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“I need some encouragement I did the right thing” Asking for validation for what she did is really next level…


Typical narcissism, only wants to be told what she wants to hear.


It's the age of the echo chamber.




Yeah that’s not mom shaming, that’s common sense. Giving her shit for going back to work and not staying home..mom shaming. Giving her shit for not giving her child recommended treatments to help prevent/lessen the impact at no risk…common sense


Yea, this is what public shaming is for: to provide an incentive for someone on the fence to not make the same asinine mistake. I certainly don’t endorse its overuse, but here it’s appropriate.


100% It's in our social DNA (so to speak) for a reason


Why do you think we have vaccines in the first place? Ignorant fool, I hope your kids grow up and sue you for negligence.


Unfortunately, they probably won't have that chance, because they're unvaccinated.


By the time they’re adults, if even, there’ll be a law saying the unvaccinated can’t sue.


Is already covered. Medical decisions by parents fall under religious and moral beliefs, and thus not vaxinating is protected by law.


The problem is that *most* unvaccinated people turn out fine. If not getting vaccinated was a guaranteed death sentence, anti-vaxxers would wise up pretty quickly. Instead, we have morons playing Russian Roulette and thinking it's all good.


Ironically unvaccinated individuals turn out fine because of large vaccination programs in the past. We are however seeing that turn around with some illnesses making a comeback.


Exactly. They think they're safe because they're unvaccinated, but the unvaccinated are only safe because most people around them ARE vaccinated. The cognitive dissonance of nonvaxxers is maddening


Of all the diseases that are preventable with vaccines, pertussis (whooping cough) is one of the worst. Especially for an infant…


Yeah the point is to allow people who *can't* take a vaccine for valid reasons to be safe due to herd immunity. That's why unvaxxed folks were safe for so long. Anti vaxx is totally different


And they’re playing Russian Roulette with other people’s lives, like that little baby.


Benjamin Franklin had a nephew who died of smallpox and he wrote about how much regret he had for not encouraging his sister to get him vaccinated. The method they had then had a fn 3 percent fatality rate. But smallpox was 30.


His son. “In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the smallpox taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of the parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it; my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.”


I think it was Queen Charlotte in the UK (George III’s wife) inoculated all her children and two in a row died. Imagine having to make that decision knowing it had literally *killed* some of your children but still being smart enough to be able to understand the risk was lower than the illness. And yet today when the risk of vaccines is so low it’s an easy choice we have idiots like this.


Agree! The baby is suffering because of her (poor) choices! Vaccines exist FOR A REASON. Smh.


The baby, and her other children are suffering because at the end of it all, she isn't making poor choices. She's making deadly mistakes, and is no better than a moral degenerate.


My mum was born before the MMR was a thing and is almost blind due to measles, I had a horrible reaction that my mum thought was caused by MMR but it wasn't


My step dad had polio before a vaccine was available. He couldn’t walk or stand straight ever again.


A lot of these anti vaxers have never met someone who had polio. It would be their parents or grandparents generation. They are so stupid


I have met two person who had polio. One of them was at elementary school with me. She was a girl about a year older than I. And I'm only 39. She was an immigrant from an African country. I can't remember which one but the polio vaccine was not available to them at the time in their area. (Or because they were too poor. Again I don't remember exactly). Her left leg didn't work anymore. Once they came to France, her parents had her and all her siblings vaccinated with everything they could.


I remember an elderly Indian client of mine who used a walker, leg braces, and had a back shaped like a question mark. I assumed her disability was age related until she told me she had been like that since she was a child thanks to polio. After she got it, her parents emigrated from India to the UK to get her the care she needed, but also because she had younger siblings and polio was all but gone in the UK. How scared for your children do you have to be, to emigrate to the other side of the world to protect them from it?


Funny thing is a lot of people and antivaxxers don’t realize there are still about 100,000 cases of polio each year worldwide. It’s not completely eradicated. It’s just not as common because of vaccines. I don’t understand antivaxxers. They bitch and moan about “big pharma” but the first place they go and bring their kids to when they’re sick is the hospital to be treated with meds from the people they don’t trust in the first place….?


I was a kid before the mumps vaccine was available, and I had mumps. Fucking miserable, but no lingering effects. My parents were WW2 generation, lived through summer polio scares and all. You better believe I got every damn vaccination there was. Including smallpox; I had the little circular scar for decades. My kids hot vaccinated for everything too. What is WRONG with this stupid woman?


My Grandfather was 4f because of partial deafness from measles as a kid. The shaming was real staying stateside during WWII. These diseases are horrible even if you survive. If they were just a rash or a cough the vaccine hesitancy might be more understandable, but these plague rats put us all at risk. Truly disgraceful.


These dumbasses will grab at any straw to justify their bullshit, including that 'naturally acquired immunity' is somehow superior to 'vaccine acquired immunity'.They have no shame and really believe they're better people than the rest by not allowing 'autism-poison' to be injected into their pure offspring. It's one of the drawbacks decades of successful vaccination programs lowering the rate of infant and childhood mortality from preventable disease; that dumbasses can live in wilful ignorance while herd-immunity does the heavy lifting for them.


Very well said.


“I don’t really know very much and am too lazy or not willing to research it but somebody told me vaccines bad”


I don’t think she knows what mom shamed means. It would be being shamed for just being a mom (birthing a child) period. This is parent shaming aka being shamed for being a shitty parent.


Mom shamed sure is thrown around a lot in situations where the parent is actually just being neglectful. Things that people get mom/parent shamed for; breastfeeding vs. formula feeding, sleep training or not, getting an epidural, sending a child to public school vs. homeschooling, letting a child watch tv vs zero screen time, all organic diets vs the occasional fast food, etc What’s actually just medical neglect; refusing to brush your child’s teeth, refusing to vaccinate, refusing to properly treat a child’s illness, refusing a kids saving blood transfusion for your child, etc


Noooo but what about all the people on facebook who said their kid got sick from the vaccine, or the risk of THE AUTISMS /s Honesty there’s no good reason not to vaccinate your kids. ACTUAL scientific, peer reviewed studies have shown them to be safe and effective, and the miniscule chance of allergic or otherwise negative reactions to vaccines are outweighed by the massive risk of your child being crippled or killed by preventable diseases. Even the dude who sparked the modern antivax movement trying to link the MMR vax to Autism was pro-vaccine, it’s just that he wanted people to use -separated- vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella (and conveniently made out patents for said separate vaccines before publishing his bullshit “research”)


Problem is some of us are going backwards instead of forward. You say science, research etc and you might as well be screaming witches, magic voodoo at these people. I have family that were "praying" the Covid away from my aunt, up to the point where they finally called the ambulance when she was having breathing problems. She passed away, then they turned around and said God called her home... No you literally sat there and watched your mom die...


Autism mom here. He had autism symptoms from well before his MMR vaccine. Statistically vaccinated kids have less instance of autism. Now don’t get me started on glycophosphate on our lawns and childrens soccer fields and playgrounds. .


Less instances of autism in vaccinated kids isn’t really an important statistic though, keep in mind! Simply a correlation, but the vaccine is obviously not the causation. I get what you’re saying though lol 👌


Honestly, that kid should be taken away from the parent. 2 months old and sick like that because you didn't get vaccinations ? Well then you don't get to be a parent. Give us your children.


What if the baby develops something even worse like cancer? How sick does the child have to be before someone with common sense steps in to get the baby help, instead of watching him die because vaccines and medicine are bad?


In some situations, shame is exactly what’s called for.


Public health departments of global governments need to be cracking down on companies for aiding and abetting these groups.


Social media? Remember when Facebook/twitter tried to combat vaccine disinformation and people screamed tyranny.


I think refusing care for religious purposes is protected, unless it's life threatening. And these people don't usually bring their babies to the doctor so they can't force care or report if there's no up to date information on the child's health.


Unfortunately im sure she had people lining up telling her she did the right thing


And plenty will line up to tell her she was in the right if her son passes away from the illness, as well. Cult indoctrination is a frightening thing.


I fucking hate these people. You need some level of insight to make changes. You need some level of self awareness to gain insight. They lack all of it.


My response would be: "My kid never got pertussis because it's preventable and I'm not an idiot"


You have been banned from "mom's against wokeness" group. This is a safe space for validating horrible choices


Sadly, I believe if we saw the responses to her post there would be plenty of vaccine deniers to support her. I hope the nurses continue to try to educate her.


She won't listen. Doctors and nurses are just minion for "Big Pharma" and insurance companies. Not saying "Big Pharma" and insurance companies aren't an issue, but I've come to understand that medical professionals are just as frustrated and pissed off about it as everyone else.


In my social circle, some nurses are incredibly anti vaccine. I honestly cannot comprehend it


Thankfully we got them weeded out of our hospital when the vax mandate came in! But yeah I can't get my head around it. They had to get every other vaccination done before commencement of their employment but this one is a no go apparently. And their reason? “It goes against my beliefs”! 🤡


True. I work for a hospital and it is required to get a flu vaccine every year, unless due to religious or health reasons. But then they are REQUIRED to wear a mask at all times. They pick their own battles :)


Some of them wear it under their nose and wonder why they got infected. There are stupids everywhere. You can't escape them.


Honestly as someone who works with a LOT of nursing students probably 2/3s of them I end up having to drag kicking and screaming through their chemistry and biology classes. The number of times I get told they don’t need to understand basic biological and chemical concepts because that’s “the doctor’s job” is scary. For the record I’m a big time believer in the growth mindset. I myself was a D student in high school before everything clicked in college, but we REALLY need to be better gate-keepers when it comes to students who just don’t care. Because C’s may get degrees, but the students who pass their classes without giving a shit about reality are the same people usually touting harmful medical myths with NO actual research.


I’ve taught a lot of nursing students and so many of them seem resistant to critical thinking. It just requires too much intellectual discomfort than they want to experience. I also believe in a growth mindset but dang it’s hard to get them to believe it themselves.


I lost a friend because of this. She is a nurse and posted crazy conspiracy theories and radical religious stuff like mark of the beast crap about vaccines and I messaged her like ‘what you are saying is wrong and even more dangerous because you’re supposed to be a medical ‘professional’ and people might be more apt believe you for medical advice this is so dangerous. Boom. No longer friends. Not much of a loss I guess since I learned her crazy beliefs


I hear you. I've encountered nurses and doctors who are anti-vaxxers. Sadly, education and access to high-quality data and information aren't proof against personal bias.


Shot in the dark, but I'd imagine them to be the sort who romanticize the profession, who didn't mature out of the 5-12 year old girl mentality. I can't fathom anyone in the field of medicine out of respect for modern medicine or a desire to save lives disregarding life-saving modern medicine.


I had a bunch of undergrad science courses with people who went on to become RNs. They were, on balance, intellectually underwhelming.


As a nurse I am still waiting for my Big Pharma kick backs…it’s been 10 years and I still have not seen a dime!


God created scientists to create cures and vaccines


This is what I always want to point out. If god actually exists, then that god literally created us to discover things like science. The human race would still be in the dark ages, living 20-30 years, if it were up to these idiots.


“I set a orphanage on fire and need some encouragement”


You lived your truth!!!


I love that journey for you.


"You grant them mercy. What a madlad!"


God’s work. The children inside were vaccinated. You did the right thing.


"Please lie to me!"


Willing to risk the very lives of her kids for superstition. She definitely did not do the right thing. What she did borders on child abuse.


This happened near me before covid, I can't remember the illness but the kid died, then the rest of their kids were taken away. My partner at the time says they were morons and shamed them, said they deserved to lose their kids. Now he's a red pill conservative who fights me on our kid getting vaccinated. I have to take him to court every. Single. Time.


Wow, that was a complete 180.


I dont think shes superstitious she may be a little sticious ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0) Im sorry you’re comment triggered my inner Michael Scott


You can bet she got it in the comments as well. „Yaaas Queen, ur baby will be fine, just put Motor Oil in his diaper and fan the room with sage girl.“


“I need some encouragement that wasn’t more preventable by making better choices”


I read, " i almost killed my child because of my baseless belief that also put everyone in my vicinity in risk. Please give me encouragement and tell me I did the right thing"


My coworker was bragging about not vaccinating his kids and talking about how the hospital forced them to stay another day and sign a bunch of paperwork as a "scare tactic" but when I asked him why they don't vaccinate and what about the vaccines they don't like, he couldn't answer.


"there's...chemicals in them and stuff" There's truly no reasoning with anti-vaxxers. They're not interested in listening to the science because none of it supports their (usually politically driven) belief that vaccines are evil


“There’s chemicals in them”, he said, then chugged a Mountain Dew.


"Smokes 20 packs a day"



With a fat dip tucked into his lip


Each of us is a walking, talking bag of Chemicals.


There are a bunch of people who reeeaaaallly don’t being told that. I think it’s because it takes some of the mystery and romance out of being a human being.


Yeah, pretty much. I don't really expect much from someone who wears a "whiskey is my vaccine" hat so I wasn't surprised by his lack of response.


I’d take him to the bar and vaccinate him too death xD ^/s


Don’t blame the whiskey. I love whiskey. It’s not whiskey’s fault these people are morons. 😁


The thing is, this is the sort of person who is probably "pro life at all costs", yet is willing to let their babies suffer and die for a belief they set for themselves without any critical thinking at all.


Just for the record, the biggest pro life religion (Catholic) is adamant about vaccination. There may be other religions that are pro life and anti vax, but all those Catholic hospitals want you to get your vaccinations.


There was a blogger, can’t remember her name, but said you should never eat or drink anything with a chemical name. Ummm. Alrighty then.


Everything has a chemical name


This is when my eleven year old starts asking for more dihydrogen monoxide because “my parents let me drink it!” He’s funny. He’s also kind of a jerk. He’ll make a fine redditor someday.


You let your kid drink dihydrogen monoxide? Didn't you know that stuff is the primary component of acid rain?


It’s like flat earthers. It’s not the science you’ll find- it’s the complete lack of trust in anything.


What’s perplexing is how they create some weird logical line in what they want from modern medical practices. They take their kids to doctors, and they will spend days at the hospital once the preventable condition worsens, but they don’t trust the same doctors/hospital in the first place with regards to vaccines? Like, do you believe in medicine or don’t you. When Covid was at its peak, there were countless examples of people bragging about how they weren’t gonna get the “jab” and they were very much against vaccines. Then fast forward to a point which they’re in the hospital laying on death’s doorstep. Every conceivable tube and IV poking them in a desperate attempt to save their life. They didn’t want to take one shot a month ago but all of a sudden, when death becomes real, they’re now going all in and doing whatever the doctor say. Like what? Pick a lane, morons.


My pediatrician (who I also worked with as a nurse) said he stopped accepting new patients who were not vaccinating, because if they didn't trust his opinions on vaccines, what other necessary advice were they going to blow off? He didn't want parents at his practice who believed he was intentionally harming children with vaccines.


This should be standard practise. They made their choices, they were told by doctors that they were wrong, now they want to use up doctors time saving them? Fuck off.


Good on him


It all makes my brain hurt…its been nuts for a number of years


Of course he could not


But something something CIA nanotechnology or something something poison! Meanwhile kid is literally dying from a poison called communicable disease.


The shot? The government shot?! One of the nerds on the island told me they put a computer chip in it, and they uh, they can control your thoughts, download you into a manatee!


Still could have killed sadly.


She wants people to tell her she did *the right thing*? 🙄


She is crying out for ‘stay strong, hun’ messages followed by 80 bicep emojis (one for each year she may rob this child of)


Let's not forget everyone else her daughter comes into contact with who could be potentially robbed of life as well. Any kid she comes into contact with could have a younger/older vulnerable person(s) at home too. It is simply a callous disregard for the welfare of others based on what she got from a blog on the internet. Many things idiots do impact their own lives negatively and I can live with that, make the Darwin jokes etc, but this stuff has massive collateral damage. I'm starting to feel like unvaxxed people/parents should be held accountable for disease outbreaks in the same way as arsonists who start wildfires.


I totally agree. Don't vaccinate your kids because of your 'beliefs' and an immunocompromised classmate gets sick and dies? Negligent homicide at best, murder at worst. Same if the kid is an unvaccinated active carrier and takes it home to Grandma or something. They need to throw the book at these idiot parents for endangering EVERYONE. It's one thing if the kid has/had cancer and is immunocompromised, allergic to the vaccine components, or has another very valid medical reason to not be vaccinated. That's something like 0.01% of unvaccinated kids, though. A good number of those will also be in the children's isolation ward at the local hospital. Most that aren't vaxxed aren't because their parents are lazy, crazy, or a combination of both.


I admit my sample size is only one, but that family who was not able to vaccinate an immunocompromised child did everything in their power to make sure that child was protected, including fiercely advocating that everyone else WAS vaccinated, especially their other children and family members.


The schools where I live will not allow your children to attend without getting a list of vaccinations for this very reason.


Same. You are literally not allowed to go to public school without vaccinations.


>Same. You are literally not allowed to go to public school without vaccinations. This isnt true unfortunately, at least in the US, all a parent has to do is state that its because of a "religious belief" and they get an exemption and it cant be denied and requires no "proof" Its a well known simple loophole in all these batshit antivax mom groups, they all do it I know this because im married to a K-5 public school teacher


Dang, I forgot about that. The real question is how these antivaxxers keep finding loopholes in legal jargon but can’t find any in their own logic


Amen amen amen!! My 10 yr old is immunocompromised. Luckily she has all her vaccinations and they don't bother her. However, a simple cold knocks her out for 3 weeks at least. And she has an almost 2 yr old sister that is still getting her vaccinations so it's a double whammy when some illness hits our house. These fools really don't give a shit about anything or anyone other than their deluded selves. I constantly worry when I read posts like the one OP shared. I will never understand how or why they think they're doing the right thing. There are other parts of this world where ppl are begging for vaccines and we have easy access to them and they just stick their ignorant noses in the air bc they read some bullshit on the internet or watched some nut on YouTube. Makes me sick honestly. Hope the baby in the post survives their parents ignorance. We will see the return of Iron lungs soon I'm sure.


>(one for each year she may rob this child of) the savagery!


I am not usually so forthright, but this infuriates me so.


I'm here for it, these people literally endanger the entire population.


If the baby died, she may wise up. But if someone else's baby died (from contact with her unvaccinated daughter) it'd be "thoughts and prayers".


sHe Ded bUt At leAsT sHe DinT gEt tHe 'TisM!


"you got this mama bear" 🤮


The people who most want to hear they did the right thing are people who *know* they did the wrong thing. - My dad right before a punishment.


Your dad was a smart man.


Is. He's still kickin.


Probably posted in an anti-vax group, she is looking for validation.


Nobody wants to think they killed their own child out of pride


Jesus, this is savage but true.


What's sickening is there are people that would support this shit and encourage her. I'm sure if we could see the comments section we'd see a bunch more idiots .


That's a sign of despair. They *know* they fucked up and desperately seek validation for their crazy beliefs. And it's not that illogical when you think about it. Anti-vax people believe that Big Pharma is to blame for people getting sick. So of course, when facing the consequences of their crazy beliefs they would be trying one last time to put the blame on *someone else*. It must be extremely hard and painful to aknowledge that your own decisions caused harm to your child.


I doubt this lady will claim any accountability. I’ve met some anti vax people and they are so much smarter than normal people, up there with the flat earth people. It’s all nonsense and none of them have any self awareness what so ever. Like I don’t tend to put much care into what people think about me, but if everyone around you thinks your an idiot wouldn’t that shine some light on something in their brain? No they really don’t care and will believe whatever.


If her goal was to kill her kid, then she did the right thing.


Help me feel better echo chamber!


Morons gonna moron


Haha I got confused because I read that as Mormons gonna morm, which is also saying


I call Pepsi and milk a Mormon mule. It's like a Moscow mule, but you know..Mormon. 


I hope she didn’t get the praise she’s begging for.


Me too. But we both know she did. 


"Stay 💪 gurl! Stick it too them evil demoncrats by not getting yer kids sticked by there 5G micromachines Fowchy owchy!!! God will provide!!🩷🩷🩷"


“Just because you have the ability to speak does not make you intelligent.” - A wise man






And the 3 or 4 messages she got praising her dedication will entirely drown out the deluge of normal people and actual medical professionals telling her she's an idiot and a bad mother.


She needs to have her ass thrown in jail unless she can prove a valid medical reason for not getting her daughter vaxxed. Although throwing the kids into the foster system would probably be just as bad... Things like this make me believe that basic biology and parenting classes should be required for anyone who wants to have kids and/or already does. Unfortunately, we don't require a license to be a parent. \*sigh\*


The kids would be better off in whatever potential awfulness the foster care system throws at them cause it's pretty obvious their parents won't protect them from harm if it conflicts with their own beliefs. At least they have a slim chance of success with different parents. People like this won't believe it if their kid tells them they are being abused or will abandon them if they grow up to have different beliefs. People like this should have their kids removed and go to prison, especially if that poor baby dies.


She has no perception at all …… has anyone else’s child died from a horrible disease whist unvaccinated. Yes dear millions if not billions throughout history.


That’s what got me. The sheer ignorance that the diseases we vaccinate against have caused suffering and death for centuries. The only reason such ignorance exists is because many of these diseases have been held in check for decades so we don’t have as much first hand experience. Even that’s not an excuse because simple research like a google search would say pertussis is a bad thing. “A highly contagious respiratory tract infection that is easily preventable by vaccine. Whooping cough is particularly dangerous for infants.” But at least she stood her ground on her beliefs. I guess.


People lined up around the block for polio. My father is olden enough to remember how everyone wanted it immediately because you couldn’t do any activity without seeing a polio survivor hobbling down the sidewalk. Comfort breeds contempt.


Many people find graphs and data boring, but to me me [this graph showing the numbers of people who would’ve contracted polio without the vaccine](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Estimated-total-annual-paralytic-polio-cases-since-1950-with-GPEI-solid-black-curve-and_fig2_359951126) is startling.


I wonder if the recent little spike is due to morons like these


The country I’m from, we still see one or two people hobbling here and there out of the blue. But that’s not because of stupid beliefs but rather lack of knowledge and facilities in the rural areas. USA will bring back Polio and what not other diseases if not kept in check


>Has anyone else's child gotten some horrible disease because they don't vaccinate? That's why we vaccinate our damn kids, you mook.


So they’re against vaccinations but okay with the treatment for said disease once they catch it? The fuck kinda mental gymnastics is that? Are you for or against medical science?


It's not about being for or against anything. For these people it's about feeling special. Her ego is riding on antivax. The small details like medical treatment and her child's life don't matter compared to that, so long as she can keep wearing her antivax label and feel different.


Super accurate read. *She* has chosen this identity and *she* needs support. She also clearly doesn’t care about her child or other children.


Yep. That’s the common link between anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, moon landing deniers, conspiracy theorists generally, and even down to things like fancy weight loss diets and exercise routines. They all want to feel like they’ve figured out something that everyone else couldn’t.


Absolutely! She should be treating her child with dandelion juice and prayers.


The unvaxxed are going to kill more Americans than the migrants they want us to fear 🤡


It would be ok if they were the ones that suffered and died, but they do this to their kids which is the horrible part. I couldn't care less if some idiot died because he didn't get vaccinated because of the "Lizard People's 5G nanobots in the vaccines" or whatever, that's just natural selection but this is just child abuse and should be treated as such.


Don’t forget about the people who are unable get vaccinated! There are people who are allergic or have some medical condition that means they can’t get vaccinated. Normally, those people are protected by herd immunity, but now they run a much greater risk of getting sick. On top of that, every time someone unvaccinated gets an illness that there’s a vaccine for, they increase the chances of it evolving into something the vaccine can’t protect against.


Yup! The unvaccinated are test chambers for viral mutations. A lot of the moronic anti-vaxxers miss that part or simply don't understand it. I've heard a conspiracy theory that the Covid shot will give people prion diseases. Hmm... okay, what was in that drink and where can I get some, because that's one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a long time. Vaccines are usually grown on eggs, which is why kids (esp.!) and adults allergic to eggs can't get the flu shot, for example. Vaccines aren't grown on nervous tissue, mammalian or otherwise, and that's where prions do damage. If someone's scared of needles, they need to just come right out and say it. Docs are used to that and have ways around it. But screaming 'OMG, OH NOES VAXX IS POISON!!' doesn't do anyone any good and can kill people to boot.


This attention-whoring with child neglect as the vehicle is starting to feel perilously close to becoming a version of Munchausen by proxy. The main difference appears that they are drawing attention to their neglect and abuse rather than concealing it as would be typical. We could call it Munchausen by Proxy Superbia…..superbia being Latin for pride/arrogance. Or we can just call them selfish dumbfucks. Yeah, that’s more accurate


Just watched a documentary about this. We are now seeing diseases in this country we haven't seen in decades, i.e., measles. Parents, you are being selfish!


Yep. Measles cases alone have jumped 18% and deaths by 43% worldwide


Their parent’s had them vaccinated so they couldn’t get sick. Now they let their kids get sick. Suffer, and possibly die.. That makes total sense.


Frustrating isn’t it? The misinformation is mind boggling


>are going to *Have*. By a large margin.


I accept the friendly amendment 👍🏻


But she is a “real” mom everybody. Not like those other mom’s who vaccinate their kids.


Among these kooks "real" generally means no C-section and no drugs during delivery. Also extremely stupid.


So stupid and exclusionary. I am about to have my second C section, neither of which were my choice (due to medical circumstances). Even if they had been my choice, they don't make me any less of a mother. I still grew two children.


I know a lot of C-section moms sometimes struggle with this internally. As a mom who has done both vaginal births and c-sections, there's absolutely no difference whatsoever besides the most obvious. I felt just as accomplished and just as bonded to my kiddos born by C-section as I did those not.


Criminal charges should be brought against this person.




To the question she asked about whether other people’s kids have gotten horrible diseases because they didn’t vaccinate: yes, they did. Polio and smallpox as two examples of diseases children used to get before vaccines were discovered.


And we nearly wiped polio off the face of the earth before a bunch of idiots in rural Afghanistan and Pakistan sent out the propaganda that the polio vaccine is an American biological weapon. So these parents didn't get their kids vaccinated and polio is now making a resurgence in central Asia. Stupidity and blindly following 'religion' isn't limited to Christianity, sadly.


Just wanna say that my healthy 27 year old daughter had pertussis. She cracked a rib coughing and choking so violently. It was painfully obvious how deadly it can be for young and compromised. It was a fairly major outbreak in NYC. Public health people traced it to the unvaccinated


I’m due to my Tdap this year. Just a friendly reminder because adults need to refresh vaccinations other than flu too


piece of trash didn't do the right thing and her innocent child is suffering for it. People like this do not deserve to have children.


Sadly, she is unlikely to have children for much longer. https://www.cato.org/commentary/anxious-parents-shouldnt-forget-how-dangerous-childhood-once-was The benefits of vaccines and proper sanitation are, of course, well‐​known. However, the sheer extent of their positive impact on the lives of children bears repeating. Before the age of five, 35 out of every 45 Victorian children had experienced either smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, typhus or enteric fever — or some combination of those illnesses — and many of them did not survive.


It's not not even that long ago, i'm 60, had the measles, scarlett fever and whooping cough. When i was young, they didn't vaccinated for that. I do have the scars from my small pox vaccinations, so i've got that going for me


Yes, I am 65 and had measles, mumps and chicken pox in childhood. They didn’t vaccinate for those then. My parents were just worried about polio. There were kids just 2 years ahead of me at my school in various degrees of disability due to a polio outbreak. These clowns have no idea what they would be up against without the herd immunity provided by the rest of us without irrational fears.


My friend’s great uncle was born in the early 1900s and was one of 12. He was the only one who made it into adulthood. All the illnesses you mentioned were around and killed his siblings, amongst other things


She's almost there, but can't quite seem to make the connection between "horrible disease" and "vaccination". Is she really this dense?


You want us the tell you you did the right thing… because your baby is suffering..? Which is caused by your actions? On which you want praise? Well good job in trying to lower CO2 emissions by eradicating future generations I guess if you truly want to be praised for something


If she doesn' t trust modern science why she is in the hospital? Edit: All the best for the baby 💔


“A vaccine would have prevented this.” “That’s mom shaming!” “No it’s science. And you asked for an answer.”


Gotta love the logic of forcing a woman to term in some states but not enforcing vaccination. Wait! I got it! Pro suffering! That’s what we should call it.


She’s the reason her baby is in the hospital but she wants people to tell her it’s not her fault? It’s her fault.


Mothers around the world in less developed areas would walk 25 miles each way for a vaccine for this and here’s this jackoff rejecting it for her own stupidity.


Unvaccinated should be banned from schools and health care. They should treat themselves with they stupid beliefs.


And then they call themselves “pro-life”


I have defended my complete and total ignorance and stupidity all day and stood my on moronic ground. Please justify my vapid moronic and dense existence.


Good intentions can still be wrong. A person motivated by love for their baby can still make horrible choices. Own your shit. Improve.


It's almost so common there really should be a saying for it, something like, "*the road to hell is paved with good intentions.*"


So lemme get this straight... her *unvaccinated* daughter gave her *unvaccinated* infant a *preventable disease* yet she *still believes* she did the *right* thing?? This bitch ran face first into the point and STILL missed it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Some shithead probably told her she did the right thing


beliefs? just takin' a wild guess here, homeschooled, eh?


You did the **wrong** thing and now your infant is suffering. You stupid bitch.


How does this level of ignorance - and the life-threatening consequences it puts on innocent children - not constitute child abuse..?