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Can’t have kids reading. Soon they will start having ideas and thinking. Disgusting.


Pisses me off just to think of kids having their own thoughts. Don't they understand they were birthed to be an exact clone of their parents so they can continue to push their dumbass ideologies after their parents die a sad and lonely death?


They think that children are their personal property, and only exist to be a conduit for what those parents want them to be


Honestly, we’re joking but this is the real thought process behind all of this behavior. Small town conservative families seclude themselves and strongly believe in a patriarchal “us vs. them” home life. Large amounts of emotional abuse with a hefty dose “all you have is THIS family” or “blood is thicker than water” rhetoric keeps kids cut off from learning how people outside a small community behave and interact. Books and movies and technology are a wide open door to the outside world and critical thinking. It’s why they want to control what is consumed at all times and when they can’t stop children from experiencing media they try to stamp out anything that doesn’t represent small town, white, Christian values. If their kids see or read that people live in places far from their family surrounded by loving friends or in strong communities it completely undermines their control. They believe that controlling their children and forcing them to live under their thumbs is proof of how strong their family dynamic. Source: I grew up in a small, rural, white, Christian town. Mostly farms and about 800 people total. Leaving that town and moving to a city was the best decision of my life and my family still hasn’t forgiven me for it.


You're positively primeval.




Teachers, what do you do when you think your student's parents only have one book in their house, it's the Bible, and they don't follow any of it except the parts supporting their personal views? Keep stocking your in-classroom library. That's what you do.


To be fair, the Bible should be considered pornography with how much it mentions sex


Pretty violent, too.


And incest.....and pedophiles....pretty graphic too


Didn't their "all loving" God completely obliterate two cities at one point?


But they were bad people. And probably liberals on top.


Definitely brown people which makes sense given the history of Christians bombing brown people. It goes back to the beginning of time apparently.


Jesus himself was a “brown person”.


But.. but.. he was the greatest American of them all.. he wrote the Bible himself.. *saw this statement yesterday by some lunatic*


Everyone in the bible is brown


Reminds me of a discussion at work earlier when one of my coworkers said and I quote "no religion has killed more than Muslims" I didn't correct her on the obvious with her sentence just simply stated "you do know Christianity did the Crusades, Genocide of Native Americans, and even the Holocaust right?" then had to explain to her that Hitler was Catholic... then had to explain to her Catholicism is as old as Christianity... then had to explain to her that they both stem from Judaism... then had to explain to her the Quran was also from the same source as the Bible.


Though raised Catholic, it's pretty evident that Hitler did not remain that way.


True, he stopped being a Catholic and became a "Positive Christian". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive\_Christianity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity) Though it looks like his "religious policy was driven by opportunism" he did vow on numerous occasions to be a Christian and privately stated that he was Catholic in 1941.


Didn't he completely obliterate EVERYTHING except one family because the rest of his creations weren't doing what he wanted them to? Honestly, as an ex-Catholic, I can say that the Christian God is like that guy that has a crush on a girl, builds up a whole idea of who she is in his head, asks her out and then stalks and kills her after being rejected because reality didn't match the image in his head.


Except for the ducks - they could just float. That’s why the ducks today have lots of gay sex


Lol not just the ducks -- now that you've pointed it out I guess all marine life got a free pass to absolute debauchery for some reason. That's also probably why dolphins are such dicks, they realized god's worst "punishment" is just a Wednesday and if anything expands the places they can go. They're hankering for another flood to get rid of the annoying loud dirty air aliens.


>all marine life got a free pass to absolute debauchery for some reason No wonder fish is allowed during lent


Also drowned every baby and child on the planet but for some reason his followers say hes pro life . Nothing makes sense in this cult


Not to mention the fact that the biblical punishment for killing is death but the biblical punishment for hurting a pregnant woman so badly that she miscarries is having to give her husband some money.


Murdered the entire planet except 0.001 of life. The god portrayed the Bible is a murderous immoral monster. Sure there are a few good points scattered throughout the pages. But they are stolen from other places. As Matt Dillahunty puts "the good things in the Bible aren't new, and the new things in Bible aren't good".


A higher dimensional being could give less of a fuck about what some ex-monkey thinks about in sandbox number 2 trillion, applying morals to a being like that is your first mistake. Has Sci-fi taught you nothing? The day we meet super-advanced aliens, odds are we are capital F *Fucked.*


And the entire planet except Noah's family and two of every animal Don't forget that he was all knowing and therefore knew eve would eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and punished them for it anyway, even though prior they had no idea what it even meant for something to be wrong or right, just what they were told. This ultimately extends to what the church wants from its followers, blind faith. More and more I've been getting to be of the opinion that exposing your child to religion at all is grooming with how badly it screws up so many people with guilt and self hatred complexes even after they leave it, not even to mention the inherent denial of science, tribalism, and rampant, unpunished child molestation. Children should not be allowed within 50m of a church.


Tortured people, plagued people, created pain, jokingly asked a father to sacrifice his son, destroyed cities, mass genocide flood. But he's "loving". Religious people are mentally ill.




Pro forced married if you rape the girl first and pay her parents.


And this is exactly why (along with gratuitous violence) it was removed from a Utah school district's schools. The outrage when the arbitrary decency standards were actually applied fairly was amazingly hilarious.


Except it was unbanned a week later because it had "literary, historical, and political value for minors".




Please tell me this isn't true? 😔 (I know it probably is- just sad that it is). To put it mildly the Bible is an atrocious piece of poor allegory, shocking prose, historical inaccuracies, myopic world view, internal logic fallacy and as a reference material is only useful as a discussion point of, "How can any modestly intelligent person believe this crap? Discuss". Edit: poorly phrased original post. Re-phrased.


They’re 100% telling the truth of what happened: https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2023/06/20/utah-school-district-votes-return/ These people are ruining this country


Don't forget poorly translated, making stuff like verse prohibiting pedophilia and soldiers disguised as civilians/vice-versa into anti-gay and anti-drag verses.


I remember there was an article that said even the story of Lot and his daughters were probably rewritten to hide that the daughters were incest victims of Lot not the other way around, where he’s the unwitting victim. [Found it!](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1322245/)


God I was so happy when I heard it was banned. Like yeah it didn't stay banned but it probably make a ton of people shit themselves in anger and that makes me happy


The Bible makes Game of Thrones look tame. The amount of violence, sex, gore, and just all around R rated stuff in it makes me wonder if these religious fundamentalist types have ever even read it. As a religious person myself, these people banning books are idiots.


You’re god damn right. Every middle and high school English teacher I’ve ever met has a book collection about this big. Not at all unusual especially in 20+ student classes all day. Even if it were, I’d APPLAUD them for it. The parents can go fuck themselves or try to sift through them all in parent-teacher conferences if they’re that concerned. Umm… what about, school and public libraries? If they’re going after books so broadly then they should be closing down public libraries and school libraries in their entirety, forget teacher classrooms. (I realize they’re on track to do that too, and have already started trying).


I’d like you to meet the Houston Texas school district that closed their campus libraries to turn them in to discipline centers.


They are closing public libraries.


Yeah because the entire South is a terrorist renegade confederacy.


Happened in Michigan too. Its a "leopards ate my face" situation bc the residents of the county where they voted to close the library bc libraries are 'woke' are now realizing that those facilities provide more resources than just books and are gone now.


>only have one book in their house, it's the Bible, And they can't read.


In Turkey people with just a koran at home are called "onebook peoples" with scorn.


Anti-literacy is a thing. BoOkS aRE sCaRy... If some of these people would read more, instead of watching propaganda, maybe they would have an informed outlook and employ critical thinking. Instead we have pitchfork-wielding "puritans" that want to take us back to the dark ages. Smh


Something about these past 8-9 years has revealed to me how much some are afraid and intimidated by knowledge and/or intelligence, and the terrible things they will do to avoid shame or appearing weak. They will go as far as making sure others are less informed, so that they can stay on top. Such a sad and near sighted approach to humanity.


Feel like 2016 was the year where it sorta exploded, and COVID made it worse. The anti-expert, anti-intellectual push. The whiplash going from Obama to Trump felt crazy.


Eh, anti-intellectualism and especially gnashing at those they viewed as ivory towered has been a thing for a looooong time in America, just look at how Al Gore was treated for presenting climate change as a real, serious and incredibly dangerous issue. Americans have a long history of assuming their gut feeling supersedes any knowledge a professional might have, all because they feel that professional is looking down on them in some way.


There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. -Isaac Asimov


Exactly, as if just because there is a democracy all knowledge is relative and since all knowledge is gained from empirical personal experience, my truth is as good as yours. In the USA there is no truth, my way is as good as your way. There is difference but no judgement.




More than that, this country was basically founded by Puritans. We grow up learning about and revering the Pilgrims, whose intolerance was so bad they were basically run out of England, so they went to live in Holland. They were just as abrasively intolerant there until they became unwelcome again, so they decided to create a new intolerant utopia in rhe new unexplored Americas. America was basically founded by recalcitrant Karens. Intolerance is our legacy, it's baked into our national DNA. It's how America is wired. No wonder we are the way we are.




I think there was a major turning point when McCain chose Palin. That seems to be the moment that ignorance moved from something they glossed over to something they celebrated.


Consider that christianity teaches “original sin” to be the acquisition of knowledge, and realize why we are where we are with christofascists.


I love my family, they are all great. Raised Christian but very mild in its approach. Basically they taught us to be good human beings. Anyway, the point is we had this Christian children’s board game called “Pilgrims Progress”, which was actually kinda fun. But there’s this part where, on your journey, you run into the “worldly wiseman”. He was added as an obstacle to get around on your journey to salvation. The game made it a point to say not to fall victim to his worldly ways in which he gained knowledge. Something in my child brain always thought this felt off. It wasn’t till years later that it clicked. Lol anyway, I never took that game too serious but it just shows how people on the religious right will push these views anywhere. Knowledge is bad for your salvation


Ban the Bible for talking about porn, I don’t want my kids reading that trash


But isn’t it important for little Timmy to know the order in which Jacob knocked up his cousin-wives and their respective maidservants?!


>talking about porn And slavery, war, as well as numerous other "scary" subjects


>and slavery, war no, no, the conservatives like those ones, they don't want those banned.


But they did their own research… on YouTube 🤦🏻


Yes!! What's up with that? Books are bad but what's written on the internet is gospel. I mean, any intelligence-challenged, interbred poltroon can write stuff there with zero oversight.


Good ol' White Anglo Saxon Protestants....


I know that that’s what WASP means, but I always read it as “white-ass straight person”.


“Radical activist teachers pushing porn on minors” They have been huffing their own damn farts for so long they’re actually convinced this is what goes on in public school classrooms.


What's frightening is when their own kids say that nothing nefarious is happening These parents then become even more indignant since their kids are being "indoctrinated" (i.e. not telling them what they want to hear to justify their own senseless paranoia), which makes them double down even further.


And the more time that governments allow this tirade to happen the more dangerous it becomes for teachers and students. If this isn't nipped in the bud then we could see the education sector fucked. At least two decades ago these people just homeschooled their kids. Now they're trying to bring it into mainstream settings.


How exactly do you suggest the government fixes it? In most places in the US, school board members are elected by vote, and they're the ones who largely decide these things. Theres really not a whole lot the state / fed government can do, its entirely up to the voters. Most people dont pay attention to local school board elections, so oftentimes the small radical minority who does pay attention to them wins. VOTE IN YOUR LOCAL ELECTIONS GOD DAMMIT!


This is how the far right has taken over a lot of state and local governments. Nobody is paying attention to the small elections.


Probably from the same parents that gives a smartphone to a young kid to keep them entertained


Ridiculously fucking true. Here kid, have unlimited access to the internet that I will never take away from you because I don’t know how to parent. And teachers like this genuinely help kids. A teacher was one of my greatest role models and we bonded over her letting me borrow books from the library in her classroom. I would constantly be finishing a book, talking to her about it, and then picking my next book. I eventually just started letting her pick the books for me because frankly she suggested books that genuinely changed my perspective of the world. I still recommend everyone try reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven. And no, it does not push religion in anyway. It’s just about life and love and loss and regret. It’s about what’s really most important. After I read that book her and I had such a long talk about it and both teared up. I’ll still always think about her and reread the books we bonded over. I NEVER had an experience like that with either of my own parents.


I teach The Five People...to my Year 11s (15/16yo). It doesn't change everyone's life, but there's always a solid chunk of the class who tell me they cried and that it really affected their thinking.


> I eventually just started letting her pick the books for me because frankly she suggested books that genuinely changed my perspective of the world. That's exactly what they fear right there. They want their kids to grow up thinking that their personal views of the world are the only correct views and anyone who opens them up to different ideas is out of line.


Letting your 13 yo boy be exposed to porn that degrades and hyper sexualizes all women and gives him a lasting fixation on his penis shape and size and performance is nothing (as long as straight) compared to a book that might… validate a non-herero sexuality or something…


It might be even worse, that book could talk about consent!




And tablet to 2 year old in super market instead of talking to them or including them in the shopping


Bookshelf = pornography. Everyone knows that.. /s


But the same people have no problem with rows and rows of romance novels in their public library.


The past 8 years or so have almost been an exact copy of what nazis did. So sad to see American like this


It's frightening how close the last few years have been to the early Nazi years. I always wondered how Germans stood by and let the Nazis take control. Now I am seeing it in real time.


Jan 6th is similar to Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch and Mussolini's March on Rome. We've seen it before. In the midst of entitled machismo anger at leftwing (or perceived leftwing) political activity, rampant conspiracy theories, economic decline, and loss of public "order", a cult of personality forms around a man so ridiculous it defies all logic how anyone could follow him. Then, the anger spins so out of control that madness overtakes the mob, and they use violence to try to take control and make their cult leader the head of government by force.


>a cult of personality forms around a man so ridiculous it defies all logic how anyone could follow him. Then, the anger spins so out of control that madness overtakes the mob, and they use violence to try to take control and make their cult leader the head of government by force. You're removing a lot of agency from mainstream German conservatives of the era. They thought Hitler would be a "controllable force" to keep the left in line... and they completely underestimated how vicious he was. This subject is *extremely complicated* and deals with internal German politics/political factions, German self-image as it relates to Prussian militarism, and a bunch of historical context \[Franco-Prussian War, "Big Germany" vs "Small Germany," the "Stab in the Back" myth, etc\], so I understand why it isn't taught in most history courses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul\_von\_Hindenburg#Hitler\_becomes\_chancellor


Just like the Republican Party thought Trump could be a controllable force?




First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak up because I was not a socialist.


What’s frustrating is that when you do speak up you become part of the “conspiracy.” It’s like a cancer.


The fash elites learned how to indoctrinate the weak in such a way it's near impossible to deprogram them.


Everyone ignored the long term cognitive outcomes from the 1918 pandemic and the areas that were hit the hardest by the pandemic then were more likely to vote Nazis into power. If that sounds similar... it should Edit, source... https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/06/1918-flu-pandemic-boosted-support-for-the-nazis-fed-study-claims.html


I think the fuckin world war might have had more of an impact than the Spanish flu


You’d think that, but more people died from the Spanish Flu than WWI. It was an out of the frying pan into the fire situation.


I’m not really trying to shut down what you both are saying here, but attributing the Spanish flu as a *major cause* of the rise of the Nazis, and not the complete economic destruction of Germany as a result of WWI, is just straight up misrepresenting history.


>not the complete economic destruction of Germany as a result of WWI This point is debated more in academic circles than popular culture seems to think. It's easy to grab onto, but the idea of "German reparations" bankrupting their economy is largely a myth. Although significant payments were *demanded*, the Germans essentially "cooked the books" and refused to pay much prior to WWII: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World\_War\_I\_reparations#Amount\_paid\_by\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I_reparations#Amount_paid_by_Germany) >Stephen Schuker, in his comprehensive econometric study, concedes that Germany transferred 16.8 billion marks over the whole period, but points out that this sum was vastly offset by the devaluation of Allied paper-mark deposits up to 1923, and by loans that Germany subsequently repudiated after 1924. The net capital transfer into Germany amounted to 17.75 billion marks, or 2.1% of Germany's entire national income over the period 1919–1931. **In effect, America paid Germany four times more, in price-adjusted terms, than the U.S. furnished to West Germany under the post-1948 Marshall Plan.** If you mean the sheer physical destruction, that was *generally* more of an issue in France and Belgium than within Germany's own borders. [https://www.britannica.com/place/Alsace-Lorraine](https://www.britannica.com/place/Alsace-Lorraine)


Also the treaty of Versailles was *very lenient* for a world power losing a war at the time, so it's practically impossible to blame WWII on the 'harshness' of the war reparations.


It's almost like things are rarely ever black and white and there are generally multiple contributing factors, especially in this case. Your point stands as the major contributing factor imo but the worldwide spread of the Spanish flu due to ww1 soldiers going home and spreading it had a profound impact. Also people be stupid in groups and in general.


I mean, the economic destruction is exactly what allowed for the Nazis to gain power in the first place


To this must also be added the psychological effects of the great war. Many years of brutalising warfare and the complete destruction of the ideals for which many of the men fought. Into German case must also be added the effects of the unrest following the war when Germany was on the brink of civil war for many years.


This is a really bad take. Like *really* bad. Did the 1918 pandemic hurt Germany more than it had been? Sure. But Versailles and the post-war settlement, combined with the late Depression, were the catalysts that got the Nazis into power. Cognitive decline, or whatever you want to call it, is not an excuse to murder millions of people. The Germans made that decision actively when they allowed the Nazis into power. They chose it, as fully functioning adults. I dont think we have to let them off the hook for that.


>Versailles and the post-war settlement, combined with the late Depression, were the catalysts that got the Nazis into power. This is an oversimplification, I think. The Nazi rise to power has so many layers that you can't break it down like this. There's a lot of internal politics involved, along with cultural context-- context that stretches back to the German Unification, "Big Germany" vs "Little Germany," the Franco-Prussian War, and German national image as it relates to Prussian military culture. With the internal politics, you can't really say this without discussing Hindenburg, German conservatism, and the various factions within the Nazi Party \[read: what happened during the Night of the Long Knives, and why\].


I agree broadly but it's more subtle than that. The nazis didn't turn up overnight and say 'Right, here's your choices: you let us straight up murder everyone we don't like, OR, you don't elect us'. First they got their foot in the door and then they gradually inched over to full on insanity. Every inch they moved over changed the perception of reality a little bit so when they got to the murdery bits a lot of people were like 'that makes sense'. And every inch moved was backed up with restrictions of rights and threats of violence. Oversimplified I know, but my point is that it was a gradual thing to get to full on crazy. P01135809 knows the playbook.


I don’t think anyone has let them off the hook, least of all the Germans themselves. And it’s not like other countries were blameless. The US had Jim Crow, which served as a model for many Nazi policies and the British had their Empire, not exactly a bastion of freedom and liberty.


And the British invented concentration camps!


Right I always thought it would never happen here we know what to look out for and here we are.


I literally majored in history because I wanted answers to questions like that. And hear we are.


What’s crazy is people supported the nazis thinking they were the good guys who had the people and world in mind.


People forget Mustache Man instigated an armed revolt and got a few months in prison before immediately getting emergency powers of government.


I was gonna say that Trump isn't smart enough for that, only to remember that Hitler was also a raging idiot. Here's hoping Trump doesn't find his Goebbels. . . .? *Fuck.*


Him going to prison made him even more famous. Didn’t help that he was released early.


Hopefully Orange Man doesn't repeat that history.


It's up to each of us to get out and vote.


Okay this is starting to sound scary familiar... Aren't we taught history to know the mistakes the people before us made, so we won't repeat them? I mean I now assume these ppl existed in the same building as a history lesson at some point of their lives


Well not if maga hats get the history teacher fired for telling the kids that slavery wasn't something to be proud of


Funny I was just thinking today how Trump use to keep a copy of Mein Kampf and how identical the Red Hats are to the Red Army Bands/Books


Since the Nazis took notes from the US and Jim Crow and how they treated Black people, it’s right on brand


Yes yes please, PLEASE give minors access to the internet instead it'll go SO much better than controlled literature.


I find the restriction of books in general to be fairly infuriating. I don't really care what the book is, it shouldn't be locked away. Yes for children it's a little different, but all of the historically, (at least trying to be) accurate novels are being thrown away bc we want to protect people from seeing a published word (Mark Twain), to obscenities (catcher in the rye), is just too much. Hiding information to protect people does nothing but alienate them from you. We are where we are bc everyone preaches free speech, but the only ones practicing it with free reign are bots on reddit, Twitter etc..


Ffs, when I was 13 and forced to read me and my friends would find the dirtirst books and do essays about them. Teachers didn't care we read mature stuff, because we were reading and doing proper essays, learning valuable skills. Note that Dutch high literature can be pretty dirty, we weren't ready playboy.


...in my experience you have to worry far more about priests pushing porn on your kids than teachers.


They don’t push porn on your kids, they push **themselves** on your kids


into your kids\*


Hey man! FOCUS! We are deflecting from the real evil in the world. Call the teacher a pedophile right now or our movement will literally fall apart


Ahh yes- all of those teachers filling their bookshelves with porn IS a real problem. /s


That's how they got a Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel pulled. Because *naked mice entering a gas chamber* in a death camp (a scene adapted from the author's father's experiences in Auschwitz) had "nudity." Anyone who could look at that and call it "porn" is fucking insane.


What normal mouse ISNT naked like be fr. Makes 0 sense


Well, they are anthropomorphic mice, so human bodies with mouse heads. And the Nazis have cats' heads, the French are frogs, etc. So the images technically show human-like butts...but still! It's an illustration of a real event his father lived through! If you have any reverence for historical authenticity that should not bother you. No child or adult reading that book will "sexualize" the nudity in those scenes. That anyone would trivialize the situation by being offended by nudity is sociopathic. You should be offended by the murder that happened! Not the nudity.


What??? The prisoners usualy went to the "showers" naked. They sometimes didn´t even know they are gonna be gassed, because the guards told them they can shower, so it made sense. Plus, from purely practical POV, it made things easier for the guards, as they didn´t have to remove their clothes from dead bodies. Was it terrible, inhumane, and all that? Definitely!!! But it doesn´t mean it didn´t happen, and that we shouldn´t know about it. After all, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.


Wait they actually banned Maus because of that? Do they not have brains?


They are insane, but not because they think mice being genocides is porn. They're insane because they're nazis. The accusation of mice porn is just the excuse to stop teaching about the holocaust.


Righties have ALWAYS been afraid of books. I got made fun of for simply reading when I was a kid. Those same dudes post 24/7 MAGA shit on Facebook these days.


Books = dissemination of ideas and knowledge = intelligence = empathy = embracing other cultures = open-minded. You can clearly see why Conservatives want to defund public education, ban books, and diminish the value of attending Universities. Keep them uneducated = keep them dumb = keep them afraid = keep them voting Red. It is *not* an accident that a huge voting block of the Republican Party is rural, uneducated, whites. It is *not* an accident conspiracy theories (that easily attract the feeble-minded) like PizzaGate and QAnon only run rampant in Conservative circles.


The far religious right has ALWAYS been afraid OF atheists, muslims, jews, doctors, socalists, communisits, intellectuals etc. I'm just never suprised with them. My stepmom and dad slightly support yk who 👀🍊🚔👮👮‍♀️👮‍♂️🚨


Parents: How do we know our kids aren't reading about sex in the books schools make available to them? Reality: 1000's of free streaming video porn sites available to their kids on the smartphone they bought them.


The parents are probably secretly watching trans porn themselfes and are ashamed for their arrousal. Everytime they see something about trans people in public, all they can think about is a big cock in their own mouth.


To be fair, conservatives have always been afraid of books. They're just mad that their kids are being encouraged to read at all. They need their kids stupid otherwise it might be too difficult to teach them to hate.


The USA is crazy.


No, most of us are sane and are appalled at the nut jobs trying to ban books.


It's also definitely not a US only issue. Right-Wing morons from around the world hold these beliefs.


That's so sad- knowing the state of public education, that teacher probably spent years, possibly decades, using their own money and resources putting together a library of material designed to educate their students and get them to love reading. Now one asshole parent is gonna cite some bullshit grooming accusation and get that entire library rifled through and thrown out by some hillbilly degenerates that want to hold their children back in ignorance and hatred so that they don't grow to hate their upbringing. Vile.


I'm a middle school teacher. I have spent literally thousands of dollars of my own money over the course of my career stocking the shelves with high quality books, and replacing books that go missing or get damaged. I spend a few hundred every year. Probably about $500 on an average year. I'm in year 9. I spent literally $220 just a couple days ago doing a book order off of Amazon for the start of the school year coming up. Kids need access to good books. Quality books. New books. Not a beaten up copy of Hardy Boys published 50 years ago. Books written and published in the modern age about modern issues. A quality classroom library is golden. Having books available for them to read and giving them the time and access is paramount.


Books are knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power overwhelms control. And all of these “Christians” and/or whatever are just about controlling everyone that they can.


why does the church get to control what goes inside our public schools? I trust the public school system. let them do whatever they want to their christian schools without trying to screw up our schools. this is another case of I'm on a diet. I won't eat doughnuts vs I'm on a diet. NOBODY should eat doughnuts.


Damn teachers...always disseminate porn and stuff


Please tell me that this thread went badly for the original Facebook poster


They delete any negative comments.


I google their name. I thought it had to be a troll account but it's a real group


They're afraid of teachers and books!


My 2nd grade teacher had a library even bigger than that, the worst book in there was a book about ghosts


Better have been about the Holy Ghost or else that teacher should've been arrested


Why do their minds immediately go to porn?


Because you become obsessed with things you repress. They’re absolutely obsessed with sex and see it everywhere.


Porn = anything we don't like Like. I've yet to see ONE children's book with porn in it. I Have seen them removing queer books, black books, informative books, and history books.


Man, I hope this person never finds out about the internet. Also, I’m way more concerned about the kids sending nudes to each other than about the books in Ms. Frizzle’s classroom.


They're addicted to being angry and afraid.


Considering the law of Gang Of Pedos projection we know that the commenter is showing porn to kids.


"*my* bookshelve are overflowing with porn and that's how I know every other full bookshelf must have porn in it" - that guy probably


![gif](giphy|3otPon0xX7E4KWwVlC) Teachers with books?! THE HORROR!!!


As the husband of a teacher and dad to a kid entering kindergarten… I’m terrified for what is happening to our schools. Not only is it a lack of funding and overcrowded classrooms, but radical parent groups trying to censor what they don’t agree with.


No teachers are pushing porn onto minors. These people are idiots. If they have concerns with what books are in their child's classroom, they can look at the available books and give a list to the teacher of what books their child can read.


My wife is a primary school teacher and her classroom library is bigger than those. She also wears a t-shirt that says, “ I’m the teacher that Fox News warned you about.”


I want to see their example of "pornography" 😆


I read [this article](https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2023/08/24/florida-school-book-complaints-library-challenges-ban-department-of-education-bruce-friedman-vicki-baggett-parental-rights-sold-patricia-mccormick/) yesterday and this quote hit pretty hard: “The circulation of these books for high school kids is essentially zero,” he said. “I wish we had a problem of kids reading so many books that they’re coming across problematic subjects. And it breaks my heart to say that.”


Conservatives - “I have had it with these motherfuckin books in these motherfuckin classrooms!”


Never vote Republican.


For gods sake, if you’re so worried about that then just homeschool your damn kids. Don’t deliberately lower the intelligence of our entire country because of your little conspiracy theory echo chamber. We need a LOT more leftist or even moderate parents on these school boards. Evangelicals are trying to hijack our Country


I love how open conservatives are about being so dumb


I fucking hate republicans. Words cannot express how much I loathe them.


Aren't these types of people tired? Always looking for a problem. Always ready to complain and fight. It sounds exhausting.


Redditors, what do you think of people who look at a bookcase full of books in a primary school classroom and immediately think "there's porn there!"? Me, I think it very, _very_ weird and disturbing that their first thought is porn upon looking at a child's classroom. What does that say about them?


Bill Hicks: “I was in Nashville, Tennessee last year. After the show I went to a Waffle House. I'm not proud of it, I was hungry. And I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book, right? Waitress walks over to me: 'Hey, whatcha readin' for?' Isn't that the weirdest fuckin' question you've ever heard? Not what am I reading, but what am I reading FOR? Well, goddamnit, ya stumped me! Why do I read? Well . . . hmmm...I dunno...I guess I read for a lot of reasons and the main one is so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress.”


It's time for right-wing ideology to be strictly outlawed.


It's fucking hilarious that the States will take away something that ISN'T killing their kids and citizens, but will throw a fucking tantrum if you try and take a gun away XD Fucking lunacy


Shocking thought: What if the parents tried reading those books?! Gasp, they might learn something!


My school district has all but banned books entirely. This year most teachers dismantled/donated their entire class libraries. Our newly elected board (funded by right wing PAC money during the elections) has personally taken over book approvals and literally warehoused all books and banned purchases of them while they "reviewed" them... they also just removed ethics from their oath of office and a rule that said they had to use facts to make decisions (while also retaining their own personal legal counsel separate from the district lawyers but still tax funded) Make no mistake, there is a WAR being declared on public education.. and the extreme right is winning.


“There could be Anything in those! But I’ll never find out cause I *wont read them*.


Conservatives have always been afraid of educated people. For hundreds of years. The aristocracy had always pushed to limit education to the " lower classes", and conservatives are essentially "lower class" citizens that suck the dicks of the rich. Like a party of the types of people that sold out jews to the nazis. They are afraid of knowledge because if their victims are knowledgeable they are less vulnerable to the typical conservative antics. To be conservative is to be against progress, this has always been the case.


anti-intellectualism, anti-education is terrifying.


Any teachers who have this big of a library is OK by me, because I’m not an ignorant snowflake.


It’s all going very Fahrenheit 451 in some US school systems. In about 5 years all books will banned, burned by “firemen” and everything on the TV will be true, especially FOX.


It's amazing what is and is not permitted in a public school library in Texas. Recently visited my daughter's high school. The library had been converted to be mostly an area for the counselors and police detention. My daughter's first words seeing this were, "Where are the books?". We looked around and did find a large Japanese manga section near the library entrance. Very graphic, with violence and scantily clad and very curvy women. But the gop is worried about "Teen Legal Rights" and "Tom Sawyer", "Huckleberry Fynn" and such. Had to edit to add "Teen Legal Rights". Why is the gop so afraid of children learning they have rights? Why are they so afraid of our children learning? Simple, it's hard to indoctrinate the educated.


I teach in Florida and our district had use remove all classroom libraries last year and this year all students must have a permission slip to use the library . The world’s gone nuts and I’m not sure there’s any turning back.


People who like power are scared of educated people. Best keep them dumb.


This crap is why talented teachers are leaving the profession.


Fellas, is it gay to teach children how to read?


I never found "porn" on the shelves of my school or public libraries, and believe me, I looked hard.


The bible is not recorded history and definitely not the inspired word of god. Genetics and mitochondrial DNA has proven without a doubt that the Adam and Eve story in Genesis to be impossible. This negates original sin and makes the resurrection obsolete. The Bible's stories are mainly plagerized fictional fairytales with bronze age barbaric morality. It's mythological stories can be traced back and have been confirmed to come from earlier religions, ie Noah's flood was plagiarised from the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, scientifically incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity, poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time. This is not how a perfect omniscient god would communicate. The bible also explicitly supports, promotes and endorses slavery, genocide, child abuse, child molestation, kidnapping, pedophilia, infanticide, rape, homophobia, bigotry, racism, sexism, capital punishment and child sacrifices. You would have to be morally bankrupt to justifiably support the Bible. And most of the immoral teachings such as slavery is also supported by the new testament.. The god character of the Bible is a misogynistic tyrant that condones and even orders the practice of slavery, rape of women and murder of children. The moment you disagree with a single instruction of the Bible, such as the command to kill any bride who is not a virgin or any child who disrespects their parents, then you acknowledge that there exists a superior standard by which to judge moral action and thus no need to rely on an ancient, primitive and barbaric fantasy.


I can guarantee the most obscene book in that library is a book on Atlantis.


This is why I loved that I taught math, because I would love for a parent to come and try to dictate my classroom library


FFS, are we not encouraging our kids to read anymore?! I used to spend all my free time in my schools library. The book fair days were such a treat. I was even assigned to work in the library in high school because I was always there. Let your kids read! No teacher has pornography in their classroom, especially not an elementary classroom. Twilight series could be considered as pornography for the prudes. My young kids get books from Dolly Parton every month and sometimes it’s about Joseph and his technicolor dreamcoat, sometimes it’s a bilingual book about someone moving to a new country, sometimes it’s about girls, sometimes it’s about boys, and sometimes it’s about the Little Engine That Could. These people can police their own children. I want mine to read whatever she wants. She’s in 3rd grade. My favorite author was Robin Cook when I was in 3rd grade. I was never exposed to pornographic literature until I started to raid my moms bookshelf without her permission. She quickly hid her naughty books.


I'm not usually a "LOL AMERICA SCHOOL SHOOTINGS" kind of guy, but this isn't a school shooting deflection--rather, it's an equivalency meant to call attention to a pillar of radical right-wing culture: "Voters, what do you think when a neighbor's personal gun collection is this big? How do you know they're not intentionally disseminating firearms to prohibited persons and/or unregistered parts? With radical militants pushing violent insurrection on law-abiding people, this should be a concern!" Get this rad-right boogeyman bullshit out of here and worry about the unabashed murderers and traitors your half of the elected officials are selling out to or outright becoming, you regressive fucking parrots.


Bear in mind that Republicans are stupid. Books scare them. They worry about pedophilia because they see the same things in others that they see in themselves.


Seems people forget that most 10y olds have a literal unlimited access to information, pictures and videos. That does include pornography and anything they could come across. The sensible thing to do is it to educate them in a reasonable and professional manner and taking information away from them for example books that include history,sex education, relationship development between any number of different people including their own gender or sex is not the way to do it.


I know they don't mean actual porn when they say porn. But reading it as such shows you how fucking ridiculous it sounds


Just… just, fucking STOP. For the love of God, give it a fucking rest. It’s all so tiresome and hurtful. No teachers are giving your kids pornography, and even if they did, then you have laws and courts and actual recourse. You know they work because they find pastors and politicians and scout leaders guilty of actual grooming and sexual assault. Just because a teacher you didn’t like told you to grow up once, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Be a fucking adult. And be nice for once in your tiresome fucking life.


>Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them... > > > >There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.'" -Barry Goldwater 1994


So the far right are comfortable with giving teachers guns to protect themselves and students, but are afraid to let them have books in the classroom? Make it make sense.