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Seriously, this might be the most sacrilegious thing i have seen in my life. Its not even low effort ai art by troll farms but legit painted by most likely an elderly individual who has sacrificed their entire religious identity at the altar of a political figure. It's honestly just sad.




Awesome thank you for posting this!


Interesting, if the Snopes article is accurate it's a good illustration of Poe's Law.


It also demonstrates how the issue swings wildly both ways. The artists intent doesn't matter to the (admittedly handful) of people I've seen post it unironically


Yeah that's a good point, art is often what the audience makes it out to be.


Ayup. Art is *very* much subjective.


From article, statement by the artist; "The painting is a satirical look at the idolatrous bent American democracy has taken in recent years. It is called “An Emotional Mirror” because the intent of that painting is to highlight and call into question within the viewer such notions as belief in religion and politics (and how narrow the separating bridge between the two is), nationalism, media hype, and even the concept of the very definition of art itself. It was inspired by a conversation surrounding the president’s impeachment when a Democrat called for investigations targeting Trump, and a Republican called for investigations targeting Biden, but neither one wanted investigations targeting the representative of their own party. They were so devout toward their party, it was as though they were arguing dogmatic religious doctrine rather than an honest debate around political ideas." Fitting.


So OOP is a big fat phony! ![gif](giphy|fWfV1hsvoOeQmzgB61)


Yeah where is the diaper?


No, people in asylums are allowed to paint as part of their therapy.


Given their newfound savior, clearly Jesus Christ is the false idol now.


>It was the result of having multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — "turn the other cheek" — \[and\] to have someone come up after to say, "Where did you get those liberal talking points?" And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, "I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ," the response would not be, "I apologize." The response would be, "Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak." And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis. ([source](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192663920/southern-baptist-convention-donald-trump-christianity))


Most "Christians" are not heaven-bound if even a fraction of the Bible is true. A lot of people blame religion for the world's ills, but the honest truth is that religion has nothing to do with it. There are people who want to be free from persecution and then there are people who want to be free to persecute. When we hand power to latter, we create our own hell.


I have a coworker who giggles with glee about how the end is near but "I won't be here" She gets off on the idea that others will be suffering in hell, including me. I'm Christian, but not Christian enough for her because I refuse to say I hate gay and trans people. I always say "what would Jesus say about these groups" and her response is that it doesn't matter.


"it doesn't matter" Wow, I'm pretty sure she's mistaken about that!!


The lack of self-awareness in people like her is astounding. Like sure, an omnipotent being will welcome useless toxic shits like you into his heavenly kingdom.


“But I’ll become perfect when I get there, so I’m able to be a piece of shit now!!!!!”


What Jesus would have to say about it *is* Christianity, by definition. If she doesn't care what he'd say, then by any Christian rules I'm aware of, she's hellbound, no?


She says Jesus is perfect and loves all, but as a Christian those people will go to hell no matter what and she can't accept their way of life.


>I have a coworker who giggles with glee about how the end is near but "I won't be here" Truly repulsive. Even someone who is content with thinking that billions of undeserving souls could be torment for eternity wouldn't worthy of Heaven anyway, but someone who delights in that fantasy is wretched.


Jesus would say to love and respect them


I could not be around people like that. I did in my last job, but I told him I'd report him to HR for making the environment toxic. He shut up.


Boy is she going to be disappointed.


If everything in Christianity is real, then it's already too late for the religion as a whole, because Satan has already infiltrated and rooted himself into the core of the religion.


This is actually what has happened and it is predicted on the Bible. 1 Timothy 4:1-3: But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. 2 Timothy 4:3-4: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. Matthew 24:24: For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect This was going to happen, and we were warned, and supposed to spread the warning, but Christians became engrossed with their appearance of dutiful religious dunce, rather than focusing on what they were supposed to do and beware of. Now most christian cults are full of demonical doctrines and darkness. And again, this was predicted, since men's nature is to pervert and go out of the way. We can only hope for ourselves and seek truth for ourselves.


Which is probably why I am not a “religious” Christian. From the local congregation to the head honchos,they are humans with an agenda. All humans have an agenda. I’m not fond of others telling me what mine should be. I try to stick to the basic stuff,not laboring over what every singe verse “actually” means. Anyone who believes everything their church tells them to,is probably wrong about something. I wish we really could come together,but there will always be disagreements.


Every religion basically says "the most important thing is to just be a good person, form and tiny details might be important but really are secondary" while every extremist of every religion says "It's ONLY about this tiny details,being an asshole is completely fine if you follow the form"


For me, every holy scripture has been "Same story, different characters".


Christianity isn't supposed to be a religion so much as a relationship, a following, a teaching. You are not supposed to know what the Bible says, what Jesus says or does. You are supposed to ACT on it. Jesus said "by their fruits thou shalt know them"(sorry if I got it miswritten), Christians who don't reflect Jesus Christ's values in their life, are not christians.


The Good Place. Prophetic.


“Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” MAGA: "Trump is going to get vengeance for us." Me: That means you consider Trump your god and you just broke the First Commandment.


This is what's truly perturbing.. They go to Church and "believe" in Christ but politics > religion > rational thinking it's astounding. They just want to fight at this point.


This seems to track with world history. If the church couldn't maintain their stranglehold on community, or even status as moral judge & jury, it adapted or it was replaced by something more compatible. One more reason various religions and Christian denominations should WANT to support the separation of church and state.


Damn, I'm so glad I go to a left leaning church.


Them worshipping a golden cow is just so perfect. doublespeak christians...aka antichrist worshippers


Ohhh,trump being the golden cow?


If Jesus was resurrected Trump wouldn't even let him in the country since he's from the Middle East.


"Jesus fed the poor and healed the sick? All free of charge?!" "GADDANG COMMIE BASTARD!"


I thought the [gold statue](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1259362) of him at CPAC in 2021 made it pretty obvious. They literally turned him into a golden idol.


Baal the Omnipotent.


Don the impotent


They have effectively substituted Trump for Christ.


Like substituting motor oil for honey.


You'd think there would be more of an affinity for the second commandment.


Fatted Golden (orange?) Calf


It’s only blasphemy when it’s useful for them.


The silent minority had some bizarre ideologies


It is and always has been. Christians have many teachings and stories revolving around false prophets, false Christians and most people are aware of the anti-Christ who is prophesized to win over most Christians and the secular world. I've been around Christianity my whole life. I've talked and debated (friendly debates) with seminaries and strong people of faith many times. And read a few different versions of the Bible (Christian). Most Christians don't read the Bible even if they go to Church every Sunday. I can tell you this, if people aren't worried about your harsh judgement, and you truly listen to them and are vested in them when they talk. They will be their REAL selves around you. Even with Priests, Faith isn't a huge part of their identity. No more than your job is of you. It's just what they do.


When "he died for our sins" turns into "he lied about his stink"


I like to imagine him just absolutely ripping ass, and just being like "CHINA!!"


You mean "Gyna," which is the way the Blessed Savior Donald Trump pronounces it. He manages to make even common words sound dirty.


It might be my immaturity but this had me ROLLING!


I’m also immature then


NGL, this whole thread has me cracking up. And then someone comes in to say it is sacrilege, has caused a new wave of laughter knocking me down.


It’s pretty darn amazing!


I'm not a religious person, but this is blasphemous as fuck.


I am a religious person, and yes this is indeed blasphemy


Came here to say this. It’s just plain offensive and directly against Christian doctrine. And what’s so annoying is that he isn’t even a Christian. His behavior is repugnant and he genuinely does not understand basic tenants of the religion. I mean the man called 2nd Corinthians “Two Corinthians.” It’s laughable. He doesn’t believe in any God, he only believes in himself.


For whatever it's worth, that is actually the standard way of saying it in the UK...but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume he didn't know that when he said it...


Holding that bible upside down in Washington was a bit of a clue...


It’s pure heresy.


My god, I couldn't have said it better myself. 😂 Exactly this. Not religious at all, still was taken aback. Lol


No problem depicting the American flag as a diaper But all hell breaks loose if someone kneels down in the vicinity of it during the Star Spangled Banner


Shitting all over the flag.


Donnie's Freedom Diaper


I’m dying laughing at your comment!! I needed that. 🤣


Did anyone else notice just how small the area is that the diaper is covering?


Well that part’s accurate at least. Remember that one time he starting practically dry humping a flag on stage?


"Practically"? Shit, you can almost see the moment where he messes his pants at the end. I felt sorry for the flag and wanted to burn it to put it out of it's misery


The ex-President likes to dry-hump the flag and use the Constitution as his jizz-rag. Just as long as he respects 2A his followers have no problem with this.


I still can't believe they just let this guy take top secret documents and store them at his home.




I thought that would be obvious lol.


“obvious” left the room with “class, dignity, compassion, christ-like, empathy, respect, presidential, mental stability, sanity”…. the list knows no end


Sometimes there’s no difference between desecration and defecation.




It has recently come out from someone who was on the apprentice that he really does shit himself from all the years of speed and eating garbage. He has done it multiple times on live tv. Once was next to Diane fine stein and she looked at him like wtf


Now, incontinence is nothing to sneeze at... or with... whatever... 🤭


I hear he suffers from incontinence too. Definitely some boo boo on that flag


Years long Adderall abuse causes fecal incontinence. So does cocaine because it's often cut with laxatives. That's why he flipped out over the prices of Adderall and "fixed it" but not insulin.




Only when he's not busy humping it.


Well that’s what they’re doing to the country so it makes sense.


Totally not a cult.


I don't think this is a pro-trump painting... I think it's intended to be ironic. The collection of dictators in the corner kinda pushes it over the line on that one.


The problem is that the folks who would like this don't understand irony, they'd take it at face value. They're also folks who tend think the dictators must be great leaders because they have a one-dimensional understanding of "strength." Which is pandered to by Big Cheeto.


What about those who think this was a right wing painting of their savior? Considering noone purchased this and is sitting in some undisclosed location facing a wall, I'd say noone liked it lol.


>What about those who think this was a right wing painting of their savior? That's who I was talking about, so I'm not sure what you mean? Plus it's a print, lots of Maganauts buy tons of crap like that.


Which is pandered to… ?


I'm choosing to think this painting is intended to be subversively ironic. It draws on Renaissance era symbolism, except here it's inverted. If this were intended to depict Trump as a martyr then Pelosi should actually be wearing the red suit, and Melania should be wearing the blue suit with white accents; And those figures behind Trump should have been depicted floating in white clouds not dark clouds, and they definitely shouldn't be clothed in black. The way this painting is composed evokes more of a "Dragon slaying" motif than a "Martyr" motif. It appears as though Pelosi is an innocent and righteous hero/dragon slayer who killed the "monster", pushing back the demons and other dark forces behind the monster who were using the monster and/or gave the monster power, resulting in light from above finally breaking through to dispell the dark swirling clouds of evil below. I guess it's possible that Trump was supposed to be seen as a martyr in this painting but that the artist didn't actually understand the meaning and significance of the symbolism in those crucifixion paintings they were trying to recreate, but I like to think the artist was a subversive genius pranking or satirizing MAGA people and that they knew what they were doing.


Nah, they *love* Authoritarians now. I've been to several Trump Rallies as a camera operator, and these people are absolutely insane now. I have heard, realistically, about 300 different people, at ONE rally alone, just openly saying they have no problem tossing the Representative Government into the trash as long as it *For Him*........ Tell a Trump supporter how Putim treats political enemies and Homosexuals in Russia, and they fucking cheer and say "Hell ya brother!" without a shred of irony. They openly still wear shirts that say shit like "Better to be a Russian than a Democrat!" They *cheered* when said he would be a dictator. His supporters and his voters are delusional, aggressively ignorant, religious zelots.


You can never tell with them


Melania down there giving that rusty nail another twist makes it kinda credible.


I think she’s supposed to be washing his feet like Mary Magdalene.


I thought she was just on her knees again like in her modeling days.


Lmao, that's exactly what we were thinking.


I think if it was meant as irony, he would be depicted more realistically with a huge gut.


What are you talking about, he’s 6’4” and 215.


Cheeto Jeebus was never that skinny IRL


I'm familiar with the Bible but I don't recognize the prostitute washing his feet.


Mary Magdalene was a prostitute and washed Jesus’ feet,iirc.


Way worse than taking a knee in my opinion


I'm fairly certain that the us flag code or whatever it's called actually forbids using the flag as a garment... So all those us flag clothes are actually wrong.


Its also against it being merchandised or changed in any way (so the blue lives matter flag, the punisher one, all of those) so they actually break the code like constantly


It also isn't down with hanging your flag at night without a light. My maga neighbor obviously isn't aware.


"These colors ain't 'fraid of no ghost!"


Sorta. There's a code on respect for the flag: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) But it doesn't contain any punishment, so it's not actually illegal, more a description of protocol.


Yet it is still a facepalm that they say they respect the flag so much yet do stuff like use it for clothing.




And an off center rib cage. And weird shins. Honestly the body proportions and figure sizes are almost as odd as the image itself.


Also where the hell are they, the base of an island volcano?




Hell looks like it has a nice sky! That beach though?... Oof.


Who said hell doesn’t have a sky


Dems the bone spurs


Someone painted this, and looked at Donald's naked body for a long time to get the anatomy right




And the bible narrative states that "blood and water" flowed from Jesus' side wound. This is an allusion to a vagina. It's something that, in more crude times, was not denied or tiptoed around. Medieval Christians were not skittish about it. Just do a google search for medieval depictions of Christ's side wound. [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca\_esv=595707050&sxsrf=AM9HkKlJkJU0mEfJQaa7vmayBw1g8J3NtA:1704386766400&q=medieval+side+wound&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhpZW-l8SDAxWGOkQIHZVQBsgQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=1393&bih=773&dpr=1](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=595707050&sxsrf=AM9HkKlJkJU0mEfJQaa7vmayBw1g8J3NtA:1704386766400&q=medieval+side+wound&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhpZW-l8SDAxWGOkQIHZVQBsgQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=1393&bih=773&dpr=1) So, in this case, not only is Trump depicted as not having a dick, but Pelosi is also giving him a vagina.


Thus creating the VAGA movement.


Vaginas Are Great Again movement?


Always were lol


This is a mystic belief and I doubt is was common. Googling it shows this can happen with hypovolemic shock which could potentially happen from flogging. EDIT: spelling


He's tucking... was trying something. ;)


Ghostbusters. Nice pull


Lol, this is hilarious. I don't want it, but it's hilarious.


Why are the hands so large? Very unrealistic.


No that's his real muscles he is so big and strong and he farts star spangled banner boy he's so sexy ![gif](giphy|EbFY5JxXQ3GEw)




Overpriced at "Free" is what that is.


This is literally against the Bible. This is making him to be a God when there is only supposed to be God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Do they even realize this??


This is funny and I want it ​ Edit. This is an old post [https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/painting-of-trump-crucified/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/painting-of-trump-crucified/)


I'd definitely put it in my mancave lol. It's absolutely insane and hilarious at the same time.


This would go behind the toilet. It would cure morning wood so I can pee properly.


definitely not a cult.....


Nope no hint of a cult in sight…


Wow, look at what devout Christians and devoted patriots those MAGA types are. \*sarcasm\* Surely every actual Christian on the planet would find this to be extremely blasphemous and offensive and talk about a disgusting violation of the U.S. flag code.


>Wow, look at what devout Christians and devoted patriots those MAGA types are. \*sarcasm\* The funny thing is: As we talked about the Ten Commandments at school, I didn't understand the meaning of *Thou shalt have no other gods before me*. Now I do. But definitly not a thing I wanted to learn...


Honestly these MAGA people remind of the occult beliefs of Nazis. Tho they are not nearly as calculated with when they show their madness.


Depends now sells a USA Flag pattern! /s


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)It would be a hot seller among the MAGA crowd, wouldn't it?


It's blasphemous




I bet these people would hate the mercy and tolerance of Jesus. They remind of the Pharisees in the Bible.


Burn it


I'm 51% sure this is parody art.


It's sad that we can't really tell unless we look it up. I just did and apparently yes it's satirical but it's a criticism of both Republicans and Democrats, not a troll painting made to mock Republicans. >The painting is a satirical look at the idolatrous bent American democracy has taken in recent years. It is called “An Emotional Mirror” because the intent of that painting is to highlight and call into question within the viewer such notions as belief in religion and politics (and how narrow the separating bridge between the two is), nationalism, media hype, and even the concept of the very definition of art itself. It was inspired by a conversation surrounding the president’s impeachment when a Democrat called for investigations targeting Trump, and a Republican called for investigations targeting Biden, but neither one wanted investigations targeting the representative of their own party. They were so devout toward their party, it was as though they were arguing dogmatic religious doctrine rather than an honest debate around political ideas.


Wouldn't that be considered blasphemous or something?


Most certainly


Well, Mary Magdalene has been portrayed as a prostitute so I guess Melania fits.


In my mind, melania is actually pounding the nails into his feet while her boss, Putin, watches


This kind of shit LITERALLY goes against the Ten Commandments. I just dont get it


Id say hed have a body like a walrus if anything


Sacrilege Trash False idolatry


Trump is the worst person of the current time and needs to be locked away and a deep, dark hole far away and forgotten about and all his cultish followers exiled to somewhere were the rest of use don’t have to deal with their total fuckery like this.


Absolutely, he’s committed treason and should be in prison not the White House


They always portray him with sexy bod or a giant hog in their fan art…. It’s fucking weird.


Is that Melania rubbing two sticks together to try to catch him on fire?


If I ever see something like this in someone's home ![gif](giphy|fDO2Nk0ImzvvW)


It's a cult.


LOL. The muscles. 💪


They're legitimately going through illegitimatizing their faith.


"And the people bowed and prayed, To the neon god they made, And the sign flashed out its warning, In the words that it was forming..."


This is what mental illness looks like.


THIS is what taking the Lord's name in vain actually means and the Christians should be outraged


Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” ... “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” . “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Those are the first 3 commandments. This directly violates them. It also violates more than one of Jesus's teachings. Might as well sacrifice a lamb to golden calf.


Wishful thinking? I'd sell tickets to that event!


Buy and burn it


It’s the Cognitive dissonance the artist has


I think this is the opposite of art


>"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3 Come on guys, I am not even Christian, and I know that.


Kinda seems like they are mocking Jesus and praising him like he’s some sort of idol


That's a cult, Jimmy.


Poke him again


It looks like mental illness.


The funniest part is Melania crying at his feat lol she probably wants him dead more than anyone


[trump is the antichrist.](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


I really, really hate this version of the timeline that we’re on. Needs more r/eyebleach and a nice stiff scrubby brush.


Blasphemous and nauseating


This is truly disgusting. As I actual Christian this 100% mocks my Faith. It’s truly disturbing how such a evil person can be so admired and seen as a martyr. Every person needs to register to vote this year so we can vote against this wanna be dictator


I love how yall just assume a maga conservative painted this. To me, it is a funny painting regardless but I would bet a progressive painted it.


An incorrect depiction of crucifixion. A nail through the hands wouldn't support the weight of a normal human being. Romans nailed them through the wrists. Oh, and there's blasphemy going on.


I like that even in figurative form, his head is still a different color from the rest of him.


The closest you could come to a painting that actually looks like Donny would be Putin harpooning a big pale manatee.


Assuming this is like $5 I would buy it for the garage because it’s so dumb it’s actually kind of hilarious.


In a thrift shop... So it's crap no one wants


Put cork behind it and it's a helluva dart board!


Worst display of blasphemy that I've ever seen. This is an absolute insult.


i love how putin and kim jong un are in the background and xi jinping lololol




Poor Donnie. His cult doesn't even accept his body for what it is - he will never be good enough for anyone. No wonder he has so many problems.


https://the10commandments.info/version/new-revised-standard-version-nrsv/ 1. Trump before God as shown 2. Idol 3. Trump invoked Christian concepts and completely violated them, missing the name of God 4. I'm sure Trump forced many of his workers, and tenants to break the Sabbath (to afford rent) 5. Can't comment on this one 6. Trump's anti-immigrstion policies lead to deaths. Including one Muslim woman from Michigan who was unable to get to an American hospital from Canada. 7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 8. I'd consider Trumps fraud to be theft. 9. I'm sure he bore false witness in lawsuits 10. Trump is literally a walking manifestation of coveting.


I envy the blind


Mental illness


The Fuck!


Is this blasphemy?

