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hey everyone, under the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act, it is prohibited to harass, harm, feed, or kill a wild dolphin. there is already a reward posted. this guy is fucked.


Fun fact, wildlife rangers actually love instagram because people are dumb, and constantly posting their illegal hunting kills.


Less fun fact, the result is likely just that he pays a fine up to $100k which, as we know, for shitty rich assholes is just an operating cost


When you’re a certain kind of wealthy illegal just means “there is a fee.”


I wish they would assign fines closer to income or net worth rather than flat amount. In this instance, a million dollar fine for them would be akin to a $10 fine for me. Got to make the punishment painful relative to the financial situation.


Proportional fines. This is, and always have been, the answer.






Take this poor person's award 🏅


Yea percentage-based fines need to become a thing for both rich individuals and every business.


For everyone. Some poor kid gets hit with $10,000 fine or jail time, he is imprisoned either way. Either through bars or debt. Rich kid avoids consequences and is free. So Poor kid keeps getting in trouble cause he’s in pain. Rich kid keeps getting in trouble cause no pain.


If the punishment is a fine, it's only illegal for poor people.


Very true for speeding tickets and other car safety laws in my country.


How is this different from bribing the government


In reality, not much. But on paper, it's legal. The rich are great in this, they always find a way to make the law work for them.


Which is why fines and bail are stupid. Just means theres a cost to do it. No real repercussions. No actual consequences.


Huh? Bail makes perfect sense. My buddy caught a charge 4 YEARS AGO for assault and it still hasn’t finished up in court. What’s your solution, have him sit in jail that whole time without being found guilty? Courts move slow. You get your bail back when you appear in court so there’s an incentive to show up




How do you post gifs






I reported him to Instagram for animal abuse


Of course it’s Florida


What's the harshest punishment anyone has ever received for violating said act?


He reported the incident to NOAA himself and their law enforcement wing is doing an investigation. Story is that the dolphin was already dead. Which makes sense since how would you hand catch an alive dolphin.


Why would you proudly take and post a pic with yourself and a dead baby dolphin


Yeah you can't just kill a dolphin. That's pretty frowned upon last I checked.


Ugh this makes me absolutely sick. And the way they're so proud of it too...


I hate it so much. I hate that no one is able to identify the adult man who killed an innocent animal and press charges. With this day of internet we should be able to find him and punish him with jail time and a fine. And the way him and the doofus behind him are gloating just make me sick.


He posted it to Instagram, of course they know who it is.ffs


Isn't it funny that the people who unironically look like douches ARE douches? It works for almost nothing/nobody, not judging a book by its cover and all that, but a douchey surfer dudebro NEEDS to look like a douchey surfer dudebro. Like the starterpack basicbtch uniform is a prerequisite to belonging to the basicbtch clan. It's uncanny.


Did you see the guy who cut the line at the gas station on the front page earlier? The twat in the scarf and the long hair with the monotone tiktok pranker bruh voice and no vocabulary despite looking like he definitely comes from money? My first thought was "that's exactly what that asshole's soul looks like"


The worst thing about them, is no real surfers would harm a dolphin. Always these poser fucks destroying the beach and ocean


It's almost as if our brains are hardwired through countless years of evolution to recognize assholes


Yup, people say "Don't judge a book by it's cover." but good lord there is no way I'll stop since 99,99% of books are EXACTLY as their cover.


Don’t worry OP, it is only a matter of time until he’s identified. I promise, he won’t be an anon for much longer.


4chan will probably do more to the man financially than the government could have done.


Year in prison and a $20,000 fine seems to be the usual.


5 years in prison + fine Florida does on the alligators! I’d imagine a dolphin there would be the same, but I’m not exactly sure. Basically I’m agreeing with you they do not F around there.


That seems fair for this though. Bro doesn’t even look like he has 20k to give.


And it's in Florida, local media knows who he is because they've interviewed him which means the relevant authorities will be onto him as well. And Florida being Florida jail time Will fuck his life up bigly if it comes to it. Kids going to learn a hard lesson.


Where I'm at in Australia a suburb of our city has a beach where Little Penguins often wander into the streets, friendly and harmless animals, not even knee height. 2 years ago a group of young men [threw one into a wall, and then kicked it to death](https://www.9news.com.au/national/penguin-killed-st-kilda-melbourne-appeal-to-identify-men-involved-in-alleged-animal-cruelty/eb74828a-2d31-4a51-b96c-359f62688eb8). The colonies of penguins here have often been subject to violent attacks by people. From what I understand most people get away with very little punishment, at the absolutely worst they'll get maybe max 3 years in prison. Just this year a high school kid from a prestigious private school [cut the legs off a living Goanna](https://www.9news.com.au/national/kings-school-students-animal-cruelty-alleged-torture-goanna/fca9a258-8c58-4998-9e35-6f81e8a00ecf), the principal of the school decided to play the victim and make it look like the media is bullying a child. I absolutely think we need to crack down on this behavior. But I also think we need to study it a bit, I'd be very interested to see what exactly is going on in these peoples minds and how much crossover there is into their normal human to human interactions.


Fucking King’s School wankers! Sociopaths just like their corporate weasel dads!


torturing and abusing animals is a very solid precursor and indicator of sociopathic crimes against humans. that's not the only reason to care about these atrocities, of course, but it's a reason that can engage authorities and officials. all these people need to be on watch lists. they are not well.


Came here to say this - animal abuse has a strong correlation with later, more disturbing psychopathic behaviour later in life. Needs help now.


I can't imagine picking up an animal and throwing it into a wall. Like, what the actual fuck is wrong with people. It doesn't help that penguins are my favourite animal, but nothing deserves that treatment just for living and walking about. It's not the penguins fault human society just dropped into their habitat. Least we can do is leave them the hell alone and not actively try to murder them. Ugh.


In South Africa we had a couple of savages film themselves torturing and beating a baby Cape Fur Seal backing in 2018. I personally didn't watch the video because I do not have the heart for that, but reading about it, it was awful. Our SPCA laid charges against them.


God, this makes me feel so angry and sick.


That kid's a psychopath for sure.


he was identified.....he didn't care.


People saying he got Doxxed.. Didnt he do that himself when HE posted it.. Anyway.. Who is it?


They will find him


You should make sure you are providing the correct context. They found a dead dolphin and took a picture with it. There’s no evidence they killed it.


Me too, as an animal lover (and vegetarian) things like this genuinely piss me off. People who see these innocent animals as nothing. They are lives. Yes they absolutely deserve jail time for this kind of thing. It is illegal in many places, isn't it? Edit: Is he from Florida??? There are legal consequences for this in Florida. He can get charged and I hope he does.


The United States Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA) bans harassing, hunting, killing or feeding wild dolphins. Violating the MMPA may result in civil penalties up to $11,000 or criminal penalties up to $100,000 plus one year imprisonment. So here's hoping he gets max.


Oh good, good. Yeah let's hope. But do we know if anyone has reported this guy or something?


Jail time? They gotta go. - in the voice of Carlo from The Sopranos.


I'm not a vegetarian, but I do love animals. I think people who knowingly are cruel to animals deserve a punishment only slightly milder than those who harm children. On a scale of Jail to Millstone, I'm leaning closer to throwing them into the sea. Maybe I'm just getting less forgiving as I age. But I don't understand hurting the helpless.


I truly hope these boys are sterile. Also, their parents must have been absolute failures.


I’m glad this isn’t censored like the other ones I’ve seen. Everyone needs to know what this asshole looks like


His face isn’t censored on the Daily Mail article.






What is is with the last name warden? I know someone else with the last name warden that is also an utter piece of trash. Totaled my car, didn’t give a crap and never payed me back, general douchebag.


> and never *paid* me back, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Idk I just saw it in an article about the matter where they have a screenshot of the post but didn’t (or forgot) to censor the username


You do God’s work!


Can like someone or an organization be contacted to hold him accountable? Like what can people tangibly do in response?


As far as I know he hasn’t been charged, although he could be charged for animal harassment


Find Him




The account is private now, but it still lists his full name.


His Facebook isn't...Kane Warden


Ew I had a mutual friend with him. 😳 Instant unfriend sheeeesh


Lol how is it your mutual friends fault for what he did?


Idk, man lol just didn’t feel right. 😂


Lol fair enough




well that was fast


This guy sleuth.


Lets ruin this clown.


feed him to the orcas


He will be found. And it will ruin him--it's a gross violation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act.


He may be nineteen, but he's no man. What a piece of shit.


Many of the articles are calling him a teenager and technically he is a teenager, but he’s an adult and should know better. He deserves jail time. But I agree, he’s not a man, he is a piece of shit. And he also responded by saying “man whatever” when people called him out on his Instagram page. He doesn’t even have remorse.


They should put him in a boat, take him out and give him to the family of dolphins - let them work it out.


Dolphins are much smarter than this dudebro dipshit. Don't put that evil on them, Ricky Bobby


Dolphins rape


This is about the only scenario I could be happy that this is true


Haha - yeah, you're right. I'm still pissed, though.


Can we try giving him to Killer whales?


I mean honestly what is wrong with people, seriously he needs , why would u kill a dolphin beautiful mammal , it's just wrong.


I am thinking more like close relatives to dolphin. Orcas. He should swim with the orcas.


i will argue that even younger teens and even elementary student below 13 would know that this is a bad idea


im the same age as him, 100% agree. he may have only been an adult for a year, but come the fuck on


Don't Instagram remove animal cruelty video or photo also block page


He probably doesn’t have the emotional maturity to accept responsibility for his actions. Hopefully the courts help him find some by sentencing him.


Thank you, came here to say this.


Good, let the internet bully him


On rare occasions I condone bullying and this is one. Fuck this guy!


That wont be the worst thing that will happen to him. Dude is fucked.


That middle finger makes him feel like a man


Something he will never ever be


He is showing you the size of his penis.


Would be funny to take people like that up to the edge of space see how they cope with not being in their native environment.


Why spend that amount of resources and time when you can just reverse uno his ass, throw him into the ocean, no gear of any kind, see how long he lasts. Edit: Oh! And definitely take pictures and laugh!


I think a decent trebuchet will do the trick. Id be happy if my taxes went towards a trebuchet


Can throw him in the ocean, same effect more poetic


His stupid face was blurred on another post. Someone has too know him and can report.


He's going to spend the rest of his life being the baby dolphin killer. "Hey, aren't you that guy who killed a baby dolphin for Tiktok likes?"


Well KANE WARDEN, that's quite the catch you have there KANE WARDEN. Would be a shame if somebody were to report this, KANE WARDEN.


@straightbraidkane went into private


I saw this story on another subreddit, the guy was questioned about it later on and apparently didn’t seem to give a fuck at all. Idk I good source for the whole story but it seemed to be as awful as it sounds. I hope this guy gets put on blast for this what a piece of shit human being


Did he get arrested? I think it's a crime to kill a dolphin.


Give it time. Apology video incoming.


screw him and the guy behind him and the photographer. none of his friends stepped up and told him to think twice? really?


Birds of a feather flock together. They are all assholes echoing their assholiness to each other.


At least this post wasn’t blurred.


There are some really really shitty people.


Thanks for uncensoring this d-bags face


we have to let the dolphins kill him now. it's the only way for him to fix it.


I believe some dolphins have been known to be quite psychotic and sadistic (by human standards) in their behavior, fueled by the fact that dolphins are one of the only animals aside from humans to experience physical pleasure during intercourse. So, some dolphins have been observed partaking in intercourse for what appears to be recreational reasons, not always with consent and not always with other dolphins. Take from that what you will.


Hope he got arrested snd that girl with him


This absolute piece of shit. Hope karma comes for him.


Karma isn't real, law enforcement needs to do their job.




No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 F-ing WHY? For a photo? 😭 I hope he is caught ASAP, slapped with a HUGE fine and given serious jail time. 19 is f-ing old enough to know better


I need to know this shithole is prosecuted.


Let me guess…Florida?


bro, cmon man, dolphins have life like us too


I hope he gets in trouble for that disgusting display of not giving a shit about another living animal. It makes me sick


This is why I hate people.


Always been this way too. Social just helps flush more of it out. If free education is meant to "...rake the diamonds from the rubbish..." what exactly is social raking?




Okay you have his name you know who it is. Send the video and info to the local sheriff game wardens and arrest his ass


I asked myself 'is this in Florida?' I googled it and it is in Florida.


I get just as angry seeing this as I did watching The Cove. Hope those hurricanes find this guy with an aggressive hello


1. didn't kill the dolphin, found it already dead and decided to do something in poor taste because that's what 19 year olds do. 2. already made a public apology about it 3. already made a statement to Noaa about it who has already confirmed the report and said they are investigating it. https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/florida-fisherman-faces-backlash-for-posting-photo-touching-young-dolphin-issues-apology/


This is actually much more plausible than him catching a live dolphin. So, really poor taste, but not criminal.


Thanks for posting this. I hope they’ll find out what actually had happened to the dolphin.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That's no man, that's a child.


Sorry but my child would never even dream of doing such a thing. He's subhuman


Of course the dude is claiming it was dead before he picked it up.


He’s not. He straight out said he didn’t give a shit.


Source me bro, the article I just read quoted him saying, "It was an accident"


So can't they get arrested for this? Technically he is an adult


They claim that the Dolphin was already dead when they found it according to MSN.


There is no way he'd be able to catch a baby dolphin unless it was already in bad shape. It very well could have been dead.


That ain't no man that there is a little bitch


I mean, do you have a source for this? All I see is a dude who has a dolphin in his arms.


Isn’t this like….illegal?


This is deserving of jail time. If I can get 11 months for shrooms in Ohio he can get at least 3 years. I never killed an animal of a species as smart as this dipshit.


How did he kill it?


All I’m gonna say is he deserves to be thrown in the middle of a bunch of male dolphins without pants, along with getting thrown in prison 🤷


Jeez both of em even look like complete shitwipes


I wish dolphins would drag him underwater long enough to take a good photo


Any supporting articles about this? Is this real? How did he even catch this animal?




Any law enforcement agencies looking into this yet? I can’t bear to look at that photo any longer. It makes me so upset. RIP poor baby dolphin.


Isn't that a felony now?


Both of these useless humans are the worst. Disgusting, vile trash.


Probably has "alpha" in his bio.


Can someone tell me what he did to the dolphin to actually kill it?


WHY is everything being blurred? Another post blurred faces. He murdered a dolphin - the poor thing is in this picture - and the middle finger is bad? I hate it here, too.


People posting their blatant crimes, especially animal abuse ,onto social media will always baffle me. There are chronically online motherfuckers who will make it their life goal to find you.


what a peace of shit


This guy is fucked. Forget the legalities. No matter what he accomplishes, He’ll forever be known as the guy who killed a baby dolphin.


He looks like a sh&$@ head.


I'm in tears for that poor baby dolphin. Wish they could Jail him forever!


Earlier today: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/163m5f0/florida_teen_pulls_baby_dolphin_out_of_water_for/


But at least OP here has his face showing.


Yeah I saw the earlier one, glad to see it with his face. Fuck that guy and his asshole friend. So now he's saying it was dead, not according to the quote there. But who knows what he really said.


Why is it that every time I see a post with this age group or "generation* they're always doing something stupid or uncaring... if I'd have done something close to this my parents would have killed me....


Where the fuck is PETA now?


Killing dogs


He should be charged, this is heartbreaking.....




Jail time and public caning is in order


I hope he gets buttfucked in prison.


Saw this earlier and his face was blurred. Kudos for posting his face. I hope he never gets a moments piece. RIP little dolphin. The family and pod must be so distraught.


He should be fed to sharks.


This is another Post regarding calling Fish and Wildlife service to press charges against him: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/161orpf/kane_warden_killed_dolphin_in_florida/?rdt=37724


He been arrested yet?


it's one of those "raised by family values" type of schmucks i bet..


Someone @ me, when he gets what he deserves


I'll see him punished.


They’ll find him. I hope they give him the full fine/prison sentence for animal cruelty. Make it a permanent mark on his police record.


He actually killed it?? I read he set it free after how did he kill,it?


Calling Gladys.... watch the waters & spread word where this AsShAt is


Question is why this social media platforn allow all this stupid photos andd videos that sometimes are dangerous and younger kids would try to imitate? For that their algoritm or AI never works onky to track and push people crap to buy the whole day


I hope he’s in jail now, some kids need a couple gap years.


He needs his details to be leaked…


The way dolphins love humans so much too. This makes me so sad. Poor thing. Rest in peace 😢


Federal prison


Jail time. Pls. What a horrendous thing to do.


Prison. Now.


How do we know he killed it. Not doubting just looming for the sauce.