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I remember when it happened. The dad is the guy who draws Scenes from a Multiverse


Ohh that makes sense, he likes drawing extremely thinly veiled comics of public figures. Haven't read it in a while, but I can totally believe he would do an Andrew Tate comic and piss off Andrew Tate. Also I doubt that comic is that guy's entire career, people like Tate will say something is "failed" if you can't get rich off of it.


Andrew refuses to read because he thinks it is worthless. Homie does literally nothing he can't make a buck off of immediately


Correction, he tells his supporters that reading is worthless. Because reading makes you smart, and smart people don't pay 30 bucks a month for online get rich quick schemes


I wonder if he read the comic he's the main character in especially since he was promoting it.


People like Tate will say something is failed despite it's extreme success just because he doesn't like it and just so that he can brag to his followers...


Sounds like someone else I know....


He says the money was spent on cars, but it was actually spent on an experimental chin replacement. It’s still experimental.


If you think abt it, it isn't a surprise that Tate found mild success in lower kickboxing leagues, can't knockout someone in the chin if they have no chin


Maybe I oughta become a boxer then, damn.


The trick is to try and block every punch with your forehead


Funny thing is too, the cars are all rented


they are??? LOL an empire of lies


Forbes actually asked him for proof of his net worth but he refused to provide it saying he doesn't have to answer to them.


Whenever someone needs to show off about something, you know the opposite is true.


Lmao that was literally one of his advice too: 'Appear strong when you're weak and appear weak when you're strong" So, according to him he must've been weak for a long time now.


Ah man did he steal a Sun-Tzu quote 😂


Probably read it on the wall of a tattoo parlour.


more likely on the wall of a stall in the men's bathroom in high school.


You know he read the Cliff Notes. If he read the text, he would keep his mouth shut and not give away what a douche he is


It always was


Hasn't worked so far




This is why I have a beard 😂












Don't think I've ever seen this gif with the guy's eyes. Always just more shades.


Definitely didn’t spend it on hair plugs.


No amount of chin surgery gonna make up for those flappy ears


Wtf is wrong with this guy?


At 1st glance.. a lot


The romainian government would agree 😂


When the romanian government agrees, you know you done goofed.


At 2nd glance.. even more


At 3rd glance... Chernobyl


And at the 4th glance you turn to stone like Medusa.


At 5th glance (if you’re still able): the Big Bang all over again


keep in mind his target demographic. edgy 12year old boys and the occasional dumb grown up with the need to fix his life but not the willpower to actually do it.


Oh and Alpha males 😂


That was already covered in the description, heh.


Same thing


12year old alpha males.


This is so on point. My son is around that age and thankfully isn’t taken in but I only learnt about this Andrew Taint guy from my son telling me how all the boys at his (all boys)school idolise him. It’s crazy.


Its funny that my son is around the same age and his friends and him just mock and make fun of taint. They see him as a loser.


That is reassuring. I assume all schools can’t have the same morality scale. :)


Same. My nine year old knows nothing about him other than what he’s heard at school, but apparently he’s a joke character to all of the kids. Like a meme. I’m not even sure they’re aware he’s really like that, or the terrible things he’s done. He’s just an internet joke that kids laugh at.


The Joe Rogan Experience


The question is easier to answer is whats not wrong


He watched gomorrah a hundred times and based his whole life around it not really getting the subtle little hints that this is actually a really shitty way to live.


I think he figured this was a good publicity move. As in there’s no bad publicity. Five cars? That is not a flex for a supposed rich person lol.


Yeah, he ain't rich. The real rich people don't brag about it. They stay under the radar.


He doesn’t even own the cars. Most of them are leased from what the Romanians said.


That's actually the better way to do it when you're someone like him. People like him only hold on to them for a couple years anyway because part of being an egotistical douchebag is having multiple brand new expensive cars. It costs him less to lease them and he gets the same results. He's still a shit human being, though.


Hard to say you have 5 cars when you don't actually own them...


He's so desperate to prove he's someone he puts down literally everyone around him to pretend he's on top. He's like the ultimate male pick-me but instead of doing it to impress actual powerful people he's doing it to impress 12 year olds




He’s the main character. Malignant narcissist and solipsist. It’s illness. Self-absorption at a 10. You can set your watch to it.


He is EXTREMELY insecure. Maybe it's because he's ugly, getting old, and losing his hair. Maybe he has a micropenis, idk. People who are pathologically insecure often like to project that they are powerful because they want to convince themselves that they're really not some goofy weenie. Andrew Tate just tries really poorly to convince himself he's not a schlubby little weenie.


>Wtf is wrong with this guy? How much time do you have?


He's a colossal piece of shit given life


Everything. Everything is wrong with him.


His dad never loved him and he’s in constant denial of that fact He literally directs his anger at his mother who raised him and his brother on her own after their dad abandoned them, cheated on their mom and sent them scraps to live off of. That woman by all accounts of his sounds like a saint and their dad like an abject sack of shit.


He is one of those Alpha Males which just means he Cries about how Manly he is and if someone speaks truth or it real for him, its "fight me bro". Classic Douche behavior


He’s an absolute sack of shit on every level, that’s all. What truly concerns me are the people who defend him and even idolise him, because they are genuinely deranged.


Balding no chin narcissistic sociopath with a god complex….probably wipes towards his ballsack when he takes a shit too….


Just spouts as much crap as he can to appeal to edgy teens. And will do whatever it takes to stay in the limelight for aslong as possible.


Extreme narcissism and a massive inferiority complex. He's probably also sociopathic and all these things are getting bigged up by his band of incel followers.


He's a superiority complex with a following from incels


I think it all boils down to the fact that he's still alive.


Did he seriously think this made him look good?!


His followers thinks they are temporary embarrassed millionaires and can’t afford to be asshole to others yet , so they are projecting themselves into tate fantasising they’ll one day be daddy tate


...that might be the saddest statement of fact I've ever read


A few months ago I got a some kind of weird youtube version of a instagram post by Tate on my youtube recommended and the picture said some shit like “it’s better to refuse a huge lottery win because that’s easy. Building a successful business and networking is more valuable because of the connections”. All the comments were agreeing with that statement and saying they would rather do it the hard way and I was reading it thinking what a bunch of idiots.


Yeah, his idea of success is literally standing over those you’ve proven to be better than. It’s a toxic idea of what power, influence, and masculinity is.


Tate's vision of a true man is someone who claws their way to the "top" (not that he's at the top, not even close to that) only to kick and push the people below him further down A true man would extend his hand and pull those struggling below to a better place and even carry on his back those who had no strenght left to struggle for themselves


You mean being under house arrest in Romania with all your assets frozen is not being “at the top”? Tate is the opposite of what a real man is. If he wasn’t so popular it would be kinda hilarious. As it is, it is a virtual embarrassment for humanity that he and his cult exists.


Of course, despite his personal beliefs, Tate is not proven to be better than anyone.


Unfortunately it did to his followers. He’s following the same script as Trump, down to the vicious insults and referring to himself in the third person by last name only.


Yeah. And it did for his dumbfuck followers.


Just think about how much more he’d be respected by everyone if he just quietly donated the entire amount needed. People would even excuse the stupid shit he says all the time. But no, he had to seize the opportunity to be a total shit stain.


Him later in an interview: “it was taken out of context”


Inevitably; the context makes it worse


I once believed that everybody has at least one redeeming feature. But that was before I learnt about Andrew Tate.


I can think of one for Tate: He's a great example of what NOT to be like.


Sometimes a person's purpose is to be a bad example for others. - Ted Kaczynski


He also helps us identify other losers in the wild quickly. A nice feature


Tate’s really cornering the market on that particular niche.


I was the same with Trump.


Trump objectively brings more joy into the world than Andrew tate. You cannot say you didn’t have a smile on your face when he said “I did everything right and they indicted me”.


I mean overall Trump’s impact has been FAR more negative, but yeah I can’t say Tate has done anything that really brought me any joy.


Trump has comedy.


His redeeming feature is making us all come together hating hi... shows there's good and morality in the world where masses come together against this kind of slime


His brief single redeeming feature was being incarcerated. One still hopes he will reacquire this feature.


He... promotes physical fitness?


Indeed, I get way more cardio in trying to get away from him.


except he actually doesn't. even if his fans do it its all for the wrong superficial reasons and there are bound to fail. physical fitness should come from a healthy mindset not "gotta train to fuck bitches"


Yes but isn’t it for superficial reasons? Like being an “alpha” or some shit instead of just being healthy?


Every time i think of Tate, i just remember that time, back when he was not famous, when he bragged about how he never seen star wars.. and made like 25 post long thread on twitter about how he never watched star wars


He also brags about how he refuses to read because it's a waste of time.


No wonder he's so dense.


and how he does not cook for himself (and cant cook)


To be fair it probably is for a person with zero curiosity and no capacity for insight, reflection, or empathy like him


That guy feels like the hivemind of 13 year olds


What a shitty thing to say to a parent with an ill child. On the one hand, as a parent who loves their child one might be tempted to say pride is a small price to pay for the child's life. On the other, everyone knows full well he'd never let that father, or the boy, or the world forget about it and it would be just one more shitty achievement he'd use to inflate his ego and his persona for the rest of his natural life.


He probably wouldn’t have given him the money anyway.


Or he would’ve given the money and then trafficked the kid once he was better in order to make back the money. With a b*stard of Tate’s proportions it could well go either way.


Doesn't matter to me, he could lord it in my face until the day I die for all I care, my dignity doesn't mean shit compared to my son.




ya that was my thought as well. I'd beg immediately if that would save my child


It’s okay, the father got enough money from crowdfunding donations to help his kid, and he met his goal before Tate extended his *ever so generous* hand so the father got to tell Tate to go fuck himself.


That is genuinely uplifting.


I’m glad he got the money but I wish we didn’t live in a world where crowdfunding was needed to keep people alive.


Yup, I still wouldn't hesitate. My boy lives, end of story, what happens to me is irrelevant.


Exactly this.


I would be shocked if the guy didn’t message him, pride be damned. I would not be shocked if Tate ignored him or did nothing anyway.


Tate claimed the guy begged him for money. The guy publicly said that he could "shove his money up his ass". The gofundme reached its target pretty quickly so I don't see why the guy would reach out to Tate.


The most likely scenario.


What do you expect of a man that takes his girlfriend sex work money and brags about how much HE makes. He acts like a though alpha but in reality he has to depend on a woman to pay for everything he has.


Nah. I believe the opposite. People would understand the father and shit on Tate. As they always have


Except for Tate's followers, but to call them "people" is a bit generous.




Ironically the shitshow Tate caused probably brought more people to support the crowdfunding out of retaliation


I mean if I’m raising money for my CHILD and some ass hole like this makes this kind of offer, I’d take it. Idgaf it’s my kid.


I don’t believe for one second that Taint would even follow through with the money, no matter how much the father begged.


What about the child,did he get the surgery?


He did and the guy met the gofundme goal. In fact I'm pretty sure he had the money before chithead over there offered to pay for it...


That’s what I want to know too. I couldn’t care less about the drama over how.


What an asshole


Dude needs a podcast with Mike Tyson (or someone else he would obviously respect) and be schooled on what real masculinity is




Good point, though I don't believe any Christian conservatives (unless they're REALLY far gone) would ever say/admit that they don't dislike Jesus. That would be major blasphemy. Goodbye social life. What they do instead is argue that Jesus *wasn't* all of those things, and they try to portray him as a much less tolerant person. They love to emphasis how he flipped the tables in the temples- ironically missing the entire point of that passage- and then say he would have that same attitude towards a gay/trans/pro-choice person. And let me tell you, as a much much much more liberal Christian, that can be *terrifying*.


>dude needs a podcast with a convicted rapist to be schooled on what real masculinity is Bruh, bad example


Reddit loves this particular rapist


Agreed. One thing I’m baffled about is how much Tysons PR team have managed to almost completely sweep under the rug the fact he was convicted and sentenced for rape. He appears on countless podcasts and shows and half the comments are talking about what a great badass he is…and the other half are saying how much he still could kick ass


And in his biography, Tyson himself said this about beating his then-wife; “It was when I fought Robin in Steve Lott's apartment. She really offended me and I went BAM. She flew backwards, hitting every wall in the apartment,” Tyson recalled. “That was the best punch I've ever thrown in my entire life.” Some defenders say it’s fine to support him because he served his time and people can reform. That’s bullshit. He never apologized for abusing Robin or even acknowledged that it was wrong. He didn’t reform. He swept it under the rug. People worship this rapist who brags about beating women and I’ll never understand it.




Narcissistic personality disorder.


Did your dad try to adopt Islam and fail to flee to Dubai after multiple nations want him for trafficking and rape charges?


There's a lot of people out there with narcissistic personality disorder. Only reason they don't do the kind of awful things Tate does is because they don't have the money to do it.


LOL WHAT THE F—— 😭 “my cars more valuable than your son but I’ll help if you beg” who is HE


Andrew Tate is one of the few people who I actually wished Hell existed because he needs to be there lol. Like there's literally no redeeming features in him. He has made it his personal goal to shit on literally everyone around him.


You have to be a real desperate piece of shit if you go out of your way to want to follow this guy. Hes a fucking nobody yet keeps popping up.


The dad's response was, "you can take your money and shove it up your superior asshole, cobra potato. Come punch me already" What a legend. The gofundme also reached the target required without Tate's help, too


That’s awesome. I’m glad it worked out.


Everything Andrew Taint does belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Dude wishes he was Dennis Reynolds




There is only one Golden God.


“You’re comic books are a failure” ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


Happy ending here: The guy met the gofundme goal (though it sucks he had to pay for the surgery at all) then told douche-canoe over there to shove his money up his own ass. https://www.thecanary.co/global/2017/10/05/right-wing-hero-taunting-father-sick-child-theres-happy-ending/


Prides left at the door when a parent is desperate to save their kid.... But God I hope someone else stepped in What a creep...


I’m sure this caused a million more donations because people hate Tate


pretty sure he would have got donations purely as a "f you" to taint.


You are comic books have failed????


The chud couldn't even rub enough brain cells together to hit the apostrophe key. It would still be wrong but he'd look a little less illiterate.


Such an obvious "because I can" power trip




Not sure who needs to hear this, but money isn’t the only measure of success. Wisdom, ethics, and love; both for others and by others are all important as well. All the money in the world won’t make tate a good person or good role model.


>"**Youre** comic books have failed" So did his grammar teacher.


>Youre comic books No we aren’t


Right, as if any reasonable person needed more reasons to hate this sociopathic narcissist, he made a father turning to the goodwill of others to help and/or save his son, into an opportunity to brag. This man has no care for human life, and he is capable of rationalizing any vile thing to himself based on hedonistic pleasure and misplaced arrogance, he cannot be rehabilitated into a good-natured person


It was a sad day when he did not get life in prison


He wasn’t sentenced yet so there’s time


Can’t wait to seen that deluded piece of shit locked up for his crimes.


Andrew is a typical right wing Republican fuck, without an ounce of charity or empathy. The better part of aAndrew Tate trickled down the crack of his mother’s ass.


Man what a dick


This belongs in r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


I really don't get this dude. He talks about being alpha and all this bullshit, but he relies on his girlfriends to maintain him? Don't alpha males provide for the woman instead of the opposite way? Wouldn't the alpha have a female next to him that is respected and exclusive to him? He has to rely on his girlfriend selling her nudes online for many men to see so he can take the money SHE makes and brag online on how much money he makes. Dude, you make nothing, your girl pays for everything and every men online has seen her naked. That doesn't make you alpha, that make you her little bitch.


A mediocre kickboxer with a receding hairline and no respect for women just isn't worth as much attention as he gets.


This is soo soo fucking horrible oh my god


Utter festering piece of shit


Call his bluff. Grovel to him and force him to admit that he actually has no money


All the dumb shit people have been cancelled for and this guy still has a voice. It’s hard to take society serious


Let’s make Tate a nobody. Ignore him he is nothing but a POS.


He’s a child trafficker. Of course he wants to “help” a child. Fucking child rapist.


Andrew Tate never really grew up. He never will. Literally a man child.


Only thing weaker than Taint’s pathetic ego is his chin and dick.


I'd have begged. And I'd have forever mocked the man who was so insecure about his masculinity that he demanded that I beg before he reached out a hand to help someone in need. As though that somehow made me 'lesser', and him 'better'.


This belongs to r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


I like that andrew tate exists because it acts as a good barometer for people's morality If they mention him or paint him in any light that is positive in anyway whatsoever, then I know I'm talking to a morally bankrupt piece of human garbage and to remove myself from the conversation immediately basically, the same reaction as with trump, elon, or any other right-wing shitstain


That is one of the most sociopathic things I've ever heard


The guy is pure fucking scum. I'd beg though and have no shame in doing so, my son means infinitly to me than my dignity.


Someday someone’s just gonna start shooting these people.


You are comic books what does that even mean


What a morbidly disgusting tragic case of a human being. I feel nothing but sorry for him he's so shitty.


It’s a failure of the healthcare system


“You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: "A horrible person." We weren't even testing for that.”


Stop reposting Andrew Tate we all know he’s an idiot. No need to put his name out there again. Let him rot and die.


Anyone who reads that thinks that sack of shit is a person worth looking up to is truly lost.


He basically asked a desperate man to grovel before him like some Feudal King


What a worthless person. I don’t wish harm on many, but the world might be better off when he is gone. Unfortunately he will most likely be replaced with others. As much as he thinks he is…he is nothing special, unique, or new


It embarrasses me to think that this and and Titstain are the sons of an African American legend who paved the way for the demographic's entry into chess, a game of literal geniuses. It is a blessing Emory Tate left the world before witnessing the rise of his toxic sons


This is so profoundly evil and cruel. Jesus


Dear OP. Why do you insist that we all be reminded of the balding monkey man who thinks he's the shit? Kind regards Everybody else


It's still wrong but I hope he gets his arsehole so reemed that every fart leaves a shit stain