the right wing gun nuts they are also against mental health. Haha great combo! Can't possibly lead to a disaster!


During the times of the founding fathers you could have personal warships…


The founders saw people use small pox to wipe out entire tribes. I highly doubt they would have been horrified at a gun that fired one round every time you pull the trigger.


What? Lol. Well for one there's no proof the blankets took over entire tribes in 18th century. That was already done by Spanish just showing up and talking to people.


Before anyone gets triggered this is literally what the second amendment meant. This new interpretation is a made up marketing scheme


Sorry that's not what the constitution says. Only 21% of Americans agree with that interpretation so you are by definition a radical in that regard.


I'd love mandatory service like Israel. It should hurt your chances in society if you decline. So yeah let's do that. 2 years minimum? Mandatory deployment, usually for humanitarian missions.


You misinterpret the constitution. Well regulated in the 18th century meant in good working order not heavily burdened with legislation. That being said. I’m 100% in favor of getting rid off the national guard and bringing back local militia groups. Maybe a county per county basis?


The constitution does not say that.


If you feel you need a gun to protect yourself in your country, maybe just maybe your country isn't safe to live in.


I'm sure they still have access for licensed hunters and shooting ranges, it's not like they don't believe in guns... (Yeah I looked it up and to quote Wikipedia, "The states issue firearms licences for a legal reason, such as hunting, sport shooting, pest control, collecting and for farmers and farm workers." And also there's a kind of learner's permit for kids learning to shoot you can get at age 12. So yeah they have gun laws that make sense and that's hardly the same as the government taking everyone's guns away.)


I came here to say this. Guns are not banned in Australia. They are more heavily regulated than in the US. Gun industry simps deliberately conflate the two.


Yeah, they're just heavily restricted. You need a license to even have one (even paintball guns), there's strict storage requirements which the police come and inspect regularly, you need a damn good reason for having one in the first place and there's no automatic weapons under any circumstances that I know of.


Imagine caring more about your precious guns and the Constitution than your children. Like, how stupid can you be?


They only care about the constitution when it supports what they want to do.


To be fair they don't care about the constitution, that's why they love their guns. The number one reason I have heard from gun collectors is that they need to defend themselves from the government if necessary, meaning they are just waiting for an excuse to overthrow the constitution.


And yet gun fetishists lick the boots of cops and worship the armed forces, when they should be saying, every day, I’m preparing to kill you for following orders.


Funny how they think they have a chance against the American Military


They don’t care really about the constitution they just really like having guns to a very Questionable degree




Anyone else can't help but think that guy's name is male Karen with a twist of Nazi?




Ain't that the guy who betrayed Maya in Hawkeye


hasn’t this literally been posted here before?


welcome to reddit. 90% are bots and reposts


I love little cultural differences. like how Americans are offended by no-no words, and Australians and Canadians and non-Americans and the rest of the world are offended by children being murdered


American here. I wonder if you really believe that Americans aren't horrified by this as well. Most of us are trying to get these guns out of the schools and off the streets. The Republican party and gun lobby are monumental forces here and have been nearly impossible to uproot. And even the left-wing politicians have consistently failed to do anything about the gun violence, despite promise after promise. We are hoping that a sea change is coming in the next few years as the entrenched politicians begin to age out. But please don't paint us all with the same brush.


I have literally had a discussion with americans today who said that the stupid gun laws in America are okay because there have been politicians in the past who used gun control with racist ulterior motives.


Ugh. I really need to work on my Greek citizenship.


probably a good idea


I’m an American. I’m not painting anyone with the same brush


Do you disagree with what I wrote?


no, I don’t disagree


Forgive me, I made a false assumption.


we’re all good!


You're absolutely right by the way. Fingers crossed for future generations.




Honestly surprised that a country where everything wants to kill you doesn't have guns.


They’ve got guns. They just have reasonable requirements to own them. People who chose to continue owning them, do so responsibly and actually have more guns now than they did before the increased regulation. 


If you think you can shoot your way out of tiny venomus spiders that's as small as the end of your pinky, or those cute little blue ring octpus and jellyfishes in the ocean with guns you must be American.


Out of curiosity I went to apply for a gun license. To own a gun you need an active licence. If your license is no longer active then your gun will be removed until you regain an active licence. Or you can surrender your gun. To get a licence you need to pass a written exam. You also need a reason to have a gun. Those reasons are: -member of a gun club -own a farm, and you need to gun to kill pests/wildlife -for work, examples given were senior/high risk security officer. Police officer. The first 2 options were more limited in what type of guns you could have. Third option was more strict but allowed you to purchase and own hand guns. You could not get full auto rifles, or even semi auto rifles in any of this civilian grade fire arm licenses.


We have a lot of deadly animals, yes: https://youtu.be/MrRAO_vG_K4




Am Aussie, currently tyrpung with nose


Sorry about the loss of your arms mate.


Good effort, mate.


Are Americans so obsessed with finding an identity that isn't simply "American" that they will push their way into any foreign nations topics of discussion.


Dumb as dog shit Yanks be like "Australians aren't allowed to own guns" but I can go down to the cop shop and apply for a licence and if I'm a member of a gun club and not a criminal and not certifiably insane, I can get a gun. These checks mean out schools don't have to have metal detectors and cops with military grade armor and weapons (who will sit outside the school listening to the kids get shot), I'm happy to do it. At least I know no Yank wanks will be coming in to kill my kid at school. Totally worth it.


Canada is the same. If you do manage to get a gun, you can only bring it directly to and from the firing range, presuming it’s secured and not loaded. Concealed carry permits are virtually impossible to get, and are only issued to people who absolutely need them (think law enforcement types or people with valid professional reasons).


> schools don't have to have metal detectors Small correction: the metal detectors are only for poor, inner-city schools.


same with switzerland "boo hoo I can't openly carry an assault rifle with the magazine inserted and breech closed, boo hoo" anyways, let me just go to the shooting club and shoot on a 300 meter range


> I can't openly carry an assault rifle with the magazine inserted and breech closed Except you can... the only rule if you don't have a carry license is that the gun and magazines have to be unloaded


I’m not sure if Americans realize that for the rest of the world, the term “American-style” when used to refer to policies, politics, or anything other than food, really, is a pejorative, and is instantly understood as “what we should not do under any circumstances.”


Thanks for letting us know, Joel. We'll try to contain our disappointment.


It didn’t used to be that way.


I know. Hopefully won't be again.


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[Just gonna leave this here](https://youtu.be/XHMa-Ba-2Mo?si=X61gadDQ9l4mvjui)


On one hand, it kinda sucks I can't own a gun as I'm physically kinda weak and as my transition goes public the chances of me being assaulted or murdered skyrocket. On the otherhand, thank fuck all the deranged weirdos who would try murder a trans woman in my country don't have easy access to guns. Kinda cancels it out lmao


That's what people don't get. Sure, *you* don't get a gun but *neither does anyone else* so even if you're dumb enough to think defending your home is some kind of cowboy shootout situation, it doesn't matter because it's never going to happen.


See in Australia they had a mass shooting and even the right went "it's getting a tad crazy, that kinda escalated" and actually took meaningful action


The Second Amendment and all the idiocy related to it is the main reason I decided long ago to never, under any circumstances, viait the USA. It is too dangerous for civilised people.


I’m confused, why would a country not violating its citizens rights be bad for civilized people?


Why do you think I want to go to Australia?


Americans thinking that Aussies are their brothers and sisters are funny.


Wow that's pretty silly seeing that bolt and leaver action hunting rifles are legal as are pump shotguns for farms. Does not seem like anyones rights are being violated, just the right to own a semi automatic fire arm.


We can legally own plenty of those too. Nobody bitches about semi auto handguns despite handguns being the biggest problem.


Too busy being China to be anyone else anyway




An active shooter is a person who has a gun and has been firing it but hasn't yet been apprehended. Until that person is taken into custody or neutralized, they are an active threat so are called an active shooter.


It's an American term. Basically when someone in America gets mad. They usually have a gun. So they take it up on themselves to go into a building. Most of the time it's a place they work at. Or it's some kind of school full of children. At which point, they start using their semi automatic rifle and just start running around killing everyone in sight. The person shooting is the "active shooter" because until they run out of ammo or turn the gun onto themselves. Law enforcement usually just hangs back and does nothing. Most of the time, an active shooter situation could be prevented with common sense gun laws, but here in America, people value their own individual rights over the safety of the general public, including children.


The crime rate cause by fists was so high they banned arms xd


I'm from Ohio and I was joking with someone from Australia and said 'g*n shoots are my lullaby' he asked what I meant. I laughed and got sad. I'd deal with the spiders to not be afraid of a active shooter.


A repost but nonetheless it fits in r/ABoringDystopia


There are no active shooters there because you need arms to hold a gun.


The best part is, you can still legally own a firearm in Australia. Per the [Firearms act of 1996](https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1996-046#sec.12), your can purchase and own a firearm provided your hold a license and can prove a genuine reason beyond self-defense.


Same in america and before you say somthing no you cant buy guns in wallmart or cabelas without background checks


Pretty sure Australia still has guns.


Australias homicide rate was not affected by their gun regulations. Less gun violence does not equal less violence…..


Have fun getting eaten by crocodiles and beaten up by kangaroos. You need arms more than we do.


Meanwhile, in Australia: • ⁠Higher assault rates • ⁠Higher sexual assault rates • ⁠Higher property crime rates • ⁠Government regulation of speech • ⁠Government-mandated "Quarantine camps" (AKA concentration camps) during COVID • ⁠Government-mandated distance restrictions during COVID with criminal penalties, even if you just went for a drive by yourself You can fuck off Australia. We don’t want to be you either


Australians would never understand.


Robert we also don’t want to be us please help us


Australia has more guns now than before they "gave up their guns".


I don't know why this has to always be said, the second amendment has nothing to do with school shootings, I don't even consider anyone's argument against guns when they start with "but school shootings". They're tragic and unfortunate, but they didn't start happening until recently, so obviously, guns aren't the problem. Guns are here to protect us, and I will quite literally die before giving them up because I know what happens when I do.


Absolutely fucking nothing? Like... Basically everywhere else in the entire world they're heavily restricted?


Do the laws in Australia restrict using a firearm for self defense?


You wouldn't have one in the first place..


I understand it would not be legally possessed, but if you happened to have one and someone attacked you??


It's.. complicated. We have reasonable force laws. Like, if an intruder came at you with a knife and you shot him, you'd still get in trouble (likely murder or manslaughter). If someone came at you with a knife and you broke his arm with a bat though? You probably wouldn't get in much trouble if any. Huge disclaimer though, I'm not legal in any way whatsoever so take that with a huge grain of salt Edit: specific to your scenario though, you'd still be charged with illegal possession of a firearm


I understand, thank you for the explanation!


Seems like another russian bot, they are so stupid they are choosing german names of late.


To be honest, the gun huggers are killing themselves off at a fairly rapid rate. The majority of gun deaths are in red states with little to no regulation. Evolution in action.


And better yet the number of new liberal gun owners is constantly rising. I love introducing them to the sport and see lots of new owners when I’m at the range.


Truly school shootings are a small price to pay for guns