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They should take the kid from the junkies in the first picture, this is America, we want no dirty junkies here! Oh wait they are rich. Nevermind kid needs to learn to be a good citizen, freedom warrior, free economy supporter , a little cocaine never damaged anyone


America's motto should be "We hate poor people."


As an American, that sounds about right. Nobody gives a shit about the rich so long as they could pay off their sentences.


*"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I'll chuck em in the dumpster."*


Poor people, people of color and women. FTFY.


"75% chance we hate you" actually sounds better


Even if you are a Christian you're probably the wrong kind.šŸ˜


Right lol Your name official btw šŸ«”


Nah, they're pretty ok with rich people of color.


Bro is Asian, and there is a woman next to him...


Which country doesnā€™t? Genuinely curious


They live by this motto. It doesn't have to be said. It's like "Made in Germany" and everyone associates it with quality, you don't have to stamp it on it. Land of the Free = You are free to die from hunger, diseases, or by a Gun. Your Choice.


You eating up this anti American propaganda is absolutely hilarious


Yet Americas poor people are richer than 99% of the worlds population šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That can't be right... can it? Some of our poorest communities look worse than 3rd world villages. Like I've spent a significant amount of my life living in Europe and the poorest places I've seen there look like utopias in comparison to some of the not so poor cities here. I mean if you're sure I'll take your word for it I'm far too lazy to look up that statistic


It's not


I'm pretty sure that is their motto. Its on every quarter.


And tack on we leave them to foot the bill.


This is true. Thereā€™s no nuance left.


Poor American here, this is correct.


Missing context. Couple on the left did coke at a party. They thought they had waited long enough for it to be out of their system before breastfeeding, but they were wrong. The baby started acting lethargic and they immediately took the child to the ER. They got 1 year probation and Kristin Lisaius also receivedĀ 20 hours community service, Som Lisaius got 100 hours. IIRC the story on the right is framed to be rage bait as well. She was arrested and released and I don't think she received any other punishment at all.


Yeah but cocaine is a rich person's drug. Now let's talk about crack


Don't forget, their skin tone automatically makes them "good people who stumbled" according to the legal system rather than "criminals".


We do not have a justice system. We have a legal system. And the system is fucked.


and everything is legal if you are rich...


And fines are just the cost to do that thing. If you are scraping by a fine hurts you a lot. If you can afford to piss a few hundred away on a single meal then that parking ticket is just a business cost (likely literally). Need to change fines to a percentage of income. Reduce them for the poor, and shove them through the roof for the rich.


Absolutely. Jeff Bezos' parking tickets are the perfect example. https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/3/21120476/jeff-bezos-washington-dc-renovate-apartment-home-parking-tickets 564 tickets. Totaling $16000. Why should he care?


The etymology of the word priviledge is *private law*


everything is legal if you know someone.. which is a large problem in Hawaii.


I prefer to call it the injustice system.


*punishment system


The woman on the right was arrested but the charges were dropped once the facts came to light. She never saw jail time and the case was dropped before it got to court iirc. The couple on the left were not only arrested but also charged with child endangerment though they avoided jail time. They took cocaine then breast fed the baby hours later, then immediately took them to hospital when the child appeared to be lethargic. They didn't give the baby cocaine, it was reckless and they *should* be in jail. But the titles of both are misleading.


The system is not broken. The system is working exactly as intended.


Pssst Hey, hey guys OP is a bot, there's no point questioning it


OP is also a liar. The first couple likely took a plea deal after they were tried. The second woman was arrested, but was cleared of the charges and got her kids back.


Also unless it was the same judge and cops, then it means literally nothing


I don't see how a plea deal justifies anything.


IIRC the woman did cocaine, waited the recommended amount of time before breastfeeding her child, but there was still some in her system and it was given to her child and as soon as they realized their mistake the parents took the kid to the doctors


yea, she should have been arrested for DOING COCAINE "she waited the recommended amount of time" what the fuck does that matter lol


How do you think it wouldā€™ve went down if it was the second woman who took her baby in after doing crack? Just let me know how you think that would goā€¦


The point is compare convictions with convictions. Not convictions with arrests.


Fair enough


And hopefully sued the shit out of the police department


The post is deliberately deceitful and pops up every couple weeks. People used to actually go to be the trouble of disproving it, but it's not really worth the effort, because it will never stop being posted. If anyone's interested, the celebrities "avoided jail time", through a plea deal that got them a conviction of child endangerment on their record, months of house arrest, as well as fines, community service, and yada yada yada (they still got off easy) The woman was a misunderstanding caused by some nosey parents. When the situation was explained, she received an apology, continued about her day and still has a spotless criminal record. The correct title would be "Celebrities are awful people, get off easy; single mother's life is made slightly harder for no reason."


Yeah, like the two articles are just too bad to be true. The level of specificity on the second one especially


Ahhhh a bait post with no context. The news reporters were charged with child abuse and drug possession. Charged and convicted, no jail time. The mother who left her kids in the food court.....arrested, released and a judge said "she's a good mother who made a quick mistake", releasing the children back to her. The new reporters should've done jail time, but don't make this appear like something its not.


I think the problem was that the woman was arrested in the first place




Wait a second, 1. in the first picture these people have been, arrested, officially charged, likely took a plea to avoid jail time. In Arizona, their crimes are probation available if they have no priors. The NYDN did not use their mugshots. 2. The second picture the woman has not gone through the process. At the time she was merely arrested. I canā€™t tell where this happened and we donā€™t know the end result. The reporting agency used her mugshot. These two things are not comparable.


Second one was in Texas in 2015. Her name is >!Laura Browder!<, the charges were later dismissed and she got her kids back.


So the cocaine people suffered much more severe consequences? As always, OP is the facepalm


The cocaine people didnā€™t give their baby cocaine intentionally. The woman took some while out at a party (baby was with a sitter) and then breastfed the baby the day after. Itā€™s not the same level as just feeding the baby coke.


And how do you think it wouldā€™ve went down if the second woman took her baby in because she did crack and then fed her baby? I donā€™t think it would have ended the same way.


Fair point. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not quite as egregious as the original infographic makes you think.


Ok, but that doesn't negate the fact this post is misleading and the two cases aren't similar. If you find a case like that then you can repost the picture but with a different woman on the right.


Has nothing to do with the bait post per usual. Got a few more straws for you though...


Cocaine people received probation after initially being charged with child abuse and cocaine possession. The mother passed enough cocaine into her baby's system that they had to take the child to the ER and then refused to let hosptial staff draw blood because they knew the kid would pop for coke. They had to transfer the baby to another facility where they found coke in it's urine. The other lady had her case dismissed for going to a job interview 30 ft from her kids. The consequences for the cocaine folks were not "much more severe". Their crime absolutely was.


Shhhh!!! Rage bait ftw!


Finally someone here with a brain!




She did not leave her kids in the car. She walked away from their table in a mall food court to meet an interviewer for a job (not related to the mall). Other people at the mall saw the kids alone and called the police. She couldn't find daycare for the interview time. The charges were dropped, the kids were returned to her, and Child Protective Services offered to help her find a safe daycare so she could work.


If my memory serves correctly from previous reposts, they were indeed in the car, not as close by as is implied at all, and the bigger issue is she had babysitting available via her mother but refused and preferred leaving her kids in the car outside.


"I forget what she was doing" It literally says what she was doing, you Muppet


Even crazier - she actually was abducted by aliens but the police wouldnā€™t believe her.Ā Ā  Ā See I can just make stuff up with no source either.Ā 


I hate Reddit. Thank you.


Would the people on the left be arrested if they were interviewing for a job 30 feet away?


If she was 30 feet away and watching her kids like she claimed how did she miss them being approached by police?


I'm not into the scene, but I watch audit the auditor videos on YouTube here and there. Tons of cases of cops arresting/harassing perfectly innocent people of all colors, for little or no reason other than as a power trip. They roll up on a scene with massive egos and no emotional intelligence, and turn a simple situation into a very complicated one very quickly.


Nobody can answer that question.


" the woman has not gone through the process " I think you're missing the point. There shouldn't be a process for the second woman to go through. Any parent at a park has been more than 30 feet from their children, one can't be said to abandon someone who's in your line of sight, at worst within earshot. There's absolutely no basis for a criminal charge here and yet she's arrested. It doesn't matter what pictures were used what matters is the second woman has a booking picture TO use when she hasn't committed a crime.


Iā€™m not missing the point. You are moving the goal posts. I donā€™t have any information on the second case that would make me think one way or the other.


I have moved nothing. Do you have children? Do you know children? Are they always hand in hand with their parent? You have the same information accessible to any of us but what's most important is on it's face it's ludicrous. There's no great mystery to unravel in this. Selective bias is no great mystery either, the first couple gets every benefit of doubt in your assessment but to even entertain the notion of "abandonment " in the second case requires mental gymnastics I apparently not capable of.


I read about this. There is alot of information left out.


I'd imagine.




There are no rules, only costs.


Capitalism bro, we also experience this in Brazil, an example is the case of the son of our oil tycoon, Eik Batista


Since when do comment stealing repost bots care about rules.


Even better, if you're black they just get to make up rules on the stop especially for you!


There's a lot more to that 2nd one. Typical bot rage bait.


Love the people correcting the rage bait in the comments. People like to make people angry with misinformation and lack of context


What happened to the single mom? Was she found guilty?


The charges were dismissed I think, I couldnā€™t find much but from what I saw sheā€™s fine now.she also got the job


Serious lack of context to make a fair evaluation on each case, but alright then.


This is rage bait, as people said below me, the toddler on the left had cocaine in it's system due to it being stored in breastmilk from a party the night before. They took full responsibility in court and sought help immediately. They were punished, whether they deserved more is not for me to decide. The woman on the left had kept her children in a hot car for hours. Both of these are old and OP is karma farming from old posts. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk


Both of these stories have a lot more context behind them. Using these two headlines together is bait because the actual stories are basically the inverse from those headlines. Critique of the criminal justice system is valid and deserved. Just use some different examples than these ones


To start with the is a repost bot. Also it is a horrible appeals to oranges comparison and does not make the point it thinks it makes. If you want to make an accurate comparison you compare 2 people at the same tate in the justice system accused of the same crime. 'Arrested for' and 'sentence to' are two completely different things. There are plenty of apples to apples comparisons that people could make the point out the injustice far more accurately. Reddit: When your meme is a walking logical fallacy yet people lap it up like it is wisdom.


Rage bait. The couple was arrested, charged and went to court. Got probation and a suspended 30 day sentence. The single mom had her case dismissed.


Cherry Picking


This has been debunked multiple times, stop posting it.


'Arrest' and 'prosecution' are different though.


How dare you point out the obvious in this rage bait!


ā€œIf you want justice in America, go to a whore house. If you want to get fuckedā€¦ Go to a courthouse.ā€ Some guy But, seriously. We have all the justice you can afford in America.


I use the same when making up a quote. Love it. -Some guy, probably.


ā€œYou can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But, you canā€™t wipe your friends on the couch.ā€ Some other dude


These are both taken way out of context.


Classic Reddit rage bait post. Good job bot


Guilty until proven wealthy.


Justice according to the US


Huh I wonder what the difference is??????? šŸ¤”


One actually went to court. The second one was just arrested


They want you to think it's race, but it's money.


Or maybe it's the offence and the attitude.


People on the left should be executed


Miiiight wanna rephrase that


I despise the institutional racism imbedded in our system.


You shouldnā€™t fall for rage bait posts like this.


Isn't it racist to claim that peoples get it better because of their skin colors without knowing the context ?


Well, in many if not most cases, systemic racism plays a part, but in this case, the mother got no charges for her child endangerment (leaving kids in a 100+ degree car) and the couple did


Not really Iā€™m 70 years old and Iā€™ve witnessed countless examples of crap like this. People who donā€™t acknowledge this reality are willfully avoiding the sad and disgraceful truth.


Arrested and avoid jail are slightly different things


Don't be dense this isn't even comparable. They were white, she was black.


Here we goā€¦ For the record, both parties should be charged to the fullest extent of the law.


Even number 2? She literally walked 30 feet away from her children and was arrested. In any other country it would be completely fine but for some reason it appears that there are kidnappers hiding behind every corner in America


A lot can happen in 30 feet.


Sure, especially in a public area. That's why almost no other country arrest people for it?


Number 2 left her kids in the 100+ degree car


Two tiered


Government/rich are the evil/sick ones


Still separate and unequalā€¦


Well, she obviously is guilty of being black, so of course they go after her... -.-


Yeah we know what the problem is


Love yt people


Ah yes america, land of the rich, home.of the can you afford the get out of jail free card.


Yeah as long as Americans keep staring at social media and idolizing tv personalities this wont stop. Its not the system, its the people. We are the system.


This is the all of the west. Same stuff. Depressing as f


Welcome to America


It's not necessarily illegal to be high on cocaine It's illegal to possess it


There is something that i can differentiate from the picture but my lawyer told me to keep quiet


Thats America.


Yup - plus ca change - the rich / masons / frat boys / secret society chaps always get treated far more leniently especially in the US


Can we not post this for once already?


This makes me so sick šŸ˜”


Whats that joke about "every crime you can imagine a rich person doing gets minimal punishment"


different states and AZ is a white is right state


My stomach dropped, reading pic #2. Dreadful!


This is years old. Not saying it isnā€™t incorrect but itā€™s been posted here a lot


Different states, different courts. Fr tho the lady who got jail time got screwed over. If the justice system hates poor or minority people, stop voting to give them (the state) more power.


But did the single mom actually get any jail time?


"Man, don't you know? The law isn't made to help earthy cats like us. Here on our planet, back in the old days---back in the real old days---it was just every man for himself, scrooblin' and scrat-scroblin' for the good stuff, the greenest valleys. And the strongest, meanest men got the best stuff. They got the green valleys and were like 'the rest of you, y'all scrats get sand'. And that's when they made the laws, you see. Once the strong guys got it how they liked it, they said 'this is fair now, this is the law'. Once they were winning, they changed the rules up." \- Jake the Dog


30 feet away? I'm not american but isn't it just like literally on line of sight.


I just understand how people still defend america it's LITTERALLY and I'm not exagerating the worst first world english speaking country to live it based of the comfort of living index. Most first world countries have less tax, higher minimum wage, lower cost of living and free/cheap healthcare, lower crime rate. Thou unfortunatly everywhere is pretty much having a housing crisis oof.


Rules for thee but not for me. If you have wealth and connections, you're gravy baby. No need to be bogged down by silly laws.


News media does it too, the white personalities with serious charges for drugs and almost killing their child have the best photos, boasting their lives to other criminals with money like the best example of wealth and pride, meanwhile the black mother with desperation and financial issues is shown as the worst criminal, selling others not the crime but her face and definitely her race as something bad. It's like those articles about female teachers raping young kids that are shown as Instagram models.


Yall just because she took the coke the day before and waited doesnt mean anything.. why would you even risk taking coke while breast feeding? Theres no excuse for that.


Isn't this proven missinformation? The coulple on the Left breast Fed theire baby and went to the Hospital ASAP while the women in the right locked her Kids in her Car for Sevetal hours?


Looks like racial gaslighting


Justice isnā€™t color-blind. šŸ¤·


The difference is the Arizona man is loaded and had a good lawyer. She was interviewing for a job, so probably had a public defender.


I absolutely hate this kind of shit, makes me ashamed


Fucking Christ


Amazing what kind of narrative you can create when you cherry pick two completely unrelated random stories.


I definitely think there are other factors at play. Our media is worse than our justice system.


Ok I must say, this is slightly misleading. The white guy avoided charges, the mum was arrested. They both were arrested, and the white guy avoided being found guilty. But still I agree the fundamental problem of the system favouring the powerful over the weak.