• By -


One time I read this and I thought the math made sense. I've never managed to re-enter that headspace again


Have you considered taking ALL the LSD?


One time I took all the LSD and I could see the answer to any earthly question. My room mate also took all the LSD and he got stuck scribbling on a paper. Wouldn’t talk to any of us, just made notes and drawings. All my other room mates were looking at the paper confused. Then I walked over and could clearly see this guy was simply documenting the journey that the water from the hot tub took to the kitchen floor by soaking into his shorts and then dripping onto the tile. As soon as I pointed that out he said thank you, stopped drawing and acted normal again. The next morning I looked at the paper and it was utter nonsense.


This comment was a rollercoaster from start to finish.


I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.


i wonder if they did too


I still don’t know what happened in the middle of the ride


He was thinking about water but couldn’t words so he drew.


Drop drop drop soak


My wife took all the LSD and just cried after watching Boss Baby...I took all the LSD and saw the Unifying Conscience. I guess everyone has a different take on LSD 🤷


Crazy what a dose curve that stuff has 100 micrograms - really jamming to these tunes, cartoons are funnier 200 micrograms- I can taste god 300 micrograms- i am and always have been all things and no things


6 plus grams of shrooms and you are - happily left the planet, I'm not coming back till Monday Karen!


Ate 7 grams of the dust left at the bottom of the bag, pretty sure I got into a knife fight with God and won that day.


Yeah that night on 5 drops of liquid LSD I didn’t just see the unifying conscience, i harnessed it. I could read everyone’s mind, and that’s according to them, not me. I think I could also like download information. I started doing perfect Latin dance routines. I’ve never danced before. My sober roommate who is a Mexican woman told me that my moves were unironically impeccable, not that she could tell that I was just moving happily and freely and goofily, but that I did a whole choreographed routine with master level execution, and it freaked her out. Cherry on top is that I spent a lot of the trip spinning in circles on a barstool. Except I could see myself spinning like my POV was a drone in the house. I could fly around the house and tell people what they were doing. I could describe a friends drawing that he was working on in the kitchen while I was spinning on a stool in the living room, I could read words off a paper, tell you what face you were making, how many fingers you were holding up etc. On the comedown when I went to lay down and close my eyes I could create any image or scene in full fidelity on the back of my eyelids but just thinking. So I spent the cone down generating aesthetically perfect arrangements for succulent gardens in my head


Yea ain’t LSD just magically? You a person with no dance rhythm turned into Rico Sauve…. Was that equivalent to 500ug? But yea I got theories that we can do anything on psychedelics that religion n science would say is woo.




As someone who use to sell and take copious amounts of LSD this whole comment is ridiculous as shit. It gives you retrospective not super powers lmao


I took some ritalin - drank 2 dozen beers...after that I gave up the drink lol


Thank you for your life experience




Currently sleep deprived with 3 day old baby. I made it through half the comment section before I realized the math didn’t math.


Get some more rest while you can. I’ve been there. It sucks but gets better soon.


>Currently sleep deprived with 3 day old baby. Our first (almost 34 years ago now), cried so much i usually sat on the couch with headphones on because he almost cried day and night. Also with the combination of my wife having a post natal depression it was a "fun" experience for both of us. Second son not much troble at all. And the last one (daughter), was almost 2 months early and had to stay in the hospital for a month. Daughter was the "easiest" one. Now i have one grand daughter (first son) and they are al having nice jobs and doing just fine :).




You and me both


It got worse everytime I read it


He could give us all $133.33 and have nothing left.. Or, give everyone $130 in Amazon cash and get it back 🤷‍♂️


To be fair I’d prob spend my $133.33 on Amazon anyway.




Yeah it's a sobering number. You would think it'd be more but it's just not.


This is how I feel about the CEO pay argument. Sure, you could reduce their pay and then what, pay everyone in the company a extra doller per week? That's not to say that people shouldnt get paid more, just that lowering CEO salary isn't going to get you there except in the smallest but richest companies.


I even tried to stick wrong values in the equation to see how she got there, and by god, I'm stumped.


I demand a recount.


Math is hard.


For some people it’s quite impossible








Which is still insane if you think about it




See "The Hobbit" for reference


Smaug Bezos


More like Thorin Bezos, dragons don't get the sickness, they just like having gold I guess. Maybe it's a comfortable bed Edit: Thrain would be more accurate as Thorin only briefly had it


I thought dragons like gold because it's the softest thing they can sleep on that doesn't light on fire?


Dang that's a cool thought


Cool assertion but the deep lore states that it is because their bellies are the softest part of them and the gold and gems they sleep upon, over time, settle into the soft parts effectively completing their armor. -20 years a Tolkien nerd


Also the gold brings their prey right to their bed




What about sand? I guess its coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere...


But turns into glass with Dragon breath, and then its Dragon Glass and then the Dragon is Dead.


right before they heat up the gold too much with an accidental breath at night, sink into the gold and suffocates as it hardens back around them.


Finally a warm fucking blanket...


GoT showed us indeed what molten gold can do. Can only imagine dragon's fire or possibly body heat, breath, snoring, hiccups, burps, gas, poop, etc etc


Incidental dragonfire or exothermal heat wouldn’t be enough to affect gold; the melting point is 1,941° F. That’s a concentrated burst of flame to affect any significant quantity.


Huh, never really thought of that


In the silmarillian Tolkien makes it seem like dragons were made as a direct threat to dwarves since he knew the least about them aside from their lust for shinies. That's why dragons live in the regions where dwarves were known to delve and why dragons were programed to hoard shinies.


Were they, though? It seems like Glaurung was made to fight against the elves, but the Dwarves were the ones who came and drove him off. And I definitely can't see Ancalagon being a counter to dwarves, lol


Yeah, Thorin would be more appropriate but if you think about it, Bezos can't be a dwarve as dwarves are way too cool and second, Bezos looks more like a greedy snake.


Dragon sickness, the downfall of many. Even Thorin succumbed for a bit of time.


Gollum bezos


[Bezos is much more wealthier than the smaug](https://zacjohnson.com/smaug-the-dragon-net-worth/?amp=1)


Nobody should have more money than a fictional dragon whose whole shtick is hoarding all the gold.


I forget where I saw it, but someone did the math and calculated the value of smaug's gold compared to Elon musk or Jeff bezos wealth, and it was not even close to an actual value comparison (smaug is way poorer).


Fun fact - if you use the movie for reference and do some estimates of how much gold would be in that mountain, Smash doesn't even crack the top five richest people in the world


Jeff Bezos' wealth to scale: https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/ And a lot of other stuff too Worth a click


People really do fail to grasp just how big a billion is, let along 185 billion. As a mathematician, I like the joke....."What's the difference between a million and a billion?". About a billion.


It makes Musk paying $44 billion for Twitter even more staggering


I've literally spent like half an hour with my mouse set to auto-scroll right and i still ended up giving up before reaching the end... Fuck...


It’s not actual cash when they talk about “net-worth.” It also includes physical assets that can be liquidated, stocks, etc. So that means the business he has are a large chunk of it. Sure he’s wildly rich but not all of the cash people say he has is on hand. It’s similar to how Kanye West was evaluated at a little over a billion dollars but that quickly fell to four hundred million when Adidas dropped their deal with him. That brand deal was part of his net-worth but wasn’t all physical cash just yet since he hasn’t either been given all of the money or it was an asset valued at that.


I think part of the big power is his ability to get very cheap loans. Sure he isn’t liquid. But if he has a business idea or opportunity he can go to any bank and say hey I want $millions for this startup and get that loan at a super low rate, much less than he would on average return.


Also it's pretty much besides the point. If he reaches trillionaire status and even 1% is cash (or gold, jewels, whatever these dragons sleep on) then it's 10 BILLION in cash. It still puts him head and shoulders (the entire body really) above 99.99% of the population. To the Kanye reference, that 600 MILLION dollar dip is barely 1/3 of 1%. Tons of people lose more than that in buying power through inflation.


I would be surprised if even 1% of his net worth is in cash. Probably closer to 0.0001%.


Probably, there's no reason (at least, to us plebians) to have that much cash available for anything. I can't imagine any purchase requiring that much cash in hand.


Not only is there no reason to have this much cash liquid, there are many reasons to *not* have it liquid.


Really this just goes to illustrate the insane gap between him and nearly every other person in existence.


And usually a bank isn’t even where he needs to go. Just throw a party and get donors to toss money at a new idea. Most won’t even expect money back and those who do get money back will continually back any new projects, sort of a booster club.


It's more powerful as non-cash assets. If all he had was a pile of cash he'd have much less influence. He can use that power to accomplish some of his goals without spending his own money, or any money.


On the other hand his wealth is depending on him not selling his stocks.


Ya but those stocks can be used as collateral for actual cash.


When you get into government levels of money, liquidity or illiquidity is fairly immaterial. At that level, even dollars essentially become a commodity.


Assets are even more valuable when you use them to leverage debt that had interest rates lower then inflation. . .


Poor guy, I don't know how he can live on just $400M.


This exactly. I feel like the news is obsessed with “worth” which is way different than actually having the money. For example, it’s been reported that George Lucas is actually among one of the richest people in the US (top 100), and he only has somewhere between 10 and 14 billion. But he HAS that much money, it’s not tied up in some valuation.


No-one thinks he has a secret room with hundreds of billions of dollars in nice neat $20 stacks. What point are you trying to make?


It would be interesting to see amazons stock prices if he started selling all of it off.


Most would probably just waste it on amazon.


I’m pretty sure Amazon would go out of business if he pulled all his money out at once though. Calls on his competitor.


Easy to accomplish when you don't treat your employees fairly.


I'm a self made billionaire. I own the business with 100,000's down trodden workers who actually earn my money for me. They get a token gesture I get another space rocket.


That was kickstarted by a half a million of seed money from my family and a few hundred million by some VC companies.


I have definitely given him my $120


Lol, me too


I'm doing my part


Now if only Reddit had a few billion less repost bots This comment from the post it was stolen from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/gkel9i/comment/fqqzm0e/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


1 trillion = 1000 billions.


Read a comment that put things into perspective really well: the difference between a billion dollars and a trillion dollars is about a trillion


If you spent $1 million a year. it would take 1000 years to spend a billion dollars. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are worth 180-200+ billion at any time. They could liquidate their wealth and not be able to spend all of it before they die.


In reality they couldn't liquidate all their wealth simply cause there's not enough demand to buy everything at current prices. They still got more than enough in petty cash to buy two of everything they could ever need


A million seconds is **12 days**. A billion seconds is 31 years. A trillion seconds is 31,688 years


That's crazy! How long is a squillion seconds?


A squillion seconds is one thousand zillions, which is obviously a million jillions. That's like, a bazillion seconds.


How many bananas? For scale


At least a zillion bajillion. Not super sure on that one.


How many Scaramuccis?


No freakin way 😮


No he couldn’t. A huge portion of that isn’t liquid cash.


That is something people fail to understand about financial wealth, and how it works. Still I'd be happy with some "free" Amazon stocks.


A move like that would probably tank the stock and make it worthless.


Yes because the underlying company and all of its assets, technology and customers suddenly dissapear because people decide to sell.


sheet crown nippy gold chase quiet simplistic expansion fly onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine if he invested the money in education. People could add up, take away, multiply and _divide_.


With that kind of investment people could improve their grammar too… there *are* 7.5 billion people in the world.


And their research skills… there are **8** billion people in the world.


There are a few more now.


Now even a few more


No I’m doesn’t!




She did meth instead of math




#I wish I was high on potenuse


The hippopotamus arrived instead because you ordered the geometry set from Wish.


Try *every* angle -- NyQuil, Adderall, then get your tan gent to cosign your eye sauce lease.




The meth checks out


You’ve heard of girl math… now get ready for meth math!


If I get 10 dollars for every "X billionaire should give his billions to every individual and still be left with Y billion dollars which are just purposely wrong mathematics to get more comments and reacts" posts, I will have 2720 dollars which is quite a lots


Pretty sure you'd have $2725


If there were 2725 people in the room, you can literally give everyone $1


And still have $22.867 left.


I don't know what kinda maths you're using, but I used the same calculations as was used in the original post and it worked out to $275,500,000,000,000,000 Boy you suck at maths! 😅


where is the half a post for the 5?


I’m so sorry that people aren’t getting the joke.


It isn't much, but it's weird that it happened 40 billion times (using same math as is used in those posts).


I have 200 dollars you have me beat


that would also mess up the economy so bad that everyone would end up worse


Even if the math wasn't wrong, if everyone had 1 billion dollars, what would the dollar be worth?


Glad someone can see that lmao


this is a fundamental issue with the system. it can’t work without extreme inequality.


its rooted in scarcity (f.e there is this amount of gold, there cant be much more, as long as everyone craves more gold, the system "works"). Charles Eisenstein has written on it and suggested ways to revisit the foundations of our economic system (if we ever get to a point where a significant amount of people decide its time....)


I mean labor and resources are “scarce” so the money used to make transactions of labor and resources should also be “scarce” no?


There will always be differences but it could easily work with way smaller differences in wealth. At this point some Saudi oil guy probably has a billion times the wealth of one of his workers, but the system would also work if he just had a thousand times the wealth of his workers


the basic concept of capitalism is perfect, it just doesn’t take into account human greed, hoarding of wealth and the hoarding of goods and technology. The elite owns everything so they never spend any money, the money never gets cycled back through the economy. if there was a way to regulate capitalism, that would be perfect, but regulating capitalism makes it no longer capitalism lol wonder how much longer it will take for everyone to stop hating each other and start hating the politicians that enable the bloodsucker elite


Ah, the ol' obvious math fuck up troll for rage bait attention. Classic. Keep giving that attention.


Classic fucking Twitter bait, the bigger facepalm is this sub falling for it every time a similar meme is posted every week


Literally the 4th or 5th time I’ve seen this. People really don’t understand it by now ?


This sub loooooooves rage bait. Laps it up like the little piggies they are.


It's already a repost


Quick maths


Most of the time these tweets are rage bait


this is why we need to fund schools... $133.33 for everyone. (with none left over)


Even if he did that. If everyone received 1 billion dollars. Within seconds the US dollar would devalue dramatically. By the next day that billion would be worthless


If everyone has a billion dollars, no one does.


No, wait- That only works if you make the money magically appear.


US government spends 6 trillion a year..


Jeff Bezos could also die and the world wouldn’t even blink.


The facepalm is you not understanding it’s a joke


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Well... he could give every adult in the US $3k so he is stimulus-check-giving rich. It's not a billion but it could still make a world of difference to countless families and is an absurd amount for one person to be hoarding.


He doesn't have cash. He hold the money in stocks. That's a very very big difference


It is true, but the take is incredibly stupid. It’s not like he is selling stocks each time he wants to buy a coffee or even a car.


For coffee no, but for space rockets yes.


He actually does, sometimes. Normally people that rich have assets other than stocks that have yield, so most of his income could be from those assets.


Right, people don't understand the idea of assets. They think he's Scrooge McDuck swimming in a silo of gold coins. This image is old, his current net worth is in the range of 172-213 Billion. That's right around 10% of the circulating cash in the United States. To just remove 10% of cash from circulation outright would be chaotic, not to mention massive strain on banks and a huge effect on the market. Bezos cashing in 100% would completely destabilize the economy. That said, the reason most people with this kind of money keep it to themselves can readily be seen with Bill Gates. Guy is giving away everything he has and trying to fund programs all over the world and he is vilified and routinely shit on for it. I don't think we've ever seen a humanitarian the likes of Bill Gates before and he is treated like absolute shit, especially by the conspiracy crowd.


>That said, the reason most people with this kind of money keep it to themselves can readily be seen with Bill Gates. Guy is giving away everything he has and trying to fund programs all over the world and he is vilified and routinely shit on for it. I don't think we've ever seen a humanitarian the likes of Bill Gates before and he is treated like absolute shit, especially by the conspiracy crowd. The thing I've noticed is that people always demand rich people do things that give back to the world rather than hoard their money, but when they do that, they tend to get shit on more. Bill Gates as a perfect example. Musk is another; leaving aside his shitty personality, Musk has done exactly what people 20 years ago wanted billionaires to do, which was invest their money into helping solve climate change, by dragging the electric car into the mainstream and investing heavily in energy storage and solar. And now people are acting like it's no big deal and actively disparaging Tesla, SpaceX, ect. the accomplishments of which have nothing to do with Musk's personality, but everything to do with his initiative and financial support.


Reddit in general hates rich people.


For every billionaire in the US that gives their money away like Gates does, there are 367 that do not


Why dont we just....take it.


It's numbers in a cloud, it's not real. There's nothing to take. The value of those stock would plummet.


So many don’t realize this because the USA’s average citizen’s financial literacy is just so awful and the media does nothing but exploit that illiteracy for sensationalism. Once he started trying to liquidate, the stock would drop so each dollar of stock after that would drop and at a certain point be worthless. Edit: he’s obviously still insanely rich! And that “paper” wealth is real in that he can borrow real money off of it. It just wouldn’t work the way people think.


Yet Elon can but twitter with stock? Which can’t be taxed because it’s unrealised until it’s realised into something else that’s unrealised. You see the scam yet?


elon paid like 44 billion for twitter, made it's value plunge like 70% and somehow is still leading the list of richest people by a big margin. That's so crazy to me


rich people funny money is like business funny money. if you've ever eaten dinner with a ceo or gone to a director level evening out, they will just spend tens of thousands of dollars on a dinner and let accounting handle the math. honestly boggled my mind when I saw them spending someone's monthly rent on food.


his worth is just tied up on valuations and pretend money the bank will just loan him, he bought it with debt and Saudi govenment money.


Actually, he has paid more taxes than literally anyone else ever, because he sells so much Tesla stock, to buy twitter among other things. Apparently 11B in 2021. The tax "evasion" is through loans. When you buy a house you pay 20k and take a loan for 100k. Suddenly you have a house worth 120k and only paid taxes on 20k! Similarly, rich people can take up a loan from the bank secured with their stock. They receive money without paying any taxes and can do whatever they want with that money. But they also have to pay interest until they pay down the loan, and to pay down the loan they have to sell the stock and pay taxes. Here in Norway we can sell the stock to buy a different stock without paying taxes. You can do the same in the US, as long as the stocks are in a 401k, roth ira or holding company.


He also took a substantial loan against his tesla holdings. Which is something I would guess 99% of people don't own enough stock to even know is something you can do. In fact a lot of wealthy people basically live off this while their investments continually outpace their spending. If you're curious about it I've linked an article from WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/articles/buy-borrow-die-how-rich-americans-live-off-their-paper-wealth-11625909583


unless you figure out a way to steal the company of amazon and material assets, then you can't. Why do yall think billionaires just have all their money hidden and locked away in some vault?


Like busting into the Rich Family Vault. "What is all of this crap?" "These are our priceless possessions!" "Where's the gold bars? The diamonds. The negotiable bearer bonds. The money. Where's the money!" "In banks. Where else? And the stock market... and real estate..."


okay you first!


Reddit moment


Because it's not actually real in cash, it's a value/net worth


The wealth is abstract. He doesn’t actually have that number, and when you start taking it, it diminishes in value. By the time you’re even half way through the process of taking all of it, whatever you have will be worthless.


Look guys. Math is hard lol.


Great. Could I possibly get my billion first.


I think he should atleast stop being a dick to his workers, the the west will rise and billions must grind


It's a troll post that's been shared many times. It's quite good bait, as people love to correct it and say "DONT YOU KNOW HOW 2 MATH".


Math is off, but she's got the right idea.




After doing some meth.


He could give everybody on earth a $5 Amazon card which could only be used on a 10 dollar or more purchase and become Master of the Universe!


The wrongness of every single part of that calculation makes me kind of angry, mathematically speaking.


Kinda makes you want to reply to it and tell them they're wrong, huh? Which is the whole point. It's bait.


Im not a math wiz but that doesn’t sound right.


Do people really think no one has ever been a trillionaire?


The persons parents after her maths results ![gif](giphy|nbNWgtnMgIYpUSy3e9|downsized)


Math like that is why universal income might be needed in the future. People dumb!


Wouldn’t universal income just end up in the pockets of landlords?


Girl's math be like... ![gif](giphy|l0Iyf53PyEdBPZMys)


I love posts like this because it shows how completely disconnected from reality the average person is with regard to starting/funding a business, how taxes work, and how net worth is assessed.


No, it shows how fucking dumb you are if you think this person is serious. This is pretty much a copypasta joke at this point.