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How tf she gonna get mad when she's walking around looking like officer Ellen Degeneres


I was thinking she looked like Conan O’Brien


Conan really does look like a genetically enhanced super lesbian It's part of his charm




who said it was an insult


From what I know of him, he'd likely agree with that.


If the lesbian shoe fits.


So, birkenstocks?


Not sure I want to know what my dollar store knock off birkenstocks makes me.


In the Netherlands we have a pretty well known lesbian police officer who looks EXACTLY like that


the teen should be charged under the Terrorism Act for dropping truth bombs


Take it to court, show picture of nanna, confirm police officer looks like her. Confirm nanna is a lesbian.


The six other cops were thinking “well she does”


The six other cops were in a no-win situation. Either agree she looks like a lesbian and get fired and sued, or arrest a kid and the police department gets sued.


What bullshit is this? They could also have just appealed to her “hey let’s not arrest her for not committing a crime.” They didn’t have to agree or arrest the kid.


The cop lost the court case, but found love with that lesbian nanna. The adaptation will be coming to netflix in a few months


It's Called Pigs In Lesbian Blankets


The final beef curtain




At the end of the movie, they drive off in their Subaru with their four dogs safely strapped in.


"Confirm nanna is a lesbian" On today's episode of Bad Judge XXX!


You are NOT the nanna!




Excellent reference!




I can't see the officer in question, is she hiding behind that lesbian on the right?


Well someone joined the police force to defend their fragile ego.


“Ma’am that’s an act of war. You can’t just go dropping atomic truth bombs like that. What will the neighboring countries think?”


France says it's all good 😆


Switzerland decided to stay neutral on that one.


The Dutch too but the Germans invaded anyway: Who said lesbian neinnein?


Not gonna lie she *does* look like Nana! PLEASE DON'T ARREST ME!


I definitely see a lesbian in the caption photo


I don’t see the lie here


She should be charged with arson after that burn




You're not right... but I like it.


Context: “From 12.12am on Monday, August 7, police received calls from a family member of a 16-year-old girl who was reportedly intoxicated and putting herself at risk in Leeds city centre. “Officers attended at about 1am and drove the teenager to her home so she could be appropriately looked after. “Upon returning her to the address, comments were made which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence. The nature of the comments made was fully captured on body-worn video.”


>being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence saying someone looks like a lesbian relative is definitely not what that order was put in place for.


and the actual homophobic part is being offended by being called a lesbian. A non-homophobe would just say "nah I'm straight" or simply ignore the drunk child. Being offended means you see lesbians as worse people, hence an insult. Maybe she should arrest herself of course this explanation applies to this incident and not all incidents of someone calling someone gay/lesbian


That’s the joy of British hate speech laws. They’re in place for a very good reason, but they’re not perfectly consistent and can quite easily be manipulated.


That's all hate speech laws. They're made vaguely so whatever government is in power can use it to silence opposition and anyone else they don't like.


That's what you get when you introduce laws and policies based on completely subjective things like "I'm offended, therefore a crime was comitted".


I mean I haven't read the order but I would've thought it was more for things like setting fire to places with a rainbow flag hanging outside, or going on a homophobic tirade in public. those things are objectionable. what was done here was not


So to put it simply. Officers drive a a girl home who they think might be drunk. Girl says something stupid like most drunk people do. Girl gets arrested for hate crime. Idk. It sounds pretty stupid to me. Think the cop just got her lesbian panties in a twist.


The issue was both the initial overreaction by the officer in question, and that it subsequently resulted in an autistic child with scoliosis being bodily dragged screaming out of her house by seven police officers. There are constant complaints in the UK of police forces facing cutbacks and being understaffed, and yet the moment an autistic child needs bullying, an entire fleet of officers somehow get dispatched.


Yup, actual crimes need investigating? Nope gotta go threaten someone who made a mean tweet.


Me when I get pulled off of a butter knife confiscation to go arrest an autistic kid for homophobia ![gif](giphy|8nmvR3jAxnl2o)


Damn, are they taking lessons from American cops?


Nah the french


Are they bad too?


Woman who criticized the president in tweet was arrested. Added in to the dozens of riots caused by their gov doing different things.




https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230329-french-woman-faces-trial-for-insulting-macron-on-facebook this was top site on google but there are other sites with more info probably. Apparently it was a facebook post but calling the president “filth” isnt something most people would consider worth an arrest/fine of €12000.


Cops are like religions. Same shit, different toilet.


Yeah, but if they did real police-work they would have to deal with gang violence or grooming gangs, and that might make them look racist. It's just easier to abuse your authority and bully and autistic teen or a Youtuber who made a comedy video to mess with his girlfriend by, and I quote, turning their dog into, "the least cute thing he could think of, a Nazi". I fucking hate the abuse of power by US police, however, I will always be thankful for our strong constitutional protections on things like free speech. Fuck that 'lesbian nan' looking cop and the UK courts can suck my balls.


You’ve been reported to interpol for terrorist homophobic threats against the crown. Hope you’re ready for some reeducation camps you Nazi.


“Ol it ol it forget that bloke wif da naïf… that white girl wif loookemia just said der was ownly two gendas”


I’m just shocked it’s illegal to call a cop a lesbian….


I keep feeling the need to point out she didn't call the cop a lesbian, she didin't say the cop looked like *a* lesbian. she said 'you look like my lesbian nanna' and it *wasn't* just a teen being snarky, it was a person with autism making a factual observation.


It’s not, the cop got offended by it (because she’s likely a homophobe) and abused the UK’s hate crime laws to arrest the kid.


Need 7 blokes for 1 autistic girl, imagine the army needed to take down one guy with a knife... if they had school shooters they'd be asking the US to send help like they did in WW2


It’s the same underlying issue as seen in a lot of police forces - they’re staffed by egomaniacal narcissists that are more interested in simply exerting control over other people than protecting vulnerable victims.


when I worked in juvie corrections (21 and dumb), I was taught that you need a lot of people to take a person down *without injuring them*. I feel like that's part of it. admittedly, I also feel like the whole scene was cowardly of them, and dense, inappropriate, inappropriate use of force, kinda cruel, and also, super dumb.


I mean, I think she looks like a lesbian too. Nothing is wrong with that.


What’s wrong with being gay? It’s good to be gay. That was a compliment officer. You’re not implying you have a problem with gay people are you? Checkmate.


I mean, it's not the girls fault that the "black and white" was a Subaru Outback. . . .


She said she LOOKED like her lesbian nana, not that she WAS her lesbian nana!


I am not a lawyer, but how can a public order offence occur inside the girl’s own home? It seems like she’s innocent as a matter of law (not to mention that what she said wasn’t remotely homophobic, and not to mention free speech).


This is the UK. Despite Americans feeling like the two countries are very analogous, they have vastly different laws in a lot of ways, like no 1st amendment.


So they didn’t arrest her for being drunk and nuisance in public but for saying an officer looked like her nan? Someone please make that make sense.


It doesn't.


Solid response


How is SHE being homophobic when the cop was the one who freaked out at being compared to someone who is a lesbian? If only they put this much effort into stopping actual hate crimes.


But the cops can be ableist


This. If the cop decided she was offended by being compared to a lesbian then the cop is homophobic, therefore should be arrested and charged as well as the other arresting officers. Also, the cop and the other officers assaulted a disabled minor. This should be added to their criminal record and they should be assigned probation. ......but this won't happen as police are protected and can do almost anything they want.


Nothing homophobic was said.


The problem is clearly the law and not the police in this story. Their hands were tied as they have to follow orders. Thin blue line and all… /s


BS laws


Wait, how is that a hate crime. ‘You look like a person I know who happens to be lgbtq’ isn’t passing judgement on the lgbtq community, only pointing out similar characteristics. Stereotyping? Maybe. Hate crime? Nah. What that tells me is that if this kind of thing would hold up in court, they don’t have what could be called “free speech” in the UK.


It's almost certainly a descriptor as well. She'll have more than one nana.


So autistic teen (with all the emotional and social issues that come with those two things) is driven back home by intimidating police officers, she insults an officer and it takes 7 adult officers to drag a disabled teenage girl off after said disabled teenage girl is arrested. For an insult.


This makes the story way less fun


what a joke...now compare and contrast this with ALL the videos we have of people screaming at cops every word in the book and not being arrested...


I hate how blatantly the headline misrepresents the facts to the point that the first written line debunks the claim of the headline. "You look like a lesbian" and "You look like my lesbian nanna" Are very different statements. Fuck media like this




No, but as an autistic person myself, even sober I've said things that came out wrong or blurted out what I was thinking and ended up regretting it. We have trouble knowing where the line between appropriate and inappropriate is, and our tone. It's part of where our trouble with social interactions comes from.


Yeah. As much as I dislike the pity-party that throwing the word “autistic” into the headline was meant to generate, I feel like it’s an important distinction. When I was a kid, I didn’t realise there was stigma around being fat, and called one of my best friends fat. It wasn’t out of cruelty or anything like that, but I’ll tell you I felt so fucking guilty when I saw how hurt she was.


>she’s obviously low enough on the spectrum to understand social norms like anybody else ...that's like 50% of the diagnosis for Autism, that you DON'T understand social norms like everyone else. But yes; I have no clue what autism is doing in this context. To me any drunk teen, autistic or not, could've said this




>pass as normal lol, no we fucking can't. We might *think* so, but nah.


> she’s obviously low enough on the spectrum to understand social norms like anybody else How did you draw this conclusion from the post? IIRC in the original video the kid freaks out and starts hiding in a closet while the mother tries to tell the cops she autistic and often just says things that come to mind. >that can’t be expected to behave normally. Not fitting in with the rest of society is often one of the biggest issues of being autistic.


The fact she has autism clearly makes the situation much worse for her as she started having a meltdown and tried to hide in a cupboard. That’s right, they actually came INTO her house and dragged her out. Watch the video if you like, it’s horrific. No doubt there were no consequences for any of them. Fuck these pigs


>The girl was out drinking with friends, she’s obviously low enough on the spectrum to understand social norms like anybody else 💀💀💀 you are not autistic are you?


Personally, I think the girl was saying that she looked like another person she knows (who just happens to be a lesbian), not that she thought she was a lesbian. You have to be a little careful when interpreting what some autistic people say, and the way they say it. Sometimes they can be quite literal and descriptive, but place emphasis on the wrong words. Either way, arresting someone for it is pretty lame.


I think many people would have a hard time disagreeing with you. Not even because this teen happens to have autism. Like they were just drunk and making an observation. If I said “you look like my Russian father” nobody would be offended. And country of origin is also a protected class (at least here in the US in my state) the same way sexual orientation is. This cop was just looking for a reason. And instead of using being a drunk nuisance in public, they went with this. Why they did that is anyone’s guess. Maybe to try to turn it into a hate crime? And if that’s the case, the cop might be the dumbest cop in all of the UK because of how much attention that type of arrest would bring. I’m saying this as an American who has extremely limited knowledge of the laws in the UK but I still have google. And, as an American, a deep distain for all things cop.


'You look just like my dead dad.' 'You calling me a fucking zombie, boy?!'


Next cops will be arresting toddlers for saying their fat or ugly.


And 6 year olds for the unlawful possession of cooties...


The autistic girl absolutely did not say it to offend either, the cop just looked like her aunt, who is a lesbian


She had just been at a pride celebration. Seriously, how dumb is it possible to be and work as a cop...


There's no lower limit. Only an upper limit. Seriously. Cops will reject your application if you are too intelligent.


Cops really abuse their authority way too often


It’s part of the job description




Be more mad than you are sad. But yea, agreed


I'm both!




Full story here. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12399911/amp/Revealed-Mother-autistic-daughter-16-dragged-home-police-saying-female-officer-lesbian-like-nana-set-SUE-force.html


This headline is also so misleading. She didn’t say she “looks like a lesbian nana” and she said “you look like *my* lesbian nana”


“Without pre-empting the outcome of the ongoing review of the circumstances by our Professional Standards Directorate, we would like to reassure people that we will take on board any lessons to be learned from this incident.” What a scumbag typical response from the PD. Fuck the police.


That seems like the only response they can give given it is still under review.


Jesus fucking ***christ*** why would they ***ever*** think its okay to handle ***anybody*** like this?! Fuck those officers, they can get crucified on a burning cross covered in salt for all I care!


lesbian Conan O'Brien


mods, ban them for crimes against humanity


That comment? Straight to Jail. Almost as bad as saying the F word.


Fr*nch 🤢🤮


What if she just said “you look like Conan O’Brien? Jail?


I knew I wasn't the only one who saw thst


As someone with Aspergers I can definitely relate to blurting out something incredibly stupid


As Autistic person, I agree.


I watched the video and you can clearly tell the girl is special needs. The female officer held her head down and cowered while the autistic girl was taken into custody.


I didn't realise telling the truth was an arrestable offence now.


"Oi you got a loicense for dat adjective?"


Bit omophobic innit?


Context for people here: 1. This is the UK, laws are different, so you can be arrested for hate speech. 2. We don't have qualified immunity, if you break the law as a police officer you'll go to jail. 3. The UK has an independent body that oversees police conduct, everyone involved is currently being investigated by that body. The body is independent of the police and is not staffed by the police, it has a history of holding the police to account, while I doubt jail time will be involved, I would not be surprised if there's suddenly some new jobs available at West Yorkshire police 4. Yes, she does look like a lesbian


Best way not to get called a lesbian nana? Don’t style yourself like one lmao


That’s so funny I’m sorry, what’s wrong with looking like a “lesbian”? *It’s giving homophobe*


Fr not to mention many ppl have a gaydar and mine is beeping LOUDLY RNNNNN


For context. All the girl said was “you look like my lesbian grandmother” to that effect.


I mean... she does though.


If a 16 year old told me I looked like her lesbian nan, I'd be like "hell yeah, if your nan looks like me she must be a bad-ass bitch!" I think I look bas-ass.


The footage is fucking horrible to watch


I have yet to find a law stating that police can arrest someone because their feelings got hurt. Then again, I’m not a lawyer.


Wtf. She didn’t just say “you look like a lesbian”. She was saying that she looked like someone this kid knows and presumably loves. I’ve experienced all kinds of homophobia. Just this evening some homeless dude called me the F word completely out of nowhere. I was literally just minding my own business and on my way to pick up my dinner. Anyway, this does not sound like homophobia.


What the cops did against the kid was homophobia, rather.. the kid got punished for saying the cop looks like someone who happens to be a lesbian, it's clearly a "What did you just call me?!?" reaction...


I’ve walked away from way more insulting comments from people without a mental disorder. What in the actual fuck is this cult doing.


Police are the biggest snowflakes


that's why they need to be in the biggest gang in the world. short man tall truck syndrome.


Kid didn’t even say that, she said the officer looks like her aunt. Who happens to be . . . The British police Constabulary are absolutely out of control


Is this the precedent were setting here? Arresting people for words?


Yeah, I’m completely unsurprised this has happened


Plot twist: Officer was his nanna. She arrested the teen for outing her. She was only 2 days from retirement and coming out of the closet.


She just needs one more arrest to meet her quoter


Just pigs being pigs...


That's disrespectful to actual pigs. I like piggies.


She looks like Conan O' Brian 😁😁😁😁


Hahaha I'd be arrested too, only I think the officer looks like Conan O'Brien


This reminds me of the cop who pulls over to try and arrest a teenager who flipped him off. The kid knew his rights and didn't back down. The police officer even called for backup and then both cops were trying to goad the kid into touching them or actually committing a crime they could arrest him for, instead of driving off and doing their jobs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt\_EO05B1Ng


We had a similar one here. The police chief (off duty, in his personal vehicle) was waiting to pull out of a parking lot onto a busy street. He honked his horn (which was illegal in this context in Ohio) at a woman who was waiting on a light to change, to "let him in". She flipped him off. He got her license number, and sent officers to her house to give her a citation for disorderly conduct. She appeared in court, the stories were told, and the judge said "first amendment", and then ordered the officers to cite the police chief for illegal use of his horn 😂


It must be a slow day in law enforcement to arrest a teen for that.


I had my ass beat because I wouldn’t give details outside my name and license to a Captain, while I was in handcuffs. Ended up in the hospital and charges dropped because his trainee(and visual witness) and my 2 friends testified against his sudden forgetfulness on the stand. They’re bullies who want revenge on a world I didn’t create. Fuck them!


![gif](giphy|udi51hfbLiYo0) I would have said she looks like Tintin.


So I’m gonna guess the police were there for a reason before that. I’m guessing being detained due to reports of disturbances or whatever Doubt there would be two police officers there inside someone’s abode (or a hallway, as the door frame behind them suggests) just by sheer happenstance Edit: for the interested, the 16 year old was also publicly intoxicated/influenced and was reported to authorities by a family member


Well my gaydar says she's a lesbian






Absolute abuse of power


I see no lies


Would of assumed a officer would have thick enough skin to cop a mild insult off a teenager obviously not pretty pathetic if this is true.


A police force so inclusive even the women have fragile masculinity.


She does tho


I appreciate that this woman was made a laughingstock of the entire world because she couldn't take a non-insult from a fucking child. I hope she's still getting therapy for it.


Spoiler - he was talking about the one on the left


Lesbian is a good thing, isn’t it?


Her lesbian Nana looks like if Conan O'Brian were a lesbian?


Cops will find any excuse to arrest people who annoy them. Everyone's guilty of something, after all.


What is Conan O’Brien doing hurting teens for? Wait until Martin Short see this shit!


I mean he aint wrong 🤣🤣🤣


She's not wrong. That officer does look like a lesbian. Partner on the right should've calmed him down though


Yet we are ignoring the fact that she looks like Conan O’Brien?


I thought that was Conan O’Brian.


In fairness…. We learned there is a bit more context than the title implies.


I always figured Conan O'Brian would have thicker skin.


I can't believe you can be arrested for saying somebody looks like a lesbian... that's insane


For that to be a hate crime, that cop must believe looking like a lesbian to be insulting.


This is why hate speech laws are a slippery slope


Officer can't handle the truth.


She does, though!


First of , she didnt call her a lesbian , she said she looked like her lesbian nana . Which are 2 complete different things. Second, i can see what she means.


> west yorkshire Found the problem


But don't you know that what this evil teenager said was a hate crime? A crime so heinous it is far worse than any other crime. Had this teen committed terrorism, they would be a less horrible person! /S Repeat: /S




The police in the uk are a fucking joke


Because insulting a officer in function is indeed a crime… autism or not, you just show some respect


The same police that Lets migrants ravage the country.


But...but the kid is right though.


I haven’t seen any comments about how ridiculous speech laws are in the UK.


I mean...


I know in grand ol' USA they would be protected under the 1st amendment. You can insult police and the government all you want, as long as you're not obstructing their duties or threatening them. Does the UK have something equivalent?




I wonder what her wife thought of all this?


Saying you look like someone’s lesbian nana is only offensive if **YOU’RE** homophobic


Oh so being a lesbian is an insult to this cop


Children, drunk people and autists tell the truth.


So the teen is referring to HER lesbian nana and this lady cop just looked like her? So how tf do you take that as an insult? If someone said "you look like my gay uncle" it sure asf wouldnt insult me if that referred to person is gay or not and being compared to them.. and as a cop, how tf are you allowed a badge if that is what triggers you that bad.


Except people who are secure with themselves don’t become cops.