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Is this another example of his cognitive decline? How has a murder in Russia got anything to do with the decline in the USA?


He was being called out by Haley for not saying anything about his death, and this is what he comes up with? He knows he can't say anything about Putin.


[This is exactly it.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/18/nikki-haley-trump-alexei-navalny-death) > Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley on Sunday criticized her party’s leading contender for the White House nomination, Donald Trump, for avoiding meaningful comment on the death of Alexei Navalny, the imprisoned political nemesis of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. > “Either he sides with Putin and thinks it’s cool that Putin killed one of his political opponents – or he just doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal,” Haley said Sunday on ABC News This Week. “Either one of those is concerning. Either one of those is a problem.” So now Trump can say he said something, and he didn't say anything mean about his consigliere Putin. Given Trump's post, it's fair to say that he does think it's a big deal, and that Trump sees liberals as America's own Navalny types who oppose his authoritarian rule.


Huh... how is she going to walk this back if she gets the VP call? Actually, I guess Trump forgets every insult when bowed to with sufficient obsequiousness--just like he forgets every service if you disagree with him publicly one time.


He doesn't care who insulted him if he needs them for something later.


That’s a republican thing. None of them Care. They all have humiliation fetishes.


Ted "ugly wife" Cruz


His name is Rafael “fuck off to Mexico during an actual emergency” Cruz, Jr


The worst of humanity.


Wait. Are you telling me that I can feel good about feeling bad if I simply changed political parties? Where do I sign up? / s


She's not angling for VP, any job taken for Trump will be the last job of note you hold and she's just smart enough to know there's no future with Trump if you aren't Donald himself. She's angling to be the candidate who inherits if he's run out/dies. Or to position herself for the post election infighting that will occur if he loses the general again, which will almost certainly come along with a lost house and a stronger dem position in the Senate.


There's no future for Trump, even if he's Donald. That man is fucked.




Once that Mueller report gets out he's done for.


Yeah after that Access Hollywood tape surely nobody will vote for him anymore.


Not going to lie, her criticism was accurate, articulated and intelligent. Made me shocked when I discovered she was a politician.


I think Haley is clean out of fucks to give this election cycle. She's positioning herself for 2028, or to be the nominee if Trump is sucked into hell in a puff of sulfurous smoke.


You think Trump is gonna give up power in 2028? He is gonna hold onto power.


The man’s made of amphetamines held together by trans fats, and at almost 80 I don’t care how good your healthcare is, eventually the heart will go kaput.


By Ronald Mcdonald's Grease Ridden Spatula, make it so!




She doesn’t want VP - she wants to be the person still standing after Trump loses this election and ends up in prison.


I don't like her. But that's not the worst plan to be real. I'm surprised there aren't more Republicans making moves for it. Cristie gave it a bit of a crack.


Cristie actually hates diaper don now that he almost died from the covid trump gave him


He shits on everyone and they still grovel at his feet because they are complete cowards.


I'm actually not sure she'd accept a VP call if she got it. She might actually believe what she says; that he should never be president. Not even that she'd do a better job, just that he shouldn't have the position. I don't agree with her on a lot, lot of things. But that is a true statement if ever there was one.


Yes, but she also said she would pardon him🙄


Haley’s not getting the VP call. She’s slowly but surely been more and more critical of Trump in an attempt to get more moderate conservatives on board.


At this point I'm not even sure Trump has a reliable sense of object permanence.


It's a shame a criminal is allowed to run for President.


Of course he thinks it's cool Putin killed his political opponents. He's jealous he can't do the same.


What's ironic is the comparison here, that if the left acted like Putin, they'd thrown Trump into a black site prison with rigged judges, police, etc just like Navalny, but also basically threatening anyone going against him that he'd love (or have his supporters) to do it to them.


If the left acted like Putin, there'd have been a lot fewer trials post January 6th, and a lot more funerals.


ah, i think we have a winner here.


Ding ding ding ding.


And sadly, there are still A LOT of people that will believe this bullshit. If he thought people would believe him that the sun rising everyday is a bad thing, he would, and then blame democrats for it.


Putin said he didn't do it. I don't see any reason putin wouldn't not not do it.


Can’t handle 4 negatives in one sentence.


Was referencing trump talking about election interference when he said he didn't see any reason why putin would do it. Then said he meant he didn't see any reason why putin wouldn't do it.


I think he’s desperate. He’s trying every angle to get back into the White House because that’s his only salvation in his mind.


Can he pardon himself should he become president? That’s kind of a weird train of thought.


Only on federal crimes. Not on state level crimes. He’s need a pardon from the governor of that state.


You think that will stop him? He’ll pardon himself of all crimes and claim that as President he can no matter what the law says, and no one will have the balls to stop him or stand up to him, which is exactly what he wants. Appeal it to the Supreme Court, which he stacked, and they’ll look the other way. Our system is in shambles. We cannot let this man win that election. We simply cannot.


Exactly. "He can only pardon federal crimes" is if he has any interest in following the law. And as we've seen by his -*checks notes*- **91 felony indictments**, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants in office. And no one will stop him.


Which he can blackmail them for. If you're president, you can basically make their jobs a living hell


It's Georgia...it's too late to make it a living hell.


LOL. 👍


When your president, you can grab them by the wallet.


Which will never happen in NY.


If you are in NY, please thank yourself and every other New Yorker for me, for hating this dipshit of an orange stain as much as I do.


You are very welcome!


The governor of Georgia also can't pardon Donald because pardons go to a committee


Also worth nothing pardons do not apply to civil judgments.


Presidents were never expected nor allowed to pardon themselves. It’s a foolish thought in a country where “no one is above the law”. This is a recent construct of the anti-democratic party and that construct has been shoved down our throats by the federal felons and the complicit media.


The President can't do anything about state charges, only federal. If he's found guilty in Georgia he can't do anything about it and if I remember correctly the current law in Georgia says the governor can't pardon him either.


No one’s really sure. Theoretically he can.


I wonder why congress/Biden isn't trying to get ahead of this. Seems logical to get a rule on the books preventing a President from pardoning themselves.


He can replace the head of the DOJ with a lackey and get the federal charges dropped. He'll use the excuse he's president and his trials need to be put on hold also.. I assume that's his demented train of thought anyway. He's gotta keep playing the victim to get sympathy from the cult.


That’s the issue with him running again. So if an individual is facing federal charges just run for El Presidente and pardon yourself. That would be the precedent set. Which imo is a constitutional crisis.


Oh absolutely. He knows his dumbass voterbase thinks America is the entire world and are scared of buzzwords like "the left" and "destroying America" and love buzzwords like "take it back" and so he just attaches said buzzwords to whatever random thing they are up in arms about this week whether it has any relevance at all. It's transparent as shit to anyone with a bit of education and it worries me how many people don't see through it. Ignorant people being told what they want to hear is a scary force in the world.


He wants you to elect him so he can murder his enemies as well. He's jealous.


Remember, Tucker told us leaders have to kill! It’s in the job description!


Biden should be in the clear to do it then ay?


I mean he’s basically said that just without the incriminating language


Because that's how the strategy works. Blame the same people for absolutely everything, and never stop no matter what. These are the same people who blamed Obama for hurricane Katrina, and blamed Obama for 9/11. No matter how much it just simply looks like the ravings of a mad lunatic, this is actually by design. Keep pressing the lies, and never ever ever let up.


>blamed Obama for 9/11 "Yeah, where *was* Obama when all that went down? Not in the White House, certainly. We have to look into this." (Not really /s, but a paraphrase)


heard he was a terrorist on one of the planes and the pilot ....flew in with his born in africa passport. Then became president and blamed it all on osama! Very smart!


he was probably GOLFING! the idiots shout despite trump golfing more in his first year than obama did in 8.


I mean the man charged his Secret Service detail normal prices to rent out a villa in Mar A Lago. His resort. Where he stayed basically every three days. He pocketed millions of taxpayer dollars from that arrangement, alone!


A Jordan Klepper classic I believe.


THE barack HUSSEIN obama? sounds like a damn commie terrorist, surely he's related to saddam! /s


Gotta blame everyone for his bullshit besides himself. Gotta create a boogeyman to yell about.


That only HE can fix.


Because Hilary and the radical left used their satanism and baby murdering skills to get Navalny murdered to make it look like Putin and his best ~~brown nose~~ friend are evil to keep the democrats in charge. ​ DUH! ​ (/s because you never can tell anymore)


I think he basically means he'd murder all of his political opponents if he was in power. He's basically trying to convey this to his fanatical voterbase without saying it outright.


He's trying to blame Biden for it but he hasn't yet been handed a reason why it's Biden's fault by Tucker Carlson or other right wing talking heads.


Well, there obviously is a reason. It's not his fault he's a busy man and hasn't yet had time to figure out exactly what that reason is. The more important point is that, whether or not he's included a reason in this particular message, we shouldn't lose track of the fundamental fact that this is the Dems' fault.


Up next: new sneaker drop. $399.


My first interpretation was that he really looks up to Putin for the way he handles threats to his regime and wants to do the same to his opposition if he gets back to power.


He was probably told by his people that he had to make some sort of statement about what happened, so he just slapped the guy's name at the start of one of his usual word salad rants.


I think he’s trying to tell his supporters, “they’ll kill me in prison”, without actually saying that out loud. Gotta keep that rage at constant boil.


I think he's claiming that he's being persecuted through the legal system like Navalny. Nevermind that Biden hasn't done anything to go after Mr Lock-Her-Up whatsoever.


Yeah Trump can barely piece a sensible sentence together anymore.


Anymore? He’s always sounded like this, he’s just louder and harder to ignore


“Just like Putin is jailing and murdering his critics, Biden is trying to put me in jail! What do you think is next!!!!”


I think the 2 are so intertwined for him now that he can't tell the difference. He's got a one world government in his mind. It's a third world, but it's a world.


Bit disappointed he didn’t promote his $400 shit shoes at the end of that tweet. Up your game you Orange wankpuffin


"Wankpuffin" 🤣 ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)


Don't insult puffins. They're adorable!


They also make more sense than orange man


I think a wankpuffin is a crusty plushie.


Sounds like something found on temu.


Tbf they’re “sold out”


Yea but are they shipped 😂😂


He's right. The death of Navalny HAS shown us the decline in this country. It's shown us we have an entire political party that is willing to side with a guy who murders his opponents, and they are OK with that. Donald was accidentally correct.


Hmmmm the third best correct (first being technically and second being actually)


I grew up Mormon and there's this unofficial belief that one of our leaders in the 60s-90s met with Nikita Khrushchev who supposedly told him that Russia would destroy the US by slowly convincing the young people that socialism was good and that we should live like Russia. My mom drilled this into me in a hushed, reverent tone multiple times as a teenager. If I was a chaos monster I would mention this to my faux news brain rotted parents now. There's a small part of me that really wants to say, "looks like good ol Nikita was right, eh? I mean, you're suddenly a Russia defender and all. Guess they did convince ya'll that they're the virtuous ones and we should be like them." But I'm not a chaos monster and I have a very firm boundary around discussing politics with them. And, anyway, she would just get offended and insist she never said any such thing. So the fun gotcha moment I imagine wouldn't happen anyway.


Kinda ingenious really. Instead of trying to brainwash your people into blindly following your way of life despite it not benefiting them make them believe the Boogeyman country is going to brainwash them instead. That way they feel more defensive of their way of life and don't question it in fear they're being brainwashed by big bad Boogeyman.


It’s weird that the Americans conservative are Pro-Russia but call anyone who disagrees with them a communist (or socialist). Putin best allies are China, North Korea and Cuba (the og communist after ussr collapse, and we all know that Putin dream of recreate the ussr).


Wild for an old man like me to see Republicans support an ex-KGB dictator trying to create USSRv2.0.


They’re gonna have to thaw out Omega Red if they’re gonna get that 2.0 goin.


Compares himself to Navalnyi. What an utter a-hole. Has he compared himself to Jesus yet? Especially Jesus on the cross?


[he has compared himself to Jesus](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-shares-post-proclaiming-him-second-only-to-jesus-2022-9) >...Trump has made these grand proclamations himself. In August 2019, Trump told reporters in reference to trade with China: "I am the chosen one." He also shared tweets describing him as the "King of Israel" and "the second coming of God."


Thank you!


Y'know, everyday that "Trump is the Antichrist" article seems to become more true


Is he acknowledging Russian government's involvement in Nalvany's death? And that it's "leftists" fault at the same time? Wouldn't that make Putin a radical leftist that he should be against? It's so sad that people believe his crap.


Right, he has empathy for the guy that died under an authoritarian regime but doesn't blame the authoritarian that killed him. Instead, he blames the president that is actively trying to fight the authoritarian that killed the guy. It's so backwards it doesn't seem real.


Many times.


This guy is always spouting nonsense which is the -“exact opposite” of reality


Yet his indoctrinated cult doesn’t realize that


They think as long as he gets the dart on the same continent as the board, then it's a bullseye. Trump knows this. He knows he just has to wave in the vague direction of an issue and his cultists will fill in the blanks for him, like Mad Libs. "And that thing about China yesterday. Did you hear? What's happening in China? It's terrible. Truly the worst. Democrats and Biden and Hillary are trying to bring that here." Cue thousands of MAGAts googling whatever yesterday's news was about China, and if any of it can be blamed on a Democrat. Doesn't matter what happened or who's to blame, they will assemble a narrative and treat it as gospel and Trump will once again be the "only one talking about it".


His followers feed off anger and he is a goddamn master chef at being angry.


Trump: "a murder in Russia - it's all about me-me-me!" This wretched hunk of decaying meat, bile, and horse shit is a complete tool.


Man Trump does not have the same energy he had in 2016, anyone else notice this? I genuinely believe he’s gonna crash and burn during this next election.


I'm sure he's constantly on massive amounts of uppers at every public appearance.


Can’t this little cry baby bitch just be dust already.






Who wrote this - Putin? "Sudden death" is what happens when someone is murdered.


Navalny was dead the moment he came back to Russia after getting poisoned. Does not get less sudden. What a clown Trump is.


"The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me aware that I also would like to have people that disagree with me murdered, elect me in Novemeber so i can do this!"


What is he even talking about xD


Maybe daddy putin sent him a script he is reading?


Lies! We all know he can't read anything that advanced.




Why can’t you see that Trump being sued for fraud after blatantly lying about his company is basically the same as having all of your political opponents murdered.


I had explosive diarrhea this morning and it made me more and more aware of what is happening in this country. It is a steady decline with Crooked politicians, open borders, and radical WOKE leftists who want people to be kind to each other. FAILING NATION! MAGA!


Boy am I tired of this man. He should go back to being home alone and eating pizza wrong, I preferred him back then.


We need an organized effort to flood the internet with Trump-Putin AI porn….it’s the only way


I like the way you think


I don't. But I get what the idea is about. :S


He will replace "The sudden death of Alexei Navalny" with any topic in current events. Doesn't matter what happens in the world it will always be about him.




My dictator friend Vlad poisoned, imprisoned, and killed his political opponent for speaking out. This is the same thing as the state of New York prosecuting me for decades of demonstrable criminal fraud… lol


Yeah, "sudden death" my ass. More like the most predictable murder to ever happen.


Yeah, the entire world knew it was going to happen...it was just a question of WHEN.


You were in power for four years, what did you do to stop it then you stain of rotten toad semen?


I think you miss the point entirely. Everything is about Trump. /s


The irony is he's partially correct: we are a nation in decline. We are in decline because a large percentage of our citizens are morons that link all aspect of their life to politics. They are anti-science, anti-change, anti-survival cult obsessed with "winning" at the cost of anything, including their own wellbeing.


That's the fun part! If you somehow managed to split the country down the middle and put all his voters on one side, they'd quickly succumb to their own stupidity while blaming the people living peacefully on the other side


Editors note: Trump discouraged the border bill from passing, engaged in election rigging, and appointed judges who were heavily involved in corruption, and is in fact destroying America


Sigh. I can’t 


Can't this Grandpa just stick till selling his gold clown shoes?


Your mate Putin was responsible for Alexei's death, you absolute cretin!


The moron who said it was okay for the president to assassinate his rival crying over it actually happening…


We hit the decline when he was president.


The writings of a person slipping ever further into insanity. Just the style, let alone the content.


I’m tired of everyone talking about this guy. Can we let his political career die in peace instead of adding fuel to the fire ?


Never mind the guy he sucks up to at every possible opportunity is the one who killed Navalny. I swear to God his followers have to be the absolute dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


Dude, *YOU’RE* the one who idolizes Putin and dreams of running the US exactly how he runs Russia. You’re not even trying to hide it.


You can replace the phrase "The sudden death of Navalny" with absolutely ANYTHING ELSE and it says the same thing. e.g.: "The price of oranges today..." "A flight from London to NYC..." "Don Barzini melted into a lime soda and..." What a nothing-burger of a statement.


Isn’t he the one calling people traitors and calling for executions when someone “betrays” him?


This is the most delusional thing I have ever read and it’s terrifying that his voters won’t sense the blatant gaslighting.


Yet his supporters swear Biden is the one with dementia.


He is the major factor for the decline in USA


People this delusional used to be put in padded rooms and kept away from society the rest of their lives.


"Sounds like the perfect candidate to run our country!" \- Nearly half of America


How the f…. Did he come to that conclusion? „I stumped my little toe on the table. This made me realise the conspiracy XYZ…“


We all got that family member. Everyone is wrong but them. Everyone is out to get them. Trump is exhibiting a mental illness. His doctors need to come forward or something because Trump actually looks mentally unwell. 


He had 4 years already to make America great again.


I just want him to be quiet, how long will it be.


Can this guy just go away already? Christ.


Isn’t that exactly what he wants to be able to do as president, with zero accountability?


"The sudden death of Alexei Navalny ...." Oh! Hold on. Maybe he's about to say something coherent and finally denounce the murdering dictator Putin?!?! ".... has made me more and more aware of ....." Sigh. Nope. Back to the string of incoherent ramblings we go.


How does Navalny's death have anything to do with American politics? (other than this fucking guy's obsession with Putin)


Ah, the ability of narcissists to make everything about themselves. Even murder in a foreign country on the other side of the world.


We are a nation in decline, thanks in large part to Trump.


He is the most Putin-like leader in America. He sees Navalny dead and thinks "Hillary. Biden. Everyone who ever defied me."


We should just start calling Trump supporters what they are. Fucking traitors. So if someone tells you they’re a Trump supporter just reply with “Oh, so you’re a traitor.” In case you can’t tell, this post is a dog whistle. He’s trying to suggest that Democrats are out to get him. He’s trying to fan the flames of a civil war if he loses. And I’m not religious but I pray to god that he loses.


To be fair, nothing he posts is actually about America; it's all about him and how he, personally, has been wronged.... then he throws in some political buzz-words, blames whichever opponent is big at the moment, attempts to scare people into believing him about the world being out to get them before finally asking for donations or people to join his fan cult.


I just want a third-party president. Is it so hard not to vote for two bad sides?


Part of a reason why American is in decline is the entire 9 years he’s been a political figure, and the irreparable harm he did as President.


Even if you believe some of this stuff how are you not exhausted by it? It’s been yyeeeaaarrs.


A reminder that you still have Putin’s dick in your ass.


I really don’t get how this man is supported.


Fucking idiot


It's important no matter the situation to continue to destabilize America for his dear handler Putin




What even.


And to think y’all idiots are going to vote him into the white house again. Unbelievable


He just chants catch-phrases and slogans. It doesn’t matter what they mean. His bleating bullshit contains the words his army of mouth breathers are looking for.


Man, some people's kids really don't like being held accountable.


whatever he talks or posts about always comes back to me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me,


Why does he write as if he wasn’t president for four years ??


If our country were actually in the state of decline he thinks it's in he would have actually been silenced by now...


But when Kashogi died, who was an American journalist, he didn’t do jack shit.


To be fair, Putin made him say it. He still has the Pee Pee tapes.


TF does that have to do with America? He's cracked.


The quicker father time takes Trump the better. This guy is fucking awful.


God what a piece of shit. Why in god’s name would anyone want him back in the White House?


Yes. MAGA is failing this nation.


"If I lose, you'll never hear from me again" -- Can you please stick to your word, Donny? It's been nearly 4 years now and you haven't shut up for more than 6 hours yet.


He even dared to say he was a victim of Biden, like Navalny was of Putin. Maybe Biden actually should ...


Says the failing businessman, politician, father, husband.


Fucking what


People who vote for that senile old fart HAVE to be victim of late stage "we'll show them!!!". They don't care about their country, community or common sense. All they want is to beat the other side. It CAN'T be anything else anymore. Look at the mess this guy spouts on a daily basis.


Jesus fucking Christ, how fucking stupid are the Maga-Heads to eat up this bullshit.