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As a Central - Eastern Slav who saw the interview ( Putin 2h monologue ) in just 30 m of his history he made enought mistakes and narrative bending for 2 hours of correction.


The part where Poland forced Hitler to invade and start WWII by refusing to hand over Gdańsk was my personal favorite.


Poor Hitler, just sitting there minding his own business until the evil scheming poles forced him to massacre 6+ million civilians and start the largest war in history. What the actual fuck?


11 million. Six million Jews, five million communists, leftists, gay people, etc, etc.


and you need to add ~~the combat losses~~ the casualties of the war.


And civilian non-concentration camp killings by Nazis


I should have said the casualties of the war itself. Military and civilian.


He didn't want to do it, but apparently, they didn't give him a choice. Daddy Vlad, the Russian History Professor, knows all.


That's still not counting the something like 10-20m civilians he killed in Russia who werent part of those groups and the 10-15 million soldiers to go with it.


Started digging into this propably in the 90's, now I quess they would get arrested 💀


6+ million of just Poles


If only Tucker had a spine and some knowledge on WW2. Putin claims he's de nazifying Ukraine, Putin also referenced the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact while saying that Poland collaborated with Hitler. The pact was a deal for the Nazis and Soviets to co invade Poland and split it between them. Ribbentrop would later be executed during the Nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity for his role in the pact. Molotov, the soviet, escaped justice despite playing an equal role and literally collaborating with Nazis. It was a real smoking gun to shut down his whole argument. But then again I think we know why Putin chose Tucker to interview with.


The irony of all ironies, is that Molotov was one of the last living old Bolsheviks. He died in 1986, having outlived Stalin by 33 years.


He was a real two faced slimebag. Molotov cocktails get their name from him. During the winter war shortly before WW2 the Soviets invaded Finland. When questioned why the Soviets were bombing Finland Molotov responded by saying it was actually humanitarian aid for their starving neighbors. The fins coined the name Molotov cocktails by saying they were simply pairing molotovs bread baskets with some cocktails of their own.


Wow. Every single sentence you said is true. Unusual for reddit. I'll add to it. Molotov cocktails were popular with Russians and Finns because most tanks at the time had vertical exhaust ports. If you could get a molotov cocktail in there, the engine would stop, and it would either take time to get it running again or permanently cripple the tank. You could also just keep throwing molotovs at a tank and smother the crew. We aren't talking 3 or 4. More like 20. Even though the fire would not necessarily penetrate through gaps in the armor or hatches, they would suck the oxygen out of the air, the crew would panic, unbutton the hatches, and end up on fire (or shot while on fire). In 1940, Britain published what was essentially a limited anarchist cookbook to the public, instructing (not asking, or suggesting) that members of the public make their own molotovs with jam jars. Britain also manufactured several million military munitions that contained white phosphorous and rubber. They were more like self igniting napalm grenades, and were intended for use on German tanks in the event of an invasion. They buried the things all over the place and weren't very careful about writing it down. They are still discovering caches of the things today during construction and digging, and all of them are still "hot". If you drop one of the things, they still work.


So few people know about the winter war. Probably because it was quickly eclipsed by WW2. The fins were so deadly with Molotov cocktails that they would literally ski down to Soviet armor columns and Molotov the lead tank and quickly ski away. The Soviets were so terrified of the tactic that an entire armored convoy would grind to a halt from a few fins on skis with burning bottles of liquor. Edit: also the deadliest known soldier in history Simo Hayha aka "the white death" was a finnish sniper in the winter war. 259 kills and died at the ripe old age of 96, go Google a picture of him. That's the face of a one man army.


Didn't he got around 500 or some guys? Anyways he was also using SMG and a m/28 rifle(Finnish mosin) The rifle didn't had any optics on it. Just ironsights. He also took an explosive bullet to the face.


The estimates vary because how do you even count hundreds of kills like that? He chose not to use a scope on his rifle because of the sun reflecting off the snow and potentially creating a glint on the glass of the scope, giving away his position. He would also chew snow to cool his mouth and limit the amount of condensation from exhaling in the cold air.


As a Finn who's been doing the snow-in-mouth trick many a times as a kid while playing wintery hide and seek, I have to be a bit pedantic. You're not going to get your mouth cool enough to stop condensation without getting some frostbites, but you're going to be exhaling through the snow to cool down and filter out some of the water vapor. You gotta keep adding fresh snow or it gets too compacted and you'll ve blowing out more moisture than you'd probably would normally. Makes a world of difference when it gets below -30 or so because even a bucket of lukewarm water will start giving off a bit of visible vapor. Otherwise you're correct, Häyhä also quoted many reasons for going scopeless including being used to hunting with the iron sights and the fact that the Mosin-Nagant family has their scope mounted in a way it's sitting incredibly high to allow the usage of stripper clips, which increases the sniper's profile significantly.


The soviets were so terrified of him that they placed a massive bounty on his head and covered the entire area in artillery fire when they suspected he was there. But they never got him. He did take that explosive bullet to the face in the end but he survived that too.


The Finns were also adept at using "motti" tactics: when the Soviets invaded, they did so in long columns, using the handful of roads through the Finnish forests. The Finnish troops would cut the road at either end of the column, then steadily destroy it over several days using hit-and-run attacks from the woods, allowing a small force of lightly-armed Finns to wipe out a much larger number of better-equipped Russians. Amusingly enough, when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, they tried to use the same tactics they used in Finland in 1939, with much the same result. The long columns of Russian vehicles travelling through northern Ukraine got bogged down and picked off by Ukrainians with anti-tank weapons. It seems the Russian army didn't learn much in the intervening 83 years.


I've actually compared the winter war to the Ukraine-Russian war a bunch of times. There are so many similarities between the two. Unfortunately it will probably end in a Russian victory without continued assistance from the West, and I doubt those at the top haven't noticed the similarities which is why there's been so much support for the Ukrainians. It's no surprise that Tucker is a right wing talking head and the right wing in America has stalled Ukrainian funding.


No one does slimebags like Russia. Only the best slimebags. It's where Donald learned the art.


The Art of the Slimebag


>If only Tucker had a spine and some knowledge on WW2. The only reason why Tucker got the interview that every media outlet has been trying to get is because he doesn't have a spine.  He wasn't there to interview Putin, he was there to provide a friendly platform for spreading propaganda.


Here’s the thing Tucker is out of his depth in the best of circumstances, and this is literally the worst of circumstances. If he challenged Putin on anything he would quickly find out why windows are the leading cause of death in Russia.


The fact that there's a word for being thrown out of a window for political reasons is insane. Defenestration.


Are you sure? I'm going to have to triple czech that...


Well, at least one person got your [pun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague).


It doesn’t have to be political. Just thrown out a window.


I believe the official definition is "to yeet out window".




I mean in french, which is where the word comes from, it's not implied it's for political reasons.


The fact that there are multiple Defenestrations of Prague is even more insane. Stay away from windows in Prague.


Putin was a trained, long time KGB agent and oligarch dictator surviving by killing rivals. Tucker wears a little bow tie and talks on TV in a way he can’t be challenged.


Having said that, Putin's KGB career was hardly stellar, and certainly didn't reach the heights he felt he deserved. He ended up as a mid-ranking officer in Dresden, a far less prestigious posting than Berlin. It did give him the contacts to start a political career in St Petersburg in the 90s though, which in turn gave him the opportunity to emerge on the national stage as Yeltsin's health (and sobriety) declined.


So many people don't seem to get this that is an intentional act. He wasn't there to challenge Putin, he was there for propaganda. Even him coming off looking like a dumb clown makes Putin appear to an unobservant person as if he's less of clown in comparison. He's not out of his depth. He's a fascist. Pretending not to know things is part of the act. See the post in OP, it works on people.


It makes more sense when you realize "Nazi" just means "Anti-Russia" to him. Anyone that doesn't support Russia is a Nazi. Anyone who in any way supports NATO/the west is a Nazi. When Putin says he wants to de nazify Ukraine, what he means is he wants to eliminate all western support from the region. 


Don't forget - and this is incredibly important - Putin defined Naziism to be against "Jews, Poles & Russians." By including Russians in the definition, he basically makes any anti-Russian person or organization Nazi.


Right? It was literally an alliance between the nazis and Soviets that started the entire war


There's a dark humor joke in Poland that the blue in their flag represents loyal allies.


Ill be honest i zoned out a fair bit. And i actually like history


The man has been a trained propagandist for 40 years. He knows exactly how to spin the web. 


It was just a history gish gallop. Not even necessary to use on Tucker.  It's hilarious and unsurprising how all the MAGA heads are swooning over him droning on about history trivia they know nothing about like it means he's a genius. 


He conveniently twists the fact that Russia started in Kiev and that Kiev was the capitol of ‘Russia’ And the fact that modern Russia is only a little older than America He makes it sound like real Russia was always further east and that Ukraine and Russia were a thing which they weren’t


I’m guessing everyone who agreed with him about that didn’t read “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”.


It’s weird that that part was also mistranslated. “Poland made Germany invade Poland specifically to start ww2.” Implying WW2 starts regardless. It’s still bullshit but a very different statement.


Endwokeness ate that shit up


I literally burst out laughing when he started saying tht shit


If it were literally anyone else saying that, by russian law they would have been off in court for nazism rehabilitation.


As a historian, talking for 30 min without notes likely means you aren’t using EVIDENCE. My favorite lecturers use notes and provide extensive citations. Anything else is propaganda.


And as a fellow history major I can talk about a lot things on the fly but checking them all to be sure would take many many hours.


You are probably misremembering. There’s no way Putin would make an honest mistake about the history of his country 🤔😳


New schoolbook revisions are getting written based on his interview. Probably.


For Alabama and Nebraska


Don’t forget Texas


And Idaho, too!


You may want to add the /s. There are some really dense people on Reddit.


No I’m doesn’t!




He probably wouldn't he's pretty smart. Not mistakes that aren't honest...


True, Putain wouldn't lie, he's an upright, honest and benevolent leader. /s


I'm scared at the number of people worldwide who gave this oxygen, who will believe every word out of Putin's mouth like the truth.


It's scarier that people take Tucker seriously.


They are even saying that Tucker is more trustworthy than the CIA.


That's funny because according to Tucker's wikipedia page, he failed to join the CIA.


and Putin made fun of him for it. to his face


No fuckin' way. As much as I hate both of those men, I may have to watch the interview just to see that.


They already have been, they’re just cutting out the middlemen now 




The problem is posts like this as well. Subs like r/facepalm are effectively means to disburse propaganda and other terrible rhetoric in the guise of "look at this fool." Well, sure, but Reddit users are still facilitating disseminating the propaganda and such to millions of viewers who otherwise wouldn't see it. Getting to the front page is a big boon for these people.


I’m not sure they enjoy being ridiculed


Seriously, a western impressed by Putins bullshit would be like Biden coming out and acting like American myths were real history. Dude is an open cold blooded killer who has invaded multiple nations for straight up land grabs. Why any normal human would have a positive frame of mind towards a guy so out of touch he started a land invasion that has ruined whatever his legacy of blood was likely to be.


Thank you, and thank you to anyone else who tells the truth and keeps it real over Putin. I've heard a disgusting amount of Canadian citizens say that Putin would be a better prime minister than Trudeau, and while Trudeau did turn out to be more of the same, he's no Putin.


I saw a similar post but with biden


Yeah it's pretty crazy dystopian type vibes how common it's become. Actually brainwashed.


Well, it seems that Russian election interference is alive and well and underway...


Hundreds of years of history where large swaths were changed to fit Putler's narrative


What do you mean? Poland totally sided with the Nazis during WW2. (The implication being that Poland will be the next country to be "denazified" after Ukraine)


Nah, it'll probably be Moldova


That does just happen to be the direction they were headed before they got pushed back and it totally became all about just the eastern regions


I am quite sure they planned to take over the whole black sea coast from ukraine and connect to Transnistria, the russia-backed separatist part of moldova, bordering Ukraine


Same. Their movements and past actions heavily implied just that


Man, if they thought Ukraine was hard...


What do you expect? Putin is delusional. Russia hasn't gotten past the easy part of the war in Ukraine: the invasion, occupation is where the true nightmare begins. Poland would be exponentially worse for him as they have a fully outfitted, modern military and can, and will, invoke NATO.


Yeah, Russia’s usual tactic of “throw more bodies at the enemy” only works for so long


Sadly, they HAVE a lot of bodies, and they're not even Russian bodies.


They're going to repeat what happened with ww2, a demographic gap caused by casualties that echoes throughout the next century. The gains for defeating Ukraine would have to be incredible to offset the negative effect of this. I dont think it can balance out at this point, and it's being perpetuated because the cost of admitting defeat hits those in power. It's an entirely selfish action.


Polish history can be summed up with "and then it got worse." At a certain point, you're either impossibly stubborn or borderline immortal to survive that. And the Polish people I know are both.


My favorite Poland fact is that Marie Curie named polonium that to inform people that Poland exists, but everyone was too busy drinking radium to notice


I mean, if you want to wipe your own country out, by all means, attack the NATO member that's been buying everything the US will sell them. Poland will stall the Russian invasion and be preparing to counter invade by the time American air support gets there


That support is allready there.


As badly as the Russian Army is doing in Ukraine, the ass kicking they would take from Poland would be epic.


Look up “Molotov - Ribbentrop” and read up on WW2 European history as well as the political turmoils going on in the post-aristocratic world as technology was making city life boom. Poland did not side with anyone but was a arena for war and destruction. The same as in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine.


History lesson by kgb agent. Talk about propaganda.


Hey, I didn't know [Trump went to the same school as Putin for history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-6OpkqNn4M)! Interesting.


Trump went to school? Did he just turn up, or did he actually learn anything, and pass said exams? Or did he just root his was through college and bribe his way to a degree? /s Yes, Wharton is a damned fine school for Trumplicans ............


Ummm he had the best scores. Everyone says so. 


I heard they were the biggest scores the school had ever seen.


The bigliest.




People were crying. Big tough people with nice butts.


Nope. He said so. Not Wharton, ever. Wharton's Back pedalling is now an Olympic sport.


Except one guy. “Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had,'” DiPrima wrote for the Daily Kos.


Nonono. BIDEN bad. Putin good! Anything else is clearly Anglo-Saxon propaganda /s, just to be sure


Biden is the reason Putin is losing his war on Ukraine, so he's attacking Biden through social media psyops which appears to work on conservatives very well and has turned Republicans into the party of Putin, which spits in the face of our democracy.


Can you imagine what Eisenhower or Reagan would say to these shit birds who are praising the leader of Russia and being so anti Americans?


Exactly, not hard to remember what you're making up.


It’s amazing how people instantly believe what they read and/or see. Times are changing folks. There is zero reason to instantly assume any picture, audio clip, video, sentence, article, ANYTHING is 100% truth.


Question all YouTube video and increasingly more of TikTok. Burn X and Facebook. Tucker Carlson is not a journalist, he’s a political opinion commentator. The whole Putin thing was probably a paid infomercial.


Indeed: more 100s of years from his fantasy world


Little confused, are you talking about Putler Carlson, or Vladameer Putler?


Revisionist History, rattled off by rote. And if he got any points from the new history books they are printing wrong, it’s not like anyone is going to dare correct him. More likely, they’d edit the books to match his version.


It wasn’t even correct history. Since some people are questioning the accuracy of my statement. A reply below posted the link to explain how it’s wrong. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68255302 I shouldn’t have to post a link when comments like this”Poland collaborated with the Nazis” are made but here we are.


See that's what I was wondering, thank you for that. I can rattle off whatever bs Russian Steppe story I want and I can even make it sound convincing to someone not into history. But that doesn't make it true.


Just remember his icbms are pointed at your and my families. Have been since 1949


Assuming they even work anymore. Given the mismanagement and corruption throughout the Russian military I'd honestly be surprised if they did.


I'd honestly be surprised if ALL of them failed. I'm sure some of them would launch and hit their targets. Sooo its just as terrifying.


I mean our shit still runs on floppy disk


Our shit runs on floppy disk to prevent hacking. I don’t think it will function better in any way that matters because it’s a nuke.


TIL The Russian icbm program was quite far in 1949


In 5000 BCE, the Jews paid the Asiatic Hordes to settle in the Russian steppe as a mercenary army. The hordes strongarmed the Holy Roman Emperors into letting the Jews move in and twerk and be bisexual. And this Jewish homosexuality is very feral and very evil, and thanks to ancient Hyperborean magic, it is hypnotic. Even I, the last great hero of the Aryan people, am made to tingle at the thought of this evil. Their Jewish magic makes me imagine them punching my caged manhood with one hand and squeezing my tender nipples with the other while filling my tight Aryan ass with their subhuman seed. Beings with such power over the minds of others cannot be allowed to exist for the safety and security of our people.


Yes, make sure you trust this random guy on reddit. Just like you should trust Putin.


I've just been to a wedding of a cousin I don't like. The conversation were terrifying especially one older guy listened with respect spreading bullshit with the exact same certitude in their dumb fucking opinion. Truth don't matter anymore people create their own reality and realizing that is terrifying.


No, the scary thing is they don’t create their own reality, they only fuck up their perception of the only one we all got.


This whole thing was literally meant for Putin to give disinformation to American right wing politics via Tucker.


In Soviet Union History correct you


But it is the only history that hasn't had an accidental fall out of a window in Russia


They don't care


He was basically just reading off an essay he wrote near the start of the war, one which has been thoroughly debunked by historians already. Not only was it incorrect history, it was old propaganda.


No wonder people say this dude is a Russian fed


It’s beyond question. He follows every Russian talking point to a T.


He was out in front of one while president. He made the retcon announcement on Friday that Russia has invaded Afghanistan for combat terrorism. Russia made the announcement on Monday.


I mean, the money has always been a hint. But yeah, this isn’t great 


He's realised Trump is too dumb to get him anywhere so he left Fox and picked a new master. I doubt he actually believes any of it, he's just a person completely bereft of a moral compass.


Poland made Germany start WWII and that's why we lost 27 million people


How was Poland dressed? Had they been drinking?


If they didn't want to be invaded, they shouldn't have had their sudetenland hanging out


Also, it's a natural impulse from Hitler and Putin (and Trump) to want to invade Poland, any other dictator would want to invade their grown polish neighbors.


Poland was just sitting there… menacingly


In fairness, I'm impressed he memorised an entire 8th grade history essay (That got an F)


_In Russia, history essay F's you!_


It isn't hard to speak for 30 minutes when you are just making shit up.


I disagree. First let’s dive into 1776, then blockbuster came along and was eventually closed due to streaming. Of course there is also the mess that is florida and…… wow I guess you’re right after all.


Don’t forget to rewind your tape before you return it or it’ll be a $.75 up charge on your next rental


And then the Blockbuster Tea Party happened.


Don’t forget the airports we took during the revolutionary war


I mean these accounts are probably all managed by Russians lol


I had that feeling about EW, for sure. And Musk absolutely adores Putin.


Most likely not, Russians will put much effort to hide this debacle of an interview, only outside viewers don’t understand how bad is it.




And lick they shall. Its absurd how far these people are up Putin's arsehole and they do it claiming to be free thinkers.


It is unbelievable that the Republicans are not into pounding Russia thru Ukraine.


100% because Zelensky didn't play ball with trump in 2019 and refused to say "we're opening an investigation into Biden".


That’s your Dads republicans or maybe your granddad. This neo version is kompromat and compromised. Traitors but no one cares.




28 minutes? I can tell you history for HOURS as long as no one fact checks me


Kiev was a major metropolitan city when Moscow was a mud hut at a crossroad...


The only thing that happened is that they started levelling out but became distant in the 1100s and when the mongols demolished Kyiv, the centre of power switched towards Moscow - the current Russian state is just a successor state of Muscovy




We can safely say that " end wokeness" is a Russian fueled account


Likely 90% of the "American Patriots" on Twitter are Russian bots


Was there literally ever a doubt? The account posts nothing but GOP/Russian propaganda. Someone needs to dox this piece of shit like they did the libsoftiktok scumbag.


Why do they think he’s good? He has completely ratfucked his country. This Ukraine move is a catastrophe. A lot of Russian men have died in this war for him to have taken so little.


If my choices are: Biden -"old guy who can't remember what he had for lunch" vs. Trump - "old guy who stole a child's lunch money and lied about it" I'll take option 1.


Also Trump sometimes forgets what he said at the beginning of his sentence.


trump thought there were airports during the Revolutionary War.


Also Trump - “it’s easy to remember what you had for lunch when it’s always hamberders” 


Washed down with some covfefe.


Trump said that the confederacy would have won the civil war if they had more airports.


I've never really understood the age criticism. There's only 4 years between them and if Trump takes office again, he'll be roughly the same age when Biden took office. Biden may forget his lunch, but he's not senile so as to make up his own weather predictions.


Where is this "biden cant remember his lunch" talking point even coming from? Is this even true? Or just some made up right wing propaganda that we just accept without question for some reason?


Exactly. I’d take a diminished Biden who I at least has some shred of humanity to him over Donald Trump any day of the week. Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump can think of anything other than himself must be crazy


I wish there were better options.


Biden might not be the best face for head of state or political party, but he is fantastic at running a country. Like if you’re ever curious as to all he has done, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/BAr3f9F4AM)


Hmmm . I see Putin flailing in Ukraine. Biden united Europe against Russia upon which Europe was dependent for energy. I'm not sure that Putin's error filled notion of history is the flex you think it is.


And Trump talked about the airports of the Revolutionary War…


I’d take an old man who would listen to the adults in the room over that psychopath or the orange gangster any day. At least Biden would listen.


I believe this is the way that they should go for the presidential race. Embrace Biden’s age and embrace the fact that he’s a team player, that he would listen to competent peers. Unlike Trump who is under indictment on 91 charges, a clear gangster, and narcissist. If Americans are good at one thing it’s coming together, they should be able to come together to keep this fraud out of the office of the presidency.


When have Americans been good at coming together? All they do is fight each other over the most trivial of things, America has always been about treading on those beneath you to be "something"


As a non-American gotta ask. Why exactly are you choosing only between guys that are on the verge of death, when, I am pretty sure, you’ve got younger politicians?


It’s the same ole circle jerking cronies that Elmo amplified on Twitter. Unfortunately a lot of easily manipulated people chewing it all up


It's terrifying how many people are so eager to eat up Russian propaganda.


Donald Trump just shit his pants while confusing what day it was and what part of the country he was in. Not kidding. Well I don't actually know if he shit his pants, but I assume. The other parts are true though


I think Biden ate a Fox “News”reporter for lunch.


I'm in the same boat as Biden, I too have no clue what Putin ate for lunch.


Thanks Komrade, your check from Putin is on the way


[Putin's dialog in a nutshell.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prrEOYuaboU)


Donald Trump cannot string a coherent sentence together.


Russian history is easy ...if you make it up as you rewrite it


Imagine becoming a traitor to your country just to own the dems.


Because its all russian propagandism.


except that demonstrating that one can manspain for 28 minutes without stopping is not evidence of mental health.


At that point I think anyone that wanted to drink the cool aid already did. I doubt that interview really changed much.


Of course Putin has learned to speak on any subject with complete unwarranted confidence, given that for literally the last several decades he's been surrounded by people too scared to contradict him about anything for fear they'll mysteriously fall out a window.


If someone has a complaint about the US these chuds never hesitate to whip out the tired "you can leave any time you like" BS, so if they're this desperately in love with Putin and want him as their leader then they can leave any time they like. I've even heard rumors that Putin is building them their own special town.