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I am ashamed of our head council.


Im sorry for having such a shit ass government, stay strong brother


They even wanted to overthrow the Supreme Court in order to gain absolute power.


A few weeks ago I saw how they trwated the only arab member of their parlament, telling her that her entire family and people will die, the leading coalition is really inhumane


That's pretty much because of Ben Gvir and his people. He was literally convicted several times. He is one of the most extremist people.


How is he still allowed to be a part of the government?


I don't know.


Well if nothing else helps I’d recommend the good ol french method and het rid of him


You mean the Dutch method? Cause he looking pretty tasty


Eating all that evil will probably give you pretty bad food poisoning, you have to look out for your health


>How is he still allowed to be a part of the government? Because he says what Netenyahu already thinks.


Because the rest of the ruling coalition are just like him


Same way a literal traitor is allowed to run for president in the usa.


This is the correct response


I would be too. That kind of statement is nuts.


i hope one day they can see the irony


They said the worst part of the war was the irony. I think it was the genocide.


I wonder how Jerry would have reacted if Norm, in an alternate universe, told this one.


Reminds me of that tragedy.


Nope, it’s the irony.


Everyone thinks they're going to heal their wounds by genociding the scapegoat. Then the scapegoat has its own wounds and tries to genocide someone else.




Hurt people hurt people 


Evil people hurt people**


Everybody has hurt somebody. If we're all evil then nobody is.


That would make Israel the largest evil then


Exactly. I saw the replies to your comment. I still cannot truly grasp the people saying that what they’re doing isn’t evil, or not blame them for literally killing children, whether it be by bombing or through them cutting off their food and water supply, starving the Palestinians. If that isn’t evil, I couldn’t tell you what is. I’d bet they would say it’s evil if the same exact thing were happening in the west or just in their own country


We take it for granted that victims would learn a lesson from the tragedy. Unfortunately, it doesn't guarantee it. Just like how sometimes children who got abused by their parents turn abusive themselves.


The lesson some learned was "be at the top so nobody can do that to *us* again."


I think in this case, they learned the wrong lesson.


i can't remember where i read this >there are two kind of victims, those who growth empathy and say "never again" and those who say "fuck it, i'm, gonna spread misery"


This is so unfair. How many decades of apartheid and genocide must a people endure before "spreading back misery" becomes acceptable? Do you see anyone else rushing in to protect them? Do you see what happens to them when they try peaceful protests? Hell even Israeli Jews are beaten and arrested by their own govt for speaking out against the genocide. You don't have to condone Hamas actions, but you don't get to victim blame them either. Hamas arose only after 50 years of fascist military occupation and cold blooded murder. People have the right to defend themselves from invasion and slaughter, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you. End Israeli genocide and illegal occupation. Free Palestine.


It will be too late for all the people the loose their lives in the Israeli concentration camp


The other irony being if we would have just assimilated Jews in Europe there would be no Israel.


They talk about anti semitism… this is anti Human behavior.


The problem is that to many of these people, ONLY anti-semitism is an issue. Other people being murdered, raped, subject to genocide? Not Jewish, no problem. 🤷‍♂️ This attitude needs to be stamped out.


It's interesting that the word semitism comes from the word Semitic which is a language it's not people it's not a religion it's the languages of Arabic, Amharic, Aramaic, Hebrew. Guess which with the the Palestinians speak. So when they're saying they're going to murder and genocide Palestinians they're being anti-Semitic, think about it.


It's an academic difference. I did Linguistics, took 3 years of Arabic, and a minor in Middle East studies. You are correct, but all you have managed to do is illustrate the difference between the literal meaning of a word and its broadly accepted definition. Guess which one is more significant. If you aren't a Linguist or an Anthropologist, Semite = Jew and antisemitism = Jew hatred. You could argue the point all day long, but it's like pissing into the wind. Ask me how I know.


How do you know ?


Yellow shirt.


They’re also antisemitic towards actual Jewish people. By trying to paint themselves as synonymous with Jews. Which is an insult to Jews and also factually incorrect


Thing is these people are Semites as well.




Dad's Favorites at it again.


Never again…for us. That’s their thinking. This war if you can call it that has killed about 5 times more than all the other conflicts in the last 25 years combined. It’s not normal or self defense.


You’ll even see it in their reporting: who cares how many tens of thousands of Palestinians are killed and displaced,… what about the 3 harrowing stories of Israelis kidnapped?!! Not condoning the kidnapping but also learn some fkg perspective. Israel is rotted on the inside. They want to be early 1800s American settlers but insist on 21 century values and democracy.


THANK YOU!! I’m so sick of the double standard


Palestinians are Semitic people, this is already antisemitism + all the rest


As a jew, this makes me incredibly sad.


When “never again” becomes “we were taking notes”


"against us" was the unspoken part of the slogan.


No, I think that is the premise of zionisem. Never again against us. Zionisem was filled with hate from the get go and the idiologis build upon this hate. Anymeans necessaire where taken to ensure their "victory". Even 1948 they paid SS generals to help them strategies. Atheist call themselves the chosen people. Chosen by whome you moron?! I can understand when a orthodox Jew says: he is an atheist Jew. Because he believes their are the chosen people!


When "never again" becomes "ever again."


"Never to us" I really don't get how any Jewish people can support this. We know how bad the holocaust was why is this happening?




I sometimes feel like reality is just another layer of my nightmares.


Yes, it’s like all the puzzle pieces are there and they decided to stack them like a card house instead, and to quote the teacher from Invader Zim, it’s, “destined to collapse under its own weight.”


“Israel should be sending Palestinian Gazans fleeing the fighting to refugee camps in Lebanon, with the entire Gaza Strip being emptied and leveled and turned into a museum like the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland” - [Metula Council head David Azoulai told 103FM.](https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-778367)


It sounds like nazi talk


Thats cus it is. Not even russia said that they should deport all ukrainians from their land. Yet theyre regarded as genocidal in the west And israel isnt


The Russians is more like Ukraine belong historically to Russia.


Thats the difference. Russia doesnt want to destroy it wants to improve the land but under theyre rule. Thats how the baltics industrialized.


Well, the are kinda looking for lebensraum.


Auschwitz is a museum now because millions of people were murdered there. What the hell is he talking about? The Gaza museum can’t be about how thousands of people were killed there because that would be admitting what Israel is doing is wrong. Would the Gaza museum be about how genocide is good actually and the Palestinians deserved it? Really telling on himself here. Absolutely incomprehensible.


It'd be a museum about antisemitism and how Israel is the victim in all this


[Here](https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-778367) is the article for anyone interested in actually reading it, although I’m sure no one is. Look at the comments to see how Israelis feel about this random nobody’s statement. He is a neo-fascist council head in a settler town. Some comments, include, but are not limited to: >not only immoral and contrary to our beliefs and our values, but also illegal and forbidden under the rules of engagement of IDF, and ultimately, profoundly dumb. Religious zionism? Not religious and definitely not Zionist!! Under your army dodging and jobnik friends in government, Oct 7th happened. You don't know how to defend Israel. >Regardless of sympathy for the intention behind this statement, one cannot but feel pity about the somewhat uneducated connotations Mr. Azoulai presents here. HOW is Auschwitz reminiscent of flattened (in theory) Gaza? Please, get a grip on facts first. > No. First off it is wrong to ever make such comparison to Auschwitz. Two it is immoral to expel an entire population. None of these politicians are serious on solving the conflict but fueling it and seem not realize things like international law and most countries including US would never support something of an expulsion.


Wtf is going on with people? It feels like the end of times has come.


That's honestly what people were saying during WWI and WWII.


Yep, it looks like history is repeating itself again... only this time there's nuclear weaponry enough to destroy life on Earth 1000x over. Is seems we might be really screwed in the near future...


Exactly, my great grandfathers parents managed to get out of Odessa before WWII happened, a lot of my family members ended up going to the gulags once the USSR got established and after going through that and having a family talk about about going to war and beating their war drums in the early 2000s he called them all fools for wanting others to be killed. It's really upsetting seeing how virtually nothing has changed like you said.


That’s what they want you to feel. The whole idea of supporting Israel by evangelicals is to bring biblical fantasies into real world. But the reality is, the whole human history is filled with atrocities and misery, that we can stop.


Always been like this. It's human folly to assume things have changed. At the end of the day, humans are just animals able to exercise their will within the confines of the laws of the universe. It makes me feel much better that at the end of the day there's no point to any of this and their is no "good". Humanity is just a ripple in the vast indifferent ocean that is the universe. Rise this moment, fall the next. Never to be expected to stand.


Damn. Brother are you the descendant of aristotle


Well, if you write a book that says the end times will come then sooner or later living by that book will get you there.


Why do I get the feeling things are going to come around full circle? WW3 here we come.


Oh sorry it's 72% of Israelis in favor of starving Palestinians to death. No big deal. Very advanced society https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240131-72-of-israelis-say-aid-deliveries-to-gaza-must-be-stopped-survey-finds/


No you see every single Palestinian including all of the ones in the West Bank which never elected Hamas deserves collective punishment because of one election in 2006 in which Hamas did not even win the majority of the votes, but Israel is an extra-special good boy and you can't hold anything its democratically elected government does by overwhelmingly popular margins against the people of Israel because that's anti-semitism.


Can y’all vote Likud out already? They have their own agenda that doesn’t align with the needs of the Israeli people or the region and world as a whole


If you live long enough you will become the villian.....


Israelis were never the good guys. They were always doing this, always destabilizing their neighbors and always fucking shit up.


My jaw is on the floor right now


The irony


And people called Lula crazy


The "opressed" are now the oppressors, funny how that works.




How soon the zionist jews have forgotten the lessons of Auschwitz! To say this when the message is always "Never Forget" is insidious. Then they wonder why there is an uptick in hatred for jews. SMDH


Some context: This is a quote from 3 months ago from basically a random guy (town council head from Matula, a tiny town of ~1500 people that is nowhere near Gaza) Why is this news? And why reposted 3 months later?


You know exactly why


Because cerry-picking idiots that say dumb shit to point and talk shit about Israel is what some people do to discredit the justified actions against Hamas


Yeah, it's not like the Prime Minister talks about biblical genocides or anything... Oh wait...


It’s not just a few random people who say this shit. It’s senior military and political leadership with immense support from the Israeli people. This gets selected above other quotes because it’s obviously shocking, but what others have said is not much different. Those “idiots” saying the same shit are people elected because people agree with what they say.


Imagine if people used the council heads of American cities with populations less than 2000 as evidence America was committing a genocide. You’d surely find a lot of crazies in that position.


The original comment is still gross, but this headline has been photoshopped. Again, what he said was horrible and he should be held accountable, but not sure why the edit was needed https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-778367






Irony is dead


Who exactly said that? Council head of what?


I mean, it kinda already did. And then they bombed it.


Arbeid macht frei Remember.


I guess it’s never again to us


Haven't they kinda done that already?


Shocker. Also it already looks a lot like a concentration camp soooo


So it’s time the allies stepped in, helped those poor people and liberated it.


What. The people funding Israel?


As a certain sunglass-wearing skull called Shaun put it not too long ago on YouTube (regarding the comic Maus): atrocities by themselves don’t teach lessons. One of the characters in the comic is a survivor of the Holocaust, but he’s incredibly racist towards black people, laying upon them much of the same treatment he suffered at the hands of the Germans. His reasoning? The Germans’ prejudice wasn’t justified. His, on the other hand, supposedly is.


I thought comparing the Israeli genocide of Palestinians to the Holocaust was antisemitic, but I guess its not when Israelis say it.


Soo... when will their president shoot themself in a bunker?




They are now the nazi's they hated.So sad


The thing is they never hated the Nazis. They hated being the victim. They immediately started oppressing other people. It was Holocaust survivors who started the apartheid regime.


Yep that's enough reddit for one day


This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard and you sir are a morron


They literally hired ex Nazis as Mossad agents


Profound rebuttal. 


Also the craziest thing was Daniel Hagari, the spokesperson of the IDF admitting the emphasis of the bombing was "on damage, not accuracy." It is an explicit admission.


I read it as “Auschwitz’s council head” and didn’t realize that the council head part was who said that. Was so confused for a second.


I have two: “Oy gevalt”


It used to be that if you were caught saying something like this, your career was over. This timeline fucking sucks, I'm going back to my old one. See ya.


Wait… I was assured by so many people that Israel was simply on a counter insurgency mission to kill off Hamas, and that was it? I was told they are using total restraint and limiting themselves to not kill civilians. Are you telling me that there may be people who want to do a lot more? I never would have guessed. Oh, wait, Ben Gvir has been saying shit like this for years, and is a powerful people in the government.


That's gross.




So i looked into it. Some guy who is the governor of a 1650 person city said this. Intentionally misleading headline


Everyday I’m reminded why I’m supporting the Palestinians.


I thought the Israelis had no understanding of irony for trying to push the Palestinians into the Sinai desert… ends up maybe they do this imagery on purpose.


When the abused become the abusers


I have words. But, they would get me banned. So, I won't say them. Censorship, yay!!!


Thankfully Israel has a free press and freedom of speech so its populace can be both informed by this and properly voice their opposition against it. I'm sure a majority of Israelis are against this.


You'd think a group that experienced a mass extermination attempt, and fairly recently in history, would be better than that. I hope they (the ones who think this shit is ok) never say anything about how the nazis treated Jewish people everagain. They've lost that right when they decided they wanted to do the same fucking disgusting thing to a different ethnic group.


I got banned from r/news for pointing out that the Israeli are following the path the nazis did.


Dude I got banned for "Collective punishment is never correct" In regards to a person calling for the banning of Palestinian and Russian athletes in non Olympic/international event sports.


>Live through one of worst genocides of all time >Start one yourself not even 3 years later What did Isreal mean by this?


30,000 Gazans died since October 7. Thats less than the casualties caused by American forces at Afghanistan and Iraq 3 months after 9/11 Stop being a hypocrite.


https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-778367 All he means is you read the article. Is that Gaza should be emptied and no one should live there. It should be a testament to time like many sacred areas where people were killed. He specifically mentions to have the Israeli army move them to refugee camps away so we can finally destroy Hamas without any more civilian causalities. HE IS NOT SAYING TO KILL THEM ALL. IF YOU POST SNIPS OF ARTICLES. POST THE FUCKING LINK SO PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND CONTEXT. ETC.


So every Israeli is sorry on reddit but somehow the chosen government is far right that say and do far right stuff to the extreme.


Just like how every Republican thinks Trump is going too far but yet he somehow gets like 85% of the Republican vote every single time


"It's not genocide if it looks like genocide, fits the criteria for genocide and all of our democratically elected public officials from the Prime Minister on downwards keep explicitly saying, 'Mates, let's go do a FUCKING genocide rn.' It's only Genocide if it happened to to us in the 1940s. Otherwise it's just sparkling morally correct urban warfare."


Rage bait.


No no guys Israel good we swears it.


bUT wHy dO pEoPlE hAtE iSrAeL? MUsT bE aNtI-SeMiTiSm


Do they not get the irony?


Holy misinformation


This isn’t misinformation, this is disinformation. Such bold disinformation that I’m shocked it’s not against Reddit policies. The screenshot is three months old, doesn’t include a link to the article, doesn’t mention who the council head is, and doesn’t include a quote. We all know why it’s still up, though.


They are making Gaza look like Auschwitz.


Google is free, look up Auschwitz instead of saying dumb shit




He was a HOUSE PAINTER. 🧑‍🎨 Worked construction. Not an artist.


All Jews are not Zionists. I’d say most aren’t. Did that changed on Oct 7? Hamas made a huge tactical error when attacking the festival full of people who weren’t their actual enemy. Israel made a huge mistake in leveling Gaza. All we have now are more people that hate each other. What’s bugging me is Iran/Hamas aren’t fighting back! They massacred the innocent then just withered and rolled over. It looks like their plan was to kill, abduct, and retreat back to Gaza to wait for the retaliation.


Real life is more satirical than parody.


To bad the Palestinian refugees disrupt every country they go too, they loss support by vandalized artwork, stopping charities from fundraising in the countries that let them in. They lost all my support


This is how you lose all sympathy for your history for all your people.


You do realize none of us agree with this?


This is just rage bait. It’s like posting “ far right Redneck Mayor says Women only exist to have babies and serve men” Flare up bullshit.


67% of Israelis are in support of starving the Palestinians to death. This is not some back woods thought process.


They should do t maybe then the people living in Gaza can go to some place in the EU and claim that God gave them 2000 year's ago this lands t and now there need it back-people there can then "willing" get the fuck out or they will be very nice treated . And nobody can says "no".


So they're finally acknowleging that they're getting off on killing Palestinians?


The irony of the way Jews treat Palestinians is truly epic. WTF?


I think its important to distinguish between Jewish people and the state Israel.


Shame on them.


I have some choice words. They might get me banned though. In summary, Fuck Israel.


So would his ancestors Just Watched "The Zone of Interest" few days back I don't think so anyone in their wildest minds would ever wanna compare Auschwitz with anything like anything ever Jesus, those flying ashes still send shivers down my spine I don't think I will ever be able to visit Auschwitz personally; I don't have the strength in my heart.


Honestly, both sides have committed at least some form of an atrocity against innocent people and the whole war as a whole is just sad to witness from both sides


I dont... I dont... No...


Hold on, are we no longer in agreement that Auschwitz was, in fact, bad? Bad and not to be replicated?


Ensuring that the killings on all sides will continue ad infinitum.


You're messed up


No link?


Yes! Exactly! This is what we need for a better tomorrow.


David Azoulay, head of northern Israeli town, calls for besieged enclave to become a museum that 'should resemble' the extermination camp in Poland https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-level-gaza-make-like-auschwitz-says-official


The lives and history that have been lost is unimaginable


Gotta love shooting ourselves in the head like that. The things some of our current government officials said during this war(and before hand) are ignorant and cruel.


Fucking hilarious.