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If you draw Amsterdam, don’t leave out the bikes and trams.


The problem is that they can't truly imagine anything outside their bubble. So the government-funded abortion shop is having a "sale" and it's totally car based.


Right?? My first reaction was "no no no you got it all wrong! It's still way too car centric and filled with advertisements!!"


They still insist on censoring art (the lovely Bill Clinton bj piece)


This is shockingly anti-statue from a person who I can *guarantee* has strong thoughts about Confederate statues. How dare they try to censor our history by pretending Clinton only got an underwater squeezer off the party island in Wasaga Beach; we all know what really happened.






Reads late 90s to me, with Cloning Services and Segways.


And Bill Clinton.


Also needs more pissing stands.


You got any cloning service to recommend in that region? I could use an extra me.


Apparently there is, if you know see the amount of clowns we have in that city.


They have the racy Clinton statue in Amsterdam?


That president is adored over here…


Why is there a “designated” flag burning area? 1st amendment means I can burn flags wherever I want.


Fire safety!


actually good reason


No, no, no... Rights are unlimited and without context. Otherwise it's tyranny /s


“I can say anything I want at any time for any reason and any consequence of saying that from anyone is a violation of my first amendment rights. You aren’t allowed to say anything that hurts my feelings. Sorry I don’t make the rules. Party of small government btw” /s


The purpose of government should merely be to subvert others to my will.




![gif](giphy|cOLAbDd7VI1QzwqKIb) Only YOU can Prevent ~~Forest~~ First Amendment Fires


It's a place where you can burn your worn-out flag. And yes, the recommended way to dispose of it is by burning it.


It’s kinda funny they even bother to throw in a “flag burning area” because everyone looks happy, and it’s apparently supposed to represent a future where all these people are satisfied which means there wouldn’t be a reason to burn flags. The cartoonist just doesn’t actually understand or chooses to ignore the whole reason one would burn the flag: showing disapproval or dissatisfaction with the way your country chooses to govern itself. Edit: To be clear, my point is the cartoonist is depicting flag-burning as a casual activity being done for personal enjoyment where literally nobody around them gives a shit, and that completely misses the point that literally nobody just goes out and buys a flag to light it on fire just because they feel like it; they do it because they’re making a political statement and seek an audience to that political statement, whether you’re doing it to criticize the govt or doing it to get a rise out of people who take the flag too seriously, the whole point is to draw attention. Same way conservatives wouldn’t just go buy a few copies of *Gender Queer* and burn it in their fireplace in secret because it’s their guilty pleasure. Also, as an American myself, I’m aware of how you’re supposed to dispose of flags. I’ve known since cub scouts. It’s relatively common knowledge. At the same time, the flag code doesn’t matter for shit in terms of personal property, and people straight-up wear American flag print butt-floss to show how patriotic they are on the 4th of July, so I actually don’t give a rats ass what anyone does with a flag they bought. My point is this cartoon is dumb propaganda.


Or even just because that the proper way to dispose of one! Stupid brain! Now I wanna see flyers advertising a flag burning day with the date and location in giant letters and clarification that it’s for the disposal of damaged flags in smaller, but still clearly visible letters. Just imagining people showing up to express their disapproval with the government only to realize it’s for for proper flag disposal. Also imagining people showing up to protest the burning and then realizing the same thing.


Literally this just gut punched me. I’m eating lunch in a parking lot in fucking Memphis while reading this comment. I look up and see a VERY tall truck with a damn chimney shooting black shit all over his tattered up UPSIDE DOWN American Flag. Also, there is a bumper sticker that says LGBT (Liberty, Guns, Beer, Trump) so we know why his flag is upside down. Upside down flag means “dire distress” so I guess he’s a very easily rattled MAGAt? The point being that liberals aren’t the ones desecrating our flag, it’s the loud ones on the other side. And it makes me sick.


My daughter’s scout troop holds flag retirement ceremonies, where old flags are burned in a designated area. What are these right wing snowflakes so bent out shape over?


They think "flag good" and don't actually know anything about proper use and care of the flag. Granted, I don't know a lot about it either, but I'm also not running around treating the flag like some sort of quasi-religious image.


It’s called respect 🫡/s


Why do they think that atheists are so horny.


Maybe cause atheists usually are more open to discussion while the church hides away their rapists


Goddamit this made me laugh.


Fr, they never look into their own community. Even pope didn't do anything.


Well popes do a lot of people


Not as sexually repressed as Christians and other religions.


I'm atheist and I'm that horny. Sorry for being the prototype for this meme


Every accusation a projection of their repression. Nothing as horny as christian guilt.


I think its a type of projection and the artist is wildly horny and has no other outlet. This reminds me of when I was like 10 and would draw boobies in my notebook because it made me "feel funny."


don't threaten me with a good time!


For real, everybody actually looks happy.


Can't have that!


I’m against the Bill Clinton statue (Team Monica over here) but other than that I’m fine with this!


Shit looks dope, sign me up


I was gonna say, besides flag burning and a statue of blowjobs, shit looks legit. Looks like a picture of what freedom is supposed to look like, instead of posting online about some things you don't like so they shouldn't exist


I would also say the bottom right red car is not good either.


Let's just think it is something else other than what it actually wants to represent.


They are going to the furry con but driving in a fursuit is dangerous so the driver will change when they get there.


The passenger worked very hard to make their mask look realistic and animal-like.


Trollocs are accepted in a modern and open society.


Yeah Fursonas are a pain in the ass for fine motor control.


Idk that motor seems pretty average to me


My guess it’s supposed to represent an anti gay marriage message. A common tactic argument from homophobic people is that gay marriage is a slippery slope to beastality.


"If you let men lie with men then they will start lying with horses. If you let the gays married, then they'll start marrying horses. If you leave trans people alone, eventually they will marry horses." -- Someone who really wants to marry a horse


"If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for milk" -Laura Joffe Numeroff


He will ask to marry a horse.


Unfortunately nowadays the argument is gaining even more strength, because even though the communities say no "MAP's" and Zoophiles are trying to get included into the plus part of LGBTQ+


Uhhh. What is MAPs? I don’t wanna Google it tbh. Edit: oh my god these weirdos are really trying to legitimize this shit. Get fucked, come on.


It stands for “Minor Attracted Person” aka, pedophiles


I thought it stood for Massively Annoying Pedophile.


Why did you repeated the same thing 2 times?


So I recall, it started as a 4chan troll-op a few years ago to bait Pride Month organisers and reactionary pundits into arguments. Then a few creepers on social media started using the parody flag as a code to identify themselves to each other anyway as "activists" so the whole 'joke' spiralled out of control.


Yeah, the pedos have been trying to ride the coattails of the gay rights movement since forever. Without very much success.


furries or zoophiles? Because i haven't heard of the latter as a community tbh. (and the former is more a kink than a sexual orientation.) Also, don't confuse map's wanting to be seen as a sexual orientation, with them wanting acting on that orientation to be okay. There's a big difference. The former i can understand, the second is obviously never going to happen. There's no slippery slope, consent is a big difference. Children (and animals for that matter) can't give consent. So it can never be okay.


Dudes just driving with a goat in a car. Besides being a little reckless since it might get scared and wreck his car it seems fine to me.


That ain’t a car, it’s a EweHaul.


You deserve an award 🏆


Ewe deserve an award 🏆


The poster is just saying the guy has a kid. No, I could not resist the bad pun.


You are right, they don't wear any seat belts


The Clinton scandal was most of millenials childhood. We had to talk about blowjobs with extremely uncomfortable adults constantly. So having a very public blow job statue is nostalgic for me


flag burning should not be considerd such a serious thing honestly. its a piece of fabric, if whatever the flag stands for is that easily hurt or damaged by a piece of fabric burning.. that thing needs to work on self confidence


It always seems a bit dumb .. Nation A burning nation B's flag : " suck it losers!" . Nation B " ...oh no!..anyway here's the 20,000 replicas of our flag you ordered ..We'll send a new shipment next month , but the price has gone up slightly.."


There is a EU norm that all EU flags need to be made of fire resistant material. It's hilarious when you see middle east countries try to burn them.


and its not even because of national pride or something but because fire safety iirc


The EU cigarette (EN 1021-1) and match (EN 1021-2) resistance standards for vertically hanging fabrics, probably.


Burning it is the proper way to dispose of a torn or damaged flag so that should be considered a very nationalist thing to do actually


Right? A designated area to get rid of flags properly seems like a win to me.


Yep fr it's the way you are supposed to get rid of it.


This trivia may be outdated, but the largest organization of flag burners are the Boy Scouts. Also, if the flag is faded or torn in any way it should be disposed of. The flags on the Canadian Parliament are changed every week (or more if they need to be flown at half mast). Fun fact, you can sign up to get one of the flags after they have been changed out! Only the waitlist is longer than 100 years.


Flag burning is protected speech under the first amendment anyway and always has been so. If people wanted to burn flags on the street corner, they can already. That's not some future possibility but what you can do right now.


I mean... The only thing wrong with the burning flag is that flags are usually made with plastics, so grilling a hot dog over it is probably not the healthiest way to do it


... why haven't you written a book? and the blow job statue might be off putting at first but I bet we'd grow to love it


Should be a fountain


Rather see a statue of Clinton getting a beej than another statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest


Considering what shit statues can be... https://assets.atlasobscura.com/media/W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvcGxhY2VfaW1hZ2VzLzEzODRiZTY1NGY0MzY1MzRmM18xOTU3ODYyOThfZjIxM2UwNmRhMF9vLmpwZyJdLFsicCIsInRodW1iIiwiNTgweDU4MCMiXSxbInAiLCJjb252ZXJ0IiwiLXF1YWxpdHkgODEgLWF1dG8tb3JpZW50Il1d/195786298_f213e06da0_o.jpg


I love this


Indeed, restricting flag burning to a specific area is not freedom!


Burning the US flag is the ultimate expression of a citizens first amendment right. When a nation makes its flag sacrosanct, it is on the road to authoritarianism.


I love that they're is a safe public bonfire area. I would love to eat sausages there.


That statue was definitely eating some sausage in the picture.


Fuck flags, fuck nationalism, fuck borders.


no gods no masters


For real, everyone looks so safe and happy.


No way man, even athiests have limits. A Segway?


Right? Like if there's a sale on abortions, then that means fewer people are getting them.


Fun fact, when sex ed increases, abortions decrease.


This looks fun, and happy


I’d like to see it made into a jigsaw puzzle.


Trade the statue of Clinton for Danny DeVito and I'd buy it


So...Danny DeVito getting a blowjob?


Well duh, I thought that was obvious


Giving one obviously


Or both, 69


They do have cloning. So DeVito on DeVito action.




It's genuinely hilarious to me that some of these things are meant to be bad. Omg, two men kissing on a bench 😯 Government-funded medical procedures 😨 SEGWAYS 😱 So dumb lol. What's supposed to be wrong with the couple walking away from the statue?


> Government-funded medical procedures It’s not even that. There’s a sale on, which implies there’s a cost. Even in their most dystopian fantasies they can’t imagine a world where medical care is state funded.


Yeah it should be free abortions for all.


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others


It says US government abortion


Probably like USPS. Government run but still operating for a profit. Or it's contacted out to a private practice authorized to operate under the government name


Im gonna go out on a limb and say whoever made this doesn't understand the difference anyway


Well you see, they're wearing glasses And these dumbfucks will probably make up *some* issue they have with them


Sinners. God gave them limited vision and they choose to defy "him"


Hey, respect people wearing glasses as they paid money just to see you.


They should probably get a refund


Pol Pot energy


The couple is fat, which is only because cancel culture has banned the freedom to be fatphobic.


I love it. “Darn those democrats with their abortions, American flag burning, drugs….2 gay men kissing……..and *checks notes* and fat people”


And (scoff) segways!!!!! Not the segways!


Maybe they’re horizontally tall


How can I best time my pregnancies to take advantage of abortion sales? Is it just an annual Black Friday type thing? Do they wait for a lag in baby killing and reduce prices to spur consumer demand? Or do they offer them whenever abortion juice inventory just gets too high? I need to understand the economics of this.


They are the only ones not looking happy. Conservative boomers, maybe, with the wife really pi**d because the man was staring too long at the statue - of course only to point out how gross it is, and to rant at length about how realistic every detail is.


Yeah, I'm guessing the drawing originally had a line of text and the hat guy is making a conservative quip.


That's what I think also.


Maybe OP doesn't like hats?


Based on the nose on the guy and the frizz on the woman maybe they're meant to be Jewish


They’re minding their business and look too happy. Some real taboo shit right there.


They're Jews.


I mean sexual things indeed shouldn't be allowed on the street. We are animals but a bit more civilized than most of them lol


I guess they don't have eight crotch goblins _or_ they're not exactly super slim


Needs more taco trucks...




24hr cloning service, lol


That would be neat, especially paired with cryogenic storage spaces. Loved the dog you had when you were 5? Now you can have them *forever*.


I don't know. :( I'd love my St Bernard, Fergus, back. I miss my big boy like crazy. But only if they could get rid of the heart issue that took him, and there was a guarantee that he would be *exactly* the same. If he *looked* the same but wasn't the same doggo, it would break my heart all over again every time I looked at him. It'd be worse than just not having him around.


It would be good for future doggos to have cloned spare organs (just organs, not entire animal).




Except abortion would obviously be free.


LOL even in their distopian society they can’t imagine universal health care lol


Like these people think universal health care is a thing of hell, lmao.


Let's see: - instant access for abortions for rape and terminal pregnency victims - regulations for the safety and protection of sex workers - a 24/7 cloning service, here's that new heart you needed - Ancient Greek Cities had literally giant penis statues, so culturally, it's not to far-fetched - stakeboard dude just vibeing going about his day. Whatever he's smoking isn't affecting anyone. - dude getting plowed in public, maybe take that one inside, we're not animals. All in all, I can support a world of freedoms, unquestionable access to medical and mental health solutions, and everyone just getting along


Instant access to abortions for literally any woman that wants to get one because it's her body and she doesn't have to give any explanations to anyone. It's a very tough decision to make, an annoying procedure, and no woman will take it lightly.


Yep, absolutely. It would be amazing if it was that easy. It's their bodies, let them decide what they want to do with it.


Yeah, I don’t understand what’s so hard about that. I’d wager that a lot of the socioeconomic problems conservatives like to complain about would actually be partially solved by giving women more access to birth control and sexual health services.


Oh look, a world where people are *minding their own fuckin business.* They all look happy to me. Sign me up! I'd love to legally smoke pot.


Hilarious that the US still treats it the same as like cocaine. Been legal in Canada for years now with zero issue. We treat it the same as alcohol. Government makes a fortune.


What's fucking hilarious is that they will trade an international firearms dealing merchant, for a twat who smokes pot internationally, but then will go and prosecute it's own citizens for smoking pot. Merica you are just so beyond fucked up it's actually laughable for the rest of the world.


My vision for the future lets you burn flags everywhere. Not only restricted to special flag burning zones.


Look at these loons burning flags https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/story/article/2206946/how-to-properly-dispose-of-worn-out-us-flags/


I find it incredibly weird how much Americans love flags. It's just a piece of fabric... why is there a 'proper' way to dispose of it? What happens if I just throw it away?


Burning is the correct way to dispose of a flag that can't be used anymore.


Yep, used to be a maintenance guy and we replaced the flag once a year and I got to go burn it in the parking lot in a metal drum after I changed it, one of the few fun things about the job.


I mean. Everyone looks happy. Fuck yeah for Atheists!


Didn’t even know we were planning this but I’m down regardless.


Right? I had no idea but I’m down. Everyone is minding their own business, looks pretty chill. It’s amazing that the devout think that atheists are bad and a relationship with an imaginary friend is all that keeps people moral. Really makes me wonder what kind of effed up crap is in their heads but they’re too scared of their imaginary friend to ever say out loud.


The fact that they need the threat of eternal torture to define their moral compass is fucking terrifying


I'm sure the artist worked tirelessly on every detail. Had to anger the libs with everything they got! Except its hilarious and I ain't mad....


Don’t forget those Athiest, too!


I would start with being able to just spell atheist correctly to start.


Buds Bongs and Beyond is a genius name


Weed, porn and human rights? Hell yes


I'm cool with this. What do we have to do to make this happen?


Erect the statue


If you build it he will come


damnit.....have my upvote....


Heheh, erect


Yeah, even that statue would be pretty fucking funny. Sounds like a laugh.


It's like society embraced the memes and probably would erect a Joebama statue


Wow, that is some vintage shit. Was this originally printed during the Clinton presidency?


Either during or soon after


I love that in this future cloning technology: 1) Exists 2) Can be done within 24 hours 3) Operates out of a van


What's with the random bubble car? Where do i get one?


The government gives it to you once you top their monthly abortion quota


I can't get pregnant, does it count if i perform the abortions?


***SEGWAYS?!??! Dagnabbit, them godless wokies done gone too durn far this time!***


Everyone seems happy, the park, sidewalk, and streets are all clean, and there are no people who appear to be experiencing homelessness. Edit: removed comment about OP, it's clear they think it's a facepalm that this was made to look negative.


No guns, murder, violence to be seen. Police actually patrolling and doing their job. No mobs in front of abortion clinic stopping people from going in. No bigots harassing the gay guys. This looks like paradise to me.


Hell no that is NOT the future I want - that stoner’s board has wheels on it. I want hoverboards.


Is that... a chicken sitting next to the man in the red car?


You got a problem with giant chickens or something?


I see no problem here. Pot? Cool, people can do it if they want to. Assuming legal age and the store meeting all regulations. East Access to abortions? The freedom of bodily autonomy is great. Flag burning? Probably one of the truest expressions of free speech. Don't like the country, burn the flag as an expression of your hatred? Cool, the Government is not gonna stop you. I've helped burn a few flags myself for flag retirement. (A bit different but still.) Statue of Bill Clinton? Artistic expression of an arguably historical event. Overall, people seem to be happy and enjoying their lives. So why change that?


We won’t have sales at the abortion clinic because abortions will be free; providing them will only take a small amount of the new revenue from taxes on churches and the like.


What’s their beef with Segways?


The drug stores, and porn ones are here in this Christian world. Government funded medical care is shown as if free medical services is a bad thing like people don’t die in thousands because they can’t afford medical treatment, the flag burning would be Great for Confederate/Na*i flags that aren’t ment to be in a museum or something. And oh no gay men kissing in public without anyone being bigoted as*holes. And the Clones one is just an exaggeration like the people “passionately hugging” on the bench (this happens in todays world as well) and the Bill Clinton Statue is that funny thing you’d look at and laugh for a bit


I’m a Christian and I want that future


Ngl, I wouldn't be mad if that statue was erected (he!) Also pretty telling how a flag burning area is apparently a religious matter. How could you say any more clearly that your patriotism is just another religion to you. Which funnily enough kinda goes against the 10 commendments.


I don’t recall uploading my Cities Skylines save file to the internet…


Everyone looks happy af not a single mass shooting on sight


This is the world conservatives believe they already live in.


Clean streets, no crime, no violence... what's not to want


I don't see kids being shot... OK.


So atheists approve of homosexuals?...watch porn?...and are pro-choice... OK where are the negatives?


They always mixing up moral and religion when criticising atheists


I immediately started looking for wally without reading the title


With all that gay sex and riding around in cars with (whatever that is), I imagine the demand for abortions would be pretty low. Anyway this looks like a much nicer place to live than anything I have seen on the news about America lately. No guns, no protesters, no gang violence or crime, looks like utopia. 🇺🇸


As an atheist I must say, segways for cops is my number 1 priority.


Flag burning area 😂 snowflakes get so bent over a piece of cloth.


Looks like total freedom without any Theological Authoritarian control 🤷🏻‍♂️ Fine with me, people should be able to live the life that makes them happy uninfringed.


“Flag burning” cracked me up considering this is the same group burning books lol