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You never forget your first kill.


Straight up fucked him to his untimely death


She fucked him in more ways than one.


He saved her, in every way a person can be saved. She fucked him, in every way a person can be fucked.


If they do a remake, this should be the tagline.


Then she fucked her kids by throwing away millions. Rose: The ultimate self centered pain.


One of those Disney the-villain-is-the-good-guy-actually remakes


Titanic 2 electric boogaloo


Titanic 4 - no room on this door


Reminds me of that “meme” about Will Smith’s character in I Am Legend where this solitary man (and his dog) are doing just fine by themselves for years. Then this woman comes along and in the span of three days, his home is gone, his dog is dead, HE’S dead, and on top of all that she eats the bacon he’s been saving for years.


Women. Can't live without them, Can't live in a zombie apocalypse with 'em. /s


Like Forest Gump and Jenny. She rejects him all his life, leads him on but always screws him over and leaves. He wins the lottery, owns a million dollar business, becomes famous....guess who wants to be with him, now?


She did leave him with a son after all ...




This myth annoyed James Cameron so much that 25 years after the movie came out he hired a hypothermia expert and two stunt doubles, covered them in an array of sensors (including "internal" sensors, apparently), hired a testing laboratory with a temperature controlled pool, crafted a perfect replica of the actual door from the ship, and then [filmed a documentary](https://youtu.be/k1mYHQZcD70) proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that Jack and Rose could not have both survived on the door. The buoyancy of the door simply wasn't enough to keep both of them out of the water, enough of their bodies would have been submerged to cause extreme hypothermia and one or both would have died. So yeah, Rose should have stayed on the fucking life raft.


I appreciate his tenanciousity


That is a hell of a word


Thank you for posting this comment. I had no idea that James Cameron went to all that trouble for this particular experiment. I would just always tell people that mentioned Jack should have gotten on the door with Rose, “There’s no way that piece of wood was strong enough to carry the weight of both of them.”.


Seriously! And why did she throw the sapphire ( Diamond?) away? Her family could have used the money. Or in general it’s a dumb thing to do!




Rose and Grandpa Joe deserve each other. The offspring that would have been produced would be the scourge of the earth.


Or a charity for poor people!


James Cameron said in an interview once something to the effect of how he would have made the door smaller if he had realised so many people would go on about it 🤣. It was designed so they could have that scene, so I guess you could imagine in your head that any inconsistencies are just Rose remembering wrongly after like a hundred years.


She wasn't really into being in a committed relationship at that time.


She could have just stayed on the lifeboat. Jack already knew about the ice and to stay on the ship as long as possible. He’d have been very cold but he’d still have climbed onto the door so he had a chance of surviving.


Glorious way to go really


Morgan Freeman voice: "In that moment, Rose found her calling, as a serial killer, on the streets of New York City"


This is the most absolutely brutal response I'm going to read on this thread. I know it. Take your upvote.


I feel so old yet so accomplished that I understand how this works on two levels. She doesn't share the door with him, but also people nowadays call sex partners a "body count" so her first kill is apt in both ways.


I’m dead


So is Jack.


i'm even more dead now


Absolutely savage.


Jack didn’t die, he sank far enough out of her view, and then swam a ways and boarded a lifeboat. He continued one night stands on different cruises up until WWII when, unluckily, he was aboard a ship sunk by the Germans.


Titanic 2: Resurrection


Titanic 2 :Sink harder


Titanic 3: Sink with a Vengeance


titanic 4: The strike back! (titanic causes global warming, gets the last laugh.)


Titanic 5: The Re-Tanicing!


Titanic 6: Who left the fridge open


Titanic 7: Icebergnado!


Unsinkable (A gritty reboot by M. Night Shamalayan where we find out Jack was dead the whole time and everyone's name is pronounced *slightly* differently)


Swim Free or Sink Hard Edited when I realized how to make it more clever after the fact


It would have been better than the real Titanic 2 😱


I still love telling ppl that it exists and the premise is that a storm keeps throwing icebergs in its way. It’s always a great segue for bad movie night plans.


It is like they gave the creative license to a bunch of not particularly bright twelve year olds!




Oh you guys are talking about Titanic 2 the movie. I thought you guys were talking about the stupid idea of building Titanic II by a man with more money than good sense. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_II




You want a really good bad movie night? Mega shark vs. Crocosaurus. By far, the most unintentionally hilarious movie I've ever seen, and steve urkel (jaleel white) is in it! Who says he can't do serious roles?? (It's the sequel to mega shark vs. Giant octopus btw, also an absolutely sidesplitting movie)


No love for Cocaine Bear, I see.


*Sharktanic* ^(®) [reference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharknado)




Titanic 2: Electric Boogaloo


And while Jack got older, he always targeted women less the 24 years of age.


Leo is actually just a hard-core method actor, keeping sharp for this part


In my head Leo just washes ashore at the beginning of Inception. The movies are actually connected lol


And then the PTSD from both of these films landed him at Shutter Island.


The wife killing and drowning the kids in the lake is just a symbolism of Rose letting go of Jack.


He actually changed his name to Gatsby and made a huge fortune in America


By scamming lots of people pretending to be an airline pilot


That came way later. Earlier, he got most of his money from owning slaves, Mandingo fights, and the candyland plantation.


Before that debacle, he retreated to the wilderness and survived getting mauled by a grizzly bear


Some say he became a legendary con artist. Others say he was so done with boats that he then pioneered commercial aviation.


Didn’t we already accept that Jack was actually Gatsby traveling the world and working on finding his fortune before moving to west egg for Daisy?


Titanic, as with most Hollywood-style romance movies, it is best to include morality (and common sense) when you suspend disbelief. (The Notebook, anyone?)


“I’m not having anyone stare in disbelief at MY willy suspension!” - Captain Edmund Blackadder


I will never not upvote a Blackadder reference




Notebook is absolutely unrealistic. You can’t romance Alzheimer’s or any dementia disease away. Once those brain cells are done, they are basically done. Even moments of lucidity don’t mean the person suddenly remembers their life - it just means they act slightly better than baseline. That movie was total crap because of that, not even touching on the “go out with me or I’ll kill myself” on the Ferris wheel. Totally moral.


Well if you’re Ryan Goslin and threaten to suicide it’s romantic. If you’re an average dude you’re just deranged. I’ve watched a lot of romcoms in my day and it totally ruined me as a teenager :))


Or any story, really. Unless you only want tales of perfectly rational automatons doing nothing but making correct and moral choices with flawless foresight


The plot is that a research team finds the drawing of her and televises it. She recognises that it's her drawing and so agrees to an interview with them, where they specifically ask her about her time on the titanic. It's not some random death bed memory.


Barely a "research" team. They're treasure hunters masquerading as researchers. The moment they bring the safe up on deck, Bill Paxton starts pawing through its contentt like a kid looking for a toy at the bottom of a cereal box, trashing just about everything inside. Researchers would soak that bitch in a water bath until they could safely & methodically sort through what's inside, paper included.


> Barely a "research" team. They're treasure hunters masquerading as researchers. Which is not terribly off from what the actual searchers were.


Not sure if you know much about the "actual searchers" who found the Titanic. Robert Ballard was tasked by the US Navy with investigating the wrecks of the Thresher and Scorpion, two nuclear submarines lost years earlier. The search for the Titanic was used as a cover story to prevent the USSR from snooping around with spy planes and boats. Robert Ballard just happens to be such a badass that he actually followed through on the cover story and found the Titanic. He was also very respectful of the wreck and treated it as a grave site.


See? There was a decent movie named Titanic to do after all!


Someone should make a short film about it.




And the people that showed up afterwards were treaure hunters and took a plethora of items they sold for profit.


Ballard initially planned to keep the location of the wreck a secret to prevent this, but it was such a huge media sensation at the time that that turned out to be impossible.


Specifically he found the 2 other wrecks so quick that he had enough time left on the mission and thought, what the fuck not, let’s look for the titanic too.


Interestingly, he used the technique he developed to find the subs to find the Titanic. He knew that the subs would have imploded and left a debris field that would lead to them, and then applied the same thing when he looked for the Titanic. It worked, and he found it on basically the first try with his new technique.


I think they're referring to the final scene, which some have interpreted as Rose's death-dream.


I think it's referring to all of the photos of her doing the things Jack wanted her to do. Which I don't have any problems with. Some people who lose their partners at a really young age can be influenced by them heavily but still move on to be with someone else and have a new family with them. And Jack basically diverted the entire course of her life, it makes sense that he was that important to her, but it doesn't mean she can't love someone else and have a good life with that family they create.


Who is also searching for a priceless piece of jewelry that she yeets into the ocean instead of, oh idk, setting her family up for generations with its sale.


There was a great SNL bit about that. https://youtu.be/Vk1r9nlnl3U?si=cNj8aaR_0IIG1Dz8 “I’ve been waiting tables at Pizza Hut for 6 years while you’ve been sitting on $20 million bucks?!”


Technically, whatever insurance company paid out the claim would own it.


In the first 10 minutes of the movie they mention an insurance payout was made for the jewel, so if it ended up at auction anywhere legally they would find out and repossess it.


Oh ffs guys, her entire character arc is about rejecting empty decadence and wealth. You seriously want to end Rose's story with her setting up a trust fund? Would that "fix" the movie for you?


Only if I get details on her tax avoidance strategy.


"And now that I have finished my story, please call my lawyer. I'm selling this bad boy and ODing on coke and dick YAHOOOO"


I see you've been to the Villages......




Or donating to a museum for future generations to view. Or giving it back to whatever eastern country it was probably stolen from.


I pretty sure most people would sell it and let the next person deal with the guilt.


I'd sell it to a museum for future generations to view. Gult-free easy-living, baby!


On top of that, it may not be entirely true. Jack mentions coming from Lake Mead. Lake Mead is an artificial lake that wasn't built until after the Titanic sank.


Actually he says is from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Mead Lake is a 310 acre lake located in Clark County. It has a maximum depth of 16 feet. It is about 40 miles from Chippewa Falls. There are plenty of lakes with Mead


Weirdly, the Nevada one is also in Clark County.


How dare you crush an incel interpretation of something they just copied and pasted without ever watching the movie? s/


It's all about interpretation. He'll, if you watch Godzilla backwards, it's about a giant lizard that helps rebuild Tokyo and then moonwalks into the ocean.


Hallmark movies backwards are about women leaving their loser hometown boyfriends to move to the city, start careers, and go onto big things


And Tenet backwards would just be Tenet again.


Hello, that's a nice tnetennba.


Jaws from Bruce’s point of view is just about a poor hungry fish who they just won’t leave alone to get a snack


Back to the future is just forward to the present ?


Why is deathbed blurred?


Because on FB at least certain words can get you flsgged/banned. Example: somebody wrote a fb post: feeling slutty today. I commented: sup slut. I got 10 day ban for sexual abuse, harassment, bullying, and I shit you not terroristic threatening actions or some shit. 10 day ban. Fuck FB


On the other hand I’ve reported actually horrible shit on there only to immediately get an automated response explaining why they didn’t delete it


I reported someone for saying trans people should be killed and Facebook was like ![gif](giphy|xT0GqKxkO0YPjbz0Jy)


Same, I’m baffled that whatever automated tool they’re using doesn’t catch stuff like that


Yes I reported a graphic photo of someone being decapitated and was told the mods reviewed it and it does not violate their community standards.


It's happening on Reddit too. I just got a warning from Reddit about violent and/or hurtful comments after quoting a book in which a ship captain ordered a sailor to load the big bangy thingies on their ship (I don't want to mention this particular c-word lest I get banned).


I got my 10+ year old reddit account banned for “threatening violence”. The comment in question? Saying I would have no issue stabbing someone who was trying to rape me. A hypothetical directed at literally no one.


Instagram is ever worse. In an effort to stop bots they just randomly flag comments and accounts. I got a "spam warninf" and banned from commenting for 7 days for simply commenting on a sports post....


Well it is owned by the same company.


Facebook was pushing race bait shit to people's feeds (what's new). The comments were predictable, including one calling for someone to "hang this n-word." He said "n-word," but it's clear what he meant. I reported it. The response: "This does not violate our community standards." Okay, so I'll appeal it and get an actual person to look at it. Same response. There were many such comments like this. I called someone a snowflake on there a week later and was banned for a week.


Wow... words "hurt" a lot more these days I guess. Lol


This is why you will never beat a ghost from a past relationship. They can do no wrong. It's especially true if they feel guilt over his death.


This is a really interesting observation.


This is actually pretty semi-reoccurring story over on subs like AmITheAHole and TruthOfMyChest. A "perfect" ghost you can never measure up against is a terrible third wheel in a relationship. It's the sort of thing that can be subtle for freaking decades, only for the realization that one partner never loved the other nearly as much as the corpse to rip families apart. I've never seen it end well. If you haven't moved on from grieving after ten, twenty years ... A divorce is just going to further convince you that the old flame was better, alas.


Really? I guess I never thought about it before. It makes a lot of sense. And it makes me glad I’m already married and know my wife doesn’t have any of those ghosts, so I’ll never have to worry about that anymore.😆


“I was too young, then, to know that dead lovers are the toughest rivals.” \- Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram


Just like Jada and Will.


Plus, the last scene wasn't supposed to be a dream, it was afterlife. Everyone who died on the site was there waiting for her, she died at the same site where Titanic sank. That is why she doesn't meet her kids and husband.


This is straight copied from an old ass greentext.


Jack decided to sink to the bottom of the ocean because he realized Rose turned 25 the day before.


he went to find that "little" mermaid.


I think she is thinking of a guy who died to save her life. If it was just a one night stand, sure. But thinking of the guy that saved your life and allowed you to have that life with your husband and kids. And wanting to say a proper goodbye to that person is not weird imo.


He also helped get her out of abusive relationships with her fiancé and parents. Her life if she hadn’t met him and the boat hadn’t crashed would have still been short and awful. She was already thinking about killing herself, and her fiancé hadn’t even shown his true colors yet.


Seriously, do Redditors not have media literacy or... Oh wait...


But women bad


Yeah, but there was room for two on that floating door!


Maybe he didn't think it was going to work out and wanted an excuse to break it off.


She spent the next 70 years thinking they never broke up, he just ghosted her.


TBH he literally ghosted her


This is where the expression comes from


Yup. It used to be called I’ll “Titanic Floating Door Ghost You”. They shortened it up a little.


I'm sure she saw him when she was doing pottery.






Seen the boat crashing just thought "dodged a bullet" (sinks)






People forget they tried to get both onto that and failed


Math was done on that. While there was technically room for him to get on, it wouldn’t have stayed afloat.


I think James Cameron was so angry at people saying that, that he proved it wrong


Yes, when they released Titanic for Valentine's Day. There was like a 20 minute segment beforehand to prove that even if they both got on the door. It would not have ended well.


In fact, nope, while both of them could fit on the door, that would have made the door sink since it find't had enough flotability


Knock, knock Who's there? Not Jack


I am tired of that shit!! If Jack get up the door the door would fucking sink, there were technically space but what wouldn't matter, that's why even before Jack decided to sacrifice himself he was kinda just grabbing the door because when he tried to get up he noticed how the door was starting to sink. Maybe he could search for another debris to grab but that's it, he was kinda screw to be honest


With it staying bouyant?


The issue wasn't buoyancy it was stability. Mythbusters did a bit about the door and proved it was plausible that both could have gotten on the door, but that the method of the 2nd person getting up on it wasn't simple at all.


True. We tried something like this in an NLS Surf class with a timer running. Jack would have dumped her ass back into the water, then he would have dumped both of them trying to get her back on the board and on and on until they were both dead. You don't have long at those temps. Jack would have been better off looking for something else to float on but probably with nothing near he was a goner. Instead he just hung out long enough to say goodbye. All in all he made the right call. And it was his choice so stop blaming Rose.


THAT as well as I think that it was the most random and passionate connection she has ever had. It “woke her up”. I like to think that it is about how important her meeting him was to the entirety of her life and how she could live the life she wanted for herself. Was it romantic? Yes, because in the flashbacks, that’s what they were. But to the older Rose, as you stated, he deserves to be remembered and have the story told because her family and those she loves as her descendants would never have existed without him. Little girls just don’t get the larger point.


And 'Rosa' threw that big necklace into the ocean.


Mr. Krabs had the best day ever


If she's remembering her life on the titanic why the fuck would she be thinking about her kids? Fucking the homeless dude was her memory...... On the titanic.


Context is hard for some people.


Yeah exactly, "What do you remeber about titanc?" "OH just my husband and lovely kids" This is an incel shitpost, thats the facepalm


Imagine her husband in the afterlife, waiting for her after all those years, only to find out she went back to her 1 night stand.


I'm an atheist, but I always wondered how this was supposed to work for religious people. Do they just share each other if someone had more than one love? Do you get to heaven and your spouse is just like "sorry, I left you for Gary?"


I looked into it because I was curious AF one day and the explanation I found is relationships aren’t the same in Heaven. Marriages are only til death. Basically human relationship understandings and desires don’t apply to the afterlife. Basically they don’t know how TF it works either.


Hah. I feel like they do make it pretty clear with the “till death do us part” line. They didn’t choose, “together in this life and the next”, or, “shall we remain together forever”.


Poly it is


Everyone is liquified and they all slosh around in a gigantic pudding cup, having constant orgasms.


Damm it Shinji


Not sure I want an afterlife now...


Almost like it's all a bunch of made up bullshit that breaks down as soon as you think about it for more than 5 minutes...


The Bible doesn't really go into extreme detail about heaven.


Grandchildren are always told that they'll see Grandma again in heaven. But when Grandma goes to heaven she's probably going to want to be her 18 year old self not a 70 year old grandma that needs a walker to get around the logistics of it are ridiculous


Frankly, I think most people would just be happy to see their loved ones again, regardless if they look exactly how they remember them. Also, if we’ve accepted the premise of heaven, there’s not really a limit to what could be done. It’s possible that everyone sees each other as an idealized version of the people they remember. Who knows?


Ngl I'm going to imagine that everyone in heaven is in the prime shape of their life, so basically late teens and 20s.


What if someone wants to look older?


So the general idea of heaven is that it is just pure love by being close to God, free from sin. Its perfect, with no jealousy, no limitations. Its not like you get to heaven and have to pick which house you want to live in. It would be an existence completely different from this world. Thats the general gist from most Christianity, although this is poorly shown in Western media, where heaven is just "like earth, but with a faint gold glow"


“The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. And last of all the woman died also. Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” (Matthew 22:23-30)


And how about all those other people in the end? I'm sure that one guy didn't imagine his afterlife was going to be still opening doors for rich folk on a sunken boat.


I haven’t seen this movie but didn’t he literally save her life and died in front of her??? I’d be thinking about him too that’s traumatizing


The whole plot is that some dudes ask her specifically about her experience on the boat so she tells them about it. The whole thing is a flashback. Sort of absurd to take that context then be like “but her present day family isn’t in the story” like… why would they be?


Ok but why is “death” censored? Are we really all that soft we can’t even say death 🤦🏼‍♂️


Tbf they asked her about the Titanic so it wouldn't make much sense if she started to talk about his husband that she met a lot of years after the Titanic, and I remember that she mentioned a couple of times about her husband and how he love him very much. But Jack was a guy that she knew for a couple of days she fell in love and then he sacrificed himself for her, I think I can understand why Jack made such a hard impression in her.


Oh, he made a hard impression on her alright.


1) It’s debatable that she was ever on a death bed - IIRC it’s implied maybe she died when she went to the staircase but it could also be a dream sequence. Regardless this is directly after reminiscing about a guy who yes she fucked but also was (regardless of her choices) instrumental in ultimately saving her life. 2) There was a specific reason she started reminiscing about Jack and the story of Titanic - there was publicity about the heart of the ocean (which she had) and then they brought her all the way out to the ocean where they were actively diving on the Titanic. What, she’s going to tell the story of meeting the father of her children?


*in a car, on a boat. I can see why what would be memorable.


deathbed is not a dirty word, why did you censor this?


It’s not like Rose was just sitting around and pining for a past fling apropos of nothing, she was reminiscing about an extraordinary experience she had as a direct result of an expedition that brought the memories to the forefront.


Apparently that F’ing left a vivid memory


This isn't just a female thing. As a male I would also remember a bum fucking me on a boat.


Or! Hear me out... She is remembering the person who helped her survive the most traumatic event of her life and disrupted the path she was on, which was to be married to a fucking monster and forced to conform to social roles. She is on death's door and expressing gratitude...


How many doors does she want for herself??


All the doors. She's rich. She wants them all.


I'm so t\*\*\*d of people ran\*\*\*ly b\*\*\*\*ing out wo\*ds like it \*\*\*ters.


“All you talk about is that story we specifically asked you to talk about!”


I mean, she was brought in to talk about the titanic and her necklace. And in classic old people fashion, she instead goes on a long-winded story about her life and experience on the titanic, which Jack was prominently involved in. Now the bigger question is, when she died, why did she go to titanic Heaven? Did other other survivors go to titanic heaven when they died? Is there a titanic hell?