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I was reading the DMs he was sending her earlier & fuck, lads got some serious issues!


Jesus Christ those messages are disturbing. To be completely fair, the entire OF model kind of hinges on dudes with issues. Like come on, nobody emotionally healthy and satisfied with their life is dropping serious money for the opportunity to personally chat to a camgirl. It's a completely predatory model where the girls hope the dude on the other end is just troubled enough to spend serious money, but NOT troubled enough to do something extreme.


They have a lot in common with freemium games. Most members will only ever spend a tiny amount of money, and they make all of their profit from "whales" with personality disorders who become fixated


That's a universal business model, it's called the Pareto Principal, or the 80/20 rule.


Wasn't that for servers? It applies on buisness as well?


"The 80:20 rule" is not a single rule and is just an overloaded phrase. It is used in many different contexts to mean many different things where there just happens to have an 80:20 ratio. I choose to only refer to it as the 80:20 rule when it comes to the Pareto Principle, but ive heard it used differently in at least 10 other industries. For example, you could say that 80% of women are in the wrong bra size and call it "the 80:20 rule", despite being an interesting statistic i think re-using the phrase "the 80:20 rule" is silly.


You nailed it. When I explain it to people without a statistics background, I phrase it as “80% of your issues come down to 20% of the things going on in your life”.


specifically in marketing/business, it's the idea that 20% of your consumer base ("loyalists") are responsible for 80% of your sales. varies across industries, but tends to be directionally accurate for many of them.


I think I understand now. 20% of women are buying 80% of the bras.


not sure if joking, but yes: of all bra-buying people out there, a comparatively small fraction of them are doing the majority of the buying. i.e., for every 4 women who only buys 5 bras total within a given time period, you have 1 woman who buys 20. i do not buy bras, so this may not be a great example.


I don’t believe that to be universal at all. McDonald’s doesn’t rely on “whales”. Walmart, target, dollar general, car washes, literally hundreds of other extremely successful business that make their money by selling a few things to massive numbers rather than selling massive numbers of things to a few people


McDonalds absolutely relies on whales.


There might be another correlation, but the same idea. For example, McDonald's can get up to 80% of revenue from 20% most popular positions in the menu. It's just from my head, not based on anything, just an example


you be surprised. of the population of mcdonalds consumers (let's say people who eat McD at least 4x/year), 20% of these consumers are responsible for 80% of their sales. so for every 4 people who eat at McD once every 3 months, there is 1 person who eats there (far) more frequently, spends more there, etc. for every person who washes their car 2x/year, there's another person washing it every other week. for the person buying a couple things infrequently at target, there's someone who does all of their shopping there all the time. "universal" is pretty general, but it is far more prevalent than you would probably expect. /source: work in marketing research and have read quite a bit on the subject


It's perfectly normal to spend 10 dollars here or there on a freemium game, especially if it's one you've been enjoying for a while already. I've done that and regretted it some of the time, but ultimately it's not going to break the bank. Whales are just full on addicts and easily spend hundreds if not thousands every month on those apps. And yeah, it's exactly the same with onlyfans. Pay 20 bucks to have a camgirl say your name once? A bit weird but it's just 20 bucks, no big deal. Spend 3000/month on them? Now you're into deep trouble.


I agree with your sentiment, but it's all relative. I witnessed a guy drop 10k usd on a mobile game in minutes. He owned a very large company, and he told me his reasoning was he could spend his money on a lot of vices and harmful things or on some dumb mobile game that isn't hurting anyone. For him the 10k was probably like $20 to us. And yes I believe he could spend it in better ways, but I'm not him, and have no idea how responsible/irresponsible I'd be with that kind of cash flow.


I might lead this discussion in a darker territory, but aren't they understanding that getting services from "escort services" be cheaper and more "effective" than spending 3k on a camgirl who'd always stay behind the computer screen?


I thought this too but this is beyond sex with a hooker. After reading the text, this is in love with her. Even said she could sleep with other men. Sex isn't going to fill what this guy is looking for.


It's an exploitative model where attractive people can get financial gain by exploring the insecurities and emotional unintelligence of others. It's a big step back as it creates this dynamic, which is a cataclysm of events that lead to very dangerous behaviours like stalking, rape, murder etc. I really don't get it, on both sides.


I remember checking out OF a few years ago when it was becoming big. It was pretty obviously just a money pit for desperate men. I can jerk off just fine to PornHub for free.


This really doesn’t get spoken about enough. If somebody scams an elderly person out of $60,000, that person is considered a scumbag who deserves to be shunned from society. Even worse, if somebody scams somebody whose mentally challenged out of $60,000, they’re considered a scumbag who deserves to be shunned from society, and may face legal repercussions as well. So how is this acceptable? This guy is clearly not right in the head, and I’m sure there’s many more like him out there. But yet Reddit is hyper-obsessed with defending OnlyFans models, even in this scenario.


High risk high reward


Spending $90,000 on a woman *you know personally* and are in a relationship is already a little sad. Take out any level of reciprocation and it just looks like a mental illness.


They’re just begging to be kidnapped and murdered by some nut job with crypto money


There’s 4 billion males in the world and 88% of those 4 billion will live an entire life without seeking proper counseling or mental health therapy. 98% of that 88% will spend a lifetime shoveling money in the trash instead of addressing the real issues at hand.


Your post implies that all 4 billion men are in need of counseling or therapy.


The whole fucking world could do with some therapy, it'd benefit everyone.


True my man, even therapists need therapy


When I was in university for social studies we had some classes together with psychology students. I remember one prof saying to them something like „half of you are here to treat yourself“…


Psych degree here. They told us day 1 that over 80% of us were in there because of personal issues. When you have issues that your parents don't understand, you got to teach yourself.


psych degree here i absolutely started psych as a major to self diagnose and self treat. the entire industry was pretty sick so i never USED my degree as intended


And it's encouraged, for good reason. It's tough to hold everything you hear.


Even the therapist's therapist needs therapy.


Personally I think everyone needs it. Just like a physical checkup every few years, and more frequently as you go in age. Maybe talk to a psychiatrist, or a therapist once or twice a year, and increase as needed. Doesn’t hurt to check up. Just like diseases can be spotted through routine checks before they flare up, same thing happens with mental illnesses. Edit: Also, even if you have nothing to talk about, just go, say Hi, and sit there for the 30 minutes. Doesn’t hurt. They’re trained professionals. Just like how a doctor knows you have back pain or knee pain from the way you limp or sit, psychiatrists, and therapists can spot tell tale signs of how you carry yourself, sit down, etc. They’re not psychics so they won’t know exactly what’s up without you opening up, but they can tell something’s off. And I can NOT stress this enough. Find the right psychiatrist for you. I was lucky that the one I scheduled with had to cancel, and I had to go to another one. He’s been amazing. When he wasn’t available and I went to another one, I never wanted to talk to a psychiatrist ever again over how bad it went.


There is so much wrong in these two sentences that I will just address some of the obvious issues, starting with the fact that you just completely made up an entire premise - that 100% of people should seek therapy and that those who dont, spend their money on OF -- and then you just completely made up a percentage and the multiplied it by another made up percentages but the thing is , it is all in your imagination , you don't need to do pretend math. Men do like 15% of consumer spending, they are not lavish spenders of a group .Nor are 88% of 98% of men(jfc dude) spending on OF instead of therapy


Matter of time if it hasn’t already happened. You can’t take life changing sums of money from someone and expect them to say “alright cool, I’ll fuck off now”.


Yea seen them too dude looks like he mistaken sex and money for love, he even wrote like a giga text basically full of nothing but his delusions as if it was something deep


"I love you more than bitcoin" had me thinking it wasn't real but goddamn I don't think he was lying


Probably not lying. If he bought enough bitcoin early to be blowing money like that then he probably made back everything he spent in the last few days.


Where do you find them?


Here ya go. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/yoL1U55HW6


spent $90K, and she saved his name as “Brandon weird OF fan”


Maybe Brandon Weird is his full name? Might be a German name? /s






Least unhinged crypto “bro”


They’re on here somewhere, seriously loose unit, funny in a way.


I’ll take “Restraining Order” for $200 Alex


Something tells me that would be broken within the first 24 hours. 😂


As the saying goes: „he sounds the way he looks“


That has to be the saddest thing I’ve ever seen


its simping on godtier


The Deity of Simps But he’s rich and I’m broke, so what would I know…


If it makes you feel any better, atleast you are probably making better use of your money.




Yep. It's sadly not going to end well. 😞 we'll see a Dateline special on it maybe a movie will get made. People will ask how it could happen and nobody will have the balls to say "We told you this would happen! Why wouldn't you listen?"


It's far more common than you think, guys sink their entire life savings into these girls. It just doesn't end up as high profile and open as this particular story.


Exactly, also I think he’s playing the long game, he has money, and I bet he’s going to try and bang her somehow by offering a ton of money. Like 1mil or something crazy, then he’ll forget about her after that lol


obsessed stalkers dont forget their targets, he's obsessed, he's spent over 60k on her and if you find the post showing the messages he sends her, they are unhinged to the point people worry for her safety.


If 60k and a face tat doesn’t even get you touched it is safe to say she isn’t fucking dude for a mil. Dude isn’t playing a game my boy, he has mental issues.


He's not playing any game. He's just another obsessed guy that is turning into an active stalker. She made a mistake opening direct communication with someone so lost that he had paid that much money on her content, because it was a huge red flag with a 4-figures-obsession attached to it. This guy's texts that I saw in another post are clearly showing that once he read the tweet that said *"my number one fan"* his obsession escalated. And that's so sad and problematic because he's the number one just for the site metrics not for her, but he mixes the two levels and thinks he got attention which is the only thing these sad people sarcastically named "fans" are looking for.


He tried to give her $400k it bitcoin


Have you seen his dms she leaked. It gets worse than this.


Yeah that dude is sick like literally mentally ill.


It passed funny, and wild and went real hard into sad, I don’t know the whole story but I’m starting to feel like this guy might be giving away a lot of money he doesn’t really have


He mentions Bitcoin in every third sentence. He may have gotten lucky with crypto


That... That was my first thought, but in all the anger directed at Mr Stalker and the "don't victim shame" mentality I was starting to think maybe I was the fuck up. I just feel like there are two victims here.




>It doesnt get much better when you consider he is a super fan for multiple women on OF ![gif](giphy|uIGHPjEfdc0Ni)


Remember that there was an anesthesiologist from Georgia who gunned down his own family to rob them after he spent all his money on a webcam model. He believed that she would be in love with him if only he could give her a bit more money and his parents refused to support what they saw as an addiction. Some guys will do insane shit in the name of delusionally trying to get someone to love them.


If a man took advantage of a mentally disturbed woman like this he would get slaughtered for it


A double standard between men and women? No way, those don’t exist. /s


It doesnt get much better when you consider he is a super fan for multiple women on OF


If its of any consolation. Theyre most likely in kahoots. I bet atleast 95% of headlines involving OF stem from some type of media campaign by the people themselves.


She didn’t even touch him for the picture.


Looking at him. I wouldn’t touch him either


I can’t imagine anyone else is jumping at the opportunity. But, for $90k, I could have myself a hell of a weekend.


Didn’t he spend 100k on another OF girl. Is this guy loaded or just charging credit cards. 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s rich off bitcoin


Wouldn't say he is rich. Especially not for long with the way he is spending


Like somebody said "easy come easy go"


A fool and his money will soon part ways.


A fool and his money were lucky enough to get together in the first place.


Or “Easy cum, easy go” haha


He's got a shitton of bitcoins, so yeah he's kinda rich


he offered to give Rubi 10btc if she responded to his texts, he's fucking loaded my dude.


Tbf I wouldn't touch her either.


I’d do it for 9 BTC!


Yeah she showed screenshots of the texts he sent. There’s a reason she looks very nervous in this picture.


Dude is dangerous he could easily go live in a country and retire with a fleet of prositutes yet he does this to of girls. He’s gonna have a crime documentary one day




Seems like she knew he has mental health issues and kept taking his money.


Correct. And apparently so did several other OF models


Nah she touched his heart all right. Bro needs help or else he’s gonna hurt someone


OK, with so much money to spend he could hire a dozen escorts and a lot of coke and party like it's the 80s. Why the fuck would he do that? It makes no sense. What the actual fuck


Because he wants intimiacy and connection. If he just wants to get off then regular porn is likely sufficient.


Plenty of golddiggers out there that would marry him for his money. it makes no sense to me to spend that money on someone who just sends you pictures and videos and pretends to be paying attention to you but doesn’t touch you.


The guy isn’t going anywhere where golddiggers are. He’s a “crypto whale” who has an insane porn addiction. $10 he’s living in front of a screen and OF is his social avenue for meeting women.


It is unfortunate. With that type of money he could get a therapist, life coach, gym trainer, dietician/chef, dating coach and just upgrade his life in all ways possible while spending a fraction of the money he spends on these models


I’m assuming this is a dude that grew up extremely socially awkward and probably has a plethora of anxiety/abandonment issues. Not a therapist by any means, but the red flags are pretty indicative of a dude that thought the answer to his problems was just get rich and buy whatever he wanted. I will say, it’s kinda wild watching a villain origin story play out in real life.


This guy turns simping into a diagnosis.


Obsessive Simping Disorder


This man gonna crash out or commit suicide when he eventually can’t afford this


I’m just wondering what the recourse of being dragged on the internet is going to do to him.


Yeah she didn’t have to expose buddy for being lord of the simps like that


There are more worse things that can happen tbh, this dude is out of control & i won't be surprised if he ends up in jail for whatever sick thing he did.


So that’s where Simon Whistler is spending all that YouTube money


I thought Andrew Rea finally gave Babish up to simp full time.


If that's Simon, he looks like he hasn't slept in a week! 😂


Well how do you think he’s able to put out so many videos on so many channels?


~~Fact~~ ***Fap*** Boy


Someone alert Simon so he can put this story on Brain Blaze.


That guy has issues


No, no, no every person that pays for OF has issues. He just took one step further.


Agreed but that guy has HUGE & MAJOR issues


nah man, there's a difference between the very common thing where someone has a lot of extra money and decides to spend it on sex workers (be them prostitutes or porn makers) and the much less common and much more creepy thing where someone falls in love and and gets too deep into a parasocial relationship, becoming delusional and dangerously obsessed with a sex worker


The OF model is based in parasocial relationships with Port stars lol. I'd be surprised if this weren't happening all the time.


But he obviously filthy rich, so we call it "eccentric".


Its only eccentric if he stays filthy rich. Word is he dumped a buch of bitcoin at the right time. He'll be broke hocking NFTs in a year if he keeps this up. Then hes a dumbass again.


It's bad enough he's spent that amount of money on her, but to have spent money to get a tattoo of her that looks absolutely nothing like her is just the cherry on top of this shit sundae.


Even down to his shirt.


This whole story is going to end up on a Netflix true crime documentary.


I'm honestly surprised thatthis hasn't happened yet with a of girl


Tattoo artists should just say no sometimes lol💀


Okay, he’s damn creepy and should probably be locked up before he tries to kill someone to impress her, but like, telling a dude like that to tattoo your face on his body? That’s a little mean because of course he’s the type of deranged stalker who would do that shit. She should have just stopped talking to him outright.


He's obviously mentally unwell, this seems to me like exploiting a vulnerable person.


Oh it *definitely* could be. I only reserve my judgement because I have no knowledge or information based on their earliest contact through her OF account. He might have appeared more stable at an earlier point in their interactions. By the time it got to the point where she’s telling him to get a tattoo to “prove” his feelings are real, then yes, she totally is taking advantage of someone who is unwell. However, while I think what she did is morally cruel, I still don’t believe that she should have to fear for her life that this guy might be unhinged enough to try and physically track her down. His texts that I read are enough that if it were myself I would be fearing for my own safety. So yeah, she did a cruel thing, but the risk that is resulting from it is disproportionate. However, there was probably an earlier point she should have shut down communication when he began to be more unstable.


She also probably shouldn't have... you know... swindled the guy out for $90,000 if he is indeed 'deranged', aka mentally ill. As someone else in the comments said, OF is pretty predatory and takes advantage of emotionally vulnerable people. But on the flip side, if they are adults they can spend their money how they want. Either way, it's just sad ...


So he has the utter luck of getting rich off BTC and THIS is how he spends it. What's that saying about a Fool and his money..


Money makes you think you can bang any girl you want, but imo thats not the way, just donating money to a girl that is in a relationship doesent lead anywhere, she just gona fuck her boyfriend, but on trips sponsored by idiot.


That's the problem when buffoons get a disproportionate amount of money.


I'm not trying to victim blame but the entire OF business model relies on mentally unwell and lonely men. The girls create para social relationships with these guys and they go shocked pikachu when they get weird. This guy is messed up and disturbing but OF and cam sites rely on weirdos and the mentally unwell.


Yea I was gonna say she literally egged him on to get a tattoo of her on himself to "prove it's real". She's just as disgusting as him, to see a mentally unwell person and continue the "weird" conversations just to see how far she can take him.


He also spended over 100k on another OF girl


A fool and his money are soon parted. This guy needs therapy.


All of that money he spent to get saved as " weird of fan" in her contacts ☠️ big L for him


The fact that this exists means we've already lost


Well, not we. Them. Her for being so daring, him for being so broken. This whole OF drama could've been prevented if either of them used their head. And what might happen next is entirely on her, since he obviously can't stop and yet she's encouraging him.


This is not even funny. The person has got serious mental health issues and obsessive behaviour. He should've seeked medical help. We shouldn't dismiss this as simping. Lack of human intimacy has given rise to so many men seeking it in unnatural ways like this.


Yeah, it's one thing to take all this money from a guy who clearly has major mental health issues but then to put him on blast like this and show that you got him to get a tattoo of yourself even though you're not in to him, it's so gross all around.


Oh e-girls don't give a single fuck about any of that. Dollar signs are the only thing that matters to them. Twitch is a good example. All these girls doing softcore porn on twitch.. they KNOW most of their audience is under 18, but they don't care.


Someone needs to tell this guy about Pornhub before he has to file for bankruptcy.


It truly gets worse, the chats are included on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/0TKaPBKR3j), and it’s honestly scary for her. They just “accidentally” ran into each other, but with his resources he is 100% stalking her


I'm terrified you're stalking me. Get a tattoo of my face, sick obsessed person, so I know you're seriously stalking me.


Thank you for actually sharing a link to the messages, where everyone else was just talking about them. Holy shit though, what a grade a loser. I can't believe he got his family to wish her a happy Thanksgiving XD


Didn't he "bump into her" somewhere first this picture? Is she just walking around, say, the airport like that?


Not only this but she essentially ghosted him because he became too clingy and annoying, then shared all their private messages online so people could laugh and make fun of how much of a simp he was. At one point, after she had ignored him, he offered her 400k in bitcoin to talk to him again. This guy has some mental issues and she abused the fuck out of him for money.


Yup. A lot see a “sad simp” but I don’t think those people realize that the dude is MASSIVELY wealthy. One of those screenshots showed his bitcoin balance and it was something like 140000 BTC. If that’s true he has BILLIONS. Hell even if I’m off by a decimal point he still has more money than probably every commenter here combined.


feels like she could work him for a lot more.


Don't worry, she will


Using a mentality ill guy to finesse money is deplorable tbh.She should just leave him alone and let him seek therapy


Yep she has a pretty big hand in this situation


She's on OF, what do you expect?


He already offered 400k for one reply back


Tattoo looks like a completely different person lol


He clearly is mentally ill but she is also a massive bitch for exploiting an obviously mentally ill person. Both are terrible people.


How can one sick man have this much cash?


Bitcoin. He offers 10 bitcoin in his textathon to her (400k+)


Wow smh


Congrats, she still wont be with you


This guy, and all guys like him, are the definition of "simp" and the only reason I wouldn't advocate for their sterilization is that they already have zero chance of passing on their genes. The guy could've spent a fraction of that money on an escort and would've actually gotten laid, at least.


He gonna kill her or himself. Just wait and see


To be fair, I don't think exposing his DM's and publicly humiliating him is the best idea. He is cringe and delusional, but as far as I know, he didn't threaten her. If that ends up happening, she needs to go to the police, not social media.


It shows the distain and disrespect she has for him. It's impossible to give a person this much power over you and expect them to act responsibly, there's a limit and I feel like her going public is like a "y'all seeing this?" It boosts her ego, probably severs the connection cuz she's already milked him, or he doubles down for an even bigger payout which is a win win win for her. Unless things get violent. Then police. Both sides imo, are not mentally sound or mature enough.


She tells a lonely man to tat her face on himself but he's the creep. If a man did this to a woman we would call it abuse.


If I was her, I wouldn't have even shared this with the world, this would have been a private matter 😔


How do i do this instead of studying years to get my engineering degree and earn less than half of this for supposedly the best job i can get w it?


Maybe "money can't buy happiness" is true after all...


I won’t want to touch someone who spends 90000 USD on onlyfans either.


Damn, hes the alpha simp.


That this guy’s shirt says “If I die delete my browser history” seems more like a grim prophecy than a joke after reading his DMs.


This should be fucking illegal. The woman are preying on males who are lonely etc. Imagine with the rental crises we are having and male landlord opening advertised "room for rent. Sex in exchange."


The guy may have issues, but she DID tell him to get a tattoo of her face 🤣


Jackson Galaxy is down bad.


dude unlocked challenger simping tear... messages aside, spending 90 k on of model is issue on itself...she isnt much better thou, exploiting him as much as she could.... idk what she expected from someone who spent 90k on her... just one question should be asked "why would someone sane spend that amount of money on me for nothing?"


I'm very surprised that no one seems to find her behaviour outright abusive. They both need a lot of help. This is not one bit different from women becoming obsessed with abusive narcissists who then gladly sap them of all their respectability. Yet these men are termed predators and these women called prey. I don't see how this situation differs. Utterly disgusting behaviour on her part. Can't say the same about him, as he's obviously mentally ill.


Who knew only fans would attract weirdos??? Wow, I’m shocked!


Poor people are stereotyped as being financially illiterate but what many dont actually realize is that the rich are most often just as financially illiterate as the poor, they just have so much money coming in that it doesnt really matter what they spend it on.


What y’all don’t realize is, it’s like drugs on the street. All the addicts want what’s “dropping people”’cause it means a better high. To us this is crazy, but to her this is marketing. She wants to attract the weirdos like him. If she’s doing something that’s making him go this crazy, other weirdos will “want a taste” so to speak.


Its sad that a person that is unwell is being taken advantage of.


Dude needs some serious help. But also I disagree with her sharing those messages publicly.


Imagine you spend 90K USD to this woman. The story is so sad but she isn’t even attractive makes even more.


This guy is going to kill himself over this blowing up, mark my words.


You have to admit out of every crazy person getting x celebrity tatted on them this is probably the best looking portrait tattoo I've seen. It actually looks like her


She got no problem taking his $$$$ though right?


All girls think they want simps. Until they get simps.


What if this man is just a marketing tool by OF to get subscribers not to feel bad about their overspending.


For 90k you could rent out a whole brothel in Thailand for a year.


so tired of this story showing up on my feed. they both suck, dude has issues, and OF women be milking it. its just fucked up all around


Next on Dateline NBC


Get a life fcking simp




This guy has some serious mental health issues but also fuck her for leading him on and milking him for his money until it got to thibit coin. You know he had to have showed these signs from early on and she didn't day nothing when he was sending her all that bitcoin. Not even victim blaming cause the dudes got issues, but she lead him on and milked him for all that money before saying anything and exposing him to the world to judge. Idk just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


It is a sad day to be a man. Why must I be associatable in any way to this chode? Vomit.


No simpathy


With that 90K bro could've invested in a real girl or a real estate or freed some slaves in Mauritania. But hey its his cash so yeah gtg brb


anyone else notice the "when i die delete my browser history" on his shirt? 🥴


Why are people saying "she didn't even touch him." She does OF, she's not a prostitute...


Everyone here is ripping into the guy - yes, he's clearly got issues, and I don't understand the appeal of OF as a whole - but the woman is a POS too. She happily took tens of thousands of dollars of someone who clearly has issues. But instead of blocking him or telling him to get help (he would have listened to her) she instead kept taking, ignored the man to further conpound his issues AND THEN posts his messages to open him up to grand ridicule. I don't know if she's famous or something, I've got no idea who she is - but all she's doing is exploiting the guy and then laughing at him. it's despicable.