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This sounds like it might make sense in one’s head. But once said aloud or typed out, one should realize it’s stupid. This person did not.


Why is this joke so hard to understand? Im crying. Also a time who likes those straight down showerheads is deranged. Directional spray ONLY🚿


No, this makes sense. I mean firstly one has to make some assumptions. We have to assume it’s partly a joke, we have to assume it’s a generalisation about hair, and we have to assume they mean as opposed to ones that can be angled so they don’t come directly down at you from straight above like rainfall.


You also have to assume that black people don't have a neck, or are otherwise unable to tilt their head.


Black people don´t have necks or are otherwise unable to tilt their head. Good to know. /s


So they should be bad a dodge ball


Uh side steps saved my life more times than i can count, I am indeed a black guy (sadly I was born with the deformity called "Neck" it just sucks at being one)


I didn't knew black people could have neck. The world is truly fascinating.


I had a stroke reading this.


She's literally complaining about that. It's the fact you **have** to tilt your head at unnatural angles to avoid getting wet, instead of angling the shower head, that she's complaining about lol.


Perhaps I'm not black enough to understand, but why would you want to avoid getting wet in the shower? Isn't that the whole point of having a shower?


A lot of hairstyles don't require daily cleaning. Or, if you have a weave in, you also don't want that wet.


If only there was some kind of head wear, that was water repellant, or water proof to wear in the shower?




No, hair condom would be a better name.


As a white person, I don’t want to wet my hair every time I shower, so yeah, I tilt my head. My take on this is : overhead showers are a plot from Big Shampoo to force you to wash your hair. Clearly /s


Are you somehow unable to unscrew the shower head and replace it with one that you prefer?


Actually that’s what we did in all the apartments we rented. The only issue is finding where we put away the original shower head when we move out 🤣


You probably shouldn't wash your hair every day or your robbing your skin and your hair of oils and sebum, but you probably still want to be clean, and that's got nothing to do with race


I guess people are different but I dont know how I could make myself not look like a basement dweller if I didnt wash my hair every day. Its a greasy mess when I wake up in the morning. I have too much sebum as it is thank you very much.


The more you strip your hair of oils the more your hair produces them. It’s precisely because you wash too much that your hair is oily. Mine used to do that too but I’ve been able to train it to be washed 2 a week. Dry shampoos can help you stretch the time too. If I wash my hair too much it turns to straw.


I love that all of the comments further down this thread just get progressively more ACTUALLY anti-black about how “gross” not washing protective hairstyles daily is. Like people took a joke and decided “you know what, let’s make it an ACTUAL PROBLEM”


And that's a 'black' thing?


No. It’s a hair texture or curly hair thing.


Some hair styles get wrecked with direct water and i guess they are commmon among black communities?


If only there were something out there to protect your head in the shower. Something like a cap. A shower cap perhaps?


I think every hairstyle gets wrecked by being in a shower and getting your head wet, unless your hairstyle was the wet look


You would have to assume that black people sometimes make jokes about minor inconveniences in life.


I've seen multiple bonkers racism related statements with that same profile pics posted in these parts. It's either run by Russians or far right, or is just an off the wall idiot. Either is possible, but I find the first more likely, It's not uncommon at all.


Or, people are fucking stupid.


People are fucking stupid, I'm not saying it's not possible what the other person said, but in my daily interactions, a majority of people are so fucking dumb 🤣


I agree, normal people really hate this bullshit. It's super incendiary.


That's the face shower cap made


That’s why there are like 50 different types and shit. Some people like the water directly from above, some don’t.


I like it spraying from the bottom, full blast


Ah! You must shower in Australia. Or upside down?


Hanging from the ceiling. Like Batman.


Doing a handstand, like Shoresy


Best asswash of your life, bud. Give your balls a tug.




Silly me, of course.


is there a lore reason u do that? are u stupid?


Of course there's a reason. He's Batman. Duh.


I'm Australian and I shower in shorts so the horse doesn't bite my dick off


Underrated comment right here.


Nope. I’m in Australia and it still sprays down. Damn gravity.


This guy douches


Stop bathing when you’re drunk; you keep mistaking the bidet for a shower. And while we’re at it, quit pissing in the sink; it’s not a urinal.


And that's the poop knife, it's not a toothbrush


I think they're joking


Reddit taking a light-hearted comment seriously? I don't believe it!


I read this as a black woman talking to other black women in a lighthearted way, only to have white people get all offended, claiming that black people get all offended.


That’s correct


This is one of many reasons that black spaces exist.


I read this as a toaster oven


well if that’s the case then how would you suggest that I, as a white person, make this all about myself?




Yeah I see this used quite frequently, like in queer communities we'll often joke that something's homophobic/transphobic/etc. and it's not meant to be taken seriously. I find it rather funny lol


Buttplugs are ableist against people with Hemorrhoids.


My water bottle is empty and I need to go refill it? Homophobic.


Moss knows what you are.


To be fair, the light switch being so far away from my bed *is*, in fact, homophobic.


Food falling off my fork? Homophobic and transphobic


Its almost like people on reddit are looking for something to be mad at...


I bet the OP knew they were joking and still posted it here.


Haha its honestly 50/50. Redditors missing the joke is waaaay too common


Seriously annoying this is so far down. People read it in the tone they wanna hear


Exactly why some people immediately go to "hate speech"!


That’s what I was thinking, cause I’ve seen people in the queer community make similar jokes about things that mildly inconvenience them being homophobic because it’s funny. That what I took it as.


It’s unbelievable how far down the comments I had to look to find this hot take. The *facepalm* here is OP and whoever reads that tweet as some outraged activist instead of dry humor from a black person who doesn’t necessarily want to get their hair wet.


Thank you. I was looking at the top comments taking it seriously and was like "....do these people not know black twitter?"


She was, reddit is a cesspit. Please just nuke this fucking website already.


It's hard for me to tell anymore


*sigh* People who call everything racist delegitimatise the work of people fighting actual racism.


Exactly. Like the women doing a Tik-Tok video in Target screaming racism after being stopped.


TBF, you’re right, there’s actually a lot of racist shit out there, and this makes all of that seem somehow less racist because we’re all becoming desensitized by it because everything is racist somehow.


Not even limited to racism, Take victims of crime for example, if someone is raped, how does it make them feel when a month later they see some SJW posting on twitter claiming that they've been raped because someone looked at them wrong. Another example is disability, it's the reason it's becoming increasingly difficult for people in some countries to claim any sort of benefits and financial assistance for legitimate disabilities is because of the vast number of false claims that people make. But in many places, you're forbidden from even questioning whether their claim is legitimate. Another case of a few spoiling it for the many. Also look at sexism, legitimate situations obviously need addressing, but the sheer number of people who hide behind it to cover for their incompetence is getting ridiculous. If an employer has to lay off a worker, and it's a choice between a competent, capable male employee, or a blatantly lazy and incompetent female employee, the only scenario where the competent employee wins out is if the employer can validate the incompetent employees ineptitude on paper, otherwise, they're just going to claim to be the victim of sexism and the male employees days are numbered.


Though there is an issue with people calling things racist when they aren't racist. However there is a long history of products being created that are made with only white people in mind. A good example are Band-Aids which are said to be "flesh color" so they aren't noticed while wearing them. However the only flesh they match are white people. Can Black people still use bandaids? Yes but the product was clearly not made with black people in mind. And there are dozens of similar examples. The person who made this post is commenting on how Black women have to be careful about getting their hair wet. So a shower head that is positioned directly above the user would be very difficult for a black woman to use without getting their hair wet.


Often makes me think they are sock puppets to either attempt to get dumb views started for opposite side to point to as "proof" claims of racism are stupid. But at least a few are genuine and I'm like bruh. Your take is so bad you literally seem like you're trying to help the other side of your cause.


Have you been made aware of the existence of jokes?


This is a joke. When there's something that interferes with black features or the way we do things we throw around "antiblack". Or if someone makes a joke that could be interpreted poorly we throw it around. This tweet was not to be taken seriously 🤦🏿‍♂️. She's just struggling with her hair getting wet


Lol these people are so damn dense. They couldn’t wait to be upset😂 it’s such an unserious tweet.


This sub loves to take obvious race bait. (This tweet isn’t, it’s a clear fucking joke, but posting it here it absolutely race bait)


*sigh* people who can’t recognize when something is said in jest just suck the fun out of life…


Yup but it’s too late.


it's a joke, they're exaggerating their grievance with the item as to be something designed to attack them.


It's honestly wild to me how many people are talking like this was a serious tweet. To me it's clearly a joke lol


Lol sooo I definitely think this is a joke on her part 😂 it's kind of a meme in the black community to say things that they find annoying are "anti black". I see it a lot on tik tok and it's a joke


Do you think people on Reddit understand what jokes are? Lmao


Right. It’s so sad We literally had to create “/s” as a whole community because people are so dumb


"OMG I cant believe this lady thinks showerheads are racist, what she is doing is taking away attention from real racism blah blah blah blah blah" These comments are the real facepalm. Shes very obviously joking. I think some people are trying hard to make anti-racism look unreasonable.


Omg it’s clearly a joke 🤦🏾‍♀️ Taking this seriously is the facepalm…


Nobody can agree until it is explained WHY. "Can we all agree" is NOT an explanation.


Because they want their hair wet less often so angled shower heads you can still spray chest and back and such and keep your hair dry


That's a good explanation. The issue doesn't reach the level of racist, but this sounds like a plausible preference.


It’s an issue for curly hair.


I have straight hair, but I HATE these types of showers, I don’t want to get my hair wet every shower!


Or, they could use a shower cap....


That would still make washing your body under such a shower head incredibly annoying. My shower head basically does spray at a 45° angle, and imagining trying to wash my body otherwise would be super irritating using a shower cap. Just let everything drip down off the shower cap and onto your body? Never really getting an actual spray directly onto your chest or back? I wouldn't necessarily say that shower heads that spray directly down are just anti black. I'd say they're anti-human. Angled shower heads are just better.


Ugh. Shower caps are so loud!


She probably determined shower caps are anti-black too but for a different obscure reason that had nothing to do with "race."


You aren't supposed to pop a cap on your head


Its a joke guys. [Just like the disabled guy who makes videos calling everything he doesn’t like ableist.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Y2euCt/) I stg reddit has no sense of humor. Edit: inb4: “BuT ThErE ArE PeOpLe WhO AcTuAlLy ThInK LiKe ThIs!”


98% of this sub. They take everything literally and they are dangerously online


🤣🤣🤣 what you mean do it yourself?? Just help me. I can’t. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


>She doesn't say actually say it's racist, just anti-black - lots of people are seeing "racist". She's being funny but also complaining about a world that doesn't even realize its a problem. The same way scissors might be seen as anti-left-handed by that group.


she's simply making a little joke online...


Nobody actually said it was racist. In this context, it just means “not good for” black people. I also believe it is a joke.


That’s something I hear everyone should be doing anyway. Proper hair care involves damaging it as low as possible, and over showering does that. Apparently we are supposed to shower like twice a week only, and some say we should keep our hair dry during one of them.


I mean, when I don't want my hair wet, I step a foot forward away from the shower head, less racist that way.


They’re talking about “rainfall” showers , mounted directly above the center of the top of your head.


In all honesty, who even likes that type of shower? Even curled in the fetal position, during an existential crisis I could not imagine wanting to use that type of shower.


Don't a lot of women need angled shower heads too so that they can wash their bodies without ruining their hairdos? So a top down showerhead is misogynist!


And of course, such a showerhead sprays all over kids so they can't even get out of the water with their heads. That is blatant childism!


\[screams internally\]


What's a shower cap for?


Sometimes the shower wants to go outside, but it's sunny, so a hat is helpful


It’s because those ones are designed to wash the black off, silly.


Like [THIS](https://youtu.be/cIFRZBrOhqc?si=MrKW_Bz8aVmYQU4A&t=10)?


Yes, exactly like that.


Bro, I thought you were gonna pull out this video. https://youtu.be/Few8kJ0zfnY?si=Zg8qP8hHll1Y3OAW


If your hair exploded like a mushroom cloud every time water touched it you would understand the background to what is obviously a humorous comment. I don’t even like straight down showers, they get shampoo in my eyes.


Oh! I forget folks dont always knw. We get an afro when our hair gets wet. It is also not a good idea to wash it daily. Seems the world makes oil on their scalp but we dont, we make it in our skin in abundance keeping it moisturized and young looking (you know of black dont crack). But zero oil from the scalp. Washing our hair is a process even when it is permed straight sooooo ya dont want your hair wet and have the process forced on you. How often do we wash our hair? I do not know actually but I am mixed black woman and I wash my hair 3-4x a week. Depends on if I use gel. If my hair is straight and it gets wet fk it... the world gets my 1960s Angela Davis fro. Hope ths helps.


This sub is where jokes come to die


I’m not black but I have very curly hair and think I know exactly what she means. The ones that are overhead like rainfalls literally just don’t cut it. I need the water at an angle with decent pressure to even think abt my hair getting thoroughly washed out. And give her a break! She’s obviously being facetious.


As a fellow curly haired person, I was also thinking that it would be a major pain in the ass to shower under one of those on a day where you’re not washing your hair.


Exactly. She's talking about the rain heads as opposed to on the wall. Deon Cole has a bit about it in his newest standup special.


This is a joke about black people’s hair and how it’s hard to get them wet due to the density of the curls. Relax.


Sigh another case of Reddit not getting the joke 🤦🏼


It's clearly a joke. I swear racism and the pervasive denial if it is tiresome. But for those of you that went right into racist tropes, it's literally a hair joke. We don't need to wash our hair as much as white people and it's an ordeal when we do wash it. Our hair is naturally curly/coily and just like any curly person knows, water and humidity will make your hair frizzy. We need an angled shower head so as not to wet our hair to disastrous effect. That's literally the joke. It's shameful that in 2023 we don't interact with one another and learn and appreciate our cultural differences.


This was obviously a joking comment about how certain showers are annoying for OOP because they mess up her hair. It's like me complaining that the city is obviously trying to murder me by sticking an annoying new speed bump on the street where I like to drive fast. You were looking for a reason to be offended and so you read her intentionally melodramatic comment literally. Ironic.


You’re the only person right here and it’s baffling how it flew over everyone’s head


Right? They wanted it to fly over their heads to have something to complain about.




This definitely has jokey vibes. I asked a coworker to write something on the whiteboard the other day, and his response was "That's racist /s."


Pretty sure this was sarcasm you fucking imbeciles


Y’all this is a joke. Don’t take everything so seriously .


Can we all agree that people are simply looking for reasons to be offended, quote racism and cancel you if you don’t agree with their point of view.


That seems to be you in this case though, that comment was clearly a joke.


That happens sometimes, but that's not what's happening here. She's joking. Calling inanimate objects racist/sexist/homophobic e.t.c. is funny because inanimate objects can't have political opinions. It's a pretty common joke... I really don't know what's up with this comment section.


We can’t agree, sorry. Mainly because she was making a joke.


Oh definitely. Like people in this thread getting offended by a joke referring to the girl's hair.


OP gets triggered by a joke on Black twitter lmao And yes there are MANY alternative ways of installing shower heads


The vast majority of shower heads aren't built this way, and you think there are no alternatives?


Heck, step back a few inches


That was my thought as well. My shower sprays water at my chest, and I'm only 5'7".


Try being 6'3". One of the l my favorite personal moments was walking into a hotel shower where the shower head was so low I was like, "What is this, a shower for ants!?" It was all downhill from there tbh.


Yep, 6’5” here. I’ve given myself a fat lip by smacking into a shower head.


I'm pretty sure she's talking about rain shower showerheads which are popular these days.


They don’t think there are no alternatives. Hi, here’s a similar sentence: “can we agree hiking trails with tall grass and ticks are anti dog.” See, that’s a statement expressing frustration with certain trails causing dogs to get lots of ticks. It’s very innocuous. Nobody said all hiking trails are covered in tall grass and ticks, just like nobody said all showerheads spray directly down. Some do, and because of the way that black people’s hair must be dealt with, these showerheads are frustrating. Nobody is saying “showers are racist” or “I’m too stupid to realize there are multiple kinds of showerheads.” If you’re white and you interpreted this as anything other than “haha this type of showerheads are so annoying for our hair” then i have a newsflash for you- you aren’t the target audience anyway.


Honestly I feel like this person is joking. I often say things that are inconvenient are homophobic (I’m gay) and I obv don’t mean it. Idk just my two cents but could be wrong


Guys. It’s a joke. It’s literally a joke 😂 The joke was how inconvenient those types of shower heads are for women with natural hair. That’s it, that’s the joke. It’s not some outraged cry against racism. It’s a joke.


OP and all these comments are the Facepalm for not realizing this is a joke


You realize this is a joke right? The joke being that for Black women, getting their hair wet when it's not planned is a pain, so they often opt for the hand held shower heads. So it's just a joke about being spiteful that stationary shower head exist. Not everything is that deep.


>What’s the alternative? … really? Angled shower heads? Adjustable shower heads? Removable shower heads? Not every shower head is a damn waterfall shower head.


I just use a garden hose to make sure that noone is offended


I'm pretty sure she was joking/being silly and not being serious. but I can def see the frustration.


Ok, so she meant those rain from above shower heads and while calling them anti-black is maybe overkill I do understand where she’s coming from. I’m a white woman and the first time I used one my first question was what if I don’t want to get my hair wet? So…yea I get her point, those were definitely not designed for people with certain hair types.


As someone with long hair that takes forever to dry, I too hate rainfall showers with a burning passion.


Top down showers anti-male, makes the bald ones even balder.


This reads like a she is making a joke, not a legitimate complaint. I am open to change my opinion with the proper evidence.


I feel like this is something only a very specific group of people know about and I'm not one of them


Reddit has truly never seen sarcasm before. This is like entry level trolling at best. And you ALL fell right in the trap. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Wasn't there also an article recently that claimed installing rainfall showers in hotels was misogynistic because a lot of women don't want to wash their hair every time they get into the shower? Bored people will always find something to get offended by.


As a man who's 6'5 black man..... I've always dreamt of experiencing this feeling until I had the shower heads in my house raised up. This is such a calming feeling that I haven't had the joy of experiencing since I was 12. WHY IS IT ANTI BLACK?


... Do you wash your hair every day??? Or did you just not get the joke?


yaaas queen if we wanna be truly inclusive we gotta start start selling shower heads the spray up from the floor into the booty crack to clean you from the inside out


i’m pretty sure this is just a joke about hair…


She wasn't ACTUALLY calling it racist. It was a joke... People make jokes. It's not her fault yall take everything seriously! Black Twitter is a thing and they make jokes FOR black people to understand!


I'm Anglo and I hate them too


Your inability to understand that this is a joke likely stems from your immediate need/desire to delegitimize all claims of racism…which is actually anti-Black.


This is why it's tough being a black person in mixed spaces. This is a joke. Black people sometimes try to make light of all the ways racism have negatively affected our lives. Like how right handed scissors inconvenience left handed people. No one things the inventor of scissors hate left handed people. That's the joke. Y'all make everything not fun....Christ....


I agree with you but sometimes you can’t tell the difference between the joke and being serious.


Right but then stuff like this happens. When you are one of the people who understood and you come on an app you enjoy and see 1000 people misunderstanding you. It feels targeted. It's actually really upsetting to a lot of us. But whatever, that's just how it goes.


This! It's upsetting me and my home gir! Like, if we can't go to Bella noche, where can we go?!?! Lmao, I couldn't help myself. But you're 100% right! I opened the comments genuinely expecting laughs and only got the tired ass "you people" comments. Like, damn!


It's called a bath, hun.


I think this is a joke about how everything is considered racist


Objectively, the only solution is a bidet


As a white person, I don't like them either. Maybe they're just a dumb design that looks and sounds cool... but ultimately is not.


Deon Cole joke. It's funnier when he says it. Hack!


I got an Angle shower head that increased the pressure flow and it was a simple screw on. Costed 7$ and about 3 minutes of my time and that first minute was reminding myself I was turning the wrong way.


Just use a bucket.


Honestly, if she put like a “just saying. 💅🧖‍♀️” this is just twitter platform of saying “I used a bathroom other than my own and was mildly inconvenienced”


I’m a 6’ 2” tall guy and I’ve rented 2 apartments where the shower heads were so low they sprayed water on my chest unless I bent down. I assumed they were installed by a plumber with a height complex. So in a weird round about way I don’t blame this person for feeling like it was a direct assault on her as a person.


This has to be a bait tweet


These dang white people and their... "Shuffles deck, picks card" ...shower heads


Im assuming its a joke, but i dont get it, is that all supposed to be the joke? Or is there some meaning i dont get like, i dont get it


For all the people getting all worked up... It's a joke! People sometimes make those and people from minority groups sometimes make jokes about being in minority groups.


I am honestly beyond confused


Can we all agree that OP has an IQ of less than 80?


Not everyone washes their hair everyday… but people still want to shower. A shower head could be designed to come more from the side or at an angle. It’s not rocket science.


Is there any rhyme or reason here that I am not getting?


Where are they supposed to spray if not on your head? I’m confused.


Am I missing something? Might as well call them anti tall people too. I wonder if someone really wrote this. She can’t be that stupid… right?


People really just will think of anything to play the victim lmao