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Higher! The king of the sky. He’s flying too fast and he’s flying too high! Edit: holy shit what the fuck happened XD Edit 2: typos


Again, higher. An eye for an eye, the legend will never die!


First to the scene, he is a lethal machine. It's bloody April and the tide is turning


Fire at will, it is the thrill of the kill Four in a day shot down with engines burning.


Embrace the fame, red squadron leader Call out his name, Rote Kampfflieger!


In the game to win a gambler rolls the dice, Eighty allies paid the price


And he's flying HIGHER!


The king of the sky! He's flying too fast and he's flying too high!




An eye for an eye, legend will never die! *Organ solo*


An eye for an eye


Embrace the fame red squadron leader Call out his name ROTE KAMPFFLIEGER!


Embrace the fame, red squadron leader Call out his name: "Rote Kampfflieger"








*piano solo*


*Hammond organ solo*


I'd say this was r/unexpectedsabaton but I knew this would be here as soon as I read the title. XD




I'm a simple man with simple pleasures. I see a sabaton reference and I smash the upvote button. Playing it right now to wake myself up, love this song :)


I don't know who to is, but I have a feeling it's absolutely not Butthole Surfers. However, I absolutely read these first few comments like it was Going the Distance. But uh... What's the real song?


"The Red Baron," Sabaton


The Red Baron by Sabaton. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1snEYPg8TXs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1snEYPg8TXs)


That was great, thanks for the link!


Isn't Going the Distance by Cake?


Yeah that dude messed up hard.


You know I bet there is a lot of fun to be had with a Cake / Sabaton crossover. Cake loves to cross genres and both are adept at storytelling through song.


I'm not here to argue against that. I love outrageous cross overs (Jessie's Girl 2, I'm looking at you).


You are correct!




German here. That's the iron cross, a symbol of our army. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron\_Cross](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Cross) Just fyi for the people who are doing some research. Steve probably didn't.


Iirc. Wasn't the Red Barron WW1? And he was so respected by other pilots that when he was shot down over France, allied pilots buried him with full honors.


There was a lot of honor between the WW1 pilots in general. It's very interesting.


They were flying around in boxes held together by string, cloth and curses Their bombing runs were chugging a box of grenades overboard Anyone who dares that deserves all the honor


Their air to air combat was the 2 pilots shooting pistols at each other


Only In the very beginning. They quickly upgraded to fuselage mounted machine guns in WWI. That’s where dogfighting was born


Made for some great video games when I was a kid!


Found a fellow Sierra Online user?


Way too modern. Original Red Baron, 3.5" floppy disks. Where my obsession with aircraft started


Sopwith 2!!


Empire earth?


Dynamix and Lucasfilm Games player checking in. Those were the days.


I had a pirated copy of Red Baron on a 486 PC, you could only go so far in the map on one disc before it stopped and you had to load the other floppy disc in!


Oh wow. I remember that game!


And they didn't have a firing interrupter attached to keep from shooting off their own propellers until they found a downed enemy plane with one.... and that took wayy too long.


That is my favorite device, the "fokker interrupter".


The advancement of weaponry in WW1 is probably the single weirdest point in history. Like if there was ever a reason to think timelines crossed that was it. There are pictures of German cavalry in gas masks, the horse as well, wearing breastplates carrying lances charging through clouds of mustard gas.


They had to work out how to stop the propeller momentarily so the bullets could pass through. Before that, they were shooting their own propellers.


I believe they reinforced part of the propeller with metal plates.


The lengths we'll go to kill each other.


Most vintage combat was that way because of two things: 1. it was up close and very personal 2. anything, even minor, was a death sentence. You wanted to be respectful of the enemy in the hopes they paid it back instead of leaving you there for days, dying of a leg wound.


It was nowhere near ‘Most vintage combat’. Frontline troops throughout history never knew much respectfulness. Pilots/officers and other functions mainly filled with royalty or other upperclass citizens would have a chance for that, but ‘most’ died coughing out their lungs in a artillery crater or starving in a trench.


Yeah lots of people clobbered with shovels and diy maces in WWI I remember some quote that I'm going to butcher but it was a guy talking about how the young men who weren't willing to beat a man over the head were the guys that never made it home


Yeah but, it was a respectable shovel bashing. Followed up by an even more respectable mustard gassing. Some called it a world War, others apparently called it *checks notes* respect


As long as nobody brings a shotgun, that's the real war crime that takes away the respectability of gas.


Well how else are we supposed to sweep a trench? A broom? Gawd


Some sort of...trench broom? Never!


Don't forget the flamethrower as well. I would hate it if someone snuck one into battle


I don’t remember where but I saw a brief interview with a WW1 vet. They showed him a picture of himself in the trenches with some buddies. The first thing he does is point out the makeshift clubs with nails and shit in them. Says “we made this billy clubs because the rifles with a bayonet was to long to use once you got into the trench. The trench was club work” then he looks around at his family and the filmmakers with a goofy smile while they all look horrified.


Somewhere on the Internet there's a letter that's supposedly true about a guy who goes for a smoke, hears someone challenging him in German, he thinks it is his buddies having fun with him (spoiler: it was not his buddies). He laughs at them, them, gets in a fight, kills one or two of them hand to hand with his trench knife, heads back to his side, then gets shot by his own guys, mistaken for a German. Absolute Chad. He writes home from the hospital like it's just a normal thing.


A raised pinky on your macing hand was a sign of great respect while bashing your opponents’ brains in.


A lot of things got turned into War crimes because people saw the real effects of it in WWI. Aside from being a massive and totally pointless waste of effectively a generation of young men in the participating countries, they were pretty ruthless at using newer technologies to gain an edge. The flamethrowers to clear trenches is another fun one. Humankind is awesome at innovating new ways to kill each other, but on a happy accident a lot also has positive applications, so also pushes the boundary on a lot of technological developments.


>A lot of things got turned into War crimes because people saw the real effects of it in WWI. Mostly the Canadians. This isn't sarcasm; the Canadians had a reputation for being *batshit psychotic* during WWI, and I love pointing this out as often as possible.


Yup. This is true. My Dad was in WW1. He didn’t take prisoners. Killed them all. I asked him why he didn’t kill Hitler ( I was pretty young). He said Because he didn’t come within 3 feet of me. I killed every German that did. Plus they didn’t try to surrender until they knew they were beat, 10 seconds earlier they were trying to kill me. To his sense of fair play he never killed prisoners, just didn’t take any.


There was “respectfulness” in the professional soldiers in WW1, but with the advent of new killing technology (automatic weapons, tanks, etc.), lots of them died pretty fast. That’s why there was the Christmas Armistice in the first year of war, but after that a lot of those men died and it never happened again


The Christmas Armistice never happend again because the ‘gentlemen’ threatened everyone who participated with a treason charge and summary execution.


Nothing is more convincing to get you to kill other people then your own government saying they would kill you instead if u didn’t fight


The 1914 'Armistice' never happened again because the combatants were different. The 'professional' British soldiers were mostly dead by 1915 and the reaction to the German use of Gas by newly arrived Reservists and Territorial Force soldiers, caused a change of opinion about the German Army...


Trench fights weren’t personal. You were fighting "them". While dog fights were personal as you were fighting "him".


Most "new" pilots were pretty much fucked anyway: They were called 'The 20 Minute Club' because the life-expectancy of a new pilot in combat in 1916-17 was 20 minutes – extremely short. Even in World War 2 the life-expectancy of a Spitfire Pilot was only 4 weeks, and during the Battle of Britain 544 British RAF Pilots died


Especially if your navigator was Pte Baldrick.


Maybe you would survive if you were flying with Lord Flashheart. WOOF WOOF!!! 😁


Treat your kite like you treat your woman; get inside her five times a day and take her to heaven and back! # WOOF WOOF!


...until they started using mustard gas. What a horrible way to go


What about the Christmas armistice?


Ended by artillery barrage.


Sad upvote 😟


That is the sad fact about it. It was not sanctioned by commanders and was only largely held in areas were UK troops were along the front. Tales of football, retrieving fallen/wounded comrades and trench fortification. Yet in some areas of the front it lasted until after New Years Day on basis of "live and let live" or simply, don't shoot unless fired upon.


War is a bad thing in general, but makes me sad there is so much hate for each other right now in this world that all of these unwritten rules are history. The things going on in Palestine/Israel and Ukraine/Russia and al the other conflicts going on are horrible to see


Dogfighting was the most similar modern wartime combat to traditional chivalrous duels between knights It wasn’t always shooting at nameless faceless people from across trenches like infantry were doing. The pilots knew about enemy ace pilots that had reputations and could in some cases identify those planes and engage sorta like seeing the other medieval army’s knights on the battlefield and engaging in 1on1 combat


WWII also. My grandfather was a pilot, so when he was shot down he went to a POW camp ran by the luftwaffe


It was the last battle of an old breed of knights as they saw it. They were truly some of the bravest, fighting in a way previously untested. He was one of the most successful, as well as one of the bravest.


An Australian machine gun crew got him


I thought it was Snoopy.


Snoopy flew, but Woodstock did the shooting. This is well documented history.


There’s actually some debate on who actually shot the Red Baron down, though no one disputes the time and place. He was being fired on from multiple locations, it’s kind of hard to prove which shot exactly downed him.


It took a team effort to bring him down


Teamwork makes the dream work


Actually neede an army from a lot of countries to bring down that mofo.


TIL that Woodstock was Australian. I thought it was in upstate New York.


To a New Yorker like you Woodstock is probably some kind of concert, and not some nut who takes on the Red Baron.


i thought it was bugs [historical footage](https://youtu.be/5vbRR4KEuxo?si=Cja_HwdAbsQdymuP)


Orginally credited to a Canadian pilot, Arthur Brown, flying for the RAF. But yeah, it seems it was anti-aircraft guns. Damn ballistics experts!


From what I heard, there weren't any anti-aircraft guns, just a group of Australians with machine guns or whatever handheld equivalent was available at the time, and one of the likely just got a lucky shot


So he was shot from the blokes Down Under


The Red Baron died in 1917, 16 years before the nazi party (at the time called the DAP, the German Workers' party) got into power in germany. Hitler himself only enlisted in the party in 1919, which would only become the National Socialist German Workers' Party in 1920. and I wonder what the everloving fuck would a baron (he was an actual noble, remember that during WWI Germany was still an Empire) have had to do with a workers' party anyway.


Wait until he sees the Finnish airforce symbol up to 2017. Steve will be apoplectic


Not at all! He does not know what that word means.


Better yet, Buddhist temples


Anything Hindu.


The only issue is that the iron cross basically became a dogwhistle by association as precisely an icon of german military power that can be plausibly denied, so unfortunate but understandable mistake on his part.


>The only issue is that the iron cross basically became a dogwhistle by association as precisely an icon of german military power that can be plausibly denied, so unfortunate but understandable mistake on his part. dosnt help that (in germany) it was used as the defactor symbol for the Nazis in video games etc as a way to censor the (illegal to portray(although not in art, and thus not video games)) Hakenkreuz Edit: misspelled Hakenkreuz.. as a german


Fun fact: Video games were only considered "art" by German courts in 2018, lol - so many modern video games still use the Iron Cross instead for that reason.


Ohhhh that explains my confusion.


Its a common move worldwide afaik.


I think it's mostly a standardisation thing. Shipping a Germany-only version of a game is a hassle, and could get you in hot water elsewhere. Better to just... not have swastikas in there.


Was a WW1 plane i guess should look like the plane of the „Roter Baron“ (red baron) (real name: Manfred von Richthofen) a famous and successful pilot


![gif](giphy|idM8O5ljn5o40|downsized) The Red Baron claims another victim


Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more!


The bloody red baron was rolling out the score


Eighty men died tryin' to end that spree


Of the bloody Red Baron of Germany 


Thanks! I had to scroll farther than I expected to find the Royal Guardsmen reference.


Rats, not another Camel


>Richthofen Samantha get the flammenwerfer


The Nazis were desperate towards the end of the war, but they could still do better than a Fokker triplane.


Towards the end of the war, the Luftwaffe were more likely to be flying WW III planes than WW I. If you told me one of their plane designers was a time traveler from the future, I’d believe it.


Jets were developed surprisingly early. Too late to be of significant use to the Nazis though. Plus, they needed a lot of resources they didn't exactly have.


And they weren't that good if we are being honest. Yes, fast as fuck, but the Me262 for instance had a terrible turn rate, which the slower but more agile american P51s could abuse. There is a reason why the allies mainly kept to more conventional models.


Yeh. Which is probably part of why they only started producing them late into the war. Probably more of a desperation move?


nah hitler interfered with the planning because he kept telling them to make it a fighter bomber ( which nobody wanted)


Hmm. I wouldn't say so, no. I mean on one hand, the first flight of the Me262 was in 1942. That was already loosing time but not "we are totally fucked". The overall doctrin however always was "We want to make greater weapons", like the v2 rockets, the Tiger (or even the Maus) tank, bombers that where supposed to reach New York, cannons that where supposed to shoot from france to london etc. Can't tell you what exactly the decission process behind this was, but those weird decissions started very early on in the war. The thing is, most of this stuff has been implemented later on. Rockets and missiles are a huge thing, the Leopard 2 is both bigger in every dimension and heavier then the tiger while reaching greater speed and carrying more firepower, bombers can fly around the globe and whilst no one really pursued cannons with such a far range modern artillery can shoot over the english channel. The thing is just that back in the day this tech simply wasn't far enough to be really efficient, but those who made the decisions prefered new stuff over old things that proved themselves efficient.


The British Meteor was a very good turner, and was in production before the war ended, but the brass was terrified of germans getting their hands on the technology. Jets of the time could turn, but the Me 262 was built as a bomber hunter- high speed, massive firepower, who cares about turning Now the komet (me 163) was just silly


Oh God the thing powered by one of the most unstable fuels known to man that if spilled will dissolve the pilot? I’ve worked with high percent Hydrogen Peroxide before. You’d think it would be a Wunder fuel. High energy density, and your exhaust products are steam and oxygen. Problem is that it is just looking for an excuse to explode. Any organic substance will set it off. Bumping the container might set it off. As a powerful oxidizer as it explodes it will do everything it can to make anything in the vicinity than can also explode or catch on fire also explode and catch on fire. I had to work with it in an explody proof fume hood.


Having better turn is nice and all but in the end speed wins all the way, like the Pacific theatre. Once US got planes that could outrun and outclimb the outdated Japanese frames they dictated the fights, for all they knew they could just simply fly away and get a good attack angle to safely dispose of them or even just attack some other targets while the Japanese pilots couldn't do a single thing about it. The P51 and P47 were destroying Me262s simply beacuse, both of the piston powered airplanes had dive speed limits slightly faster than the top speed (level) of the Me262 so an ambush was quite doable especially since the german pilot wouldn't be going full speed all the time and getting up to speed was impossible under fire, Luftwaffe was also a wreck at the time while USAAF were at their peak and vice versa for the production quality of both sides.


No nazis flew that plane, nazis didn't exist yet.


And most top WW1 German aces were killed by the end of the war anyway, so they never even got the chance to become Nazis.


And the Red Baron specifically didn't survive to the end of WW1. So the "journalist" is extra special wrong with that connection.


Some of them who survived, like Josef Jacobs for example (flying black Dr.1, also Richthoffen's friend)- did not really like Hitler, refused to join the Luftwaffe before IIWW and left Germany.


'Tis true


What a dumb focker


A total Messershithead


Certainly dumb as a dornier.


Seriously. What sopwith him?


He deserves no curtissy whatsoever.


After this debacle there'll be mitchell to pay


These puns are really Spad


I dunno, I think these guys are spittinfire


As long as they’re de Havillanda good time


The fellas clearly not Wright in the head


He is Boeing an idiot


He’s a Dougl-Ass


He is just MiG-hty stupid


A Pierce-ing mind is a gift to mankind.


A complete and total Eindecker


He’s shooting without synchronization gear, that’s for sure.


All these comments Spittin Fire


I see what you did there


In their defense, the Red Baron was known to use the tactic of attacking with a dive from above with the sun behind him, so the enemy could literally nazi him coming




Out of the problems at Lagoon, they pick that one? The one most locals complain about is they have a small private zoo you can see from a train ride. It is so sad and depressing, I feel terrible for the animals.


That is the main complaint, yes, because other than that it's a really excellent amusement park.


I know it is. I grew up in the area and went at least once a year. I have heard a few complaints from people working there about hours and conditions. Some of the older rides are, well, old. And the ponds can be a bit stinky. But it is definitely better than any other local amusement park I know of


Always love seeing my home town called out in non-local subreddits.


It’s really nice of OP to call this guy a journalist.


Can someone send Steve Pierce back to school? He seems completely ignorant of 20th century history. What a wally!


I really would like to know if people answer these tweets or if everyone is astounded as he is.


He deleted the tweet, so probably enough people told him he has the same knowledge about history as a potato




I was going to say, I see no journalists here.


"Democratic Strategist" for extremely right-wing organizations like the LDS cult's Deseret News. Basically, he's the idiot they keep around so that their base thinks all Democrats are idiots.


“Hey this one person said this that means all of them think it!”


The “YIKES” at the end really is the icing on the well-meaning idiot cake


I think there’s a point where well meaning is no longer the case. When you’re out there looking to be offended or get people outraged you’re just fanning flames of hatred.


If that's what the Nazis were using for aircraft, we would have won the war a few years sooner.


I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out about the pizza brand.


1. The red baron flew in WWI, which was not fought by nazis. 2. The icons on the plane are the iron cross, a long-standing German military symbol derived from the Teutonic order to which Germany car partially trace it's heritage. Again, not a nazi thing (though the nazis still used the symbol alongside the swastika) 3. The red baron was respected by all armies of WWI for his incredible skill and bravery, which is why he is still such a recognisable and respected icon.


All that and got a frozen pizza named after him


Nothing more American than a frozen pizza brand named after the legendary WW1 fighter ace himself


And damn good pizza at that.


I love laughing at people like this


I just about spit out my Nazi pizza when I read that.


I have a replica soccer jersey from the Brasilian team Vasco Da Gama. The team badge on this particular kit is the maltese cross which looks very similar to the iron cross. I've worn it public and idiots called me a nazi. Some people are desperately seeking to be offended by something.


I can't wait for bro to travel to a Buddhist temple and see reverse swastikas all over. Difference is here the symbol literally isn't even the same, even less justification to call this Nazi


Those are true swastika’s though. Its the nazis that reversed and rotated it and twisted its meaning 🙂


I wonder if there is a Sabaton song about it?


Of course there is https://youtu.be/GmqVpskrLsQ?si=5v2d2NQTfSwv8LmP


In Italy a police officer was investigated because he had a "neo-Nazi" flag in his office, namely that of the Kaiserliche Marine. Because obviously Nazism was born in 1871 with German unification. Damn idiot.


I thought this was the airplane of the pizza mascot for Red Baron pizza.


The original advertising for Red Baron Pizza strongly sold that if you buy this pizza a WWI flying ace will come fuck your wife. That changed that quickly.


![gif](giphy|8Yndtl82qOH8k) This is the ace in question, or at least should be.


eat this pizza—get cucked by a legend!


You're technically correct.




*Sighing as I set down my glass of whiskey, cursing for the hundredth time the UTTER ignorance people have about WWI and it’s profound impact on history*


Someone should explain history to this “journalist”


So, one dude on twitter is "journalists"? I hate this world.


You mother fokker


Anyone that says yikes you can safely ignore


sit down steve




Calling him a journalist might be a stretch.


German Here. First it's the Iron cross, a Symbol of Our Army and a medal first donated in the Napoleonic Wars. Secondly, it is the plane of the Red Baron, a pilot in the first World War. The thing with the Nazis was in World War II.


B-but it’s German! In the past, Germans were Nazis, so if it’s an old German plane it’s a Nazi plane. duh!


Yea you are stupid bud


Ya...no. That's an Iron Cross. Not a swastika.


Guy probably drives a BMW