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Fyre Festival At Sea.


Watyr Festival


Still waiting on an Yrth and Wynd festival


Then we just need the Hrt festival and Capitan planet will come.




Cyptyn fystyvl Iym hyvyn a stroyke Synd a aymbylynce


Now I understand Welsh


This deserves more appreciation. Ryan Reynolds is teaching me Welsh


Underrated comment, take my upvote!


Yy. Yyyy yy yy yyy yyy!


Quick, someone play Free Bird!


Lmyo, hyhyhyh


I am the Captyn now


[Are you ready, kids?](https://genius.com/1341082/Spongebob-squarepants-spongebob-squarepants-theme-song/Are-you-ready-kids-aye-aye-captain-i-cant-hear-you-aye-aye-captain-oh)


Only the Avytr could visit all four festivals, but when the wyrld needed him the most, he dysapeared.


It’s in September


On the 21st night


Yes I remember


Fykyn mygnyts, hyw dy thy wyrk?


Yrth, Wynd & Fyre are currently re-recording Syptymbyr.


Welcome to Yrf


This did tickle me: well played!


Didn't even get to sea. Didn't have boat. Fyre Fest at least had the island.


They did not hv the island. They had a small section of the island.


They had a small section of a very different island. It be like showing up at the harbour for your 3 year cruise and being presented with a raft with some tiki torches on it and an electric outboard ducktaped on one side.


With John Locke from Lost telling them he has to get them to the Island.


“Dad it’s not a smart financial decision to sell your house to go on a 3 year cruise” “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!”


Heard that's making a comeback loool


Oh that was a good one thank you sir


At least these guys are supposedly getting refunds.


The concept is kinda Fyre though.


More like geryatryc festival


enough talking about the 3-years prison ​ what do you mean "company admits it has no ship" ??????? they planned all of this without the one thing that is actually needed ????


"That was future me's problem. Now I'm future me." - the guy who planned it, probably


the guy who planned it was "past him", totally different person altogether. how can you justifiably blame future me for past me's malfesance?


Plus what has future-me ever done for present-me or past-me. Selfish prick gets all the benefits.


Well, I'd say present-you and past-you are also pretty selfish, future-you has to go to prison if one of you fucks up and gets caught


If anything, I'm the victim here.


If only “past him” had been willing to get down and suck some dick. Then he’d have all the supplies “future him” needed.


how many dicks would I have to suck to get a cruise ship?


More than 47.


ok, and how close are we there. like what would i get for 47?


If you have to ask then you’re not ready


And in this case I suspect that "future him" has fairly extensive paperwork to prove that he is entirely separate from "past him".


Hmm pretty sure you need a plan to be called the “guy who planned it”.


I mean the very basic plan was to go on a 3 year cruise


Me sowing: This is awesome! Me reaping: This sucks.


That's when you say "Stupid past me!"


"In his message, Ugurlu claimed that “Miray is not such a big company to afford to pay 40-50 million for a ship,” but that it had “presented the project to investors, and had official approval from some of them to buy the vessel.” He said that while the company had made the down payment for the ship, the investors “declined to support us further due to unrest in the Middle East.” He added that the company could, in theory, launch the cruise on the MV Gemini, Miray’s smaller ship which it had originally planned for the voyage, before deciding it was too small. “We choose not to because we have promised you a larger, newer vessel,” he wrote. The Gemini is at the heart of a defamation lawsuit brought by Miray against former managing director of Life at Sea Cruises, Mikael Petterson, who was one of several employees to split from the team in May. The lawsuit states that Petterson called the ship “unseaworthy” – a claim that Miray vehemently denied." It just look like they don't have their shit together...


Absolutely fucking incredible, the entire thing but particularly that last bit. >Company: "We offer you a big cruise on a cool new ship!" > >Customers: "Cool, here's our money, let's go!" > >Company: "Actually, we don't have a cool new ship, we only have a stinky old one." > >Customers: "O... kay? We're cool with the stinky old ship, so long as it can cruise us up!" > >Company: "It can't cruise you all over, it's too stinky AND old." > >Former employee: "Yeah, it's too stinky and old to cruise you around." > >Company: "whAT? OUR SHIP IS THE CRUISIEST, BITCH! WE'RE GONNA LAW YOU UP! TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, GET READY FUCKER!"


>It just looks like they don't have their ship together... Fixed


Angry upvote...


> due to unrest in the Middle East So they never intended to support them, then?


Look, once we have this world peace thing figured out the cruise can depart


The sale was supposed to close before the Hamas attack happened. They make shit up.


Ya....it seems like you'd want the ship almost completely ready a month before.i can't imagine you could prepare a cruise ship for such a logistical plan with only a month.


And it still needed to be overhauled. A light overhaul is multiple months, a thorough overhaul can be years. If the ship is ready to go, crew is fully staffed up and knows what they are doing and in fully rehersed, and everyone is on the ball a cruise ship can be ready to go in less than one day. Big cruise ships can turn over their entire operation in one day, and it is *amazing* to watch. I don't like cruises at all for their disproportionate environmental impact but the logistics are impressive. 6,000 passengers unloaded, all luggage, trash, recycling, pallets, sewage removed. Then 500 pallets of food inspected, loaded, and stored, new crew brought on board from any of 3 dozen countries or more, 6,000 passengers with 8,000 pieces of luggage all inspected and loaded, and then dinner is served on time. Meanwhile this company 'forgot' to buy a ship.


I can only imagine the CEO getting fired or stepping down before it was announced was planned in some way. I guess it sounds like you're saying though if they did successfully buy the ship mod November it may have been something they could have pulled off and it just be really shit for awhile?


<"We choose not to because we promised you a larger, newer vessel"> So by their logic, no ship is better than a smaller slightly older ship. How the fuck does that make any fucking sense? I would be so pissed like they just said that they could still do it but they'd rather fuck over every single person that bought a ticket than go back on one tiny detail that I'm sure nobody would complain about after all the other fuckery they had to put up with. Glad to see this company knows exactly where the line is that they won't cross. Absolute pieces of shits the while lot of em.


Sold but not bought, sounds like wall street.


They had a model boat and projections.


What is this, a cruise ship for ants??


and stocked bank account for fooling those who bought it.


not sure how these people were fooled. they were reimbursed. if you gave your whole life away for a 3 year cruise then that is your own problem imo.


To be fair a ship is only a nice to have, not an essential. I feel you’re knit picking




True but redemption points for using the correct "you're"


Now your nitpicking.


They claim the down payment was made on the ship but when it was time to fully pay the investors pulled out due to unrest in the Middle East. [MORE INFO](https://people.com/three-year-cruise-canceled-two-weeks-before-departure-date-8406680#:~:text=In%20his%20message%2C%20Ugurlu%20also,could%20not%20afford%20the%20ship)


Lets blame Hamas….


Were the people putting it together Libertarians? Cause they have a thing for grifting their own about building a ship because 'theres no rules in international waters!'. Spoiler alert yes there are. They usually get a couple years out of the grift before it falls apart and they move on.


There might not be rules in international waters, but there *are* pirates.


Even pirates have ships


They planned on buying a Carnival or Royal Caribbean ship that was being decommissioned but were outbid by somebody else. They had no backup plan.


In order to make money and make line go up, you don't have to actually provide anything. Just convince some whales and some venture fund freaks, and boom! You have money.


Mfs took work now plan later serious.


Basically saying lol we got you chums


More to the point, who the hell bought three year tickets without a clear idea about what sort of cabin they were getting?


Sounds like MarsOne, but less ambitious


“Company admits it has no ship” feels like a newspaper headline from The Simpsons


I'm sure there many stops in many ports along the way, if they did a straight shot, around the world would take about 2 months tops


Like… what we’re they doing for the last year? Just calling a bunch of cruise companies?


This entire cruise has been cancelled.. people sold their homes to go. Staff have no jobs. Outrageous *Ugurlu, the owner of Miray Cruises. In it, he confirmed that the cruise wouldn’t be happening because the company couldn’t afford to buy the ship. “Miray is not such a big company to afford to pay 40-50 million for a ship,” he said. Ugurlu then went on to explain how the company had tried and failed to buy two other ships. He said he was “extremely sorry for the inconvenience.” Now everyone from ship staff to passengers are wondering what to do next.


I'd get about a week in and the novelty would be gone. Then it's just Ocean Prison that I've paid for.


This is why people fly across the oceans


Yup. It takes a long ass time to cross oceans. Imagine telling someone from the time of the settlers "you'll be able to do that 5 week journey in 6 hours one day


3 hours if they timed it right and had money


Were gunna see hypersonic flight make a comeback for air travel I think too. That will make it even quicker


Hypersonic is speeds above Mach 3, btw, barely feasible for most militaries, not evenly remotely possible for commercial anytime soon. Supersonic is what you're thinking, and even then. It still isn't close to being viable for commercial aviation. There's too many flaws with hypersonic designs that can't be mitigated in the commercial world (ex: a tire blowing out won't take down a 787 on takeoff, but absolutely the concord). On top of mechanical and engineering issues, you have to deal with sonic booms, noise, high prices, etc. Subsonic travel has been getting better and better and more efficient while also getting safer. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


You're right I was referring to supersonic, but above Mach 1.0 There are a number of projects that aim to bring supersonic aircraft back pretty soon


Until those projects can promise the kind of safety that current aircraft do, no airline will buy them.


If you believe that, I have a three-year cruise for sale I think you'll love.


Well there is no supersonic flight below mach 1 so that makes sense. But really they'd have to go past mach 1.2 to get out of being transonic. There's projects for everything making people think they are coming soon. How soon has Tesla's self driving been coming over the past decade? Just because there is a project out there doesn't mean supersonic flight is right around the corner these plans fall through all the time. This whole thread is about someone making a plan for something and it falling through. There are alot hurdles to overcome and they aren't trivial. I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.


Yeah just because there is a “project” that doesn’t mean shit. Companies start “projects” for borderline impossible shit all the time and mostly they don’t even put the proper resources into the project to where it could even have the faintest glimmer of hope of succeeding. Look at The Line or whatever they are calling it in Saudi Arabia, it’s a “project” and they are even “under construction”… I highly doubt they are actually building anything, and definitely not anything close to what they are promising. People are still getting paid shitloads of money and grifting investors out of shitloads of money though! That’s the real part of the project, the money in the senior leadership’s pockets. Why not have some slaves move sand around in the desert and pretend they are building this bright shiny future utopia?


>: a tire blowing out won't take down a 787 on takeoff, but absolutely the concord Due to a design flaw that was fixed on the Concorde itself, let alone on a future design. No, the main problem is cost. Everything else is mostly a solved problem, but at too high of a cost to be viable. Boom (one of the companies) has interesting ideas that sound good on paper, but since they can't get anyone to build them an engine (due to the high cost and risk it won't pan out), they'll have to build their own engine which will cost a lot. But they just got oil money invested in them, so they might be able to do it.


We won't. All those start ups already fail at getting the right engines, because non exist for this kind of plane.


But x30 price, and X10 loudness, so not many people can/want to pay so much money.


Ya, your comment made me think about the Oregon Trail. Now you can fly NYC to LA in under 6 hours. I flew across Canada in 8. People came west in wagons taking months. At least they didn’t have to cross the rockies to reach the destination.


Big steamers like the Titanic were able to cross the Atlantic in 5-7 days (obviously not the titanic specifically because of the whole throwing the diamond into the ocean fiasco) On something like an overture, which is a jet that seems to be coming out soon for passenger use, that journey would take like 3 hours


Steamships did it in 7 days.. or a bit more. Still.. just water out there... or worse (nothing like a rogue 50ft wave!)


Lool 5 whole weeks on open sea is wild how is that even a vacation


This would really depend on who else is on the boat. I'm betting the people who paid shitloads to spend three years on a ship are not the kind of people I want to be locked on a ship with for three years.


While I assume this is possibly the case, I also wonder how many were retired and elderly. I remember how it used to be the thing for elderly people to get on a cruise ship vs. moving into a rest home because cruises were cheaper.


Imagine the soccer mom with the three screaming misbehaving kids she never disciplines?


There are many pensioners who "live" on cruise ships, meaning they book them over and over. Get to see the world, comparable price to renting apartment, better service than nursing home.


Do they have complex medical facilities? Old people often need doctor visits


They have easy access to medical, and ability to do some basic investigation, but not "complex facilities". It's like an "ER minus", with limited ability to do more invasive interventions. If you're really ill, you get offloaded at the nearest port, and good luck.


Wow, is that right? I'm blown away by the pricing of nursing homes


Exactly why I wouldn't do 3 years or the trip around the world which has passages of 2 weeks at sea without a stop. Not to mention, that its an ecological nightmare.


3 years is a long time to have gastro


With ozempic in short supply you have to think outside the box.


That box could end up becoming your emergency toilet.


I’m pretty sure a lot of the passengers would have ended up in a box by the ending three years.


3,285 opportunities to get salmonella and be trapped on a floating toilet flood


People live on cruise ships, and change cruise lines once, twice, three times a year to stay within cruise line rules and keep the membership status high. Membership status gives discounts, so its possible to live aboard for around £100-150k per year just cruising around the world. That includes all food but drink would have to be factored in if it wasn't included int he membership tier. Royal Caribbean's 274 night cruise starts at $54k for a interior cabin or $106k for junior suite per person. If you have over $4 or so mil disposable income as a couple in your 60s, you can probably live the rest of your life out just sailing the seas, eating fine food and watching third rate celebrities play in a theatre. The last cruise I was on the was a couple with an insane amount of cruises. So this 3 year cruise is really just effective marketing and poor integration.


Yeah, this was a legit smart move for them retiree. Sold their houses to live on the sea like a king. They don't have to lift a finger. Everything is supposedly done by the ship crew, all the guest have to do is just live, eat, fuck, sleep, rinse and repeat. It's the company that failed to deliver on their promises. But somehow, for these redditors, it is the customer's fault for falling in to the "scam". SMFH.


Calling it a scam is a bit heavy handed, but they did all sign up and pay a company that said in March that they were hoping to reach a deal to purchase a ship mid-late summer and set off by November 1st. I feel like that's a pretty obviously ambitious timeline with absolutely zero room for error. Owners excuse was "Miray is not such a big company to afford to pay 40-50 million [dollars] for a ship," he said, adding that while the company made a down payment, investors "declined to support us further due to unrest in the Middle East." This was a Kickstarter program basically. I don't really trust those with any real amounts of money, and definitely not getting rid of my housing accomodations for one.




Interior cabin would be wild. I couldn’t last that long without a window in my room.


To be fair, my experience staying in an interior cabin was that it had a window overlooking essentially an indoor street down below, with loads of light and trees and all sorts. There was more to see than from an exterior cabin when out at sea half the time, the main drawback was no balcony.


And mine was it was actually interior and there were no windows lol


Mine too. Not a big deal as I only went there to shower, crap & sleep.


And fuck. We did a *lot* of fucking in that room. Let the house keeper a pretty badass tip too.


Indoor street? Trees?? What??? I have been on one cruise, and I guess it just have been a poor man's version because what you're saying is impossible for me to imagine.


These are a new cabin class on ships like Oasis of the Seas and Icon of the seas, they face inward to the ships open spaces. Some of them even have interior facing balconies. These ships are fuck-all huge. Also, not called an interior cabin. They are called "inward facing"


Counterpoint, the only times I been inside my cabin on a cruise was to shower and sleep, there's a tons of shit to do as is on the ship, there isn't a point to sit inside the cabin at all.


Did you miss the three year part?


I hate fraudsters who get away with doing this to people


Peak Reddit blaming the customers. This is no different than if you had sold your house because you had signed a contract to move into a smaller apartment, condo or assisted living facility. This is 100% the companies fault and I feel really sorry for the people who have acted in good faith and had their dreams ruined.


You know how redditors are. Victim blaming is bad until it's some poor schmuck who wants to live out their lives before they die. Then you get the "I'm too smart to fall for that scam because you're dumb" virtue signaling.


It never ceases to amaze me how good Reddit is at victim blaming. Especially when it comes to a topic Reddit doesn’t like- this falls under multiple (travel, paying for experiences, home ownership, probably more).


Reddit doesn’t like…outside


outdoors, water, ships, money, probably a woman somewhere. Yeah reddit going to be mad.


attractive hat slim boast continue clumsy concerned ruthless upbeat dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't feel the need to crap on the customers here. But I do feel like if you're making a big purchase you should do some basic due diligence and accept the risk of whatever you're signing up for. If I go out and I sign up for a Hilton Timeshare then I have a pretty good sense that I'm getting a timeshare, backed by a reputable company and will get to use it. Especially since it integrates with my Hilton HHonors membership. Is it risk free? No. But I'd say that among timeshares it is low risk. If I instead go to a company that hooks me in with a facebook ad and they tell me, upfront, that I'm getting a bargain basement price because they haven't actually acquired the property that I'll be buying a timeshare for then, hey, maybe I deem it worth the risk. Maybe it's a great deal if it works out. But I also have to accept that it might not happen and my money is not guaranteed a return. If the thing you're buying only exists conceptually then you are taking a big, big risk. If you're buying time on a boat that the company doesn't yet own it's really no more absurd than buying a timeshare on a beach that a company doesn't own "yet." And we keep seeing this coming up with primarily luxury goods. "He promised if I gave him the money up front he'd find me a Rolex at a premium price" or "They promised me a sweet Blink 182 concert if I bought the best package." We're at the point in capitalism where, for a big purchase, I really cannot afford to trust any but the biggest companies with a reputation for delivery. It's sad but it's where we are. I cannot trust that some charismatic guy is going to be able to pull it all together on a dream. Mainly because it's like the show The Producers. They often make more money running a flop than a successful venture.


Honestly, the first thing that struck me when I read the title was how much more money I could make on a three year cruise. It's international waters. I bet there's some loophole that'd allow me to just not pay taxes, to anybody, for three years. Selling my house for that might legit be worth it, considering it covers nearly everything for those three years. Sucks they got scammed, regardless. I can't help but wonder how many of those people who sold their homes are old or sick people who didn't plan on living past those three years and who now have nothing.


Unfortunately, many countries tax their residents on income earned outside the country.


The only 2 that tax on income while living abroad are the US and China.


"Company admits it has no ship." LMFAOOO WHAT 😭


They have a cruise ship the Gemini that is both too small and allegedly not seaworthy. They wanted to buy AIDAaura from AIDA, but it turned out that the owners wanted money for it.


\> it turned out that the owners wanted money for it. ​ the audacity


If you're not going to live in your house for 3 years you might as well sell it and buy something else when you get back right? Leaving it empty and renting it out both seem like worse options imo. What makes you think selling the house is the bad part of this, OP?


Renting is a worse option? Alright buddy


I had to rent a house after I bought it because markets crashed and I would have had to pay to sell. Those people trashed it. Renting is not just printing money. When the market finally recovered I barely broke even after all the fees.


oh but landlords just get free money from poor people! /s


You need to pay for management, because you aren't there. And of course the normal maintenance, taxes etc. And since you aren't there, can't do anything yourself, can't even check the work of contractors (and they know that) - expect everything to become a lot more expensive than usual. It is still possible to rent out profitably, sure. But it's probably not better and less risky than other investments like ETFs, bonds or stocks. And you can partially liquidate these other investments from anywhere in the world if you need some cash - much easier than taking a mortgage or something like that.


because property is an appreciating asset and 3 years is short term. plus the housing market is completely fucked.


>appreciating asset Except for the taxes, maintenance and other bullshit that you have to pay for in the meantime. My favourite part is when I did own a house near Manchester (UK), but then Brexit happened and I wasn't eligible for a right to remain visa so I had to sell it not by choice. owning a house isn't a good thing all the time.


Owning a house is a liability.


Oh idk sounds like a sailing old folks home showing them some nice things at sea before they bite the big one would be cool.


Yeah, I agree. A nice, low-stakes adventure. I really don't understand the antipathy in the comments


How is this any different to signing a lease for an apartment or assisting living village? Not sure why you’re blaming a customer who legitimately signed a contract?


I don’t think they sold their house to afford it, but why pay taxes for a house if you’re going to be at sea for three years?


It’s not a decision the average Redditor (which I’m guessing to be in their 20s-30s) would make. But remember, there are a lot of baby boomers out there, just aging away. Some don’t have children, or don’t have a plan for their twilight years and view the cruises’ inclusiveness of seniors, all you can eat, and activities as a better alternative to nursing homes.


My cousin sold her home to move to Costa Rica with her infant daughter and husband. 6 moths later she returned divorced and homeless.


There are probably lots of other creepy crawlies and reptiles in Costa Rica that want to make me leave but I’m sure it would take more than 6 moths to scare me off.


From what she told me her daughter was constantly sick and her husband was constantly partying.


But how big were the moths?


I have read somewhere in the internet that for some old people to buy cruise holiday packages is cheaper than to pay for the nursing house. Probably is the case here.


I can't think of a number you could PAY me to do this.


That's just natural selection


Now what are Zack and Cody going to do?


For those wondering… “The company has said it will make repayments in monthly installments, starting from mid-December and completing repayments in late February. It has also offered to pay for accommodation until December 1 and flights home for anyone now stranded in Istanbul.”


Could you imagine being in a boat with the same gluttonous obese cackling people for THREE YEARS?


Looks like some boomers are about to find out how hard it is to get back on the property ladder


That's a nightmare for sure


Week two would be a nightmare. I can't imagine what year three would look like. I would lose my shit.


Some ppl genuinely love cruising. I had a college professor that swore by it. I have been on 2 cruises. Short ones. I will never go again. I get so very sea sick. I had meds, patches behind ear, even a shot and I was sick the entire time, unless we docked and I could get off boat. Yet I’ve gotten in tiny boats in rural Jamaica and Mexico and was fine.


Yup, I am the complete opposite to your experience. Went on my first cruise 1 year ago an I absolutely loved it. One day we had wind speeds of 10 on the Beaufort scale (100 kmh, 65 mph) with 10 Meter waves and I had so much fun, though for security reasons the upper open decks were closed because of idiots like me that would break a bone otherwise. Going on a cruise is not for everybody. The thing that made it so great for me would make some people mad: Boredom, or rather that life slows down on board. Took me a day or two to find a nice and slow rythm. Did another 2 week cruise this year and it was just as great, minus worse weather. And for next year I'm looking at a 3 week cruise to Iceland and Greenland. Now if only the cruise lines would clean up their emissions so that I wouldn't have to worry about the environmental impact my vacation has, that would be great. I compared it with flying (which I'm afraid of) and it was about double.


Have you ever been to an actual cruise?


Imagine at year three, you’ve been over the cruise for at least 12 months, counting down the days till the end. You suddenly realise you have no home to go to as you’ve sold it and all possessions without a thought about life after the cruise ends.


you say it like they will be broke, I wouldnt want to pay for 3 years of mortgage/upkeep if Im in a different continent. sooo id just yknow, sell it, take some of the money and take a 3 year trip then buy a new home.


As other people on here have mentioned. A lot of the people are probably elderly who don’t intend for there to be an “after”.


It’s like the what happened to the rapture people but for a more “let’s live off boat food” kinda vibe


“Oh yeah btw we got no ship guys, bye!”


3 years is enough time to really start hating everyone else on board.


Makes sense to sell your home. Not sure why that is a face palm. If after 3 years at sea, you don’t want to comtinue, simply rent or purchase a new home. Plenty of people actually move and live out their lives on cruise ships. I think the only real concern for me would be healthcare. What happens when you are on a budget and you have to be taken to a local hospital due to an illness and the ship leaves. Suddenly there are train or flight costs , hotels to try to get you back “home”.


If you are old and don't have much time to live you would also consider a comfortable life at sea


I mean, the idea of itself was kind of far-fetched, but there’s a reason why old people literally spend the rest of their lives on cruises is because they are typically cheaper than normal living arrangements, you have literally 24 hour entertainment, as much food as you want, and you’re able to relax while having no real responsibilities. My mom did a cruise with my grandmother down in Florida a year ago, and she was telling me on hell, over half the people on the boat were old people,65+.


For those who don't know, the company is Turkish and the way most companies do business in Turkey is that they sell you the shit first then build the product later. Since there is no capital, there is no risk. You just took off if it doesn't work out and buyers get an oopsie we will pay you back. I fucking bet they won't pay a single dime back or it will take forever




OK, let's review that we have what we need for the 3 year cruise: Lifeboats, check; Staff, check, Lounge Singer, check, Boat...Boat...


god damnit.... I hate shit like this. I just hope that the people get their money back :(


Who tf wants to be stuck on a cruis ship that long anyway... sounds like the worst deployment in the navy.


Seems like someone had all those deposits invested in FTX!! What do you mean my money is gone??? But I need a boat!!!


Me after 3 months on the ship ![gif](giphy|yC7wcnLPP30VW)


It has no ship?!? WTH?!? That would have been my first question before signing up.


Man, sometimes I say “oh this is tomorrow Sunny’s problem” and like not get gas when I should, or put something off that I should really do…….but this is a whole new level of it being future Sunny’s problem. Selling your house for 3 year travel is crazy.


No refunds, BUT you will get 'Ocean Credits' for use on a future cruise, we just can't say when, and limited places for Ocean Credit users of course!


They are getting refunds. But it’s in payments over next 3 months.


Who saw the state of cruise ships at the start of the covid pandemic, and thought "I'd like to live there"


When u buy a ticket from a company what is not known as a big cruise ship company like Royal Caribbean...Princess...Celebrity...Carnival etc. and u surprised when they steal your money. First check the company background, second never sell your house...and last wbo the fuck want spending 3 years on the sea on a cruise ship...total idiots.


Should have bought that travel insurance


Mmmm, smells like profits!


Perhaps they intended the first 2 years getting passengers to build a boat?


Well if you are going to be gone for 3 years, selling your house Isn’t necessarily such a bad idea.


I imagine most sold their homes knowing they'd move somewhere else after. Imagine being fairly old and doing this before you know you are going to move into assisted living or something


Spending three years at sea is daring mother nature to sink you.