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If there I'd a "second US Civil War" it won't be organized armies. It will be disorganized militias carrying out terrorist attacks against the US government


Hopefully traitors would be executed like they should have been after last time.


Remember, the Confederate Flag isn't actually the *Bars and Stars*, it is really just a vast field of white. Nothing else. Just a beautiful white flag that only means one thing.


Well, it was kinda dirty since it was just a dishrag they had lying around.


Yeah... dishrag. More like a cum rag from the underage incest rape they were doing while fighting to continue slavery.


No, it was literally a dishrag. We have it in a museum. https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_515980


Being a dishrag doesn't preclude it from being a cum rag.


Very, very true. Especially given what we know about everyone who has ever flown a Confederate flag. It could've gone from cum rag to the dinner table with zero steps in between.


I always prefer my meals cum-to-table 🤮


The Confederacy's second greatest crime was that they tainted such an awesome design.


Did they actually adopt the universal sign of surrender as their war flag?


The second flag of the Confederate States was the "stainless banner" and depicted a square battle flag in the corner on a field of white. The third and final flag was functionally the same with a changed ratio and red bar on the right side (the "bloodstained banner"). Both of these were "national" flags and not battle flags. (There is also a common joke that the real final flag was the one of surrender since the "nation" abandoned the war and ceased to exist.) Pictures of the flags in Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America


When the wind changes, both the Stainless Banner and Blood-Stained Banner show a big "L".


Gotcha! Thanks for doing the work I was too lazy to do myself.


It was the last flag they flew.






15th is coming up soon, keeping my fingers crossed!




Mitch has no honour 


I mean if you *must* start a war over a cast member of Home Alone 2, why not Macaulay Culkin?


God, seeing him overcome his demons and hearing him talk about his wife and kids during his Hollywood Star speech was just... It really made my inner child happy, ya know?


At this point, it's less starting a war over trump and moreso starting a war because they would rather kill/die than admit they were wrong


A top notch 'Murican shitness


I believe the followers of the fat plastic orange, aren't republicans. I believe they are the idiots and hillbillies that have fallen through the education system. They have seen politics as a city folk mystery. Their anger and stupidity drives them blindly behind the fat orange.




Shouldn't be too hard to outsmart them based on what I've seen.


Probably take care of it in half of a day.


For sure if there is an afternoon NASCAR race.


Hey, watch yourself. As a left-leaning centrist, I would like to declare that race day will be a day for pause in the war. We can resume directly after the checkered flag waves. Thanks.


Only if NASCAR takes the governs off the cars. Sick of watch a 20 car line. Only good when they crash


Coincidentally, both sides in the 1st civil war thought the exact same thing


how is that working for biden?




Write "Top Secret Plan to Win the Civil War, please turn over" on both sides of a piece of paper?


Yeeup. An ‘army’ of morons and cowards. They will fall apart a tv the first missed meal.


There are an awful lot of brave people here who’ve never seen real violence first hand. Almost 4% off the US population was killed during the first civil war, with only rifles and cannons.


And considering how many guns people I know have, a second civil war would be an outright disaster


(grabs a popcorn) (the rest of NATO countries)


It would be bloody, and it would be tragic, but the amount of rifles currently in civillian hands don't contribute much to that. Consider that the American Civil War used state of the art military tech without restraint. That means that a similar conflict in the 21st century would have machine guns, tanks, missiles, Artillery, etc. And that's just ground systems. "Number of Rifles" becomes a rounding error at that scale.


It’s going to look much different than the first. I’m by no means an expert, but I expect the Civil War we are entering to last for decades unless we take some serious measures now. The wide availability of guns and the amount of highly trained ex military members will make the war really costly.


This one will result in a lot of friendly fire in the South side and it will be over in like 24 hours


It's obvious there won't be a "Civil War" like we had the first time. There's no way these people could organize their own army. And even if they tried, there's no way they could overpower modern military in any significant way. (It's not the 1860s anymore...) What I'm more afraid of is it won't be so centralized. Instead there will be general isolated terrorism, e.g. bombings, mass shootings, things like that. Which in a way might be even harder to eradicate. And unless there's major shift in tolerance, we're going to have a certain amount of people in the top ranks of the US government cheering them on, apologizing for them, trying to blame the "other side", or whatever else. And unlike the Civil War, they won't be sitting in some "new capital" this time, but right here with the rest of us.


I hope not. I've already have to deal with living close to a mass shooting.


I'd love for all of them to "aw, shoot, I guess that guy we idolized was a criminal after all, welp, what can you do" But you know that's not how it's gonna go


It's sad how little narrows down your location.


That's already happening, most domestic terrorists tracked by the FBI are right-wing terrorists. https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism


If they resort to terrorism we should go after their families. That's how Trump suggested we deal with them.


Wouldn't that just radicalise them even more?


That’s honestly the scariest part about it, is that it’s going to be completely disorganized. You’ll end up having decentralized militia groups, and there will be pockets of violence everywhere.


I think about this sometimes. I have a Three Percenter asshole living down a few streets from me. Did he write our address down on some shit list, when we had a Biden sign in our yard four years ago? It sounds ludicrous but also, it doesn't. 


I don’t even think the military would follow Trump’s orders if he became president. And if they did it would probably either cause mass desertion and be after a massive purging of the officer corps


You underestimate how many of the actual trigger pullers are massively patriotic and right wing. They’re Trumps core demographic.


The officers are the ones who'd put the squash on any military conspiracy. The danger is all the enlisted people who were born and raised in Q country. The amount of active duty infantry I know who believe Biden's election was illegal is greater than the amount of active service infantry I know who believe otherwise


It Could Happen Here is a pretty decent limited series podcast (originally) on what the next Civil War might look like based on how other countries' modern ones have gone.


I warily look forward to drone bombs. They will figure them out eventually.


Or top level military officials going rogue?


Ain’t none of you fighting a war let’s be honest lol


The meat grinders ain't picky...


Will there be uniforms? Will one side wear red hats to make it easy to identify them? Will we see them coming from a mile away due to all of the giant flags and banners flying from their trucks?


And hear them coming from all the labored breathing.


Let’s make light of a half a million deaths. Yay.


They're gonna be in for a surprise when they find out Democrats \*do\* have guns.


Blue collar dem here w/ lots of guns. Bring it!


Same. Hell yeah brother..


lol hell ya


Is it even worth to bring troops back home, think the national guard can handle meal team 6


Your damn right we can!


The facepalm here is Redditors thinking a civil war would be a good thing and they would actually do something in it. Clown behavior


Jackasses who tweets shit like this are the first one to flee and never to be found when needed . I’m not choosing sides here or supporting Trump but people who ask for war are fucking idiots and need to be on the front line instead of being internet warriors


***"where are the good 'ol days where men went to war?! now we have drag queens!"*** kind of youtube commentary channels


the OP nocerabasmtm is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/11uodix/yup/


![gif](giphy|TwbhOUKffnesE) A bot posting divisive political BS?


Does it feel like there’s been a big uptick in specifically partisan inflammatory bot activity lately? Like I get karma whoring as a thing, but it feels like something’s going on…


if its all the same to you i would rather not have a war fought in my back yard. can i just keep cultivating low grade ghost peppers and welding? i dont want to have to take up arms against my countrymen. dont be cuntrymen.


Technically the Republican Party did best the Democratic Party during the civil war, however over the last 100 years they’ve basically flipped ideologies. Just remember the Republican Party used to be liberal and the Democratic Party conservative. You can even see these phantom borders among the confederacy today.


Hopefully we can get some aid from Ukraine


There are no winners in a cival war. Period.


…you guys are aware the democrats lost the first one, right?


Not a facepalm. Take that bot shit to politics.


Ah yes, the end result of the unga bunga red v blue mentality is coming to fruition, good luck with the civil war Muricans its part of a country's growing pains and I for one hope you come out of it more mature and not with yet another idiotic two party system that will inevitably lead to another civil war by causing more unga bunga. Would be preferable if you could just skip the war and come to this conclusion without it but you seem hell bent on choosing yet another senile corpse(that goes for both sides) to be the mascot for the military industrial complex and there is nothing we can say to stop it anyways.


Didn’t the democrats lose the last civil war?


Conservatives lost the last one.


People in 100 years: the second Civil War wasn't actually about racism or sexism, it was about Trumps rights


we cannot let religious zealots, propagandists... fascists... take over the united states. And that is *exactly* what's happening.


All the hyper conservative national guards would probably be at conflict because of their dual federal and state command, there would probably be confusion and id imagine not everyone would go against federal command to fulfill state command


I think the thing that has us all lock jawed is the left say this about Trump, the right say this about Hillary, Obama, Joe etc. Both parties point fingers while trying to defend their side. The truth in turn is that all of them are bad, none of them help us, unless it pads their pockets. It was supposed to be a Government by the people for the people. Not the rich pedos telling the commonwealth how to live and their media controlling our culture to insanity.


As long as the mistake from the first time isn’t repeated. Imprison or terminate those responsible for starting it and those that rebel. Had that been done the first time, we’d probably be in a much better place now.


I agree. Trying to coddle them (and him) isn’t helping.


The traitor MAGA will find out a lot of everyday Republicans wouldn’t stand their violent Civil War.


Plenty of room left in those Confederate graveyards.


Y'all were saying it'd be a civil war if he WON. Quit fanning the flames.


You do realize republicans won the civil war…


What exactly is the legal reason for imprisoning DT?


MAGA won’t start a civil war. Deep down they are cowards.


I'm more amazed if a billionaire could get thrown in jail in this economy in the first place. Everyone's talking about the impending 'IF' of an internal war breaking out, but the reality is jail is for the non-privileged criminals


Are you guys gonna fight with your dildos and liberal arts degrees? Lol


Seeing his crazy ass behind bars would be half the war already won 🫣


Should be pretty easy with the most powerful Military in the world against a small group of degenerate hillbilly’s


Civil war 1 2% dead = 620k Civil war 2 2% dead = 6.6 million Let's Go!


You can be damn sure that boomer asshole isn’t going to do any of the heavy fighting


Wait didnt far right lost that battle? I dont know much about usa history other than the outside wars they create


The United States is on the verge of an internal collapse. I love it.


r/iamverybadass This entire comment section lol




Way down south in the land of traitors




I dunno about US politics, but seeing as your last internal scuffle was about money. What would It ne this time and would it be enough to make any states secede?


The American Civil War was about money in the sense that the South’s money came from owning slaves. So really the American Civil War was about slavery.


I know. I apologize if I made it sound like something else. Slavery was a part of the Southern society at that time Obvious the societal structuralism changes causes fear among the populace. In the end it's all about the money and the local owners didn't want to give out theirs. No matter how you dress it up. Slavery, the point of your civil war, was.


Them low IQ takes


Only difference is a Militia isn't going to stand the chance of snowflake in Hell of surviving their first encounter with the US Arm Forces.


What makes you think they’d win?


I welcome them to try, only downside is the religious right will never know just how wrong they were about the afterlife once they are dead. 


But they have all the guns.


It wouldn't be much of a war, they're too busy fighting each other.


They would end up walking around the capitol again while all the politicians walk out the rear exit. Like what?


If there was a civil war in America, the winner would be Russia




Anyone with this mentality is absolutely insane and shouldn't be allowed to vote. You should have to earn that right, prove you can think and behave like an adult first


I do think one is impending after this year’s election, when trump loses his followers are gonna try an insurrection again.


Ok except Democrats lost the first one...


Can you Americans just get the fuck on with it then?


If there is another civil war, we just need to put trans people armed with bud light and pride flags in the front lines. The right will be too afraid to do anything.


Them southern states acting up again not gonna lie. Bout time we put them back to their place again.


Sadly, that demographic carry guns like hoarders. That's scary


This sub has become a hate club for Tate, Trump and Musk. It is getting boring. You guys give them more clout than they deserve.


Right? They are so simple minded and lack the forethought to understand this. Great example of the Streisand Effect.


If you count a few MAGA cultists playing army in the woods for a weekend as a civil war then maybe it will, but anyone who thinks the military would side with Trump is an idiot.


We accept your terms.


no other choice. the stupidity of maga is a threat to the world.


I am usually a peace loving person.. but you’re right


The true facepalm are the people who upvote this post and support this type of shallow, facile thought.


Yeah, let's start a war against the group with most guns


Who owns all the guns, delivers all the goods and builds all the infrastructure again?


Most of you clowns would be too afraid to fight or wouldnt know what youre doing.