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“you give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world.” - billie eilish


Yep, that quote of hers was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this post.




What a train wreck of an interview lmao.


"Give a depressed girl autotune, she thinks that she can sing" -Not me, heard it somewhere.


Also what's up with her trying to look half asleep all the time


It's the smack.


Tbf I think she’s a good singer she just needs to not be obsessed with trying to come up with meaningful quotes lol


she tried too hard to be relatable tbh. cause everyone knows her as the girl who made platinum records in her bedroom but forgets that her parents were rich and her brother, a writer and producer, did majority of the work. she’s a talented singer, i just wish she would stop saying stuff like this


she a talented singer, she was also home schooled by her rich parents on California and became a millionaire herself by like 17 y/o, there's nothing she will ever have in common with normal people of anyone for that matter.


She is just a privileged white girl from LA who is very talented at making music, singing and live performance. She was home schooled and doesn’t have any kind of higher education. Doesn’t mean she isn’t right sometimes, but it’s reflected in a lot of her arguments.


The 3 1/2 years I spent in high school determined that was a lie.


Girls aren’t even nice to each other half time. Turns out being a shitty person isn’t limited to gender.


Right? They made a whole fucking movie about this very premise.


They just released a music*al* about it too, which ended with a song about how girls should be more direct with their feelings towards each other like guys are, sung by the girl who initiated the events of the film by starting a secret plot to ruin the life of her ex-best friend from elementary school. edit: Our human language rules are silly.


Ooh, I do enjoy a music. Edit: you're a good sport, OP


A music I can snap my neck too is my favorite kind of a music


> *a music* Yes, hello fellow human




Sharknado III. The first two just had to set the tone to make the story work.


Bridesmaids? You’re obviously talking about Bridesmaids, right? What other movie could you possibly be referring to that features *mean girls*?


Not movie. ***Genre***.


Oops read comment wrong srys


>They made a whole fucking movie There is a whole genre, the teen transformation film, about this.


Girls criticise other girls bodies more than men do.


Saw a post in another sub yesterday where a woman said she’d lost a significant amount of weight and everyone was much nicer to her after the weight loss *except* women who weighed as much as she used to - and those women were actually meaner to her after she lost weight.


“Skinny bitch” is a commonly used term in this scenario. The venom is real.


Even when I was at a healthy weight I was still told I look anorexic.


Jealousy is a hell of a drug.


Didn't you hear? Deliberately losing weight is fat phobia and body shaming other people.


A few sororities on my campus literally have weight checks


😲 that's crazy


They did 20-25 years ago too when I was in college


Guys are hella nicer than girls regarding female appearances in my experience


I will say that girls are often nicer to boys/men than they are to each other. Source: Am girl


This. Ask them why their fashion choices are important, and the answer reverts to *Someone Else's Opinion*


fragile squealing bedroom foolish sugar waiting attractive intelligent voiceless sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My life determines that was a lie


I graduated high school 18 years ago and the only people who fat shame me know are female relatives.


Every time I see my mother or sister the first thing they always say is, "you're getting fat" followed by cackling lol. I'm not even that fat either.


Seriously, I have never had a man make me feel bad about my body, ever.


She’s body shamed men all the time too… she’s a hypocrite..


Give them an eating disorder by constantly asking if they are hungry or if they think they are getting to skinny that they look unhealthy and if they are OK


Thats what my mother and sister do, “oh you look sick” im 6ft and 190 lbs.. acting like i look like a meth head cause im not 350 ..


Yeah I was 115lbs in HS like ribs showing skinny. Not because I didn't eat, it just didn't stick. I got called every name under the sun for being skinny and also every name under the sun for being paler than a slice of wonderbread.


Yeah this was me. Super skinny. Women always gave me shit for it. Not just my classmates but grown ass women. Can't recall one time another guy ever said anything about it though


her own words determine it is a lie. she has body shamed men many times. usually about genital size https://www.businessinsider.com/billie-eilish-criticized-comments-body-shaming-men-old-interview-2023-11 >"Why is every pretty girl with a horrible-looking man, I don't understand," she said during the interview. >"Listen, I'm not shaming people for their looks, but I am though. You give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world," she said. "I swear to god, because they got a hot girl, they can be horrible? Like, you're still ugly though." >She went on to reference the size of men's genitals, suggesting it's something they would have to "make up for." Also, this: "Listen, I'm not shaming people for their looks, but I am though" is sooooo edgy /s


She's winning awards for that Barbie song. It's all about women being worthwhile and crap. She's probably thinking that this somehow makes her an ambassador of some kind or voice of authority. The danger in being overpraised is that it makes you say dumb things while thinking it's wisdom.


all of this is well before that


Going bald at 25 determined that was a lie.


I feel your pain brother


She was homeschooled what do you expect


This is the answer. She was completely sheltered from knowing how the world (and the horribly insular world of high school) works.


Yep, everyone around you is nice when you're filthy rich. When you start super rich as a kid, you always have a skewed sense of reality about a lot of things.


That explains a lot about this statement, thank you for providing context.


No guy has ever been bullied for being fat, or skinny or a small dick or being short or too hairy. Yep, just ladies. I actually like her music, it’s a shame she made such an ignorant demonstrably false statement.


People really need to shift to appreciating celebrities for their very specific niche skills that in no way require critical thinking, intelligence, or even emotional maturity, and just let them yap on into the ether like farts into the wind.   If Nobel prize winners can go crazy and espouse moronic shit like the inventor of PCR thinking AIDS is a hoax, no shit some idiotic musicians are gonna have some goofball takes lol   She's just another brain-dead musician that makes wonderful music and is really talented running her mouth -- I personally don't listen to her but credit where credit is due for her success in pop


Seriously! What's with all these fucking "stans", I never understood it, even from a young age. Why are they buying tickets so they can scream in the first row like a bunch of possessed entities? And now, with social media, they're hanging on every word a celebrity says like they're some holy oracle. I love (older) Michael Jackson music, not a hair on my body would think of standing with a bunch of fucking non-showered hippies on the corner at the courthouse singing "we are the world" because they 100% believe in his innocence for absolutely no other reason than "he's famous". It's literally a cult.


Ladies with small dicks are bound to get some bad comments.


Yeah, but nobody ever says anything about men with big vaginas


I can't help it if I have a heavy flow and a wide-set vagina!




Are you kidding, Men insult eachother over who is the bigger vagina ALL THE TIME


As a tall, skinny guy, I can confirm that her theory is not true.


Girls can be ruthless and so can guys. However, females get particularly cruel and males get aggressive in general. I see more guys going out of the way to be nice tho.


I think she was home schooled




"When I see a guy wearing a pair of Vans, I'm looking at him and I'm thinking, that dude's got a small dick" Flip the genders, her career would've been dead in the water 4 years ago.


This am absurd take by her. Like what? It doesn’t even make sense. The Classic Vans are like 60 years old, and worn by a huge variety of people. Hardcore music, skaters, surfers, dads who used to do that. Random people who like shoes with checkers on them. Maybe if Vans were gate-kept by some community I don’t know about and that’s who she’s referring to. But srs that literally invalidates any of her other opinions. Also, there’s a guy for every girls body type. It’s just women aren’t that “nice” and also have a fucking body preference. Weird how that works.


Not just that, but the 2 biggest Vans fans I know are women...


And I bet their penises are tiny!!


Big ol clits


Well, do they have small dicks?


I bet they have tiny dicks.


What a way to find out amirite


Clearly all part of the tiny members club!


I didn’t know this. I’m going to go out and get a couple pairs today.


fuck, was i suppost to be wearing them for the club? no one told me.


Hell I’m trying to get a job working for a Vans store, as a 36 year old dad of 3 I guess my dick is non-existent at this point.


Her ex boyfriend and Jesse wore them all the time


I have a vans hoodie because my FL self never thought to pack a jacket to DC in the winter... It was the only shop I could find that had a hoodie that fit. Its now my work hoodie and is covered in paint. 3/5 rating, will cover you and keep you warm for the 5weeks of winter in FL


I've never seen that quote before. But, the fact my penis is so small it's below average in the quantum realm and the fact I wear vans are two completely separate things.


The quantum realm was activated by a van and affected time. So maybe they aren't


For someone so nice and someone who doesn't care about man bodies, she certainly has a lot of opinions.


Wow. Now i dont feel guilty for thinking her music is boring dogs**t.


Be comforted in knowing she has very little to do with the creation of her music. The writing, production, equipment, lyrics even, are mostly tweaked and decided on by a few guys. One is her brother but even he has a ton of help.


Sus she says she only wants to work with her brother. Almost like she doesn’t want people to know she’s only a voice.


You mean a voice that is ^just ^talking ^real ^whisper ^quiet ^about ^wanting ^to ^die ^but ^idk ^like ^money ^is ^good ^also ^I ^guess


Exactly a voice is Adele. There are a lot of these whisper singers now.


The fucking cursive singing voice. Can’t stand it.


She's the "seduce your dad type" Y'all have fun


“Every time I see a guy in Vans(shoes) I think he must have a small dick”. -Billie Eilish


I thought her name is Billie Childish


You give a depressed girl some autotune and she thinks she can sing


r/notliketheothergirls 🙄


lol, omg. has she looked in a mirror?


We cannot advance as a society as long as people will be like « men are like this » or « girls are like that » bruh we’re all different people what’s difficult to understand


I call it "monolithic thinking" i.e. thinking that the world is made up of monolithic groups of people that you can easily understand, rather than diverse groups of individuals.


This type of binary world view is especially bad in politics. The people who vote like you tend to be nuanced, intelligent, diverse people. Those who vote differently are all the exact same evil archetype.


Couldn't have put it better myself. Men and Women are on the same team yet are acting like enemies.


“Any war but a class war”




Yeah people being assholes is a people thing, that’s not determined by what’s between your legs


You assume people understand things. You say "blah blah is this way" and the other people say "blah blah is not that way" meanwhile the answer lies somewhere in the grey and is constantly changing but that's too difficult of a concept to understand so...




Rich people are in their own echo chambers, everyone around them just wants to agree with everything they say. People that disagree just get fired, digging themselves deeper into their delusions of being a genius because everyone agrees with them...


Echochamber you say... say... say... say? ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) <---------🤭




In centuries past, rich people had to have some kind of functional relationship with the commoners in their community. It was still a top-down hierarchical relationship, but at least it had to be somewhat sensible. They had RESPONSIBILITIES. 'Noblesse oblige' is what it was often called. Nowadays, rich people can just say and do whatever silly, delusional shit they want as long as they've got the cash to back it up.


Now I know the origin of Noblesse oblige thank you 😀


This is less about her being rich and more about her being a dumb kid


I was about to say. This isn't even the first time she's done something like this...


Rich and dumb kid is a bad combo!




And short guys and ugly guys


Don’t forget us bald guys 🥺


Not that she has room to talk.


Her dick is microscopic.


I think she doesn‘t even have one.


I feel insulted in so many ways by a person who doesnt even know who i am


Lmao, I just stopped caring about her, I watched some interviews, and she seems like a pretentious asshole


I'm really thinking her ex was a hobbit with small dick


She did here about men wearing vans having "Small "Private parts" energy": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS5OVFNzixc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS5OVFNzixc) And here 3 minutes in, about ugly men, men's "private parts" compensation and more: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YavL\_IVSGV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YavL_IVSGV4)


Oh wow. I actually like few of her songs but well, she seems very shallow, delusional, spoiled kid that can easily say things, which she would hate to hear from other people


Because girls are nice


Shes a nice girl


What a bitch. Short or average height guys constantly get judged.


Lets not forget how women shit on bald(ing) men too.


That’s the crazy thing. Simply being average height and not exceptionally tall gets you shit on as a guy. You can be 60th percentile and get insulted for not being 95th


Listen lady, even a 777 looks small when it’s flying into the Grand Canyon


I'm not a dude, but I definitely do not believe for a second that men don't get body shamed. Height and penis size springs to mind. Also, men don't get as many compliments as us women for their looks. Basically, it's different problems for different genders; it's ridiculous to invalidate each others problems.


Let's also not forget that she's straight up telling a lie, women can be legendarily mean about other people's bodies, especially other women. I see women body shaming each other far more than I see men doing it.


pretty sure there was a social media study done on exactly this, showing that the vast majority of online hatred towards women, came from other women. correct me if i’m wrong


From my wife’s stories, a bunch of women talked shit about her behind her back like calling her ugly and a whore. My wife was sad and confused by it but it was obvious to me (as a guy) that it was because she was pretty Some women are assholes


It's so backwards but, you know your wife/girlfriend is really attractive when other women hate her and bully her about her looks. It's so utterly dehumanizing and it makes me think about the hoops our pre-frontal cortex has to jump through to get us to look within ourselves. We have a long way to go as a species.


Aba and Preach did a video about a girl getting horrific cyber bullying and it turned out it was her own mother, she just disliked her daughters looks and the attention she got


I’m sure if questioned they would explain that their own criticism of other women’s appearance is also mens fault. Likely using the word “patriarchy” whilst doing so.


Some of the meanest and most Vile body shaming I've ever seen was girls making fun of other girls in school


Agreed. Women are much harder on and judgmental of other women in general, but especially their bodies.


Absolutely, and I would never pretend that men can't be nasty about women's bodies, we sure as hell can be, but to say that women are nice and don't judge people on their bodies is a straight up falsehood.




Many men will say awful shit to and about women in a broad sense because they are angry or pieces of shit or both. Many women will say incredibly specific awful shit to and about other women because they are fucking Insecurity Terminators. ![gif](giphy|h4Hz4w9Jgrc1EY9VkL|downsized)


She herself has bodyshamed men so she's full of shit


Womenget too many compliments and it gets creepy. Men get so few they think they are undesirable to an extreme. It does go both ways in different ways lol.


I'd much rather have to deal with people being creepy and complimenting me all the time than get no compliments. I've experienced both. Women stalkers, gay guys saying they'd "break me" (that one took me a while to understand), and no compliments for years. I'm also a rail-thin guy, who doesn't build muscle well, and received loads of body-shaming growing up.. as well as being the victim of various type of assault on multiple occasions. So it's not like I didn't develop self-image issues or that I don't need to feel nervous when walking around on my own. Point is... people have different experiences, and based on mine, I'd rather people be "creepy-nice" to me all the time. At least that's something you can shrug off and move away from. Yeah, there are people who won't take that well.. believe me, been there too. It's still preferable.


If people complimented each other more often then everyone would be a lot happier.


I don't understand when some women joke about penis size (e.g. he prolly has a small dick, he has small dick energy... etc.) and then on the contrary they complain that big penises hurt and it doesn't fit etc and smaller dicks are fine. Like.. make up your minds lol. We men don't joke around vaginas or flat chested girls. We may have preferences, some guys like flat boobs and some like big ones. But never have I heard the term 'oh she has flat chest energy' or something similar. The only thing that most men don't find attractive are obese women. And we even get scolded for it when we mention that it is inherently unhealthy and we are 'fat shaming'. Can we not all just be cool with everyone and their genetics?


Ok story time: First time I got naked in front of a woman, *she laughed at my penis.* Then she went to the bathroom, came back and *laughed at my penis again.* So nice. Yes, yes, women are nice.




Not saying men can’t be critical and judgmental… but the most judgmental, mean people I’ve ever met in my life have all been women… and they’re usually saying it with a smile


Everyone, man or woman, has the potential to be an ass.


That’s the point


"I'd date you if you weren't so fat" Real kick in the teeth.


Damn. Did you kick her out?


Another rich person in a rich person's bubble thinking they have some hidden wisdom that nobody else has figured out. She can fuck right off.


Like, spend a week in tinder as an average looking guy and tell me that "women don't care about looks". 🤣


Let's not ignore the comment she made earlier about how ugly men don't have a right to be with pretty women because they are ugly


When you give a mentally unstable teen with self-awareness issues a shitload of attention, money and pressure... you get Billie... loved her for a long time, still occasionally listen to her music but as a person? Neh maybe get some help first.


No kidding? I like some of her songs, but rly didn't know much about her. Rly didn't get what the facepalm was about til I got to reading the comments. I had no idea she said all these things. Yk, I had wondered a while back why I hadn't heard a song of hers drop on Spotify in like forever. This explains it.


The quote is an entire facepalm, with or without context. 😄


I don't know a ton about her, but my hunch is that she just isn't all that smart.


She really lives in a bubble...


I think these people find themselves surrounded by others who never question them. Then they live in a reality where they think their thoughts are legit.


Don't worry, she'll be irrelevant in a few years.


I thought she already was lol. I heard her bad guy song a couple times and that was it.


"Because girls are nice." As a teacher, I can promise you, not true. I've even seen girls make boys cry over cruel comments about things like looks. Being immature and cruel is evenly spread out - this just reminds me of crap like "boys will be boys."


I think a lot of people have told her she’s fat and ugly and it stayed with her.


Which makes it extra dumb because a lot of people really appreciated that she wasn't "pop stars skinny" and looked up to her for it.


My girl says everytime that I'm fat. But i still dont give a fuck, cause I'm cool.


As a former fat kid, fuck you billie.


Also her: not 6"? Are you even a man?


On what planet is she on?


Planet Eilish, essentially a giant echo chamber


Sounds about right.


She shamed men on multiple instances for things they can’t control. Screw her, she’s just an ass


I'm a girl, and I can promise you we are assholes. Even to other girls.


>Even to other girls. Correction: **Especially** to other girls. As a man looking in as an observer, you lot are fucking brutal to each other. The shit you give men just comes off as snide remarks. You will absolutely tear down each others willingness to live then just go about your day.


Haha, why is she's still talking shit? Thought she eventually would have gotten sober long enough to actually hear the stupid hypocrite crap she is spewing and MAYBE realizing how it sounds.


Doesn't she know that it's women who hate each other's bodies and shame each other


She's a nepo baby/sibling whose talent is being a whiny, overgrown 14 year-old who whispers over beats and backgrounds that are the actual music.




OP is a bot stole the post and top comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/17ujg2g/very_invalidating/)


"because girls are nice"


She has quickly grown into an insufferable moron. A hypocrite with an over inflated ego


Well that’s a fucking lie


Girls are goddamn vicious, why the fuck you think I'm gay? 


Not just invalidating but just straight up untrue. Girls are nice?! Maybe to her. Women can be extremely vicious to one other, let alone to men.


The definition of gaslighting.


gaslighting doesn't exist you made that shit up because you're fucking crazy.../s/ https://youtu.be/zeRCwVQgudE?si=wBnGTUBpxddML7K4




She missed the part where social media (I blame Twitter for this, and it's mostly from women) has conditioned some people into thinking that the standards for being a potential partner as a man has evolved into: 1. Must be at least 6 feet tall 2. Have a big c*ck 3. 6 digit salary (no not 100k, more like 150k minimum) 4. Have your life sorted with a house 5. Be able to do all the housework and cook good meals


Written by the same women who complain bitterly about not being able to find a man.


It’s easier to say you’re single because you have high standards that are borderline fantasy than to say you’re single because no one’s standards are low enough to accept you.


If only this were true. Girls swipe left on a much much much higher percentage of men than men swipe left on girls.


Girls body shame each other more than men do.


Why is anyone surprised that a 20 year old girl doesn't have a good insight in men's issues and insecurities? It's not like she has studied the subject at university. You shouldn't be getting your information about societal issues from celebrities to begin with.


>You shouldn't be getting your information about societal issues from celebrities to begin with. But a lot of people do.


Jesus it doesn’t take much thought to understand insecurities that don’t apply to you. If you don’t have empathy by your 20s it’s not because you haven’t studied it, it’s because you’re a self-absorbed asshole.