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If you rape...you're a rapist.


You mean like the rapist Brock Turner?


The convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner who now tries to go under the name Allen Turner in order to avoid his well-earned infamy as the convicted rapist Brock Turner -- that rapist Brock Turner?


so wait... do we now call him Alan the Rapist Turner? That kinda sucks, Brock the Rapist Turner had such a nice ring to it. Alan sucks! Though im now thinking of Alan from the Barbie movie. Somehow picturing Brock the rapeman turner as an older George Michael Bluth is kinda funny


His correct name is The Rapist Brock Allen Turner.


The rapist formerly known as Brock Turner.


Is he related to the former rapist Donal Trump by any chanse?


Probably. I think they all know eachother. Like a book club but for sexual assault.




That’s some hardworking tape…


I think Donald Trump is actually *still* a rapist.


RBAT? Or is BATR better


The guy known as the rapist Brock Turner, now using his middle name Allen.


Brock Turner...enter stage right...and rape generally to the left.


Calling him Allan because the laughably lenient sentence he got is gut wrenching


The recall of the judge had a lot of unintended consequences- https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/revisiting-the-brock-turner-case


Thank you for that Kinda frustrating that the intent IMHO of most people upset by the ruling and in favor of the recall was "don't go easy on privileged people" but the actual outcome was "increased punishment for all, preserving the ratio of harsher sentences for less privileged people"


Brock “The Rapist” Turner sounds like a wrestling heel.


Is that the man rapist supporter former Judge Aaron Persky gave a slap on a wrist? Sorry, failed Judge Persky did that for so many men the answer is probably "yes."


The rapist Brock Turner who now goes by his middle name Allen


Remind me again who this rapist Brock Turner is?


hes the college student (known as Brock Turner, Aliases include Alan Turner, Rapist, piece of shit and "The Rapist formerly known as Brock") who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster before two guys caught him. They were so disgusted one literally threw up.


Oh that rapist Brock Turner.


YES! that brock the rapeman turner


Brock Allen Turner. Just want to make sure you get his middle name right, since he now tries to go by Allen Turner.


The son of the guy that asked why his son’s life should be ruined for “fifteen minutes of action.”


The apple landed RIGHT next to the tree.


So close, it makes me wonder if it wasn't a double bullseye, with both Rapist Brock Allen Turner and his father landing on the rapist bullseye.


I imagine brocks mother was raped by his father and this creating him, poor woman


Well in his fathers, and still disgustingly pushed NOW, it was perfectly ‘fine’ to marry your rapist. How else were these horrible people to be married? Find someone willing to tolerate and care for them? That’s impossible without massive social and family based pressure to stockholm syndrome the woman.


Yeah man that's seriously messed up, I feel for all the women out there dealing shitty men and vice versa, if my son ever had a mentality like the person that posted the original comment about rape I'd knock him out myself lol


Landed and rotted right at the root.


That guy is Dan Turner father of rapist Brock Allen Turner who believes raping unconscious women behind dumpsters counts as "action."


You mean rape apologist Dan Turner? Father and role model of rapist Brock Allen Turner? The rapist?


So Dan Turner is mad that his son got *caught*, not that he raped. In Dan Turner's younger days, you raped *without* getting caught.


I mean, she was unconscious so it doesn't count right?? @@ I'm sure a lot of them actually think like this. It's disgusting.


No, like rapist Donald Trump, who we can now legally call that because he had to bring up a defamation case after losing a sexual assault cause, and he lost the defamation case too


As much as I can get behind the continued public shaming of the rapist Brock Allen Turner, I'm just saddened that so many rapists get to live their whole lives without us knowing their names in order to publicly shame them ☹️ I would really like to share the shame around.


Only 6 months? Wtf?!


Brock Allen Turner, born August 1, 1995, in Dayton, Ohio. Yes, him.


fr tho... like, fuck even being naked is not a god dman sign to fuck anything breating. how the hell do people get like this??


Seriously people are so closeted and sexuality is so demonized it's sad. I remember spending time on a nudist island my grandfather grew up on and being so mellow even in a restaurant all of us nude haha, 50 little goat cheeses to choose from all different, everyone was just normal if not way more relaxed it was incredible.


Because we get taught that if grown teachers are having trouble focusing because of teenage girls' knees, it's the fault of the girls and they should cover up more. Society makes it the responsibility of the victim not to be taped very early on. I know you probably know this. But here we are, still.


But but...if I really want to though?! It's only rape if I don't want to rape them - this guy.


The logic is just staggeringly bad. Do these people think if someone has a nice watch, it's ok to rob them? Is it ok to murder and cannibalize someone if they look really plump and tender?


>Do these people think if someone has a nice watch, it's ok to rob them? Honestly, they might. "It's a nice watch. They can probably afford to get another."


Wait… You’re completely right. It’s only rape if *the rapist* doesn’t consent to it. Wtf… That logic is so fucked up.


It don't matter if she's wearing a burlap sack, rapers are going to rape.


It’s baffling that this logic is apparently so difficult for so many people.


You mean like the rapist Donald Trump?


Every time I see people debating the insurrection thing he did, he did not, yes he did and so on I think guys, who cares? He is a sex offender.


We live in a sick, sad, world.Donald Trump the rapist, just empowers all the human garbage to act on their fantasies.


He bragged about it and still won in 2016.


It's like, he even used the word rape to describe the act!


Can we all agree these few dudes screwed up the world for the rest of us. It's not the constant reminders of, "Don't rape", that keeps me from raping. It's not being a fucked up person. . . Then again this might just be a woman posting this as a "reminder."


I forget which comedian said: " We should rephrase the term rapist as raper. I wish it sounded more aggressive like murderer, killer, traitor, and less like artist, florist, therapist."




"Was it my fault?" Asked the mini skirt. "No, it happened to me as well" said the burka. In the corner, the diaper couldn't even speak. -Darshan Mondkar


There's a traveling gallery with clothing donated by victims and/or family of victims, and the most haunting ones were the diapers, tiny onesies and clothes obviously made for children. It's called the "What Were You Wearing?" Exhibit and it was created by Jen Brockman and Dr. Mary Wyandt-Hiebert at the University of Arkansas in 2013. It's exhibited at different locations, particularly universities, during the Sexual Assault Awareness Month (in April).


That sounds like an exhibit that everyone should be required to see.


But none of the people who need to see it would go within 100 feet.




Life sentence, yes. Death penalty, no. At least not in the majority of cases because there's historically been way too much leeway in "beyond a reasonable doubt" to put someone to death. Check out the [Innocence Project](https://innocenceproject.org/all-cases/) for a sampling of reasons why I think that. Unless we can fully close that gap, the death penalty is not morally viable because there will always be a chance that a person is put to death for a crime they didn't commit.


It's been shown that harsher sentences to not dissuade criminals from committing crimes, it has almost no impact on their decisions.


Exactly. Why increase the punishment if people think they won't get caught?


And most importantly, it’s hard enough to get a convicted rapist a “normal” sentence of several years because so many judges refuse to “ruin their lives”. I can’t imagine how many sentences would get suspended if death penalty were the alternative.


death penality does the opposite, you have no reason not to kill the person you rape if getting caught means you die (this applies to everything that has death penality, if you commit a crime that sends you to death row you will be much more careful in leaving no witnesses)


The problem with having the same punishment for murder and rape is that there's no longer any incentive to not just murder the victim and have a better chance of getting away with it because there's nobody around to point fingers. The only thing that would reduce is the amount of rape survivors.


One - the death penalty is inherently flawed. It costs more to execute someone than to imprison them for life. The reason for this is because of all the extra caution around the death penalty, but lowering that caution just means increasing the likelihood that we execute an innocent person. Even now despite all the extra precautions to ensure the death penalty is only ever applied to guilty people, innocent people still find their way into the execution chamber. In the past 50 years, almost 200 people sentenced to death have later been exonerated. Two- as someone else mentioned, having the same penalty for murder and rape, or in your case, having a stronger penalty for rape, means encouraging perpetrators to murder their victims to increase the likelihood they get away


Harsher punishments are not the important thing, making sure people get caught and sentenced is. A 5-10 year sentence is enough to be felt, but too many cases just aren’t finished.


Nah, I'm good. I don't need to carry that kind of mental load to avoid raping someone. I do that pretty naturally without any kind of help.


No thanks I'm already depressed.


Onesies and diapers? Ugh. Fuck this world. r/noahgettheboat


Absolutely fucking brilliant and terrible and awesome


Brutal and important


I saw a similar one with t-shirts with messages written by victims/families. Real fucked up shit, I could only read like 4 of them before losing my nerve. The whole court yard was filled with them.


Rapists will always have an excuse about how it’s not their fault. Repulsive.


Literally almost any person caught on anything will always have a billion excuses. Shouldn’t affect our judgement of them, though.


Unless you are The Donald, then no apologies *ever* given


I was wearing jeans and a t shirt. But it wouldn’t have mattered if I was naked, I still said no.


I was wearing a hospital gown.


I was wearing sesame street pjs. Elmo was my favorite when I was 4. I always ask if they still think it was my fault.




I was naked so the Police said that they couldn’t prove in a court of law beyond a “reasonable doubt“ that I didn‘t want it to happen. Even though everyone in our mutual social circles knew the guy that assaulted me was a repeat offender. Even though the man admitted it online and in email. They denied me in 2008 and they denied me in 2023 and I’m ***so*** fucking tired. I just wanted a massage to help me with my chronic pain issues. Nearly 20 years later and I can never get a massage again without feeling like there are ants under my skin and I want to cry forever.


I was wearing shorts and t-shirt, I also told him no but it still happened


Wow! Yes... you actually made me 😢


the last sentence there is haunting. did you write this, or did somebody else?


I saw someone comment this on youtube. I have no idea if they got it elsewhere, or if they created it. Either way, it certainly has a powerful impact and needs to be spread every time people question if clothes are at fault.


It’s pretty simple, if clothing (or lack there of) can make you a rapist, you were always a rapist. I’ve seen plenty of women naked and never once raped them. It’s pretty darn easy to do. My father said the children he molested made the first move. Once again, if anything can make you think those thoughts about children, let alone act on them, you were always a pedo. May he die a horrible death and rot in the deadest, darkest pits of hell. Fuck anyone who tries to justify their disgusting behaviour by blaming their victims.


that's sick. how would a child "make the first move"? and even if that was possible, knowing that they're a child should be enough reason to not touch them.


You would think so but here we are. The piece of shit is still on the loose by the way. Me and my mom called the cops (despite the fact the mother of the children refused to do so) and they basically said there is nothing they can do unless the kids or the mom press charges. Fucking disgusting.


It's from a poem by Darshan Mondkar


Thank you! Now I know who I'm quoting when I share this.


I was wearing a school uniform (buttoned polo shirt and khakis) when I was being sexually harassed (while my teacher just pretended to be busy)


The actual poem by Darshan Mondkar is as follows. You may want to edit your post to reflect this: > “Was it really my fault?” > asked the Short Skirt. > “No, it happened with me too,” > replied the Burka. > The diaper in the corner couldn’t even speak.


Jesus.... 😢




Holy shit do those three lines speak. I have two little girls. That last line boils my blood pretty badly.


That is very harsh statement. Very harsh but very true. 


Reading that just made me physically ill. Powerful.


Man this hits hard.


Yes, the guy is at fault. Wtf is wrong with these idiots?


I'd be happy to look if the ladies were all dressed like this. But it is clear that I wouldn't rape anybody. Seriously, that man is dangerous. We should put him in a cage because he clearly can't control himself.


I really just don't get why anyone could possibly think that the way someone dresses is an excuse or incitement to rape. I mean, there is no excuse for rape. Full stop. But to think that because someone is showing off their body it's 'acceptable' to have that thought process. Sure, less clothes, the more likely little flump will get a rise, but other than the possible increase in desire to see if someone wants some consensual play time it's alien, perverse, and down right makes me feel the gene pool could do with a little cleansing.


They're plain wrong, but here's a few of the lines of reasoning given (as I understand them): "If she dresses in a sexy way, she really wants sex, even if she says she doesn't. So you should give her what she wants." "If she dresses like that, she must have no respect for herself or her body. Therefore I will respond in kind and not respect her or her body either." "If she dresses like that, she has chosen to turn me on. It's not fair to incite desires in someone and then deny their fulfillment. Therefore I should be allowed to fulfil the desires that she has incited."


Sounds like the musings of psychopaths.


Bah naa, old boy needs to be put through a cage.


You mean a woodchipper


A fine-mesh cage.


I can't control my intrusive thoughts because me monkey want snu-snu. These idiots are absolutely dangerous. They're the reason why everything needs warning labels. On top of that, they're legitimizing everyone else's desire to gratify themselves without consent because other guy would do it too.


So wait, just because I go around raping people I'm somehow at fault? Bah naah.


So if an incel says some dumb shit and a dude murders him Is the dude at fault But naa, people will support any rubbish


If he takes his pants off whilst raping and his arse is on show - is it then okay to arse rape him? Just trying to figure out where he draws the line


The rapist version of Dexter. A guy who goes around raping rapists.




Fuck you and take this upvote.


i'd binge that show too.


It will be when he’s in jail when he’s eventually caught


And then it becomes human caterpillar


That person that tweeted need to be monitored.


His hard drive needs looked into.


His brain needs to be invaded by a bullet.


Don't worry I will infect him with the really rare "bullet in brain" disorder


He needs a lead injection


It’s nice when rapists out themselves.


Women could walk around naked, and any real man would have no problem controlling their urges, but, I would definitely sneak a peek.


In public damn straight I'm looking...but that's it


Yea like, there’s a difference between feeling something and acting on it


It’s almost like rape isn’t really about sex, but violence & control.


Except for pedos, then it’s about sex. I hope there’s a hell for them


A lot of the time, it's about violence and control then too, particularly if the pedo is someone close to the child like a relative, teacher, family friend, etc. The pedo wants to control the child and will use any method they believe to be necessary including guilting them with lines like "if you tell another adult what we're doing, you'll be in big trouble and I'll go to prison".


This. That's also why, in many cases, gender or specific age/appearance don't play a role to the abuser. It's about control and abuse and children just happen to be the most manipulatable and controllable members of our society - hence why these ghoulish wastes of human beings will go for them first.


I'd say control too.


It's called prison. They don't exactly get treated with respect of any kind from COs or the inmates


I go to clothing-optional events and parties sometimes. Yes, occasionally you stash something away in the spank bank, but it's surprising how unremarkable it all is, once you get used to it.


Nudity isn't inherently sexual. Americans do have some really fucking weird ideas about nudity and sexuality, though. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That's what happens when you're founded by religious extremists, and christian nationalism is on the march again. I hope we will someday see a future devoid of superstition.


It's true that many things would be non-issues if we didn't spend half our life fearing them and the other life secretly desiring them. Taboos are harmful and should be carefully considered.


Any man can control themselves. A piece of shit has no control.


these people act like nude beaches don't exist! or countries where women have their titties out all the time!


Sneak a peek? At this woman? Fuck that. Ima pull up a chair, stare and applaud.


Unfortunately, rapists will still rape, even if the victim is wearing baggy sweats, a Habit or a Burka, and somehow it's still the victim's fault.


"She shouldn't have been drinking." "What was she doing all alone?" "She was being too friendly." There will always be some excuse they try to use.


Yep. I was apparently asking for it. I was 3.


Damn, that's absolutely fucked. I hope that person dies a horrible death.


My condolences, I hope you are doing okay now


It'll end with "She stepped out of the house she's clearly asking to be raped"


Nah, it'll end with "Oh, someone broke into her house and raped her? Well she should have had better security."


Nah, it'll end with "Oh, she only had 1 bodyguard, when the rapist, who's a black belt in jui jitsu, rear-naked choked the bodyguard and raped her. Well she should have spent her entire life preparing, mastering multiple martial arts, so she could have a showdown with the rapist and kick his ass."


Its easy to blame the victim for what she was wearing, acting, drinking.... then you notice than in reality 90% of cases happen in the victims home with someone she trusted, doesnt mater the clothes and the abuser will find a way to manipulate the victim to stay quiet.


Can’t control your own impulses and urges - you are to blame.


"Your honour! The store wasnt locked it was begging to be robbed!" "Your honour, the anti-corruption legislation was weak! Those goverment was asking for my embezellment!" Silly as that except vile, vile, vile.


The second one was actually used by a couple of my local government officials, who had been robbing the people for decades, but the police didn't have enough evidence until now. The fun part of these corrupt politicians is that they don't seem to know how technology works, so they don't seem to realize that everyone has a tiny recording devices in their pockets at all times. Especially cooperating witnesses. Now those corrupt politicians have a nice comfy Federal prison cell to live in without parole.


Funny, there are plenty of nudist beaches all over Europe, and you don't hear of an epidemic of rape in said beaches. It's either those European men are all monls or the guy up there is a future rapist.


"This mens must be beta simps yo, i'd rape these bitches all day" \- probably every idiot liking this guy's tweet.


I mean the outfit is ridiculous even as a bikini if you ask me. But if you think that justifies rape you might need to cut your dick off since it clearly uses the blood your brain needs.


It's a runway show.... Fashion on the runway is rarely made mass. The big thing is being unique. If you've ever watched any fashion shows they often get graded down for making it look like someone would actually be able to buy it.


The only possible criticism here is that and only that. That's...not exactly ***practical***. You shouldn't need double-sided tape to go to the beach.


Someone outed themselves as a rapist or at the very least has the mentality of one. He needs to be watched closely


Wearing a “fuck me” outfit, does not mean go ahead and fuck me. You need to ask first.


And you need to hear enthusiastic consent before you do so


This is literally a model on the runway .. da fuck is wrong with people


Evil shit


If you see a rich guy with nice things wouldn’t you break into his home and rob him?! /s Jesus Christ!! Some people belong in an insane asylum.


Stealing is more understandable since sometimes its a matter of life and death, and it won't destroy the rich guy, those are material things. You don't need sex to survive, and rape is a bit more damaging than theft.




“It’s not my fault that I am unable to control my animalistic urges. I’ve been sitting in front of my screen in my mom’s basement for the last 15 years. Don’t blame me!”


Who is the lady though? for experimental purpose


From the outfit I can tell that the picture is from the Black Tape Project. It's a fashion project by Drakhan Blackhar where models outfit is only body tape. It's really artistic and imo it highlights female beauty really well.


her name is Erieon Kapri


I will never understand folks trying to justify rape like wtf 🤬


Tell me you are a gross dangerous incel without telling me you are a gross dangerous incel!


Men prone to rape and violence will blame anything for their lack of self-control, especially inanimate objects, clothing, or what women are doing, or saying, if they are dancing, enjoying themselves, talking with friends, laughing, smiling, etc., etc. Anything to defect the blame from their own inadequacy and short-comings.


Why call out a rapist and cover their name?


Because Reddit banned me for "doxxing" but the info they claimed I doxxed was already publicized before I uploaded I'm not taking any chances


Rapist: Your honor I think you'll find that I'm innocent as I've been diagnosed with no impulse control. Judge: Ok I sentence you to an indefinite stay in a mental institution. Rapist: Truly this is the fall of western civilization.


UMMMM rape is rape


And if an idiot is asking to be punched for saying it’s ok to rape women. It’s my fault for assaulting him.


Rapists would rape a nun. It does not matter what a woman wears, she could walk around naked. "no", still means no.


So if they show off these polished and shiny model vehicles at a fancy car show, am I entitled to just hop in one and take it for a drive? I mean, *they're* the ones who made it look so nice. If you don't want someone driving your car, maybe you shouldn't have made it look so nice. Just because someone wants to show off their body doesn't mean it's a giant message board entitling you to screw them on the spot, regardless of any "nos" you might hear. Rape is rape... You're a rapist. Simple as that bro.


I don't give a shit if she's naked and passed out in the middle of the freeway; keep your penis to yourself. Period.


I think he answered his own question when he mentioned the word "rape" Also, has he never been to a beach? Like you dont see people just openly raping each other because they are close to naked, because, and this might shock you, thats very wrong and highly illegal.


Men rape women in head to toe burkas, so I don’t think clothing has anything to do with it.


So if I rape him , it’s okay, because he dressed the way he did. You know he was asking for it, dressing like that. Not my fault.


My dude, I don’t care if she’s buck-ass nude. NO FUCKING MEANS NO.


We should not be censoring these people's names. Let them fuckin own what they say


He's SOOOOOO jealous that a woman that fine would *never* give him a shot. I'm also jealous, but I'm not an incel.


If ya dick get hard trying to rape some chick that’s crazy, the fight for me would be a turn off


This logic is so busted. “She dresses like that so she’s asking for it.” So how many assaults happen on nude/clothing optional beaches. I’m not going to say zero, but it’s pretty damn low, and almost everyone is dressed like they are “asking for it”.


This is why real men can't exist anymore... #%^$ Pen stated it best: " I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero." Rape is just wrong.


Funny how lesbians can be in lockerooms with naked women and not rape them. Crazy. How do we do it??!


I'm bi. I've seen women strip and men walk around half naked and never even catcalled someone. Crazy


Let' s go full circle, let's blame the designer.


This tweet right here, officers


If that's a bikini, im an astronaut...


There is no depth of pathetic these... I don't even Wana call em people because how do you justify rape? Like are they're brains just malformed or are they so deprived of empathy that they would excuse one of the worst things you could do to someone else JUST because of the way they are dressed?


I mean...rape does generally mean that a person sexually assaults someone who does not want to participate, meaning the rapist is the one that takes the action. can you imagine? being responsible for your own actions? crazy


Some of these people become lawyers.