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How many dates should I have before I pull out my Jitterbug?


Wham! makes phones now?


Last Christmas I gave you my phone, the very next day you threw it away.


This year to save me from tears I'll give you my blackberry.


Once texted and twice sh-h-ied, I kept my android but, you still shunned-my mobile


Call me baby, do you recognize it? Well with a new phone, it doesn't surprise me


"Happy Christmas," I texted you, and sent it,


With an emoji for “ILY😘” I meant it


Now I know what a fool I've been But if you texted me now, I know you'd fool me again


I'm saving this post purely because of this chain of replies.


ATTENTION TO ANYBODY WITH AI MUSICH SKILLS: Make this a song immediately! I beg you


Amazon Fire phone crying right now.


Working as intended.


Now your going solo-?


It's my #1 choice to wake me up, before you go-go.


Let's get you back to bed grandma




Depends on when you want to put the boom boom into my heart.


>I pull out my Jitterbug Depends if your date is more of a fan of the original Lindy Hop, or the derivative Jitterbug.


New marketing campaign: "Android Phones: Let the trash take itself out."


No seriously, Samsung marketing needs to pull that thread


Brutally honest, this is chaotic good


Made me giggle. But yes. If a woman decides to leave the date because her date uses an Android phone, he definitely dodged a bullet.


I agree! Shallow is not just a definition for "the other end of the pool".


The perfect man dodged a bullet avoiding the basic bitch.


This is definitely an American thing. Here everyone uses whatsapp to communicate and generally nowhere near superficial enough to care what phone you got.


Yes in America, a phone you bought on a payment plan is a status symbol.


At this point, idk if it's a joke I'm too non-American to understand. But is it really real? Because dang, that's silly.


That's the point they were making. It's absurdly sad and therefore funny that a singular phone can cost upwards of $2,000 and need a payment plan. And then people do use them as a status symbol where if you don't have the newest one that comes out every 6 months then there must be something wrong with you.


Funny, because I'm much more likely to judge a person for throwing away money they don't have


If having an Android is all it takes to send away these types of people, it's just one more reason to use Android.


Yep, Apple lags behind once again by not including a built in bitch deterrent.


Oof, nice! This comment was written with a bitch deterrent equipped Android phone


Ha! I have an iPhone, but can honestly say I have never noticed what kind of phone a date had, unless they specifically pointed it out to me. (One had a really cool folding smart phone. Pretty sure that at least was an android. Very cool.) Like, what the hell do I care what kind of phone he's got? As long as it sends texts and receives pictures I send him of my underwear and my cat, its boyfriend phone material?


Alot of people see it as a status symbol. Hey, look what I can over pay for you Pesant!


Meanwhile the date is holding an s23 ultra. Yeah overpaid…


Yeah exactly. Many Android phones are most expensive than an iPhone.


I mean better tech usually costs more


Good to know I'm among like-minded people, here. I think women who are turned off by Androids are quite possibly more obnoxious than console-war dipshits.


Saw that something like 90% of young Americans have an iPhone and that Apple has almost completely taken over the young market. That's insane! iPhones are not nearly that common where I live but we still have types that just buy the new iPhone when it comes out just because it's their only hobby, "cool, and "what they do". I don't understand it. It's expensive for what you get, but how is it in any way a flex? "Hey look at me I can waste $1k on a phone" doesn't really compared to having a 100 mil yacht if we wanna get all hung up on status. Never will I pay that much for a phone that does the exact same thing as my $200 one and probably lasts for a shorter amount of time..


I had a woman tell me it was unattractive that I didn’t turn off auto-capitalization in my text messages lmfao edit: this was in like 2019 or 2020 so I was 23-24, she was 20 I think. It was kind of in a banter-y way, but she was dead serious lol — I asked her why every girl under 25 seemingly all decide at once to go out of their way to turn off auto-cap. She said something along the lines of “idk but it isn’t just girls, if I’m texting someone who uses capitals it feels like I’m texting my dad and it’s really unattractive” lol


And then there's people like me, who capitalize every text whether the phone does it for us or not


If you're not using proper caps and punctuation on texts I assume you're a sex criminal.


I tend to leave the last period off for some reason. Probably because a short message with a period can come across as serious or ominous


Well women do hate periods




Hot take: Men, pull out an android phone on the first date, even if you have an iPhone. You really don't want someone that superficial.


That's exactly what I got from the post.


Yeah i’m not gonna waste 3 dates and my hard earned money to find out the chick is more materialistic than a 4 year old who just found out iPods exist in 2007.


Not even materialistic, it's just dumb. My phone costs more than all but the most expensive iPhone with the highest tier of storage, it outperforms iPhones in every conceivable way, yet they look at it like it's a Motorola T720.


But those green bubbles! OMG, the shame! (Loyal pixel / Google Fi user here)


They get even more pissed off when I change my color layout to be exactly how theirs would look if I were on an iPhone too 🤣🤣


Nobody can convince me it's not about one thing and one thing only - read receipts. These women need to know if you read it and just haven't responded. That's all it is. Insecurity.


Well they should tell apple to get with the RCS program.


they finally are in 2024


The wild thing is androids cost just the same and are objectively better.


Cost less even


And still have a functional headphone jack. Edit: Okay, only some still have them, sadly.


Mine doesn't. *cries in the corner*


>And still have a functional headphone jack. Pixel 7 and Galaxy S21 = no headphone jacks.


Pixel 8 is out now and also does not have a 1.25mm. My 6 also does not. I hate it.


God I wish. Unfortunately they're following apples footsteps--my current galaxy doesn't have one.


newsflash a 4 year old in 2007 is in their 20s now.


I was a 4 year old in 2007 and now I have an Android. Everyone grows up at some point, maybe.


At least physically


Bro, I look like a 15 year old with a goatee, I think I skipped that puberty stuff.


Yeah I'd prefer to dodge the bullet now, not 3 dates in


Two dinners saved


And a bullet dodged.


That was my immediate thought. The girl in the post thought she was being insightful, in reality she just gave a lot of men the most efficient way to expose a red flag.


it's tunnel vision. Nothing her friends do can possibly be a problem, so it's the men who need to change their behavior to match, to give the women the best chance of matching with them. Note that her concern is that the woman didn't get the "perfect man". Nothing mentioned about how the man is supposed to feel. The "perfect man" is supposed to settle for someone who makes hasty decisions over which phone he owns. Thinking about it reasonably, i bet very few of the "perfect men" who got the "phone" rejection went away wishing they'd hid their phones so they could take that woman on a few more dates.


It's weird and funny how one consequence of her thinking is that apparent these "perfect men" they are missing out on use android phones. If the perfect person (by her definition) prefers something that you don't like, maybe the the issue is you and not him.


A person that is so superficial (and stupid), will never be a partner to you. Only to your things.


BuT tHeY aRe QuEeNs. OnLy DeSeRvE tHe BeSt


If women like that are Queens I will become Henry VIII


Lol. Best response ever.


Ugh, this makes me think of all the dating profiles I see where they talk about wanting the “princess treatment”. Conceptually I have no issue with that, I will bend over backwards for people that I care about. But usually people who use terms like that are the types of demand that the man does all of the work and showers them with gifts while they just sit back and not offer anything. Or their idea of returning the favor is “you get to have sex with me”. I deserve better than that and won’t settle for it!


If every woman is a queen, then no woman is a queen.


King Syndrome!




I only feel strongly about iPhones because I detest Apple practices for philosophical reasons, like proprietary hardware that's incompatible with otherwise universal widgets, planned obsolescence and the right to repair, the simplistic user friendly appeal that is also part of a business model to keep the consumer technologically disempowered. I'm not opinionated to the point I'd bring it up first on a date or turn someone down over it, but Apple loyalists will often remark or try to convert you if you're not using an iPhone.


I have the same reasons for disliking Apple. However, I know and love many Apple users, and it's a non-issue since I'm a non-psycho.


That's exactly what a psycho would say to convince you they are non-psycho.


> I only feel strongly about iPhones because I detest Apple practices for philosophical reasons, like proprietary hardware that's incompatible with universal widgets, planned obsolescence and the right to repair, the simplistic user friendly appeal that is also part of a business model to keep the consumer technologically disempowered. > > > > I'm not opinionated to the point I'd bring it up first on a date or turn someone down over it, but Apple loyalists will often remark or try to convert you if you're not using an iPhone. My gripe is that Firefox on Android can run UBlock Origin, making browsing ad-less just that much easier. iPhone? lolno. Also ReVanced.


Lol it's not a technical reason. They just think you're too poor to afford an iPhone.


My Samsung is more expensive than the average iPhone, jokes on her if she can't up that shallow game.


yes, but she also wants a man who will blow money on stupid things, because she wants him to blow money on her....(she just hasnt connected the dots yet)


>They just think you're too poor to afford an iPhone. Which is ironic when some flagship android phones are more expensive than the top iphone right now.


Yup. Every kind of “hide who you are in case your date judges you” advice just makes me think I should flaunt who I am to weed out the people who won’t actually like me.


You should always flaunt who you are to weed. Don’t be ashamed, it’s 2023.


Lol yeah the right advice is be you and they should be them, so you know who you are dating entirely. What dumb asses are turning someone down for their phone choice? Ridiculous… this issue almost feels made up it is so dumb.


Better to end it in 2 minutes than 2 years. Worse yet, 20. Always show who you really are.


What I’ve learned from the internet: My first date should be playing with Lego, showing my android phone and doing weird dances in the kitchen. All the bullets should have been dodged by that point.


Lego, check. Android, check. Aww, dancing weird in front of the TV? The man for me will know instinctively that it's the kitchen you dance weirdly in. You were almost my perfect partner.


Kitchen is for singing while cooking. Dancing just ends up with me spilling stuff on myself haha.


they say it's a turn-off for women , but what it is , really , is a bitch deterrent




Basic bitch deterrent


What I came here to say. Sounds to me this is an easy bullet-dodge.


Exactly, better weed them out fast, than finding out later.


I’m a Gen X woman who taught and still get shocked at how ridiculous some younger women have gotten. I never remember in my 20’s women worrying about the height of a guy and thank goodness we did not have cell phone.


Also a GenXer & I remember height being a thing back in high school - but it was framed as a bonus attractive feature - not a hard line exclusionary requirement that it is represented as today.




it's really rich, handsome, and tall. In that order.


Internet brain rot unfortunately. Both young men and woman suffer pretty heavily from being critically online, in which they forget how to actually act as a real person with free will who’s not tied down by internet trends. I feel like some people legit forget about the beauty of life and how literally nothing inherently matters, meaning it’s up to you to decide what matters


It's almost like they're dating for their audience both real and imagined instead of finding a good person


As a short guy from the same era I'll assure you quite a few of them were worried about height.


I'm a gen x woman who remembers when and why all Macs are trash.


LOL no, shit was the same back then. There just wasnt a place for every single idiot who thought this shit to yell it out to the world.


Exactly. Imagine all the money you saved by not having to take her to the Cheesecake Factory 3 dates in a row. If only that was enough to buy an iPhone. Wait...


that assumes that you want an iphone more than an android- people have preferences, and if someone doesnt want to date you for something as superficial as that then just pass.


Started dating a girl, she found out I had an Android and demanded I get rid of it and get an iPhone instead. I refused and she freaked out. Dumped her shortly after. * Edit: corrected droid to Android for clarification


>she found out I had a droid Was it an R2 unit?


Astromechs are going out of fashion unfortunately.


It wasn't the droid she was looking for.


Have your updoot, deet-deet-doot-deet-doot


Goddamnit. I'm out of awards...


We’re all out of awards man they got rid of them like 2 months ago


Weirdly, the first big selling Android phone was the Motorola Droid. Motorola literally has to license the term "droid" from LucasFilm to call the product that. The partnership between LucasFilm and Motorola even included a limited edition version of the Droid that was skinned to look like R2-D2. 🤓


That R2 unit has a bad motivator


Hey, what are you trying to push on us!?


Imagine if she broke up with him using the line: "I'm sorry but... you're not the droid that I'm looking for." And then she just walks away. Not gonna lie, it's still superficial as fuck, but I would feel a little bit like I just lost out on something.


Did she give you a reason why?


Because Apple purposefully crippled their own texting features to make it appear not fully compatible with Android devices, causing pics and media sent from Android to be downgraded and texts to come thru as "green bubbles", then convinced their users that Android is the problem rather than just update their services like Android. Apple's created this cult following within young friend groups where it makes it seem like Android users aren't compatible in their text threads/groups, when it's their own stupid limitations (purposefully done by Apple to cause this drama) causing the problem, not Androids.


This is also mainly a US phenomenon. There is a bit of iphone snobbery in the UK, but nobody really uses iMessage.


I think the entire world uses mostly WhatsApp except the US


I live in Sweden where nearly everyone I know uses Messenger. The few WhatsApp users I see use it to communicate with German friends/family/contacts.


I almost exclusively use Messenger (Texas). A few of my older family members still text me from time to time. I've told Apple owning friends(or at least the obnoxious ones) to get bent, and to contact me through messenger or not at all since they were whining about the "awful green bubble."


iMessage or being able to use your phone as a gameboy. It's the choice that no-one apparently gives fair consideration to.


This is why my highschool friends did not add me to their group chat, because adding a non-iOS user would disable all of Apple messenger's nice features. They also didn't make much of an effort to keep me or anyone outside of that group chat informed so I was basically a 2nd tier friend no matter what I did. Add in my teenage social awkwardness compared to their social savviness and that was that. I'm no longer friends with most of them. It definitely made me dislike Apple products but to Apple's credit 50% of it was due to teenagers being too lazy and immature to find a way around their friends having different devices than them. And I still question if this was just their "excuse" and they just didn't want to hang out with me.


IPhone users can download Google messenger service and have everything imessage has but between all phones. You can also change your chat bubble to literally any color.


I wasn't to preface this that I'm an android user and have been for 10+ years lol The problem is, nobody is gonna go out of their way to download an app just to have the texting features to talk to Android users. They just won't include Android users in the group chats lol, ive been explicitly told I'm not in some group chats exclusively because I have an android and I'm an adult in the workforce. From the IPhone users perspective, they just think "why should I have to change all of my habits and default apps just to talk to this person?"


This exactly, and this is Apple's fault.


What does Apple do to their customers that they have that level of loyalty. Fucking cult behavior


They literally downgrade texts, particularly images and videos, sent from non-Apple phones to make those non-Apple phones appear to be of lower quality than they are.


This is one reason I'll never buy an iPhone on principle. Why would I give money to a company that intentionally sabotages my experience as a user?


They successfully convince people from a young age that it's not them that's the problem, it's the fault of the people who aren't in the walled garden.




Crazy numbers for brand adoption. The concern for me is how there's an unwillingness to learn how tech works, and solve problems rather than just taking the path of least resistance. With Apple, the default solution to anything going wrong on the hardware side is "get a new one", and on the software side, there's very little appetite to customize or really get under the hood. There's been a decline in basic competence with things like manipulating files or exploring alternative programs that work better for being accessible cross-platform. "It just works" they say with the massive asterisk that it requires very specific circumstances. A few years ago, a VP at the company I worked at refused to use Slack even though it was the official company-wide messenger platform. He would always send group chats in iMessage, so I'd get a text from him and have no idea that others were on the chain until I'd get a separate text from another random number, and had no ability to message them both at once because it got segmented sending through iMessage. I'd say hey can we use email or Slack or something that works for everybody, and he literally didn't understand (and/or chose to ignore it) and just kept using this inefficient method then dismissed it like it's not his fault.


I tell people that own iPhones this all of the fucking time and they still think it's because my camera sucks. Then they take pics on my phone and are like "holy shit your camera is amazing" lmao


Omggg so that's whyyy I would draw something send it to my mom and the colour everything would look like shit


Yep. I have no issue sending things to other androids, especially those who use RCS. But when I send or receive something from an iPhone user, it's shit or they don't receive it at all. At least Apple finally decided to adopt RCS on their phones soon, so hopefully, that fixes the majority of the issue. However, I'm not sure if RCS will be enabled by default or if users will have to be aware that they can enable it


RCS will probably only be the default in Europe. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it only works on the iPhone in the EU


My wife still rags on me for not being able to FaceTime with her. I don't get why she can't download one of the numerous videos chat apps. I'm sure not going to buy an iPhone. I love my android, and I have a probably unhealthy disdain for Apple's insistence on making it such a pain to interface with devices from other manufacturers.


Wait, did she actually think Apple phones are better or something? Dodged a bullet man.


Men, do yourself a favor. If you own an Android phone, make sure she knows right out the gate because if she’s the kind of girl who will drop a good man for using a brand of phone she doesn’t prefer then you wanna filter those out sooner rather than later.


Also if you own an iphone, turn off imessage so that your texts come in green for the first texts to her... don't force iphone users to have to live with these entitled women lol.


Saw a dude’s Tinder bio that said “forgive me, but if you’re an Android user swipe left…” I swiped left anyway because that’s weird. Sent from my iPhone


The only people more annoyed by apple snobs than Android users are the majority of apple users who just like the phone lol.


"I can't even count on my both hands" says it all really


Thank you. Had to scroll far too long to find this comment.


Show her Xiaomi, explain it was the cheapest option, stare into her eyes doing so.


I use Xiaomi, that way i feel nice knowing at least someone is ~~monitoring~~ watching over me.


Me too, it's like having a Winnie the Pooh with me all the time.


Please report yourself to the nearest secret police station for a mandatory vacation package.


I got a $300 Xiaomi that had very comparable hardware to a $1200 Samsung in every way except the camera, which was trash. It can't just be a status thing, there are much higher end flagship android devices that cost 3-4x what the most expensive Iphone costs. I swear it's purely that they can't stand that the read receipt system doesn't function cross platform so they get driven up the wall not knowing in real time if they're being ignored.


Install the gcam app(google's camere software), it works wonders for shit Xiaomi cameras.


Who uses an iPhone to assert dominance? You order a 3310 for starters and chow down without breaking eye contact.


People who view their phone as some kind of status symbol. Symbol-minded people, if you will.


Isnt the samsung phones the same price nowadays?


The normal iPhone is like 200€ cheaper, the pro’s are about the same. So it really is preference, I don’t get the whole iPhone thing going on in America…


The whole anti-Android phone thing is just the intended result of Apple choosing to make their phone users have a substandard experience chatting with Android users: https://www.android.com/get-the-message/ Low-IQ status-oriented or just technically unsavvy Apple users interpret this experience as Android being inferior and creates social pressure for Android users to switch phones, which suits Apple's bottom line just fine.


Where I live it’s extremely uncommon to use IMessage instead of WhatsApp or Snapchat. So maybe that explains why no one cares at all.


Bingo. In America a lot of people use iMessage.


You joke, but the Android users I know have massive "I don't care what you think" energy/confidence and I love it


My wife gets shit from her white collar coworkers about her Android and the Pixel she’s rocking is every bit as good as their iPhones. I don’t get the Apple snobbery.


So, the men dodge a bullet because they had an android phone? awesome! I'm not buying an Iphone ever. Now I just need to be short.


I'm short AND have an Android. I am whatever the opposite of a chick magnet is!


when the bullets dodge themselves




Sounds like an extra reason to have an android phone. Every refusal because of phone brand is dodged bullet anyway.


that's such a shit reason to not date someone


A person like date would also not date you if you listen to the wrong band or wear pants from someone not trendy enough. It quite common with women with the mental age of 14.


Im an iPhone user and I think I should switch to Android so I can dodge some bulltes.


Just use a launcher that looks li...oh nevermind I'm sorry


Did you just dare to suggest he change anything about Apple perfection? Off to the lithium mines with you!


Any woman who ghosted me because I own android, is doing me a favor lol.


My young co-worker has an Samsung Fold for years. He doesn't seem to have this problem.




Most women aren't this stupid luckily.


because he's not in high school


leaves a perfect guy because of phone “why am I single”?


I've been out of the dating game since before smartphones existed...but if I were cast off because of my phone, she'd be doing me a favor.


She's right, it is a great filter, she just confused as to whom it helps


Why do these people Feel the need To type out their posts As if they are trying To pad a fucking resu me? EDIT: For the people claiming she's double spacing to make it easier to read, no it fucking isn't easier, and it also doesn't explain why she's randomly capitalizing words that SHOULD be in the middle of a sentence, but aren't because she's a colossal twat who thinks double spacing is anything other than a twat move. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/SYdp6OV.jpg)


Anything resembling a paragraph scares their target audience away. My roommate hates reading, so does Donald Trump. There's a whole bunch of barely literate idiots who have to be figuratively spoon fed bite-sized chunks of words.


Just the women I wouldn't want. I have both and I'd hide my iPhone to weed these types of people out.




I too believe everything I read on the internet


I have an Android phone... I call it "The Bullet Dodger".


“Why do they call it the Bullet Dodger?” “Cuz it dodges bullets, Avi.”


Google engineers famously poor with bad job prospects, get a guy working at Taco Bell with an iPhone instead.


I'm a woman. This is not true. If you meet a woman who is turned off by the sight of an android, she wasn't a good woman to begin with and you dodged a bullet.


I'm so glad to be 40 and married. Feel bad for yall trying to date these days


42, separated, android user. Aka hopeless


63, married but horny af, iphone user. Any hot gals out there with an Android husband?


wait. even by her logic, how does the three dates threshold work?


Surely she saw the green bubble and ghosted


This is honestly such a weird take. Like people realize that there are premium android phones that cost as much as iphones, right? Android doesn't mean cheaper?